:? ASTORIA. OKEGON: -.. I SATURDAY AUGUST 12. 12; J.F. II.l LI.UK A.Y. .Erflfor The Land Grant. Ed. Ateriax: Thk Te.a ami F'acifie ihi!-i road land grant lias been repotted j as forfeited by the judiciary com- ! mittee of the house of representa .tives. We begin to have hope that all of congress does not be long to the railroads. In Oregon we have a railroad grant exactly in the same position as the Texas and PaciGc before its forfeiture. I allude to that portion of the Northern Pacific land grant which is situated between Wallula and Portland. It should be declared forfeited on the same grounds a& the Texas and Pacific. The rail road between the points named has not been built by the North Pacific railroad company, but has been built by another corporation, the Oregon Railway & Navigation company. This latter corporation built most of the road in question without any hope of government aid, and before even friendly re lations were established between it and the Northern Pan fie. This grant of land, that is, be tween Wajlula and Portland, has now become very valuable. It is probably worth two millions of dollars. It is worth nearly as much though not as much sis the unearned Astoria land grant. It embraces the alternate sections of land for a breadth of SO miles by '200 miles in length. It has not been earned by the Northern Pacific nor by the Oregon Railway and Navigation company, and it should not be given to either. The time has expired on which the road should be built and il should now be thrown ope:: to public settlement. C'lmitx. L.V1E reports from the I ml an Ter ritory say that the war between the Creek Indians is ended for the present, and both the Sands and the Chicotah parties have been dis armed and disbanded. ( )ne of the omcocau s cavairv ponce was killed, and the party visited church where Chief Chicotah was and intended killing him, but were prevented by the congregation. When -150 of Chicotalfs men had turned out to capture the assassins and had reached the vicinity wheic they were, the latter fled to the mountains, sending word to the Chicotahs to catch them if they could. This is almost impossible, as they are in the wildest and most remote part of.the nation. Indian Agent Tufts is reacby to use gov ernment troops to preserve the peace, It is feared that another outbreak may result if the Sands party come out uf their place of concealment. NEW TO-DAY. TIIE STEAMCIt G-XZHST. MILES Will leave Astoria for SHOAL WATER BAY ox Tuesday,-August 15th. 1882, At 4 A. 31. Returning the same day. Far. :.. HT-WIU leave for TILLAMOOK n Thuts day, August lth, at 11 a. si. ; returning same nay ; lare so.oo. -Lxcursion tieueis, return trip m r .10 days, 57.00. '"larWHl leave for GRAY'S IIARROR n Saturday. August istli. .I.H.IMiK.U.Aceiir. EXCURSION!! to young's river falls ami claskamm: river. Steamer Clara Parker BEX-r. 2'AItKEll - Master, " "Will leave Capt. Hustler's Whrf Sunday, August 13th. at 9 A. M. For Young's River Tails, and Clakaniue .tRlven etarulng will leave Claskan meat 4 p.m. aI"ToaBg"s Elver at 4 tso p. si. FAUC SflUlt Trip, - - 5cts NEW TO-DAY rn. ro-jsriGHT! I AT THE ! J CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH., MISS HENRIETTA MONROE. ' BLecitations, Boat IBTJiiJlclixia,. WILLIAM HOWE Having lately returned lioiiilhifc-hClniii-1 ni:i, is id up round :u ins OLD STAND IX OKAY'S P.UII.UIXC Whciehe isdoinx FIKKT-CIiASS "tVOJtI. OXI.Y. Wanted. mo vriicirASi: a smai.i. mv JL House ultli ono lot or a Kood lot trallv located lor luiimiiij; purposes. 5 . Mms'liaiin property for -sale v.ifl pice .i.i . dress H., Astoki n mice. II j Street Grade Notice. N'OTICJ: is herehv ynen thai lli Common Council of Hie cit of Asto:ia propose 1 establish the jrrinleof ('mil! street in McCluro's Asloiia. for tin a-l-ern limit of said" Court street totlx wit side of Lafajelti'sisvot. Tlu'nulcio bean follows'! tlio ri.issiiis of tint and Ohie stiect u fee. :it in'euo street.v:i-el. at Cs. siuvi ".i f,vl. at Main sticel 70 leot. at iJriiloii st !! '... feCUatLalajettfsiifrJ Vll ft-et, abo. the has' of gradis. JJV onler it tin LuiiiiliOli otmril. F. V. VOIM.'IS Auditor and '!'il.. Astoria, August lOtli, IsS-j. u!d. Street Grade Notice. NOTICE is lificb uieu lliat the rouuiiou ConiH'il ot lhoeil of Astmia nroposo to t'stabliMi tlie "nidi'iif Wall .street, in Mihelv's Astoiia. f i out the oast side of West Fifth street to the western limit of saw Wan street. Hie ;rade to be established :ts follews: At the eross ingsiif West .Sixih streel. ,"S feet: al West .Seventh sheet. 71 leet; at West Eilith.stieel. ss leet: at West Ninth .street. 78 feet, above the bae ol nides. I onler of lite Connnon t ouneil. F. V. NOIMMS, Auditor and Clerk. Astoiia. Au.iiiisl 10. TsS-j. lOJd Dissolution Notice. ftUm l'AKTNEKSlIl I' HKKCTOrOKi: i:x X lstlng between J). M. Duliniveie ainl l.'vis Serra, is this day ltsshel lij iniitiia! conseut. Any indelitediii'ss tn 1 paid jointly by botli parties, and all debts due the Arm to be collected in a bl:e iiiaiiiiet. . I). l. Dl'lJKAM'K, j.ewi.s sr.ui: . Astoria. Oiegon, AuguM iuiii. is2. iwk Meeting of Pilot Commissioners. MEETING OF THE r.OAKl) OF I'dnl J. ("ommissloners f.ir W.IiIiikIoii Teinln- i. will be held at Jhan. W.T.. m Tliurs- d.t.AiiKiist2itli. ifvSi liv order ofl lie lUiaid. II. C. COMEG VS, Soct'j Kalanux, W. T. August S. 1SS2. atO :a Election of Officers. 4 T A MEETING OF THE STOl'KHOI.D JLV ersef the t'liion rackunr Co., the fnj louiim oflict rs ere elected . OITII KKS. rresident, 1. 1. .Iohiisn ; SiTietarj. .lohn WtiL ; Treasurer. .1. .lului. i:o.t:D or iiiitKCToifs. .loliu Will;. 1. F. lohiisiin. .I..I0I111. Atubew Jdhnsou. A. A'.uaiason, GtiMaf Kaski. Olof Ueuihk-kson. d ::t For Sale. A HALF INTEniWriXACOOD 1'AYINO 1. Iiu-iness in this city can he !oi:;:lil for .2i). Ton man whots'willnuitn work, tliis isajroo.l chance to mahe uione. lii(;uire atihisiitllce. " al-IDd Notice. ATEITIIEU THE CAll'AIX .NOt: riii: Constoiees of the lintKh hark Wolfe 111 lie rcspiniMhle Tor any dctils that may he eontntctcd hy the crew. .l.KEl I), Master. Astoria, Oregon. Ansmt 7. tsSi did Notice to Taxpayers. I AM NOW ASSESSING AXI COl.l.Err ng the Stale and County Toll taes, and will continue until all are collected. l'crsoi shan::taahle property in Cl.it Mip County are also requested to give in to me statements of all Mich propertv for .ts sesMuent. V'.W. l'AltKKK. Count v Assessor Clatsop Co.. Oregon. Ast ria. August a. 1 vml t f TO BUILDERS. IJItOl'OSALS WI 1.1. 1JE ItECElVED t.utd . 12 o'clock noon, Satuidav. AugtiM PJIh, for theconstnicilon ofatwo stor dwelliiii; house on the lot north-west corner ol Main and .leircrson streets. Kight n-sen cd to re ject an or all hids. riansaml specilicjitioiK can he seen at the oluce of I- C. 110EDEW 1'eal llstate Aceni. Benton Street Improvement. NOTICE is herehv given thai Hie. Coiniunn Council of the City of Astoria ptopose lo otder Hie ini)roeiiK'til of that poitionnf Iicntnn Stiect ftont the south side of Coucontly street to I he north side of Court street in jleClnre's Astoria, bj danl;in; the same tluouah the center twenty feet in iillii w it li new and .sounil throe inch plank, and unless a remonstrance signed by tne owners ot two thirds 01 the piojkt t fronting on said portion otsaid street be filed with the Auditor and Cieik within ten days from the final imldiea tion of this notice, viz: Aiigut."0lli.issj, the Common Council will order said 11a piovement to be made. Iiy order of the Common Council. F.C.NORU1S. Auditor and Cleil.. Astoria, August iitli, 1HS. I. W. CASE, IMI'OKTKU AND WHOLESALE AND KK TAIL DEALEi: TN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streeLs. ASTOBIA. -.- - OREGON MISCELLANEOUS. A. v. Alien, fs ICKSSOK TO lAi:E V .M.LI'.N.) WiittaM' :uiit ri i .ir.tSt'i Groceries, rzovi&ttB&t Gfaokery. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICA 1 AX lJOMKSMC FRUiTS AND VEGETABLES. 'loVlllIT With 1 ,i:,l!N,:!Wiffis!Li!Oors,TflliaccoCi!rars !! l.trnest and :tnt rnnleit si.vi. .if C.Mts; in iltt-it HneSii ! r.nuiit m ttie i-lty. (".inter efCisS Hint Si;o!iin.ijtie StreIi. AS I OKI A. OKKCON. MA itri.v ro.vitn. J. . sioki:s FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers In Wood aad Willow-ware, GROCERIES. Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors rOKI'IGN AND DOMES'! U' Fnril.s aiiflVfigHahles FX-OXTR, FEED, M COUNTRY PRODUCE. AND General Commission merchants amtokia. oi:f.;ox. Net to Olefin Ifnilu.tv X Va. .'s 1)(m-1: diw G. A.STfNSON & CO.. BLACKSWITHlNGf At ('ijil. Holers old stand, eetner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cinnery work. Ilorseshoein. Wairiuis iiuiie ami repaired. Uund work guaninteed. PACIFIC HOUSE. OYSTERVILLE, - - W. T. 2 MIU'K t'rmii tIjVAaO. Slaue em.iieetiiis Dailx. Pare.- - -5100 Itoaid 0 the D.ij. -Eoard hv the. Week - -si 'St Z& til iHstets. Clams etc.. kept coiiilanlh 011 hand ami -cned 111 anyMle, wilhotit eMra cltaige. Mi-. .11. 'A itUI'TJIKICN. 1'ioptletor. Astoria to Liverpool Direct. The fine Al Ship "Elwell" U61 tons Register, Is iuiii lcccitiii;; Cargo, and haiii4 large engagviueiits will Ine ipiiek dispalch, to he followed hythe A I iron Hurque .linile John son" irT tons SCeisIer. d.r 1'reight etc., apply to I'.ALFOn:. cuthrii: & CO.. dlf Portland, Ongoii Equalization of Assessments. Notice is heimu'.y civex that ox the last Mnuda in August, 1S.2, the Hoard of i:qn:iti;it!on of Clatsop eountv will attend at theoillceof the County Clerk in said county, and publicly examine the as sessment roll for the purpose nl correcting all errors therein. 111 the aluation. descrip tion or ipiahty of lands-, lots or other prop erl :aml it tsthedut of all tersous inter ested to appear at sail! Hoard at that time and place with their complaints or requests ifauv the have in that matter. W. W. PAItKEK, Count v Assessor of Clatsop Count v. Ogn. Astoii.uAugilstT.18S2. dtd Dissolution Notice. VrOTICE IS IIEUEBY (H VEX THAT THE J-l 1" trtiiership heretofore existing hot ween Clws. Mevens and II. 1". Sleeiis, ot this city. iniiier tne nnn name 01 runs. Meens &S011. Kiiiis,-.:i iii-.oie(iiiv mutual consent. AH oiiLstanding liahllilies:ue to he settled hy the old firm, to whom all Indebtedness should he paid. ('HAS. STEVEN'S. 11. K. STK ENS. Astoria, Oregon, July SIst, ISS. Department Election. -TOTlCE lf Hl'.KEHV OIVEN THAT A a. general Election of the Astoria Fire De partment will he held on Mond.i, August 1 1. het'.vccn the hours of 10 . m. ainl 1 1 w for the jmrpose of electing a Chief Knghieet ami two Assistant Engineers, for the Mth depart incut xear. Election to he held at lower hall of Kcseiio Engine Co. Xo. i .lodges apiKilntedhy Ikiardof Deleg:itis : .1. -dac omlier. f Xo. is. a IL Stockton, or Na.Js.:uid A. W. Heir'. of HimiKs. clerks apiNihited : I. E. Selig. of Xo. Is. P.. S. Wors Ie , of Xo. . , rHAXKJ.TAVI.OH. . President of Hoard of Delegates' I'KAM L. PAltKEK, Scc'y A. 1. 1). did FOll SALE. A .AlODKRX BUILT HOUSE OP FIVE - Rooms, vvltti Lot in by ICO feet. Rav windows, etc. For further Information ana rice inquire ofj c. W . SHIVELY. The BossOoffee SHhSIk JcS BLa aS jS. TWO DOORS AST ;OF OCCIDENT, willameitlpversity. :t."0 Students aud 2(1 Professors am! Instructors. rourdilferent courses hi the Collene ami slv hi the Academy lurlmlitm a r.uim-ss . rotirse and Teachers eourse Tor which lhIo- niasareawanled. ! went -two new rooms added to the Woman's Coflege. fl44.00Isall it eots a omi:r man Tor tuition ami I ward for a ear. IK.".Mia"llhatit"eovtsaI.id lor tui tion aud hoard in the Woman's Tn'Iie ,i ,eii:Tn:sTTEi:.M I'Eoins si:iti:mi:ki: i. isSi Send for Ontulosiie in Tims. Van !eoj. !islt.Mil. tl-al-liii $;df in, Oregon. MAfi-XTrTS '. 'ttfWnV HUllitl"iJ l. IIU.MI1, Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL,. iron Pipe and Fittings. i,i.r.Mi!i:it..Kii.s'ii:.M hittkrs Goods and Tools. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER. Cannery anrl FIsheiffiBiis Snpplies . - t: Uf.A nn It.,,.. Ir' ll"l :ls :l caterer Tor the pulidc's blOVeS. Till WarC and HOUSe aiunseineiilm not he excelled. Am body (wishing to spend a iIe:Lsint evening anil . isee .sparkling wit ami he.iutx williout ul- FUrniSDinQ GOOUS. ,garity, should improve the opportunity and JOBBING IN SHEET IR0S, TIN. COP The co'l'-y fVS ""'"'f-' 'f"- PER PLUMBING and STEAM F1TTINGMi- Ka.n.vik. Walto.v. 1 Mis M01.1.IK CnnisTV. Done with neatness and dispatch. 1 Xono hut tlrst cl.iss workmen employed. A huge assortment or, '' I SCI A T. ? Wk V-" UL -Li 1-J Omsianll on hand ,' rn g .. rTTKrr JL. JttkJLXKX. A XX "iar,. ' 1 Cleaning R.cpairhi.jg. ' xkat. chiap axi) ql'icic. i'.y 4'koi:ji: i.ovi-'tt. Mnin'Streel. opio.slle X. Iju'IiV. J. H. D. GKAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In. A I.I. li I X .S OF I'JCICI). Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. (icueialstonigcaud Wharfago jii re.vsoii ahle teisus. Foot of lie: ton street. Astoria Oregon. x. k:, c- sxj:th, Impoiier and Wholesale dealer in Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc., Etc., The largest and finest stock of Meerschaum and Amber goods In the city. Particular at tention paid to order from the country and essels. Chouamus street, Astoria. Oregon. THI'O. r.KAC'KKlt. Manager yachTblue skin. ChpirfT built, copper fastened, double mast vessel. lies at (base's wharf. Ready to u ccive passengers, freight or ex cursion parties to all parts of tliefViliiinliiriveriilid ielnil CtTFor further particulars impiirc of John Rogers. Central Market. Or of Cupt. Vood. Master ami owner HANSEN BIROTnEKS. Architects and Builders, All Kind's ol House work done nt li orient not ire. Shoji Torncr or (a.vs and Astoi Street. ASTORIA, ---. ORKltOX A. ail 1USGD Ou L'0. WOULD RESPECTFULLY f'ALL Till: attention of the Public to the ffict thai they are Agents for the following .sewim;; iiiachluc-S. v iz : The Iniroel Singer. j The White. l The Crown AMdTheEIdritlpe. Which they are senilis from .." to ."(. ! each anil defy Cempetition. , Persons wishing to purchase machines ' .should call and Inspect onr stock before, pur- . thasiiiKeLsevvhcre, as weKiiaranlce to give) perfcel sat isfaci iuu n. leards ipuihty audi pnee. , City Taxes. TWTOTICE IS IIEREnY Ol VKX Til AT THE 1 J3I city assessment roll for Iss- Is now in I my hands for collection, and all persons that are lnueoieu ior me wmc may suv c uv e ier cent bv paying said taxes before Au?. 2Sth, 18S2. J. G. HUSTLER, City Treasurer. and Tea Pot may in: hah or E.R HALVES' Sol.'.-" AC5KNT. Vlv. Aarnt for ;In' eficbratcd JIncIN E':;te)it "o!i 5ioi i i!4!)ALLI()N B.AiNJ'K I blAM I-miNCS A SHCIAI.'SY. None tut; the lM Ui.rkmui eiiniliied f All wiujujr:iitffd uri.n cri.tie. T3 ASTOllIA, OREGON JILL'S FARIETIBS. o !:. Hit.!., V.'AI.'I EK P i:i PKOl'KiKTOU - SIACE MANAOElt Mnw Shxrs in Rapitl Suceesiio ! Eti-sigeiiti'iit of HR. HARRY 00NLEY I '.ml m:i:i. Coinedimi mid Dnneer IITISS MOLLIS CHRISTY hi'rio i:nie iien ISR. TOM CHRISTY Tho filuee ..r ONI .lian Iih.h-1- s.UIUtOV,. Together with a new All the Old Favorites Retained. Open all (lie Year, IVrfuri. 1:1111 e Krrv Mslii. i:n!ire limine i.r Pro Siamnic Oiu-e n vtecK. CompriMiig all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre is crowded nightly, and all ho hae witnessed the entertainment nro- uouuee it to he euiinl to anv "Hen elsewhere. ' ('' xitf.t--- Uohi.ki:. Mi:. Tom. Cimisn. jji: Wai.tkii Paimk. Mi:. 11 ::i:v Co.vi.r.v. Mi:. Hu:i: Ci.kxn. All of which will appear nkhtly in their dif- fercnt specialties. 0w;i .Jr ninp.rt ,..r nvllln . lK.rroilll. auce commencing al S; cutniuce to theatre on Itentou .street ; private hoes on Chena- miis.street. took outfr Wew Stars. Fi'itT::i:zt xetici: .vs ., And 110 terms of peace until 5ijl everj man in Astoria has anew rv'C cult nf fi.iti... 3i.ij: by .izr.."wv Iiokat the pi lei's: Pants In order from -Pants, (,'enuine Pn-nth Cissimcre -Suits from - - - - - s 00 1J50 2G 00 The finest line of samples on the eo:ist to selei t from. P. .1. MKAN Y, Cass stn-et, next to Hansen's .few cln store GOOD CHEAP BOOTS, I have ( Lately Reduced the Price Of all m ritst-CI.es kooi.s imi miomn ii vtr. 10 n:ix:it, . As follows Finest Sewed Calf Roots Finest Pegged Tap Hnli d Pincst Pegged Single Soled I III Oil i Xothingbut the Rest Genuine Mercer French Calf t'sed in My Shop. X. . Arvold. OpjMisite the O. R. S. X. Co.'s Dock. Dress Making. Mrs. T. fi. JeweU. ' t'p stairs, opposite AIr. Rogers' P.o.udu 1 louse. ? ASTORIA. ORHOOX I DRUGS AND CHEMICALS.! 1 Toilet and Fancy Articles, i PATENT EZEDICIWES, ETC. 1 ISr-Prescriptions carefully eoinpoitmled'nt J 3?-IIomeopathic Tinctures and Telleis, I :uul liiimphre s hpeeincs aio Kepi. ! ' n MO . -.'s i.2i. -4-1 2 "tc-s'S P JT, C JU - w -3 ..t: s.s c-3 -, "t: -3 e5 3- S - HU 2 rl "?J- 1. S.SJi ci s. ,"i 5-, S ' 2 - 1 S "-3 -$c 1 snns5H35Xi3Ssa5235;:::i33zt33J3i:s3i:3iiiii:ii?;:ss!3;:asis3Ee:saiiiaiiniiB3iyaui B ft B I S !SS9S3:CSf22S!Z:S99a)CS&:83:Ci?Iia2SCiiXS7ai93tSS:!:31iS33ZSZfi!3aiflSI81iaii3111i31II ISACSIFICES! ! u:ii3.sJi::z.i-3:::si3;j:.cctji3i:vi;t:-i2z:ca3iissssiain:3iii.inniiiiiMiiii m TT T C ' JllO iIXaffc(scai23Et3ll1lilSkiillitkS3EIJaiiSSIIIililIlllllai31llllIlIlllIUIUailllUHHIMniHI ;VT- CALIFORNIA STORE OF- BANKRUPT STOCK OP- CS Em Qj T AT BANKRUPT PRICES By order of Creditors. . , ,-bc. CTm lSTOTIOE. To pave expense, we heteby notify all persons indebted to the Cali fornia Store, that a speedy settlement is necessary. Action will be taken to collect .same 30 days from date of this notice. By order of Creditors. Astoria, Oregon, July 2oth, 1882. T&-lm A XVIonigoxnery, (si'cnssoR ro jackins & montcojiery.) ,gSlsrafc 1 wBBirifiii!i:s:r;; COKAKK OF .HAIIAM) ASTORIA, - CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF 1.. ilFUBISriTUBE I AND DEALEll IN 1 ; Carpels, Oil Cloth, ! Window Shades, Lace Curtains, "WINDOAV CORNICES AND CURTAIN TOLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, IIK.U.KK IX yti& FURNITURE ? BEDDING. Corner Itlain anil Squcmoana Street. Astoria. Oregon. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC. A Complete Stink. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ai.i. ui:vb)s or FUUX1TIKK KKPAIRI'D aisi varhished. 55 lis I iasi &11 1 ? E 9SS So u rr5 5 J-3.S s s Sg Sil 1 P"Ni! aS-asSssg':-8s5-"L53--Sj2S bgj C s s -g 5-S s - ?--S I ffsS sSLuiiiigfisWiiiup? ' g o - h as .SJ H Z 0 S . ej ..i!Ti::s " 'sr'cavr.s iNDOUS I I TXTT1 "H TT I YV JjJiJ ! H I N G DKAI.riJS IN Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Ware. A fSeuer.il Assortment'of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Mngce Stoves and Kanges The Rest in the market. Piumhing goods of all kinds on 'hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. .IRFFKHKOX STREETS, OECtOWT. m BEDDING Wall Paper, Mirrors, Picture Frames and Mouldings, - g?3s IJoro v a jl g C..M Cj ?; fl f2ilg ."gffS Tfmt - ISJ Bm3 j"S ?