?s-- j-' 2 -sr ijVrcr -,. I r "L'lH' ;UHiTl A3tOXiTvv ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY AFGUST 1JL !.-' ---- --f - - -- ISSU55D EV3P.Y MORNIKG. .Mwadsy Kxcoitoit. .1. F. HALL.ORAN COMPANY, !'i:r.i.!-iirii- pl,i:ori:irTOi:-. Tarms o? Subset i;twn : .iiideictl likely that freight will tun , rmrJbyCamor. rcrw&ek --''i exceed 'seventy shillings, and ov.-n .k Z !i;on"yoar!Ll'IZr.'?i f.1 lr.ultful if they lunch that figure. j Fre.- r,T Postaac to Subscriber. c" .ivcrti-t'ients inserted bytho. inr h( h ate of 51 . ior square per month. ' " J IranjjentJtdvcrtMnK. by tbe Jar or week.ltrial was exemplified bv the crowd in J rTtn . tinrPniiftriLnnftAll it1C"lir.l ' 7iiL3 fVl ."( V V Uiwi !"- -V THEJHTY. Tin: Daii-v ASTOJMAX will be tail ha nutilafZiecnt innalh.frcf. of portage. Head er m'Jio contemplate aticncc from Vic city can iiiiv Tin: Astokian follmr than, Daii.v r Wkkkia fdilttm toanu purt-nfcr ictth on midlUoiial crpcne. jltUlrc way be Twinged ax often ok t1elrcd. Ixarc order at the eountlna room. " The Wolfe has 8000 capea salmon aboard. The Jas. G. liain will clear to-day with 20,000 cases. Do you know of any city in the noithwest, of Astoria's size or wealth, that has no gas works? -The Levi O. Burgess, Ullock and Valparaiso have arrived at Queens town; the Emily Chaplin has arrived at Liverpool. Twenty thousand dollars have been apportioned to Oiegon for public surveys, out of the 000,000 voted by congress for that purpose. The barge No. 1, of the Astoria Transportation company, is expected down to-da with half a million bricks for the new Odd Fellow's building. Lieut. Schwatka was hist 'Wednesday to Miss Bracket t, of Rock Island, Illinois, niece of Major Brackott, at the residence of the bride's parents. La Mascotto was played io a ciowded house last night. After tho parts run smooth, and tho voice of the prompter is heard les3 frequently it will be a delightful opera th hear. Columbia river salmon sells in London at thirty-hvo cents a can. This ought to afford an excellent profit to the middle man. At London figures the cargo now aboard the Wallaceton would sell for $1,075, 200! ! We arc informed by parties interested in the matter tliot a. pe tition will be prepared in a few days, praying the legislature to grant a charter to the corporation about to be organized, conveying the right of way in tho case of the projected wagon road to Clatsop. Parties from Tillamook report that all kinds of shellfish arc in abun dauceatand near Garibaldi. Quahnugs, razor-backs, blue clams, mussels, crabs, oysters and other molluscs are daily caught in largo quantities. The Tillamook Packing company hare al ready put up about one hundred bar rels of salmon. Tho Gen. Miles arrived back from Tillamook yesterday . She brings sev- oral passengers. To-day she starts from John Daj''s river with a raft of 1,000,000 feet of logs for Portland. This vessol Is fast getting up a reputa tion for promptness and speed. She will make another trip to Tillamook in about eight or ten day. - -Lieutenant Frank Greene, V. S. signal corps, returned on Sunday from a reconnoissance of tho telegraph line between Astoria, Forts Canby and Stevens. He reports the routo per fectly practicable and easy for con struction. Ho left again on Tuesday for Port Townsend, for tho purpose of viowing the route from that point to Capo Flattery. He is expected to re turn hero about Saturday. Vancouver Independent. The Wheat Fleet of '82. It is a noticeable fact that every day vessels are arriving in which are not listed, and, in a measure, are unex pected. Usually, it is telegraphed when a vessel leaves port for the Co lumbia, and, in former years, some thing liko an estimate could be made of tho amount of tonnage on tho waj'. This season uo procurable data is at hand upon which any intelligent esti mate can be made. 'Tis said that 'tis for the purpose of preventing any Mich calculation, that the movements of vessels impart such a delightful sense of novelty to every arrival. Ale-ii who ought to know, say that the high freights of last winter were greatly due to the fact that evorythimj was "gauged," nnd as tho wheat had to be moved the freights had to be paid, no ",llei if they did go to ninety-two shillings and bix-pcnce. It is, on the contrary, the opinion of others thai the high freights of last ; winter woo owing simply t the f:t tli.it. the stimilv tf vc!s was not eual to the demand. IV that as it jinny 'tis not at all likely that any such 'fancy charters can ho proeuied this season as were flying at omid begging ' last Dc-ombtr. it is manifest thai j there will b plciilv id veto's, and j The Bain Trial. The interest manifested in this! attendance at yestet day's .scsmoii. ; The fourth day of the trial began by an examination of nearly two dozen different witnesses relative to the character of the deceased; some of the testimony was favorable, some un favorable, on the whole it would seem ab.uit evenly balanced. After this had been finished a recess was taken for the purpose of allowing the court and jury to examine the "premises where the act was comuiitcd, at eleven o'clock couit having reassembled, arguments began. V. 1). Winton, associate counsel for the prosecution opened for the state, lie held that no bias or sympathy or personal con sideration should have any part in this case, the sole function of the jury being to neigh the evidence adduced, and under instruction from the couit bring in a verdict that i, as their judgment dictates, in accordance with the facts, and consistent with justice, lie claimed that the testimony estab lished an existence of intent on the part of the defendant, -ttiul that the plea of self-defenco was rendered untenable by reason of thcallegedfactthat he,(the defendant) was the aggressor and bo- marneituoie tnrowing mo ax expressed ins i , . . I,- intention to kill. 3Ir. Winlon spoke for nil hour, and at the clo.su of his remarks court adjourned to half-past one. . Upon reatseinbling, the argument for tho defense was begun by C. W. Fulton, who, with Jnd E. C. Bro- naugh and .1. Q. A. Bowlby. has con ducted the defense throughout. Mr. Fulton line of argument was that if defendant thought that he was in dan ger from deceased, he w:ls justified lit taking such neceswiry precautions as he saw fit at the time. He was not of the opinion that tho charge was justified by the facts of the c:tse, and going into tho details of the case, took up the testimoivy and commented upon it. He spoke for an hour and was listened to with intense interest bj' the densely-packed assemblage. He ap pealed to the jury to save the boy from the gallows by bringing in a ver dict of acquittal, believing that tho true judgment of the case would necessarily entail such result. Ho was followed by Judge Bronaugh, who argued first on points of law and then defining tho grades of crime, passed into an analysis of the testi mony. Ho impeached tho validity of the asset (ion that an ax was Jlnng through the door, or that Bain hit- Alexander in the face with a stick on the occasion of his coming out of the shop the Vccoud time. Fur ther discussion of the testimony nnd arnmcnt justified, tho counsel claimed, his request that tho jury weih well such evidence. Judge Bronaugh made an affecting peroration and claimed that to f-end the defend ant to the penitential' would be to blast his chances for life. He was followed by District Attor ney Caples, who closed for tho prose cution. Mr. Caples reviewed the entire case, and insisted that sympathy had no part in tho esse and demanded that justice be done. The whole molancholy affair was gono over for the last time in court, and at half past four the district attorney concluded his remarks. The judge then charged tho jury, who were removed in care xf tho sheriff to deliberate and render a verdict. At twelve o'clock last night they had not agreed upon a verdict, and it was manifest that there w.i a deadlock. Will have Ice cream at Hooe's .Sat urday evening and all day Sunday. Occident Block. Hpecial .Votire. Attention i.s directed to the Annual meeting of the O. F. L. & B. 'ociation next Thursday. A full attendance is of the utmost importance. A. .H. There will Ikj a .-pedal meeting. Sun day, August 0th, at o'clock r. m for the purpose of electing divi.-ion officers for the ensuing year: also to transact any business that may come belure the. meeting. All member.- in good stand ing aie sc queued to attend. -M. F. Kki.i.'v . Seel'. Novelties in household articles at Fo-tei-. --The -Always handy' stovepipe shelves at John A. Montgomery's. Remarks from au "Old Citizen." AsTontv, Aug. 17, 1SS2. Ki. Asiidtt.w: It is u good thing to h.ivc : high opinion of ones self, ami lirnily believe Uhat one is the high and mighty-know-- all and do-all, hut thtre is po-sihly Mich a thing as carrying that fueling to excess and make olios kvlf -omen hat ridiculous The Ietar of .Mr. Win. M:icCaim, of Liverpool, to the Roaid of Trade is an illunvalion. The yen- ileman may be actuated by the best .fl. , ,, .. ., nAVf motive - , but paitly thn.nyh miipire- S III bClt K)l UlL, lit A I heiw.ii. pcthaps mill partly through O (j (JayS QIll V, HatS jllis overweening si-ii-enncvii, hc mis written a letter which shows ignorance 1 - If - 1- 1 . of the facts, w is a most wilful mis- ! representation, and calculated to give towage here, nnd also the number of disasters which have oecuri ed that the Columbia river bar can bevsponsiblc' I unnn.e the Portland board of! trade and not Mr. MacCunn should bo - . ... held responsible for the statement that there were five wrecks on the Colum bia river bar within the past twelve months, whereas there was but one wresk which was in charge of a tug boat; the bark Corsica and the Edith Lorn went ashore in attempting to sail out. That there were three or four other vcssols lost at various points on the coast, in the neighborhood of the bar, without either tug or pilot, should not be charged to the account of the Columbia bar. The next gross miirepivsentation is in regard to the monopoly business, leading shippers to believe there is a monopoly here, granted by the state, whereas the state has had nothing to do with the towage business for up wards of five years, and at the time it did give a subsidy to encourago parties to put tug boats on the bar, it was universally conceded to be a wise and beneficial .thing for a state to do. It is not my intention to hold forth the idea that the present tug boats on the bar will answer the purpose for all time, but when I see such one-sided articles in regard to the business as appears in the Oregonian of the 10th inst., and proceeding from such a re spectable source, a regard for commer cial decency and fair play induces mo to protest against such unfairness. Old CtTi.Kt. The Deschutes River. Tho Deschutes river is one of the most romantic and beautiful sticams in tho state. It rises on tho eastern slope of ;he Cascades north of Mount Thielsen in the northern part of Lake county, Hows in a northeasterly direc tion, a distance "of about 200 miles, and empties into the Columbia a few miles above The Dalles. It supplied chiclly by the snows of these moun tains, and is icy cold from its source to the mouth. Over one hundred miles of its length is through the rough, wild and almost barren portion of this county, known as the laa beds and riiurocks, though in many places it has valleys, which aro settled by thrifty stockmen. It's truly aston ishing to see the amount of water car ried off through its channel. Its depth docs not vary two feet during the wholo year. Some of the wildest and most magnificent scenery is found along this stream, mairy views of which have been taken, and aro now in the possession of the citizens of this place. It is not navigable for any great dist ance in any place, on account of tho extreme swiftness of its current. But the most beautiful feature of this nng niiiccni stream is the variety, and im mense numbers of trout found in its waters. Anyone but a murderer at heart becomes ashamed of himself after fishing in this river for a day or two. Sixty fish an hour is very fair, if not good angling, but this feat has been accomplished in the Deschutes. The fish are trout, no other kind ever being caught, except an occasional Avhite fiah. Thcso trout vary in length from six to eighteen inches, embracing the soveral varieties of mountain trout, silver-sides, red-sides and sal mon trout. From its source to a dis tance of pcihaps a hundred miles, it is a continuous tonent a series of cataracts and falls. In many places for miles its banks are over a hundred feel iu height, in some places rising per pendicularly one hundred and titty, or two hundred feet. PrincW' Vciv. Mr. .lohn Rogers of the Central Mar ket. ha- made arrangements to keep al he finest fre.sli hsli, etc., in ineir sca.-on 1. J. Goodman, on Chenaiuus street. has just received the latest and mosti fashionable stylo of gents and ladies i Hou.se of live to seven room-, for fain boots, .shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for y of two. For a suitable house a good the famous Morrow shoes. rent will be paid. Applv to tin- Ouice. 1're.sh iitiit received at C.A.May's by everv .-teamer. No stale trash. Every variety of Oregon and California fruit always on hand. Fabre's ice cream is the best. Fine, cutlery at Carl Adlcrs. Mocha coffee, at A. M. Johnson's. HATS! HATS! HATS! AT PRICES BELOW COST ! I have purchase i j Ollfil'C SciTUplC HlK ,, . p . ,.. 01 1 HG IlllGSu (UcMll' (' T-T.f 1n(l 011') l" '" I V OWIl 1)1100, JllHl i f ' i& 110 V 1")S tit pl'lCCS ' - v,nY uoi Mll FrqiJ- ' " -iv t , i i j U.1 1 IA-1 C 1 1 1 our VvD i v qJi,qqcq 11011). 011 1 at OllCe cllld Gt H. - 3UE. X. X-L-A-IPtfT, Mt-ichant Tailor, Hatter and Clothier. 1'et'UViun Hitter Ciacbona Kubra. The Count Cinchon vra the .Spaniel Viceroy in Peru in H5.T0. The Counter, his wife, was prostrated 13' an intermit tent fever, from which she was freed by the use of the native remedy, the Peru vian bark, or. a it was called in the language ol the country, 'Quinquina. Grateful for her recovery, on her return to Europe hi !(, she introduced the remedy m Spain, where it was known under virions names, until Linna-iiN rnllril U fiiiplinnn. in honor of the htttv who had brought them that which was! more precious man me gom oi i ne inea-.. To this day, 'after a lapse of two hun dred and fiftv years, science has given ns nothing to take Its place. It eirectu nllv cures a morbid appetite for .stimu lants, by restoring the natural tone of the stomach. It attacks excessive love of liquor as it does a fever, and destroys both alike. The powerful tonic virtue of the Cinchona is preserved in the Peruvian Bitters, which are as effecthe against malarial fever to-day as they were in the days of the old Spanish Viceroys. We guarantee the ingredi ents of thee bitters to be absolutely pure, and of the bet known quality. A trial will atify you that this i- the bet bitter in the world. "The proof of the mnldimr is in 1he eatiif-'. and we ! willingly abide this test. For sale by all druggists, grocers aim liquor dealers. Order it. Loeb &Co., agents for Astoria. A CIti. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv ous weakness, early decay. los of man hood, etc., 1 will send a recipe that will cure you FJIEE OF UHAI'GE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a elf addressed envelope to the J'ev. .Ioski-h T. Ixmam, Station 1), New York City. It Never Fails. If all other remedies have failed In afford relief there is one that will never disappoint you, and that one is Syrup of Fig--. The -trong ami the weak alike find it powerful for good. 1 Iai inlc-.s, yet thorough, always giving strength to the bowels, so that regular habits may be formed and the sy.-tem lc-tored to a licalth condition. Kach half dollar bottle contains from twenty to thirty average do-e-. and the dollar bottles more than double. For ?alo by W. K. Dement. Druggist, who ha- been ap pointed agent for Astoria. Hodge. Davis & Co.. wholesale agents Poi Hand. Oregon. Skinny Men. Well- Health Jlencwcr. Absolute euro for nervous debility and weakne-s of the generative function:. -SI, at drug gists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS CO.. Cortland, ur. Always Hefreshine. A delicious odor is imparted by Flore.-ton Cologne, which is always refreshing, no matter how freely used. Aieyou made miserable bv Indi-gestioii,Coii-tipatioii.Di7.iues. I.ns- of appetite, Yellow .skin'.' Shiloh's Yilal izeris a po.sitive cure. For sale bv W. K. Dement. I'on't Die in the Hnsc Ask druggist- for -Hough on Hal-." It clears out' rals. mice, bedbug.-, roaches, vermin, thes, ants, insects. ."e per !k. All scurf and tartar disappear From mouth and teeth, though dark and dry ; And all beconus fresh, pure and clear. If we but SOZODONT apply. That magic wash all now confess Give- to the mouth new lovcliue. . Urace. up the whole system with King of the Blood. See Advertisement. Astoria Ire Iepnt. Frank Fabie i- now prepared to .-apply families, restaurants, hotels, saloons, etc., with pur mountain iceon the prem ises. Fresh ice cream ever, day . Calls parties and dinners supplied witii ice cream at shoit notice. Wood -for Sale. 1 have, almut .six hundred md fifty cords of dry hemlock, which 1 will sell for cadi at $:i.r ikt cord. 1 will deliver j Ihe wood to my customers. i;. i:.jiAi:io.. S-'uriitsbed Koonis to Let At Mrs. Mun-nn's lodging house. Wanted to Kent. Classen & Oerkwilz have Iioughl the branch Candy store next to .Steven- Co's book stoic, and will hcieafter run boih place-. Fresh candy always on hand. " What is nicer on a warm day than a dish or that exquisitely llavored ice cream that Frank Fabre makes ? MAGIC BALM. J& flfev -t --5j- - "" TS2 s55Jr"''-fc;-TrVi? Jfcrir . --- '5?i?i5 BL- - '555ei r nf' JXBRP T-P The ;reat Australian Kemedy for RHEUMATISM! Tootliuehe. Xctii'algiii.BachHvlio Sehitiea. ont. T.iiuilno. S limine nul Swellings. Etiirns mid NcnltK. Chilblains. ISriiisc.s.ileaUaolie. Frosted l-Vot :inl Knr.s. Sore Throat, Ialu in the Chest, 5-Iar Ache. Corns ami IStiuioiis. And all Ilodilv Pains. This renowned Australian Kemedy is made exclusively ol Australian herbs ruwn by I he Uerin ins of tin rosewood scrub district, (hici'ii-laml. Australia, who make herb vul ture a .specialty. It doe- not contain ati ioisoii(tis liigicihrnts whatever, and ! the BEST PREPARATION in the world for the above complaints. A Perfect Cure iuaraiitccd in Ev ery Came. It cu-t-but Go cent- ikt bottle, and it is simply foolishness for these who are sutler m pain not to it.se it. Full Directions accompany each Dottle. Sold bv all Druggist.- and l'atent Medicine Dealer-. PROF. 31. A. SCOTT Jc CO., Sole Proprietor A. ."llanuraeturerM Xos. 'il 'J.", and . i:rldc street. Callu rat. Victoria. Australia. .-.UKKICAV TrtFFOT - -Santa tiara, Cal. IV :. l)KIi:XT, Sole Agent for Astoria, Oregon. Elegance and Purity. Ladies who appreciate elegance, and purity are using Parker's Htiir IJal sani. It 13 the best article sold for re storing gray hair to its original color, beauty and lustre. A sure cure for dyspepsia. The Oregon P.LOOD PURIFIER. Use before meals as directed. If vou want nice fresh lard, or good .-ugar-euied hanis. just from the coun try go to F. I j. Klberson's bakery. For tin genuine ,J. II. Cutter old Doiirbon. ami the be.-l ot wines. Honors and Sau Francisco beer, call at the Gem oiqxisile the bell tower, and see Camp hll. When vim want nure drugs and chemical- of any kind, go to J. W. Conn- drug -Ion, opposite Occident hotel. -A Xa.-al In lector free with each bottle of Shilnff- Catarrh. Remedy. Price ."hi cent Sold by V,E. Dement. Melnlo-h ha- received the largest and nioit complete .-lock of hats in the city. Men's sizes from ivji to fd. Remember Frank Fabre's ice cream. It i- par excellence. - Puv-iciaii-" prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at .1. W . Conn- drug -ton, opnrsite Occident Hotel. l're-h j a fty and caramels every day at the A-loriaCandv Factory. .Main St. loH.v P. Ci..ssi:.n. .1. C. D.ivid-ou. photographer. Port- l.iiid. lill retains the m-Mtiv cs taken at Astoria laJ year, and will furnish dupli cates from them on -hurt notice. His laud-cape view.-are much admired and iu large demand. dvvlm A great vegetable Tonic for delicate females, is Pfunder'.s Oregon I.LOOD pruiFii-i;. l.-e instead ol unwholesome cos metics, G i.kxn's Sri.t'inn: So.vi. -lln.i.- ll.vin AMWinsicni: Dyi:," ." ct.-. Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, hronc nlis. whoonimr cough, croun. in Iluen7.u, consumption, and all throat and ping complaints. ,v cents andf-l a bot tle." Foi Dy-pepsia andLiver Complaint, vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of fcliiloh's A'italizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Le-sons given in Wax and Paper apei Ap- ilowers taught m the latest style ply at the City Rook .store. slld.oil Cn:r. will immediately relieve Croun. whooning cough and i Rioiiehiti-. sold bv W.E. Dement. -Sl-.iniuT a- i:like. No. 11. Oak .street Pmtlaud, are thebon ton tailors of tho I metropolis. The 1 ev. ( feo. flT Thayer, of Rour j bon, Ind.. savs: -Roth myself and wife owe our lives loSun.oifs Coxsi'mition ! Ci i:k. Sold by W. K. Dement. j For chill-, fever, ague and weakness. ("oi.iu:x-Lii:i;k;V LiormR::i:K axd Toxic Ixvkjou vtok. CoUtcn's; take no other. Of druggi-ts. Fn-sji iee cream every day at Frank Fabre's. Familii-s .supplied in any quantitv by leaving order. Also the ; iSnest oVntefs cooked to order. Frank i i'jdnvs oysters and ice cream are known j everywhere as par excellence. j Highest price paid for old web and junk. dims. Evaxsox. im Inquire of Foard & Stokes. C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. pLSt-RE j NEW GOODS I have romoved to the KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDING And have, Without j Tie Finest ail Best Arraiet Store ii Onp. j Xewr Goods Received AU the Latest Styles and Jorsrmltimm Call and Inspect Stock and Purchase No trouble to r ) L C. H. COOPER, ASTORIA, June 3, 1R82. ASTORIA M. MEYER ASTORIA, spbciaxi i.---xrcDTT-yogicE-igar,c REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. ILATUJK OKDF.RS IX L1KK TKOPOUTIOK. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - -. SI SO per Dozen Spec!al attention paid to oiiler- u-oru Public Houses aad Families. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY Js5 J?-& JOe 18 Sl'l'KKIOi: TO .MOST. AND l.s JOHN UAHN, - CHENAMUS STREET, V-Outcrs loll at the UKltMANIA ItKKK LOEB & co.,; .lomtKKS.lN WINES. LIQUORS. AND CIGARS. a:i:nts KottTiiK Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. tAll uootls sold at San Francisco I'ricrs, MAIN STREET. Opposite I'urkcr House. Astoria, Oregon, Astoria to Liverpool Direct. The fine Al Ship "Elwell" U61 . tons Register. is now recciviug Cargo, and buviu l:uo engagements will have quick dispatch, to be ' followed by the ! A I iron Barque -AumIc John - twm9 (Ml.' Innu ItsTlclltv. For Freight etc., apply to UALFOCI. OUTUUIE 4 CO., dtf Portland. Oregon The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands who were suffering from tlyspep sia, debility, liver compiaiut, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to any address. Seth W.Fowh , &Son" JJoston. I Why will you cough when Shilolfs known pebplt in our State read locals Hod -Cure will give immediate relief. Price circulars. JOcLs.-iOctsamlSl. Sold bv W. K.De-1,, j Mi er ltlJe Win. Pfnnder's Oregon IJIood Pu- riGer will positively bu found a vain- aoie renieuy ior cnrunio constipation, affected kidneys, dyspepsia, liver com plaint, rheumatism, scrofula, and all ther diseases having their origin in mpuro blood. Manufactured only by Wm. Pfunder & Co., Portland, Oregon. . . f iuif.ii ritiv-a. vtor a Single Kxeeption, by Every Steamer in -" -. Get Prices Whether You or Xot. show goods. y BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. KXCKbl.Kll HY .SONK ON THIS COAit PROPRIETOR, ASTORIA, OREGON. HALL will be promptly httflided io.- FOBTHEBlOOBISTESlire Make uc or the Vegetable KlriRdoiu. Abso lutely the BEST KNOWN REMEOY ! 1 I?or thu Illmill lllld LUcr cxuujiig, New r ld CMIK Vcr. Asue, )-! (Mia. de. 1 JPojai-tiTTO OlXPO FOB Kidney tind RUdder lee, Chroalc Skin TrHe aatl KhcaaMtlSM. Has Stood the Test FOR YEARS. For particulars and tcstimoutals frooi wU To insure a rare take sis. lots for 8100. Your druggist keeps and reconiuiWKlJi It. -k for, and see that you ct thoseaalne, Annual Meeting. IlHEAXNrALMEKTlXadFTHEStoek . holders of tho 0. F. L. S: B. Association will be held at the ball of Bearer Lodge No. 35, immediately afterits session obThursd-j nlRht, August -Jlth, for the election of offi cers for the ensulD year, and lor tbeuaas actloa ot such other DusUass as may " before it. A. J. MEGLKS. Stee I a ynVAT ' ffm TIw PTF lj3p BX01TIBD JWK-S.18ntl. ' wmssm A -,-r.,S