V JUAAMlj-UUH glxe gstHtj slxratou - ASTOKIA-OKEUO SATU11DAY J.I'. H.Lt.U.l. . AUGUST Jw. 1SS2 i al presumption of fraud, and is ' commonly held to vitiate a pol- rni..ic3 It is a common practice in "' many parts of the country. fr Suburban Resorts. persons to iuure personal prop- Witii the filling uj of thelert.v in exce of its valu, with v illamette ettc valley ami the towih ' the consent of auenis, whu&c eom land comes tlu necessity i mission i ther.'tiv increased. Tin- of Portia as well as comfoit. of the citizens J of that city to seek the seacoast. Many camp and occupy the sum- tner hours along- the beach in this vicinity above and below the mouth of the Columbia river. But we would suggest something1 more permanent than a tent or small plat upon the seacoast. The north and south slopes of the land about Astoria afford pleas ant and healthful sites for summer residences. This land can be had at low rates such as will, by annu al increase in value, yield the pos sessors, in time, a good return up on their investment. This land is out of the city, but so near by that one can have the advantages of mail and physicians, near tele graph oflice, and in reach of a daily line of boats to the interior. Here would not be sea bathing, nor the beach and roar of the ocean, but the gentle ripples of Young's bay plaj- along the shores while the silver streams of Young's river and Lewis and Clark's river extend southerly for miles. In the distance looms up Saddle mountain surrounded by blue outlines of lower mountains and hills shadowing the low rass lands along the streams. In time this will become the resident portion of Astoria, but at present is sufficiently outside and secluded for all camping purposes. Jay A. Hubkell, the managing man of the Republican congres sional committee, is doing better WQrlc for the Democrats than for his own party. The assessment circulars signed by him and sent to every person in the employ of the government, have aroused a feeling of intense disgust among hundreds of thousands of Repub licans, who will not support such jl machine as he proposes to run, no matter what may be the results. They believe that if the country is to be disgraced b the acts of men in office, the Democrats had belter have the reputation of doing it. The true purpose of Republican ism is to suppress just such abus-sj as Hubbell takes pride in defend ing. Edison is tli most promihinir man of iho ago. A week or two ago, he announced thai ho was al ready to light a oortain section of Xew York city with hi eleetrio lights, but there has boon auothor indefinite postponement. Poihaps he has not invented anything after all. Or the speculators who are backing him may find i! more profitable to defer operations until a later day. If his alleged inven tion is not a failure his company must be drawing a larger revenue from the gas companies than they could derive from the business of furnishing- electric lights. Somu of the experts in a recent murder trial have sued the man they saved for the fee. The whole expert business at, murder trials is becoming a farce, because men can be found to swear for the side which will pay them best. Pay ment to these? as to other wit nesses; in this manner, ought to be declared bribery. Men of special knowledge, or who make a special study into a case ought .to be paid by the government, and bo relieved from the temptation to swear the iway-which will do their patron the most good. TnE decision of Judgo J!)e:t(ly, which we gave a few ilays ago, j causes no' little comment amongst 1 the loggers of our countv. The! lo! gist of the whole matter is that the railroad company has no right to give any one leave to cut tim ber on their unearned timber lands, and any one doing so is subject to thevrebute of the law. ' Over-Insurance. Tin: insuring of propeity for more than its true value, is a le- impression extensively pit-vans, tnat tMe f,1'l amount of a policy; w' "e paid, m case of the do struction oi. propeity, in spite of the publicity that is often given to its falsity. Many incendiary files arc doubtless the work ot person who have an excessive insurance t on personal property; they think that they can recover from the insurance companies all that is called for by their policies, ami do not care if half a city is destroyed in consequence. This is a constant source of danger to the ewne: .f buildings; their tenants are ii.i!.,.- i to get over-insurance and burn them out. As arson is vcrv dif ficnlt of piooof such matters are not often ventilated in court, but the "loser' whoe personal prop- I crty was unduly insured soon makes the discover that he can only collect for the damage he can prove, and abandons his at tempt. For the protection oft owners of buildings, if not foi the benefit of insurance companies, there ought to be a law which will put a stop to the practice of over insurance, by punishing the agent as well as the injured in such cases. Responsible underwriters would gladly aid in the enforce ment of such a measure, and as the ofiense would be easy of de tection, the abuse might cense altogether. It is now increasing rapidly, and has become so con spicuous that it calls for a remedy. Indeed, in some cases, theie is hardly an effort on the part of an agent to conceal the fact that he knowingly insured property for more than it was worth. NEW TO-DAY -ask you Union India Rubber Company's I'nre Para Gum Crack Proof RUBBER BOOTS. InTrt'AKH OP I.M1TVTI0XS' . !. nif the Htntts ate Mainpcd t HACK VllOUF on the heels, and have UwVCItE Vl'M Sl'JtlXas eta the foot and inW', uhlch prevent their cnickin or lireakuit:. AVo are now inaUiPR thein with i:rn;n:tt AXDASliESTHS Sole which will make them last more than inlca- lon;;a anv Knlthcr Hoots matte. TOlt S.VI.K IIV Al.l. DKAI.KJJS. A 1.1. KINDS la'UIJKi: P.KI.TlXi:. 1'ACK- isa. jiosi:. spkixgs. clothing. 1500TS AND .SHOlIS.ele. :ODY11tSS Kl'BItF.R ". :: San Francisco. Notice. WILL S.UL FOi: YAQUINA, AND COOS BAY, Oh. ot alont the UOth last.. or(i afiT. For Freiftlit or Paajre. itnjiiire at tin f-tn-e, on Main Mrect Wharf. Id .I.G.llUSTI.HK.ApiH. City Taxes. NOTlCi: IS HERKP.Y GIVFN TMAT I SIF. 'it aSM'stnent ill for l-"2 is mm in inj hands for collection, and all person tnat arc indehted for the same may s:ie five jer cent Jiv paying wld l:tes hefoie Ati. UMh, is .i. ;. hfstu:i:, Clt j Treasittvr. Notice. -ftTKlTlIFj; TIIK CA1TATX NGK Till: 1.1 Coit-jpnees of the llritish liark Wolfe will he resHinsihle for any dehts thai ma hi- contracteil hv the crew. .l.KEID, blaster. .stoiia, Oregon, August 7, IS2. did liOST. AP.VSS-IiOOK WITH THE HIKKKNIA Savings and I.oan Society of San I'litn ciseo. in the name of Margaret Graham t Daniel Graham. No. CtlTS. lite finder wilt please ret tint to lUnk. .lnlyili. 1CAL d-.t AI'ASS-nOOK WITH THE HlP.EliMA Savings and Loan Society of San I'nni cisco. in the name or Battholomew NaIl. No. 90,537. Tlie finder will please return io Bank. July 17Ui 1SS2. d-.'.t Meeting of Pilot Commissioners. h. c. coMi:c.ys. ii-:' ICa'ama, V.. T. AiiRiist S. lsi aio -J " T I ( A Q" V V-y-ti-v-J-J5 LMl'tWrKU ANfllVIiOLlISALEAND UK TAIL i)KALJ:it IN flT115 i.iTi 1 T Ka i.iTlftTT 1 TiTT4TfTl bfJSiJXliMlj JiLMbnJyXlJidft Corner Clienanms and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - - OBEGON niiwkiiij ui i imi vuiiiiiiiddiuiibio. i ii .u uie. nae ill lliai IliaiKT. A MEETING OF Tni: HOARD OF Pdot , ,. .. Y- 1'A-:,-ElI. Coinmls.sioners for Washington Ten Ho- - ' ,m Assivir of r-.willbehe!datllwaco, AV.T..on Thurs-: . -. , t hitMipi omti.v.OKn dav.Augnst2Itli.lW2. BvorderoflhePoard. Asti.iu.Aiuu-.l .. Ksi dm nuiiTiriii ill v.iiix i.inniiiick'inMurf A. V. Allen (srecisou 'io r.K & allkx.) . !, aill tvt V tr.4lri III Qro aeries Prvvi&fongj Qreeker, GlaSS anil Plated Ware, TJ.OPH'AI A XI) DOMKSTH'. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together Willi YiaeMiprs.TotaecoiCipre '' - :,,", n,,w! "h-ic " h"" - 5 hn.vir " " .... .. inier nf f.Ks ami Siuieiiiivn.hi Klivels, ASTOIHA. Ol.WIOX. MAKTIX rOAIMK .1. .). TKi:S FOARD & STOKES, "Wholesale ami retail dealers In TPoorl aad Willow-ware, GROCERIES. Tobacco, Cigars. Wines and Liquors 1'OKKIfiX AND nOMKSTK'i Fi 7a.? a v cl Y eg eta bias FLOUR, EiE'EX, AM' COUNTRY PRODUCE. AND General Commission Merchants ASTORIA, OKKftOX. Ncl to Onon Hallway Xai . va" . iUav PACIFIC HOUSE. OYSTERVILLE, - - W. T. tiii Allies ftoiu IIAVACO. Stai' o tu-ct ing Daily. Fare. - - tl x Prfsai.l hy I he Day. Hoard livlhe Week :H CO o !!. riam, etc.. kept coitNltintlv on han'd and ned in any sljle. without rint 'harr'. .ifi..'?i.'.i;iti "tsii:i:s. Proprieloi. WILLIAM HOWE ila!iiglatel letniiicdfiomKritNhColinii li:t, is to he foiiiiit at Ins ol.D STAND IV OKAYS P.F1I.DIN. When he is doins Blt;sEM'IiASK XVOUU O.VI.V. Notice. TIMU: W11AP.F ONCE KXOWX AS THE JL N. P. T. t'oV.. and later a? Hustler's wharf, will, together with tin whaif now in proeiss f i-on! ruction. Ie hen-after kttuwti a the .Main street Whaif. I.G. Ill STLEl:, Agent. Notice to Taxpayers. IT M NOW ASSESSING AND COI.LIXT- ing the Slate and Coiutlv Poll taxes, and will i-onti'iuc until all arc collected. PcrMi.shainglaali!e propei1 in Clat sop County are alsoicqucNlctl to jjlve in to mo statements of all .such pmprriv for a- -.ssiiient. w. w. pai:"Ki:i:. Coimlx Asm-su Clalsop Co.. Oiegon. A t Tin. August ". I sS2. I f $500 Reward. We will paj the ahove reward for auvcasc ofl.ier Complaint. Dystepsi.i. Sick Jleiul adie, indigeation. Constipation ir Costlve ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetahle LHer Pills, wiien the directions are .strictlv coinpliwl with. They are purelv Vegetahle, and never fail to ghe stitisfaetion. Sug:ir coated. I-nrge hoxes. containing : Pills, 23 cents. For .sale by all Druggists. Itewah'of count ei felts and imitations. The genuine manufactured onlv hv Joiix C. "Wkst & Co., "The Pill Maker." lsl ami 1C W. Madison St.. Chicago. Free trial package sent hv mail prepaid onicrelpt el a 3 cent .stamp. W. lu Dement, agent. Equalization of Assessments. hjetkm: is hekep.y given that ox J-N the last Mondn in Aus:iLst. lSs2, the Iloard of I'qualiJitioii if Clatsop countv will attend at the ofih-e or the Countv CletK in said county, and puhlich examine' the as sosiiieiit roll for the purine f conectiug all errors therein. In the valuation. leerip Ileii or juahlyof lauds, lots or otlier prop er!;. :and it Is the duly or all neiM-ns mter esti'd to apiK.ar at .said Po.ir.l al that time ana piece wiui ineir complaints or icquests Dress Making. r.v l'', a'". "W' Mr Kogen' ludi,- ,,,",M' - - - . - : FOR SAI.E. a moii:rx wilt iiousk oy five "- i:ooms,ith Lot .V) bv 100 feet. Bay vtndows. etc For lurther Information aud rice Inquire ofj c. W. SHIVELY. he BossCoffee and Tea Pot S T& a e TWO DOOttS EASTIOF OCCIDENT, WILLAMETTE, UNIVERSITY. :i50SttiIitf and '2il I,r4lVjors ami Instructors. Four ilifToront course in tin t'olliin ami .slv in Hie Aeuleiny intlailin :i Itn-hii'v,; course ami Teachers" rom-e rnr which liiI- mas are awarded. 'Iwent-tw new moms added to the Ayoman's Cotlei-. S144.00Kall it coMs a eimi: hkiii !r tuition and Itoanl for a year. ; S1H5.00 i all that it ei.-ts a la.I for ltd- Holland lwarl in the W"iii:tn' Oidlcm a , venr efl-Kii:TTi:i:M i:r.cis M:rn:MP.i:i: ''iSSdfl.pCMiiioBu.-io , Tltiw. an Scoy. I'ri'siileiil. d-al-lui Salcin, Onon. SIR. TOM CHRISTY MAGNUS C. CROSBY,!"'"- """"JL.Si."" !":""" Dealer tit HARDf AEE, IBOM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fiiiinys, PLI'MliKKS AXP STICAI FI'ITICUS Goods and Tools. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON T!H AND COPPER. Caiery aid mam Supplies Vfnuop Tin Worn nnri Ututcr. wW.wH .... ..w.w ..w ..uws.U C.,niehiiiri Pnnn, & uiiiiauiiiu, uuuuo. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON. TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done iviih neatness and dispatc!:. None tmt llrt class workmen employ ed. A large assortment of SCALED Goastantly on i:.iud. X,. K. g. sivjcxt-ss:. ImiMirtcranil Wholesale dealer hi Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc., Etc., j nt- j.iijii-si .inn iiiit-si suvi t'l tit-i-isi-iiaiiei niul Anil)iT"iMnl.sin theeilv. Pnrtieol.ir :it- tentiou paid Io orders from" the eoiiutiv and vessels. Glteuamusstrect. Astoria. Oregon. THKO.P.UACKKir. Manager lA. Y;m Duscn & Co. yoru t:iijpi:cTpr:.i.y call tiii: attention of the Puhlieto the fact tliat the are Agents 'or the fnllouin sewing liKitliiii. s. u : Tin- Iiti'i'( 4i! Sinr. Tin AVIm-. TIit'CroMii Whiehlhey are elliit: fmm 3.". tui.lO. oneh and ilcfy 'oinpetition. Persons uiliiim to piuchasc iu:uliii:e should call and inspect our stock liefoienir chasiiiKelsewliere. as wejriurantce titgivi peircet satisf.mlon as regards fju:lii and price. Benton Street Improvement. XOTIC'K is hereby ahen that the Common Council of the City of Astoria propose to order the imptou'P.u'nt of that portion of Jlcnton Stu-et from the south side of Concomly .street to the north side of Court street in AlrCltire'.s j. Asiona, by plankiux 11k- same through the center twenty feet in width with new and Found three inch plank. and unless a remonstntnee signed hy; the owners of two thirds of the luoner- tv fronting ou said lMrtinn or said street be hied with the Auditor and Cleric ;ilimt.ii. .i..vrr... i.n ..oi ,.,.i.i: tionoftliisnmice,vi7.:At.gust:wii.lssljli; the Common Council will order aW Im- aninteed riulri'- c,,,tMl uori jn ovement to be made. ' ZJ-1 '. : llv order (if the Common f'nnueiL f.c. oiiis is, .uuuor aim i leiK. Astoria, August 9th, 18S2. Street Grade Notice. jsuiiue. is uereov aiven mat uiei Common Council of the cit of Astoria nronose to establish the tirade of Wall street, in Shively s Astoria, from the east side of West Fifth streetrto the western limit of said Wall street. The xrxdc to he established as follews: At the crosvj. iiifra nf Wncf tWli ctront- -. Ti.iA ..t WcM Seventh street. 71 feet: at We.M Kihth street, S3 feet; at Wet Ninth street, 7S feet, alwve the hase of grades. Jv order of the Common Council. F. C. NOItltIS, Auditor and Clerk. -Astoria, August 10, lSftf. lOtd Street Grade Notice. NOTICE is hereby iiMi that tin' ! Common Council of this eilj of AMoria I j jirojiose to establish the grade of Couri J , street in McClurc's Astoria, for the easl 1 ern limit of said Court street to the west j side of Lafayette street . The grade to j . he as follows al the crossings of Court and Olney street 41 feet, at Cenevievet street ."jfeeU at Cass sircet lit feet, at I Aloin tfriirt-rnfwh nr ItontAti OnwHt! 1. . , .... -..t ,r.i r. , ..i.nn.. feet, at .Lafayette street 12-J feet, ahove. the base of grades. Ilv order of the Common Council. F. C. XOKRIS, 1 Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, August lot b, 18S2. totd I may r.r. w.i ! E.llHAWKB1 so.K a:kt. Isi. .o:it for !!: i-Minlvt i:ie..' Vntrnl "o.li Sim4- IIBDALLION l) iV . mtam rrniM; a m-i-viai'iy. -l.f tllll lilt ltM V.llll.li:. II fllltlhlVl'lt 'i' rkj-.5u.tr.Hii r . i etiaive. HAWK S. AST011IA. Ol t VARIETIES. OKO.IIII.L, - - - PitOlMSIirrOK. WALTI'.K l'AP.KS. - STACK MAXAfiKi: .,., , New Stars in Xtoiiitl Succession I rii-T'eineiit f f . ,' 1 --, --,,- ilB. JlARRY COJjiiSY . , ., ,. , ... I'nd ntatti. 'ntiiinnii :iiiil Daacer . - miSS MOLLIE CHRISTY S-eri 4iitie tiMMi Tnether with n new ORCHESTBA. . All the Old Favorites Retained. Oprii all liie c:tr. IVtTo:ti::iu;'t- l'. ry ili. KnJlre Iinime or I'm- Si-aitDuc :rr a Ye:'I. ('oiiiprisinall the latest SOKCS, DAKCHS AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre is ciowded liightK. and :U1 ' iKsgsss amusement can not he excelloil. Anbodv wMiimr to speiul a pleasml evening and iing to spend a pleasant evening and MKirklln wit I'lid heautv without uil- seo i gnrity. should improe the opport unit) and ll(- flie company comprises the following well i known Artists Mts-i Paxxii: AYai.tox. Miss Mei.i.m: Cmuvr.. Mi:. Gn.vtu.ES Koiii.ki:. Mi:. Toji. Chi:it . .Mi:. Walthi: J'auks. Mr. 1Ivr Co.vi.k. I Mr. Harry Clkxn. I All of which will appear nightly in their lir- ferent .specialties, i Open air concert ciTveenmir: rerforni- i anceeommcnclmrat S: cntmnco to theatre ; on Pcuton street ; prtate loxes on Cliena- i.uisMn'et. Look out for Xtfew Stars. 11 i V Jr- 9- . t ..-l ..,.. t,..-.. ..r ........k t...i.i . t illlll tfl t IJII' ll M t I" Illlill -30 ni-VQ eveiymau in Asjoila h:is:nle.v iAM?5? 5 VJJ llt "" ,J"'hes ISMfe VAUK KV XIZAXW . vSZ& SS ou ' Pants, Genuine iMfiichC.tssimcre - vd r-o Suits from - - - - 21 W Tin finest line of samples on the coast to I select from. P..I.MKANV, ' Cass stn'et. next to Haie-nfs.Ieuclrj store , " SJOO MM!)!! "! l A. P.K PAID I" POX TM'liUMA'llOX It leadim: to the eontction of any party IMCFILLIXCI Peruvian Biilcr Bottles. 'I he unines of such jicrvinis round guilty will also he itihlLshed in cesvleathn m-ws- 1UJMT. vii..mi:i:dixc ii c.. San Kmnrlseo. Cal., i rt'iieml Agents lor I'enivian I'.itters. l.Or.I". cv CO.. Agents Astoria. J G STiNSON & ) BLACKbfil! FHSNG. I At Ca,. Kilgf.n .(l MMMl Cll .7.i ,...-. o,,,,,; I ..mi.vouri nirtti1. . corner of Cass ' w s:. ZtSJS:3g;E3'-,3?. . ASTOltlA. OKi:(50X S3. hatthciDRUGS AND GHEffiiCALS,. Toilet and Fancy Articles, , . rm-nxm TTrmrmmnc ! PATEKT 33EDICIWSS, ETC.. , , . . usT-rrenptions earcrullv romjioundedMi , Wl HOlirC. t--IIonicopathlc Tinctures and iv:i.is. a '""'" aneemes a..s. .et.i. " ffiavgrgj-!T-ggWKrsrg "2 c?-" 2 -ale: 38 - - " ji o . - -a K tix U S, u m r S 3 ? """ k 3 A &virv Z1 . - bt tv - a 1. 3 r - -.h cj -v t J: g "Silo'' " sd cyr::w to cv tJMKTfarvn. if P3 BfFl53 1? jfalS 4& & s u &&sz &m gsi& iep VTSZrX22?7CrSZE3X: -THE- OF- Ladies' Oloaks, ALSO- and M-CST SB S-Special indiiceiiients offered Bv order ISrOTIOE. To save expense, w hereby notify all persons indebted to the Cali fornia tore, that a speedy settlement is necessary. Action will be tal;en to collect same oO days from date ol" this notice. By order of Creditor. Astoria, Oregon, July 25th, 1S83. St Ct"lMOt: TO .JACKIXS & MOXTGOMEKY.) CJOSSAKX OF ."SIAIX.AXl &STOBXr - CHAS. HEILBORN, MANIIPACTUP.ER OF FURNITTJE-E S? BEDDING AND DEALi:il IN Carpels, Oil Clotli, Wall Paper, Mirrors, ! Window Shades, Lacs Curtains, VVINPOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in cver- hranch. MARTIN OLSEN, i)i:ai.i:i: ix m FUKlsT TUBE orner I?Iu:i niul Squeiuoqna Streets. Astoria. Oi'egon. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC. A Complete ftucli. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AI.I. 22XIJS or rLK?.'ETrS5r: H " w SLU lil. nb I 111 ii'iik n rmnrr-iir-rr -,. - - .. . I & iiisiiiiiiiii..iii msi m S &. EnS e m SB n t -: ; i I Xi $ fa-r II It: i mm &SEEI c5 3 b.2.R$.2 - g r S - a f7J -fc Q 2 Si "' .2 5 &s S ? s "J s -i i $&m "-5 fc vA5 m d m k. a i?" Sss" c 3 S-3 JZ -y ; tc tTPw 5 21 rs. V v: 1 l'tIJ.,gw;i''J fSytCVT-.TUJUAl HfiiG f I sSwlBv zsssst&astsamasKBBEammmamammm PT STOCK Dolmans, etc. Dry Goods OXrX ! III I I U III ! Ill III II !! i Tliis weels of Creditors a A STORE okaixrs ix. Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General As-fortmentrof HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magve Stoves and Kangea The Pest in the market. Pitimhin Koods of all kinds on (hand. Joh work done in a workmanlike manner. .IKFFKIWOX STREETS, OHKCrOir. Picture Frames and Mouldings, m BEDDING. RCP.URLD A2H VAKSISIIED.