The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, August 12, 1882, Image 3

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S!Hc ilnilu stcrrVfWi
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M'f;iTST l- iss'M
(.M-nd.i- Kicoptod).
rrr.l.l-IIKttl ANnJl'lSOI'KIKTOI!-.
Nfo'idi Jit'lhliiiq, Cass .s'fvL
Terms of Subset iption .
-cr-cl Iy Carrier, lior tveo"; . 'onts
Mint iy mail, four laonth' S Ul
?- vi l? tusH. un eai ... ft'
free of I'tMinte to Subscribers,
" Advertisements inserted by the year nt
bo rate .f 81 3 per Equnre per month.
Transient adrcrtiainu. by the day or week.
fifty conts per square for each insertion.
Tiir .Daily astokian vrill he xtnt by
mttiliit'Rcent a month, free of postage. Rftut
cr ivhn t'onttmpMcnl'Scnccfrom the eitu can
iijiv Thk Astokia.v follow them. Daily
in pkkly "iilwn to ami jiost-npiec With
out ii,i.tUlo,!cil ujen. AdtrcKC may J)C
Viiiiiiied a nfl.'i: a desired. Tscavc order at
thr amntinu rvm.
Reports from Fraser river are to
tho ell'ect that the salmon Have ceased
to run.
-Prof. T. R. .Coon has arrived
homo from an extended vacation at
Hood river.
--One million cases is the the esti
mated salmon pack of the entire Pa
riGc'coast for the season just closed.
-It costs S2 to cairy a pistol in
Kansas Cit'. The anto is higher in
Astoria, but there is no limit to the
Captain George Flavel was the
purchaser of the Coliinbetry ranch,
sold at auction by E. C. lloldcn, yes
terday. Tlie Elwcll has 07,302 cases
salmon aboaul. The .Tas. 0. Bain
had on 7,42.) cases at 0 o'clock last
Win. Jfowe has returned from
British Columbin and has opened his
boat shop. He makes an A 1 boat,
and guarantees satisfaction in all
Wm. Wood, secretary of the
Point Adams Packing company, in
forms us that it is their intention to
build a cannery .in upper Astoiia, next
to the box factory.
Note Capt Gray's ad. in reference
to the movements of the Gen. Miles
for the ensuing week. Parties desir
ous of visiting coast points v. ill find
this an excellent opportunity.
At a special meeting of Alert
Hook & Ladder company held last
evening, W. J. Barry was nominated
for chief engineer, and F. P. Hicks
and Joe Charters for assistants.
- A girl named Annie Wallace,
better known as "the ghost" attracted
considerable attention yesterday morn
ing by falling in a fit on Squcmoqua
street. She was removed to her
lodgings, and medical aid summoned.
A merry party of picnickers went
down to Ilwaco yesterday, and from
some of those who wero there we learn
that they had no end of fun. The
da- was all that could be desired
and all enjoyed themselves thor
oughly. They returned at dusk, on
the Sam,
All the ladies interested in the
affairs of ihe Presbyterian church are
particularly requested to meet at the
V. M. C. A. this afternoon at four
f .'clock, to niako arrangements for ai
concert and ic cream sociable to bo
given at an early da' for the benefit
of the building fund of the church.
Tlie British ship Lcucadia,
Mearns master, which sailed from
Newcastle, N. S. W., on the 29th of
April, arrived in yesterday. She ar
rived at Wilmington, July Gth, and
comes in coal ballast. The British bark
Mandalay, Scott, master, which sailed
from Adelaide June 2d, also arrived
Miss Monroe reads in the Congre
gational church this evening, aud will
recite some of the choicest selections
in her extensive repertoire. The
comfortable seating capacity of this
building coupled with the fact that Miss
Monroe is an artist of uncommon
merit should insure a largo attend
ance this evening.
Lieut. Green, of the U. S. .Hiynal
service, came up from Fort Canby
yesterday afternoon, whither he had
been making arrangements for the
building of a signal station which 13
to be located at that point, and
connect! with A.,,oa by ca.,1,, It$?&gbggSS " '
is his opinion that the entire work will
bo finished this season. Its utility is
unquestioned, and to everyone it vviU
be a servico of the greatest possible!
use. The material was shipped July
, -kvf.xtii day's rnocKvniM's.
, State vs. Cauchcn.
t Pica not guilty.
Stateof Oregon vsMctchell Muichino.
Pica not guilt v. Rail set at .
Stui c v.s Sturi. 3Iaria Stui oapiNilnt -
edOuaidian ad lii am for minors.
State vs .Too k' ct al Dismissed, co-l
I to idaintifl.
Body Found.
. ... ,
(luw n iivnitoi:, W. 1., I
intuit . i- i
AngUM , loz.
p.,,,,,., i .., .......
Jiunit AsreKi.w:
I writctoiufoi.ii von i hat tin-iltwid
K,.,l,- .f .. ,...,,. o,,,,,,,,.-! ,, i, i,
nodv ol a man, supposed to tie tlwtj
of a fipheiman from the Columbia
liver, was found on ihe oct-au beach
on Saturday last, about 1. miles uoith
of Gray's harbor. Should judge tlie
man to be about thirty yeans of age,
medium size, light colored or red
meustache: had on shin, pants, gum
boots, apron and cuffs: patch on one
knee of pants; had 1!).0. in his
pocket. The money was given to the
Indians who assisted in burying him.
H. W. Wkt!ik.1i.i.
Drowned trom a Steamer.
John Slosh, a passenger on the
steamer Manzanillo, from Astoiia to
Portland, fell from the boat during the
trip and wasdrow ncd,yesterday. While
coining up through Westpott slough
he attempted to draw a bucket of
water from the tiver. When the
bucket filled it gave the rope such a
jerk as to pull tiie man overboard.
The boat was stopped and dibits made
to save him: but in vain. He did not
tise to the surface after the first plunge.
Slosh is supposed to have been a fish
erman. The body was not recovered.
OnijiHittih, 11th.
At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Point Adams Packing Company,
held on the Uth hist., d. C. Lidwell,
W. H. Wood, Samuel Olaen, August
Xoburg and Edward Woodlicld wci e
elected directors of the company.
After adopting by-laws for the govern
ment of the company, the meeting ad
journed to meet at the call of the
president. The directors having quali
fied,chose the following efficers: Presi
dent, .1. C. Lidwell; Serrctarv, W. H.
Comic Opera Coming
We have received the following dis
patch: Sa.vFkanchcoj Aug. 11, '82.
En. Astekiax:
I have engaged the Hattic Moore
comic opera company, and will play
in Astoria on the seventeenth and
eighteenth of August. 'Hie finest
comic operas, Olivette and Mascotte,
will be produced in unequalcd style.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Post
office at Astoria, ( iregon. August 1 Oth,
Allen, Fred C.
Anderson. A. L.
Banitton, Mr.
Bcrntsen. Anton
Boberg. John
Boscsko, Nicholas
JIcndcr.soii, J.
Ingham, Arthur
.lensen. Attliur
I.owe. J.
Mclntiio. Bnx.
McDaniels, 'L'lios
Byrne, A . V.
Maglellen, .Mikh-
Christensen,Ooi hai t May. Jnliu'c.
Dunham. .1. I. Mclnto-h. .1.
Dyson. .1.1 1
McCluic. Ilattie
Dunn, Oeoi ge
Iurphv. D.C.
Shar.dd, ThefKlore
llenala, John
Principal of female
Persons calling for these letters
must give the date they arc advertised.
W. Chantb. P. M.
The British bark Lizzie Bell
cleared yesterday for Liverpool. She
takes 173oT0 bbls. flour, and 500 cases
of salmon, her cargo aggregating in
valuo 800,022. The last time she
sailed front this port was on the 4th of
June, 1881, when she carried out
S7..,000 worth of Hour.
The arrival of the Pacific Mail
steamer City of S3'dney, from China
with Chinese passengers on board, at
San Francisco, elicits considerable dis
cussion. The fact that she arrived
after August 4th, justiGes the action
of the California authorities in refus
ing the steamship owners permission
to land the Chinese. That's what the
bill was passed over Arthurs veto for.
Auction sales to-day. At 11 a. m.
sheriffs sale at the Delmonicn Restau
rant, kitchen, dinimi-ioom and bed
room fiirnitmcctc. At 2 j.m. at Hol
den's auction rooms, icgular .salu of fur
niture, carpets, spring beds and sundries.
m Highest price paid for old web and
junk. dims. Evaxsox.
lm 1 nquire of Foaid & Stokes.
If you want nice fi esh lard, or tmnil
' ' ,l p,"lcr ai can A(lIcr
Remember Frank Fa ore's ice cream.
' 's par excellence.
Wedding presents, beautiful and
appropriate at Carl Adler's.
j State vsOeorge Day. not true Mil. '! ,,, to toll ub just what laws we need I and 1 would suggest that tho Poiiland
State vs Frank A "field J1" tnL. subject, and that frftut can-' Board ..f Trade appoint a ommiitee
. Kansford vs rislii'tmaii racking (o. J . , . . , . - .
jRuiney forplfT.. TuUon foi deft. Vci- J iierymen, t o, thoie are nut .ver five t"ill,v thi:. matter aim ura.t laus .o
ilift FiV ! cit . . i. . -..'. ...i ... .1. . i..:..i...... -v
h.apnnd03, Auduvo ONen. Capt.
Faik. Charle-s. Hoich, Matte.
Foss, Charles Weill v. Matthew-
Franklin. Mai V .SvVtMirisPii.r.ntntiiti.
A Fianennau's Views.
J Astokia, Oregon, Aug. !. 1882.
I Editor Asteriax:
' 1 notice an article in the Oregoman j
I f th.. sib"Th., S .ln.f.t. i7ilipriM"!
! wnici, T ,. M . , , I
,in avmcn i i. - starts out in saj
! in Hint he has put in all of five davsl
.visitms cannervmen. and that he ;8.
I cannery
j subject; "lint they want is to get all ' :lr'
ithc imiiiev "Ut of the business theie is risiiEnvi k.v.
'. . , i ' -
in k. and Ift our iisieiitv, when they, ., , -. ,
- , , C'al ofTliankK
want a piece f .ialiumi, to Alaska ,. , ,, . . .
m ,..,'" . .Mi.aml .Mrs. Ut- Pett'i-on uMj to
j f,,r " As lor his l'"'Kopaga-j,Klu ti, XV:,ruM thanks to tl.e
lion, i nave imiimc io x.iv. oiiiv uiiu
' - .
witli tlie same laws you nave ior
butchers you will not need anv propa-l
:... ... .:. I
gating. liat would tlie puniie say
if your butchers should give you cow
meat, and thai killed one or two days
1...C....O l,r..v.. n.,,1.. t.. n-,W. ivliioh
.... .wj j . " . ,
is the same as August salmon
I think I
. , . , ,
erics are tne proper ones, nut ue lnaKes
a mistake when he says there are no
7 , ciicuiica o itic .iHn Hiiu
young fish in the waters designated.
Mr. l. l. Ai. Knoivs, it lie nas ever
been on the streams spoken of, or any
other mountain stream that empties
into the Columbia river, that they arc
alive with several species of trout and
all of them prey on the spawn of the
sabnou and also upon the young sal
mon; you take the large bull trout of
those waters and the only way I could
ever catch one was to catch a small
fish and put my hook in its body, and
have Mr. Bull Trout take fishjiook and
all, which I have seen them do many
times, but you may bait your hook
that way any where on the Columbia
river, from the Cascades to Astoria,
and fish forever and you would never
get a bite; tins is evidence enough for
mo that the higher up the river you
go the more danger the young salmon
have to contend with before reaching
the ocean, and if he will take tho
pains to study this matter and follow
the April fish into the head waters of
one of those streams and catch one of
them, ho will find that they do
not spawn until July or August,
and that the ice begins to make before
the young salmon are strong enough
to do much toward making their way
back .to the ocean. In my opinion it
is the last of July and August run of
salmon that spawn between the Cas
cades and Tougne point that keep the
Columbia river supplied with fish.
His assertion that all the salmon
caught in August are fully lipe is cor
rect. He must also admit that every
salmon has nearly a half million of
eggs, and that if one in every twenty
is hatched they are doing vciy well;
he also asserts that the torn cod and
flounders prey on the spawn, which is
not so. The salmon lay their spawn in
fresh water, and the toni cod never go
into fresh water, and the flounder
very seldom. We never catch toni
cod in Astoria until the river gets low
and the water salt. As for the tramp
fisherman that he speaks of, make
proper laws, aud I will guarantee that
they dout fish and disturb the spawn;
as for crawfish there is not enough to
amount to anything, and when they
do come in any number it is lor the
purpose of spawning themselves, and
after the spawning season for Ihe
salmon is over.
He also states that tho steamer
Walla Walla, on the Oth, in crossing
the sands, got eighty fathom of gill
net, filled with salmon, entangled in
her stern. Now, any oue who ever
saw the Walla Walla, knows she nover
went on to the sands to get that net
but cauiiht it in mid channel. He
also says that in this month tho salmon
arc found on the sands looking for a
place to deposit their spawn: Very
true; and that is the very reason that
they should be let alone. God, in his
wisdom, has endowed every animal
with instinct which tells it where to
deposit its young. Now Mr. Editor,
I will tell yon what is the matter: Mr.
T. B. M. has been for the last week or
so the guest of one of onr cannery
men, and it is plain to see that he in
not going to writo an article that does
not suit their views. The fact is
that tho April fishing does not pay
any cannery to put their gear in the
water, as there is not fish enough in
the river td keep men and other things
that is necessary to run a cannery
during that mouth, and to umke sure
of plenty of fish for the future, tho
fislnng season should commence on
the first day of May and closa on the
last day of July. Now, Mr. Editor,
I am a bonafide resident and property
owner of Astoria, and expect to live
ind die here ind 1 don't wint to -ee
anttctienere, anttiuont wanr to sec
anv laws made that are goiug to injure
fbo rrmtrtb nf mi bo-niMfnl lifli rite
the growtlt of our beautiful little cat .
Everybody will admit that it is the
fishing that gives us our present stand
ing, and it is better for us not to press
the thing too far aud fish during the
i spawning season which is the wholo of '
The fishing wheels should bo "abol-
isI,etl and l c-1""01 & anything to
what the writer says in his article on
the subject.
ut T " thl,,k the matter should
bo left entirely with tho canncTyuicu,
..."... .......... ............... ........
who maniltMfd thi'ir fiiendsiiii.;n thr
o - e.i:ioii of their marriage:
fMa,,.,, -M,t--lo1m f'teiMji, .Mr.and
Mrs. Anrlrew oini',r. .Mr. and Its.f.tist
0lmes. Mr. and Mr. .m:ii-t OIm.ii.
Mnl Mr J.J. IJaylh. Mr. :,nd
DanieNon, Mr. and .Mrs. (.'. i. f ;ilb 'it." j
-MCllOJas .('I:i)n. I.ttl I lUIISf 11. .Mill! !
Sain Olson. August Xordbertf.
Oinrlev OImhi.
.MI - OII. . I.. IM'lg. I
.Martin Xi'Imiii. Alfred Olson. XiPinda i
yiryiansoii..lnl m lciersn Kubei!;. P..
Il..lohusoii. II. (J. Hansen. Swan iNon.i
,vtl"USi i urMllTUi J.IIUYJ" ilUH'II, II. JI.
git j, Henry Plain, August Palm, .John
Kliasou. .1. .01011, .John lienjuren,
For Chief Knsiiiccr A. F. I.
At the regular mcetin" of ReM-m- F.n
gine Company No.-', held at the hall ot
tnc company August vtu. iks- me 101
lovving resolution was unanimoulv
Resolved : That in our efficient Fore
man. Mr. Chas. H. Stockton, we reeog
nize that efficiency and unswerving
fidelity to tlie interest of our Fire De
partment, and believing that after five
years of active service, we find that ti ue
worth tequisite for our Chief Engineer.
For the ensuing year we hereby present
to the Firemen of this Department Mr.
Chas. H. Stockton as a candidate for
Chief Engineer, at the Department elec
tion to he held by this Department on
Mondav tho 14th dav of August. LS.
B. S. Wonsr.Kv.
Sec. 11. E. No. .
A Card.
Having been nominated a candidate
for Chief Engineer of the A. F. D. at the
last regular meeting of Astoria Fire Co.
No. 1, without my knowledge or consent,
I hereby respectfully decline said nom
ination. Thanking my friends for the
honor and confidence thej- placed in me
by giving me said nomination.
Wm. Dock.
Special Xotlce.
For the next sixty days I will dispose
of my goods at a sacrifice to make room
for new stock. My goods are of the best
quality, were bought from hands
and will be sold so cheaply that anv one
wanting anything in the line of books,
jewelry, toilet ai tides, variety goods,
etc.. can get them at a lower price than
elsewhere. (Jo to Carl Adler's
Its Wonderful Efficacy.
No remedy ever discovered powws
the wonderful efficacy of Syrup of Figs.
The certainty with which it expels all
impurities from the sv.stcm, at the same
time giving tone to tho liver, stomach
and bowels, places it ahead of all other
remedies, to ay nothing of its being
more easily taken. It i. selling very
rapidly. W. E. Dement, Druggist, has
been appointed agent for Astoria.
Hodge. Davis A: Co.. hohsalc agents
P01 Hand. Oregou.
Elegance and Purity.
Ladies who appreciate elegance and
purity tire using Parker's Hair Bal
sam. It is the best article sold for re
storing gray hair to its original color,
beautv and lustre.
Always Refreshing.
A delicious odor is imparted by
Florcston Cologne, which is always
refreshing, no matter how freely used.
Furuitliril Koouim to Lei
At Mi.s. MiuisonY. lodging house,
Wood for Sale.
I have alHtul 1." hundred and tiflv
cords of dry hemlock, which I will sell
forca-sh at ALT.'.perconl. 1 will deliver
the wood to my customers.
A few bottles of your indeed valua
ble medicine, called Plunder's Oregou
TJlood Purifier, has entirely cm cd my
rheiimaticm of 11) years' standing.
Roseburg, Ogn. H. Sciivvaut.
--The Always Handv stovepipe
shelves at John A. Montgomery's.
Jliithdav presents, basket-, albums,
evvelry. etc., at Carl AdlcrV.
Carl Adler's baby can iages must be
seen to be appreciated. Stop in and look
at them.
Fabre's icecream isthebe.-t.
P. J. Goodman. on Chenanius street,
has just received the latest and nio-t
fashionable stvle of gents and ladies
Iwiots. shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
Shipper fe Rybke, Xo. 11. Oak street
Portland, are the bou ton tailors or the
Xo specific for local skin ailments
can cope in popular favor with Ou:v.s
SrLrJiCJ: Soap. "Hill's II n:
WmsKiii: Dvi:.",0 els.
Colukx's Lii-nic's Liqi'id Rkki
am) Toxic Ixvioekatoi: imnnrts
strength to bodv and mind. 7'i;.nm
other. Of druggists.
Catarrh ciirctl. lictfith and .sweet
breath secured by Shiloh'.s Catarrh Rem -
edv. Price M cents. .Masai Injector free.
For sale by W.E. Dement.
Slecnlcss lights, made miserable
I b that terrible COUgll. Slliloll's CP is
rome(1y lor y0M $,m hy w hL lhm
Will you suffer with Dispeiia and
Liver Complaint Shilolfs Yitalier is
Siaranteed ty cure you. Sold by R.
Tin rtul Australian KoiuiMly for
j Toothssdir. Xciiralsia.RacliiM'li
Seititira. out. Lumbago.
' Sprain. :mtl Swelling.
Itarns anil Scald..
Krnisi's.IIcailaHrr. Frosiwl fVet
and Far. Sore Tlironl, Pain
in the Chest. Far Actio.
"oi'tis and Itmiioiis.
And all ISodily
'lhi renowned Australian lUauedyUinadc
pvlnshelyi.r Australian herli. rown by
Ihe (aemiaiisof tlienfePwood scrub ilUtrict,
i.Mti'Pitskuul. Australia, w ho make herb cul
ture a specialty. It does not contain an
tit.Kouniis ingredients whatever, and N the
in the world for the above complaint.
A Perfect Cure uain 11 tecit in JEv-
vi y Cac.
It easts hut M cents per bottle, and it Is
siniplv foolishness for those who are suflfer
mjr pain not to use it.
Pull Direction accompany each Cottle.
&.hl hyall Diiustists and Patent Medicine
PROF. 31. A. SCOTT & CO.,
Sole 1'ropricforM A .ltnmiraeturcrM
Xii. -21 1.1 nuil .-. Bridge street. Italia-
rat. lirloriu. .lH.traliii.
A VI KK If IV DEPOT - -Sanln Clara, Cnl.
XV. K. IIEMKXT. Sole A cent for
Astoria, Oregon.
AMorin Ice Depot.
Frank Fabn is now prepared to sup
ply families, rcMaunuils, hotels, saloons,
etc., with pure mountain icuonthe prem
ises. ice cream overvuav. lialis
parties and dinners supplied with ice
cieam at short notice.
"Koiisli o'i lint.
The thing de-ired found at last. Ak
Druggists for 'Rough on Rats." It
clear- out nits, mice, roaches, tiles, bod-bug-.
1.".'. boxes.
The new Empire -tore with the finest
and UM selected stock of dry goods and
ladies -hoes eer bioiight Io A.storia.
will open in Johnson's new building,
about Ihe middle of August, by Pracl
Wanted to Rent.
House of live In .seven room-, for fam
ily of two. For a .suitable house a good
lent will be paid. Apply to this Office.
Drain and Xerve.
Wells Health Rcncwer, greatest leni
cilj on earth for imiitence, leanness,
sexual i!i liilitv. ete Si. at ilrnusrists.
Oregon Depot.' DAVIS - CO., Poifland,
Uiace up the whole sy-tem Willi King
I Ihe Rlood. ce Advertisement.
True happiness is derived from tho
me of Pfuuder's Oiegoii Rlood Puri
fier. People who have tried il once
never give il up. because they want to
l emain happy.
i'atarrli of the ISIndtlcr.
StMiging. smarting, irritation ot the
urinary p-is-ages. di-cascd discharges,
cured W Ruchupaiba. si, at druggists.
Oicgou Depot. DAVIS& CO.. Portland,
Have Wistar.s balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
tlueuza, consumption, and all throat and
ping complaints. ." cents audil a bot
tle. Shiloh's Cough and Con-tunption
Cuio is -old bv Us on guarantee. It
cures consumption, sold by W. K. De
For the genuine J. 11. Culler old
Ronrbon. and the best ot wine., liquors
and .San rrancisco beer, call at the (tern
opposite the bdl tower, and .see Camp
bell. I.e. ons given in Wax and Paper
flowers taught in the latc-t style. Ap
ply at the City Rook .store.
Anyone wishing wells cleared or
log- removed uuickly and in good shape,
will enquire at John Rogers, Central
J. (J. Davidson, photographer. Poit
land. .still retains the negatives taken at
Astoiia last year, and will furnish dupli-
cates from tlieni oil .short notice, ins
i landscape views are much admired and
iu laigc demand. dvvlm
No more gool weight at the Orient
Raths. Three first-class barbers. All
vvork guaranteed. Childrens hair cut-
tingaspecialtv. .i.tJ. Okaktiirs.
1 , , . - ,, , ,
,- rt',, f Ult received at C. A. May's by
every .steamer. .No stale trash j-.yerv
variel.v or Oregon and California fruit
' always on hand.
j M(
-Mcintosh hits icceivcd the largest
and most complete stock of hats in the
city. Men's sizes from G$ to T5.
What is nicer on a warm day than a
dish of that exquisitely flavored ice
cream that Frank Fabre makes ?
1 have removed to tb
And have. Without u
The Finest ni Best Arrange! Store in Oretoi.
New Goods Received
All the Z.tMt Stylos and XTovwltlM
Call and Inspect Stock and
No trouble to
ASTORIA, June 3, 1885.
spiozAiu A:isrjsrcT33sro:EiM:Eiaira?,
Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, - - SI 60 per Dozen
0VSpectal attention paid to orders from Public Houses and Families."
Jjj3gg Vug Jgg Jpi,
JTOrdci-s left at the CERMANIA UEERJ HALL will be piomptly attended lo.iev
' .lor.f.EKS IN
Best San Francisco Houses and
Eastern Distilleries.
857"-AII oods sold at San Fnuiclsco Prices. '
Opiiosilc Parker House. Astoria. Ou-joo.
To all who are. suffering Irom the
errors and indiscretions uf outh, nen--
ous weakness, early decay, loss pf man-
hood, etc 1 will send a recipe that will
cure vou J-IKE ut;ur rni-
great remedy was discovered by a mis
.sionary in South America. Send n self
addressed envelope to the Rev. Joskpii I
T. Inmam. Station D, Xew York Citj.
3Ir. John Rogers of theCentral Jlar
ket. has made arrangements to keep al
he finest fresh fish, etc.. in their season
Physicians' prescriptions carefully
compounded day or night at J. .'
Conn's drug store, opprsite Occident
Classen & Oerkwitz have bought the
branch Candv store next to Stevens &
Co's book store, and will hereafter ruin
loth place. Fresh candy always on
All the impular novels of the day at
Carl Adler's.
Fresh taffy ami caramels every day
at the Astoria Candv Factory. Main St.
JoifN P. Or.Assnx.
Fiesh ice cream ever day at Frank
Fabre's. Families supnlied in any
(inantity by leaving order. Also the
llnest oysters cooked to order. Frank, TWiHK AN.VUAI .MEETING OF TtffiSt-
Fabres Oysters and ice cream are known i -, I"!1!?! ti l Ifc 2'Jn Vn-aSSS1
, oc tiii- aviwiionon ' wH' uc npI" at " hall ol Beaver Loos 2u.
cv crj where as par excellence. . llnmPaiateiy alter Its session onTflBjstov
'iZ s 1 k i f . night. August 2ttli, for the electloa ofefl-
Avcnll's inbcctl paints, the best m ,&, ror tbP ensulnj: year, and for toe trs
use, for sale at J. . Conn.s drug store action ol iuch other baslnan m mar coa
opposite Occident Hotel. before It. A. J. MEOLEaVSert.
Sinjriv Exception,
hv Kvery Steamer in
Get Prices Whether You
or Not.
show goods.
Make u-ie of the Vegetable Kingdom. Abw
lutely the
. For the
B(MM aM Uyvr C4MytaUU
New er ld CluMlft.
tVter. 4ite. ttjrsyeaabu ete.
Positive 0-ix-o
Klduo and BUilder Wwu,
Ckreale SkJa TrsaMc
niirt Bheaautitai.
Ras Stood the Test
Fur particular and testimonials troan weU
known people In our State read locals and
j rnee -
" ,
J ia " c" ,ale
our drusl-t keeps a
si. per tUe.
sis lots for 93.00.
and reeoauaeads it.
Ask for, and see that you get the genuine..
Annual Meeting.