-& (I) ASTORIA, OREGON : SUNDAY xUGUST , 1SA2 J.T. HALLOKAN. i:Jifor Bells and Whistles. .m . ., . z -, ,. , . The spirit that fired the heaits ... . , I , . . A . , . , . , hAn(inf sn. . A I ft I . i 4hft vm t tier I MiUtiniiiLl uui 4iiiii in tui; ttituu? i of the ungodly who, in divers ways make suggestions totally at vari- ancewith tradition and the accept " ed customs of the day. Tt has been the fashion ever since the days when curfew rang on Eng lish soil, to summon, the faithful to prayer by means of metal contriv ances called bells, which, being ma'de purposely sonorous, emit a loud noise when set in motion. The better to expedite the travel of the sound, it is likewise usual to suspend the bell in a high po sition so that the sound-waves may the more readily pass to the ears of those thus cheerfully summoned. Indeed bo universal has the custom become that one of those instru 'ments is deemed ascsontial a por tion of church propeity as the minister himself. Those shame less men who advocate the aboli tion of church bells maintain as excuse for such opinion that the bell is but a ic-lic of baibarism; that when the common mind was steeped in ignorance it may have been -well enough to have bells and gongs and other noisr con trivances to apprise the devout that the time was at hand when they were to meet at the sanctu ary; but that now-a-days, when every one, matron and maid, old men and sprightly boys; those in the first flush of manhood, and those with whom the shadow is toward the east, are presumably able to read the paper, that the dajT of the bell has passed, that its usefulness is ended, and that it should be abolished. To those who would meekly suggest that the time when divine service begins is a, point of great importance, these scoffers at custom and estab lished usage, say that in these days of cheap watches and clocks, eveiy one has one of these useful instru ments, either in his house or on his person, as the cas-c may be, and henec the old-time bell is ten dered unnecessary. So far do they carry their wicked argument that they even suggest that to invalid, nervous people, and so on, the clang and clangor,. tin noisf and vibration of a church bell is as vinegar to the teeth, and a smoke to the eyes, and that it is no more needful to keep up such old cus tom than to continue to ride to mill with the grist fastened on the horse, just because our respective ancestors did so ordain their gait. To these suggestion'; sciiously their ears do several men incline, and the controvcisy has even reached the newspapers, the .case being simply Bells vs. Xew Ideas. While this may excite the ap proval of the injudicious it must arouse regret in the minds of the truly good; yet in reading the arguments pro and con in a Phila delphia religious paper last night 'twas with a subdued hope that the able champions of the no-bell idea would some day visit Astoiia and promulgate some powerful ar guments about steamboat whistles. We don't know how Astorians fenl about church bells, nor have we a wide insight into their uews lela tive to the morning shiieks that come from the water front, but believe, individually, that it is in the limits of possibility for those iboats to get away from this port when the rosy aurora of morning is flushing over the eastern hills without screaming and tooling and shrieking and waking up the whole town in an effort to have it under stood that they have at G o'clock. Kit were a matter of dispute as to the hour of departure wo would conccje the necessity of such daily demonstration of the important .tfact, but why, morning after morn ing, despite the advertisements that appear in Tin: Astoria x, our marine friends should keep up such a diabolical screeching, is ! like the peace of God it passcth J all understanding. Railway trains carrying valuable lives and great treasure decorously announce their departure with a modest j toot, momentary and decisive, j For this we are at a loss to know j why such a fuss is made because a boat starts for Portland. 1 here is , . . . , ., one craft in particular, that wans and sobs and then strikes a shrill, ' car-piereiiir note mat mis iiic air . . , ... . and has the same effect upon thoe unfortunate creatures that have nerves, that a dentist's probe has I on the victim in the chair. The chief agony about that infer nal boat is 'Ou don't know when it is liable to break out again, and the suspense is inoic mifcry than the few. moments of physical torture. But the point is made, and justly too. that everyone ought to be up and "on deck" when these whistles blow. If these unearthly screams are a wi--!y- ordained punishment to the !! I -; f ul, and to those lazy creatures w ho lie in bed when they ought to be shambling around bragging about being "up early" and otherwise useless, then are we in the front rank of tliDo who would commend the continuance of ;he;e morning avengers .of j the dawn. But yet the robust and staiait majority should concede that the weak and sleep-desiring ininoiity have Mttvly some light thai they (the i. and s. in ) are bound to respect, and in tliPir behalf we humbly suggest thai to make a voyage to Poit land it is not necessary to make such piefaratory announeemnt r.s the present. NEW TO-D.U CLosne AT G T1!! During thU week onr entin sto. k of DRY GOODS, CLOTIUSC. Gonts Furnishing Goods, J I. VIS 1 CATS. koots az sxior.s. :.. t:t To iii.il!' itMt'n f.jr:iouiii.!io Meri: of Hardware and Ship Chandlery. Hmn-s -rk ill iiiul in.ui de-draMe pi.ds in U lil,:tn I .ill -il vtremejv low pis '... 'i vk ill iiiul in.iii. k-inilile & ,:tn I .til ! vtremejv U pis .- A. VAN DOSED & GO. Notice. I'AKTNTijsiiir nr.KKfewKi: mur Jk. OVlMill!: iMtmtn .lulm Jlclilv 'm a. (.mis is llns .lay riisiiel t) inulnal cm om ; the iimtiTMCtscd will p:iy .ill !.-Ms ewhjj: and rollol all !ill duo ihe finn :i:o. ha.s. V-ioiI.i. AujjnM 'J': Sfti. 1 Milt continue the 1umiic.v at the tA. siaml and will veil buhI jiu-al at hunx prices. i:o. cians. Notice. Sty, TTua-CTJIia-uSL. will .l vei: YAQUINA, AND COOS BAY, On. r about tin iisIi in,t.. .rn allT. l'or Frciulil or Pa.'nK'. iiKiiiioal lln- f I'hv, n M.sinstiii't Wlimf. Id .l.. IIUSTLEIL Ai l.t. 5233 UTT'S ZM&& PILLS! AS A ANII-BiLIOUS MEDICINE, aro incomparable. They stimufatc the TOHPXD IJVjEK.inCTOTratetho XCERV OUS SYSTEM, Kivetoaqtotho"DIGES TIVEjDKQjaSjCTCato perfect digestion nnd regular moremont of the bowels. AS AN ANTI-MALARIAL They hnvo no eqnnl ; acfang as a prevent i vo and cureforBilioas, Komittent, Inter' nnttcnt. Typhoid Fevers, and Fever and Ague. Upon tho healthy action of the Stomach and IAvcr depends, almost wholly, the health of tho human racd. DYSPEPSIA. It is for the euro of this diseaso and ita a fendants, SICK-HEADACHE, NERV OUSNESS. DESPONDENCY, COU STUPATION, PIIiES, &c., tliat Uieas Pi lis have gained such n -wide reputation. Nnremedvwflflever discovered that acts ao speedily and gently on tho digestive or- gan3, giving them tone and vigor to as.- aimilate food. This accomplished, the NERVES aro BRACED, the BRAIN NOURISHED, and the BODY HO- JBUSTT "Try this Remedy fairly and ycu will gain a Vigorous Body, Puro Blood, Stronj? Nerves, and a Cheerful mad. Trice 2cc. 35 rUnrray St-, N. "V. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Oiiat Hair or Whiruzes tbanced to c Ulosni Ulacu br a single application of thu Din. 11 iw ptrts a Kntural Color, and nets InrtanUuejusly scld by UnuclEtsorsentbyexpreiSoareceiptofil Office, 35 Murray St., New York MISCELLANEOUS. j i a?nx SPACE Is reserved for I. J. ArvohTs ADVERTISEMENT. 11 luis left for San Francisco, to briiur up a lar;c stock of Boots and Shoes for Gentlemen and 1 .adies. Tlis Advertisement will appear on his return. UNION HOUSE, Wm. W.NICHOLS, - Proprietor, Will ! opened for lmanlois ON CR ABOUT SEPTEMBER 1st. Thrive ;i-lilnji the comfort of a home, with Kood snbstnntul niuh. and clean IkhK, art invited to ill. A. V. Allen, Nl .'H.HS..I1 1 IMilK A- ALI.KN.) W;tn1it.dc and Tel ill uv tl.r in Provisions, Crockery. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOPICAl AM) DOMESTIO FRUITS AND VEGErABLES. Tcetlier with Wines, Liprs,Tolreoi Cigars ll:e latgrst and most complete stock of uOiU in llieir line to be found In the city. Corner ofCnsS and Squemocqlic Streets, ASTOltlA. OREGON'. MAUTIX roAitn. J. J. STOKK9 FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealer; in Wood and Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco. Cigars, Wines and Liquors roilKICN AND DO.M1-STIC j Ft1(,z1s 111(1 7 C Ci.QX)lGS j " ' 3 I O TX R , FiPPi ' ANn COUNTRY PRODUCE. AMI General Commission merchants AKTOItlA. OKRGOY Next to Orrjjon Italhvay & Nav. co'a Dock dtw w a MEW GOO .3STI miEljDTTGIESZO PB.ICS I .iniofiiini;nfirsrrl:iNtiH-kor Wv. !iimltiii. romnrismu f c-rv thiuy in tit.- Inn of I Chamber Sets. Parlor Cloths, Mattings. Laee Curtains, ilouse Trimmings, and the latest novel ties in Interior Decorations. 1 would respectfully suggest to parties desirous of seeing really fine goods to call. The quality of my goods taken in consideration with their priee will commend them tn all h.veis of fine articles. .tlattra-fci'S ami Steritlfii:;. in torU. ami .Undo to rdri Agent forlloey's patent" hed-sofn, of which thoie :iic over 10,01)0 in use on the Pacific Coast. Flavel's building, opposite Wells, Fargo & Go's office. 33. W. GALLICK. The BossGoffee and Tea Jb HL XX TWO DOOHS EAST OP OCCIDENT, WILLAMETTEJHIVERS1TY. :t50$lulrtil; and 20 lrofkMiH aul IiisiriH-tor. rmr dlllerent courses in ilie t'ollt-u' :md i :v in the Academy liicliidin a i'.UMiiev. course and Teaclier-.' course furwliii'li diilo- ' mas are awarded, luciitv-tvio m-w moiil , added to the "Woman's Coflee. SI44,OOisalI it costs a vtniir man for tuition and boanl for a year. tilMS.OOteantlintitc'fwUnladv for tui-I lionand hoard In the Woman'-. College a! ear. e-in:sTTKRM uiiciNs si:jti:mim:i: Send for Catnlouuc to Tho.. Van coy. I'rcsldcitl. d-al-lni aleni, Oregon. MAGSU8 C. CROSBV,! Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL,; Iron Pipe and Fittings, ' PLUMRKRS AND STKAM KnTKHS p , , . boods and lOOiS. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER.. Cannery anfl Flshermens Supplies ; i Stoves, Tin Ware and House; Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING' Done with neatness and dispatch. ' None but first class workmen employed. I A larsn assortment of SCALE? i Constantly on Hand, X. HU Gr. SXXTH, Importer and Wholesale dealer in Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc., Etc., The largest and finest . stock of Meerschaum and Amber goods In the city. Particular at tention paid to orders from the country :l csscls. Cheuamus street, Astoria, Oregon. TIIEO. BKACKEK, Manager "" "Tew boat shop. Vp Stair over AitXDTd rF.n'iir.vs oNI. FIItST-CLAMS U'OKK IHi:. JFor particulars inquire at shop. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, i Has received a large iimuce of JtAKKELS AND HALF RAltitKI' f the best qualitx. And Is now ready to supply Itutchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. $500 Reward. We will pay the abne leward for :in cae oriJer CiHnplalnt. l)ysp'pshi. hiek Head ache, indigestion, CouMinatinu or Costive ness we cannot euro with West's Vegetable Liver I'dN. when the dire lions are strictlv ' complied with. Tliov aie purdv getable, ami never fail to give sntisfaellon. Sugar coateu. iirge iioxcs. eoutaiuiag M J'liis.i cents. For Mle by all Druggist-. Itoware or counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine manufactured onlv by John C. Wkst & Co., "The Fill Maker.' 1st and net W. Madison St.. Chicago. Free trial jiackage sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp, j W. E. Dement, agent. Is j Furiiifciw, Carpets. Oil JI.W Hi! HAD M-' E.R.T-JATvEH S(M.i: ACKNT. Al. A.-al f.r tlu rt'lclittitcil SfKlULLIOX IUXCtH S5KAM IITTINCS VMTdAI.1V. Noiii lint I Itr 1k1 uoikiiira cnipliiwd AM '.or!, 'uaniiit) o or m i!inrut. ASTOltlA. OlIEUON ILL8 ViRIBTIBS. CIIO. HIM.. - wai.ti::: I'kks, i'!;o!'i:ii-::'oi: hTt:i: jianacivi: Nciv Stars in K rapid Succession ! Knisigciiieiil of MR. HARRY COKLEY I'nd man, Cniuedinti ami !aneot MISS HOLLIE CHRISTY Ss'i'io 'eiui: ijHffii MR. TOM CHRISTY Tho Prince of Oltl Han luipcr HOitntnrM. Together with a new ORCHESTRA. I All the Old Favorites Retained. 0irti ail In lnr, IVrroi'iiiniiri V.vry Mht. Knfiiv liansc oT Sro- srBmMP onrr a v or:.. ConiitrioiiiK all thelatet socs, dances and acts. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. Tlw tlii'.itro N crowded niuhth. and all who have uihu'vsi'd tlieciiteitainiiaMit pro nounce it tu lie eon.d to any j;h imi elsewhere. 3Ir. Hill as a cateirr for the pnMieN aiiuLM'iiifiit can not Iu excelled. Air. body v.UhiiiK to spend a pleavint evening and see sparkling wit and beauty without vul garity, should in;proe the opportunity and come. The conijum comprises the follewini: v.eil kuown Artists : Ml- r.VNNIK V.M.TON. Mis- Moi.uk Ciii:iiy. Mi:. I'ii:i.ks Kojif.kk. Mi:. Tom. Ciii:itv. Mi:. "Wai.ti.ii Pai:ks. Mi:. JIakuv Co.nt.ea. Mi:. IIakkv Ci.rcx. All of which will appear nightly in their dif ferent Miecialtie. Open air concert ewi j evening; perform ance commencing at s; cntmnee to theatre on Denton .street; private boxes on Chena inns street. Look out for New Stars. Y.ll IS !r.CIiAKi:! W1TIIS)UT rrKTiinc xOTtcr. 'w r . And no terms of peace until '& evcrj man In Astoria has anew J-'fr vnlr ftp ol.it l 'Si05 ab;: kv .iuiaxv "!iVt. VLi--' Iok at the jirlccs : IVnti to order from - - f S 00 Pants (icauiuc French Cassimcre - 12 50 Suits from - - - - - - '.'5 00 The finest line of samples on the coast to select rroni. l. .?. MKANY, , ra.v street, next to Hansen's .Tew elry store Ciiy Taxes. TVTOTICi: IS HKRCnV OIVKX THAT THE Ul city assessment roll for lss- i now in iu hands for collection, and all persons that arc indebted for the s,'nne may save live per rentbx paj ing aid taxes before Aug. 2Mb, bsi " .1. ;. Ill SI LKlt. CItj Treasurer. G3 ' i J iZ p i .ra -a v& W h ...fffa.'frfc'rritH.w.M...iJ.iiM il r.. ..ir...... u.-uwvn -THE- OF adies9 Oloaks, ALSO- fiss aid MgST 3g j QiOii j This week BlSpecial inducements ottered Bv order of Creditors at ijiiwwwMimifTiniTiniiw) .jr-t- ,, . TOTICK. To save oxponso, wo hereby notify all persons indebted to the Cali fornia Store, that a speedy settlement is necessary. Action will be taken to collect same 30 days from date of this notice. By order of Creditors. Astoria, Oregon, July 25th, 1882. llm Ik, Ilrlcmfgoxnery, iSH CKsO!l "JO .IXCKIXS & MONTGOMERY.) co-;as:k ov uiaxx a. .jkfit.kwox streets, CHAS. HEILBORN, i ! MANUPACTUKER OF 'FURNITURE & BEDDING A:ND DEALER IN ; Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shanes, Lacs Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNTCES AJD CURTAIN TOLES Complete in everj- branch. MARTIN OLSEN, OK.VLER IN B& FURN ETURE -S? BEDDING, Corn or 3"aln ami Mriueiuoaun Stroot", Astoria. Oreson. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMIlilNCS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC. i ' A Complete Star!;. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AT,1. KINDS iT riRXITUJ?13 lSi:PAIKIO ASI VARNISHED. i ? s gss SsssfOXSaa 3 5 5 "." - 6H LJ H -i r1"0 S u z! 2" "n "-" S 2 - - a Z-V 55 Sg-5 r. o 'n a - tl iT "TEH"5" - .mC 3.SL S5 522E2. EslEiliillu INS!! !ZSCSE85S2S5SQS TOCK - Dolmans, etc. Drsr Goods A STORE l, i,.. DKAI.KKS IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Mngce Stoves and .Ranges The Kest in the market. I'iumlingi,ootls of all kinds on hand, .fob work done in a workmanlike manner. . WJ tt. - - S Zz v ! n M t -. V rCV 'c: -Z M m