f St&totifttL Vol. xvii. Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning. August 12, 1882 No. 114 EGYPT IN AUGUST "Egypt is as deadly in August as India in June,' say old travel ers; and this sinster reputation is only too well deserved. The same distempers which almost destroyed the army of Louis IX of France at Damietta in the thirteenth cen tury decimated the tioops of Bona parte and those of his successors, Kleber and Menou, at Alexandria ;.. i, ,i r .i A;i.ti,nn.,i, r... . . . , , , , deed, those who have been in lower , . .... r-rypt during tlie healthy season may well wonder, not that so maty should succumb to the climate, but that any one should escape. The dreadful "khamsin," or hot wind, which the strongest man cannot face without instantly feeling his muscles unstrung, his skin parched and feverish, and his whole body limp and nerveless as a wet nig, is of itself a sufficient agent of evil. The fevers engendered by the ma- j laria of the Nile delta are as viru lent as even those of European M tl tVA XllllA tliik Mat'DCtqtmrr !: ' :.. c'iL -1--..- :ir ":,,. J 11.1 Ul liii- IJI.llli: ILTIC1I .111; UUilllt I j few or far between. A less fatal but equally formidable enemy to an invading army is the terrible "Egyptian ophthalmia,' which, al though often brought on by the unclean habits of the natives, is at times generated in another and very singular fashion. A small green fly persistently settles on the diseased eyelid, and, when driven off, carries the infection along with it wherever it alights. So common is this disease among the Arabs that Mehemit AH is said to have formed two batallions of one-eyed men, the one wanting the right eye the other the left. In 179S this complaint made great ravages in the army of Bonaparte, one of whose best officers becoming blind in the desert, was forced to cling to the tail of a comrade's horse in order to make his way back to camp. Tt is a common saying in Alexandria that "an Egyptian Arab with two eyes is as rare as a snow ball in June." Ncio York Time.. The Folly of Persecution. Consul Stanley, at Odessa, gives a gloomy picture of the state of affairs in Southern Russia during the present year, and points out how the troubles of the people have been aggravated by the persecution of their Jewish fellow citizens. The year, he observes, commenced most inauspiciously. The failure of the crops of 3S80 had driven up rye, the staple arti cle of food of the people, to famine prices. Then came the assassina liou of the. Emperor Alexander II. For the whole month the entire country was appalled, and was only just recovering from the shock and under the influence of warm summer weather gaining some courage, when the antiewish riots broke out. This put a com ple stop to business, and the pas senger traffic of the Russian Steam Navigation company, between Odessa, Nicolaieff, Kherson and the Dneiper, and also of the South Russian railways, fell lnver than it had done in any previous year. The Kachovka May Fair was a complete failure, as half of the Jews, who do nearly all the trad ing, abstained from appearing, and half the xemainder hurried back their goods before the Fair opened. At this time (Mr. Stanley tells us) barges were lured and moored off the shore, and household effects and valuable goods placed on board, to be safe incase of a riot those Jews who had Christian friends bring to them for safe keeping their jewelry and docu ments. JLondon Ncics. 2fewrich blood obtained by using UKEGOX BLOOD PURIFIER. A Pressing Need. Manv emigrants are now on j . J a their way to Oregon, and a great t western end of the load shall , " 111 rni 1 number are nlreauv Iiere. i"CyirCach Missoula, and the eastern ... - , ,.,, ' . . . . ... re n'l are looking lor farms. 1 lie poorer r ;; ones cro to eastern ( )regon and , ' ur 1- , 'i :, ,. eastern Washington IcrritO,! where they can settle on govern- j bu,it. It will be cmnnletoil, if no ..,. l.wlo - .k,,Ii-.c,. riHrn-.il ' 1 i t '. t i oo- ment lands or purchase railroad mishap occurs, by Octooer, 1S, lr.l ..f nlm.,., ...tnc .,,,,1 rm Irmrr! i ' lands at cheat) nxtes niiti on iourir irtii;t- t 'ttnn 'V,r.n whn 1iivr- mniiov ' .line. llioe who ll.tr moilC V , ,.,.nf0. ,,.-.. fW.rm. imt nnk-' !'"-- " .- -s . because of its elitnatic stiperiontv, . . . , ,. but because thev want to live m a settled country and onjoy the con sequent advantages of society schools and churches. The. great complaint of all of them is our I roads, or as one of them truly re marked to us, the absence of roads entirely. "SViil the farmers of Ore gon insist that their icpresentatives j on insist that their icpresentatives i ive us. a law that will do us some j ooil? Let the legislature enact, j giv ffOO( for instance, that the supervisors be elected: that road districts should be smaller; that road taxes be cut down to one dollar or one Jollslr "" ll 1,:f Per S lhilt a road taxes be paid in money, or, if this change, is not advisable, let each county elect a road commis sioner, whose duty it shall be to su pervise the construction of perma nent trunk roads, in every county, the contracts for the same to be let to the lowest bidder by the county court. This would also necessitate the collection of road taxes in money. lie could ap point deputies to work gangs of hands in different parts of the county on the roads not being re built. The gangs would travel the roads, taking team, wagon, camp ing outfit, etc., as done in British Columbia, where the climate is similar to that of our own, and which poverty-stricken province has the best roads in the world. y this means a certain number of miles according to the moncj' available of permanent read every 'ear could be built on each trunk road leading from the county seat, the balance being used to keep the remainder in repair until the county court shall build the j roads, assessing the property con tiguous, the same as is done in our cities. If these plans won't do, let some one propose others, but by all means let us have some ohangc, a; no law can be worse than the present. It is stated, says the Bulletin, that nine Chinese passengers boundjto Victoria on the Dakota, obtained certificates from the cus tom house entitling them to return. This probably means that theyi obtained certificates which will dispose of the nine other Chinese at that place who wish to enter the United states. It is now quite evident that after the -ith of August, when j"tho exclusion for ten years commences, the coolie trade will be diverted to Victoria. The Chinese in that place are now said to equal in number the whites. The intention is to make of that place the Zanzibar, so far as the United States is concerned, of the slave trade. These nine certifi cates may be an entering wedge. They may grow to thousands by and by. On the same day forty Chinamen sailed on the Zelandia for Australia, who also provided themselves with certificates from the custom house entitling them to return. In several of the Colo nies the Chinese are excluded; in others a capitation tax of $f0 is imposed. But there are one or two places where they can land. The certificates for Australia were probably taken out with much the same idea as those for Victoria namely, as a merchantable com modity. Some of them however, are said to have been issued to the Chinese crew. It is the intention of the North- ern pacific. management that the .-. . . .. . enj Bo.eman, bv the close of the . ... . , nrfisent. venr. This will lnave but ... , , ., , l,ltft niore t,an 00 miles to be .". - '- - --- J lie uaua H ana union wjiiite i .. . . . , ... .1 ! much v; !. t-n nn il fruit in tlmt ort- ""," - - w 30 every year by dt-cay. Such ovements will do much toward ; veloniti"- that territory :ind en- .etopm uiat u rruoi .um in . . : tioii every year mov de s-rtn rn vt fir flisi rrrAwiiirr rY Ifinr f.r l"""R"'fa "-.-,""' "' """ our own use instead of sending to I the Atlantic states for it. A party of 02 Roumanians, :tc- L.OM1panieii bv an interpreter, land-j eti Ilt (Jastle Garden ami wilt set- tie in Minnesota. They brought along nine black bears, a number of monkeys, and a curious collec tion of parrots, all of which they will find of immense use to them in establishing homes in the west. Thomas Silver, who is descri bed as 4a well known scientist," wants the state of California to under take the experiment of producing rain by artificial means, and sug gests that electricity might be properly employed for the purpose, lie does not suggest how the state is to determine when, where, and in what quantity rain is to fall. Should that question be left to the popular vote, the state will never be called upon to aid the experi ment. There never was a such a coin as a "bit" in the United States. The Spanish coins formerly circu lated freely in the south, and one of them, of the value of twelve and a half cents, was generally known as a "bit." This custom spread throughout the west, and forty years ago this coin, if the pillars on the face of it were fresh and unworn,, was called a "long bit," but if worn smooth it was called a "short bit," and was worth but ten cents. The American dimes also I came to be called "short bits." To those who sold "short," and went in on Comstock mining stocks in '7o and '7G, the present .stock list and its prices have a melan choly interest. .Mines that were j ,. ... I listed at hundreds of dollars per i i i .i o v share are no longer quoted. Cab- fornia, which once sold for $G23 a shate is quoted at thitty-Iive cents. . I Overmanf which broke the backs of a whole community in going from $05 to ?H2, is selling delin quent at thirty cents, and Ophir, the fanciest stock of all, that has ....MCMu..u.,.... ..u.iU. ""'5 who bought ami held, is now llat at 2 4-j. Sic transit gloria minus! The Association of collegiate Alumna has discovered that the physical status of educated Amer ican women is "painfully low," and calls upon colleges for women to remedy the evil by insisting on sufficient exercise and regular hab its. Some of the causes the asso ciation enumerates are: Social dis sipation and excitement that is neither recreation nor amusement: habitual loss of sleep; irrcgulatity and haste in eating; devouring candy and omitting breakfast; tight, heavy and insufficient cloth ing; too little instruction in the laws of hygiene and physiology. A. Varied Performance. Many wonder how Parker's Ginger Tonic can perform such varied cures, thinking it essence of ginjtcr, when in fact it is made from many valuable medicines which act boneucially on every .diseased organ. Husband! Bring your poor suffer ing wife a bottle of Pfunder's Oregon BLOOD PURIFIES. a tnut cannerv started east 01 tnc vi:i:mifh;k between four of mvehil- mountains to prevent the ls ofol.l' ffiS A i MOTHERS READ. wj-vts: Aaoutnino years aso 1 iiau.i cuilil jiv. 3 ears old and almondeau. The doctor I had nttcnuins hcrconld not tell urbat ailed iter. 1 aked him if ho did not think it ua- worm, lie said no. However, this did not : vts: About nino years asi I had .1 child lvurm. iicsaiu u- nuvecr, mis um iioi satisfy me. a-1 felt convinced in my own , mind that she had. I obtained 11 buttle of 1 inc. ;. Hplaxe-vk cf.IiKBRa.tkj VKRMIFl'ta: (genuine . I cave her a 1 teaseoonful in the inornins and another at i AAr ,,av0 never boon without it in my family. The health of my children remained u good' that 1 had neclcctcl watching tkeir action- I .,.:i i.... .1.-. .wi- ..,. .-i..... ..-.. ,.! lliiill ilUUUI IU1VI1 II tVA' 4tp.V. llUbil II1U Vt them presented the same sickly arpearar.ee that Knnny did nine years aso. .o I tho.isht jt mun )J0 WOnu.and went to work at once I with n in.lt o of IK. '. MfliA.Vh'S.i """": -i . o uismub u- u . .imx (ini! I tt tnrt lAiititont nil ! I lntr I'htirlui '1",.: "",iMV "' : , ; """,;. . S!.,n y&lTvS1 now have the worms on ehibitirn in mv-iirc. Voiik truly, -H.MIN IMI'CIS. The genuine IFK. '. .W-S.AXK-S VKK Miri'K is mamifactnml only by Neming Bros., Pittsburgh. ra., and bears tbci Fisnatiire. ofC. lofaiio and i-'lenHii "ro- It L neit-r made in St. i JBoureyoaBeit7iieBenuine. l'i ice .-. .-ent- "- In the Whole HiNtorj of MiMlicinc i Xo preparation ha eer peifori.HMl such marvelous cures, or inaintaiiinl m wide a reputation, as Avi:i:"s Ciiki:i:v i Fr.CTOKAi.. which is recofjui.i'il as the i world's remedy for all diMa-.e.s nf the j throat ami lunps. Its lon-vontimiiMl I series of wonderful cmc in all climates has made it universally known a-, a safe and reliable asent to employ. Against ' ordinary colds, which are the forerun- j speedily ami surely, always rrhVum; j MiffcrinK, and often bavin,' life. The I tiers i more .serious uitorucr, u act protection it aiforils, by its timely ue in throat and ?hct disorders, makes it an invaluable remedy to be kept alvas on . hand in every home. Xo ppr-son ean . aHbrdtobe without it, ami Hiom' wlm have onee used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition ami effect?, physicians use the. Ciikkkv Pectoral extensively in their practice, ; anil clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely certain in its remedial effects. ; and will always cure where cures are possible. rei: .sale r.v all dealei:-. Peruvian Bitters Cinchona Rubra. The. Count Cinchon was the bpanish ' Viceroy m Peru in 1(J30. The Counties, , his wile, was prostrated by an intermit tent fever, ft om which she was freed by the use of Ihe native remedy. Ihe Peru-' vianbark. or. as it was called in the language ol the country, "Quinquina.' Grateful for her recovery, on her return to .huropc in iu. sue introduced lite remedy in Spain, where it was known under various Halm's, until Liuna-us calletl it Cinchona, in honor of the lady j who had brought them that which was more precious than the gold or the Incas. To this day, after a lape of two hun- dred and hfly years, .science has given , us nothing to take its place. It effeetu- ally cures a morbid aptietite for sttiuu- lanLs. by restoring the natural tone or the stomach. It attacks excessive love of liquor as it does a fever, and destroys ' both alike. The powerful toilie irtiiet of the Cinchona is preserved in the' Peruvian liitters, which are as effective j againt malarial fever to-day as they i were in the days of the old Spanish ; Viceroys. We guarantee the ingredi- ents of thee bitters to be absolutely pure, and of the best known qualiiv. A trial will satisfy' you that this is tlie best bitter in the world. "The proof nf the maiding is in the eating.' and we willingly abide this test. For sale by all druggists, groeeis and liquor dealers. Ordt r it. Loch A: Co-agents for AMoria. . ...,,, pnIll nr ,, . llPi.t llMll(1 . , a --,....--...-.....- stopneil. .Neglect frequently result m an incurable lung disease or tonsuniiv- tion. iJrown's Uronchial troches lo not , disorder the Mnmach like cough yrups and halsauis hut aet.d.reclly on the in- "ained parts allajtng nritatioii. give relief in athma. bionchitis. coughs. catarrli, and the throat troubles which singers and public .speakers are suliject to. For thirty years Jlrown's brouehia! troches have been recoiitmeitiied bv physicians, ami always gie petfivt satisfaction. Having been UMnl ! wide and coiwont usi' for nearly an en- tire generation, they have attained well- remedies of the age. S.il.l at iM-eni "SL". 'V"1".""- 'l, MSI,U sa 'm everywhere. ShilohV Vitalier is what von need for Conciliation. i.oss of Appetite. Di.- ziness and all vmptom of sptiiia. Price 10 and 75 cents per Iw.lile! Sold by W.E. Dement. That Hacking Cough can be mi quickly cured by Saitoh's Cure. We guarantee it. .Sold by V. I. Dement. King of the Blood i Is llOt a CllV fl."il i.lblonil-mmli..r-mit . tonic. Iiiiiurity of the blood Kiioitsilipss- ' tern, derange the circulation, ami thus In- ! duces many disorders, known liv difiercut ' names to distinguish thent nceiiriiing to ef fects, but being really brandies or phases nr . that great generic dUonlcr, Impurity ot Blond. Such are J)ipiwfrr, i:uiwuw, Lircr Complaint. Onitlijtallmi. Xcrrou 7x iirilar. Headache, Backache, General Weal;- i cw. Heart Dliaxe. Drnpu. Kiilncu Dhca-f I Pi7o, Rhcumatlitm, Catairh, Scrofula, SUn Dlmrilcr, Pimple. Ulcer. Siccllinu, At. . tc. King; or flic Blood prevents ami ! tura i"ce iiy anacKing me cauc. Jinuuritv 'i mi muwi. i.iii;iiiiM:iuiii invMfiaiis asree In calling it "the hum genuine ami efficient preparation for the punoe." Sold bv Drif pists, 1 per bottle. See tetillloniaLs. direc tloas, &e.,ln pamphlet. Treatise on Diseases ot th Itlood," wrapjjed around each little. D. ICAXSOM. SOX & Co..rnnn Buffalo, S. Y. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, MKVAV.rs sriri'irr. astorla. Inn: t'NiKi:stJXi:i is "leasew to . aiiiioinifi' to tl),!iiiM''th:tt lielia oji- itl : KIST 'fiASS And ftiniih ill liiM lasMli- oYhTKIJ HOT COFKKK T1LV. ETC. T TltK l-huics ami uenis uyMur aaiuuii, fiii:AMrssrBKKT. - jr.. - i o.i- n..x ni- p...,. .... ,,. ., .,ii " " " r ' '" "" """"" .. i:o.si-ok mxax. rmpmMor " " - ' "" SL B. FKAP VNKLTN, UNDERTAKER, rf .HE j mW Comer Cass ami Sqtienwqlip streets, ASTOKfA. ... - ORKfiON tlKAI.Kt: IN' WALL PAPER AND WIIVIWYV SHATIFV 'V LllJJVJW OIliVLFIli AND U ND E UTA lvK US GOODS. "Par osgxxi.tl3S i Ti y , Plain ami Fancy SEWING OF LL KINDS! Sails made in the best stle from $. to S.iO. j Satisfaction Guaranteed. Next door t Weston Houv. jell Wilson & Fisiier, SHIP CHANDLERS. OEAt.EUS IX , . , , , , n. . Iron, Steel. Coal, Anchors, bhains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, wwh-ciit wn rrr ruviviyrn " ,' (,"J N Jl LS' AIL, S X SS El SR . ., ,. ... &aI-. Pier nlls mid Itiurs. n, ,-.. , , . , ... Shelf Hardware, jPamts and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packinq of all Kinds. PROVI;IflNQ rnuwiajuna, Ff.oi'K A:"I 1IIF.T. Fi:il. ' Ajrenis fur Salem Flouring JiilN. ,. ... t orneri iieiiainu.sauii Hamilton M reels ASTOUIA. OKEC.ON. Take Notice. John Rogers, Centra! Market, ll.l- ill II t I'll ,1 I.Uf lilt DILI-1 liAliRKLS A N'l) HALT? P.AltliK l j"u,,'R I las rcc ci eil a large in oiee of LS r the hest (inallty. , AlllI slMIW rC:lllv to su,,,,. Butchers Car, m-rit an.l all others, eheaji lor ea,Ii. -try JCE-'' PARKER, iki.ki: t.v j-j- r , - m " i Jl V ( )fl I Q x Kil'OW l ltb.) 3 -,l,t'rti 0 "M ' lima 0rl Pomoiit inrf Qrf -iiho, uiibn, wbiii&iii aim wuiiu Wooit Stlivireil to Order. , untying, Teaming and Express Business. u n w Horses ana Carriages for Hire. ,,kai.ki: i.v 'WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. F1KMT 'JiASM v.. f. sti:vi:'s. c. s. 1:1:1 vx . CITY Ibook store. I Wlicn joti will liud all Iho standard works of tlie day, ami a constantly changing Mock of iiowltics and lanej articles : we keep the lies! assortment ir varletj giNxts in the CltJ. Pocket Books, Picture Frames, Steroscopes, Mu- ' sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. - 15 F. STF.VKXS & CO. Notice. NKITHKK Till'. CAPTAIN NOK THE Consignees of the llntish bark .lames (;, llain will be rc.siiousiblev.for any debts that mav be contracted ly the crew. C. Iv. MOCKLER. Masler. Astoria, Oregon, Aujjust T, 1882. dtd KBiSu3BSGGBMtZ?ir' PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE WM, Of 0tlifO3ZXli. A. MeKlNNlE, Manager. . For Oregon, Washington and Idaho TerritoriM OFFI'i:lKS FII5ST STREKT. rOItlXAXD, OR. ltclVreuce CHAS. HOlWIK.or Ho,l. HaisSCo. .M.S. nURRELL.of KMppawfelMSCo. .l.VlKSTKK!..,:iNhltfrPii'.t National Bank. W. W. SPAULDIXU, Packer aad CarO .1. A. STUON'lliniXiK, Wiioitnlt Leather Dealer. ami nnuin". ; AXDKKW EOP.KUTS. ot Fwliel & P.otKT. ;. A. DOJ.Pfi. of Polih, P.rn:inh. Nolpn A- JOHN CllXS.alStiEnCtsaCtiiX). Simon. u. M. Wlbenr. Boots and Hnoes. Col. J.MKMtAKl'.N.or J. Mi-C'rakeit &f. ..IOS. rTrrtTTf 1TTf TnirTrTHfiTirlwMlfilln 1 V. HKNl:iClfsi:.. i.r lirnririiieii .-i j. K.illLL.of J.K.ilUl.&Cotatlaneri. Ureenboiy. . I'lCANK ZAXOVWIfors-BftaMts. Dr. . K. NDTTAitC. .M. D.. Kxainineraiulj Kacbortae above men has SJO,90Ouww- Phs!riaii. ance in this Company. "'. Z w rn CO O r o 20 s? 9 H o O MISCELLANEOUS. S. ARNDT & FERCflEN, ASTORIA. - OKKfiOX. The Pioneer Machine Shop; IJIACKSMITH .dfiaiSSl&R j Sti n xmtssmt JUL VJ JT c fLlHBSWK Boiler Shop All kinds of WflTKTP lAWIiBV LAI UrUS JJi, OAJJI a JUL X , . mr 3 P f 41 '"JIHHrc" r STEAMBOAT WOEKU" . , ""'"'" """'"-" - a specialty mane or repairing , . mj'.rnTiTT -t--i-i CANNERY DIES, vmvr i.' ium viTPi? crnfLT ASTORIA IRON WORKS. P.KNTON SrnKKT(.XKA!:I I'AKKKt: IIOUHK, ASTORIA. - ORIiOOX. JAY TUTTIiF., M. . GENERAL MACHINISTS AND! jaj. Dflll CD MAVCDQ REsiDKrK OverElberson's Bakery, op- DUILtn 1ALflO. positeKarth&Mven' Saloon. - . 4 is. Kri.TOV. m. . l LjINDcMARINB BN6IKBS ' J??ZZZ, -. . Rooms, at the Parker House. Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, p mcics and Cannery Work a specialty. dentist, OASTINQS. !Asn,KIA- -"-U-l " 0ttKG RiHinit in Allen's buUdloff up sfotn, comer or nil IteHeriptlonM maile to Order ' of Cass and Siemoeqhe street". at Short Xotiee. ' A. I). "Wass, President. .1. ( J. IlL'STt.Ki:, Secretary I. W. Cask. Treasurer. Imix To.v. Superintendent. WILLIAM BBttAE, Corner Jlain and Clienamu'Jbtroetg, ASTOUIA 0UK00JS DKiLKH 15 CIGARS AND TOBACCO.; The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS A SON GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY! AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. 3TATIOWERY! FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc, A fine stock of lVatchen mnd Jewelry. .IliutyJe ruil , Breeek Xieadins Nbot unN nnd ' It I ft cm, Kevolver. Pistols, and Ammunition MAIHXK (iLASNKM ALSO A KI.VKl rvS.orifinc "r-Ks -k. Notice. fllHE DELINQUENT TAN r ViP i,ear .188A losettier with a warrant fhnUhC?"yJ ?,?WJor Vl, collection of tlii-no- 19QI r ...:: -I"-'': &haJ!l. S2W& i?M liayerswill please settln nt.onco nnd saie 4Bk . A. .M. TWOMBLY, mS SherllT, HeTcrete: X F ZC aH 5 rn m " i c gw s? n tOSc O 5 H A CD S CD D s IJUSINESS CARDS. E.'" UOLpK.V, NOTA11Y PUBLIC, Aftn'IOXEKl:. COMSU5SIOX AXI sukaxcb aoeni. TK- C- HAFTFJi, i (DKCTSClltK ARCT.l Ofllcc over Coun's Drug Store. Q.KI.O V. PARKFJS. SURVEYOR OF jCiHtipCemity,wiCMrrAati ; 0,nce : .Cbennmu street. Y. U. C. A. hall. Room Xo. s. KOOKTH, I'. S. I'oiniuLtHleHer, Xtary FaMJc, a4 ' iBsamHce Agtmt. Aent !or lhe Hambuus-Bremen Fire Ins.Co. iiainDttrs. t'ermany.ana or, ine xrar conn and Accidcnt Ins' co-of llart' I Onice iu l'j thian Bulldhiff. Kootna U, 12. Attorney and Counselor at Law. rH-Onlcuin l'ythian BiiiMinff. Roonwll, 12. ASTORfA, ... - OREQON. 1 Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LA1V. Clienaiutw Street ASTORIA. OKKao i W.T-""" ,, ., , 14. si . May be found at tho Court House. C II. HA" CO., ' Wl ; , BOm8 tHmber, Kte. All kinds of Oak Lumber. Glass,Bot Ha - icnai, eic. Turning and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. 0 evive and Astor streets. ITEABQUARTEK8 Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria Firewovhs! Mags! Frnit Hot It Forties and ftamcfttie Wines and Liquors 0f s,,Per5or Brand. FOSTER'S TORNER. O A-N ltOTY ! Assessment Notice ,idV been levied nav fron.date at the office '" -wuaui -ASluna, WTTXB.-. ! heVwi e KSed-deSelLr1' 0r NOTICE IS HEREBY GH'EX THAT AX assessment of flfty percent, oalbe cant .,,.. tal stock of the Odd Fellows Land aBdBo3l- 1D1S iy oraer or tne ijoara oi Dlrectots. kt A.J.JL1GLER, Secretary. Astoria, August 2, 1882 td