(ty te flPmlff A&t0ttttvu Vol. xvn. Astoria, Oregon Friday Morning, August 11, 1882. No. 1131 ASTORIA SALMON FISHING Among Tlie Fisnernien at the Mouth of the Columbia. j Astoria, the largest city on the I Columbia river, fc situated on the left bunk about twelve miles from its mouth. It was founded by .lohn .Jacob Astor in 1811, and contains a resident population of 3,981 inhabitants. rts most im portant industries are salmon can ning, lumber manufacturing and commercial trade; the aggregate nine of its exports during 1881 junountingto three million dollars. The surrounding countiy is mostly covered with forests of cedar, prtcc, hemlock, white and yellow fir, the area adapted to agriculture being quite limited. The rainfall being somewhat excessive, but the cliiii'ite is equable and healthful. The gi eat advantages of Astoria as a shipping point, will in conjunct ion with her other resources, ulti mately build up a large city here. Public and private schools and churches are well sustained. 'The various branches of business pre sented appear to be in a flourish ing condition. Her sawmills cut upwards of 0,000,000 feet of lum ber annually. A tannery is in successful operation. Tt presents excellent advantages for ship building which will doubtless soon l' improved. Veins of coal have been discov ered at the base cf Saddle Moun tain, about ten miles distant, but not sufficiently developed to deter mine thei r probable extent. The business portion of the city is main ly built upon piles, and is one of the cleanest and most wholesome in the Union. The sewer abomi nation, which poisons the atmos phere of so many of our towns and cities does not exist. The daily ebb and flow of the tide removes all filth more thoroughly than can any human agency. Astoria is the headquarters of the most ex tensive salmon fisheries and can neries in the world. Tt is now the height of the fishing season. The Columbia river for twenty miles from its mouth is literally alive with fishermen; their nets would stretch from shore to shore evhry few miles of the entire distance, The city front for several miles, is a vast collection of fishing outfits boats, nets, reels, drying racks, canneries, etc. Desiring to examine this great industry, thoroughly, 1 determined first to sec how the salmon were caught. For this purpose 1 pro ceeded to one of the largest can neries and made known my wish es. They smiled all around, look ed at me as if to see whether I meant it, and said I would probably find some one to take me out, though there -wasn't any fun in it that men were drowned al most every day two yesterday, two the previous day, etc. 1 then went out among the fishermen, some of whom were going and coining with their boAts, all the time. They were of many nation alities, Italians and Scandinavians predominating. "When 1 told them what I want ed, they invariably looked upon me with a broad smile, and expres sions of mingled doubt and curi osity; but upon being assured that 1 was in earnest, readily agreed to let me go with them. Now came the difficulty of finding a party starting and returning at times to suit other en gagements. The best of the fishing is at the mouth of the river, where hundreds of fishermen rendezvous at Sand Island, improving the best stages of the tide, day and night: fre- quently when the catch is good, remaining out from 30 to GO hours, sending up the salmon by steam tenders which ply bet wen them and the canneries. j Finally I found, a- 1 supposed, ' i . mv man' lie was to Start earl V in the eveniii"-and return at davbreak , " j and wanton to lure a goouoaismau j for the niuht. 1 told him that 1 ; was the son of a fisherman, and i had rowed everything from an In-ling aitogethcr quite a deckload. dian canoe to a'schooner, an"d was! One boat brought us taken a man of muscle and endurance, 'since 9 o'clock last night, but this He seemed to be favorably im-lis twice the usual catch f or the i i .,. i .vLn..en. -iM- ut fiwi.;., ;.-;.. ,i iioscu. .urn .u '...- .b.." ..... services, agreeing to pay therefor the usual price. Promntlv at the apoointed hour, (i r. M.) when 1 j " T .-ic tn .n..ni i. nmi.lnn.i' In- lirl i 1 i not come, nor thereat tet, and 1 whs compelled to seek another engage- 1 ment. The next fisherman Icon- suited on the subject had cut hi net, "all to hell,v and he couldtrt gooutag:iin that night. At length when the chance, fur succeeding seemed doubtful, a stalwart, hon est looking young fellow, hearing of my want, volunteered to call for me at the Parker House at 0 o'clock that evening, and give me all the salmon fishing desired. 1 never saw him again. There still remained one chance to get down among the fishermen. The llwaeo Steam Navigation j Co. run a daily line of boats from Astoria to Ilwaco, where they make connection with the Shoalwater Bay Transportation C'o.'s steamers and Loomis stage line through to J Olympia. Touching at Forts Ste- yens and Canby, and passing! through tlie thickest of the fishing fleet, calling at several of the sta-1 tions for salmon, it affords not only an excellent opportunity for witnessing all the details ofsajmon catching, but. a splendid summer excursion. The Saturday boat leaves Asto ria at S a. m. Our first landing was at Fort Stevens, situated on a low sand beach, seven miles down on the left. It is garrisoned by Co. 1, 1st. United States artillery, Capt. John "White commanding. Sam. Adair has a fishing station here. From thence eight miles to Fort Canby, our course lay di rectly through the thickest of the fishing fleet; the liver, hereMx miles in width, is now literally a network of seines, from the mesh es of which it would seem no salm on could escape. It was impossi ble to keep the teamer clear of them 'without making unreasonable detours, and we run through and over more than thirty nets cutting several in two, and dragging in our return a doon fathoms of one that caught in the screw of a dis abled steam launch that we took in tow. At Sand Island we found a nu merous fleet of filing boats. The island belongs to the government but is leased to a salmon cannery for a term of years at $300 per an num. About three miles beyond on the Washington shore, lies Fort Canb, the garrison consist ing of Co. E, 1st I1. S. Artillery, under command of Major Taylor, occupying a delightful situation in a sheltered covo a short distance from Cape Disappointment light house. While discharging freight at the government wharf a fishing boat runs alongside and throws on board 131 splendid saimon, the catch of four boats during the night. Two miles further brings us to Ilwaco, very pleasantly situatod on the beach, under the fir-covered foot hills of the coast range. It con tains about thiity-five families, fishing . and farming. Loomis and Company own a food Trliarf here, 12G0 feet in lengtth with a frontage 10 by GO feet, and aro now Imilding the Gape Han cock salmon cannery, which will be ready for business another sea- son. Ilwaco and vicinity is the favorite seaside resort of this re- . . . . , igion. A mouth lroui now the pub- T- i . , . .. , , lie houses Will be full and the shores white with the tents ot the campers. Returning we called at several fishing stations for salmon, recei v- ..u..... ..... .,. i .. ..... ...., jouth channel and .sometilne.s out- .side the bar, though sometimes 'tis ! I .. . . . 1 .l ..?!. ..n.. .1.... .. .. attended with great danger, j 1 in "irai iihiii;i. i" Tluv r. nut iuvti tlio ihli tiile r i , and lisli in with the ilood. If the salmon are plentifnl they are . r ; tempted to keep their nets in as s" 1 1 Iv ove.rtaken and swaimit'd :iiid lr.tiric t,r.ccill.. .111. 1 r rt'rf n.fi f . 1 . 1 drowned in the breiiket i rise very suddenly upon the turn-! iugof the tide. Hundreds have lost their lives in this manner, and j by storms. scarcely a day pass ing during the fishing season that dons not add to the list. Re sources of Oreton ant? Washing ton Territory. Slowness of Congress As an illustration of the ."slow ness with which public busuess before congress sometimes goes forward, the Washington corres pondent of the Baltimore Sun tells the follewing: Some days .since Philip Reich, of Frederick, Md., came to this city on a visit. He is eighty-two years of age, though well preserved. In talking with Representative Urner he said he thought that congress was about as slow now as at any time in the past. Said he: "When 1 was in Washington before, in 1814, the claim of It. K. Meade, the father of General Meade, who command ed at Gettysburg, was under con sideration. It was : Spanish nloim .if tnmn L-ifi4 fnr ilttivirrn: claim of some kind .or damages and losses sustained in Spain, i After being away for sixty-eight years 1 returned, and what case do you think was under consideration when I got into the capitol? The same claim of R. K. Meade." State University. Judge M. P. Deady, president of the Board of Regents of the State University at Kugene city. submitted the annual report toL"ru' Vi,'?h,,iVar,i" ' Vwir,,r1,.,,V ,a,l 1 who hail hroithttheii)that which was uovernor 1 hayer, .Inly :iUth. From this report it appears that the total income of the institute for the year, including a small bal ance on hand at the beginning of the year, was IOj.IR 70; and the total expenses for the year were ?10,2TJ.G-1, leaving a balance, on hand .Tune 30th, 1SS2, of $3, 213.12. Jn addition to the fore going receipts there was an in debtedness against the building of &8,1S2 paid oil during the year $1,182 by the citizens of Eugene city, 7,00f) by Henry Villard. There was also a special fund, not included in the foregoing, of 81, 2G0 contributed by Villard, for the purchase of apparatus and for prizes tor scuoiars. j The Oregon legislature meets on Monday, the 11th of September. By law the two houses are. re quired to meet in joint convention on the second Tuesday after or ganization to elect a U. S. Senator. Should the legislature organize upon the day of meeting, the senatorial fight will begin on the ISth of September. A. Varied Performance. Many wonder how Parker's Ginger Tonic can perform such varied cures, thinking it essence of ginger, when hi fact it h made from many valuable medicines- which act beneficially on overy diseased organ. Husband! Bring your poor suffer ing wife a bottle of Plunder's Oregon BLOOD PURIFIER. MOTHERS READ. . ,,,,. :t: -A'Kut nine years a I had a child wo years old una aiuiot dead. The doctor I had attending Iter could not tell what ailed 'her. I nKed him if hi did not think it irn satisfy we. n I felt lonvinccd in mind that he hod. 1 obtained a worm-, jiviiu iw. inivccr. im- uu nni bottle of i i nu n 1 or. v. nioi.AXirs (T.IiKkratk; VEIMIFlTK genuine. I gave her a tcntpoonfitl in the morning and another at night, after which s-he r-nM eenty-tn worm and was a well child. Mnce tlicr. I '. hnve never heen without it in my fmnilt. health of'mv children remain fSWA" uncd giMxl tkeir nctior t trim., ttvik r.f , $;t"- llm !KhL ' MU .K 9&C a j Uds' ind Gent's Ovster Saloon vnmiiFrwK between four of mythii- ji.aa.fis ana bents usier aaioon, jron. thoir ase-t leinir follow-: Alice, .s . 5g:sl c2n"5foiSlmLi ibcnltAitei ! :""l. ?"' 0I,,.a,i ?ht. .''..V'1'1'!" , irnniic Tlin ritt ,r.tv l frnl ifiini tllft I ' IU""tt ...., 1.1V Jill., .'. II. 1 tMUlll .. I i"eni inu any in riionius inc niuiiH'r.iii n- ; -.v ......... .j. ............. feet of your Vermifuge around Hira. and nowh:neiheworm - n exhi bilioninitn tre. Yoiii truiv. IU1I.N PlPKIt. "ho genuine ik. jiei.AXKs vr.it- .11 IH ;E h manufactured only by Heming Bros., Pittsburgh. Pa., and Ijeofsthefijrtinturcs of ". M"liUiiennil Fleuilo-r w It U never made in St. Loui - or Wheeling. Price 3-"cfnl t a bottle -Mother! Motiu.:: .itetiiei: 1 Aie nu disturbed at iihfht aiullnukcn ' 01 your ret nva sick child mhhtiii;; of eutlimr teeth? If so. aoat eiifeand I jret a iMitlleot" Mrs. Wiuslow's Sootlnnir i byrup. it will relieve the poor little Mil- and rn'iiiK with the cxcruciatui i.un lerer iiiiiuiMti:iiri ui-iu-iui uihjii u ; i there is no mistake about it. There is ' not a mother on earth who has cut i used it. who will not toll you at once I that it will regulate tlie Imwels. ami ive rest to tlie mother, and relief and I health to the child, operating like mauie. 11 is jieneetiy safe to use all ea-ses, i and ulonsaiit lo the tate. and is the ore- t scriptionof one ot the oldest and best ; ieinait puysii-iaiis nun nurses in me r Tniled Slates. Sold everywhere. "J.". eeiiN a bottle. i In the Whole Uintory r .lit-!!-liic i Vn nrri..nran.m li:is cut i.rf.irnii..l stteh marvelous etircs, or maintained so i wide a ivmt:ttion. as AvkkS CitKi'.r.v t 1kctoi:ai., whieh is recognized as the ' world's reined v for all diseases of the I ii i f .. i. . i .;......! i uuoai ;iiiii iiuis. us ioui;-eiiiiiiiueii i series ot woiideriiu euros m all eltmate has made it universally known as a safe and reliable auent to employ. Ajjain-t . mdinitry eohK whieh are the forerun- j nersof 'more serious disorders, it acts ; speedily and surel3 always relieving . sutrerinif, and often savinir life. The i protection it alrords, hy ils4imely use m ; throat and sliest disorders, makes it an invaluable remedy to he kept alw:i s on hand in every home. No versfdi ean i alford to he without it. and thoM'whoi, , , . . , .... haw once used it never will. From ! Iron. StCCI, Coal, Anchors, bhains, their knowledge of itseomposiiionand i effects, physieians us,, the Ciu:i:i:r i TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, - IT.rroKAi. extensively in I heir practice, i ..,...,...,-. . vn ,.,.-. ,..,V,VIVP And eleryviii..n reeomiiieiiil it. It ts,wMlUdlT AM) (IT t.AIA AMhl) I ahsolutolx'eorlaiii in its remedial efTeeK I, WI 'ahvsns omv whm. (.ur .,. possihie. -r. ! Peru vianjtlll tern . i;incuoua liunra. i The. Count Ciuehon was the Spanish i Viceroy in I'eru in licat. The Countess, i his wile, was prostrated ! an intermit- tent fever, from whieh .she was freed hy the use of the native remedy, the IVni- inn hark. or. as it was called in the language ol the eottntry, "Quhiiiiiina."' , (irateful for her lecovery, on herrelurn . to Europe in 1K?2, she introduced the remedy in .Spain, where it wa known under virions names, until Linna-its more precious t han t heboid of the I neas. lo this day. after a lapse of two htin- dred and fifty eai, .science has aiven i ns nothing tn take its place. It effectu al ly cures a morhid appelite for .stiniti-, Units, by restorinii the natural tone. of. tht'itlniiiacli. It attacks excessive loe ofluptoras it does a feer.and de.strys both alike. The powerful tonic virtue o the Cinchona is preserved in U.e Peruvian Hitters, which are as efteelive auainst malarial fever to-dav a thev were m the das of the oht Snanish Viceroys. We guarantee the inntii-1 Viceroys. We guarantee the ingredi-1 cuts ot these bitters lo 1h ahsolulelx pure, and of the best known quality. e pure, and of the best known quality Atrial will satisfy j, on that this is the best hitter in the world. -'The proof of Ihepuddinjrisin the nWiwsT and we willniKlv abide, this tcM. For .s:ile hy all druisls, grocers and liquor dealers. Order it. hoelut Co., agents for Astoria. L2 J " CELEBRATED F X IW STOMACH ITTEBS Hosteller's Stomach Bitter cxtir!.-i(c4 ds ncpsia with creator certainty and prompti- i tuae than any known remedy, and i- a mo;t ! genial inviKorant, appetizer and aid to .-ecro - j tin. The5o aro not empty assertion?, a? j thousands of oiireonntrymcn and women trim havo experienced its cflects are aware, lint nro backed np by irref nsablo proot. Tho Hitters abo jive a henlthful ftimuhi to tho urinary oreans. For sale by alt Druggbts aud Dealers Benerally. Mbz2jt law $1 "r't iMbBB3SJ?SMKyii j lJIHrPP ! ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, chkvamts sn:i:iT. astokia. milK I'NDKKMONEO IS PLEASED TO JL nniinuure to tiitnijHiiini ne na op cti.il a i'iK4T 4'IjAss --ti ...s - . TTiion JtLtl,XjLH XXOU.OI3; And furiii-hf; tn lint -cl:iv l le flir.N'A.U'S Mltl'.KT. S'lfa'.i' j;iv inn a :ill. l.'ibi'nK D1XOX, Proprietor S. 13. FltANKLTN. UNDERTAKER, 7?Z -- UT3 Comer Cas and Suni'inoqlio streets, AS10K,A ORKdOX Of ai.ki: i.v WALL PAPER AXD 11TIirvrv117 nvv . rir, V UNDO V SHADES AXD UNDERTAKERS "GOODS. T3lOSS13Q.tliJjELa; r,ttln aml Fanoy SEVIWG OP LL KINDS! Suils made in the best stle fnun ." lo S.Vt. Satisfaction Guaranteed. - t-i -r. , &m$Gmm a-J-Y-Jr"HSiiihi I 1 iJilLU. GrKO. HXULiTCR. Xet door to Weston House, jell Wilson k Fisiter, SHIP CHANDLERS. DKAI.KUS IN 2 ST JL XX JEU 2 Aails. Conner !V:iils anil Iturrs. Shelf Hardware.'Pamts and Oils Rllbber and Hemp pltch;nq 0f fIMfi. PROVISIONS, ri.orit am .nir.r. n:i:i. - Agents fin &ileni Fluiiniis; MilN. Corner Chonamus and Hamilton Streets ASTOKIA. OUKUOX. Take Notice. John Rogers, Centra! Market, I las rereh eil a large in nice of UAltiiKLS AND HALF JtAllllKLS of the lesl ipiality. , aii.I is now rca! lo supply Hntehers C.u iieriis an.l all others, eiipsp lor ctslu - - - JJ, B A. 3Et Hl E It, , ii vi.ki: i.v it v j s cix I 1 1 ftY, UU1S, otVclW. ' 7 ; limfi Rrirlf HpiTIPnt anil Rand r u,,,Bi DnCK, bemrjlll ana OanD . "",I lelivered to Order. ' n -r i r- o Drayiny, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriuges for Hire. DKAI.KK I.V j WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. I FI IIST CLASS r.. v. sri: i:.vs. c. s. r.nc iwx CITY BOOK STORE. W lierr ou ui:i lind all the .standard works of tlie day. a ml a constantly changing stock of iu elites ami tanej , articles : we keep the irst:evvortinentoi variety goods in h.. ! Pocket Books, Picture Frames, Steroscopes, Mu sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. F.STKVKXS&CO. Notice. I ATKITII KK TIIK CAPTAIN" OK THE Ll CniisiKiices of the Untish baric James (J. Haiti will be resnoasinle for any debts that ni.ij in- i-uuiracieu nv ine crew. , C. K. MOCKLHR. .Master. -Astoria, Oregon, August 7, 1882. dtd PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE IiSlE CONWT Of California,. A. McKINNI. Manager. For Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories' OFFICE ltt FIRST STREET. I'OItTLlXD, OR. Iteforenfo: CHAS. HOIMSK, of HtxlKO, Davis & Co. .1 AMKSSTKKl..Ca;hler First National l!.uik. tV. Y. SPAULDING, Packer. and "Cartle J. A. STltOAYllKUHiK, Whoie-.ah' Lfutheri Dealer. and llndlng-. AXDKKW ROBET.TS. of Fisflel & V.cibem. C.X. DOI.lMl.of Dolph, J'.innauKh. Dnlph JL'JUHN Clt.VX.of JolnCuA&.- Slinon. - C. 1. Wlbenr. Boots :uld SBWeST' Col. .1. Mef'KAKLX. of .1. .AUrraken &Co. JOS. Itri:K&ARD. BurkbarHWpadiitaK. 1 C. HKXKlCHSKy. ot Itenriehsen & J. K. (IILL.of .1. K.GI1I 5cXJoStonoa&rs. '.reonbenr. I'KAXK '.AXOytOlt, Of Zaottrottn. Dr. . K. XOTrAOl!, M. !.. F.:iiiiinoraiid Each ot tho aboe menha SlO,iWD:in3ur- I'h Mchm. " ance In this Company. co i i ; r i ;fj CD c f! o S i 3 5 8 .3 r o O AnSCELLANEOUS. S. ARNDT & FERCHfiN, ABTOUIA. - OKIKJOX. The Pioneer Machine Shop ItLACKSMITII SHOP AN'1 Boiler Shop All kinds of VKfLTW f A VWT?BV XlII Will 4, IAJ1 Si J2lA X , AN'D- STEAMBOAT WdEKJ BO"T"- A specialty made of repairing ' A,L.nl ,or lnp nambunt-Bremen FlroIn&.Co. . TT-n-itxr TTnt, ' of Hamburg. Germany, and ot ine tnv CANNERY DIES, j UfeLandAceldetIi.C,olHt, FOOT OK LAFAYITTTK STKEET. . J ASTORIA IRON WORKS. ItKNTO.vSntKCT, NKi:rAitKKit HousK. ASTORIA. - OREOO GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDfiMARlNE ENGINES Boiler Work. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a specialty. CASTINGS. Of all leieriptioiiN mtule to Order at .Short Xotiee. A. D. Wass, President. J. (i. llt'STLKit, Secretary. I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Ioiix lfox, .Superlntenilent. WILLIAM EDGAR. Corner Main and Chonamus Streets, ASTORIA OREdON DKALKK 15 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated J08EPH RODCERS & SON ; GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY; AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. STATIONERY! ' FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershanm Pipes, etc. . A fine stock of i Watrhe ant .luivrlry. .Tluzxle and Hreeelt I.eadlni; HUoi fiirntt Hint ICitlet, Revolver!. IMmIoIn. aal ABtiiBition XAKI.K CiliAKMKM ALSO A KINK Vssortment of fine SPECTACLES and EYE CLASSES. 4PK T XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN Notice. -Ll asseasreent or fifty per cent, on thcapt- TtiP nviivonvN-T tv ,.nrt i.-. i. talFtockof the Odd Fellows Land and'BuUit llt. DKlilMitiKM TAX KOLL 1-OIt inF Association of storlt nmHin' haa i.i the year 1881. toSether with a warrant dayoewi etfrd pwabte WttaffiaS dS from the. County Court for the collection of , frV.ni date aUhe oce of RK the same. H in my hand. Delinquent tax- otherwise be dMLM dellMnaS??' r payers will please .settle at once : Vnd . ,save 0tS??gB&S- mrt Q MsiJfT ... A. J. iliGLtR, Secretary. njy3 Sheriff. . Astoria, August 2, 1882 3 i Reference: I ft C- BUSINESS CARDS. E. V. HOIiDKX, NOTAHY PUBLIC, AUCTIONKER, COMMISSION AND SUBAXCE AQENI. TTK. J. C. RHAFTEK, phvsii'ia.m Had scmr.x. (DKUTSCHEB ABZT.) IiNcu.HeH orthe Threat a Syecialty. omc over Conn's Drug Store. ' flF.LO F. PARKKK. SURVEYOR OF 'tP 'Btyt City r Astri offlco . .chenamas street. Y. M. C. A. hall. HooinNo.8. 9-OMce in rvthlnn Building. Rooms 11, 12. Tjl D. WIXTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law j rirOfllce In I'vthian Building. Rooms U, is. ASTOItIA, OltEGON. JAY TTITTIR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OrFicK Over tho Whit Housa Slot. Kksidfnci: Ovor Elberson's Bakery, op. poiite BartU & Myers Saloon. 4 L. Fl'LTOX. X. D. FhyMlcIaH and HiKea. office Over A. V. Allen's grocer' store. Rooms, ut the Parker House. ' I TCT P. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - OUKOON Uooiils in Allen's building up stairs, corner ( of Cavs mid Sqeinocqlie streets. i Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW; Clienumiu Street. - ASTORIA. OREOOft W. X. Bl'KXKY, itxjun.iiii am. mM.Hm .May be found at tha Court flouse;- ; Q II. BAIN Jc CO., DK.VLRR IN lloorH. lVlaaaars; BUatla, Tfm hohm, Iiatber, tcw All kinds or Oak Lumber, Olass, 6ost:Ma terlal, etc. Turning and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. StenniMill neal Weston hotel. Cor. evlve and Astorsti-eets. HEADQTJABTEBS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria Fireworhs! Flags! Fruit Beth Foreign aad BMaeatle 1 Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, OS&N DOCK Assessment Notice.