-r$, (1) I & . y gto gailvj QsAoxtoau ASTOKIA. OKEG03: SATUKDAY AUGUST 2G. 18S2 C0MHER0EAKD TRADE. ,-, PORT OF ASTORIA. ARR1 VALS FROM SKA. Columbia. w. 2711 toas. liollcs, S I'Ausnt "i'i , . Viol i63 Newcastle K S W Augnst 21 Boldon, C"5 Liverpool via Victoria Aueutt If. tt&nffshire. BrbU Fiji Angnsi 14 Afton, Er Lie Adelaide August U J W Marr. Am sh N Y Autuct 13 Wallla Walla ss COO tons S T AurJt 13 Leucadia J5r Sh Newcastle Aug 11 Mflndalav BrbV Adelaide Aus It ft J READT FOR SEA. 4 Glengarry. Br bt London August 25 W&Uacetcun, Br sli LireTjtool Augut '5 El well. Am sh Liverpool August 21 SAILED. Stato of California, F-, 2J0O ton. IWiwjr. h f August U-'i Jron O Bnln Br Mc Qm cnitown Auk ?1 - ' VESSELS OS T-ff? WA 1'. From Foreign Iorf. for Hie - Columbia Itlvor las. l,he-Jty. Br fIi, Liverpool. Pensliair. Br lik. Itetmia. Beatrico. f.'jJHavpnpr, Ara liK YoVol'aina.lunc It City Of Pparta. 1193 Adelaide June 27 Alton f IS Adplaido Juno 2 Cordelia SSS Newcastle NS W l'nlda 5)K Hull June 7 Bodrj'ddaii.'1-! Liverpool Msreli 1 ia Victoria Calleron.CTI London June 15 via Victoria iGlengabcrGSS Liverpool va Honolulu Mfj 2$ IC.xlTnoroll'ft Liverpool Mar 17 From American Port. Kioto fi73 New York May 21 Helicon 120V New York June 2 Win. IL tttarbuck 1333 Xcir York Maj 27 Helen Ancinr 6V New Yok May li ilhicore CCS New York Astoria 1395 New York March 2a Wilna 1453 New York March 1 Robert Dixon 1S New York fIDK TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables ol United States Coast Survey. High Water. Lore Water. Date. a. it. p. m. j. it. 10 20... 3 M ,. 3 00 . 3 3 ,. i; -17 .. 7 -''..... " r oi!!!Z ,. :s5 ...., ,. ! w, ,. it u ..10 31 . 3 31 . 1 47 . 3 30 . 0 57 . 7-17 . k .v. 11 2l n os u & :) so:... ' 31...., l o . o so Li. 1 24 --. 2 10 .. 3 0.1 ..... 1 ttt .... 3 01 2S. KM. I5. S9. ! 23 10 13 .11 00 ASTORIA FIK I? Ii:i'AT.1IEXT .C. .1. TRENC1LVRD Chier Engineer F. 1. HICKS 1st Asst. Engineer .1. 0. BOZORTII .2d A-st. Engineer BOARD OF DELEGATUS. -Regular moot ing fourth Monday in each month, at 7-J r. si.. :it hall of Alert Hook ami ladder Company No. 1. OFnrrns. F. .1. Taylnr, President; F. 1.. Parker, Secretary ; A. W. Berry, Treasurer. Delko.vtf.s.-:W. W. Parker, .T. Strauss, T. Bergman, of Astoria Engine Co. No. 1 ; A. A. Cleveland. W..T. Barn. Chas. H. Stockton, of Rescue Engine Co. 'No. 2; Ed. 1). Curtis, A. V. Kerry. 1. .I.Ta!or, of Alert Honk stud ladder Co. No. 1. ASTORIA EXG1XE COITI'AXV Xo. 1. Regular meeting first Monday in eaeh lOOUllt. OFFJCEJts. W. V. Parker, 1'resident ; I K. Sclig. Secretary; William Rock, Treas urer; R. F. Stevens. Foreman, S. (J. Infills, 1st AsM. Foreman, .loe. . Cli:ulers,2d A.t. roreniau. RESCUE EXG1XE COMl'AXV X. !. Regular meet in; litst londav in eah mouth. OrriCEit. A. .V. Cleveland, President ; J. A. Montgomery, Seeretarv; J. C. Norris, Treasurrr; Clias. II. .Stockton ron-man. A. McKeime. 1st Asst. Fon'mnu, .1. W. lhowt:, 2d -st. Foretnan. ALERT UOOKAXD LADDER (V,. X J. Rejndar meeting sivtmil .Mi:iil;i in eaeh month. OrKicntt!. .T. o. itornillt, Piesident ; C. Rniwu. Seeietarv; .la Tulili'. Tieasiirer: I. K. Thomas. Forcinau. F. R. Elhersitu, 1st Asst. Foreman, r. V. l-'erjiitson, 2d Awl. Foreman. Common Couuctl. Regular meotinp socorel and fourth Tues day overlings of each month, at 'i o'clock " Persons Joirin; to have muttons acted anonhy the Council, at any regular meeting must present tho famo to tho Auditor and Clerk on ir before tho Friday o'.cninj; prior to the Tuesday on which tho Council holds its reculnr moetinR'. F. ('. NORKIS. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Loclgrr No. 40. 1. O. G.l. Kogular Ioolins every Tuesday Evening t7H o'clock, at li ood Tcmplar'i Hall, Cho- nflmns Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker'8 Store Members of the Urdor, in good sland nc, aro invited to attend. Degree moctir? It-i Monday each month. Ry order W. C.T. Temple L.O(tge. No. ; A. V. A. M. Rogulnr Communications fi hiril Sntiinl ivo in a.Ii vnintli irt nmlVy ..at 7". V oVlnelf. T f. nt tlin Unit ?m 1 str.rin Mcmborflof the Order, in good sUtndinc.aro Invited to attend. Ry crde: of the W. M. Oider of Chosen Friends. A regular meeting of Occident Council No. ft, .C. F is held even Tlinrsdnv owning, at the hour of -,K o'clock, in the liall ol the A. (). U. XV. Alt sojourning members are itirdiallv invited to attend. Ry order of c.c. American Leslou of Honor. Iicgular meeting of Astoiia Council Xo.Ci, is held on the first and tliiid Monday of each month, at S o'clock p. m. IJy order of Couneil Conimandor. J. V. MON'TKITH. Seo't v. HANSEN BROTHERS. Architects and Builders, .411 RlndH oi IIoiinc work done at whortost notice. ShoiCorner of Cass and Ast or Street, no ASTORIA, ' - - - OREGON Notice. milE WHARF ONCE KNOWN AS THE .JL-N. P. T. Co's.. and later as Hustler's "Tvbarf, will, together with tho whaif now in process of construction, be heieafter known as the Main Street Wluirf. .I.G. HUSTLER, Agent. Dissolution Notice. N( rOTICE IS HEREBY (UVEN THAT THE I narf!irrs1iinlirrptnfnri ovictinnr imiiv.mi Chas, Stevens and B. F. Stcu-ns. of this oil v. wider the Ann name of Chas. Stevens &Snn. istuls ay ilissolrod-by mutual consent. All AttTrtlllllii HnlilltllA.i aBn s 1.A .ia1 T u crnrrw Astoria, Oregon, July sist, 12. THE MARKETS. AMoria larliclH. KETAIU BerrEjt Extra Jancy 3"c. CllKFE,-lSS23c Dried Fiturra. Blackberries 23c: Prunes Cala. Hl5c; Peeled reaches 2i3-c Suc.ai:. (Jubo, 11; crashed, lie; fine crushed, lie; extra i-oivd. lljc; dry gnin. 13Kc; extra gran. 13kc. 0. C 12Uc. Eggs. 23 els doi. Oatf. 51 b2t,l 1)0 per cwt. PotAtois. SI lOiglCO per cwt. Ftorn. SupcrCno So 00; Extra S3 10; Corn Meal "? cwt. $3 if; Buckwhent r cut CO 00. Fhesh Meat. Choico cuts. Larub. I3e; Beefl2Vigi3: Pork 10: JInttcn 103i- Ry thocarcaso 10c. Meats. Brenl:fa?t bacon lfc per rt-: aides 13gl7c: hams l&S20c: shouldora 13517c ; smoked beef 13SIC?ic: corned beef 8lfS12 bbl.; corned pork lOallh. Lvhd. rn tins and caddie? 13giRcn. Honev. In frames 10c ; in gloss Wc. Mill FrRP. Bran $23 00 ten: chop feod S2S-; Shoxa S2S 00tf-; Hay S5Ti c22 V ton;m:ddling SiS. Chop bailey. :;7.X). Domestic Exports. TJie rcceipLs in San Francisco, tain articles of Oregon produce .January 1st, 1RS2, to August irttli. sive, Iiave l)cen as follews: Flour, jr sks . Wheat. ctU Oat s. ct Is .. Salmon, bids..............................;!......... hfbbls Apples, ripe, bs ... ,....... Rut tor. pkgs Pork. I.bls Potatoes, .sks ............... ........ ....... Wool, hales. ...... ......... . , Hides, No Tallow. pkgs................................... Reef, bbl Beef, canned, os. .. Fruit, dried, pkgs .... leather, pkgs . I ird , cs -...................... Racon, os Meal, -sks Hops, bales............ . Hams, pkgs Rran, k.s ............. Choose, as Flav Seed.sks Canned goods, os Rarley, otls Shorts, sks Corn, ell . R vo. sk of eer- from inclti- .. Hl.'li' - SJ2.127 ..!l4l.rtS .. -'At li li-.U7 iwl .. 7.IT.I "72 'S .iso.12-: . 17.1M . 31.H2 .. l.WI loo 2ir 2S 101 21 371 II 17,0 !! " 'i:si 27,1 1C 2r3sl l.s2 -n: Coinmbio. River Exports. SHlWinXTS FOItEKXN. nnCAI'lTULVTION-JANr.MtY ".i 877,100 bus. wheat $ SJ2,7M SSJ1S bbls Hour. 173.310 Total, 20 oaigoes 51,013cB KECAPITL'LATIOX KEIIEfAirV. Wheat. C07.13C bus., value r.".s.7oi Flour, 83.R07 bbls.. Uri lijii Salmon, -10,721 cs.. " . 203.C05 Total. 19 cargoes $lJ2i2.P23 nivAi'iTrLATio:., MAitni. Flour (71.3'hJ bbls) .tsjii Salmon (7tl casesi :;.7jo Wheat (3S3.12S bushels) 37.;,Sk Total (15 cargoes). . Mlll KECAriTl'I.ATION- AIMXII. Flour (40.301 bbls) ". 21S.iu; Wheat (2T7,521 bushels) j?.); Total 7 cargoosi......... 17,7 I Ki:r.vi'iTfLT:Qx may. Flour & 575 bbls) . ..JKS -0 Wheat (3ii,K.vi bn) 3e.ii: Toial (3 cargoesi SI15.!M2 itKCArnvLATiON' .irxn. . Flour (-12.111 bbls) Wheat (77,627 bushels) Salmon ir,t,5b0 asos).............., .$21.'t,2 .. 85.11s .. 32SrljO Total (5eat7;oes) U'lA. 13 2V r. A". jurJax. Dun t tin. From Porllaml 22,731 ells wheal 13 To Liverpool prr Elicin Ural. Finin Portland li:bbis lloni 1 1 O-l Iiik ln--it ..527fiT. ils.fij; 'M 12J20O Astoria 3s-(xi easw: siilnnui . " mi Total..... 227.oill it.ist. l -Tli LirfrjKxil hr J.izzir Hell. From Portland 13.03T, bbls Hour. -..71 " 30o o .salmon ...... 2.023 " Astoiia 1303 bbls Hour. 22.517 Total . iiij;i: 2:--7'i QunmU1irii.p4r.Utfi. (I. Riiiti. I'xotn Pi.illaud 4,0o0 bbls Hour. sts.rK " Astoiia 22.00O -s siilmon UtVtti Total -l3lii"ii 21 T Llrrrpvol jn r Elircll. 1'rom Asm la 31.300 ra salmon M ioa " " 2.oi-sS bus whcat...... i.o0! " 1.300 bbis flour. . 7.000 Total . $3i.1,3ftii BANKING AND INSURANCE. X. "W. CASE. BROKER SANKER vn INSURANCE AQEKT. ASTOKIA, - - - OREGON OFFIcTfrTeUHS: FROM. S O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. 31. Home Mutual Iusurancs Co., OF CAL FORHIA. .1. F. HOt'OHTOX I'HAS. R. SXOKY. OKO. Ii. Stouv. .............. President ......... Seeietarv .Agent for "2on Capital paid w in V. S. gold coin 1.... $ sou 000 00 1. IV. CASK. Agent, Chenamusstreel. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AJSTD LOOON AND GLORE, NOP.TH RR1TLSII AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF II ART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Rcpro'entinc a capital of &G7.OOO.O00. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. Notice to Taxpayers. 1AM NOW ASSESSING AND COLLECT ing the Stato and County Poll fixes, and will continue until all are collected. Persons having taxable property In Clat sop County are also requested to gi-e in to me statements)! all such nropcrtv for as sessment. W.W. PARKER, County Assessor Clatsop Co.. Oregon. Astoria. August 3, 18S2. If MISCELLANEOUS. PACIFIC HOUSE. OYSTERVILLE, - - W. T. 0 ."tiller, finin 1IAVACO. Stage ce: neoiing D.dly. 1'are. - - - $1 0o Board by the Day. Board by the Week. 1 23 SSCO Ovsters. Clains etc.. kept oonlaiitl oti han'd and sen oil in any style, without evtni charge. Jlrx.M.CWItKIJTHKns. Proprietor. LOEB & CO, .U)i:P.EItS;I5 WINES, LIQUOKS. AND CIGARS. AtSENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. J57YH izomU soM : San Fnuieisco Ptioe. MAIN STRElvT. Opposite P.ulcer House, Astoria, Oregon. Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE ! CORK m LEAD LINES SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. .511 nsarkct!$ti'cr(, Kan FranclHco Solo Agent for tlie Pacific Coast. $100 nwmu A ril.l. RE PAID UPON INFORMATION H-.idiug to the conictionof any patty REFILLING Peruvian Bitter Bottles. The names of .such persons found guilty will al-o be published in ewrvleading news paper. W1LMERDIXU &CO.. San Francisco, Cal., Ueuentl Agents lor Peruvian Bitters. l.OEB & CO.. Agents Astoria. M IlEOISTEIiED JIAEClTij. 1S79. Ill till eWi FOR THEBLOODISTHE LIFE .Make use f the Vegetable Kingdom. Abso lute tho BEST KNOWN REMEDY! I'or tho Itloixl ami Llor ComplaiiilH, .cm or Old lillN. I'oor. Ague, Uyspeiisla. vtv. JEosi't'X7-o Cure rei: liidnry mul Illmltlcr liscusc, Oirnnlr Skin Trouble ami KboiiRiufism. Has Stood the Test FOR YEARS. For paiticulars and testimonials from writ known people in our State road locals and circulars. P riot- - SI. per ISottlo. To insure a cure take six lots for $.7.00. Your druggist keeps and recommends it. Ask for, and see that you get the genuine. W. E. rLEMEIT, X3t ASTORIA, ORERON DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICIWES, ETC. E-Proscriptions carefully compoundeiL'at all hours. CSrllomcop:hIc Tinctures and Pellets, and Humphrey's Specifics also kept. IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamtts and "nasi st roots. ASTORIA .... OREGON Hilifirlfrfif aneA NE OF THE OLDEST Af.'D K0ST RELIABLl REHE0IES Ifi THE WORLD PUR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of the THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including: CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It docs not dry up a cough, and Icac the cjus tchiad, as is Utc case w ith niost preparations, 1 -1 baj:s It, dcaases the lungs and alby irrita:i.si Sius removing the causeof complsint. DO NOT BE DECEIVED by artklrj !?. ng similar naaics. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vith the signature of " I. BUTTS " on the w mnper 50 Cents and Sl.OO a. Uottle. Prepared by SETH V. FOWLE & SONS, Rw oa, Mass. Sold bv dntcjLst and dealers gencra!l 0HMU always Cares aad aiovor disap points. Tho xporltl'a groat Poiit RoIioTor for Man. and Boast. Cheap, quick and reliaTjlc. PITCHER'S CVSTORIA. is not Xarcolic. Children If row fat upon, MotI:ers lilec, and Plij'sicians reconinu'nd C ASTORIA. It regulates the IJowcLs, cures "Wind Colic, allays Foverislmess, jml le sl roys "Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cura, a Constitutional Antidote for this terriblo mala dy, by Absorption. Tho mobt Important Discovery since Vac cination. Other romodieu may relieve Catarrh, this cures nt any atago heforo Consumption sots in. Piles! Piles! Piles! A Nitro Ciiro Found al T.ttsl ! IV o One el SullVr! A Mire Cure for Blind, I'deodin, llebiu and I'leemtod Piles has been disroicrcd bv Dr. Wiiliams, (nil Indian Remedv). oalleil Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single bov has cured the worst chrome cases of ij or :xi voars standing. No one need suffer ; on- iiiiiiiues ;uier sijtpivnitr 1111s wouueriui .swithiuc medicine. Lotions, instruments mid electuaries do more harm than e,ood. Wil liam's Ointment absoibs the tumors, allajs the intense itehim;. (particularly at night af ter Kottin warm In bed), acts as a poultice, elves instant relief, and is p reputed onlv fur Piles, Itchinjj of the private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the Hon. .1. M. Cofllnburrv of Cleveland,. sas about Dr. Williams Indian Pile Ointment : J have used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to av that 1 have. never found anything wjiieh" jaivo such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druists or mailed on re ceipt or price. SI Oo. HKXRV A :o., I'ropH. Cleveland, o. HodRo. Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. Foreign Salmon Shipments. The following shipments have boon made foreign, during the present season : roit JUNE. Gth, Rriti.sh ship Langrigg Hall ; .Scandinavian Pkg Co., ;U00; West Coast Pkg Co- .vf0: Fish ermen's Pkg Co., LV00 ; S. J). Ad air and Co.. l-'JOO; Occident Pkg Co., .".,000: Union Pkg Co.. ::.000; Sea .Side Pkg Co.. 2,000; ('. Tint mins & Co., 11OO; JIantliorn & Co:uiOO; Ocean Canning Co., 1,000 -Eagle Cannery, (Wether hee & Thomas) -.V0i): (Jeo. V. Jlumc 2.500; Pillar Rook Pkg Co., 2,000; John A. Devlin t Co, 3.000: Aberdeen Pkg Co., :;,oco; Total. f I -lO-Wi 17lh, Rark Wanleck: Liverpool; John West, 0000; Win Hume. 4.000; Cutting Packing Co.:y000 Astoria Packing Co., il'SO. Total ' is,780 2iith,RarkAdolph Obrig .-,000 SHIPMENTS FOR JULY. 10th, Rark Edwin Reed ; Timmiiis & Co., 1,500; Fishermen's Pkg Co., 2)0; U. P. Co., 2,000; Aber deen Pkg Co., 3,000: Scandinav ian Pkg Co., ,'J.OOO; Devlin & Co. JUT.'W) V.V111JIIU1U tlllJIIIIf V-ll., oD0:Scaside,"l,000: Astoria Pkg Hnme,200; S. D. Adair, 2,700 weainernce A; Tiiomes. 200. Total TvS'ioo That Hacking Cough can he so quickly cured by. Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Denieut. llHlMEKt HOTELS AND RESTAURxVNT?. A. J. MKGL.EK. C. S. WKIrtHT OCCIIK3iT KOTKI.. MEGLER & WRIGHT. Pror:iero. Astoria, Oregon. milE PROPRIETORS ABE HAPPY TO X announce that tho above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatlv to the comfort of its guests and is uow the fcest hotel north of San Francisco. PARKER HOUSE", I?. K. PAirKKK. S'rop.. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODERN IMPKOVEMKNTS. HOT .l.I t'r.l RATIIS. Uooil Billiard Table, and Frst Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. DirFKEE COACH TO THE HOl'SE.-ra SALt)0NS. EKMANIA BEER HALL 17 -AM- ROTTLE REE II DEPOT. fhKVMIV STRKKr. .?TOUM, t TIw Host of Layer ii Cs. a (Ifasa Orders for the Celebrated Columbia Brewer? Uft at this place will bo promptly attend ed to. J5"N cheap Sao Fnincisco Beer sold at this place W.M. BOCK. Proprietor. CHICAGO BREWERY, .1. STKAl'SS. - - AKXT. Is now ready to suppl the public with the Celebrated Chicago Beer In any quantity to suit. 1 have also thi Cclrhrutrd Cliicago licet iu Bottles, Which is now very popular among,"all fami lies and saloons' Please send in your orders and they will have mv best attention. .1. STRAUSS. Astoria. Oregon. Agent for Oregon and Wash. Tor MINT SAL ON, OPPOSITE O. R. N. COM PAN YS DOCK. None but the best liitiorsand cigars passed over the bar. W.5CHIM.DT. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch 'every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liipiors and Ctairs on baud. A desorvedlv popular place of social resort. CEO. HILLER. The Olympic Saloon, Opxisite the Parker House. THE FIX EST llRAXDS OF LTQUOHS and CIGARS Kept constantly on band. No pains will bo sp:uod to give ni custo mers satisfaction. Er""Oive us a call. K. W.SEIILIN. Leinemvcbcr & Co., . i.kivkvw ki:ki:. 11. I'.unw.w KsT.i:i.iMir.n ISfo. ASTORIA, OKECOX. TAfflRS JfflD C1JRERIES, Manufacturers ami Iinpoitersof A LI. KINDS OF IJAi5a.E,3BE3S3n. AND FINDINGS Wholoside Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. RyliighoM o:usli price paid for Hides and Tallow. JbL gwp Xl( HEALTH D 36 CASE. to Kicliau's finldoii Ilnlsnni o. 1 Cures Chancers, first ami second stages : Sores on the Legs and Body : Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of the dLseace. I'l-ieo. 5."; 00 per Bottle. Le R I Chan's Coldcn IkiNnni Xo. 2 Cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Rheuma tism, Pains in the Bones, ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumjis, etc.. and eradi cates all diseases from thesystem, whether caused by bad treatment or abase of mer cury, leaving the blood pure and healthv. Trice. ?.i 00 nor Bottle. Lc Kicliau's tinldcu Spanish Antidote for the cure of Couorrhoea, (Sleet, etc. Price, $ HO per Bottle. Lc Riclinn's Coldcti Spanish Injection, awash for cure of (Root, Strictures, Dis ease or the Urethra and Bladder, etc. Price, SI 50 per Bottle. Lo Rlchnn's Cohlcn Ointment for the effective healing of Syphilitic Sores and Eruptions. Price, SI 00 per Bottle. Also Agents for Lc Indian's Coition Pills. for Weakness, lass of phy.sieal powers, and all diseases arising from abuse and excess or over-work. Price, S3 OO per Box. Sent everywhere. C. O. J)., seevrelv packed per Express. C F. MClIAltDH &, CO.. Ascii ts, 127 & -12D Sansome street, corner Clay, d-w-ly San Francisco, Cal. LZZ7 -m. . . "N Wf-r IS i-W. MluAsevwl SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co FOR PORTLAND. 1 FAST TIM EA The popular steamer jjrjs FLEETWOOD, ftes2- Which Ims--been refitted for thecomfoit orll,QJH: 1 IMSsrjigeraV.il! leave Wil..on and Oreson. . TliurAns3C,oInmbia ..Fri Aug 4 FlSiherV dock PV'TV 1 State of Cal. .Von 7iOreK9n Tn S Colombia.. ..I'ti " lllbtatcof Ual.Sat " 12 Monday, Vcdnesdaij and Friday at GtMYt -i$tlf."I1 - -oG AM. arriving at Portland ati2M. 8!i':S "IcSS - g JStnteofCaLThur "StiOrcson Mon Sept 1 lieliirumg tomes ror.iHiiu oery t - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoiia at 12 HI. An additional trip will c made on Saturday and Sunday of Each Yech, I.ea Ing Astoiia on Waturs'ny at ' 5. 31.. and la ing Portland al o'oloelt Sunday 3torninr. Passengers bv this route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. . I'.B. SCOTT. President NEW LINE From Portland to Astoria. rpss Tlie 31 A XZA A 1 fiTiO 554M2Sfcia.-vVjli make semi-weekly trips between Porllaml and Astoria. Will Io.no Warren X. Eaton's wharf at i...m. on TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, And PoitlantionMONDAYSaml FBIDAYS. For freight or j-assage apply on board. CHAS. RURREAU. 1 11 k n kw s rv: -u v.i fr57 Clara Parker, EBEN P.PARKER. - - MASTER. Is now ready for business. For freight or charter, apply to the Cap tain on board, or to 11. B. PARKER. YACHT BLUE SKIN. Clipper built, copper fastened, double mast vessel, lies at Case's wharf. Ready to 10 ceie passengers, freight or ex cursion parties to all parts of tliefolinitlifciriverniiil viiMnifv KB'For further particulars inquire of John Rogers. Cent nil Maiket. Or or 'apt. IV001I. Master and owner 3IARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. Oeneral assortment or table stock constantly on naad. such as Canned Fruits and .Tolly, Bacon, Hams, houiders, Lard, KfifiS. I5I1TTKR. CHKIUSE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, fissi. i'itlti:y axd csahik In the season. C'IAIIS Ai'li TMIIACCO. tivsi of WI51H.S A5I T.1H'0!S$. All cheap for CASH. (!ools solo on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. .1. RODCKRS. Wasiiingtoii Tilarket, tooiv SltrrcL - - Astoria Oregon 11 eh gmax r- r.imiiY X laPiCTFL'LLY CALL THE ATTEN Xfc tion of the public to tho fact that the aboro Market will always bo supplied with n FULL VARIETY P.KST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest ratos, wholesale and retail. Special attention given tosupplj nz Finns. 1). K. W.iKnisi. T.W. Exto.t Astoria Market ! COR. CIIENAMUS AND HAMILTON STS. A'STOKrA. - - ORKC.ON. VAItKRX & KATOX. Proprietors (Sucn'jaors lu Warren t- McGitirel Whole?alo and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Sweats A full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR. FEED HAY. CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. Cdi Butter, Eess, Chocse, otc. constantly on hand. m ev Ship? sutiplied at tholewes: ratos. J. H. D. GRAY. Wliolesale and relail dealer in. all icixns or feed, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General .storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has received a Iare invoice or BARRELS AND HALE BARRELS or the best quality, And Is now ready to supply Butchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. e.l,,,rlAmc"-n"clc sule or Chest use Sh iloh's Porous Plaster, Price 23 cent s. For sale by W. E. Dement. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Ra4 1 way & Navigation C03IPAXY. OCJEAX" JDIVISIOX. J Between San Francisco & Portland. J KKOJl SAX -KA j FIX03I POirrLAXD. j Leaving Spear Street! Leaving at 12 :00 mid Wharf at 10 a. ar. as n'slit. as follows : River and Rail Division. ! Leae Port land for JULY 1. 1SS2 I Mon Tu. I We. Thu. Frl. I Sat. i Dalies AnjT bta .... .'.1! JAjtona'and 1AM 9 AM 9 AM 9 AM SAM 9 AM 9 AM I lower Uo- inniDta.... h am f. AM RAM RAM hi AM Dayton. Or., 7 AM . AM S.-lllMn. fi- iC AMI 1 IAU Victoria.Bi;i6AMlIIII"ifiAMi 6A.M If AM Loaves Astoria fnr Pnrtl.iTu! nt. H n tn ilnitirnT. CptSurdav. JOHN MUIR, Superintendent of Traffic. C. II. PRESCOTT, Manager. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Co SUMMER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, Il waco, Oysterville and Olympia. A?prt. Until further notico tho Ilwnco rnrtir-S Steam Navigation Co'a steamers GEN'. MILES, op.GEX. CANBY Will Ieavo Astoria On Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays At 7 A.M., Will :ilo make a second trip on Saturdays, leaving Astoria at j P. M., for Fori Slovens, Fort Canby, and Ilwaco. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens ................. Bocts " " Canby and Ilwaco. .... 75cts BfH-Hwaeo freight, by the ton, In lots ol one ton or over. Si oo per ton. K3"For TickoU. Towago or Charter appl? at tho office of tho Compnny, Gray's wharf, foot of Ronton stre'ot. J. II. D. GRAY, Aftent, Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after Oct. 11, 1SS0, trains willrun ns fol lows, DAILY (Except Sundays), KASTSIDK DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURO. HAIL TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:30 A. M.Rosoburc..-.7:00P. A) Rosoburg.5:00 A. M.I Portland. 4rf25P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. 4:00 P. M.Lebanon...-9.20 P. M Lebanon. 4:45 A. M.Portland...lO:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. 6:15 A. M. Junctlon...6:00 P. M Junction 5:45 A. M.lPortland 5:25P.M Tho Oregon and California Railroad 1 erry makes connection with all RcgularTrains on EasUido Division. WESTSIDE DIVISION. From 1'ortlmitl to CorvnlliN. MAIL TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis ....3:00 P. M Corvallis. 8:G0 A. M.lPortland 3:20 P. M Closo connections are made at ROSEBTJRG with the Stagc3 of tho Oregon and California Stacro Company. CWTickeU for sale to all the principal point in California and tho East, at tho Company'! Ofiico. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will bo charged on froight remain ns atCompany3 Warohouso ovcr'-M hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment aflor 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or West sido Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Gen'l Snp'L E. P. ROGERS. Gen'l Freight and Passenser Agent. R. KOCIILER, Manager Shoalvvater Bay Transportation Co. SFMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, Ilwaco, North Keneh, Oysterville, Xorth Cove, Petersons Point, Ho- q niiim, .ITontcsnno, Ami all points on SHoal water Ray, and Gray's Harbor. GEN. .MILES, j Strs. or ' On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY.) " GEN. GARFIELD " ShoalwaterBay. " MONTESANO Giay's Harbor. Connecting with Stages over Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. M. On Mondays and Tluirsdaj s through trip in CO hours. Leave OI mpia for Astoria on same days. SAIKT JVEARTT'S HOSPITAL, ASTOIilA. OPvEQOjS njlHIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF X the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooni3 for the accommodation of anydesiringthem. Patients admitted at all hours, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the prlvilego of employing any physician they prefer. United States 31arlne Seamen who paynospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cu$ torn House. Sisters of Ciiahity Stenhans Varieties ! GRAND OPENING. A lilVEfY kxti:rtaixment Have a new bowling alley, the laTgest and best in town. Admittance free. r j