The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, August 13, 1882, Image 3

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    ' '"""
g!Jc :0a Uu 5twlHi3
ksst;bd every morning.
Mtjinl.ty hxc6tcti.
I'uki.i-iikks Asnl'iuri:iirroj:s.
Terms o, SubstrinUon .
;. . , ... ,. ,
.it.v mail. iuri,H.!iih.i .ss ihiMiien expressed it to an A.Toi:iN re
.tivnmii.HiiMr. 'yj,oor.i. t...cfnr-i hm ., i .t.w,i
re r iMnssn toab.-sribw..
e-o.ilvcrliRuients inserted hy thoi'.ir m
e ratt-ofSl .i ior "quarts or month.
transient Hilverlfrini;, by tbe day or week,
fifty cents icr square for each insertion.
TllK D.Ml.V AST0RIAX trill Ite nent by
mtiilal"tccnti a month, free nj jwtagc. Read
er iehn coiUiinitlaUabtenerfnim the city can
liort Tiik Ahtoiuan follow lUnn. Daily
. W kkici.v riTitlun lo ami pttt-offlcc icith
nut tuLlUbutal crncwe. AtMreurt inaitl
-ii'Jiiocil as iiftcn ijk ijfjtired. .t'7iV order at
tin' ciiuntiua rimtn.
The Lizzie l'ell went to sea yes
terday afternoon.
-TJie Columbia is due this morn
ing. She has a large passenger list.
Ex-Senator .1. II. Mitchell is on
the incoming Columbia this morning.
The Gen. Miles starts for Shoal
water Hay next Tuesday morning at
four o'clock.
-Services in the Methodist church
to-day at the usual hours. Sunday
school nt noon.
liritish Columbia is in a "lluttali.""
The Marquis of Lome is about to
visit that province.
--Meeting at the V. M. C. A. hall
this afternoon at a quarter to three.
All invited to attend.
--Portland street car drivers work
fifteen hours a day for i.lo and are
not allowed to sit down.
Presbyterian services at the Bap
tist church building, at 11 a. m. Sab
bath school ut 12.1 fi. Xo service in
the evening.
Tlio Gen. Canby will leave Gray's
dock at 0 o'clock this morning for
Fort Stevens, Canby and Jlwaco, and
will return by 0 p. .v.
The State of California sails this
morning. The boys at the O. P. &
N.j dock always like to have the boats
come and go on Sundays.
A 7,000 fire at Spokane Falls
last Thursday night, destroyed the
Franklin hotel and adjacent property.
A sudden change of wind was all that
saved the town.
-There will be divine service on
board the ship Elwell, lying at the O.
P. & X. Co.'s dock, Rev. J. Mc
Comac officiating. Services also by
the same pastor at G o'clock m the
Hhoolhouse, in upper Astoria.
Rev. Mr. Gray will preach at the
Congregational church to-day at 11
p. m. Sunday school at noon. Rev.
J. N. Walters will give his serial lec
ture to young people at 7:30 v. i. All
are cordially invited to attends
Lieut. Green, who has been
making a prcliminar survey of the
proposed telegraph line between here
and cape Hancock, returned yester
day. He thinks it will be necessary
to have some more surveying done,
but the material will bo here, and the
work entirely finished the present
season. The line will run to Young's
river, thence to Fort Stevens, and
from there by cable to cape Hancock.
The steamship Dakota, Capt.
Carroll, steamed awaj' from Esqui
malt, says the Victoria Standard, at
half-past twelve o'clock on the 7th
inst., crowded with excursionists for
Alaska. As she cast off from the
wliarf the Bplendid band of the 21st
V. S. Infantry, which accompanies
the party, played national aiis amidst
tho plaudits and good wishes of those
.who had assembled on the wharf to
see their friends off.
We have watched with consider
able interest the building of the foun
dation for the Odd Fellows' brick
building across the street from our
office. It is a solid piece of work. Twoi
hundred and seventy-six piles were
driven down to "hard-pan," then
sawed on just above the surface at low
water; heavy uxw timbers wero cap- entertainment and ice cream sociable
ped on, and in between was leveled (not a concert as was inadvertently
with small cobble stones and rock, and implied in yesterday's Astouiax) on
thc constant ebb and How of the tide! Tuesday evening next, at Liberty hall,
has packed and smoothed thc j The entertainment will consist of
whole surface till it is as liard and .Vocal and instrumental music and
solid as a bed of concrete. Thc in- recitations by well-known amateurs,
temionis to have the building finish- j;in(i :v pleasant time is promised to all.
a uv Jannarv 1st. tlinmoi sninR,T..,i, ,..:ii i... ..n .i.. .i.i .,
little delay is experienced in getting
the material on the ground.
The Trials of a Jury-
The jury in the case of P. A. Jolui
json vs. O. Winccnt and wife, Lad
trials and tribulations beture winch
AVGU6T j::. lSh2:some of the ancient niarxvrs sutler- j
j ings read like pastime. The eae was
.'given to them Thursday afternoon,
land they were placed in a suinptu-ously-fitted-up
apartment to decide
upon a verdict. Th first ballot was
; ten to two for the plaintiff, and so it
!heM ,1,stil :m:' i"t, hti ll'ht: there
'was no release, and a one of the jury-i
Jntlit - rhr - lo iiii n..i. ,...,.-wJl im. iv'tb
eleven others in a little 7x! room,
without any accommodation what
ever.' All day Friday they held out,
and when Friday night came bunks
were hastily imprevised: bags of saw
dust were used for pillows and outer
garments for bedclothes. It was a
punishment, such as few men would
care to iakc for crime, and the thing
is a fitting comment on our ridiculous
jun- system which requires a unani
mous verdict in civil as well as crimi
nal cases. The jury, being unable to
agree, was discharged yesterday morn
ing. A Case in Admiralty.
Justice Uushweiler, of Couch,
opened his coiut in the admiralty
degree yesterday afternoon, and mia
tiated Capt. M. Hall, of the. Ameri
can ship Annie .Johnson, who paid
SK.!)0 for information that may be
of some importance to him. When
the .Johnson was coming up stream on
her arrival, in charge of a river pilot
and tow boat, she collided with the
steamship Devonshire, doing slight
damage to the latter. .lohn I'.orth
wick was employed to repair the fchip,
which he did, and presented his bill
of J58 to the captain of the Devonshire,
ITc was referred to the captain of the
Johnson for payment, and the Devon
shire put out to sea. The captain of
the Johnson refused to pay and suit
was brought, which resulted in a
verdict for Ilorthwick for the amount
and cost. It is claimed that the pilot
is responsible for the damage, as he
had charge of the vessel, but he is
not within reach at present, and that
it is a matter between him and the cap
tain to settle. iWoix ShtndanL
The Trial of Lawrence.
Jas. A. Lawrence appeared in court
yesterda' afternoon and in response
to the usual question from the judge,
pleaded "'guilty.' It is the general
impression that the matter will end m
a fine being imposed; that he and
Miss Sloan will be remarried, and that
they will leave Oregon. It was
stated positively that he and Miss
Sloan were married. at eight o'clock
hist evening, but we could find no
official or minister who hod performed
the corcmony.
Some Beer.
The Standard thinks that prohibi
tionists will bo startled to know that
during the year 18S1 there was nianu
factured(and, it is probable, drank) in
the state of Oregon 2.5,,S51 barrels of
beer, or 7"!9,oSl gallons. From Janu
ary 1st to May 1st, 1&S2, there was
manufactured 2M,:)G gallons. The
internal revenue tax on this amounts
to nearly $10,000,
To-Day'a Excursion.
Everyone who wants to enjoy a
pleasant day will have an opportunity
this morning to go to Young's River
falls and the CJaskanino river. The
Clara Parker will leave Hustler's
wliarf at 9 o'clock, and will return it
half-past four. The fare for the round
trip will be only fifty conts.
Tho Fleetwood is telegraphed all
right from Kalama. She will be on
time to-day, and leaves at the regular
hour to-morrow morning.
The election of officer of tho
Astoria Firo Department will be held
to-morrow. The polls will be open at
the lower hall of Rescue Xo. 2., from
10 a. m., to 4 1. .m.
At a meeting of the ladies of the
Presbyterian church yesterday it was
decided to have an entertainment and
sociable at Liberty hall next Tuesday
evening. The first part of the enter
tainment is to be literary after which
refreshments will be served.
Tke ladies of the Presbvterian
church met yesterday afternoon and
,a,le arrangements to givu a public
building fund of the new Presbyterian
. -. --.. .... ft ...., it ii 1IU
Capital Notes.
Salkm, Aug. 8, 1R82. !
Editiih Astekiax: !
A conlinir breeze that more than!
fanned the heavy foliage of oak andref of upper Astoria, are visiting
.'"-ipe and honeysuckle into motion, ;
came nj) the valley the other night, i
and a trille wandering of the imagina-
tion would hail it as coming upon the
devious way landward, direct from i
old ocean at Columbia's month. It
stirred the man!: leaves, revealim '
the silver lining underneath, ir seem
ed to lift or allay some portion of the
sultry atmosphere that has )Wu
lauguidlv composing it-lf for tiiyjxhe chief i.tiiivr-i of i he. department
summer campaign. liat would oe
more suggestive of the little city by
the sea, in sight of the bar s foimiug
breakers where the favored few are in
the enjo3'inent of such airs and skies
and scenic views as harmonize where
Astoria stands. The Daily Astoki
a brings with it tooin imagination
sea breezes of brimy odor. It is
read cpicureally, so to speak; the first
page primarily, then the locals, and
last but not least, the editorials, and
Astoria has been visible in spirit.
Vonr city in its dearth of nature's
pure liquid element, as frequently
noted in Tin: Astokian, calls to mind
the Ancient Mariner's cry of "water,
water evy where and not a drop to
drink," and is one of the auonmlies of
3'our locality, soluble only to the local
Wilhoit and Lebanon springs, .Me
hama on the Santiam, Yaquina Ray,
and the lower hills of the Cascade,
are absorbing our population, who
have gone in parties to their favorite
summer haunts. Were it possible for
Salemites to avoid detention over
night on the way, Astoria would not
lack for summer visitors from the
Our city is just assuming that air of
importance which always precedes the
biennial session of the body legialatioe.
From the state house to each private
dwelling an interest is experienced in
the approaching gathering, scarcely
appreciable by dwellers in other
places. Since the erection of the
insane asylum (how the name recalls
the semi-annual fight over the invi
table "insane bill" that was introduced
onlv to be killed in the house or
strangled in the senate) stands on the
pinnacle of its dignity as the capital
of the state.
Old Sol means business now, and
sends down the most vertical of rays
these long summer days, but the
night are of delicious coolness.
Astorians are probably too far away
to feel airy particular interest in our
local improvements, out the re-build
ing (or not) of the woolen mills is the
subject of much spirited controi'crsy,
and as the Statesman and Tow n Talk
publish allthcprosand cona,the reading
public are highly entertained. It ap
pears thattheSir,000 demanded by the
projectors of the enterprise, as an evi
dence of the citizens' interest in it,
had been all subscribed, but certain
conditions and contingencies caused
some of the larger subscriber to be
rejected. Whether this deficiency
will be made good and so ensure the
erection of the mills, or, through lack
of it cause a failure of the plan, re
mains to be seen. That opposition to
so important a project should exist,
seems incredible, but such appears to
be the case: the cause of which is
without the province of 3'onr corres
pondent to explain. Ru: the new
flouring mill in north Salem will be
built without doubt; tho Hume that
will convey water from Mill creek lo
it, is n'erfrly complete, crossing Com
mercial .street at the extreme north
Several gay and festi'ej'oullis(aonie
of them born and bred at the capital;
the confession is humiliating,) who
amused themselves by firing vacant
tenements, are passing their time in
the county jail; as a consequeuce, citi
zens seok repose now ' nights with a
feeling of security.
To-day's Astokian gives notice of
dramatic readings b- Miss Uenrietta
Monroe, but, as ere this your citizens
have had an opportunity of hearing
her recitatious, she has probably, in
Astoria as elsewhere, made n favorable
impression. Her personal attraction
are considered not inferior to her tal
ents as an elocutionist.
Preparations for the approaching
State Fair are moving on apace
horses ai riving to be put in training
' for tllc n,ci-s- thc "oral ganleiw
proved, etc. If the weather is 'good
it will be most fortunate for the Agri
cultural Society, if not well, it would
be a sony event, that is all; as two or
three meetings in bad weather, crip
.pled it. financially. The Mechanics'
Fair meets thc same week in Port
land, but Sale mites were not disap-l
pointed or surprised when it was an
nounced; it W43 no more, iir les.s, than
was expected. The capital asks no
I "odds" of its sister (?) city "on-Wil-
Mrs. C. Lcineimeber and'threo child-
xncnus in tins city.
-Mr. .. U. Moore, ol me ftoum
Bend mills, South Uend, W. T., made
. short stay m Salem, en routo to join
hi family at Tangent.
Cuemkkkti. t
How They Do ?The Dailes"
l"inW date, of August Sh, a tire-
mm :
I'he Oiile.i. welting to one of
iiieie, . ..
"I hve jo.u witnessed quite a hrgei
fi"e. theiv being about twenty or;
thirty innldings burnt, one of brick i
and one of stone. The fire started in
the roar of a China wa'h-house, and
could have been very easily stopped
by tho firemen if they had been prop
erly instructed by the chief, but in
place of attending to his hu3ines.s, he
was on top of the buildings with the
nozzle and moving hope, and at the
engine ordering the engineer about,
and when they called for the foreman
of the engine he would run lo the en
gine; the engine was .set at ciitern
where there was only water enough
for five minutes' work; this waa all
with the steam engine; the others did
as they pleased, and the Hooks tore
down a large house in the center f
the fire causing the fire to spread
across the street and bum the Colum
bia Hotel and several other buildings.
Of all the tires 1 ever saw this was
most poorly managed, but the boys
elected a new chief, to-day, and are
feeling pretty good; but ihc poorest
fireman in Astoria could do better ser
vice than the present chief. The total
loss will be about twenty thousand dol
lars; insurance about ten thousand.
The loss need not have been over
twenty dollars if the fire had been
properly controlled; it was twenty
five in' nut as from the first alarm be
fore the department got u stream on
the fire, and had only two blocks to
run; how high is that The fire
started on the water side of the rail
road track, one block above the Cos
mopolitan Hotel, burning that half
block, then took the opposite side
of tho track and burned all the wood
en buildings but two, and they were
saved by n stone building and ihc
assistance of the 0. R. & N. Co.
i:ii:ilTll li.W'S l'UOCKKOINO-.
Judge Stott presiding.
John Nyluiid anil Peter Wolf natural
ized. State of Oregon vs Tho. F. Snuiio.
indicted as J. A. Lawrence.
Plea guilty. Wednesday next fixed as
lime for pronouncing sentence.
W.S. Hansford vs Fishermen-. Pack
ing Co. et als.
Verdict for deft.
Strange vs Strange.
Decree of divorce.
Adjourned until Tuesday morning.
Card ofTliankN.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Peterson wish to
express their wannest thanks to the
following named friends and others,
who manifested their friendship mi the
occasion or their marriage:
Mr. anil Mrs. John Peterson, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Young, Mr. and Mr"."nt
Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. August ONou.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hayscth. Mr. ami
Mrs. Chris Sorenson. Mr. and Mrs. Aug.
Dauielson. Mr. and Mrs. C. (5. (illi?rt.
Nicholas elon. Krie Hansen. John
Sam Olson. August Nonlberg.
Foard & Stokes, (.'harlot tNo:i. i.
XilsontX. L. Here.
Martin XpImiii. Alfred Olson. Xiehulas
Chrislian.snn. John Peterson Knlierg. P.
II. Johnson, H.C. Hansen, Swan Wilson.
August Torsborg. Ludvig Agren. II. it.
Anderson, (.'has. Strom. Knoek Peterson.
G. A. Xelson. I. Itorgeson, James Dal-
gity, Henry Plath, August i'alm, .lohn
Klfason, J. V. Olson, John IJerggren.
Special Xotiee.
For the next sixty days I will dipov
of my goods at a sacrifice to make room
for new stock. M goods are oft he be-t
quality, wete bought from first hand.s
and will be sold o cheaply that an one
wanting anything in the line of lMioks.
jewelry, toilet articles, variety goods,
etc., can get them at a lower price than
elsewhere. C'o to Carl Adlcr's Variety
It Neve- Pails.
If all other remedies have failed to
atford relief there i one that will neor
disappoint ou, and that one is Syrup of
Figs. The Mrong and the weak alike
find it powerful for goinl. I larndess. yet
thorough, always giving strength to the
bowels, so that regular habits max be
formed and the system restored to a
healthy condition. Kaeh half dollar
bottle, contains from twenty -to thiity
average dost-., and the dollar bottle.-,
more than double. For sale by YT. K.
Dement, Druggist.- who has been ap
pointed agent for AMoria.
Hodge. Davis A- Co., wholesale ngeuts
Portland. Oregon.
Elegance and Purity.
Ladies who appreciate elegance and
pitrity are using Parkers Hair 15al
sam. It la the best article sold for re
utoriuggray hair to iis original color,
beauty and lustre.
Always Refreshing.
I A delicious odor ir imparted bvj
Florin Colo-,,, .hU. h .!.
.refreshing, no matter how freely used. :
Fot Dyspepsia antlLiver Comp
you navo a printed guarantee on
bottle of Simons vitamer, it never
fails to cure. Sold by i . K. Dement
Fabre's Icecream is the best.
The Iot:iI Austral!:!! Itometly for
ToodmeJie. AViirnliu.RacIiaclit
Neialicn. oui. r.iiiubago.
Spi-nlns and Swellings.
ZSui'ii.s :mI V:iliIT
Ilriiiscs.IIentlttelio. Fros(e! Fret
ami I-Iar. Sore Throat. Pniu
in the Chest. Iar Actio.
Corn-; ami Bunion.
Anil ail Bodily
Tliw renown il Au-trulian IN-nu-ily is made
eelustvol oC Australian herbs grown hv
the Cernur.sof the rosewnott M-rnh district,
)!i.'enl:inil. Australia, who make herb cul
ture a sMviaIty. It iloes nut contain anv
Mtiootioas iiirethcnts whatever, ami i tne
hi the world fort he aboie complaint-:.
A IVrfeet iive iiarautoel in Kv-
crjr Case.
It costs but ."0 rents per bottle, and it is
simply foolishness for those who are suffer
ing iaiu not to use it.
full Directions accompany each Hot tie.
Sold by all Pruggists ami Patent Medicine
I'KOF. 31. A. SCOTT & CO.,
Sole Proprietor & .llanurarturerM
Xn. '21 :; ami '..' Ilrldgr street. Italia
rat. Victoria. Austrnlin.
A.UKUKA.V DEPOT -- - Santa flam. 4'al.
K. !)F..Mi:XT. Sole Ascut for
Astoria. Oreson.
Astoria lee Depot.
Frank Fabre is now prepared to sup
ply families, restaurants, hotels, saloons,
ete.. with pure mountain icuonthe prem
ises. Fresh iee cream every day. Jinlls
parties and dinners .supplied with iee
cream sit short notice.
New. quick complete cure I days,
urinary alVections. .smarting, frequent
or difticult urination, kidney diseases.
Sl.atdniggists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS
A-tii.. rorllanil. or.
The new Kmpirc store with the finest
and Im'-I selected stock of dry goods and
lailics" hocs ever brought "to Astoria,
will open in JohnsnnV new building,
about Hie middle of August, bv Pra'el
Skinny .Men.
Well.s Health Kenc.wer. Absolute
cure for nervous debility anil weakness
of tho generative function. ?I, at drug
gists. Oregon Depot. DAVIS CO.,
Port laud. Or.
Wanted to Kent.
HoiiM of live to seven room, for fam
ily of two. For a suitable house a good
rent will be paid. Applj to this Otliv.
Don't IZe in the !Ioie.
Ak druggist.-, for." I tough on Kals." It
clears out rats. mice, bedbugs, roaches,
vermin. Hies, ants, insects, i.v per box.
The Permian syrup lias cured thou
sands who w-ere suffering from dypep
sia. debility. lier complaint, boils, hu
mors, female compkiiuK etc. Pamph
lets free to anj address. Setli YV. Fowl
A: Son "!o-toh.
The Kev.Oeo. II. Thayer. or Uour
bon. I ud.. as: -HoJh uiy.selC and wife
owe our livcs'ioSiiii.oii's'CiiXsrMiTiox
Ci-kk." Sold by YV. K. Dement.
YVhv will you cough when Shilotfs
Cure will give'immediate relief. Price
10 cLs ,-.u its and .l. Sold by YV. K. De
ment. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
lo;irIou. and the best oi wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call al tho Gem
opposite the hell tower, and .see Camp
bell. 1.c.smUs given in Wax and Paper
Mowers taught in the latest style. Ap
ply at the City I5ook store.
Shipper it Pjbke, Xo. II, Oak street
PortlamLare tlielxm ton tailors of the
J. G. D.ividMin. photographer. Port
laud, .still retains the negatives taken at
Astoria last year, and will furnish dupli
cates from tliciu on short notice, llis
luudscuiH views are much admired and
in large demand. dwlm
Xo mine good weight at the Orient
Paths. Three first- lass barbers. All
! work guaranteed. Childrcns hair cut-
I ting a speeialt. J.u. Ciiai:tki:s.
Fresh fruit received at C. A.May's by
every steamer. Xo .stale trash. Kvery
variety of Oregon and California fruit
always on hand. has received the largest
and complete stock of hats in tho
. city. Men's sizes from (JV to 7'.
. , ..
Si'StSu; d.
and dry;
. .von ;iu oeeouie.s iron. pure, unu
If we but SOZODOXT apply,
i That magic wash all now confess-
(Jives to the mouth new loveliness.
Remember Frank Fabre's ice cream.
It Is par excellence.
1 have removed to the
And have. Without
j The Finest ail Best Arraoeed Store ii Orep. !-
Xew Goods Received
r :
JLH the Latest Styles and XToveltlM
I ,-.... J
(Jail and Inspect Stock and Get Prices Whether You
Purchase or Xot. .
No trouble to show goods. -
c. h. cooper, r :
I J : :
ASTORIA, .June ;'., 1R8.
Less Quantities, - - . 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, - - - SI SO per Dozen
"Special attention paid to order from Public Houses and Families."
TP A (C Lr1 9ti
11 5P IT-t ir It
IS SUrKKIOK to most. axi is kv xoxk ox this COAK1
MTOnlors left at the CKEMAXIA r.KKK IIAL1. nlll te promptly nttendeo to.-
To all who aro siifferinx from the
errors and imlfcrretlnns of vouth, nerv
ous weaknos. early deeay. loss of man-'
hood. ete 1 will .send ti recipe that will
euro yon FKKE OF CilAtlOK. Tlii-. '
ireat renitHtj was dist-oered by a mis
siimarj in South Amoriea. .Send a .self
add res'sed envelope to the Kev.
'P. I; n" .mam. .Station D, Now York fit v.
Mr. John Koers of tho Central .Mar
ket. has made arrangements to keep al
he tinet tish. etc in their season .
riiy.sieian.V preseriidions oareuillx
I'omiionnded day or night at J. V.
Conn's drug store, opnrsito Oeeident
Hotel. "
Classen & Oerkwitz have lMniht l lie
ssrasaJ&ss s' isssna
l)oth places. Krosh ainly always on
If yon want pure wines and liquors
of all 'kinds, go to .1. ". Conn drug'
store, opposite Occident Hole!.
A Xaal In lector free with eacli '
bottle of Shilolf.s Catarrh, itemed-.
Triee ;" cent, ijolil by VT, E. Dement.
Fresh tally and caramels every day '
at the A'-toria Candy Factory. Mam St.
Jonx 1. Cl.-V.SSRX.
I'. J. ("uodman, on Clienainiis street,
has jied received tho latest and most
fashionable stylo of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for.
the famous Morrow shoes.
For chills, fever, ague and weakness.
Coi.dkx's's.LiQUU)IJKi:F and
Toxic Ixviookatok. Voldrn': take
vn other. Of druggists.
What is nicer on a warm daj- than a '
dish of that exquisitely flavored ice
cream that Frank Fabre mnkes?
Usd sc instead ot unwholesome cos
metics, Glkxx's Sui.rmri: So.vr.
;4lliu.'s H.vii: AxnWmsKKi: Dvi:.'
."Ji ets.
The "Always Iiandy stovepipe '
shelves at John A. Montgomery's.
If you want nice fresh lard, or good i
.sugar-cured hams, just from the conn- i
try go to F. IJ. Elberson's bakery.
Novelties in household articles a
Highest price paid for old web and
junk. Cams. Evaxsox.
im I nquirc of Foard & Stokes.
Fine cutlery at Carl Adler's.
a Single Exception,'
bv Kvorv Steamer, in.
iLj) IE
w" avw .
' ,..,,. - ,.r ,. v.....1. Ulni,liin 4twA.
lutcly thc
Kor the
Rlituil :iml Liter C'BMpUtKtl,
Xe er Md CUIlt.
Ferrr. tsr. ttjsycfla. elr.
owitlro OUPi
Kliinry HMit Bladder Lse,
rhraiilc Skla TrMp
anil MhcaautHw.
Ha Stood tJie Test
For particulars and testimonials from well
known people In our State read loeals stad
I'riee - l. ptv Battle.
To injure a cure Uike six tots for $3.08.
Vonr druKNt keeps and recommends lr.
Alc for, and seo that you get tne genuine.
Annual Meetin.
I mm-: axm'almeetixg OFTHK8tck-
will be held at the hall of Beaver La4Ho.
1 35. iuunedlately alter Its session oaThiMtaf
iiiglit. August 'J4th, for the electloC-ai-
jl nomers or inc u. t. u. ec a. asbocukma
cers inr ia ensuing year, ana lor tae.
I acuon ox sucn outer ousuitss as
before It.
&g() WCK?55Pit5& 6
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