M nQKwi m.iuuuj.KUMUisi:JL!i?.usj:tLizrtAusi jjy&jmrzsca gTic ihi.Uvi steimx. ASTOKIA. OKEG03 : FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1,1K2 --' J.V. IIALLOKAN.. Editor Astoria's Coasting Trade. Among the enterprises that As toriaus are engaged in, that of opening up communication with isolated communities and building up a local trade is deserving of mention. "Within the last year there has been a steady and successful effort to secure the trade of.outly- ing communities that by reason of their position and identity of in terests should mak their head quarters for supplies at Astoria. The Ilwaco Steam Navigation company and the Shoalwater Baj Transportation company have been doing good work in this respect. They have buill first-class vessels, well adapted for the coast trade, and have established regular lines of steam travel between various points on the coast. The S. J). 'J1. Co., make it possible now to reach Olympia in sixty hours from Asto ria, and that, too, through some of the most delightful scenery in America, and have opened to the world that great empire of the fut ure, extending from Shoalwater Bay, and Gray's Harbor tcMonte sano and Chchalis. They have long since brought Ilwaco, Oys terville, and, indeed, all Pacific county, into speedy communication with Astoria, and are now stretch ing out to Tillamook and other southerly points. On the Miles, which left yesterday morning, went goods of various kinds to Garibal di, llobsonville, and other points, and on her return fo-day she brings back the dairy products of that fertile region. It is a trade that rightfully belongs to Astoria, and the enterprising men that are bringing it here desen e commen dation and support. A line of steamers is just like a newspaper in-at least two respects; it tikes money to run both, and in both cases, the better support ed they are, the more efficient the' are, and the more useful to the public. If our northern fiiends sec fit to go to Portland for their goods, and pay from seventeen to twenty-two dollars a ton to have their goods shipped to Kalama, there sent to Olympia, and there carried in wagons to its destina tion, ot course that is their privi lege, but it is manifestly money in their pockets to buy their goods in Astoria, and get the boats thai run from here to take their freight at one-third the old charges and far more expeditiously than before. Force Will Prevail. Ir two drowning men come with in reach of a fragment of the wreck which can save one but not both, cither would be justified by the law of the land in slaying the other, to preserve his o n life. A nation involved In war will in like manner disregard all treaties and compacts when they stand in the way of an ultimate ictory. It is not expected that any nation in the world will respect the terms of an agreement, if it is working dis astrously. The success of the military operations of the JJriiish in Egypt, seem to require the oc cupancy of the canal; it has been taken, and would have been, had there been a bushel of treaties to the contrary. The English arc strong enough to do so, there is an important object to be gained, and they have not hesitated to act upon the very first occasion. A canal connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific, would be seized by any stronger power, in case of emer-i gency,no matter what sort of in ternational compacts may have been entered into. If such work were completed, the United States would not hesitate an instant to send its (fleets th rough it if the lactlie possessions woro menaced by an enemy; if I3rilish Columbia i tu4.u in iiiiuiitiuiiL (jciii, tin; liiig- liolt rrnttl1 rmvenn t-i.t1.... ..., ...-,.. vutu u..-,i .. .liun.ii no matter what agreements to the contrary'' may have been made in timesof peace. If a canal were built and owned by the United States, its neutrality would be vio-! lated in case of any great andj uuv,IBlim necessity, umess theie were superior force on the jspot to prevent such a proceduic. j W nnrrt nAnil Kn ttrhfttttisw i 1 ...v-.w m.i, ut, uuuiiii t;i alarming in such considerations, because every nation -would antici pate them and discount them if planning for war. It would in effect be the same as if a naturol water course had ahvns existed there. The discussions which have in the past been had about guaranteeing the neutrality of the j canal, are of not much more piue tical value than the debates of u county lyceum. Force will pre vail. Xo treaty or compact which restrains one of the belligerents from the use of an effective weap on, will be allowed to stand in the wav. The trrcatest juns will eon- finno lo rule the world, but the latent ability In produce big guns on short notice, will count Pm almost as much. The military power of the United States, with neither army or navy, to speak of,is piobably respected fully as much as the power of some conntiies which are wasting ilieir means in the equipment of costly navies, and in I he maintenance ! l.nn.' inir armies. A onstan'ijnepli: despatch of the 20th ult. saysM. Condaurcetis, Greek ambassador, represented to Said Pasha that the collision was piovokcd by violation of Gieek territory by Turks. Said Pasha replied that last month a detach ment of Greek troops crossed the frontier and cut telegraphic com munication between the Tuikish military post and village. The Turks requiring supplies were obliged to pass through a part of the Greek territory, when they were opposed and fired upon by Greeks, and retaliated, driving off the latter. The poite has tele graphed its minister at Athens instructing him to name a representation to the Greek gov ernment insisting upon a cessation of hostilities. A n:i.Kt;i: or from Alexandria, dated Aug, 20th, says that those afloat in the harbor to-day wit uessed the unusual sight of keel hauling three Arab sailors on board the Egyptian frigate, Sunday, for minder. They were first flogged, then tied with rope and hauled up to the port side yard-arm and then diopped into the sea and dragged under the keel and hauled up to the stai board yard-arm. They soon died. Pj.eident Arthur is riding fox chases and dining at Newport, 1. f JtOKX. At Knappa, on the 10th mst, to the wife of J. G. Jloss. a daughter. AtKnappa, on the 27th inM-.. U the wifpof Chas. J.0-.5, a son. NEW TO-DAY BIDS AWLL UK KKCElVED Hi THE undersigned up to noon Sept. so, 1SSA fortherentnig of I lie first floor of the brick building now In process of erection; separ ate bids for each room; and time or lea-; three years from about January l. t&l. llids to state the Kind of biismers the lessee pioposes to cam on. Tor further particu lar? enquire of tho Directors. The richt to reject any and all Mils is icserved. A..T.MEGI.KK. See. (. F. L..A: 11. Association, Id "of Astoria, Oregon. Dissolution Notice. TTtUE J'AUTXEUSnir iieretoi-oiic JL evlstlns between Wetherbee & Thonies lias been tins day mutually dissolved. Mr. Wetherbee retiring oa account of poor health. Mr. Tliomes wII JinMi all unsettled lmshicos in Oregon. V. JL WETHEHUEK, C T.TIIOME.S. Asioi ia. Oregon, Aug. .".l, 1SS2. dtd Notice. PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE mm: A evlstlnu between John Eehle and Geo. 3ans is this day dissolved hv mutual con sent; the undersigned will pay all debts owing and collect all bills due the Jinn CEO. OANS. Astin i.i, August 2i., 152. I will continue the business at the old stand and will sell good meat at living price. ceo. cans. Dissolution Notice. vroxrec is hkreiiy given that the L partnership beietofore evistimr bctivwn Chas, ,ste ens and I!. V. Stevens, of this cit , under the firm namo of Chns. Stevens JiLSon. tst ids day-dissohed by mutual consent, aii the old iirni. t1 whom all indebtedness t7uiiuiiiii iitii'uiiii ur tu uf i"iiiti u i .should be paid. CHAS. STEVENS. Astoria. Oiegon, July sist, iss. UNION HOUSE, , - j . Ufm llf UlPUm O r ..: .. tuMiM-j'niii.n.iiiwnwM, rrujji icior, Will he readv for boinlois- in ne reau lor noaniei,- 3Indy3IornIBff. - Sept.. Ith. lBcadrew. MISCELLANEOUB. TSZS SPACE Is reset ved for I. J. Arvold's ADVERTISEMENT. lie has left for San Francisco, to bring up a large stock of Boots and Shoes for Gentlemen and 1 .adies. His Advertisement will appear en his return. A. V. Allen, fjsUCCE'WMtt TO I'AOK Y ALLKN.) Wholesale and rot.dl ilfaier tu QrottrfoB, ProvihR8t Crockery. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors, Tobacco g Cigars The largest and most complete stock .f goods In their line to be found In the city. Corner of Cass and Sfjuemocjhe Streets, ASTORIA. ORECON. MA KTIX FOARD. J. .1. STOKKS FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers in Wood and Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco. Cigars, Wines and Liquors l'ORElGN AND DOMESTIC Fruits and Vegetables FI.OUR, FEED, ANr COUNTRY PRODUCE. A " n-i tt t mm . General CommisBion Merchants AKTOHIA. OREGON. Net to Oregon Hallway .t Nav. ro'i Dock, dtw NnHro I .. rilllC DELINQUENT TAX ROLL FOR ! r Vue ?.oar .18sJl' t0Kclher w itli a warraut from tnc coUnty court for tho collection of paj'il plVVsecttlTnt MW& C(y3 gS&t NEW MEW GOOBg .A.:Kr:D jl:e:d,cto:e5:o i:o.xo252i3 2 j I am epenmj: a first class stock 01 No Furniture. compiiMiv ei-r thiutrin tin line of I Chamber Sets, Parlor Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings. Lace Curtains. House Trimmings, and the latest novel ties in Inferior Decorations. I would iespcctfuli sugge-t to fine afoods to call. The mialitv of with their price will commend them -HaltroNses ami tE-.lilinjr in Ao-ent for-IIoev's nati-nt brd-snfa. use on the Pacific Coast. Flavel's building, opposite Welis, Fargo &. Co's cSce. H. W. GALLIGK. TheBossCoffeeandTeaPot!Ha,ts,ii:or r TWO DOOllS EAST OF OCCIDENT, llR.VI.Ki: l.s" rr r , c c i Haj, Oats,.- Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand IVooil DcIEvorctl to Order. Draying, Teaming and Expiess Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DKAI.ER I.N WINES, LIQUORS AMD CIGARS. FIRST CLASS CLOSING OUT AT COST!! During this week our entire Mock of DRY GOODS, CItGTHIXti. Cents Furnishing Goods, HATS AND CAPS. BOOT AXI SIIOKS. t:t,-., S'.tr. To make room for a eomlele -lock t Hardware and Ship Chandlery. r Knf will lind in.iiiv deirahle gootU in the lot. and all at extremelv low prices. will find many deirahle g( . anil all at extremelv low priit" A. VAN DUSEN & GO. Assessment Notice. ATOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AX asiesin?nt of ' hhy .er ivntV on t he capi- tock of tho Odd Fellows I-ind and l!uild- fnl ctnolr 1 Inrr ccntoMnn ft Acfnrln Oftnii lifis f Itic J Jffac'srllSiS otherwise be declared delinquent. Hv order of the Board of Directors. A..i.ir.;r.Ki:.si.tar. Astoria, Augmt 2, lss2. Id -asic rou- IT: Tlo TtnWinr nma wuiuu muia uuuuci uviupaujf a ,. I ore lara enm Mi mm. . . Xriantl never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar I W1bX Wr K il fl coated. Largo boxis. containing .- TilK 2Ti ' ViCvvIk JL JL WJL' cents, for sale bv all Drnguists. Beware of RUBBER BOOTS. ItUWAliK Oi" IM1TAHOASI. He sure the Boots are stamped CHACK PROOF on the heels, and Ime the VUIiK GUM SPRTXQS on the foot and iibtep. which prevent their cracking or breaking. At'.. n imi ninMnrr lliam Itll nfTTtrfVIt A them lem last more than twice as long as any, Rubber-Hoots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RCT1HER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, etc ;OIYFAR RUBBER CO. R. IL TEASE. Jr.. I ... S. M. RUNYON, 1 '". 3m San Francisco. Health is Wealth. Dr. JL C. West's Nerve and Drain Treat- incut: a specific for llvsterla. Dizziness Convulsions, Ncnous Headache, Mental De- presslon. Loss of Memory. Spennatorrlioea. Inipotencv, Involuntarj Emissions, l'reina- tnn(tll .Krrn j.?uicnii lit nvr-rrtlnn. snlf- abuse, or ovcr-indnlgchee. wlilcli leads toj ' misery, decay and death. One box ill cure ' recent cases. Each oox contains one niomiLs , treatment. One dollar a bo,or m boxes for five dollars ; sent bv mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. Wo guarantee mk boxes to cure any case. With eacli order rt?ccl ed by us for six boxes, accompanied with fie dol-L-irs. we will send tlio purchaser our written guarantee to return tho innnev if the treat- ment does not effect a cure, ituaranlces is- I sued only by "W. E. Dement, dniggist, As toria, Oregon. Oidera by mill at regular prices. sasSi ra tAiV! Af nfii , 3. S5? parties deshons of seeing really inv 2001k taken in consideration to all lovei- of fine articles. StorU unit limit to Onlr. of whi:h iheie a:e eve: 10.000 in MAY VM HI) Ob K.RIIAAVISB SOLE AC EST. Also. Agent for the ivli'hmled ILEDALblON EAXU.K, sTA: itiiincs asphiai.it. Viuie but Hit be-t ufikmeu cmploved. All work "uaranteed or no flianri. T? CS ASTORIA, OREGON CEO. HII.I., - WAl;m:rAl:l cEo.ini.i., ... pROPKiirroR :ks, - srACE MAN ACER iw stars in unpui sncc.inn l-Ligngeinent of I1R. HARRY C0OT.EY Jnil uir.i:. Cniuedinn and Dancer MISS BIOLLIE CHRISTY Serin 'omic Ji:een I!R. TOH CHRISTY Tlu S'ritico of OUI HIuii I:per so:iaior.i. Together with a new , All the Old Favorites Retained. , iw:i uJl Hi; irar, IVrroi'iiinure lltrrj j islit. Ilnllre I;nnse T Vro- srnutme Once v. Vt-rl. Comprising all tlte latent ; SONGS. DANCES AMD ACTS. ' Wc give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. . The t iieal 1 1 K erowtleil nezlitly. ami ail v.liohaveuiiiiev.-ed theentertainlnent pro nounce it to lie eonnl to any 1 en elsewhere. , 3lr. Hill as a eaterer for the public's jamiisenu-nt ean not tie exeelleti. Anjhody Iwi-jliiiig to spoml a ple:uMint eveninjc anil ..see .sparkling wi ami neamy uiinnnt ui garitv. sliimlil improve tlieopporlnnilvaiiil , ''U- , ., r . The eomp.m. eomjirne-. Ilir following well- ; t kno.Mi Arttt-! : rxin Walton. Mils Mei.ui: CuiM-m. Mi:. Cu.i:r.KS Koin.ni:. Mir. Tom. Ciiirisrv Mi:. Walthi: Tai:ks. Mi:. hri:v Coxi.fa.I mimiahpa i.r.v.v A ', ' ' WW-W "--'""y ,H -rtr ,15f" Krtm Nwciaines. o 1 lntoi Mreet , pmaie hove-, osi Uiena - 'imissireeu Lnnk mi t for Pinw stars. $500 Reward. We ill pay the above reward for anvexse 'V1 "lpr om iaim.uyM.epsi.1. ick iicau- . acne, iniiigcuoii, Lonsiipaiion or tosu iiess we cannot euro with West's Veget.i Liver Tills, when the directions are .strii Costive- :etable j Amiii.lfj-til . Sill Tlini tifn inwil .-irvr.f nlktA i eoiinieneiis ami imiiaiions. niti "enuine ' ra .fflQilFlTKNITIJKE mailrepaid on receipt of a a cent stamp, - i , J&ZTUXXELXXSXx . """"""'js i j.vvju,ui 1 10 . ; NEAT. CHEAP AND tJl'ICK. BY a:oi:uK i.oaktt. Main Street, opposite N. I oeb'.s. PWBB L.'.l.'llB swrrrMfttiii VJifc a n. . t a O A 'it J. -I - "" .i 2 SBHP''-fti glli!-!P i'Hi4 &21J llllgPj11JIlli..FilJi 1 HB Qi jjj iI5-l s-Klfl lS Jllillll s'llI'lSllIll Jfllili iflB3 ""mSfi SSpifi!lMJsIIliiw5!il !!lH SS Q00D8 IP S Kt Lars:c lot of 2,'ood serviceable Dress Goods -reduced to 12 cents per yard. Splendid all Wool Cashmeres, all colors, reduced to 40 cents per yard. TREMENDOUS REDUCTION ! All our 81.10 Cashmeres, all colors, re duced to 80 cents per yard. The Greatest SatrlfiGe of $h$ SmmMl. Calicos, 1() yds. of all best brands, $1.00 Toltingham Lace WiiKlow Curtains at vcrv low figures. Call early and secure choice selections. We still liave on iiaz;& about 20 Kand boi'aq ladies Oloalss, To be disposed of at a sacrifice. OCR SHOE DEPARTMENT Being- almost closed out of Ladies sizes, v.re have still on hand a line of Foxed Cloth Shoes. Also a few Pebble Side-laced, a handsome Shoe formerly sold for $2.50 and now at $1,75. Also Children's Kid Shoes at 40 cts.; a handsome Childs Kid Slipper at 50 cts.; Buttoned Kids at 60 cts. Full line of Misses Kid and Pebble Buttoned Shoes at less than S. F. wholesale prices. A splendid Boys Winter Shoe at $1.75 worth $3.00. By order of Creditors at isnriNsei: to .iacicins & montcomcry.) 'SlP . co!;m:zc op .i:ai' asd .ikpi'iiksox stiiukts, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUPACTUHEIi OF T7ATT13VrI rnTTT)T? tJD U JA.1N J. i U Xl.XU AND DEALER Oil Cloth, . 1 J 7 wmnnw Shartpc i ap i;!nains. --.. W..MWMU, O.W.W .-.,..., "WINDOW COKNTCES Complete MARTIN DEAI.r.U IX Corner 3!niii ami Squeinoiiua ytveet. Astorla.-Oreson. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC. V Complt'Ie StoeL. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AI.I K5?;iS Or riKXITHJE REPAIRED AA'I VARWISnED. DEPARTMENT. Dvess Gingham' 10 NIA STORE MGntsomerv, he.lki:s ix Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Msigcc Stoves and Kanges The Dest ir. the marker. I'tiinibing goods of all kinds on (Iiand. .lot work done in a workmanlike manner. ri "DT?ITTT JX JD.UjA-JJXJJI Ur IN Wall Paper, Mirrors, . X 7 J ...... Pintiire irames and nmmnns . .-. . . . ........g.( AND CURTAIN TOLES in everj' braneh. OLSEN, 5? BEDDINGr.