v sA n ): Vol. xvn. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, August 15, 1882. No. 116. fltailg itewrtifL 1 THE PRESENT SEASON. The outcome of crops in the uppor country is also greater than vvus anticipated. Returns from about Walla "Walla will be more than was recently hoped for. ' The Blalock farm will turn off -10,000 buhcls of good giain. The general outcome promises a yield of 23 per cent, greater than was rcc honed on early in Jul'. The quality of the present wheat flop also promises to excel that of 3SS1, when half the cargoes that left the Columbia river, both wheat and flour, reached England in bad condition, so that heavy damages woie demanded in manj instances. That fact caused much speculation, but .Mr. Sibson, of Sibson, Church & Co., says ho attributes it to the fart that there was rain during harvest in 1S83, -which caused the fanners to cut their grain green. The supposition is that it never thoroughly ripened' in the field, and went through no sweat until it was placed aboard ship. This year grain can thoroughly ripen in the field, or in the shock if cut green, and tho consequence will Le a good, sound, ripe berry that can be shipped without loss. A small quantity of new wheat is coming down the valle', and is quoted at SI .35 per cental, east ern at S1.00. It cannot be said that there is really u wheat market established yet. Exporters ex press themselves as disgusted with the outlook, and say they never saw a year when they could pre dict so little on what they could sec. England enjoys good harvest weather; Europe will have aver ago crops of grain; America, will outdo herself the present year, and the wheat crop will simply turn off an immense surplus 200,000,000 bushels over all home needs. "With this fact to start on, and the certainty that California will have an immense surplus (some say as much as in 1SS0) and that Columbia river shipments will be nearly as much as last year, and that tonnage is a doubt ful quantity, both as to supply and price, the market needs "making" very badly. Iron ships refused G3s here this week and hold for C7s Cd, which is considered too much. The farmers of the coun try will mostly wait for a better prospect, before they will be wil ling to sell their hardly earned wheat to be shipped abroad. Willamette Farmer. Bowie's Death. Sensational articles appear in the Houston Daily Post, written by V. P. Zuber, of Grimes county, professing to give the first full ac count of the massacre of the Tex as garrison in the celebrated fort ress of the church of the Alamo, at San Antonio, March 0, 1S43. Zuber says he got the account from a Mexican fifer known in Texas as Polin, who was with the Mexican army at the- time of the capture of Almo. Pclin says that after the Mexican soldiers had ta ken the fort, scaled the walls and put the garrison to the sword, Santa Anna, accompanied by mem bers of his staff, entered the fort and viewed the Texans slain. Po lin, being a fifer and a privileged character, entered with Santa Anna and immediately behind the great Mexican dictator. Santa Anna ordered the citizens of San Anto nio to pick out the corpse of Col. Travis, the Texan commander, which he ran his sword through. After Santa Anna had retired from the fortress two Mexican officers and a number of soldiers entered and proceeded to pile up the bod ies of the dead Texans in order to burn them. In their search for corpses they discovered the cele brated Texas patriot, Col. .rames Bowie, in a secluded apartment of the fortress lying sick upon stretch ers. One of the ofiicers looked at the sick man and asked the other if he knew htm. The latter said he thought he did, and that it was the infamous Bowie. The officers then berated Bowie for fighting the Mexican government and hav ing married a respectable Mexican lady. He denounced them for fighting under a tyrant like Santa Anna. They ordered him to shut his mouth, and Bowie haul, ''Never, for your sort." "Thr-.i," said the senior officer, "we will relieve you of your tougue." The had sol diers take knives and split open his mouth, cut off his tongue and throw his body, still writhing, upon a pile of corpses. The latter was saturated with eaniphene, a match was struck into the combustible fluid, and a tall pillar (if flame im mediately shot up, and one of the American officers, pale and trem bling, said to his companien: "That fire takes Bowie's soul up to God." This is the lir.t account of the last moments of Colonel Bowie ever published. Alexandria Bombarded. j "I hear (ley's bombardin' Alex- j andria.'1 said old Cinderella, the ! ish-gatherer, excitedly, to a critic scribe this morning. "Yes, the fun's begins,' replied the reporter. ' "II (ain't no fun, sah! I feel' rale Mignant ober it. 1 use to lib in dot town and 1 has a great deal ob feelin' for it, and furder dan j dat, if my memory sarves me! right, Pse got a family ob Mations j residin dar now. "What bizness! has dem Inglish boats got to cum j up de Putomack tibher and fling der bumbshclls into dat town, anyhow?" "You are slightly mixed, Uncle Jsaac," rejoined the reporter,) "the3 are bombarding f Alexandria, j Egypt, not Virginia." "Nebber mind "bout tackin on I dem Greek words. De Critic sez. dey is bumbin Alexandria, and 1 1 feel highly demoralized ober it. 1 tell you, dem Inglish is too fresh, an' I'm one ob de boys dat's a-goin down on de ferry-boat to de bumbin' grounds to help salt 'em away. Xow you hear me a-talkin'," and he waddled off shaking his head and muttering innuendoes against "dem fresh Inglish dat dares to cum up do Putomack and fling der bumbs inter de town of Alexandria." Washington Critic. The Northern Pacific Completed to Billings. A Billings, Montana, dispatch of the 11th says: This afternoon at four o'clock the last rail was laid that completed the Northern Pacific railway between St. Paul and the crossing of the Yellow stone river, opposite Billings. Inasmuch as the bridge is not' finished trains cannot enter town yet, and will not until next Thurs day. There is great rejoicing among our citizens over the ar rival of the construction train, and the event will be celebrated. The road will be pushed to the base of the Rocky mountains by autumn, and trains will probably run over a temporary- switch back into Bozeman this winter. This will precipitate a lively fight with the Utah and Northern railway for Montana business for Chicago and St. Paul. h Returns issuoil bv the London board of trade show that during Juiy the British imports increased 2,500,000 as compared with the corresponding month last year, and the exports increased 00,- 000. IHV.H Ml IF. Up in eailv illuming light. .Sweeping, dusting, letting right." Oiling all ihe household sprine. .Sewing button?, tying string. Telling "the gill" what to do. Mending rips in Johnny's shoe, Kiuining up and down the tair, Tj ing Itnby in the chair, ('idling meat and .spreading bread. Dishing out so much pfr head. Eating as she can by chance, (living husband kindly glance. Toiling, working, busy life. "Smart woman. Dan's wife." Dan comet liomt ut fall of night. Home cheerful, neat and bright,; Children meet him at the door, l'ull him in and look him o'er. Wifo ask.s how the. work has gone. "Busy times with u at homer Supper done, Dan reads with ea-e; Happy Dan, but one to please; Children must he put to bed All the little prayers are said; Little .shoe aio placed in row, Bed clothes lucked o'er little toes. Busy, noisy, wearing life. Tired woman, Dan's wife. Dan reads on and falls asleep .See the woman softly creep; llaby tests at last, poor dear. Not a word, her heart to cheer. .Mending basket full to top, Stockings, shirt and little frock. Tired eyes and weary brain. Side with ugly, darting pain, "Never mind, 'twill pass away," She must work but never play; Cloed piano, unused books, Done the walks to easy nooks; Brightness faded out of life, Saddened woman, Dan's wife. Upstairs, tossing to and fro, Fever holds the woman low. Children wander free to plaj. When and where the will, to-day; 'The girP loiters dinner's cold, Dan looks anxious, cross aud old; Household screws are out of place, hacking one dear patient face; Steady Stands so weak but true, nands that knew just what to do. Xcvcr know ing rest or pla . Folded now and laid away: . Work of six in one short life. Shattered woman, Dan's wife. No Diagrams Furnished. A sleeper is one who sleeps. A .sleeper is that in which the sleeper sleeps. A sleeper is that on which the slcepor which carries the sleeper while he sleeps runs. Thciefore, while the sleeper sleeps in the sleeper the sleeper carries the sleeper over the sleeper under the sleeper until the sleeper which carries the sleeper jumps ofl" the sleeper and wakes the sleeper in the sleeper hy striking' the sleeper under the sleeper, and there is no sleep in the sleeper on the sleep er. Jtochcsicr Union. The San Francisco Chronicle says that during the seven months of this year 7,000 miles of railroad have been constructed in the United States, and it is expected that the figure will he increased to 10,000 miles before the close " of the year. The extraordinary development of the railway sys tem in this country is without parallel in the world, and is re garded abroad as ono of the many illustrations of the wonderful wealth-producing qualities of the states of the American union. Among the Indiana Republican statu convention is ex-Secretary Thompson. He says the Panama canal is a blooming reality and that the prospects are very promising for a completion of the. entire work in six j'ears. At present lit tle is being done, as this is the rainv season at Panama. One thousand five hundred and twenty ballots have been taken in the twelfth congressional district of Illinois with no choice yet. Singleton, the present representa tive, leads. l Varied Performance. .Many wonder how Parker's Ginger Tonic can porfortn such varied cures, thinking itesaencu of ginper, when in fact it is intido from many valuable medicines which act beneficially on every diseased organ. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. Tlii- e.-iii:ieiian is pale am! Jpailcn-i-oIpiwI, with oMMMMiat flushes of cir-eurcv.Tj''-il sjvt on one or lK)th check; iln- fi' 1.WV..HU- ilull; the pupil dilate; ai azure semicircle nnr nlnnn the lower eye-Mil; the no-e is irritated, swells, nud .somJtimsble!s;a swelling nrihe upper tip; occasional headache, with hnmuiiim or thiobhlnc of the ears; an unusual se ciclion of saliva; .slimy or fnrred tonmie; t.io.ith cry foul, particularly in liicmorn iiitr: I'pI'dMf nriahlc, suinetitncs vom cjohs. with :i unawins sensation of the stomach; at othcr.oiitlrely pone; llcctin pains in the .toni.icii ; occasional nausea and vomiting; ioIcnt pains throughout the alxlnmcii; tame! irregular, at times ii-Mie; .stools .slimy, not uufreiiiently . tinsel with Mood ; tally swollen and hard ; , urine turhld; ix'pinit ion occasionally diffi cult and accompanied hy hiccough ; cough soiactinudryand cenvulsive: uneasy and , dWnrlhHj slci-p, with grinding of thctccth; teinju'r viriahlc. but generally irritable. Vhciicer the above symptoms are li'iind to exist. : lill. C. MelAXKS VKKMIFFCK will certainly efleet n cure. In having Vermifuge he Mile mt :..! the genuine lilt. C. .Hrl.AXK'S VEItlll. IVOR, manufactured hy Fleming i:nis. i't Wod Street. Plttsiiurgh, Pa. The m irkcl is full of counterfeit". You will In- light if it has the signature of Kl:n- If your storckeejier does not hae the genuine, p!cne report to us. Send Us a three cent stamp for I Inn -some advertising cards. FLK31IXU BROS., Pittsburgh. I'a. Hai.is Vkeetabm: Sicilian II ah: IlK.vnwKi: is a scientific combination of some of tlie most poweiful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It i e stores gray liair to its original color. It makes the scalp white ami clean. It cures dandruff and humors, and falliug out of the hair. It furnishes the nutri tive principle by which the hair is nour ished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is irnsur passctt as a hair dressing. It is the most economical preparation ever offered to the public, as its effects lemain a long" time, making only an occasional appli cation necessary. It is recommended and used, by eminent medical men. and officially endorsed by the State Asn it of Massachusetts. The popularity' of Malls Hair Uencwer has Inerersed iith the test of many years, both in this country and in foreign lands, and it is now known and "used in all the eivtlied countries of the world. Fei: Salk uv all 1)i:alki:s. I'oruviun flitter Cinchon Rubra. The Count Cinchon was the Spanish Viceroy m Peru in HEX). The CountcsvS his wire, was prostrated by an intermit tent fever, from which she was freed by the use of the native remedy, the Peru vian bark, or. as it as called in the language ol the country, 'Quiiwniina." Grateful for her recovery, cm her return to Europe in use, she introduced the remedy in Spain, where it was known under various names, until JtmiaMis called it Cinchona, in honor of the ladv yi who had brought them that Inch was more precious than the gold of the Incas. 1 o tins day, after a lapse of two hun dred and fifty years, science has given us nothing to take its place. Jt effectu ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu lants, by restoring the natural tone, of the stomach. It attacks excessive love of liquor as it does a fever, and destroys both alike. The powerful tonic virtue of the Cinchona is preserved in the Peruvian Uitters, which are as effective against malarial fever to-day as thev wero in the days of the olil Spanish Viceroys. We guarantee the ingredi ents ot these bitters to be absolutely pure, and of the best known ijuaiilv. Atrial will. satisfy you that this is tlie beat bitter in the world. 'The proof of the pudding is in the. eating,' and we willingly abide this test. For sale by all druggists, groceis and liquor dealers. Order it. Loelufc Co., agents for Astoria. A cough, cold or. sore throat should be stopped. Xegleet frequently results in an incurable lung disease or consump tion. IJrown's I Jronehial troches do not disorder the .stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the in flamed parts, allaying irritation, gie relief in asthma, bronchitis, coughs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which singers and public speakers are ulject to. For thirty years Jtrowifs bronchial troches have been recommended bv physicians, and always give icrfect satisfaction. Having 'been tested b wide and const? ut use for nearly an en tiro generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. ' Sold at i" rents a oox everywhere. True happiness is derived from the use of Plunder's Oregon lilood Puri fier. People who have ttied it unco never give it up, because ihey want to remain happy. Shiloh's Catarrlr Itemed v a osi tiCe cure for Catarrh, Dinificria and Canker Mouth. Sold bv . K. Dement. King of the Blood Is not a "cure all." it is a Wooil-piinlicraiiil tonic Impurity of the blood poLsnic t he svs. torn, deranges the circulation, and tlms In duces many disorder, known bv ilitlcrcnt names to distinguish them according to ef fects, but being really brandies or phases or that great genetic disorder. Impurity 01 Blood. Such are nwiC).la, liilliuuii', Lircr Complaint. Cumtipalimu AYrroiw DU ornYr. Headache, Ilacl;ache, General Wml; HCKi. Heart Jli'cwc,nrniuty KMncu Dlcare. Pile. Rhcinnathm, Catarrh, ScntTula, Shitt DtMtiilrr, Pimplr. Ulcer. SiceUliujt, Ac etc. King ef tlin Bleed prevents and" cures these by attacking the caute. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and physicians agree In calling it "the most genuine and efficient preparation for the purpose." Sold by Drug gists. 81 per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, &c, in pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases ot the Blood," wrapped around each bottle D. KANSOM, SON & Co., Frons Buffalo, f.Y. I ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, CIJKCAJIL'S STRKET, ASTORIA. nmiKxrxii:i:sic.NKi is pleased to JL announce to tlit-hmhlic that lie lias op ennt a b'MCHT i'i.ASS JESfttlxLsr House , And furnish, s in flrM-clav stle OYSTKIIS. HOT COFFEE TEA. ETC. T THK Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CIIKXAMFS STREET. 1'le.tse Rive n:c a call. ROSTOE D1XOX, Proprietor B. B. FRANKLIN. UNDERTAKER, Corner Cass and Sqttemnqhe streets. ASTOKIA. --- - OREGON ik.w.i:i: tx" WALL PAPER .. AND WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. Prossm aVc 1 tj g , Plain unit Funcy SEWING OF ALL KINDS! Snils made in the host stIo from ?.". lo sr.o. " Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ml IS. GJCO. IIXLX.TCR. Nct door lo Weston Ilouse. Jell Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. ik u.i:i:s i. Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains.. TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, YVKOt'C'lIT AM CUT GALVANIZED 3f:til. Copper IVuils ami Klin's, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of alt Kinds. PROVISIONS. ; ri.orEt AXI .11 1 M. FKHD. I Audits nu S.ilcm I'luiirin Mills. , Corner Clieiiamtis and Hamilton Streets I ASTORIA. OllKGON. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, ; Has n-cehcil a large, invoice or JKAKKKLS AND HALF DAKUKLS ' f tlie licst tu;ility, j Ami is now ready to supply Hatchers Can 1 iicriesauil all others, cheap rr cash. i:. r. sr.i: i:.s. c. s. nitowx CITY BOOK STORE. White on will liml ail the standard works of the day, and a constantly changing sUx-k of novelties and fancy articles: we keep the best .assortment or varietv goods In the city. Pocket Books, Picture Frames, Sterosco'pes, Mu sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie. & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. t: v. sti:vf.ns & CO. XX. . PARKER, n:-:r.ntt in Hay, Oats, -2 Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand WootI Delivered to Order. Druying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. riKM.KIt ix WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIftHT CliASS Notice. Tn:iTHER THE CAPTAIN NOtt THE il Consignees of the llntish bark Jiunes G. Bain will be responsible for anv debts that may be contracted hy the crew. C. E. MOCKLEP.. Master. Astoria, Oregon. Ausist 7, 1852. dtd lrjLJ&LS' fcr-ll PAUIFli MUTUAL LIFE llllfRMd MMY, Of Oftllfox-xxia,. A. McKINNIE. Manager. For Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories OFrini-lOS FII5ST STREET. FORTLASIK OR. lteferenee: JAMES STEKk ('ashler F'irst National Bank. ! J. A. STKOWItlclLHiE. Vlwcs,ih Leather and Undines. C.A. DOM'fl.or Dolph, llronatiKti. Dolph & Slmnn. fol. .1. McCKAKKN. or J. McCraken &Co. I L. C. HENKICIISKN, or HenrlclLsen i- ISrvenhenr. ! Dr. ('.. K. NOTTAOE, M. P.. Examiner and I'lO-ilci.m. 2 tt w I co I , o l I t o r L o I rn 13 J olaos - IglrzJ r; o i o O MISCELLANEOUS. S. AKNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OKEISON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BL.VCKSMITH SHO ami -' ijjb3IK?yJty Boiler Shop All kind of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A "Mtedalty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STltEET. . ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BKNTOXSrUKKT, NPAItf P.VltKRK HOVHK, ASTORIA, - ORECON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LMDfMMIH(MS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. CASTINOS. or all lCMcriitloiiK made to Order at Short A'otlre. A. D. "VVasi, President. J. (i. IIcsTt.Kit, Secretary. i. W. Cask, Treasurer. Johx Fox, Superintendent. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Mnin and Chonamut Streota, ASTORIA OREGON OKALKS IS CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM and other English Cutlery. STATIOWERYl FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaura Pipes, etc, A fine stock of Watrhea aatl Jewelry. Muzzle aiul llreeek Leading Nbot Gbhn and KIIIcm, Revolver. JPintol. aatl AHtainuitleii1 .1IAKIVK KLAM.SKH ALSO A FINK A.ssortinentorifine SPl'CTACLKS'and EYE (CLASSES. Notice. THE DEUNQUENT TAX ItOLL TOR the year 1881. together with a warrant from the County Court for the collection of the same, is in my hands. Delinquent tax payers will please settlo at once and sate 3. A. M. TWOMBLY, mya Sheriff. jf&rtffa'-? j .,4mmv rimammaj i $&&" &im. KerVremeeM: M. S. ItUHRELL. of Knapp, BurrelLA Co. r W. W. SPAULDINtJ. facker and Cattle Dealer. ; ANDREW ItORERTS, of Ffanel & Rooeitn. JOHN CltAN. of John Cran &Co. C. M. Wllterg. Boow and Shoes. JOS. P.ITKKHARD. Burkhaid & RpftuUlng. j. k. cnu.. or j. k. cm & co atSuooewT FltANK ZANOVICH, of Zan BtOUM8. Each of the above men has 810,000 Insur ance, in this Company. 2T gwgo kO g g. BUSINESS CARDS 1? O. HOLDER. NOTAltY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSIOK AIfl SUKANCE AONT. I JK. J. V. SIIAFTKJt, l'MLSlCLlM aa BCBCE5i. (DKCT8CHRC ARZT.) DiMvaMeM of the Threat a SftoetAlCy. OQlco over Conn's Drug Store. Q.KIiO F. PARKEB. SURVEYOR OF ' Clatsop C'OHHty.aad City T AatH ' Olllce :-Chenamas street, Y. H.C. A: bU, ICootn No. 8. I J O. IIOZORTH, j r. N. CoBiwlMloner, Netavy laVU4all iBsaraaee iicit. Agent tor the Ifiimburg-BrtBuaFlre IasCo. of Hiiinbunr, (lennany, and of the Tc"- I elcrs Life and Accident Iru. Co., of Hart- ! ford. Conn. iKTOnicc in P thlan Enllding. Itooms ll, is. TP . M-I3iTOS, Attorney'and Counselor at Lour. j -Offlee in Pythian Bulldlnjj. Booms 11. 19. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. ' JAY TCTTLE, SL. D. ! PHYSICIAN AUD SUBGEON, Office Over the "White Bouse Store. JJksidenck Over Elbenon's Bity. op-po-Ite Uarth & Myers' Saloon. 4 I,. FCLTOX. M. JD. " PhyMleiam aa Majge . -OFlTCE-0er A. V.Allea'a grdeery tote.t 1 Rooms, at the Parker Houae. I Xj P. HICKS, PENTI8T, ASTOIUA, - - - - - ORKQOtl ' ICoouLt In Allen's building up stain, earner . of Q-ma and Sqemoeibe streets. . I Q. A. BOWLBY. I ATTORNEY AT LA1V. Ctieiianuw Street. - ASTORIA, OB1EOO& - hyy t. BUKxri I ATTORNEY AT KAW. May be found at tho Court Hoaae. Q II. BA1IV 4c CO., DKALEK IK j leer. M'ladewa, BUate. Traa HoaiM. Laaker, Etc. I All kinds of Oak Lumber, Glass, Bout Ma terial, etc. Turning and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. ' Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. 0ft evlye and Astor streets. HEADQUARTERS j Fos eKs Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria Fireworks! Flags! Fruit Beth Foreign mm Jaaaeall Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, Q R &y DOCK Assessment Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN assewment of fifty per cent, on the capi tal stock of the Odd Fellows Land and Bund Ins Association of Astoria, Oregon, baa this day been levied, payable within thirty, davs from date at the onice of the Secretarv or otlierwfa be declared delinquent. ' By order of the Board ot Directors ., . . A.J.atEeaaB, Secretary. Astoria, August 2, ttl 1 e c --trj-