The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, August 26, 1882, Image 3

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    ''Sfy'irV h
f4!hc ilnUB '-StWHttl ' suouiaBe Aaoptea.
.: , . L- J The city council will hold a special j
ASTORIA. OREGON: meeting to-night and will take up the
doaday UrcoptcdJ.
l'ui:Min:ns ANnJl'jrorniKTOijs.
..-.Uirion JSuiltling. Cos Si ml.
Terms of Subscription .-
crvod h.v Carrier, i er week ..-!5 Conts
tut by insil. four month- 5 00
nt hy mail, od o yecr.................. 9 00
Froe of Postaeo to Subscribers.
.AUGUST :!fi,lS!2 in reference to furnishing the city with
water. Jt i a fair one, is of auvant
Queen of the Pacific. i
Sneaking of the Queen of the!
Pacific a San Francisco despatch of
proposition made by D. P. Thompson, the :21th, says: She left Philadelphia
r Advertisements inserted by tboyear at
L rate of SI M per square per month.
transient adierlisin;:, by tho day or week,
fly cents per a.-junrofor ouch insertion.
Sjik Daily amokian will be mit bu
matt at" cent a a month, frccof poi-tagc. Head'
er iclio contemplate absence from the citu call
jure Tim Astokiax follow them. Daily
tr Wkkkly rdltiom to any poxt-offlcc with
out additional erpenxe. .4ddrxf maybe
Wiiiivd ox often a desired. IjCocc order at
tlw counting rom.
June t tli, arrived at Rio June 2SUi, T kn,-rt mivnliocnH
lit Valii.iriiiso .lulr 27th. and left tho. "- iUV,V; wiiivz-iiwvi .i
age to the city, and should bo adopted. i latter place August .'Id, making 5000 jaU ClltirC S&HlplC 1H1C
aoom as gouu :i euu.pi; ;is i "" ' uu mwuio. un t i II i. 1 L
running time from Philadelphia was Ul l-llO Illlvob vjlul-lll-j
V day., having been detained at Kio,j QP JJ. an(j Qa)C.
Straits of Magellan and Aalparaiso,, l
from machinery not working well. my OW11 pilCC, cllltV
She is a model of perfection in every) jii ii n ,l npvf!
particular, and one of the finest " iL JU1 L11 llCAl
American steamships afloat. She iaj.-jQ QcLVR Only. JjLcllS
supplied; thronghor.f with electric
light and many other modern improve
ments, far exceeding any ship that
ever sailed m Pacific water.. She is
discharging her cargo uf steel rails for
the Pacific coast railroad, and will sail
in about two days for this port. 'Tis
reported Hint when she starts on this
route the California and Columbia will
bo refitted, and then .til four will bo
run between here and San Francisco,
when we will have a semi-weekly
These are 35,470 cases salmon on
the upper 0. R. & N doek.
The Annie Johnson is loading sal
mon. She will take 32,000 cases.
- George M. Rowc and A Van Oil
men returned yesterday from an ex
liip to Foley Springs.
- -The Columbia arrived in at nine
o'clock yesterday morning. The State
went to sea at 10 a. .m.
The clouds hung low yesterday,
and a soaking rain gave all out door
objects tho bath they so badly
-The .J. W. Marr discharged 1,958
rails, 700 air wheels, 3S0 axles, 1,500
bundles fish-plates, aud 890 kegs of
spikes; about 4,000,000 lbs in all, and
will put the rest of her cargo on tho
Portland dock.
-Engcnberthscn, the sailor who
shot himself last Monday, in tho left
side, grew gradually weaker, and ex
pired at St. Mary's hospital last
Thursday night. llo was buried
yesterday afternoon.
Mr. G. Wingate, formerly of
Coos Bay, has lately been to Knappa
to examine some coal croppings in
that vicinity. He left Astoria Wed
ncsday morning for Nanaimo, where
he is to open up a coal mine lately
sold to some San Francisco capital
- At council meeting to-night will
be presented a proposition from two
responsible residents of San Francisco
to put up gas works in Astoria. If
we can havo plenty of puro water and
good light it will be a big stride to
ward attaining that standing as a
community to which our position en
titles us.
It conies in
j it could come, is made by a man who
j is fully able to make good any agree
ment he enters into; it provides for a
public neccs?ity and supplies a present
and pressing want. The matter is one
so plain to every citizen that it requires
no argument nor advocacy to show j
that that proposition or some similar
one should be adopted. We speak of
matter? as they exist. Astoria has no
adequate water supply at the
season of the year when it is most
needed. Coining from the source
it does, Mr. Thompson's proposition to
our city council gives opportunity for
obtaining a supply commensurate with
our needs on very advantageous tcims
to our city.
The proposition contains two clauses
that may raise objection, the ex
emption from taxation. 'Tis not cus
tomary to "cinch' new enterprises
by levying a protective tariff on them
and keeping capital away from a place.
The other clause is that relative to the
ten years. Doubtless that can be modi
fied, though it is not objectionable as
it stands. Rut if we are to wait for
waterworks till someone concedes
everything that we as a corporate
community could ask, we will trench
on the limits of eternity.
Just So.
All tho .Masuy.IiieH.
VttL ass
The dSi-rat .ustenlJ: Itcincily for
and Caps ai prices
below net San Fran
cisco cost. Over 300
fiifTWmit st.vlp.s to'
choose from. Call!RHEU.lTISM!
at once and 2et a!Tooli,si,,,c-:vui",,ii,1BacI"u,hc
bargain of the boss.
Merchant Tailor.
Hatter and Clothier.
Sci:itir:i. .'ou(. Lumbago.
Sprains mill Swelling.
Hums nut! Scalds.
HariM'rY.Moiitliliis. Centurv, Young
l.nilic: .lournni, iJciineaiors. jiauam
Demorest'-; for SeptcniluT; all at the
(Jity IJoel: htore.
Astoria lee lf poi.
Frank Fabiv i now prepan'd to sup
ply families, restaurants, hotels, saloons,
etc.. with pure mountain iceon the irem
ies. Fresh ice cream every ilay. Ralls
paitie and dinners Mipphel with ice
cream at .short notice.
Furnished Kooihk to Ih(
The statement in ycstcrda3'"s
paper that two fstraved umbrellas
awaited owners at this office, illus
trates tho singular propensity on .he
part of these useful articles to un
warrantably disappear, as a largo
number of persons appeared in the
hope that their lost umbrella might be
one of those in question.
At a meeting of the O. F. R. tv
L. association last Thursday night,
the reports of the secretary and treas
urer were read, a section of the by
laws amended, and the following
gentlemen were elected a board of
directors for the ensuing year: (J.
Reid, A. J. Meglcr, 1. W. Case, F.
C. Reed, J. Q. A. Rowlby .1. JI.
D. Gray and John Halin.
Astoiha. Aug. 24,
Ei. Amekiax:
1 havo long held the opinion that
tho Mr. Smith or Mr. Jones, who
first conceived the idea of handing his
name down to posterity by naming
soino village Smithville or Jonesboro,
desires the everlasting condemnation
of sll sensible men and especially all
who have the leat legard for euphony
or poetic sentiment in names.
My aitcntion has just been called
to this subject in reading a letter from
Honolulu, correspondence of S. F.
Bulletin. The letter is well written
and unite interesting, but inst as I
had got my jaws and organ of speech
in good shape for pronouncing such
names as Hawai, Mani, Wailuku, La
haiun, etc., aud my imagination
worked up to the proper pitch in
order to tako in the full beauty and
grandeur of the scenes described, I
came, without a moment's warning,
square up against the name Speckles
ville. Poor Speckles! he doubtless
realizes that he cannot continue in the
sugar business many years more, so ho
attempts to sweeten his pathway to
the other world by indicting his name
upon a village in. the island of Mani.
I wonder how many poor Kanakas
have had their jaws dislocated in try
ing to pronounce that name.
Rut seriously, if a imn cannot per
petuate his name without attaching it
to some town, even if he is the found
er of the place, he may just as well
let it go into oblivion at once. What
traveler, in passing through a village
named Thompkiusville, for instance,
stops for a minute to enquire who or
what the original Thompkins was? If
the ancients had not been biassed
with better taste than our ambitious
moderns such names as Leonidasburg,
Demosthenesville, Catoboro, Ponipey
villo aud C:e?.irborough (spirit of
great Julius forgive mo for making
such a suggestion) would have been
scattered all over the map of tho old
world. Q.
At Mrs. Munsoifs lodging house.
Smile Again on Me!
.Vighed Tom to his beloved. He knew
not what gave her such a charm in his
eves. Her teeth, preserved by SOZO
DOXT which .she had used from girl
hood, did his business. She held her
lover by virtue of SOZODOXT.
Wood rorSnle.
1 have about six hundred and fifty
eonls of dry hemlock, which I will sell
for cash at .'1.7." per cord. I will deliver
the wood to inv eu-lomers.
Skinny Men.
Wells' Health Renewer. Absolute
cure for nervous debility ami weakness
of the generative funetions. SI, at drug
gists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS & CO..
Portland. Or.
" A 'AKI.
To all who are suflerin-r from the
errors and indiscretions :if youth, nerv
ous weakness, early decay, loss of man
hood, cte..T will send a recipe that will
cure you FltEE OF CHARGE. This
great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Send a self
addressed envelope to the Rev.Josnni
T. Ixm am. Station l),Xev l'ork City.
Don't Die in the ll0nsc.
Ask driia4t!i.sls for "Hough on Hats.'' It
clears out nils, mice, bedbugs, roaches.
vermin, lues, ants, in.secis. luc per box.
Elegance and Purity.
Ladies who appreciate elegance and
purity are using Parker's Hair Ral-
sam. it is tne best article sold tor re
storing gray hair to its original color,
beauty and lustre.
Health is Wealth.
Ilr I." P V.fV Vi.mi Mini P.tnlii 'tVi-Mt-!
ment : a specific for Jlyttt-rin. Hiz7ini"s.s.
Com uLsluns rvous IIcaila-lit,.Mriit:iI !)-
iireslon, J.os oi jueinory. bncnnainriiioea.
Ini potency. Involuntary"KiiiiSHiii. l'ronui
ture Old Aire. caupl lv owr exertion, st-lf-
abiiMi, or over-indulgence, which Ieail. to
misery, uerav ami death. One io win eere.
recetii cae." liiohbox contains one iiitnths
treatment. One dollar a bo. or siv boxes
for !iie dollars : sent by mail prc-miil en re
ceipt of ltrice. We Riiarantee six boxes to
enre any ease. With each order reeerieil u
us for six ltoxes. accompanied with five dol
lar, we will send the purchaser our written
guarantee to return the money if the treat
ment does not effect a cure. Ouarantecs is
sued onlvhy W. E. Dement. dnu;:ist. As
toria. Oregon. Ciders by mail at reRiihsr
l'eruvian Bittrr
Cinchona Kubl.
The Count Cinchon was the Spanish
Viceroy in Peru in 1KX). The Countess,
his wife, was prostrated by an intermit
tent fever, from which she was freed by
the use of the native remedy, the l'eru
vian bark. or. as it was called in the
language of the country, "Quinquina.'
(rateful for her recover , on her return
to Europe in KCL'. she introduced the
remedy in Spain, where it was known
under virions names, until luuueus
called it Cinchona, in honor of the lady
who had brought them that which was
more precious than the gold of the 1 ncas.
To this day. after a lapse of two hun
dred and liftj' years, science has given
us nothing to take its place. It effectu
ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu
lants, by restoring the natural tone, of
the stomach. It attacks excessive love
of liquor as it does a fever, and destroys
both alike. The powerful tonic virtue
of the Cinchona is preserved in the
Peruvian Ritters, which are as eifective
against malarial fever to-day as they
were in the days of the old Spanish
Viceroys. We guarantee the ingredi
ents of these bitters to be absolutely
pure, and of the Iiest known quality.
A trial will satisfy you that this is the
bast bitter in the world. "The proof of
the-imdding is in the eating." and we
willingly abide this test. For sale by
all druggists, grocers and liquor dealers.
Order it. l.ocbvt Co., agents for Astoria.
I!r:ii-.-s.JIe5Jlm-lir. Frosted Feet
New, quick, complete cure A dajs,
urinary affections, smai ling, frequent
or difficult urination, kidney diseases.
Si. at druggists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS
iV: CO- I'ortlanil, Or.
Mcintosh has received the largest
and most complete stock of hats in the
citv. Men's sizes from ii to 7.
Fab re's icecream is the best.
Fresh taffy and caramels every day
at the Astoria Candy Factory, Main St.
J o II n P. C I. a sshn.
A Happy Thought.
i! was a happy thought that led to the
production of a concentrated fruit sj nip,
so harmless in its nature that it max be.
given either to the mother or her babe,
relished alike b both, and of such won
derful efficacy "that all who take it feci
brighter and happier.
W. E. Dement, Druggi-t, who has
been appointed agent for Astoria
will furnish any one wishing Syiupol
Figs a trial bottle free of .charge, or sell
fifty-cent and si bottles.
Hodge. Davis & Co.. IioIe:il.- agents
Portland, Oregon.
nuI rjir. Sore Throat, I'alu
in the I'arAcho.
Corns and Ilimioiis. '
And all Bodllj
Th; renowned Au-l ndian Remedy is made
eehiMel (it Australian herbs, srown by
the (Jenmiiis of the rosewood serub district.
Queensland. Australia, who make herb cul
ture a .special! v. it does not contain any
ltiMiinuis ingredients whatever, and is the
in the woild fur the above complaints-.
A PciToet Onre tiuarnntecrt In Ev
It costs hut .'u cents per bottle, and it is
simply fuiilishiiess for thosi who are suffer
ing pain not to use it.
Full Directions accompany each Pottle.
Sold b all DniKilsts and Talent Medicine
PROF. 31. A. SCOTT & CO.,
Mole Proprietors &. .llanuractnrerH
Xos. ,I :: and '; lirldse street. Bulla
rat. lirtorht. Aiistfaliu.
All i:RRM V DEPOT - - Santa Tiara, C'al.
K. IKKXT. Hole Acent lir
Astoria. Oregon.
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any case
of Liver Complaint. Dysjeisla. Sick Head
ache, indigestion. Constipation or Costive
ness we cannot cure with Wet's Vegetable
liver PilN.wheu the directions are strictly
complied with. They are purely Vegetable,
and neer fail ti give sitlsfaetion. Sugar
coated. Iuge boxes, eontainlng . Tills, 25
cents. Jir sale by all Druggists. lewareof
counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine
mauafactuted onl bv.lou.vCWKs-T&Co.,
The Till Maker." 1st and Is.? W. Madison
St.. Chicago. Free trial package sent by
mail prepaid on receipt o( a .'. cent stamp.
AV. K. Dement, agent.
-The Seattle Post-Intelligencer re
ports that Geo. Myers, who left here a
few days ago, brought with him forty
cannery hands from tho Columbia
river, and will commence operations
across the bay at once. A large force
of Italians and Indians will do the
catching, while the canning is princi
pally done bj Chinnmen, under tho
supervision of white men.
Astoria's Commerce.
On tho 24th iho American ship El
wcll cleared from this port for
Liverpool with a cargo worth
$300,000, nearly all of which
was a product of Astoria. Yester
day two more vesels cleared from this
port; the Rritisli bark Glengarry,
carrying a cargo worth 128,01)5. SO, of
which $120,137.80 was loaded here,
and tho Wallaccton, which has been
lying in the stream for some time, and
which is now ready for sea. This ves
sel carries out the most laluablc cargo
that ever loft a Pacific coast port in a
nailing vessel. It is worth in tho Co
lumbia river .$300,1 12,-$378,000 of
this amount represents Astoria's
pioln. Tho threo vessels take out
salmon flour and wheat to the value
.f $322,307.30. Cut this out and
ahow it to tho individual that pooh-
noohs at tho idea that the Columbia
bar should bo improved.
Domestic Salmon Shipments.
17th, Columbia; Astoria l'kg Co.
4"e: a. A.i'kg Uo 2.000; Wcath
erbee fc Thomes,."00; Union Pa
cific Co., GOO; Wm. Hume, 1,700:
Sam. Elmore. IwOO; Fishermen s
l'kg Co., 300: Hapgood & Co.. 1.-
S00; Eureka Pkg Co- 1,800;. J.
Quinu.71.". Total
21st. Oregon; Win. Hume,5(vi;C.
Timnuns fc Co., 300; A. A. Pkg
Co., 200 ; "Weat herbee & Thonies,
1.000: Hapgood or Co..i:8; Eu
reka Pkg. Co.. 1 3.-.. Total .....
23th, State of Califernia: J. G.
Meglcr, 32G; Eureka Pkg. "Co.,
100; Astoria l'kg. Co., 250;
Timmins & Co.,8o."; Columbia
Canning Co., 400. Total
Novelties in
household articles nt
.Sleepless Nights, made, miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment "
To banish contagion from garments
and linen, disinfect with Oi.kxx's Sri.
run: Soap.
Puck's Tootiiac it.
Dr.or.scure in one
Sells better than any other propric
tnry medicine, is what every druggiat
on the Pacific Coast says, meaning of
course, Plunder's Oregon Rlood Puri
For the next 30 Days
Unparalleled Bargains ! !
Dry Goods and Clothing !
to be sold at a
These Goods are of the VERY BEST QUALITY,
and are offered at remarkably
Iow Prices
Previous to the arrival of our FALL STOCK.
Let every one call and be convinced that we mean
business, and that goods of the same quality were never
before offered at such low fip-ures.
""fSAlI the Upper Town busses will stop at this
store each way.
Always Refreshine.
A delicious odor is imparted by
Floreslon Cologne, which is always
refreshing, no matter how freely used, blood it has no equal.
-- --- " J system, restores and
4!lesln: Out.
A. VanDusen & Co. are closing out
their entire stock of dr goods, clothing.
and gent's furnishing goods at cost to
make room Tor a complete stock ot
hardware and ship chandlery.
IVetliius: Short of irumistnknule
Conierred hjhui tens of thousands of
sufferers eouht originate and maintain
tin reputation which Ayi'ksSaiisai'A
Kli.i. enjoys-. It is a compound of the
best rgctahle alteratives, with the
Iodides of l'oU.-.siuni and Iron, and is
the most effectual of all remedies for
scrofulous, mercurial, or blood disorders.
I'nifortnh successful and certain in its
remedial ."-HecK it produces rapid and
complete cures of Scrofula. Sores, Boils,
Humors, Pimple-;. Eruptions-. Skin Dis
eases and all disorders rising from im
putitx of the blond. i its invigorating
elfects it always relic es and often cures
Liver Complaints. Female Weaknesses
and Irregularities, and is a potent re-
newer or vitality, ror puritying tne
it tones up me
preserves the
health, and imparts igor and energy.
For fonv ear it has been in extensive
use. and is to-dn the most available
medicine for the sutVering sick, any
where. For. S.u.i: r. ai.i. Dkai.kks.
A Varied Performance.
3Dmy wonder how Parker's (Jiuger
tonic can perform such varied cures,
thinking it essence of ginger, when in
fact it is made from many valnablo
medicines which act beneficially on
every diseased organ.
A good cabinet maker on citv work.
Apply immediately to M. W. ("nllick,
Astoria furniture store.
Mr. C. II. Cooper intends to lcae
about the 15th of next month for San
1'raneisco to be in time for the arrival
of the latest Eastern and European im
portations. If you w ant to see a fine job of me
chanical work, call and see a set of
nlckle-plate measures made at .1. A.
Montgomery's. They don't do anv but
first-class work.
,1. (J. Davidson,, photographer. Pott
land, still retains the negatives taken at
Astoria last year, and will furnish dupli
cates from them on short notice. His
landscape views are much admired and
in large demand. dwlm
Highest price paid for old web and
junk. Evaxsox.
lm Inquire of Foard & Stokes.
Mocha coffee, at A. M. Johnson's.
Fresh ice cream every day at Frank
Fabre's. Families supplied in any
quantity by leaving order. Also the
linest oysters cooked to order. Frank
Fabres oysters and ice cream are known
everywhere as par excellence.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by W. K. Dement.
True happiness i derived from the
use of Pfnnder's Oregon Rlood Puri
fier. People who have tried it onco
never givo it up, because they want to
remain happy.
Shiloh's Vilalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 7." cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
Shipper & Rvbke. No. 11. Oak street
Portland, are the bou ton tailors oC the
Urace up the whole system with King
of the Wood. See Advertisement.
Lessons given in Wax and Paper
flowers taught in the latest style. A p-
ply at the City Rook store.
P. J. Goodman, on Chcnamus street,
has just received tiio latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladles
boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous aiorrow snoes.
A partner with a capital of -loo dollars
in a profitable business. A store and
dwelling to let. Money to loan on ap
proved security, inquire at the real
estate and intelligence office on Ma
Street. D.vx Kkt.i.kiikk. gei
Have Wiatar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. Jt cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat aud
mug complaints. wO cents and,$l a bot
tle. Croup, Whooping Cough and Rron
chitis immediately relieved bv Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Astoria, August 23, 1832.
Happy Greeting to All !
I The Empire Store
Xtt.xt Door to the "jthlnn IIiiildlHff :
: :
; Is now open with a rry seleet anil complete stock ot
: Ladies' and Children's Shoes.
! i
A cough, cold or sore throat should be
stopped. Neglect frequently results in
an incurable lung disease or consump
tion, i'.rowns Hronehial troches do not
disorder the stomach like cough syrups
and balsams, but act directly on the in
flamed parts, allaying irritation, give
relief in asthma, bronchitis, coughs,
catarrh, ami the tluoat troubles which
singers and public shakers are subject
to. For thirty years Urown's bronchial
troches hae been recommended by
physicians, and always give perfect
satisfaction. Having been tested by
wide and constant use for nearly an en
lire generation, they have attained wcll
merited rank among the few staple
remedies of the age. Sold at 2." cents a
ikix everywhere.
, shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure is .st,ld bv us on guarantee. It
elites consumption. Sold IiyW.E. De
The Peruvian syrup lias cured thou
aands who were. suil'ering from dyspep
sia. debility, liver complaint, boils, hu-
eomniainis, etc. rampn-
J'Clerks conversant with the English, German, Scan
dinavian and French languages will be in attendance.
Astoria, August 2ii, 18-SJ.
--C1 T JT"
mors, female
lets free to any addre-x-Sonf
Seth W.Fowle
Classen & Oerkwitz have bought the
branch Candy store next to Stevens &
Co's book stoic. and will hereafter run
loh places. Fresh candy always on
What is nicer on a warm day than a
dish of that exnuisitelv flavored ice
i cream that Frank Fabre makes?
Mr. .John ltogcrs of the Central Mar
ket, has made arrangements to keep al
he finest fresh fish, etc.. in their season
Will you suffer with Dispep-ia and
Liver Complaint '.' Shiloh's VHalier is
guaranteed to cure xou. Slid bv W. F
Phjsieiaiis' prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at .1. W.
Conn's drug store, opbrsite Occident
If you want nice fresh lard, or good
sugar-cured hams, just from the coun
try go to F. 1. Elbcrson's bakery.
Fresh ftuit received at C. A. May's by I '
every steamer. Xo stale trash. Kvm-v : The. nutritive properties of Cor.unx's
variety of Oregon and California frufl i Lu'.uto's LhuuBi:kf and Toxic Ix-
aiwavs on nana. ; wi: sustain iue uuuy wiiuoui
i solid food. CoXdcn's; no other.
tiiiarm cureu, ueaiui ami sweet
For the genuine J. 11. Cutter old
Uourbon, and the best oi wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opposite, the bell tower, and see Camp
bell. Iiemember Frank Fabre's icecream.
His par excellence.
breath secured bv Shiloh's Catarrh Item.
edy. Price ZO cents, Masai Injector free.
For sale by Vi. E. Dement.
AvcrilPs mixed paiuts, the bi
use, for sale at J. W. Conn,s drug
opposite Occident Hotel.
best in
M. MEYER Proprietor.
Less Quantities, - - 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, - S I 00 per Dozen
WHpeeial attentiou paid to orders from lubllc Houses and Famllles.Wi
anrOrden lelt at the GERMANIA, BEKKiHALL will be promptly attended'ta'.-'t