frW w SEftC gnalX 5lCaUl?W j 4. ' ASTORIA. OltEKOF : FRIDAY AITC.rsT -I. IWJ. J.F. HALLOKAX ttlflor Value or lmnili-rntinti. In ilicussinpthc values of 1111:111 gratioti. the United states Ecoiin jnist says: liecurring to the money value of an immigrant, the most recent works on immigration assume? $1,000 as the worth of each per manent addition to our population. These writer-, however, have adopted as their basis of valuation, that an article is worth what it, costs to produce it. It is true that the cost of production as an element in 'computing the true j value should not be lost sight of; 1 but we think it more correct to say, the value of an article is what it will bring in market. The al most universal law, supply and demand, governs the labor as well as the rcroducc market. It mavlrKk of dvnamite if he undertakes nost the farmer of the northwest) :;cfiii , to nrmluce a inis nel 01 , , wheat; but if, owinij to a limited demand, he can obtain but GO cents for a part of his erop and, at a later period, owing to unusual demand 00 eents for tho remain der, the cost of -the wheat enntiues at T."i cents, while the value is respectively GO and 90 cents. So with human beings, regarded only as "instruments of production. The son of a rich man, whose training and edu cation cost 20,000, if not trained to usefulness, is worth far less to a community than the son of a me chanic of small income whose whole cost has not exceeded $1,00, if the latter be a well-instructed and skilled artisan. Transport from Germany to a sparsely -settled portion of the northwest, two men; the one a healthy laborer, with limited education, whose life, support and education has not ex ceeded l,n00, the other a highly educated man an architect but of inferior muscular development, whose mone3 cost was -;20,000. As lib demand exists for fine pub lic buildings or elegant private mansions in that locality, the worth of the latter is far less than the former; while in one of 'the large cities, unless there is an over-supply 01" architects, lite value will greatly exceed that of the other, who can do nothing more profit able than carry bricks and mortar for the erection of a building which is designed and supervised by the architect. A most entertaining exhibition for all, at least, who are interested in economic questions, will be that j of the International Fisheries, which, openinp in London on the 1st of May next, is to continue six months. The exhibits will be ar ranged iu seven classes: Sea and ftesh water fishing, including para phernalia, outfits, etc. the social, moral and physical condition of fishermen; commercial and econ omic features of the industry; fish culture; natural history; history and literature of fishing; fishery laws and commerce; and loan col lections. To the best displays in each of these departments medals and diplomas xvill be, awarded. Prizes of 100 are to be given for the best essay on each of three tepics: The- JSatural History of the Commercial Fisheries of Great ,Britainhe Relation of the State to Fishermen and Fisheries, and the Possible, Jpcrease in the Sup ply of Fish. - For .the diseuss'ou of these and similar topics confer? noes' .-will bej held. . It is probable that the steamer which is hoVf Emiafngfor the fish Sfrtrat.Hr t,r the American, collection; while the nuhtberof entne; ihaOe b indi vduajwjli(ejie.udipoii.tli.e. fate of the bill now before, cpngrc&s, . apirfdpiiiTg 0,000 Yor the transportatioh of specimens. The -response of other governments to the call for citations has been&SAtVVfSnlSi "-rrivi iw mv-ice r. jnostgneiuaiSdthis govpm- fngt-iB'txi.Kits. Wy. BAUrEW ANn IIALP BARRELS wttt. it .to itselfhat It sh6ald vLfaiSit r the ,,est " i-itititcj'.'Um'b-irfayff t pAUc'rlnntn. FBAXK L. PARKER. 'i And Is now ready to supply Butchers Can- n0? ..5W- Considering . - . Sec'yA.r.D. . dtd nerles and aU others, cheap for cash. the great and varied interests in, tins department of industry which .. .. -. :' arc jHsosscd by tnc unitcu btatcv our exhibits siioulu oe ivorthv of both thr trovernment neoiih. The Ann-rip; are of much irreater impoitunro. both in extent and value, than tlKw- of nil noth.-rn Hurope mm- biued, and we can hardly allon! Jo neglect an oppoitnnitv to :iin e - , - , "i i , , information winch may Jielj us i further increase their productive-' nnc . ' ' "- j - - TiicCzarof Iiusia ha w ver -. .. .1 mustereu tne courage to to; Moscow and go through the eere 1110113 of coronation. He is afraid of dynamite., and has ten times receded from his resolve to attcmnt the iouincv. In addition to the danger from the nihilists. he is now menaced by those in higher position who do not lake thev eall an nn- . v Tr - - crowneu sovereign. no j " danger of liciiig deposed if hi. L,tays where he :. and he runs liioi tiie journey, but lias at last eon- ciuueu 10 cnoose uie ia;i aiu'ina- , , , , , 1 , !. I live. The relation., of other sovereigns will not attend, iiru-1 dently preferring the envoys should run the risk of a blowing up. This monarch would be popu lar and secure in his positiliou if he would accede to the just de mand for a constitutional form of government. Tic is brave, what ever else may be said of him, to lead a life of such terror, in older to assert despotic authority ever his subjects. Ox the 1st insr., the piesident sent a message to congress vetoing the river and harbor bill, and the next day, that body passed it over his veto, the vote confirming it standing -11 to 1G in the senate, and 123 to GO in the house. So that ' the l?eiiublican party is pleasantly saved whatever odium attaches to the measure, while an admiring constituency reaps ihe. fruits of the appropriation. TnE committee on judiciary in the house of representatives have, by a vote of ten to one, adopted a resolution declaring torfeiture of the Texas Pacific ft. K. Co.s land grant. lnl as they contemplate transferring the grant to the S. P. 17. II. Co., it i not ijuiti ehar what good Mich action will lie to would-be "set tiers. Tifvr was rather an ingenious explanation of his vagaries ien by Auirusl Kars, a Williamsburg: tradip. "1 live,'' he jaid, "ami if worked I could only live, so what is the use of working? f 1 worked 1 could not go about and see what I do, so I don't work." CtxcisvATi is disbanding iiu companies, stopping street repaii.c, and reducing the police Iprcc be cause it has no money, and still pays annually 200,000 to have German taught in the puldie schools. Exoi.AXii is still concentrating troojis on It'gypiian soil; Arabi Be is strengthening hi foices, and Germany suggests a joint oc cupation of the Suez Canal. XEW TO-DAY. The New and Commodious VESSEL Will leave Astoria for Tillamook Rock, via Canby and llwaco, Sunday, August Cth, 16S:, at t) a. n:. lEc&irnlng wilt come -ba'ck via daaby- and Dwaco.xrri ving at Astoria at fi r. ii. Fare o llwaco ----- $1.00 Fare lo Tlllaniool Koolc anil Return ----- !.o 1 nAM.iA.i cit:Mn UGDartmGnt kieCtlOn. - j . ri.r , t.'-.t-s- n- rOTICK IS HEEEriY C.IVIX THAT A lM Kenerallcclion oltiie Astoria Tire l)e - liuxwiiciu 1)111 ue iieiu mi jujuuij, .vuum i-i, ut-iweeii iiiu uvuaui-ju a. juuuvv .., forthejmrpo'JeotrtetHfc. -CWJEhsIneer i iinn nsu .sstsram departtnent j'car. mrcrs. -for ;tha -sii.lh Election to be held at lower hall of Kesc EncineCo.2o. 2. ....!.. H. !..t.. tl... 1i LYIi.....!... uiijies .iijiuiuiru it ini.iiuiiiVL'ir,m.. ( NEW TO-DAY i? :, .!,.,.:.. .VoL. P MI! I lull il.Ul null vjaiu. ":Sha,fiatirtay,Aipt51Ii,10A.I. at mv iwion i:nrtMS. Suill--". "'y BSoil-roi.iSiiI.-.iii- j :iw XcMibIipiii;;..'"5:ittr:t..- IO pairs n.f frV:ith-rlMIlms lli-iisis -:riet. -tUr.1 -nut n.iil ,m. .,,. i itiiity Carriage. AlrtiofM'ioinl-hanrtKetKu-aJ!Uiilpiiiig liciU,audaIotofuiiiliIr. Also. ti j'Oml sceund-h-ind m'wiii;" .la- .IHnis. '" C " uV.!ct. i Astoria to Liverpool Direct. The fine Al Ship "Elwell" 1461 tons Register Nnun icfchni.'aiyo. and hain;i lan;ej enjpigeiueiits will h-ive ijniek di-patHi, to In 1 fallowed by the , A J trou Bariiuo--Anii2i Joliii- .m I)t) (mis I6t F-TKn-iuhi etc.. apply t i:i.rori:.;irni:n:&i:i). Portland. Ore-o... . TO BUILDERS. koi-osai.s wii.i. p.i: i:i:ckivi:i i x- jfi.rtheeiiiistiiuiionidaiuii simv duelling .nil J.JTeiM)ii slxroiv. night nerfil 10 jv: :t:iy or all IkiH. l'i:in:ii)il Mroili':ttiotw I can lfiLiiiat thcofiii'uof - i IIIHMII1I lllf lH IH1IIII-VHV1 Uinil'I lJ -lllllll Keal lMntti Agent. r. v. uwi.i.Mt.. Notice to Taxpayers. I AM NOW ASSESSING AND COU.I'CT- ini: the Slate and County Poll taxes, and will continue until all arc collected. IVi-sous having taxable irojprty in fint mp County arc also reqiiiMed to jle in to nieMatenfpntsof all .such pioju-ny for as -s.nieiit. W. V. I'Al.'KKI.'. County Assessor t'lalMiji (".. Oivpm. Ast3ri:i.Aii!;iis S. l-vj. HEAL ESTATE iUPTIOS SUBURBAN LOTS. Honied For FisIiim-iik-ii. On Saturday. August 5. at 2 P. M. I am iutiiirted hy desr l'.cn:iiian and Ili'rry to sell, mi llic jireiiu-es, 0k iirxifiti'it ni'ii.niNc. lots at Auction. 1'lenlv of water. l!ieh -oii ailmirabl adapted for '2flaM pinions. All MinaliMii the newly surecd ilIamof AhK-rlinxik. na llionorthi'rn part of UnlM-rt Shorties lXinatiou Iitul Cl.uni. adjrnnui-; t pjur A.tun.i,as laid out and i-econl-'d hy .!. K Kelh. 1 Ufpiur.ii and A. . T.eir. Terms .if pa meiit al sde. I'm fmlher ji.irliiulai and exaii'iualimi f riTotdrd'iiU tit M C. IIOI.HKN. Audiiiueeraud Keai K-tate Aenl. Sale. MMI1-: nOATANM) NET OK 'I UK LATK JL Alfred Wt-t will he -.d.l at auction at .1. (). Uanlhorn's i-aiincry, next S:ttuil:i. Ihe .'Hi m4.. at 1 o'eliK-k i. M. XKT LOST. Nlt:ilT OF Till: :wTll..lul. OS Till M fal ithoms is mesh. Sectch li-nlv. maiked N..1. and r. t. r. Co. al Cannen of I'.u-ifie t'liion l'ackiin: Co. a:: XKT FOI'.l. 4 IK i T Jil 1'ATIIOMS sin. i.Kvns 1 marked .1. ; .M.. eoiks . I. p. t, An .l al il-a Assessment Notice. uiici: is ni:i:i:itv civkn tii t vn 11 aes) L aessinenl of llftv ireent.on thei-ani-al -lock of the Odd lVllowsI.-tml and Itinhl I in -.oelaiionof AMona. Oies;on. has this day li.-iii levied, jiayahle within thuty days ironiiiaieat tneoiiiec 01 me wvrelarw nr otherwiM' he deelarcd delinijnent. P. orih-rnf ilie Hoard of DireetoiN. A..I.MKUI.KK. Si-erelat. AM011.1. An-rn-.t , 1SS2 id Dissolution of Copartnership. XTOTlfT. IS III'KKP.V CIVKX TIlATTHi: XI eoi.ntnor.hlp heietofore r-vistin he lueen oii!r llms: Way. Wonir Yin Kim, "A'oimStie Knnand Volf Kiiij: Vav, under the Hi in name ef gnoiiK-Man Wall Co.. at AMntia. Oregon, on Ihe l'.th l.i of .Inly, iss.. dissoUeil hy nmtnal eon-erir. AVoii-: HinK Way reSirin; fiom the linn. The hn-l-iie.-s will be continued at the Mime plare hy t he remainlm: partner", lioasiiineall dehfs 1 theilim and are ecliL-iely entitled to cnlleetand receipt for allow injr to the finn. WOXtSHINUAYAY. WOXC YIX KIM. WOXC Hl'K KIM. vnxcKixi:w'A. Ann.t 1st, In:!. a!-lw Annual Reunion Excursion Of the Astoria Branch Oregon Stags The .steamer Westport 111 leave WiUon & IVher's dock at T a. 31.. August otli. Ki.i;h-li' where a mnd Danqtiet will be held, aecord inj: to Sec. V. Art. a, of the Constitution and By-laws. No Female will lie pennitted to take part in this eeution. All Stags will not fail to he on hand, for a Reed tune is guaranteed. Fare fur round trip Si. -I.C. BOSS. !. P..Tri:XEl", Secretary. President. Ladies Fair. mm: ladiiis of astohia wii.i. hold JL their annual Fair in aid of St. iMarvS Lihertv Hall ; commencing Fri da. the -JMh insL, at 7 1. M.. and continuing loSatunIa. August the oth. Snndavs ei copied. Befreshnients will be.sem-d even een ing hy ladies ciuiH'tenl for the purpose. The kind and liberal patronage or all isre snerl fully .solicited. td Dissolution Notice. TlkTiri'lcn IS HRKKKY (UVF.X THAT THK L partnershipheretorore eM.stiiiK belween f lt. STti.A .kite .iii.I 1 1. C?.a..... ..r .l.t ..t... . v , wii.iiu iuiii 11, i-, niti tu ill llll rilj , j liiiner i ne iirni name 01 mas. .steens &jsn MhH day disolvedbymutual consent. Al I imtstAiidniir liabilities nn 10 l itip.l io istlus day dtsolveiUy mutual consent. All "!"' .")' uni., w,,"" indehtediii-ss should be paid. C1IAS. STEVENS. J jj, 2. STEVENS. uivi4iiuniK Jiaiiniiies an; lo ik settled l j iria. freun. .liny aist, 1Ss"J Take Notice. "John Rogers, Central Market, I. The BossCoffee and Tea Pot I BH1! 49Hfar E, R. HAWjTS two doors east :ok Occident. TTT n WlLSON & FlSHBR, SHIP CHANDLERS. ii:ai.ij: in ,rcn Stee Coaj Anc0rs Chains. TAR, PITCH, OAKUM. WKorcirr and rrr :ai.vavizi:i ; IVaits. 0cr rVuiK ::nl Siiii-ro. Shelf Hardware ,;Paints and Oils Rtibbri and Hemp Packin of al! Kind-:. PROVISIONS. 11.01 1; txi) .1111.3. si:i:s. Aj-'i'M- f Salem rioiirinj- Mill.. ("nriii'r Clii'iiaiiuisanil Hamilton Sii-ftM ASTOKlA.OUKr.ON. ' Ci. A. JSTINJSOTn fJC CO.. BLACKSMITHING. I At Caj.l. Ciieis n!il stand ru-r ..f l'a and ( ourt fctrv-M. Ship and C-jiniu'ry work. !lorseli.ieiii'.. Va;mis made and repaireil. IomI wnik intaniiiteed. Steuhans Varieties ! GRAND OPENING. A MVKIiY KX-WIIT.IX.lli:XT S. . .1 1. .1 1 . . . 1 iKaritv, should iii:iini' liieonportunityand Hae a new howlitc alley, the latest ami :0; ' ' " ' hest in town. Admittance free. .,, .. r ., ; The eompuesthe fullnuum well known ArtNts: Barbour's No. 40 12-Ply ,-, . -r - 1--v -v-r ntTTrrxTM 1 SALMON TW iNIii! com m ,u) mi SEINE TW S jNsKB- A Full Stock Now on Hand. . HENRY DOYLE & CO.. "ill .tlnrket JMliUM't. Sni l-'rat-elnro (U' Vireiils fur Hie IMeihVOia-t. Mmiv koakh. .1. i..nKrs. FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers in W(u)d nclJWillow-wa ro. G R0 C E R I E S. Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOKKIftX AXI IM)MI-:STIC. Fruits and, Vegetables; roiiNTUY prodwk. AXI General Commission Merchants AKTOKIA. OKK(X. Xet to Oiegon h'ailway ; Xav. en's Dock diw Dairy Farm for Sale.f . 1 I am IiLsiritctetl bv Mr. C. Y. Cuillnheriv.ti. offrr for win his H,.cly-!..iod fa.m OX CLATSOP PLAINS. It consists of 1C0 acres of excellent pasture land which, with the adjoining cattle range, is capable of supportlnj; 70 head of stin-k the ear muni!. Eiht acres fenced ami is acres uimtrciiiin.uioii. Flnrsl Vegetable Garden on the Plains j And several bearing fruit trees, l'anch is' protertcd hv rLslnK ground and timber be-, twecn It amf the ocean, fi-nm all heavy winds 1 and storms. House C'oalalalBS 7 Soonis. i Store-room, tnilk-rooin, barn, .slahle. wagmi siieo, etc, etc. inisvaiuanieiaiiu 1'- niHo? Routli from Tolnt Adaius' l.ilil Hmise.and ir applied for soon will besi.Id at ii M-ry low iUjurc, Mr. Conhtberr" heiui: ! nlil ninl ilestmns of retiiin-' Irom labor. It . not sold at prhate .v:Ic before the first or 1 August, t how hole propeit tt'11 ' disjiosi-d or at r a j, fablir.AiirlluU. ' Title indisputable. For further particular. enquli of E. C. H0LDEN, tr Real Estsitc Agent. Xctvrich blood obtained by using OREGON BLOOD PURIFlEPw ' may r.i: in i or E.B. HALVES' Sul.l Acrvr. M10. Ai?-n: lor I hi is-Mumi! I5st-!.s I:ifrii oii!: Nt:ii:-. , MBIUU.ION i!ANUK. -.11 A rmiNi.S A M'lClAI.TY. j in but the lol wiiikwi.'ii .mpf.e.ed j '! v.u.l. !-ii,iri:iii-I or in harce. 1 ASTORIA, ORECON , URIBTIBS. :i-:o. hii.i.. - ri:MMMrni!: waitki: p!:ks. - st:i:manacku Nuw Stjirs :i KnpiO Sxiccosiiou ! J Kll'JIrliV'lit .f ( MR. HARRY C02JL3Y i Unit 1:1:111. 'iiiodi:iu jnul a.nm'iT MISS MOLLIS i'ro !' CHRISTY MR. TOia CHRISTY J 'S'he I'rJnn nT !! ?.fnu Susjut- , n:i::lr4. Tiit'rllu'r wilh .: new AH the Old Favorites Retained. ! -i ""'I -.-ir. l,rrriirm.:nri:.i-. siiit. ;:miro tiiaitr r i'j.- w--- ('oiniirisiiiall 11m t SONCS, DATiCES AMD ACTS. Wc give .the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. Tin theatre is enmdert ni;ltll. and all wiiii uavi wiuieM'ii iiii'i'iiu'rianimi'iii pm tinunei it to he eoiml to anvuheiiel'Wherc. Mr. Hill as r. eaterer for tin puhlie's j aitiusoinciil ran nut he eelli,d. Anyhidv Nee sitart.lim: wit and hautv wiSlmat vul- ai:iiii,i ! six-nil a im.itam t- t-iini" ;uui ' Mis- 1".vxik ?.lis Mui.mi: fnni-n. Mi:. CiiAurj- Kom.i:i:. Mi:. Tuv. rni:ir'. Mi:. Wai.tiii:;K. Mi:. II vt:i:v (Vini.kv. Mk. H i:i: Ci.rxN All of wliieh will appear nightly in Iheirdif- r"ri"il;'l!K Oneii air eoueeri eeiy evening: terforni- aueeeouuneuriiuat : entnuiee to theatre on IVntoii streel ; priva'e hoxes on t'hen.i iiiiih street. Look outfr New Stars. w- " kciei witiioit ri'!:T!?::K otic:-: - '- r And no terms of jteaee until imVk vwr m:,, m-" "-i- S -s" ,,r clothes : ""': v "v- Look at the prices Pant-loonier from - - S 00 P.ints.ilenuine lienHiCassintere - VJ TO Mills ttoin - - - - j I tw The finest 5in. id simples on the coast to select from. P..I..MKAXY, Cas, street, itet ! I lauseitV Jewelry store GOOD CHEAP BOOTS, I hae Lately Reduced the Price or all m Find -Class 1:001s i.m snoris iiij: 'to ):ni:i:. As follows Finest Sewed Calf Binds - Sit 0o Finest Pegged Tap Soled - 10 Finest Peed Single ded - - "IU Xotliinr hut the llest . Rpniiinn Frnnch Cnlf iM-,iin.Mshop. i.. I. Art old. opposite the . u. .1 x. co.s noek. - Dress -Making. Mrs: T. S. Jewell. lp stairs, opN)sIte .Mrs. KoseiV ISoanUij; j House. ' ASTOIMA. OKH'.:(X DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. I T()ilet Fan(jy ArticleSj PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. j55Pretfrlplion5 earefull (mniiotiiiiled'al an nours. --Homeopathic Tinctuns and 1'cHets. and Humphrey Specilics alx kept. I k "5 5 """ 3". 'c 2"1 - m 5 mlA iC 'ctt2iu3?eojR o -.: Zz - s g s u 5 2 OS-i ? a ;:?::-i'X3::s7iS!s:::3':"iin:::Ei3si2a::::i:i;:a::x'!;asis2a3:st3iii23iitxisiiiiiiiiiii riKEMEXDOUS I J?sl:,5c:-!?,: ; 3 i.u5CS!JS2".tc:2:3&aLce4i5i:cEZ3;siii33;:zssc8i:s3:a3Sijasia"i!!zii9Uiiiilli miTT $ jasi3j:s;iii5Si3isias:itiJE:j:c:ii:is1JB2iiiiiiiakiiiaaajsiiisiiiiiiuiiiAsni AT RANKS ' K"7 ff3 S SB V a WJv -0K- t AT BANKRUPT PRICES Bv order kotlci:. To ave expense, we Itereby notify all persons indebted to the Cali fornia Store, that a speedy settlement is necessary. Action will be taken to collect same '50 daw. from date, of this notice. By order of Creditor-. Astoria. Oregon. July 25th, 18R2. (i ccisstu: ro .iackixs s mont(omeuy.) mm&i f . CO!S.K OV .1AIXtA.VO ;asxoji, - CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTIJREU OF s:FUE.IsnTUE.E S BEDDING I AND DEALEll IN i Carpets, Oil Cloth, VV inriri iv ShnriRs l-pr? Hiiptainc! WINDOW CO UNICES AND CUETA1N POLES 1 - Complete in every hrancli. MARTIN OLSEN, ix RS FITJINFTITRE 5? BEDDING. i'oenei niaiii.and Sjitiemoqua Street. Atoiia. Oreson. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC. V Complete Slock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALL KISDS OF I-TRIVITrKE m 4danmtrrtimt, HHMHI " o vX - J .2 g.MT7 t- Si nM n V ii 3 I H I S3 f Jill Si fellllll'll 1 Ejlill V JHH m 1-AJ iM z s.i ill " L I c a s Us 1 13 J 2-slsillB Q b o S 53 f- c-25 " j 5 5 5 " '-"j -' llHIIH uir - " dfc I ..7tH7;Ec.:iiBI.95,-,zjf.2:C3i.S33!:Z31SZS:Ci:SS!!I113tItl WEEK rn A STORE 01?- PT STOCK k 1; iff m of Creditors. gomery, nnAi.r.n.s i.v Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A (Scneml A-Mriment"or HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magce Stoves and Ranges The Best in the matket. Piumhiiig goods of all kinds on (hand. Jon work done, in a workmanlike manner. .IliFl-'ERSOX STREKTH, ORKGOZt. Wall Paper, Mirrors. ' Pirtnrp Trampc anri Mnnlrlinnt 1SKPAIKIID ASI VAISWISIIED.