--.' v " Astoria, Oregon. Saturday Morning, August 19, 1882. No. 120. Vol. xvn. rz?' 0 She fDnilt) Jt0I0lfttL SECRET HISTORY. Alleged Pacts Explaining the Origin of trie Egyptian Trouble The origin of the present troubles! in Egypt was a speculation of Is mail. He paid 100,000 into the hands of his friends in Cairo, with which they were to buy support for him. Two negro regiments were purchased. He was to land, and these regiments, with Arabi at their head, were to declare for him. After he had spent his money his heart failed him and, then Arabi determined to act with out him. JTe at once tnrned to Constantinople. , and promised large sums of money if he were supported. Then commenced a series of intrigues, into which the French allowed themselves to be drawn. "When Dervisch was sent lo ISgypt his mission was, if possi ble, to patch up some .soit of re concilliation between Arabi and the Khedive, which would have been followed by the deposition of the latlei. The Sultan, how ever, when the crisis came, was afraid of discovery, and, in the end, Dervisch, acting under his instructions, urged Arabi to act with moderation. IJut Arabi knew with whom he had to deal, and lie declined to put himself in Turkish hands in which perhaps he was wise, for lie would have been strangled or poisoned. The gov ernment are to be praised for hav ing cut the Gordian knot by the bombardment of the forts of Alex andria. But they would have been wiser had they taken the precau tion to have some troops at hand. Had 5000 troops been landed Alexandria would not have been burned. Europeans would not have been massacrecd, and the troops of Arabi would probably have gone over io the winninjr side. The landing of English troops would have been justified to Europe on the ground of the inevitable logic of events. Xo one can ior a moment assert that with the means to do so the English admiral would have been blamed for preventing incendiary fires and massacres. lonllon Times. Ruined by Goose Eggs. The meanest man resides in .Merced. His name is William Fahey, and he keeps a hotel. He made a wager with George Soper that the latter could Jiot swallow two dozen raw eggs in twenty consecutive minutes. The wager was for 5, and Soper, as he waited for the eggs, allowed his mind to level in castle-building. He thought how much good he could do with that $25 and how many smiles he would bring to the palid lips of orphans and father less and husbandless. Soper knew he could do it as easv as rolling off a log, and he was just looking out of the window to call in some poor little girl ot boy to get a dollar or two for the poor, hard-working mother, when the eggs were brought in. lie immediately lost all confidence in humanity, for Fahey had rung in twenty-four goose eggs, not one of them weighing less than half a pound. Soper don't go to Folcys place any more. It broke him all up. Stockton Independent. France used 30,000 barrels of older in making wines last year, but a French bottle of cider with a cobweb twisted around it will always catch the American wine bibber. A Key West shark, captured the other da', had among the-con tents of his stomach a half-dollar with a hole in it. The shark is supposed to have taken it at forty five cents. JFive Thousand Dollars Buried Under a Tree. Several yoarfe ago a man who had made a small fortune iu the . m?n..c .,,.,.. .!,,, m i1,a Willnm- ' ette of Ian mas have monev and for that verv rea - ; son. perhaps, kept him cftlf f.iliiil- " ,,,.?, - , ,- , i ed and lived a heinnl s lih: alone I ,, ... . ., ,. i in a small cabin m the middle oi a j , -ir l l " I heavv wood. I fere, his secluHon , . ,r , I was unmolested for several vears ' I and he seldom came out to the i .. . c , , , , , , light of dav, and then only to get M , , ,. 4. , 4 needed supplies lor the sustenance ri- it i r -i i J of his life. Once he failed to go J ,. . . , l , ,i to the village store lor Ins usual , i r I purchase;? and a few persons re- . , ,. ... , . ' paired to lus cabin to see wiiat was i , 1T r ' i i i the reason. He was found Ivmirl ,. , , .,, i , ' j upon his bed, verv ill, and thevl took him awav to more comfort-' able quarters. He giew worse instead of better and soon was beyond the hope of life. Just he tried to tell his attendants where he kept his money. He described a tree just one hundred 3'ards from his cabin, but forgot to mention in just what direction, and then told them to look in an other direction a few rods when a large fir tree with a projecting root would be seen. Under the root was his gold, a sum amount inir to five thousand dollars. Those to wlinm lie int1 lli; fale in lirnk- 1 villev mill nurclnsed a niece ,at " rtIStBI11 - exemlH,"S uom '. iTpV -.Monr.l he..dr.rh:..wi.h humming 1 pnno.mce to .l,,:,.ni.i.-u.a: utile -lli prcll.isr.a 1 pw.ee ( ,., .- M nl1 A .,.:. WK(l1, ilu..i.lini; of .he -.u; m, iiiihmuiI v.- -'! : d near Milwaukee, in Clacka- '"".. . . ,', , twtwjn Vs ' fu: "?,:.,,V,5?,M!.'??51iirs ? kikht .:i.akm county. He was known to . ? " a ... -': :i'l"te vanam-, sr.nuiiiiu oni- , tct .- --i - , . .. , , , '. ces alreadv quoted are evidences en ami almost incohci cut language, , , - " , , , . ., , . 7" .of this forward movement. JiitllCs iniflTiiiftl that. Ilipv linilerstnon lnm I aright and, when he was dead, , tried to find the treasure, It was j The following notice by a Vir never found and is yet lying where j ginia blacksmith indicates readjus ting old man buried it. A good I ter sentiment on the part of many trees are standing around Mose's partner: "Netis: De co the spot where he built his lonely! partnership heretofore resisting cabin and it would be a task of ai betwixt me and Mose Skinner is year to find the right one with his i meagre description alone to go by. j Afterward the cabin was burned and all traces of its hermit owner! were obliterated but the fact re- j , , . . - - 1 1 mains that his money lies buried . ., ... r , . . .1. , i i at the toot of the tree where he said it did when he lav dying at s r-t l - flit 1 ;. Milwaukie. The cabin was in - . , . , c r i were presented by the lfoston what is now known as Sellwood s l ' . , , ., , , i n J board of aldermen, and consist ot pasture and the spot has been ' .. , , e ., a large section of the tree and a visited by manv of the curious. a e n ," ., li-ii polished veneer of the wood, upon Some day, perhaps, the gold will . , , . . , t 11. ,-i -, - i which is photographed a picture ot be found, but, until it is accident- a l . ,, v , ., . , r'the tree as it stood before its fall, ally discovered the trouble of- looking for it will scarcely be re- Another massacre is reported paid by finding where it is hidden, j rrom the South Sea islands. The T.aat Portland Vindicator. ; A Step lii Advance- The difference in measurement, ono ,nan AVno escaped, were mur of British and American vessels dcrcd during the absence of the was pointed out in this journal cattiln :ld second mate. The ves- some time airo. It is a dillerenceiCf.i ,v.ia ..finrwiiwU luiriiixl. enuring greatly to the advantage1 rr---: rrr of the former. In the British' A lazy man near Fort Smith, measurement liberal deductions Ark- abandoned a well after dig are made for the space occupied ! &nS four finn- The ,na who by machinery in steamships, and j bought the farm dug down another on these and sailing vessels thcfoot antl -stluck :l vein ,)f conl space occupied by the crew is de-' worth thousands of dollars, ducted by the gross tonnage. It. The co"nfcre7ie"wliTclthe Sul t followed that only available canro and passenger space was nieas- ureti, or wuai was roany enuiva-1 ,.. ....ii.. :.... lent to that. The British vessel j liiuiuiun; jjaiu -- iiiii iHn anu t harbor dues, while she carried more for her, registered tonnage than the American ship. As a matter of fact, however, some of the east ern built ships have managed to ! , ; get very low measurements recent- j Iv. How it was done is known onlv to the owners and some of the! custom house authorities. The bill which passed just before the ad- j journment of congress, modifies the old rule of measurement and makes it conform very nearly to that of the British standard. Another bill of some conse quence became a law just at the close of the session. It extends to foreign steamships the provisions of the inspection laws now appli- cable m domestic vessel, concern- ing freight and combustible mat- ! ter. Senator Sherman intimated r,..ol ,. KUI "'" '"- """- '""-- "' : ablv, this measurement will carrv - ' " . n I It thus appears that some earnest Xl , , , , , , movements have been made look- , t...w .-k !.. ...-.iv.. I tf niirilniic inn " nil iriimioi v uihubim . ... T. , from American shippinir. Lnder 4 . ,. ttr iMi.ant hilvc A llint'li.'lll Clll. . ' . T' , " .. ping has heen placeil atsuelt a uis- . . advantage that capitalists in this ' . country have found it bettor, in . . '. manv instances, to invest m ships - ' . sailing under foreiirn hags. It is , v . . " said that Americans really owira , . . considerable number of .ships m ' this way, and are disposed to make -7'. . ' still further investment. '1 he ! public opinion of the country seems to be hopelessly divided on the question of admitting free of duty all articles used in the con struction of ships. Of course the copper, and other metal producers, do not want the tariff removed from metals. The timber men do not want free timber, and the cord- ! age men do not want free rope. It may be assumcd,howcver,that there will be a steady approximation to a sta'ndard which will finally place American shipping on something j like an equality with vessels of British construction. The install- tin. hereby resolved. Dem what owe the firm will settle wid me, and dem what the firm owe will settle wid Moses." . - - rortions of the old elm which stood on Boston Common, have ,. . ' ' , .. ' . .I...n 1JII l't.t l.,H..I..I.... -l'l...... lllllUC JJ.lll, I IllltlllUil'lll.l. llJ ..... recruitino- ... f . ? t!.i.r.t t.ii. ltli.t.l.: . 1 .tt f!!i tifv ..t I l.f. tllili.tl I'll . .ncmrni niioriMo-n trade, iron- - ii-i.i.ii,iwii ......... ....... ........ -, hrio- .lanet StovarLJ,"I,,ertI'nr,":',,iCiia.su,veiisS:.Siii. : a . 'j Isthis day dissolved bj mutual consent. All. r while at Mavlata, Solomon island, the crew, with the execution of ..., ,...Q ,ii.,v .mr i,act fm- lnow. tiinB onYs when lie meets the . .. . fMlint oPiti for his hist wifi-. IIc was nevcr knnwn to postpone a marriage. A Varied Performance. Mairy wonder how Parker's Oingor Tonic can perform such varied cures, thinking it essence nf ginaer, when in fact .' mrt(1? fn,nl ,uan-v yahiable meiucmcs wiucu act nenuiuaauv tin tiYvry diseased rgan. - -.rz-r. - TmolppincM derived from the use ot I'tumier s uregon uioou itui ficr. People who have tried it once never give it up, because lliey waul to remain happy. "KneliHpRlb." New, quick, complete cure 4 days, nrinnn. nfrAtinn ciilfirtitur 1YntlMir I or (liflicuit urination, kidney diseases. 81. at druggists. Oregon Depot, u.v v Jb & CO., Portland. Or. "IlacJcnietack." a lasting and 'fra grant perfume. Price 23 and 50 cent. Sold by W. E. Dement. SYMPTOMS OF WOHMS, ikf w.wwnn -. n jult and linden- i.-j. w.'lt K.-j-'imt ini'-iirv. fA a ir- ruiii ?: il yi one or loth rlioe'c -..- ... I. I. .11 - !. .....lt.? .1 n.. ai. zu,- .ii.icinu .... along ... lower ' .-wi: ilu- iK.sc . jrri:.ii4M. oiN : pumjc. uitli :i unawiiiz itiou of !le i.imnHi ; at iliv.oniinly mm.-: iWtins; ' i!.l vomitiii.': i.l.-jit iKim ilirnu2liout I tlio nlxlmncu; Uy.vW Irrouiilnr. ai unit-s e'tne: st'oN slimy, not unnvqiwitly tinccavii!ii!..ci:inysvoih - ii:inini.ini; uriiienirittl:ripinitiono.e:iionaU.vilii?i- cull aii'l nei'oiiiiKiniitl ly hicvoiich; vU"li ! .iineIini,x'lrynnil ronvuisivociuiCMyaim ilMuriM-.! sloop, ultliKrindii!!: of lliettolli; lfiniKT v.'irialtli. Imt Koiierally itrilahle. noiifV.T llic alMv yiiiitom an: I'.illllll lo oxist. Ml. C. Mi-LAXE'S VKKMiFHiE wll -i'riainl olVoot a imiic. i In biiMiii: oriiiluici He Miii-yiiii v . tile miiiilno I)!:, c. Mi-LANKW Kl:: i. ri'SK, inaiiiifaoturoil by t'lomin Hm-... il Vo.hI Stror.t. rittliursli. I'a. Tin nnilc.f in full of untcrfiMI. Vmi will ! rmlit if It lias llio simiMinrv n t'lcii iajr Urn1, anil C SIoLane. if ymir storokoejor iloe jh! la.. li.e j ..fifiiiln.. nli'iici. rpiwirt t(i lis. ?eml us , a-throo Vent stamp lor 1 .iwn.. soincailvi-rlKIngcanls. , J: JLE..H1AU UKU.. J'llISDSirgll. i'a. A. M. JOHNSON, OF.Al.Kl: IX SHIP CnANJ)LERV. AXl Groceries, Provisions, Cheese, BUTTER, ECCS, KTC. CANNED GOODS OF AM. KINDS. Blocks, Hemp and Manilla Ropes. Salmon Net Twines, Drilling, Jib Hanks, Clew Irons, Thimbles, Mast Hoops, And all other tiling needed t lit out e.M'N or all kinds. NEXT HOOK TO PYTOIAX IIALU King of the Mood Is not a "cure till." il UaMeiHl-purillcrand tonic. Impurity of Ihe blood (xii-ions thes tem. deranges tne circulation, and tlnw In duces many ilisniders known bv difTercnt names In distiujiih thorn acnirdiiiK t ef fects, bnt bein really linuirlie-t or itliaM's of IhatKix-al generic dkoider, Iuiiiirl(y oi Itlooil. Stich are liuKihi, MUioiMir. Livtr CompUilnt.OmMpaWin.Xcmiu DiV undcr. Jlrivhichr, JJneh'ueht, General ll'cttl; ir.t. 7fru7 Disrate, l)rftuu. Klilncu Ditcnyr, Pllrn, lllHinnatixni. (itnrrh, Semfisltt. Skia Dfrmilfr, J'iinplfj'. Ulcer. StreWny, ,e.. Ar Vfiwt. nV 4li tElnnft i.ra.tn..f r .i,l cures these by awackin the 'f!iiMiiiiuril I ofthe blood. Clft'inislsand ihMri:m-.:i;:ne I in allliitr it hj most genuine and eilleient j preparation for (he puriKise." Sold bv Dm:;- ' KlM-?. HI per boule. Hee testimonials, diree- j Uoiis, c., in pamphlet, "3 realise on Diseavs of tin' Mood." w rapped arotind eaeh bottle. i. it..NNi.ii, su.n a Co.. I'roni I :u ITnli i. ,V. Y. Dissolution Notice. twreTici: is iiEitr.ny oiven'that iiu: ' i- nattner.sliiiiheretofor' eistinir beiwpen i ! C'hns. Steveiw and !:. I. Stexens. or this ell v. iiii-siiiiiiiui iiiiniuiii- itn- in lie mtuiimi nv i the old firm, to whom ail indebteilnes'-; should 1n paid. I'HAS. STEVEN'S, t I!. V. STEVEN'S. I Astoria. Orepm. .lulVol.st, ifs2. ' Il.vi.is Vi:i.i:tap.i.k Sicilian- II ah: ! 15r.NT.wi:i: i a scientific combination of I some of the. most powerful re-.liir.dive .' agent-, in the vegetable kiiurdoia. li re- j .stores gray hair to iU original color. It ma !:.; I he spam wl.itn nml ..I...... u cures dandruiT and humors, anil falfimj - out of the hair. It nirmslics thenutri - QW!?!1.?: X ..Mini .iim..uj.wimi. it limii,-i III!.- II. Ill moibt. soft and glossx, and k uiiur- passed a a hair dressing. It istl.emost economical nrenaration ever olfercil to thenuljlic, as ils effects? remain a lmnr time, making onlj an occasional appli- cation necessary. It is ft'eominended ' and used by eminent medieal men. ami : otiiciaiiy endorsed nyllic Mate. s.a-cr of MassachiLseiLs. The popuiaruVor Halls Hair Uencwer ha increrscd ith the te.it Of many ac.u, Ixitll ill this country and in loreiun lands, and it is now known and used in all the civilied countries of tlie world. officially endorsed by the Slate .s.ayer i Foi:.SAi.i:r.v.r.i. Di:ai.::i:. A cough, cold or sore throat .should be stopped. Neglect frequently results in an incurable lung disease or consiimp- tion. Krown's llronehial troches do not disorder tlie stomach like rough sirups and balsams, but act directly on the in llamed parts, allaying irritation, uive relief in athma. bronchitis, ronglis. catarrn, ami tlie throat troubles which singers and public speakers are suldecl to. For thirty years IJrowifs bronchial troches have been recommended bv phy.sir.ians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an en tire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the agr. Sold at 2.1 routs a ihmc everywhere. In a healthy body is a healthy spirit. Re healthy by cleansing your blood with a few bottles of Pfumler's Oregon Wood Purifier, and thus puri fy your spirit. A neW stock of stoves of tho latest 8tyle3 at John A. Montgomery 's. IfHJJij iROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS . . c; V v ri j uiimmmu OHEVAMl.'S STl.l.KT, ASTOIHA. Hi: UXDEP.SION'EI) IS PLEASED TO lie lias op- I U.l -a--I -. -, 2E3CO-U.JSO , -c' I v Ami fiini!sius in fii-.t rl:ws style 0 sn-.KN, l nrfies ? noi nnii-.i'. ir.., r.n.. .r tiik Ladies" and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CHKXAMl'S MKEKT. rirtiM1 nive imp a rail. ICOStoK DlXO.V. l'lfiiirietor Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. ' in:vr.Ki:s ix Iron. Steel. Coal. Anchors, Giiains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, U!Mn;ilT A NO CfT CALVANIZKl) SPTKEZS Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber antl Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. Fr.oiras axi ihitx fkkd. At'iits Tor Salem Flotirin;: IMills. Crner Chenamus ami Hamilton Streets ASTOKIA. OREGON. 13. B. FKANKLTN, UNDERTAKER,! Jts m ConiiT Ci' and Snui'inoiilirt .Htrect.i, Asrni:r. .... oi:k(ion I1KXI.KU IX XVALL 1JAFEK A Nl I WINDOW SHADES ANH UXDK11TAKKUS (JOODS. P.. l STE EN'S. 0. S. l'.nOWX BOOK STORE. Whoiv u.i will Hint all tho standard works of (tie l;;y.:i!iil :ieinistautlyeliunt;in stot-k or nif!ii-s and iancy anieliS: v.e keep Ihe bi-st assortment ot .irietVKnols iu ' tin- eil. Pocket Books. Piclure Frames, Steroscopes, Mu sical instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, .etc., etc. P. 1 STEVENS & CO. I'ltiii ami I'aney l SEWIKG OF ALL KINDS! ' ri!i.v ,:uJl. ir. u,,. iC.t sM ltt fWllII 1 :. D s Satisfaction Guaranteed. J t M?R G-lO I-uLLiTjKJ J ! ' W ULUlJ,J fc ' Vi iii..,r m Wston House. Take IMotice. l ni.n rnM.ni M.b ,onn Sotjers, Lentrai market, Mas veied a lanjo invoice or j i ILVKKKLS AND HALF DAUKKLS I of Uie l,p,Jt 'luanty. And Is now ready to supply Butchers Car. nerles and all others, cheap for cash rT B PARKER, DKAI.KIt IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming antl Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. pKM.Kl: IX j WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST C'IjASS Notice. TrEmu:K the caitain 'ok the JH Connees or the Kritish bark James O. Bain will be responsible for any debts that may lo contracted bv tho crew. C. E. MOCKLEIt. Master. Astoria, Oreon, August 7, 1SS2. dtd i m l t i-L-n3ftu aT'.d.'-9 STVr-fTqeS- PACIFIC MliTViL LIFE INSURMCE lflMEV. Of 0vllfoxxa.ii. A. 3IcKINNlR. Manager. ' For Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territo?l9 orrin:-io3 tirst street, roitTLiD. or. Iterrcnce: C1I AS. 1IODOK, of HoiIro. Qa N & Co. JAMESifrEKI..t'aitiIorPlftt National B:uik. , .1. A. STKOWIllMlMJE, Wlioio-ale J.oathor and anilines. C. A. DOI.I'll. or Iiolph. i;ronaiiJh, Dolph 3c Simon. Col. J. AloCRAKEK. of J. AlcCraken & Co. U V. HKNRICH.SEN, or Ilenrlchsen & Grponbeiw. Dr. (. K. SorrAOE, AI. 1., Examiner and I'hyslclan. , 2 CO n Ci L 73 o c L c o l ' rz so t a 2 Oo g CO H o O anSCELLASEOUS. S. AUNDT & EERCHEN, ASTOICIA. - OKKIJON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH S H O X& WP Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, VN1 STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly ultemUsl to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OK LA1WYKTTK STKEET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Kknto.v Stukkt. Nkai: Pakkki: Hocmk. astokia. -:oi:ec:ox. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. . LANDliHARlNB MfilKIS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. CASTINGS. Of Hi I DrtcrSptlocN ninrte to Order nt Hliort Xotloo. A. I). Wash. President. t&ffiKSSS.8 John Fox, Superintendent. WILLIAM EDGAR, Cornpr Mnin and Chenanius Streets, AbTOKIA ORKdON J DKILKK 15 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Tho Celebrated JOSEPH RODCER8 A, SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. STATIOWERYI FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS nonninB WTonrariQiiTn Plnoo otn A4inestoekof Watrken and Jewelry, Muzzle and ltruceh liOadlns Nliot Ciunn and KlrlcM, Revalvers, Pistols. and Annlion HJAKIXK GI.ASStM AUSO A riXK Assortment of fine SITOTACLKS and irV'B (JLASSI-S. Nnfirp . . rimr. jibiiiuiiJvM- ta. i;ou l-ou t ii "r .n l"5t:i"er .wu" ; warraiu lumuiuvuumj uuinb ii iuu vunttnuu ui tho same, h in my hands. Delinquent tas- payers will pleaso settln nt oneo and ;ave omi mi BLY, Sharifl. costs, A. W. TWOMBLY, my3 ' S-- Q, -tfSTK?aKf 5l tsKlSr ?rmmM2iJ - L--jfy r m- i V Bm. Reference: AI. S. IlURBELL. or Knapp. BurreJi Co. W. W. SPAULDIKa. Packer and'CWtia Dealer. . ANOUEW ROBERTS, of Ffchel & Roberts. JOHN CR.VN. or John Cran & Co. C. AI. Wlbflrg. Coow and Shoes. .IOS. UU ltKIIARl), Butkhard. &Spauldlna J. K. GlLX,.ot J. K.GU1 S Co Statlonets. FKANK. ZANOV1CII, of Zan Brotaera. Each of th abovo men has 910,000 tosnr- anco In UiLs Company. 3 o I m 9 -n SM C 3 2 rn 8 05 BUSINESS CARDS. NOTARY PBBLXU, ALCTIONRKK, COMMISSION AN aURANCBAGBNl. "lyR. J. V. NHAFTIIR, lflSIC1.4. mA SCSVKIMi. (UKOTSCHKR ABZT.) ! DiMcaHCH of the Tfcxaat Byectalty. OHlee over Conn's Drug' Store. KLO F. P.1RKKK. SURVEYOR .OF ClatHop CouatytMitCltrf AtU omco:-Chpnaraivs street. Y.M.C. A. tfl, Jtoom Xo. 8. T O. 1IOZOKTH, V. H. OiRiiuLuloaer, SmUkry PaMlc. mm iHSHraaee Aaeat. Agent lor tho Hamburg-Bremen FU6IB3. Co. nl Hamburg, Germany, and of tne lnr elere IJfe and Accident Iar. Co., of Hart ford. Conn. KVOQlcc In Pythian Building. Rooms U. 12. j wp n. wijstox, j Attorney and Counselor at Law. ?i-Onlee in Pythian Building. Kooas ll, 12. ASTOKIA, ... - OKEOON. TAT TUTTIiE, M. 1. PHYSICIAN AliD SDRGKON. Okkicr Over the White Boose Star i:Kriinr.NrK Over KlbersonS -Bakery, op posite north & Myers' Saloon. i 4 li. 1'CLTOYX.D. jorr,S - Koonvs. nt the Parker House. TL1 P. IIICKM, M. PENTIST, ASTOKIA, OBSOOM Ttooins in Allen's building up stalls, eotfiet of Cass oud Sqemocqlie streets. i I O. A. BOWLBY. J. ATTOWTKY AT LAW. Cheuaiuus Street. - ASTOKIA. OtUUH9 W. -"; . May bo found at the Court House. Q II. BAIr 4c CO., DKALKK IN ( Ioor. Windows, Blla4, TWi KomN, Laatber, Etw All kinds of Oak lumber, Class, Boat ita Iterlol, etc. Turning and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. Steam Atlll near Weston hotel. Cor. Cteu- evivo and Astor streets. 1 HEADQUARTERS I ros er s Emporium. Most Complete Stock in AttfHt , jFiv&lOOVlvS! FlcVQs! I j Fniitu Both Ferelsn aa BaieClo WinDO onrl I inilArc ' - ",w u,,u -Mvi Of Superior Bnind. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 Kr & DOCK Assessment Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AX jl assessment ot mi percent, on the east- i tal stock of the Odd Fellows Land and Bu ins Association of Astoria, Oregon, has thli j uay neen levied, payable within thirty dayt i iror.i uuio ai uie onico oi me Seeretarv- ot- othenrtso be declared dellnaueut. By order of the Board of Inreclow. A.J.MEOLKK. Secxetarr. Astoria, Angnst 2, 1882 td , JT;