-s Sr. t: pI 15 j. (3) " miwitw ' -i: ii SHOT IN THE BREAST. The -Dniv Sst0r).im-. ; . --- Sarious Wounding of M A. Stcabb At an early hour yesterday morning A Hide to The Seaside. AMoria Ice lepot. En. Astekivn: Frank Fabreisnow prepared to Mip- Lafet Satuiday I boarded ihe U. 11. ; ic with pure njonntaiu'ieeoulhe lirrni- sTontA. flKKfiflMi .... Police Officer M. A. Sieabh was shot X . Cos magnificent Mcamer S.. jises. . I'resh icccrcau crcp-day. JjaUs WKPICKSDAV.. AUGUST :;u, island dangerously v.onndcd by Frank , Heed, at Astoria, foi a trip to tlnaea-'yjshoit notice.5' ; Home, .tlnua he was about to arrest ;sie. At 1:39 r. v. the lines were letj at Steulian's Varieties. For some time j go and we tteamed down just the city, ISSD15D EVERY MOUSING. FuraitfticMl KoontM to Let .'Mr.ntlty Ercc-ite3j. J. r. UALL.ORAN Sz COMPANY. IM?m.isiiKi:s AMJ,x:oin:jn-oi:H. Attft'Mti linildiirj. tits ll'&i. Terms o f Subscription : i bad fecHiijrs have existed between jfi out, around Smith's Point and head-f At Mr. Munson's liHlging house. - Home and a voting man named .las. j ed for the mouth of Lewis and Clark; - iT!ardit!cr. Ilorne plays the violin in river. Arriving at the landing, which J iihe establishment and ("nrdiuer ou- is about two miles up the stream, at 2 Wanted. HATS! HATS! HATS! AT PRICES BELOW COST ! I have purchased an entire sample line of the finest quality of Hats and Caps at C. B. COOPER, GEKERAL MERCHANDISE. A."ood-eabii5ct maker oneit work, s -m-i- irn ni'ion nilfi .... : w.i:r.t.i.. i. i!ii;ni. ; in vit it lyiivv- in.... .,.., , ir i rii f n 'I -wM'i. iiiihiuiiuili(i - .' .. !. ... . j .permtemts tne proper replacement oi t p. iM we mm one u .nmgc .ucumrebi Asioiia furniture store. terms vi auuxwiiiiiun . I ., . ..,,,. .. mt I i t- i - I the ten-pms m the bowling alley. The four-horse stages waning, which rc-i mmSl"' diiliculty seems to be a di--1 minds ur? of earlier days before the' ' will sell for the next ,'Al) fln.vc: miKr TTn.ts 1 have about six hundred and fifty i . " J ' X od for Sale. Frfio tf Potase t( :Milnwilier.-. i ... . i iiini ot nr iipminoK i the time gained the battel ed and sec- stage lines. As the landing was made for t.a?, a;"S:i7.-. per .. t. -t . . tt r.i i .i . v - i. r iL . i... .4 r .. i imn hn.iu i.r.! t na fiinu ot r mnnr jt v uHii, wib yei'r - "Mcuszion as u wnicu oi iasiHjauiwiuii in. , j,... - - -j i - .--.,-, "- ? .. .i.:i, i .m rn -i - i ?. i: t.ii.ninn.i...n w,ni0 '"W.1U ,"i",w.",,mJl l..v..." firm i nnQ or nrio.ps aiav.- tii.. -. m. Kii"j, """jior easn ai ;;... per corn, i ViiiuiPiivrr '" h.j -- i.w all inakearnsljfortbeir favorite the wn.1 tomy tnmer .foy $m pmn 111 IliU hlilC. ill till" IlilV iimh lll. e-o- .-tilmrtisoaicnta inserted by tlio yoir nt j ond-haud affections of a huly who con t.v mioftf SI 1-0 i'ersiuarei.cr month. '!. r.i... rtf tlir- nriiiriiird rttii-nc- i"rauuntartvcrti?inc,lc'tbod3y or vosU.tjomof tj)e lace.m(l ttllo 0jojce.s Jn . self in company with Mr. Geo. W. nvcoct-ua:si)uaro for each insertion. : , . . 1J. ,. ,.',,...,, , r, u.i ... fii.TWi l-: : r-: : the euphonious cognomen of "IJirdie. j idler and .las. H.dladay of J'mtlaml, THE CITY. The Results. . tffio nmlrmiiliiU ahiici frm the city can i.ir- Tin. A-TOitMN" t'tlluic ilicm. Dvil.l W kkk x.v f.litlon tt a.m Ht-irt,cc tcitlh wii tdJlitbhtal jricnrc. Ailirff may.tic ri-jyIns.fcK tif-lrat. Isarrunlcr at tUt eniinthm rnrm. -The east wind. -Fire election next Monday. - rintud prayer meeting this eieii--ing in the M. 30. church, at half past sevi'ii. : Her coy blaudlshinenis had so won . the susceptible feelings of Home that !ih Dailv .sToniA- mil if .". n iu he declared that (ardmer should leave, and displayed a nvocr. Gar diner, not bt'ing just then supplied with :i pihiol. ntteiiiplfd tt push Home down felaii-s and then get away. Bui he didn't push hard enough, for Home recovered himself before he got to the bottom and. drawing his revolver, fired at Gardiner, the bullet taking ef foci in the ileslry part .f the left arm. A cry of ''police" was laised. and Ollicer Steabb, who as on Ida regular beat,-wa3 called in tu arrest Home. -To-day is thi eleventh auveiwiiy taring to nice Him irlule mi .f iho organisation of Aptoria Ensjino the stnira, Moalib ulunbeil up one ot ., v.. t the avminir smsts and .Waited in ---., -"'.. . throuch the front wimlnu m Hib m'C- ,ciso( cost. Over 300 All peiou fei'ling dull and depivsel T JiY , ...- i4-Trlrvo fn or poriiap? leverih with noappetiie.no ill ilUl C II I fib-)' U IU energv. the sxiein elocgeil. the liver j -, ,. i n torimf. and the bowels iuaeiive. who are . ( h rHQO iVnill 1 )i 1 1 C.lioss, O. IX. & X. Go's freight clerk, ! wondering how to find n-hef. Mimdd . , . . ,n -l i puiehase a fifty-eeni or a M bottle of. n4 ani.. ,ni vnf i of Astoria. Twenty minutes rule I x-ru of Fins .read theeir.-uiar aionml Jell OULt illlU ii.ei l Columbus Brown, inspector at Asto ria, Judge J. Q. A. Bowlby, aud J. -At the last meeting of iik- Board of Fire Delegates the late election was ratilied. The new oiliceivi will take charge on the 1st of October. - -We arc lequepted to sny thtt tho leward ofl'ored for the recovery of Frank "Brown's body was lift3- dollars, and not one hundred, as slafed in jeslerd.iy mornings issue. oud story. As he got into the room Home tired .it him, but without ef fect, and Steabb returned the fire, tho bullet striking him in the side and passing just underneath the fikin, in flicting a slight flesh wound. Home then ran into the back part of the building and bursting in one of the doors, secreted himself. As Stcabb brings us to :he intersection of the Lewis and Clark aud the Skipanou toad?, Icaiing Skipauon landing about :; miles to the north. Here we leave the thick timber aud come out on tho beautiful plains of Clatsop, where we pet' the farmer busy gathering in his hay. oats, potatoes, etc. preparatory for the winter. As we ride along we see largo droves of sheep and herdi of cattle. The driver kindly informs ns il.,1 i. - aI.TsT itnn.lilAs wC tll.fc tklritllB inui.iiijpvmi.-i i"uiii" l' '- v,... :,.,. Mi.nlf.t.. ...ii- I .h.v the lifluie. iollon tlieuircetions. taking i i , -i i a Mi- doses of this ph-ant renu-ly and j ) JH' O'ai II ( ) 1 Hie DOSS. lie resionii 10 iieanii auu hi t. ii ! - mav he liad or tt . h. Dement, uruiiist wliti liasbeen appointed ag'iil for Asto ria. I lodge. Davis ,fc t;t liolp-rde a:ent Portland, Oregon. Always Refrcshine. A delicious odor : iiutuirleil by I Flon'Ston Cologne, which U always l.rJi.:.,,. nn .nii'A..i.n. r.. l 'a his wite, was pros' rated Us an intermit- Jretrcshing, nojiiaOer how fiveK u.:-d. ,(.L fever, from hi.-h he was freed by , - - -' the Uie of the native remedy, the Peru- -llnoliupatlin. vlanhaik. or. :t it was called in the P. S. Dorney, who "whooped .(j advanced along lhi cot ridor, Home up" for our Democratic brethren hist j appeared and fired again, the bullet .1 une, left on yesterday mornings boat striking -caWi ' e :iht breast, for San Francisco. llcMva he wants Petrating the lung and Edging at to help to elect Stoneman for Gov-!lhe Moulder blade about six 1Ilcie, ' below his right shoulder. Steabb put .both his haudrt to his broist, .staggered Dr. E. T. lialch, d South Bend,out (lf tll, 14,lse .1Ull m:;1 tl,B cgt ,lf was among our callers yesterday. Hifl8 way tiu. Occident, where tho tells of various improvements in liiaLatchuian ., t,:leh aM(1 hwl him .section and was much pleased at tho imim.di:ifeiy ComoVcd to the hosi-ttal, exueiuesoi piospemj ;u.u t-Hiorpnw Dr ij:,bt.r ,eig summuneUo attend the wounded man. Home jumped upin i yhed uuf, drojijisd underneath tho planking of the dock, and made his way along the under beach in i water wakt deep past Gray's dock, the Main treet wharf, and so on up to CasoV steps at the foot of Cass street, where he started for si house on the roadway where his brother-in-law lives. The entire police force were immediately in pmsuit and Policeman Hunter discovering his whereabouts uotilicd Chief Liughrey, who went up and found him in bed. He was taken to the county jail. Gardiner was carried by some of his friends to the hospital. He has a flesh wound in his righl shoulder aud a bullet imbedded in his left hand. He is not in any datigcr. Steabb, the wounded otlicdr, better known as 'Big Steve," is a large and poivot fully bitik man, is a Dane, and is married; his wife aud child were in that our citv shows. - Blood -red and shorn of his rays the sanguinary sun sank lasi evening into the waves of the Pacific, and tho theimotneters that all day danced among the nineties indicated more comfortable figures. -The British ship City of 2sebo has 100 tons of gas coa 1 aboard, intend ed for Portland, but being billed for Astoria, a special permit must bo ob tained from Washington before the transfer can be made. aie wool, butter and cheese. Among the many farms we pass is the "Farm ers' Clatsop cream cheese factory, owned '03- Mr. West, successor to Mr. Butterlield. This place is about half way, or 7 miles, from the landing to the seaside. We arrive at the seaside about h v. m. Here we find two ho tels fitted up for the especial comfort of the pleasure seeker. The ride of l."i miles and the bracing sea breeze having given all a good appetite, we will adjourn for dinner and siy more anon. Tkavulkk. A Denial. We. the undersigned lisheiiuen. whose boats were lost on the trip to Grays Jiai nor August :ami, nereoy ecriuy uiai we exonorate Ir. J. W. Hume trout all blame on account ot the disaster of that date, aud that the statements in the ar- liele-Ilear the Other Side" in Tin: As- to r.i ax of August -J9th, signed by one Clark Ilan.HMi, ate untre. Giovanni Burmas, Peter Marciau, John MardeS'ich. Carli Maletich. Encrico Cccotti, I'eter Covaeevieh Still Another Story. uriunrv nnVetions. smarline. fieouent or diflleuil urination, lcidnej diseases. $1. at druggists. Oregon Depot. I. VIS 5 CO-Portland, Or. ACARD. JVC. ID. IBLACTO?, Merchant Tailor. Hatter and Clothier. Peruvian Hitter tNnch.m.i Kulira. The Count Ciwhnii was the Spanish Vieeroj 11: lVru in lua. The Countess, -1- T -p-! llllTUlllllMMimMIMMMItWt CLEARANCE SALE! MniiiiiMunmaiHHiiiaiiiMinKHiiUMiuimMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiHmi w For the next 30 Days Unparalleled Bargains ! ! -IN- Dry Goods and Clothing ! fi ClClCl " DRY GOODS and CLOTHING qou,uuvj to ))e sold at a QREAT REOUGTIWI f lansuasieot ihe eountrv. Ouinuuina Grateful for her recovery, on her return to Kuro'e-e in l::'- he introduced the 1 einedy in Spain, where it was known 1 " .-..- . ?, I z ...,. . eailed it Cinchona, in honor of the lady wlo hail hroushl them that which was ! more precious than the gold of thoTncas. !'.. Ili, .!, ofi.t i lmcrk iif rwn linn. To all ho arc suiTerim: from ihej rir..tl .....iVrl. i,-. a-ieiiep lins iveii us nuining 10 :ase its jiiace. it eueeiu irrors and indiserelions "f vouth. ner ou.s weakness. carl decay. los or man hood, etc.. 1 will send a recipe that will ure you FREE OF CIIAIIGK. Thi great remedy was discovered by a mis sionarj hi South America, bend a. self addressed envelope to the llev. .Imi:iui T. Ixmam, .Station D, Xew York Citj. VnviouN cntiHi. Hoi, hotter, hottest; hottentot, hottentotler, hottentotlest, hottcniot- tisiinn; what have we done that those torrid dwellers in the interior should send down n sample of their sultry and soul-destroying brcer.es! The Gen. Miles will leave Gray 'a dock at live o'clock this morning for Tillamook with freight and passen gers for Hobsonville and Garibaldi. If this hot weather continues, sen I attendance ai the hospital ward yes excursions will be all tho go. U terday morning. He was a good police olficer, and received the coward it. olint wliiln 111 tlin fniflifi,! .licrltotvrr face has so long been seen at C. H . , . . . . . , , , , , 7 , , , , of his duly. At a late hour last Coopers, went below on yesterdays , . ., ,. , . , evening he was resting easily, stcamor to ban rrancisco. rrom .. i . .. :. .. . ,r . , . ,1 Despite the city ordinance it is a there Air. ioung intends to go to' ... , , , ,,,,. , ; common practice to eatry concealed Seattle, where he will onen a huge , , ... , , , J weapons, aud a good many arc clothing and drv goods store. . , .. . , . .. . - : altogether too quick in maKing use of Do not forf. to make vouv ar-i them. It is a bad state of affairs when a policeman cannot arrest a pimp, who has nothing but the form of a nnn about him, without placing his rangemenls io-day for tho Y. 31. C. A. picnic aud excursion to Young's river fallrj on tho favorite steamer Clara Parker to-morrow. With such .splen- J lh"c in danger. did weather and good company a pleaeant iime for all is assured. . Another irciKtcrfti! lliNeovery! AsTor.tA, Aiw. 'Ji lsJ-'. Cnnei: Daily Astekian: 1 .see in to-day's i.ssue of your paper a communication from Clark Hanson, re garding the accidental drowning of An drew and Amos Johnson while being towed out on the barbv theius Gen. Miles, on .Saturday. Aug. -Jfith. Mr. Hanson has either been misinformed or ho has wilfully misrepresented tho facts, and in justice to Mr. Hume and Capt. Whit comb 1 will say that 3Ir. Hume paid tho samo price for the fare of his fishermen, whether they lode en the .steamer or in the boats and his object iu requesting fnot ordering them, ex cept a man that he did not want to uo iu the boat.) was that should the tow lines chafe, the men would bo in tho boat to attend to the lines: and. as Cant. Whit- comb ha? towed fishing Iwats to Tilla mook.Shoalwater J'.a and Gray's Har bor, with men iu them. ecral times, he thoucht theie would he no danger in doing so in this c:e. Hanson sas. ''no man of ordinary common sense and un derstanding, etc., would have attempted to cross the Columbia bar w ilh a .string of boats and their living freight, unpro vided for cases of emergency. 1 do not know whai he means as every boat had an anchor and line and oais in it; if they did not have two or three paira of oars they could have had them by taking them, as I know a pile of fifty or sivty extra oar were put on the Miles, and if the fishermen weresosmeof the danger whv did they not cut the line that held them to the steamer and let go their anchors:1 They had every thing in their boats except sails and as there was no wind, -ails wouid have dune no rood. The bar was'not what pilots call break ing, but a nasty chop caused uy me tide running against the swell, and twehe boats rode the swells all richt aud were far enoinrh om to avoid the white caps (or short breakers) that eaiipi.t the. last boat aud capsized it in an instant, diownuig the two men, who were onl seen once atier they weie in the water. No one can rem et the death of these men moic than Mr. Hume and Capt. Whilcomb; not because thej were con nected with the accident, hut because Adtaiu'ini; ears care. -iriviie.s. dis appointment, and hcieditarj predisposi tion all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it tohort prematurely. Ayj:i:s JIvti: Vu.ei: will restore faded or gray. light or red hair to a rich brown or deep" black, a ma be defied. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It re movi'S and cures dandruff and humors. Uj its use falling hair is checked, and anew growth will be produced iu all cass, where the follicles are nol de stroyed or the ulands decayed. IJsef- r.-tifi .it., liofifil t ill!, t-lir.i-L-ti iiu lit-twli,- Iweak. or sickly hair.on which a few ap plications will produce the nlo-s and freshness or oath, nannies-, ami sure j in its operation, it is incoiiiparahk a-n i drcssinir.and iscpecially valued tor the I son iiisire auu riciinex 01 ione u im parts. 1l contains neither oil uorde. and v ill nol oil or eolor u bile eaml.ne: j ei 11 iauinir.; 011 me nan. :uiu Keeps 1: fresh and vigorous. Fei: S.m.k my . hi. Hi:ai.i.i:s. ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu lants. b restoring the natural tone of tlu-.sti.niaeh. ItattacK-i excessive loe of lupior as ii does a fever, and destroys In.th alike. The jowerfuI tonic virtue of the Cinchona is preserved in the I'ermiaii Hitters, which areas effect ivo aain.st malarial fever to-lay as they were iu the dajs of the old .Spanish Yh-eiovs. We guarantee the ingredi ents of lhe.se hitters Jo be absolutely pure, and of the he-t known quality. A trial will s-.uisfj you that this is the be,st hitler in the world. "The proof of the nuddiug is in the eating.'' and we willingly abide this lest. For sale by all druggists, groccis and liquor dealers. Ordrr it. l.oehfc Co., agents for Astoria. "Jlackmelnck. a lasting aud fra giaut perfume. Viice "" and oO cents. si.Jdhx W. "K. Dement. -Physicians preseiiptions earofully (oiiijxiiinded i!:t or night at J. . Conn's drug stoic, opnrsite Oceident Hotel. Ss.ife and profitable is ihe invest ment of a few bottles of .Plunder's Oregon l;lo-d Piuitiei: SnUt, because it i a vegetable einnpoundpififitablc, bec-ince it will diminish your doctor bill. Foi Dyspepsia andldver ('.i;i!aiut. 011 have a orinted unantulee on t-xeiv bottle of M:iloh Yitalier. It uee'i j fails to cure. Sold by A . h. wement j Freslj ieecMTiin eerv uaj at i'mid. ' Fabre's. Families uppiid iu anj quantlJv bj leaxing order. Also thej liuest jsters cooked to order. Frank eerj where as par excellence. Shiloh's. Catanh l!euied a lo-i-tie cure for Catanh. Diptheria and Canker Mouth. .Sold by . K. Dement. -If 011 want to.seea tine joli of me chanical work, call and .see a s,-r of idcklis-plate liieasiucs male ::l .!. . Moutgonici.v'.s. Thev ilim't do .m but firsts-lass work. Uemember! Gu:xn"-.Si hMirnSuAr resents all the advantages i.f sulphur mths at a cheap rate. 'Hu.i.'.s I Ia 11: axii WnisKKi: Di 1 ." .V els. Have Wistar's balsam of wild eherr alv.ajs at hand, it cures emighs eohls, brouehilis, whouMiig cough, croup, in fluona. consumption. and all throat and ping complaint, ."fii cents amrM a bottle." U has been licoveied within the last few, das that the nicest place to buy your fall stock of piovisinus j aj A. 3t. Johnon. It has also been discovered that the largot and best lighted store is A. M. .Johnson s. ! AI.so that he has nothing but tiivst )! class goods at very low prices. Also ! lliot llio f1tili1tYli fivrt w'Mitixl fin iui,rwi for this moist northwestern coast. :diatcly. Also that your goods are sent to vonr house, on the instant, and the Thero are 3301 members of the ladies know that it is the Cleanest . . , rt , r it -i 1 ur 1 j grocery t 01 e in town, and please not Ancient Order of United Working- forget it. A. M. JoiiXsox. From paitics resident iu Pacific county we learn that tho continued drouth has seriously intctfered with their operations, and in some places the crops have been sufleiing in tho want of ram; 'Tis a new experience LOSING 1 iiiiinai OUT AT COST!! These Goods are of the VERY BEST QUALITY, ! ;md are offered at remarkably Iiow Prices Previous to the arrival of our FALL STOCK. Let every one call and be convinced that we mean, business, and that goods of the same quality were never before offered at such low figures. UfrAll the Upper Town busses will stop at this store each way. 1 X L S ii KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDING. o. Astokia. August '2:5, ISS'2. mmmmmmsmmmmmmM &! NEW STORES! FTC &V- Din-in,; rhi- ttiv!. ir utire stock f DRY GOODS, l.oriiiM;, Cents Furnishing Goods, HATS AMI CAl's.. ltiior.s .i siioks. Kt- F.te. Tii make nxint for :i complete stock of Hardware and Ship Chandlery. i:nct-i ..ill hint m.i!i ilcstnitile ;ftK 111 llio IiI..idI :!l :t i-lnuirl low iuicfs. A. VAN DUSEH & GO. Dress Making. Happy Greeting to All ! MUMMIBMI The Empire Store :V-I Hour to the Pythian Biillllnfc i a Is. iiou op-ii uilli :i vi ry selit and coiu!tetr stock oi Dti O00OS I M0TIN9, j ft Ladies' and Children's Shoes. : ..(uAiiiiimiiiii Jfrs T. X. Jcwebt. '.t siaiis, iiinhiiiii' llCillti. Mis. Knurrs llnai-tin men in the jnribdiction of Oregon, -Mr. C. 11. Conner inteiiiLs to lcac Washington territory and British .,-'j,- i'iSf'S Columbia. A jj.iin of SCO within the ! Francisco to ! in time for the arrival Last year. Thirty deaths h.iv curred durinjf the year, for which , tnf tln InN'ot nnclf-rn :mil I'urni.Mii tut. oc"inortation.. S,vtIlf:n tv, lif.i. riYtr.ljl .,iibI... ..4 $2,000 lni3 been nam on each; making, posters. $40,000 paid for death assessments,! ,r ". . "" , '. ' . . -,onsi i If youwanliiK-efieshlanl.or u.od making a traction over l..0fl to tho JMiar-curcil ham. jut from tlm coun- thf were acnuaintcd witJi tliem ami wou' lirothor Xlason and Odd I'ellow. .1. H. D.Ckay. Skinny JIfii. NYUs" Health Kenewer. Ahsolute cure for nervous debility aud weakness of thcuencrativo functions. SI, at drujj UiMs. Oregon Depot. DAVIS A CO- rorllaiKl. ur. I. G. Daidui, photographer. Toil-! laud, still n'iain the negative taken at ' Astoria hist year, and will furnish ilupli-j eates from them on short uotiee. His, Iandseapc views are much adiniivd and in lar.ne demand. dv. lui ! lMiysiciaiis proerilic Cii.ikn. lili: uir.'s Liquid 1i:ki ami J'oxir Ixvn: ouatoi: for the weak. worn, and dy; jieptie. Tahcnonlhrr. Whate'er besides on ehauee to want. Ne'er fall slim t of MZODONT. lint always keep it iu yoursiKht. A source, of beauty and delight. To cleanse your teeth till withottr--iiiil ll... ... r.. .it.i:..,. . ...... 1..., ...i.. l i l ,l u" vm -? i HPUVDAT ATFDPUAUmQli1 llraee up the whole sstem w ith Kiisi UHjliriltilil lILbllUliilllJJlUis (ivertisement. 'trr.'r Clieuainiis .nut CaS.H siroet.. - - - OREGON I. W. CASK,. i.'.tron n.i: a.u w iiei.1uai.i: axu hp fAll. iillAI.KK IX OOTJEt MOTTO, QUICK SALES AND SMALL MMFAffe Elegance and Purity. Ladies who appreciate elegance and purity arc usint Parlcer's Jlair Bal sam, ft is the best article sold for rc- of the Wood. See Advertisement. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE. jSPClerks conversant with the English, German, Scan dinavian and French languages will be in attendance. CALL AND SEK US. PKAIL BROTHERS. Astoria, Augital :, 1S.S-. Whv will von ciiii!ii when ShilohV Cure v.i'll "ive'immediate relief. 1'riee AST IKIA. H)Ct50els;uirt."1. Sold h W'.li.Hi- "'"I- - 'h,b.farker. l l.Csoiis given in Wax and Taper! ii:i.i.i: in llowers taught in tho latent st vie. A p- rat,1,t' -'"--''- "Hav. Oats, Straw. j When iu want pure drugs .ul ; chemicals of any kind, go to .1. W n... ..".. .1...... -t,.. n.....it.. .-.,:,! i. I imn L'nirtLr I'nHinnt itnri V4HII , . ... . i x,i;iiii - uiii sum. imjimi-ih- iii-iiifiii IilllC. Ul ll.IV. UCIIICIIl tXIIU JailU stonily gray hair to its original color. llotoj - "'""I Wl lv" ' " """ """ beaut valid lustie Ilon'l Iie in iht IIpUHc Tre.sh fiuir re'eived at V. A. Ma V. I IVoott IeliiiTl to Order. ASTORIA BKBWBBY. M. MEYER Proprietor. ASTOT.fA, OliEGON. DEDUCTION OF wnOLESALK PRICES. teamer. Xo .sUile tnuIi. Cwr; Draying. Teaming and Express Business. of Oregon aud ( aliforma fruit J J ' i Ask druggisls for "JJocgh on Uat.s.' 11 J ahva j on hand. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. even , variety $7 50 PER BAHREL OF 30 GALLONS. (LARGE (HtDKRR IX I.1KK rttOrORTIOX. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - S I fiO por Dozen 0"Sppcial attention ia!rt to enters from 1'uMle llonPd and FamUies. eleais out nils, mice, Imllnms. roaches. .. .- .rrr.r,,,,, r, r,,,.,.r ..i.i vermi,:. Il.es. ants, inlets, jr ,ht bov.. noCnlamrfhe ffst o wine"! nnon! iiii.r.i: ix inombei. Journal. jm inquire oj hoard A: mokcs -Mocha eilTee, at A. M. Johnson. try co to V.Y. Elberson's halu-ry. and San Franeisoo beer, call at the (Jem lower, and see t"am- Are you made miserable by Indi-'opiKle jhebel'l t I Ul"llil. V- IllsiiM.nniu, I'lW.lliv t-t. ...,.j ... - I)f I - i crii -k' . t i . ! ill'i'vllll. 1 1 nun .itiii. uiiiu'ii.-. i t.n- lh.riw.il nri..ni vii.I for ..1,1 .n.i, n,.,i i, n T' , !y '' -f,,:,0ak f 'l iA'r is a jwwilive cure. For sale by W.' Mcintosh ha-, u-ceived the lar-est -Classen Jt Oerkwflz have bought the Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar- ..w.,.n.. -. ,irkUT ., . I'. J..'ioodiiian. on t;iien:i!iiu.sireelj branch Candy store next to Stevens fr Mr. John lingers oniieCentr.il .Mar tides, Playing Cards, Cut- If Jl'li-,'luu A' uhi. a. :Jias nisi receiven uie uuesr aim most Los booK store. ami win nereancr rnu .koi. n;i m.uu' .in;:ni;eiiieui ui m-eii ai ierv Etc Etc.. ..,J.r,...I.I . ,..1,. T.f ,.....- ...... Ilt. !.i. .1 t.-.l. .,.1.. l0-n,.f .,.. ' l,a linnd fr.-:t, iL-li .. : !!..:... iwj i.tb, !., IllMlHllliUMl lt Jl- 1 Ji"IJI.S .11111 lillllCS J IHIMI piiHI's. U'Mi I .lllllj .llll.l.-) I'll . Ill Hi.l '.111 II II Ml, 1.1'.., in uhmi -H.1-.III WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, j TUC FIRST 'Ij.SS I n c IU. K. Gr. SfiCXTH.1 ImiKrtcr:ind holesale dealer in I COLUMBIA & BREWERY LA&SR -Kabre'.s ice cream is the best. ' boots, shoes, etr. Agent in Asloria for hand Tbe laoiesi and finest stock of Meerschaum ! the famous Monow sboe. Fresh taffy and caramels every dayi Ml.-. 1.. f.,r. II nil..,. ... f i . iiiiii.viiiin:ri;"isiii uir iru. i .iiiiiuui .u- i I lie JiC.lieo. II. Inaver. of Hour- tnn, .n;,vinnr.i..iv ,--A,,:tin pn,intn-inH What is nicer on a warm day than a bon, Ind., says: JJoth myself and vife vessel. at4he Astoria Candv Faetory, Main St. Kemember t rank I abres icecream, dish of that exquisitely llavored ice pweourttyes toiMur.onsCoxsLM Jons' i. CLASSES, j aiis uar cicfiiemre. i creanituat ranK x aore maKes .- iv,i,i.i.. oiu j i . r.. Yemeni. .MPTlOX I'henamus sireel, Astoila, Oregon TUEO. BRACKER, Managf r M Im KXCKI.I.KIi BV -NONE OX THIS COAht PKOPKIETOR, ASTORIA, OREGON. Orders left at the GERMAX1A P.EERI 11AU. will be promptly attended to.. JOHN HAHK, - 0HENAHUS STREET. . , .y&l j