The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, August 23, 1882, Image 3

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ghc gnUij staviau,
(Monday Escorted.
rrr.i.i -!iK!: .wn" l'i:oi'uiKTvir.s.
JM'om llnUdui'i, Cains StrcJ.
Terms of Subscription .
erved by (Jarricr. per '.veok ....S-i Cent
M by Juail. four month?.. .. .....' no
m t wail, ne year...... .................. ff
fioo of Postage to Subscribers.
.-r '.ilvcrtisomenis inserted by theyeir at
lie m:e of SI ) por square per month.
I'r.msitiDt advertising, by tho day or vreok,
fry eenU ier square for onch insertion.
-Tub Daily astoi:ia' will he mt by
maitnflZcctfs a month, frcr of jtagc. Head
er who c(mt."mitlntca!tenccfrnm the city can
".ir- Tits Astokiax follow them. Daily
r WitKici.Y edition to any pot-offlcc with
out oMitionat ejncnte. Addre&t man he
zwnnitd an oUn its dcslrctl. lsarc order at
ti.f countiiio room.
The mills are returnim.
.Jack Powers w:is lalcen in tho
penitentiary last Monday.
Sixty-three cents is paid for wheat
at Walla Walla; eighty-six in Sa
The iri from Pendleton to Port-
lam! was made in thirteen hours last
The California Stale Republican
coiiyention meets next Wednesday at
F. 0. Young, of C. II. Cooper's
establishment is about to open a large
store in Seattle.
About sixty-five miles of the 0.
iv: C. extension will be finished thi3
year. Oreouiao.
.lacob Halstead, a New Tacoma
pioneer, died of heart disease at that
place last Mond.ay.
-Eleven million dollars worth of
fish are annually caught on tho shores
of the Pacific coast.
-Ooy. Thayer has offered 1,000
reward for the apprehension of the
murderer of Mrs. Fetch.
The funeral of the late Thos.
Jones took place under Masonic
auspices yesterday afternoon.
Whooping cough is what troubles
the juvenile Astorians now-a-days.
They will all get over it in time to
gel to school a week from next Mon
day. The ladies of Orace church will
give a sociable and entertainment at
Liberty Hall next Friday evening and
confidently anticipate a very pleasant
evening. Refreshments will bo serrcd.
A movement is being made look
ing to the permanent establishment of
an Episcopal minister at Grace church.
It is a worth j' enterprise and will
doubtless be successfully accom
plished. y an almost unanimous vote the
members of the Daptist church at
Portland have refused to accept the
resignation of their pastor, .1. A. iay,
and he accordingly goes on with his
The Washington territory Repub
lican convention meets on the 201 h
prox. It is pretty well settled that
Hrents, the present incumbent, will
receive the nomination for congres
sional delegate.
The usual skirmishing is going on
between the English and Egyptian
troop. There seems to be a good
deal of fighting with the mouth, but
no one hurt very badly since Alexan
dria wn3 pillaged.
The Pngct Sound Argus, publish
ed at Port Townsend, is a bright
looking paper and is always newsy; its
editor has some funny notions about
the Chinese, but he only says what a
good many people think'.
The steamer Yaquina will leave
here for Yaquina and Coos Bay next
Thursday or Friday. For freight or
passage apply to Captain Hustler.
The Xowport people haven't a pound
of flour, and must wait till the Yaquina
gets there.
The Washington Territory Demo
cratic convention will be held at Van
couver on the 11th of next October,
to nominate a congressional candidate.
Pacific, Wahkiakum and Chehalis
counties have each two delegates to
tho convention.
The loud noise that startled Court
and .Iftlerson street residents at an
early hour yesterday morning was oc
casioned by the falling of some side
staging by the Jiroemser hotel, on
which was one hundred and fifty tons
of sand and some lath. About $500
will repair all damage.
A New Road.
Messrs. Seeley and brother have
gone out to cut a good passable trail
from Hoe's, on the jSclranicuni,
ihrough to the upper part of the north
Nehalem. This trail will open up a
vast amount of good country hereto-j
fore inaccessible, on the north fork of .
the We are reliably in- he disappeared, and on Monday after
formed that hundreds of .settlers will be J noon he walked into that institution
able to find good homes in the county j and lay down in one of the wards,
referred to. It is well adapted for j Upon examining him a bullet holt was
stock raising and mali farming, and J found just below and to the left of
is near the laigest of the coal veinr. j the heart. It transpired that on Mon
The trail will go through the 'Arndtlday afternoon he b.mnht a pistol and
pass,' which is said to be only C30 feet
above the tide water level. The peo
ple of Astoria have very generously
subscribed the money necessary to cut.
this trail.
St. Helen's Bar.
This afternoon the steamer Walla
Walla will go down to St. Helens to
engage in the work of cutting a chan
nel through the bar at that place.
The steamer Emma I lay ward and a
barge will go down to-morrow with
four anchors, and the cables of the
ships Coloina and Alden Hesse.
These crafts will act as tenders to the
Walla Walla, and will cany a force of
2 or ."0 men to assist in moving the
anchors, etc., when necessary. Work
will be commenced at the upper end
of the bar. The steamer will be
anchored there, and cables will be ex
tended from her bow on each side f)0
feet astern, to each of which three
anchors will be attached, which it is
expected will hold the ship when her
propeller is put in motion. These
gangs of anchors will be placed a con
siderable distance apart to allow of
the stern of the steamer being swung
to the right and left so as to cut a
channel 100 feet in width. As part of
the channel is cut she will be backed
down by taking in the cables, and
when necessary the anchors will be
moved further down stream. The
length of the channel to be cut is
1200 feet. The water is at present IS
feet in depth. It is expected that the
work will be completed in three or
four days. Stetiuhtrd, i'i.
The Oban llaj- went up river
yesterday in tow of the Ocklahama.
Virtuous Walla Walla is shocked
because their bill poster has put up
some theatrical cuts of an actress in
decollete costume.
Funny, isn't it, that if one ex
presses an opinion on any current
topic some one will take a contrary
view and proceed to constitute him
self a committee on the propagation of
the faith. Hut then, it wouldn't do
for ever one to think alike.
'"Fresh American mixed candies at
the Astoria candy factory opposite the
I'.ell tower.
A situation for a joy of it; in a
store where he can learn -nine business.
Address . J. this oHiee.
I'losins Out.
A. YanDusen A: Co. are closing out
their entire slock of lrv good--, clothing,
and gent" furnishing goods at cot lo
make room for a complete stock 1
hardware and snip chandlery.
A girl lo tlo general house work for a
small family;" wages 20 per month.
Inquire at this ollice.
A partner w tth a capital of 100 dollars
in a profitable business. A .More and
dwelling to let. Money to loan on ap
proved .security, lmp'tirc at Hie teal
estate and intelligence office on Main
Street. Dax Ki:i.i.i:iii:i:. Agent.
Fabre'.s icecream is the best.
Mocha coffee, at A. M. Johnson's.
Special .Vol ice.
Attention is directed lo the Annual
meeting of the O. F. L. ifc 15. association
next Thursday. A full attendance is oi
the utmost importance.
Servant "irl Wanted.
A good girl can have a steady .situa
tion by appljing at this oUice from t n
to two.
New. tjfiick. complete cure 4 days,
urinary affections, .smarting, frequent
or diflicult urination, kidney diseases.
SI. at druggists. Oregon Depot. DAVIS
& CO., Portland, Or.
Highest price paid for old web and
junk. Chkis. Kvaxsox.
lni inquire ot roard iv Mokes.
Shipper ' Uhke. No. 11. Oak .street
Portland, are Hie boii ton tailors of the
Fresh fiuit received at C. A.May's by
every steamer. No stale trash. Kverv
variety of Oregon and California fruit
always on hand.
Novelties in household
articles at
If you want to see a line job of me
chanical work, call and see a set of
nickle-plate measures made at J. A.
Montgomery's. They don't do any but work'.
Remember Frank Kabre's icecream.
Itis par excellence.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Rron
chilis immediately relieved by Shilolfs
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
'Just for Fun."
Some men have a peculiar idea of
fun. Among them may be reckoned
Engenbcrthsen. a sailor who re
cently arrived on the J. V. Marr;
last Saturday he said he felt "sick
and wanted to go to the hospital; the
necessary permit having been granted,
goinvout on Main street hill attempt-
ed to shoot himself, ''just for inn.'
When he first went to the hospital
nothing could begot out of him, and
it was thought another tragedy had
been enacted, but yesterday he grew
more communicative and paid that he
had done :he shooting himself. The
strange part of it is his claim that it
was for "fun," and makes it manifest
that the unfortunate man is deranged.
The wound is a very dangerous one;
the bullet is siill in his body, and the
result may be fatal.
All the Magazines.
lI:irM-r" Monthlies, Century, Young
Ladies' Journal, Delineators. '-Madam
Demorest for September, all at the
City Hook Store.
Skinny 31 en.
Wells" Health Renew er. Absolute
cure for nervous debility and weakness
of the generative functions. SI, at drug
irists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS ,fc CO..
Portland. Or.
Astoria Ire Depot.
Frank Fabrc is now prepared to .sup
ply families, restaurants, hotels, saloons,
etc.. with pure mountain iceon the prem
ises. Fresh ice crca'ii every flay. Ralls
part'es atl dinners supplied with ice
cream at short notice.
Furnished IConm to I jet
At Mrs. Munson'.s lodging house.
Wanted to Kent.
House of live to seven room.-, for fam
ily of two. For a suitable house a good
rent will he paid. Apply to this Office.
Smile Again on Me!
Sighed Tom to his beloved. He knew
not what gave her such a charm in his
eyes. Her teeth, preserved by SOZO
DONT which she had ued from girl
hood, did his business. Site held her
lover bv virtue of SOZODONT.
Wood for Kale.
1 have about s:x hundred and fifty
cords of dry hemlock, which I will sell
for cash at A:.?.! percoid. I will deliver
the woou to my customers.
R. R.; ion'
To all who are .suffering from the
errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv
ous weakness, early decay. loss of man
hood, etc 1 will send a recipe that will
cure you F1JEE OF CIIARHK. This
great remedy was discovered by a mis
sinnary in South America. Send a self
addressed envelope lo the Rev. .Ioskimi
T. I. v.MAM. Station I), New York City.
Don't Die iti the II0umc.
Ask druggists for "Rough on Hals. It
clears our nils, mice, bedbugs, roaches,
vermin. Hies, ants, insects. l.V per box.
Elegance and Purity.
Ladies who appreciate elegance and
purity are using Parker's I fair llal-
sam. It is the host article sold for re
storing gray hair to its original color,
beauty and lustre.
The nutritive properties of Ci.iu:n
Lu:i:i(;s Liqi'iiUi:i:p ToxicMn
vir:ti:AToi: sustain the bod without
solid food. ( 'oWi'ifx; no other.
Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar
kel. has made arrangement to keep al
he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season
Will you suffer with Dispcpsia and
Liver Conn
ilaintl Shilolfs ilalizer is
guaranteed to cure you.
Sold bv W. K.
Sells belter than any other proprie
tary medicine, is what every druggist
on tho Pacific Coast says, meaning of
course, Pfnnder'.s Oregon Wood Puri
fier. To banish contagion from garments
and linen, disinfect with (Ji.KXX'.iSri.
pitrn Soap.
M'ikk's ToenniTi: Dnop.s cure in one
Physicians prescriptions carefully
couioitiided day or night at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opprsile Occident
J. (!. l)aidson. photographer. Port
land, still retains the negatives taken at
Astoria last year, and will furnish dupli
cates from them on short notice. His
landsca'te views are much admired and
in large demand. dwlm
Classen it Oerkwitz have bought the
branch Candy store next to Stevens Sr
Co's book store. and will herealter run
both place?. Fresh candy always on
What is nicer on a warm day than a
dish of that exquisitely flavored ice
cream that rranlc rabre makes.
For the ueimine .1. II. Cutter old
Uonrlxin. and the lnst ot wines, liquors
and San V ranciscn neer. call at tue uem
opiwisite the hell lower, and see Camp
Mcintosh has reecived the largest
i uiit'su iiiia iiviivu nil; i.iiitii
int complete slock of hats in the
glen's sizes from ( to 7.
ami me:
eity.rjP "flV tiifl fimioolc nvprv ilnv
.,i i... ui,.v;..'i'.1ii1ivVnntnri' Atmn sr.lwill furnish any one wi-hini; Svrunol
... .... .......... v ....... . ....... .,
1 '-
-l.e-.sons given in "Waxflnd Paper
ilowers taught in the latest style. Ap -
ply at the City Hook store.
Shihdi's Cough and Consumption
About Thrones.
From the papers it seems that King
Kalakaua has recently ordered of a
Boston house a new throne for his sit
ting room. Thrones come high, but
if a man U in tho king business he has
to have them. It seems to a nun
who don't know much about royilty
that all this pride, pomp and circum
stance must have its drawbacks. Sup
pose you are a king for instance, and
after you have turned the c-tt out of
the back-door tf the palace, and re
moved your ermine robe, and laid it
on a chair, ami iiuouitoiicii your rovai
suspenders, and hung your crown on
the b-d-post, and blown out the gas,
you h.ippen to think you haven't
wound up the roy.d clock. You feel
j'otir way into the sitting room
and put your eye out with a scepter"
somewhere, tr3'ing to find the mantel,
and then fell head over appetite over
a marble throne. It would make a
man mad. even if it made the blood
of a royal family flow through his nose.
Kings are only mortal, and it oc
curs to us that when a kingly snonzer
who has descended from the royal ga
loots away back, boats his on a
hump-backed throne and jams a bass
wood seepter into his eye. he is going
to use some harsh terms. In this
country all men are sovereigns. Sonic
of the royal family of America sit on
a pale-blue plush h-tci , and (til
ers sit on the lloor and permit their
feet to dangle, but we are all princes
or kings in our own right. We can
call the President of the Fnited Statc3
hard names if we feel like it, and we
are far enough away, and we belong
to the other part-. Americans are
free to tread their native heath and
criticise anybody they want t, but
very few of them wear thrones. A
large fifteen-hundred pound throne
would be a cumbersome thing to ship
over the U. P. road whenever a free
born American citizen moved from
Omaha to Green river. That's why
so few of us use them. No Ameri
can is going to make himself bald
headed wearing a sheet iron crown,
with two and a half's worth of jewels
on it, unless there's 11101103 in it. If e
profers to just wag alongwithout at
tracting attention so far as possible,
and accumulate as much coin as he
can. Still, the day may come when
no family will feel perfectly comforta
ble with out' an eighty-six dollar
throne in tho house. A veneered
throne in the sitting room, with
cracker crumbs and bread and butler
in the seat, would be of vcrj' little
comfort to a man with democratic
tastes. It would savor too much of an
effete monarchy, and chill the warm
glow of patriotic pride "whieh evury
true American feels in the individual
and universal freedom peculiar to our
institutions. Besides, it would be, as
we say, a very awkward thing to move
about, and a poor thing to mortgage.
Tt would hurt the family pride lo
mortgage the dear old throne, or to
sell it to a second hand furniture deal
er. That is why we say that free
born American sovereigns, had better
plug along with the old st3le of chair,
and thiKgive royalty in this country
a black e'c. -floomrrmuj.
f have purchased
an entire sample line
of the finest quality
of Hats and Caps at
my own price, and
will sell for (he next
30 days only. Flats
and Caps al prices
below net sSan Fran
cisco cost. Over 300
different styles to
choose from. Call
al once and i;et a
bargain of the boss.
Merchant Tailor. Hatter and Clothier.
A Happy Thought.
It was a hannv thoiifrlit that led in tin, i
production oi a eonceiit rated fruit S3 rup, If you want iiic' frcah lard, or good
so harmhtss in its nature that it mav be sinjar-ciired hams. jut from the eoun
given either to the mother or her babe. . Iry go to F. I J. Klhersoifs bakery,
relished alike bv both, and of .-neh won-j ,
derfu! efiicacv that all who take it feci ' -Latarrn cured, healtli and sweet
brighter and happier. breath eeured by .Shi oh s Catarrh Rem-
W. E. Dement. DruggiM, who ha- 'dy. Pri.-e 30 cents. Masai Injector free,
been appointed' agent for AMoria . l'or a!e by V. K. Dement.
, i.i.i.. r.... .. ..I...'. . .. ii
j r i iron iMJiiie iiei-ui i-oiiie. or ?en
j fifty-cent and .?l bottles.
Hoilge. Davis & Co.. wholevale agent-
j Portland, Oregon,
Alwava Refreshiue.
a .ii;;h .i ;a ;...',,ri.ui t...
r.ureshing, no matter now freely uaeu.
The (scent Aunt entiim Remedy fur
Toothache. A'ciirnlsrin.KneliacJio
Scialirn. out. fauuhngo.
NmiiiiH :iim! Swelling;.
Uncus :mtl Scalds.
Iti'iiises.llcud-.tchc. Frosted Feet
:iml Fars. Sore Throat. Puiu
in Hie Far Ache.
Corns :iii Iluiiions.
Aim! all lioriily
TliN n-iumm-tl Australian Keiueiiyisuiailc
evelusivelj or AiiMntliau hcrts. niwn ly
Hie Ccrm-iiisortlie ncviMxl .scrub ilUtrict.
iiu'cu-liuiil. Australia, who make herb cul
ture :i sihvialty. It lines not contain any
)Mioiuii inrciltriits whatever, and is tue
in the world iorthcaboeciiiplaiiiK
A Perfect Cure tluaranteeil In Kv-
ery Case.
It ciiMsbut 7 cents jipr bottle, and it is
simply foolishness for thio who are sutl'er
uiXpahi not to use it.
I'ull Directions accompany each Rot tic.
SM bvall Dnmuist.s and Patent Medicine
' Dealers.
l'KOF. 31. A. SCOTT & CO.,
Sole Proprietor A Manufacturer
.No. I :: ami .'.". Kritlge street. Italia
rat. Victoria. Australia.
A.llF.ltH'AV Ir.rOT - - Sanla 'Inru. C'al.
W. V.. li;.liKVr. Sole A sent for
Astorin, Oregon.
Saving ami Ian Society of San Fran
cisco, in the name of .Margaret Oraham 01
Daniel Cr.iham. Xo. CASKS. The tinder will
please return to Rank,
.lulvj;. lis4.'. d-r.t
Rooms, with Uit ."it) by tM Icet. Ray
windows, etc. For nuttier Information ami
rice impure of C. Sll 1YELY.
JLt C'ii
"oiiMiiitecs of the RritMi bark Wolfe
will be reoiiNbi for any debts that may
be contracted bv the crew".
.1. R EI D. Master.
AMoria, Oregon. Angu-t 7. l.sS. did
L I'crtivian Hitter
Cincbouj Kuhra.
The Count Cinclion was the Spanish
Viceroy in Peru in KV. The Countess,
his wife, was prostrated 13' an intermit
tent fever, from which she was freed by
Uit- use of the native remedy, the. Peru
vian hark. or. as it was called in the
laimuagent the country. Quinquina.
Cralcful for her leeovery, on her return
lo Iuro;,e in liJ. she introduced the
remedy in Spain, w here it. was Known
under uioiis names, until Liunauis
called it Cinchona, in honor ot the lady
who hatl liroitght them that which was
more precious than the gold of thelneas.
To this day. after a lapse of two hun
dred and iil'ij ears. M-icnce has given
its nothiii!' to take its place. It effect n
allycure a morbid appetite for stiinu-
lants, bv rest o rim; the natural tone of
the Mom.ich. It attacks excessive lot doc-, a fever, and detrn-
1...11. . .1:1... ii .......r..t ....:.. ..:-i....
iiimji .iiii.i-. 1 in I'ini 1-4 1111 mini- 11 in.
of the Cinchona is preserved in the
Peruvian UiJlers. which areas effective
agasnt malarial fever to-day as lhe
were in the days ot the old Spanish
Vicerojs. We j-uarantee the iiiredi
ents of lhec bitters to he absolutely
pure, and ot the hot known quality.
A trial will atisf oti that this Ls the
bet bitter in the world. The proof of
the nuiidiug is in the eating.' and we
willinjilv abide thi.- test. For sale by
all di :igt.-. grocei and liquor dealers.
Ordc r it. I.oeb i'cCo.. auents for Astoria.
Kie-di ice cream every day at Frank
FahreV. Families supplied in any
quantity by leaving order. AIo the
finest oysters cooked to order. Frank
Fabres oyster ami ice cream are known
everywhere as par excellence.
IV. .1. 'lOiMliiian. on Chcnamus street,
has jnt received the latest and most
fashionable tyle of gent4' and ladies
boots, .shoes, eie. Agent in Astoria for
the famoii-. Morrow hoe.
.ShiIoh is what jou need
for CoiiNtipation. Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 7 cents per bottle. Sold
by V. Iv. Dement.
In a healthy hod is a healthy
.spirit. I e healthy oy cleansing your
llo(1 wj,h :i fc.xv htt!es of Pfunder'a
! Oregon IJIood Purifier, and thii3 puri
I fy your spirit.
Slceidess Nights, made miserable
bv that terrible cough. Shilolfs Cure is
tin remedv lor on. .Sold by W .K. Di1
ment '
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
sands who were sulfenng from dyspep
sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc. rampn-
lets free to any address, setn w . roxvw
&Son" Boston.
I have removed to the
Awl havoj Without
The Finest aid Best Arranged Store in Oregon.
NVw-f 'onils Recftiyed by IC very Steamer in - - " ""
r : -V
! All tli Xiateet Styles and 2ToraitiM4
I -....'. J
Call and Inspect Stock and Get Prices Whether You
Purchase or Xot.
No trouble to
ASTOIUA, June. :$, 1883.
Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, - - - S I SO per Dozen
vSpecinl attention paid to union, from Public Houses and Families.
-rOrdcrs left at the UERMAXlA REERJ II ALL will be promptly attended to.
LOR?) & CO.,;
Best San Francisco Houses and '
Eastern Distilleries.
S"AII uouils MId at San Francisco I'rices.
OpiHKite Parker House. Astoria, Oicon.
Astoria to Liverpool Direct.
The fine Al Ship "Elwell" 1461
tons Register.
"Is now recciv in;' Cargo, ami having large
cngagenientH will have rpiick dispatch, to h
followed by the
A I iron Barque .liiui .lolm
sou" 11 ton. Rrgisler.
For Freight etc., apply to
dtf Portland. Oregon
Str, "5Tja.XTIN-A.
On. orahout the &Otli iuHt.. or soon alter.
For Freight or I'asajjp. inquire at the of
fice, on Main street Wharf.
til J.G. HUSTLER. Agent.
f'.irner Clwiiainus :unl Caw streets.
a Single ftxoeption,
show goods.
; Make if.e of the Vegetable Kingdom. Abso
lutely the
i For the
i KIimm! and Liter CnmpUli-K
! v or ld ChUU,
t IVcr. Asur, Uysieplii. etc.
"EoltlTTO CMxio.
' Kidiio anil Klmiaer Mtn,
' ChroBle HkiM TiMMibleii
ami KhcHuatU-H.
! Has Stood the Test
For iiarticiihiis and' testimonials from well
known people in our State read locals and
Prlre ..-l. per Bttl.
To insure a cure take sbc lots for $.0P.
Your driigglst keeps and recoxxmiends It.
Ask for, and see that you get the gemune.
Annual Meetin.
i mm' iv.rl . -M F.ETINO OF THE Stock
IX holders oftheO.F. L. SB. AssocUtfton
till "bo held at the hall of Beaver Iodg IH.
S5. hnmedlatPly after its session onTbutstor
night. August ath, for the election ot oflT-
eers for the easuing year, and for tbe trans
aetion of such other tmslness as may cos
before it. A. J. MEGLER, Sect,
BEOirrETJD acABOHC. 1879.
- '