(V nfcxmKuuimvi.vi.tiJ4wJSi Bg3giaMwwrsBggCBagir'iJ.tw.iiA'JU She gHtfl slavhxn, ASTOHIA.OKEGOU: TUESDAY ..AUGUSTt2,18n2 J.F. 1IALLOICA.V Kttitor , L ! Arizona Apaches. , . , i 111:1:1: is a torv i;oini!: the , , ,, . rounds of the press that a sectet . - , ,. , organization of 1 '200 men has t e , . , . , been ionned in Arizona to attack , , , . ,t.. . , r the Apaches on the hite Mowi- :tain leservation, if theie should be any In ore outbreak on their part. Itis very much lobe doubted if an' such organization exists, though there is very bitter feeling on the part of the settlers in that section of Arizona against these Indians. These Apaches are the meanest Indians on the continent. Treacherous and blood thirst, from time immemorial, killing the whites wherever they could find them in parties small enough to attack without risk to themselves, sparing neither women or children, their very names have been a dread to the settlers and travelers through the count iv. They were never properly brought to punish ment until General Ciook took charge of the militarv department. The reservation which called the San Carlos agency, though more commonly known as the "White Mountain reservation, em braces an area of ;2,n28,000 acres , of land. The number of Indians ' is -1,078. Along the stream the -Indians raise corn, barley and vegetables, and il is reported to be an excellent game country, plenty of deer, bear and wild turke3's. A portion of it is guod grazing land and is also said to - conrain minerals. Valuable coal mines have been found on the southern portion. There are liv ing on it several distinct bands of the Apaches, governed by differ ent chiefs, and under several tribal organization", though arting together as the same people. The band more immediately known as the "White Mountain Apaches and against whom is entertained the strongest antipathy by the white settlers, on account of their frequent inuidrious fo rays, number but GOO. Their country is, however, difficult of approach and they would make a hard fight against those who at tempted to invade it. Mot as suredly it will be a good ileal wiser to let General Ciook, again ordered to that department, man age the aJfair of keeping them tpjiet, rather than to adopt that of private vengeance, to ay nothing of the lawlessness of so doing. With the immense reservation that has been assigned them, ample in iivery respect for their support and abounding in game, there is not the slightest excuse for their going away at any time from their reser vation. They only do so for the purpose of making foravs, either in Aiizona or the adjoining conn try of Mexico. They arc less afraid, of Mexicans than Amcri cans; they can slip across the boundary line and commit depre dations in the absence of the Mexican troops, almost without resistance. Colonel Vorsylh, in pursuing a band of these Apaches some few weeks ago, chased them into a Mexican force lying in am bush, and thus taken unawares they were nearly all massacred, but this is about the only occasion in which the Mexi cans have ever got the best of them. The latest advices are that a band of these agency Apaches are raiding near Uros, in the prov ince j of Sonora, Mexico. That in the vicinity of that considerable town, they have killed forty-five . persons, .besides burning houses ana crops; tnnt they were aimed with "Winchester rifles, and the whole country is terroii'ed -awl the settlers fleeing in eveiy direc tion.v As these Apaches belong within our boundaries, the United States government i liable foi every dollar of this damage. If it is true, as charged, that un- der various pretexts they obtain permission from the agent to leave :the.reervation,this should at once be stopped. Every Apache of the reservation should be treated as a - hostile, which, bevond doubt, he ;is; the sole purpose of their rroinir.WmwNCHOLSf . Proprlotorf away is to satisfy -their devilish , ; fondiiex-s for murder and plunder. Then, too, thev should be totally deprived of their anus and neun: 1 ' I lies A parlies should br entirely . . , taken awav irom tlie cliatm of :i .... . ,. " 'civilian aiient and put directlv tin ' , , , , ' , uer the control ot tteneral Lmok. . im. . ,. . i . I hat is the verv first step icqui- ( . , - , , . , . , sire in the efforts to check their depredations. If these few hite Mountain Apaches were corralled and, after capture, all removed to the Indian Territory, there would be no trouble with the remaining bands on the reservation. This must be done, or, the wav thev are 3 3 v going, the will have to be exter minated. They are, at present, but a great band of hyenas, fed at government expense, and unre strained, constantly wandering uu' the highways and settlements, am! ' gratifving their thirst for blood. I The late negotiations between the I nitcd State and Mexico per mit the troops of cither nation to pursue marauding Indians across the boundary line. This may in a manner tend to top their depreda tions, as there will be no refuge for them. Great confidence is very properly felt in Gen. Crook, and should he bele.ftuntrammeled and given full authority to do a-, he sees best, there is but little doubt entertained that he will end the Apache troubles in Arizona, even if he has to end the Apaches in doing so. War ole;. T.va "skirmish" between ICnglish and Egyptian troops last Satur day, both parties ictired at miu set without material damage. The English have, despite De Lessep's protest taken possession of theSuez canal. Arabi's suc cesses have strengthened him with the native fanatics, and the number of his adherents daily increases. The Khedive is irresolute, and waits on the Turkish sultan who in turn waits on England. Tin: Argonaut has a long ac count of "An Knglish Horo,"' in the last number. The heropait of it no doubt is all right, but he is just as "ICnglislr as Nugent, or O'Donnell, or Clare, ot an' of the Irish soldiers who always Cud on alion holds the merit they fail to win under their own flag. I'm: the third time in his unique life, Ben. l'utler has been nomi nated for governor of Massachu setts. First, the Republicans nominated him, and were beaten; then the Democrats set him up, and Long bowled him eut: this time ihe Greenbackers take him for a figure-head. Ftvi: and one-half millions of dollars is the sum at the disposal of the Mississippi River Impiove inent Commissioneis. "'Tisa good round sum.1' One of those mil lions judiciously expended, would make the Columbia river entrance as safe as the entrance to New York bav. Sackamknto salmon is quoted in San Francisco at 1.25(2 ?1.30. Columbia river salmon at 1.4."(jT NEW TO-DAY FOR TILLAMOOK BAY, The Ilwaeo Steam Navigation ToV Will !eae f!ras Peck, Astoria, on Wednesday, Aug. 30th, at 5 A. M.. Tor GAK1RAM)!, and ISOBSO.V- VIIiliK. (Tillamook ra:khig n' rannerx'.) l"rciKlt, pri ton -Pniasf - for I'ouml Triji 7 CO Tor further particulars apply to .1. II.J-.fiRAY,Asi! CAMBRF FOR Uhl rilHK MOST COMPLKTELY FITTED Can M. nrrj oi tlie Columbia IHver is for tale. ; With Boats and Machinery. j An abundant supply of FRESH WATER. Situatclat llinKO'lfcii"nrtilpoN'!'.Astoiia. For particulars, apply to Ailen & Lewis, TAI' or J' NEW TO-DAY. i!ON HOUSE, "VYi'l bo ope 'if' r boarders ON OR ABOUT SEPTEMBER 1st. v llMKS ,Ul.,.olnfoI, t)I a ll0inet wiUl . K""' waiiH.ii vniu. :n.i -iih uu. are; iiuilui all. V. Allen,! (sl.CK$uK TO P.IUK JC ILLKN.) lii.lt sale and ret ill draJer1 in Hreff7cf, Provisions, Orockery. .Glass and Plated Ware, TI'OI'K'AI AN POtl'ru' FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Tiiiilirr Willi Wiies,Lipors, Total Cigars llu l:in;st nnil ai.vt cmniilPte stofk nf UukN iiitlii'ir Hue to he foniiit In Hip city. Cortwr nf('a ami S.iiiiiiocilit SIiopH. ASTOUIA. OKKCON. MA11TIX FOAllD. .T. .1. steki: FOARD & STOKES, WlialiKwV ami rrlall ilealfn. in roort and Willow-ware, GROCERIES. Tobacco. Cigars, Wines and Liquors POi:i:i(!N AND DOMESTIC Ft j frits and Vegetables FLOUR, FEED, COUNTRY PRODUCE. AMI General Commission Merchants astokja. oi:r.;ox. NVt li On-jiiili ltaihvn ,5rXa. " Dek dw Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE! niiik mi) u;ui um, SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 311 31 nrhot Street. San FranrlNco Sile Asenls fur llio racilk CoaM. PACIFIC HOUSE. OYSTERVILLE, - - W. T. 5iO .lliles Irom ll.AV.WO. Sm i-: liivtih; l:uly. rnn - - - $1 ou Hoard n the Day. -KoaidltytheWeek. - - l IS Usteis. Clans, eta, kept constnnllv on hand and sened in anvstle, ulthout etra chaise. Mr.M.i'AltUrTllKRS. I'mprielor. Notice to Taxpayers. 1a:m now asskssixc and collcct iiiK the State and Comity Toll taxes, :uid v. ill continue until all are collected. rerioi.;liaIn:taatle projiertv in Olat sopCounlj are also requeitedtn jiive in to in statements of all sudi iirojiertv for as sf-ssment. V. PAltKUlC. County Assessor Clatsop Cn.. Oregon AstDria.Auuusta, lsS. tf Equalization of Assessments. OTICK IS TIKl.-KIiV C.IVC.N THAT ON i the last ?l(.ml:i in August. 1SS2. the Itoanl of Initialization ..f Clatsop county will attend at tlieoniee of the County Clerk in .iid county, and publicly evaauue the as sesMiieiit roll for the pnrK-iM.r corroctiiiK all errors therein, hi the valuation, descrip tion or quality f lands, lots or other prop el ty: and it wthe duty nf all persons inter cMed to appear at said Hoard at that time land place with their complaints or requ if am thev lutein that matter. ests w. w. ari:i: tr. County Assessor or VstOiiM. August 7, li Utd " Dress Making. v Mrs. T. S. JeweU. Up stairs, opposite Jlrs. P.osers' Eoaidng House. ft The BossCoffee BjStyj ) JE2 x&a H A. TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, WILLAMETTLUHIVERSITY. JHL1S VARIETIEN. :t.0 StiMleiils and 2l I'rolr'.soi's aud Inslrm :. CKO.IiU.I.. - - - rUOi'KJI- rei: Piiar ilinoront courses inl lie Colleue ami' six in the AcailMiiy liifliiilliiK : I'line WAI.TKU PAKKS, - STACK MANAt. I'll oouisanil Te.ichcrs' course tor wliicli uipln- ni:i! nre auTinloiL 1 wentv-luo new ntoliK athleil to the "Woman-. Cotliw. I 144.0O isall it cosls a oiiiik man tor tuition ami board for a vear. IN5.M is a;l that it ooM- a l.ulv for lui- tion ami boanl in Hie Viii:in"- College a cirpii:srTP.i:.M iu:;in; shmrur.Ki: i. lite. Send for Cataloj;ue to TIkk. Van Mtoy. ri'eOtlriit. il-al-lm - Salem. Oregon. JIAGKUS G. ('0Sinr, Healer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL,; iron Pipe and Fittings, Mslit. I'.nliiv 1i:wiui r I't-o-l'MTMr.ERS AND .! KAM FITTKRS srnniiui- Onro a WrrK. , j T 1 t'i:itriMr.t;aH the l.iti'-t Goods and Tools. songs, dances and acts. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER- Cannery anil Flsliewiis Sillies . fifniPC Tin Warp anH Hr.ttCP ' OlUVeS, I ill Ifare aHU nUUbt; I rUrniSuinQ bOOUS. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. 2Ch:ii imt Itrst rla woikim-ii i-miloiil. A large awirtiniMit olj SCALES (HLslaiitly on hand. , i X K C5-, SBfilXH, Importer and Wholesale ile.iler in ' Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar-I iicies, i-iaying iaras, uuc lery, Etc., Etc , The largest ami fintst stoi-k of MceiM-hnnm , amlAinliergtKidsin theeity. I'arJienlar at tention p.iiil toonliT from the emmtiv ami xevseK. ('henainns Mreet, A5tori.i. Orrgon. TIIKO. HIJACK Ki:, Manager A. 1 till JJUSC11 00. iron.D RKSl'ECTFn.l.V CAM. HIE attention of ihe Rublir to ihe fai-t that they aie Agents for the following s,.i:ii inarnim -,. : 1 1: liiiirocu ni4i'. The AVIiitc. Tlie Croirn And TIici:i1rilK4. Winch thev are .sellim: from SILI. lna."o. raeli aiut ftvTy Competition. IVisons wishing to piuchasc machims should call and Insect our stock licfoic pur cliasinuelsewliere. as up guarantee loghe perfeel s.iti.t:iell(iii as regards (pialily and price. ASK FOR Union India Rubber Company's Pure Para Cum Crack Proof! '1 RUBBER BOOTS. IJEWAltE OF IMITATIONS! Re sure the Roots are stamied CH.ICIC PROOF on the heels and hae tlie PUUK GUM SPRINGS on the Toot ami instep. which prevent their cracking or lire.ikhiff. "We are now making them uitli RUliBEIl .Xn ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber Roots. made. FOR SALE RY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RCBRER RELTING, PACK-i IXG, HOSE, SPRINGS, CLOTHING. I ROOTS AND SII01-S, etc. I GOOIYEAR RlBnr.R CO. R. H. PEASE. Jr., I ,.,.,.,, I S. M. RUNYON, t A"4 "'" am San FrancLsco. Meeting of Pilot Commissioners. A MEETING OF THE P.OARD OP Tilot Commissioners for Washington Territo rv. will be held at Uwaco, V. T.. on 1 hurs d.iv, August Sllth. lSSi Ry order of the Roard. II. c. LUMLiiiM. vecry j ICalama. W. T. August .S. lcSi alO St , $500 Reward. AVe will pay the above reward for anvcase , oflJver Complaint. Dj-spepsia. Sick llead-j ache, indigestion. Coast i pal ion or Costlve iicss we cannot cure with West's Vegetatde Liver Pills, when the diiectioiis are .strictly (Aiuiterfelts and Imitations. The genuine manufactured onlv lir John' C Wkst & Co.. I ; "Tlie Pin linker." ii ami l? . .iiauLsou 5 St.. Chicago. Tree tiial package sent by mall prepaid oineceipt or a :; cent stamp. V. E. Dement, agent. A PASS-ROOK WITH THE 1IIP.ERNIA Savings and Loan Society of San Fran cisco, in the. name of Rattnolomew Wall. No.ao,KT. Tlie Under will please return to Bank. Julyl7UilSS2. d-3t comjilled with. They are iiurciy egeiame. and never Tail to gle sntlsfaitlnn. Sugar coated. Imre boe. containing .W Pills. 25 ceiii-. roriiui' uviiu jin sum ik-imi-i and Tea Pot MAY UK Ilvl tF E.R"ETAVES!fl seu: aci.vt. ?m. Auctit for the celebrated MKDALWON RANGE i Ml Ail irniM:.N A H'lCIALTY. Nun.- but Ui- best workmen mployed H a .k -'U.u.mti'iil wr n.i eharge. 73 i i ', 2?;! ASTOKIA, OKKOON New Star in Rapid Succosiiou ! I'ojia'zeinent of MR. HARRY C0NLI3Y Kml man. iTrinedin:! anil Jai:eor MISS 2I0LLIE CHRISTY Wrrio 'niiif tueei: I MR. TOM CHRISTY I''" - wj -" Together witii a new ORCESSTRA. All the Old Favorites Retained. Ojiiii :ill tin- r:il. ltrot 111:1111 ' I'.ii t WTi b-Ivp fh Tcf Variety Entertainment In the Vcst. Tin tl:ialn t cmwiloil night I v. ami all mksisss atniiNiMiiciil iu nut l.i' fxt'flh'ii. Aiijliiiily wMiins to siwnit a i.husint i oiling an.l MV MMrMn:.,' v. it ami beauty without ul- parity, olitiutit iniirit tIu'ii'ortimit ami TIieeoiuiMU.coniinitlii. follow ing woll- Kiumn .riiM: M14.- I'V.NXIK Vi'ALTON. Afi M01.1.1K Cnain. ?Ii:. Ciivim.ks Koisi.ki:. Mi:. Tom. CiiiM&rv. Mi:. AVai.ti:i: I'akks. Mi:. II vi:i:v C'OM.r.. Mi:. IlM:i:vf:i.KXV All of which will appear nightly In their lif- loii-m opi'i'iaini-. Open air iroiii'ert eerv immag: perronn- aneeeoiiniiencingat s; enlnmee to theatre on Kenton street; prh.tfe boxes on f'hena- inns street. Look outfor flfew stars. - w.ii: as iu:n..i:S! witisoi'T FrHTJir.t: :vtics: I Ami no terms of paee until 1'. I" fer man m.Wnri.i has anew Vi?T. -i 'i'-iii nit of elotlit-N ii..ii: ttv .i2s:.isv. jmts toonlVfrom - S CO IV.nts. Ccuuiiie Trench C.i,uiRTe - 12 ro -Snit-sfroi.! 115 CO The tlnest line nf samples on the coast to select from. !.1.MKANY, . (..LS tcvX, i.et to Hansen's Jewelry sioie . S100 REWARD!! yiU. P.i: PAID UPON INFORMATION 11 leading ti the coin iet ion of an p.my KEI'TLLINC; Peruvian Bitter Botllos. Tin naiins of such persons found guilty will also be published in eer leading news paper. WILMERDING & CO.. San Pranciseo. Cal.. General Agents lor Permian Ritters. l.OEP. & CO.. Agents Astoria. C STINSON iV: CO " BLACKS&11TMNG., At C.ipt. Rogers old stand, corner of (Ms aml.Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good woik guaranteed. w. 3E. njs.BSKis1, ASTORIA. OREGON D?oUiiSandNFcy PATENT HSDIGIESS, ETC. j USPrescriptions carefully coiiipoM'uledl.it all hours. -Homeopathic fineturis and Pelhty, :ma uumpiire) s hiH'cmcs also sepi. ;r-flt-rr;xJJaJJJCj.ty)CV f . . . . . Z LlffjJfjiijjl)! I A IsU - - 8 X s! " 2 H lC2Jfl?s!1l &w g k El i&fe" sa loil T W s&mWwB3 I i I I . - -THE- OF- Ladles' Oloaks, ALSO- Dress and II H Ml II ! I IK ll I III III !! MtJST BE SOLD ggSpeeial indiiccments offered Bv order jNTOTIGK. rl'o save ep(-e, wo hereby notify all persons indebted to the Cali fornia Stoie, ili.it a .speedy settlement is necessary. Action will be taken to colleet same .10 das from date of tins notice. By order of Ci editors. Astotia, Oregon, July 25th, 1882. isft CIS ,DR TO JACKIXS S. -MONTGOMERY.) .KiXr. i?JlllllllliwL pS ceitKi: or .haix a.vi ASTORUja, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUrAGTURF.r. OF FIT ;DviriTUB,E AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, I lll!n!niM rE.rtnf I nnr, fnalnitin '"",auw 3dus, e-tiua uuiiaino, rtuiutcf icuicdauu muuiumya, i "WINDOW COKNICES AND CURTAIN TOLES Complete in MARTIN OLSEN, DK.U.KI: IX WS FITR.NITUE.E ? BEJDING. Cnrncr lain anil Siixicmuiina Street. Astoria. Oregon. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC. A Complcec StnvU. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. I ATJL KBSBXS OF rrRXSTl'lSE u n -. 11 it a 111 5 gj h g - S kS 2- s kSZh&s rTTrn'if n w -j o u; .ii -.- f w jz . tOj fcE3 J? c 5 i;-SQ?.85 g g-- .. f -e LgJ l'i i fit 111". w P III n It i aata - vt r- " P sre c 5t K HHHBB a. . fsst a 5 ft & s&m if$ m m Piiifiiiliiis f ' ;30.-n-Kwag?iff ta-r.. T STOCK Dolmans, etc. Dry Goods This nreels of Creditors a A STORE ;oxnery, OKAI.KUS IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for 'Msigop Stoves and Ranges The Host in the market. Piiiuibuig goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. .h:iti:j:sox stuebts, OREGOHT. 5S BEDDING iTJfAtiiMis ITnnmnn nnrl llniililiHfia every bnmcli. IJr.PAIKUD A51 VARNISHED. S s si 5-4 - ! . gg rf --i BMi