- (V axtJimsai aggs JP Jgfts g&iXri gsftKdsu; ASTOKIA. OREGON. WEDNESDAY JULY 2G, 1BS2 ..COMMERCE TRADE. POUT OF ASTORIA. A J'. RIVALS FJIOM SXA. Idaho. s8 F.Tnlj-21 Orttcnn SB. 2353 tons. I'ohlniMi. S 1 July 2 Umatilla, ss S F Jnlj-19 , WcUeBrbkNY-Juirir, Ltncofield. Liverpool James G Bala Br bk Llvarpool Julj 12th. Acsi6.Tohnston.63T Hall .Liverpool July It SAILED. Columbia -s. 2721 tons. Bolles. STJulv 24 DtronshSro l!r fch 10 S I" Jubr 19 vessels -ay Tin: va y. l'rs l'oreifru Ports, fur the , Columbia 111 cr Bodryadan.Mt Liverpool March I w.n Vivturu Calloron, G?t London June IS ia Victuris Boldon. KC Liverpool via Victer: -tfarcli 41 Gleccaber C3S Liverpool via Honolulu Msy Ss Kjlcmore 11513 Liverpool JiJa 17 MandtylaySSO Adelaide .Tun.. J Kate Davenport from llonckoug. From American Vart. Kioto 673 New York May 24 Helicon 1290 New York June 3 Wm. IL SUrbuck 1J39 New York May 27 Helen Angler CSS New York May IS Eleinoro G6S New York Astoria 15 New York March 29 "Wilna U13 New York March 1 Robert Dixon 13G5 New York John W Marr Am sh llsG New ork 1 eh lit D&untloea Am h 935 New York March IS 1TDE TABLE FOR ASTORL From tables or United States Coast Survej. High Witter. Low Wator. Unto. A. M. P. 20. 21.. S 5G .. 9 S3. 10 31 ....10 27 11 23 ..n r . - - .... (i i; 11 49 .... 1 12 0 41 2 H 1 42 ,. .; 10 2 46 .... 1 32 3 51. ... 5 33 5 01' 0 b0.... C 05 -1 18 4 SO!..., , 5 u; .. (J 15 .... 7 ir. .. 8 23 .... 0 3-1 ...10 -11 ....11 47 .. 0 10 . o 13U. . 0 03,.. . r. r9j... . 7 aij... . s r.si.. . i 57.. ,10 53.. .11 13.. 23..... 24 , 2(5. 23 29 ASTORIA FIRE IE2Ai:T3IEXT C. J.TKEXCI1A1M) Chief Euglncer F. 1. IUCKS -lit -Vsst. Eupir.trcr J. O. nOZORTH 5d Asst. EriKinrer BOARD OF DELEGATUS lUrgular Jneet iiiK fourth Jlonday In rach inontli.at 7 CM v. M.,at hall of Alert Hook and 1-iddcr Company No. l. OrrrcKUS. F. .T.TavIor, Presiaont ; F. 1- Parker, Secretar-; A. V. I.errj TusiMirtT. Deleoatks Vt IMrker, .T. Strauss. I. BerKinaii. of Astoria Engine Co. No. 1 ; A- A. Cleveland, W..I. Barr. Chas. IL Stockton, if Kescue E:ij:le Co. No. 2; YA. I. Curtis. A. V. Berrv, F. J. Tavlor. ol Alert Hook aud Laddi-rCo.'No. 1. ASTOliTA EXOIXE CuVl'AXY JV. J-. -JtcRular meetaiK llrsi Monday in each month. OKi'JCKits. W. V. P.uker, President ; U E. Sullc. Secreian-: Williaui lloek. Trcis- .urer ; B. IL htjeis. Foroinan, h. U. liiyills, 1st Asst. Foreman. .he. (J. Cliartcrx,2d A-t. boreman. RESCUE ENMXJ: roMI'AXl ltegular meeting lli-st MomJ.iy montii. Xo. : In oavh OrricEits. A. A. Cleveland. Piesidi-nt ;.L A. Montgomery , Secretary : P. C. Xorns. Treasurer: Ciias.lL Stockton Fon-mnii, A McKenzic. 1st JVsst. Foremnn. -I W. Kiomi, i 21 Asst. Foieman. AT.ERT JIOOK AX1) l.A DltEU Co. A... 1. Bcgular meeting second Mond.iy In each month. On-'ioKKS. .1. (). Boirth, Pre-.ilenl ; C. Broivn, Secreian ; Jay Tut; le. Treasurer; J. K. Thomas. Foieman, I. B. Klbcrvon. si As.st. Foreman, 1. W. Ferguson, 2l A-st. Foreman. Common Counctl. ltegular tueetincs econd r.nd fourth Tuo day aveningii of ench month, nt 7' o'clock use" Porbon.s dorfrinj to huvo matters actod aionby tho Council, nt.nny regular niotilinjr must present tho fauio to the Auditor nnd Clork on or before- tho Friday MoninKirior to tho Tuosday on which tho Council holds its rtvulnr racolinj. F.C. XOBKIS. Auditor and Clork. Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G.I. Boffulnr Mooting every Tuesday Evening at 754 o'clock, at Uoinl Templar's Hall, Che- uanvu Street, ABtoria, ovor C L. Parker's Store ..Members of tho Ordor, in ood star.d- nir, arfiDVitedto attend, llegreo mofitinp 1st .;indayrach month.. By order V'. C.T." - ' f Tf m'plo Lodge, No. 7 A F. A. 11. KeciXiar Communicntjons fir I "T'dfjsf cfeird Saturdays in each month, at 74 ocleck.e. M..at tho Hall inAstnriiu iMebfers of tho Order, in Reed standing, are invited to attend. Br orde: of tho V, . M. ' - Order of Chosen Friends. A regular meeting of Occident Council o. 5, 0.C. F., is held every i'huisdav eenmg. nt the hour of 7J o'clock, in Ihe hall if ihc A.tO-U. W. Ah fcojounsing ineinhers are cordially Invited to attend.. 4y order of c.C. . BANKING ANDJNSURANCE. BR0KER BANKER J-axd- INSURANCE AGENT. ,ASTOKlA, - - - OISKGON "vOFFICE 110UKS: FK03I 8 O'CLOCK A. II. UNTIL -1 'O'CLOCK P. M. Hoi Mntial taraice Co., OF CAL FORKIA. J. F. nOUOHTO'jf...... CHA8. It. STOUV. QUO. L. STOKV. .. Pj esideut Secretary Agent lor i-5on Capital paid up in U, S coin .. ..-., :... cold .. ..'., f...... S iW 000 W I. XV. CASK. Agent, Chcnamussticct. Astoria, Oregon -$67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVtRPOOL AND LO?inON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. , LD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND V.'.COJOCERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA sriKK INSURANCE COMPANIES. Rermettlaia capital of $07,000,000. . " A,VANDTJSENAqent. THE MARKETS." AbJorm Mnrttois. KETAIL. Bcttkh Extra fancy C2Jc. Good to chewo 25 to 30 cts. t B-. CnKE6-15Sl6c Drikd Fnurm Blackberries 25c: Prunes Cila. UQloc; Peeled Peaches 25353c Sl'gau. Cube, 15; crushed, l-to: fino crushed, lie; extra powL lljc; dry prnn. 13Hc: extra gran. IShc, G. a 12Hc. Egos. 35 cts '& doz. O.vr.s. 2 00 to ?2 25 per cwt Potatois. 15S2 cts. per lb. Flour. Superfine S3 00; Kxtra So 40; Corn Meal ?. ctvt. S3 50: Buckwheat cwt taoo. FKESn Meats. Choico cut. Lainb. l5e: Boef 12)013: Pork 10; Muttoti 10312. By Ibo carcaso 10c- Mkits. TJrs.nl fat bacon le-l ior : fiidos l"317c; bams lC320c: shoulders 15317c ; 8tnokd bcof l"3injjc: corned beef Sl0gl2? bbl.; corned iwk losllh. Laed. In tins and 'caddies 15S lc V TK If ONF.r. In frcuios JOo ; in glasa Wc .Mill Fkfp. Bran $20 00 r) ton; chop feodiS20a ; Sboiia SSCOoft-; Hay 3F2!$5 i $22 A ten: middling; S2S. Chop lint ley. '-"a Domestic Exports. Tlit receints in S;in Francisco, of cer- lam articles of Oregon produce fnmi .January 1st, 1832, to duly linn, iwnisnr. have been as follews: Flour, qr Rks ...1 Wheat. ctN Onts.ctis....... ... Salmon, bbls Itf bbN . pkKs"."..'".V.'. Apiilc-.. nj), Sivs JSutter. jkus Pork, bolt . lotaloc!. sl:s .. Wool, bales .... Hides. No Tallow, like;- Beer, bbls .. Beef, canned, s. Fruit, dried, pkgs Ijeather. pkjSM l.ard,cs Bacon, 's... .... Meal. !; Hops, baios Hams.pkKs . Bnui. sl.s Cheese, as M , Flax Seed, sks ..... Canned goods, cs Barley, ctls... Shorts, .sks Corn, ctl Bye, sks . 7 'ATI ......... i',..2 .. i r . Ai ..... 7,li" yd . 7.iv,: " 33.) 21 lsu.li: . 125-. 2X.I5S 1.4SJ 100 ."'.'.""". ".ic 10 ! S . ii: : " '.Z ."..!.. "To I7,S 17 "3JtV "J.nZ'1.7. -j:,tT'i 2.3SI ,.. . 4s2 41! Oolnznfcifi Itivor ExpneJu. SUIl'MKNTS FOUKICX. i:i:c.fiTuivTiox .jam'auv '.-i S77.409bus. wheat ft 812rVJ.S 38.tlR bids Hour. ... 17.:.3S Total, 29 cargoes 51.01-WtS UKCAl'ITUiaTlOK i'r.i:m.'Ai:Y. Wheat. C07.15G bus., ;due s r..70t Flour, S5.607 bids., " . 4(C.cpl Salmon, 40,721 c.. 20-V-05 Total. 13 CMQ0i.m ?l.202.25 nncAriTi lation, makoii. l':ouiH71."i3 bbls) rSIS,72Jj Salmon (711 cases) 3,720 1 WJicat (585.12S bushel . fi73,h Total (15 cargoes) KECAPITULATION- Al'KII. ?vVM Flour (45.301 bbls) Wlieat(2C7,52G bushels S21S.HG .'JSI,3itS . ....-57.7S Total (7 cargoes; KKCAI'ITCI.VTIOX MA. Flour (30. XuT, bbls) : Wheat ijsii,s.?j bus, ' . :as,i i.' 1 Ot.tl in caifJOi' !..... nr.CAi'iTrLvriON' ,.?n...)!2 3VSK. Flour (12.111 libLsj...: i 21.',-' Wheat (77.S27 bushels) ST..1 IS Salmon (fii,.V0 c:io) !2n,!3l 27 '' Toial (5e:iix'e...... ..... .11'! A. 12 To U. K. ju .Tax. Dttiiuin. From Poll laud 22.731 ei!s wheat 13 To Liverpool per Edivln Ileal. I'iojji Portland 1133 bbls flour. ll.oibus wheat .... Astoria sxjfw cases salinon. . Told .. -:s.r,i; 7.1J0 ... l-'.20 ... 20S.IIU ...22-.l IIAiXSEN KR0THKKH. Architects and Builders, All Kinds ol SSoitsr wor-L clone af nhorh'Mt notice. Shop Corner of Cas and AMoi Sin t. ASIOKIA, ni:i:t.n Cleaning Repair ui-. NEAT. CHEAP AXH QUICK. "BY (JKOltlJK 1.0V57FT. datn"Street. opposite "S'IjcwW. I. w i A V 'J. IMP0I1TEU ANI WHOLESALi: AM BE TA I L lALEtt IN (tEHESAL iesghmdise ''oiucr Clienamus :aid Cis.s si reels. ASTORIA ..-- OREGON J. H. D. GRAT7 Wholesale and ictail dealer In. ALL KTXDS OFfFiJE), Hayf Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. Ooneral storage and Wharfage on reason able tenns. lotof Benton street. Astoria Oregon. A. Yaii Dusen & Co. WOOLD JtESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the Public to the fact that they are Agents for the following sewing machines, viz : The Improved Singer. The While. Tlie Crown Aud TIieEIrtridge, Which thoy are selling from SS.". fo.1o. each ami defy Competition. Persons wishing to purchase machines should call and inspect our stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as we guarantee to give perfect .satisfaction as regards qnaliiy and price. That Hacking Cough can be so aulckiv cured bv Sliilob's Cure. We 4 guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement Domestic Salmon Shipments. OHIPMKXTS KOK Al'KII.: 3th. Sloamship Columbia; Union Paekin? Co 12; Wm llutno 90; Orcau Canning Co., 2. Total.. 14th. StaFc of Cal. V.'ra Hume, E C 1C0. Total , yitl. Oregen: Eureka rackir.c Co.. ;l. Total ; 2dth. State of Callioruia; Cutting Pac:ins Co 100": U m HumeE. 104 iro -TJl C..100. -Total noih. Celumbia: .hut. Quinh. ter: Cutting Packing Co. 200:rVm. Hnme, 100; Astoria Packing Co. 2fi0: Union-Packing Co.. .": Hatl ollet A Co.. 2T Total 250 Total Tor A pril "iHlPMKNTsTtJOlt MAY: 4Ui. Oiegon. Badollct&CoGOl": A Joolh JcCol; .lo IluincSOO: Astoria Pai'.king Co 1(. Total. 7lh. Stale ol Cal.: .la1;. Quinn. 12.".: Wm Hume. B-3: Eureka Pat-k-ing Co., :"0: J(s. Mume, :0. Total xth. .Slate f Cal.; C. Ttmmin-; v Co.. 2; JJadolk'l v Co-:xm. Total 12'h. Columbia. Fishermen Pack ing Co., 2:. I on. lluuie. rW; An-ilo-Ameriean Packing Co.. :;00: Ei:rok:i Packing Co W0: P.al ollet t Co.. J.'A). Total lf.th. Oiegen: Fishermen's Park ing C., :J; Uapgood a- Co-:'j-o: .?. Hume, :;o; Angio-A tnori can P.ickint: Co.. 3ki: Jhuiolht & Co..4.',J:S;'a-.ir.e Packing Co., l,i27 l.:a2 S25 ::02 l.i."2 .1.1--. Quiiiii. 17.". lotal jnh. .bt.tte 1 Cal.; .Ins. Hmne. :asi Euioka Packing Co., Ctid; Piliat I.ock Packing Co., 1. Total 24th. Coluinhin; Wm lltune. 100: Eimoic Packing Co..."rJ;P. U. P V..i!; A.JladolleUt Co., 1&M); Eagle Cannery, Iu: .James (juiini, 120: Jos. Hume. 300: J. (;. Metier. 700; Hapgood & Co., tft5i. Total 2rfJh, Oiegen: Wm Hume,i00; I . P. Co.. Uailollet& Co., 210; An glo Ametiean Packing Co., 300; .los. Hume.iXK); Eureka Pack'g Co., 005: lilmorc 1'acking Co., .".oO. Total rjlst. .Shite of Cal.; Ihulollet t Co., :j ; A. A. P. Co :axi : .1 oe Hume. :MJ; Uapgood, 300: W. &. T. Eagle Cannery. 2. Total lik) Tl 2vS15 !yS15 1,202 1U5 Total for May ?!m.Mr..vrs ron .icnk. 1 -t, .State of fa!.: Badullet & Co.. :K: Anglo-American Packing Co.,' 1500: W.AiT. Engle Cannei-y 2; .foe Hume, :u.0: Hapgood A Co., a-O. Total iUh, Columbia; .Sea bide i'acking Co 50: r. P. Co.. 50: P. U. P. Co 50; Badollet & Co.. 0; Anglo American Packing CoM 000; Joe Hume. iHJ; .1. (V. Megler. A: Co.. 101; Hapgood & Co:, :a; Eu icka Packing Co, 700; Total.. Plli, Oiegen: Win Hume. GOO: El more Packing Co, 1.000; (J. W. Hume,.TSo;Badollet fc Co, 1,100: James Quinn, 100; Jos. Hume. 1.200: J. ";. Megler & Co, !HX; Eureka Packing Co, 10; Cut ting Packing Co, ls. Total . . . l.Hb, Mate of Cal, J. G. Megler A Co.. 1.00; Cutting Packing Co, 115: Hapgood. 010; Joe Hume, 300. Total 17th. Celumbia: Wm llumc,lr"00: Elmore Packing Vo LOW): A. Booth, tax); Budblict & Co, 1200: Fishermen'.s Packing Co, ion; J. O. llanthorn .V Co, 1; Jas. Quinn. 107: J. h Megler A- Co.. l.KKi: Hapgood & Co, 100; Eu reka Packing Co, POo. Tola!.. 2!st, Oregon : Elmoic Packing Co. 50"i; G. . Hume. 120: A. Booth Al- Co, 2,000; Badollet it(V,500; ExhzW Cannery, .voe: Culling Packing Co, 1.015. Total 25Hi. .state of Cal.: C. W. Hume, rK) : Badollet A- Co, LOfW: C. Tim mons Ar Co UK; Josc)b Hume, 1.500: Hapgood & Co.. :Mi? Eu ieka Packing Co.. i7H). Total.. 3oth. Celumbia: J. WiSliaiu-. S: Cu 1JH.hi; Sea Side Packing Co, 1.000: U. 1. Co, 1.000: Elmoie Packing Co, l,Vt; C. Timmiiis ,: Co. 1,000: Fishermen's Fuel ing Co, 1.0C0; Anglo-American Packing Co, iiOO; Joseph Hume, liHi; Ilajigood A: Co.. .'a-O; Eu reka Packing Co, i'iOH. Total. . slIII'MBXTS ron JL'I.V. Hi. nu-gon: V. P. Co, l.ftx): P. I. J. Co.. l.ih0: A. Booth AiCo,4iwi; Badollet A Co, 1,200; FishermnV Pkg Co, 1,000; A.-A. P. Co, P0o : J. O. Huiilliorn Jc Co, H0; Hap- 1.202 1,51 0J5 2,sv: lit: LSoO .sKXI nootl .t Co, poe: Eureka Pkg Co ;-io. Total Mb, .State of CaL; Union Pkg Co, 2i.i); Seaside Pkg Co, i,0W);Tim niius & Co, 1.000; Fishermen's Pkg Co, 5(H): Aberdeen Pkg Co. :: Eurek;'. Pkg Co, ;:oo. Tolal '. 121 b, Columbia; Jas. Quinn, 57.S; Badollet & Co, 500: Pacilie lTn ion Pkg Co,S(H): Weatberbee & Tkomex, 100; Aberdeen P!:g Co cm. Total .... IGtii. Oregon; A. A. P. Co, tXH); Hapgood t C,.S(X); Eureka.fitW West Coast Pkg Co, 300; C.Tim- r,i-oo .'UaX) 2.57S mms AfLe50d: wuaiiicrbco A: Tliomcs, 700. Total . rj.'HM) 20tb, .Stale of Cal.; J.G. MeglerA Co, 1,000; J. Quinn. 311;H)- goodfcCo,2oO: Eureka Co, Goo; A. Itooth & Co, 100. Total 21th, Columbia; Kinney, 2,100; Jas. Quinn. ISO; Uapgood A: Co, 200; Wm. Hume, l,0oo. Total.. 2,241 ::,4so $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for an v case ofLUer Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Head ache, indigestion. Constipation or Casttvc ncss we cannot cure with West's Vegetable liver Pills, when the directions are strlcttv compiled with. Thev arc pure'y Vegetable, and ncer fail to gie satisfaction. Sugar coatcil. Large boxes, containing so rills, 25 cents. Fors:UebyalIl)ruggLsts. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine mauulactiired oulv by Jonx C. WfcsT &. Co, "Tlie Pill Maker.' 181 and IS! W. Madison St, Chicago. Fno ttial "niackage sent by mail prepaid on iccelpt 01 a 3 cent .stamp. W. F, Dement, agent. Health Is Wealth. br. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment : :i specific for Hvstcria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache. Meutal De pression, rvi of Jlemory. Spennatorrhoea, Impoteiicy, Involuntary Emissions, Prema ture Old Age, caused by oer-oxertion,self-abnse, or oer-indulgeuce. which leads to misery, decay and dcatlL One bov will cure recent cases. Mich bos contains one months treatment. One dollar a box, or .six boes for five dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on re t'ciptof juice. Wegutirantce sis boxes to cure any case. With e:ich order received bi ns for six. boxes, accompanied with live dol lars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return themonevif the treat ment docs not effect a cure. Guarantees is sue! only by W. E. Dement, dntczist. As toria, Ou-gon. Orders by inul at regular prices. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Sliilob's Porous Plaster, Pnco 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. 0$ J? ! - fXE Of THE OLDEST AND HOST KELIASU HEMEDIES VA THE W0"1LD FOR THE CURE GF Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroatj Sroncnius, ! Inilueiisa, Astlima, j Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST. i.i.inff : COMSUfllFTSGIg, A Vai-KNOVN PHYS1C1AK VRITES: " It does cot dry up a coah, acd lcic ! . t- -tehinJ, Ai h the case with 1.10U prcprativr -, L'. boss:: it, clcmics the Ica asd al!a-s i-rliat; i !c:s icao'vinn 'he causc-of cii-npliint." DO NOT Ui: DKCE1:J :.ys.-:Klesl.u ns stmlLir names. Be sure you et DH. W1STARS BALSAM Or WILD CHEP.r.V. i:U thesisniture of " I. BUTTS" 0:1 trvt rj 54) Cents ami Sl.OU a. Itot!l. Picnrrd by SETH W. FOWLE ft 0X5, P- oa.Mass. Sold IvdnC2Lti and dealer ccarrah alway.i Curos anil aovor diban points. Tho "world'u c-cat Paiii RcHovcr for Man. ad Bcasc. Clioap. qtilolc sstl rclialilc. PITCHER'S C'ASTOREA. is iot Xarcotic. Chililrcit grow Hit upon, TiIo hvm 1 i I:e, and PJiysicians roconunoiul CASTORLrV. Itrcsriilntcsth IJowcls, cures Vintl Colic, allays Feverislmts, and !e sl roys Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cnro, a Constitutional Antidote for this tcrriblo mala dy, ty Absorption. Tho moat Important Discovery siiieo Vac cination. Other remedies; ma" roliovo Catarrh, this euros at any stags before Consumption ' etsi in S Piles! Piles! Piles! A Kiire Cure Found u( I.:tst I IVo One Xeed SullVr! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, itching mitt t'leeratod Piles has been discovered bv Dr. Williams, (an Indian Kcinedy). called Or. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 23 or 3d years standing. Xo one need .suffer ihe minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. llhiw. instruments and electuaries do more Harm than good. Wil liam's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allas the intense itching, (particularly at night al ter getting warm in bcd)t acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching ot the private parts, and for nothing else. Bead what the Hon. J. M. ColUnburry of Cle eland, savs about Dr. Williams Indian Pile Ointment : I have used scon'? of Pile dues, and it affords me pleasure to. saj that I have, never lound anything which gao such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. Forsaleby.all druggists or mailed mi ic ceipt of price. 5-1 Oo. IIEXKV A CO.. Ji'Op'K. Cleveland. O. Hodge. Davis & Co.. Wholesale Agents. Portland, Oregon. Foreign Salmon Shipments. The following shipments have been made foreign, during the present season ; ron JCXK. Gtb, British ship Langrigg Hall; Scandinavian Pkg" (Jo, :y00: West Coast Pkg Co, .l,500: Fish ermen's Pkg Co, 2wOQ ; S. D. Ad air and Co, 1.300: Occident Pkg Co, 3,000: Union Pkg-Co, 3,000; Sea Side Pkg Co, 2,000; C. Tim mins&Co, 1,500; Hantborn & Co, 3,500; Ocean Canning Co, 1.000: Eagle Cannery, (Wether bee A- Thomas) 3,500: Geo. W. Hume, 200; Pillar Rock Pkg Co, 2,000; John A. Devlin &. Co, 5,000: Aberdeen Pkg Co, 3,000; Total 10,55! 17th, Bark Wanlock; Liverpool; John West, 500; Wm Hume, 1.000; Cutting Packing Co.3-00ti Astoria Packing Co, ii.2.. lotai u) 2ot b, Bark Adolph Obrig 5,000 SHIP.MEXTS KOK .M'LY. 10th, Bark Edwin Reed ; Timmins & Co, 1,500; Fishermen's J'kg Co, 2JKX) ; U. P. Co, 2.000 ; Alier deen Pkg Co, 3,000: Seandina iau Pkg Co, 3.000 ; Devlin & Co. 2.000; Hapgood & Co, 3,000; Jas Williams. 3,000; P. U. P. Co, 1,000; Columbia Canning Co, 500: Seaside, 1,000; Astoria Pki: Co, 1,000: R. D. Hume. 2,000: Oe cidental Pkg Co, 1.500; West Coast Pkg Co, 1,500: O. W. iiunie, 200; s. 1. Auair, 2,700: Weathcrbec & Thoines, 2"00. Total ;w!00 Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Sliilob's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free. For sale by W. F, Dement v5qjB JSMSn ' WelfJ H u em tb . ii fiVS (cj HOTELS AND RESTATJKAK7F. A..T.MnGLKR. O.S.1VK1GHT MtvOLXR X WttlfiHT. Proprietor. AHorio, Orvgon. rpttn: PKOPKIFTOKS VltK HAPPY TOJ JL .-.pnoinitv tiial tb love Iwitel lias Tjeen ropaintctl and rv-funiLhfi. dd:n greatly to j ptHcontionoi us gui"sxs ani is nw te nes lintel aorth ot ?,a rrafts PAKE EI! 7TAI ip-rj, JLi. V SS. II. 1A Kli 7-:E. Irw.. I ! jastcria, - - - okegon. FnSf (MiSS HO'F'li.l JfOUKBX JMPllO"viDLE:"TS. Affl CI.: I5AT35S. inty """ loon stocked with Fi id Fret fliecs 8a ir.e Liquors- jsa-FKEK COACH TO THE HOUSE.- SALOONS. KKMANIA TJEEJt HALL AX1 liOTTMS hkki: I l-KV . vrs TKi t. Artwiu t Tir !::! :'T L'lijrr , Cf.-i. it GtifJol orhT f-r X' Geleliratsa Coimlii!! Brewer? U-B at this pi.!.- will be pnnuptl) ai tend ril t. JSyXo one ip !! I'rauelse B"ersiid at thi.vl:l''" l'M. i:)CK.Proriet..r .. ti:a?'w? AKS'Z uo.v i.-aii ! Mipp! the public with the Cnlehraied Chicago Beer In ati quantity to suit. I have aibo this Vci.rat'(l 4'b!cr.s "rce In Rottlr.s, Whleli is now very poiiidaramoner'alt fami lies and saloons " Please send In jour r.nier and they will haem best attentioti. .. STBAU5S. Astotta. Oregon. Agent for Oreixon and Wash. Ter MINT SAIGON, OPPOSITE O. COM PAX YS DOCK. Xonebut the best hipiors.it:ilcigarspa-.ed over the bar. W.SCHULPT. Brewery Ww .Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch i-very Day front 10 to 12 A. M Tho bet itf liquors and Cigars on hand. A tt-sermliv pojMil.tr place of social resort. . GEO. HILLBB. THE OLYMPIC SALOON opposite the Pirker House. THE FINEST BBANHS OF LIQUOliS and CIGARS Kept fnn-it.ini'Y ii hand. Xu pahii will be sp.ir-tl L mors satisfaction. :ive iu ci'spt "lyOive us a e:ill. I. W SKI1LIN. 4500 "si-.-sfc d sf : J . ' sT fe-'Cp3vx n2:i. HEALTH. - D 15 EASE. I.e Kiclum's (Jnldcn Iilsnui Xo.'t Cities Chancers, Him and second stage-. : Sore-? on tlie Legs and Bodv ; syphilitic Catarrh, diseased S":ilp. and all pnmar forms ot the dlease. S'rlce, ." 00 per J'oJtlc. z,v l!Irli:ius Zoldcii IJalsnin 3fo. 2 Cures Tertiarv. Mercurial, Syphilitic lilieuma tL'ni. Pains iatlic Boucs. LkvniteUTlsroat. Sxphilitie IttiMt. Lumps, etc, aud eradi cates all diseases from thesystem, whether caused bv bad treatment or abitbo of mer cury, leaving the blood pure and heallhj'. i'rlrc, S3 0!) per ItotSIe. Le Jttrlina's ;ott!cu SpaulsU Antidote for the cure of Conorrhoca, Cleet, etc. I'rlce. 2 ." per Bottle. I.e Klrhnn';; Golden Snari'sii infection. a wash for cure of (ilect. Strictures. Dis ease or the Lrethra aud Bladder, etc. Trice, $1 30 per Ito.tle. r.e UlrliauV Kolitca 0!nt:::r:it for the effective healing of Syphilitic Sores and Eruptions. I'rJcc, 1 00 per Kotllr. Also Agents for Z.c Ulcbat: oIdcn Pills. for Weakncvi. lovs of physical power, and all diseases arising from abuse and excess or over-work. Price. 3 ) tier Itox. Sent everywhere. C. (). 1), scevrely packed per Express. r. JtlCSlAitWM A CO.. A-rcntM, -: ,t -120 Sansome street, comer Cla. d-w-I y S.111 FrancLsco, Cal. LeineiiTvcber & Co., r. l:ini",nw'ki:i:i:. . lhow.v. Ksr.i:i,nimi) !5j3. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AND GDRERIES, Manufacturers nnd Importers of A I.I. KINDS 01 xJiAi3at.n?23:3ss- AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. 5arDJshest caah price paid for Hidfs and Tallow. f ,ftaw( vmmrdi TN&fK SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Co FOR POKTLAS2D,, FAS7 1TMK.1 flic popular -trtimer FLEETWOOD, Which has leen rphttcd for the contort of ! pa-Brcrs u HI live WiLni :tr" Fisher's deck ever;. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 I A.M. airiuintjat Portland at 12 !,',. Rousm iny ieavs Portland every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A.M. arriving at Astoria ct 12 M. ' An additional trip will he made e:i : Saturday and Sunday of Each Week, t Leaving Astoria on Saturday at V. IU.. i aud Leaving Portland at i o'clock i rH!t'3- ?G3'llillS. J I'ai-sensers bv this route connect at Knlaina I for Soniiil pr.f w. '- B. SCOTr, 5 I'rcsident. KEV LJ5SH From Portland to Astoria. r-KSS The SlAXKA.MJi. between Portland and t Warren &. Eaton's riiarf o ... . on TUl'SDAYs AXI S VTCBDAYS, ud Portland on MrtXI JAYS and FJtIDA VS. For frelisht or ptvstige :tpil on board. CHAS. BUtrUEAU. T1IK SEX7 JsTI-V.MHt: F&i sn Pas-ksr, EBEX P. PABKEB, - - MASTElt Is now ready for biiainea. For freight or charter, ap:i!. to the Cap-! tain ou board, or to IL B. PAKKE MARKET 3. CENTRAL MAliKET. (General ntMittiueiit of tabic stivk constantly on Hand, such as Canned Fruits and .lolly, Bacon. Rams, koulders, Lard, Fr'esh Fruits and Vegetables, 1F5S55. 5"'I3.Ti;Y AXS OA31V . tn the .set-on. '1-AI5S Ai?S TE,iW. t5e,( irV,'l?.'ES A"S1 fi.roiss. All cheiip for CASH. Uootis sold on coiu mtsiion. Opprwite I. V.'. Cage's store. J. BODtSBBS. Washington uffarket, Main Street, - - AtorUi Orrtjo OESPiXJTFbiJiY CULL THR A'LTK:. JLVtion of tho iublic to the fnct that the abooMarfcct will .tlay L supplied with a FULL VA RIF.TY T!T-T QTTALTTY F5JESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at loweitrAlo?, wholesale j and rctatl. Sfeelal attention sivao to sappb ns shies'. t M' r.TM I. K. Astoria. Market ! COB. CHKNAMUS AJD HAMILTON STv ASTOltfA. OREGON. Vl'fSJVr, Propr,44oi'!4 WAKUI'.X A (SuctrSSori v tVerrta A ileGnir, i Wholssalo and Rtitiil Poalcrs in Fresh and Cured Sweats A fuit line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR. FltKD HAY. CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES. ETC. 6-"S Butter, Et'53. Cheese, otc. constantly!' on hand ... , , t tno Jowo3t rates. ta Shit3 supplied HOLMAN'S P . --x ' 3 j Mi;, iiir. STOMAGH, LIVER, AND KIDNEYS.! TKADE MARK. In all cases of billiousness and malaria in eery foini, a preentative and cure of chills, fever and dumb ague. Dr. Holmau's Pad is a pcrlcct .success. And for dyspepsia, sick headache and nervous prostration, as the pral Is applied over the pit of the stomach, the great nervous ccntci.it annihilates the disease at otice. It reimlates the liver and stomach so suc- ecsfull thauligestion becomes perfect. ' Prof. 1). A. Loomis says : "It is nearer a J universal panacea than anything in medi cine.'' Tliis is done on the nriucinle of ab sorption, or which Dr. Holman's Pad Is the only true e.xiioiient. For all kidney doubles, ue Dr. Holman's Renal or Kidney Pad. the best reniedv in the world and recommended b the medical faculty. Eewara of 3ogR3 Pad3. I 0 1 Rich genuine Holman's Pad bears the prf-1 ate recnue stamp of the Dolman Pad Co,! with the above trade mark printed hi green. ! Buy none without it. For Sale by ail Druggists. Dr. Holman's advice Ls free. Full treatise 1 sent free on application. ' Address : HOLMAN PAD CO , 711 Broadway, New York, i P. O. box 2112. ' Sliilob's Cough and Consumption Cure is .sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption, Sold by W. E. Dement. TRANSPORTATION LLNES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03SPASY. ov zlxx iivjsiox. Between San Fraacisco & Portland. KKOJf 7- FjTaN. ; FKOM rOKILAND. Leavinj; Spear Street,Leaviniratl2:X) mid Wharf at 10 a. ar. ,tsinis;lit. as follows : follow ; i StatoofC.il, "Jolusibia.- Sat. JnlyljOreson Thnr " i! State o ..Mon Julr f CaL Kri , Oregon .. Moa "10 Colambta ..Tn 10 Colaml "14 Orcein atatsof Cal. I n ColninUa....Tn Oregon jt KcateofCal. Wevl Columbia. ...Sun "14 Orosm Sat 4 ISiStatK of Cal.Wed "J2lC'oIumbia ..Sun "fi Drcson Thur a)ltjtato of (Jal.slon River and Rail Division. JULY 1, 1S32. Leave 1'ott land for Dilte-, i up. pr Col um bia . Astoria nml lower Co lumbia.... Mon Tn. I We. IThu. Frl. I Sat. MAM 3 AM 9a:h 9 AM 9 AM RAM SAM !A!i CAM AM 6 AM Uajtnn, Or, AM, :am AMJ halem. Or )r .ifiAM' IS AV! i Vietona-ltftif: 1i ,K.(vl lai.l""" Loaves Astori for Portland atGa! in. dsiljrVr cept Sunday. JOIIX MCIK. superintendent of TraflU. C. li. I'KiaCOTT. Manager. .csci.u-weekiytripslliwacQ Steam Havigation Go Astmia. Willlrtivi'! SfMMEU SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, U- waco, Oystervilie and Olympia. tfpf Until further notioo tho Iltvaco .--ct4.-. Steam Navigation Co'd stoameis GEX. MILES. 01: GEN. CANBY Will leavo Astoria On Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays At 7 A.M.. and 2 P.M.. for Fmt Sickens, Vori Canby, aarl IliVaro. Only a limited amount of Freight Carried on thoso Days. On Tuesdays and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being conllned strictly to schedule time. F? arc to Fort Steven. ..... 5octs 75cta Canby and Ilwaco,. cs-llwaco freight, by the tou.in lots ot one ton or over, $1 ro per ton. EJTFor Tickets. Towayo or Chortor appls either at tho office of tno Company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton stroot. J. ll.D. GRAY. Agent. Oregon & California R.R.Co J.'fjgHn 5 ZZZZ 1 :jfnT vws. t'n vo alter Oct. 11, 1SS0, trains will run as fol lows, DAILY; (Except Sunday?. rxsTsraEDivisiox. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURO. JfAII. TRAIX i LEAVE. ARRIVE. I orttnud .7:30 A. M.IBosoburjr 7:00 P. X Ko5ebure5:00 A. M. I Portland 4:251 M ALCANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. . Portland. 1:00 P. M.lLebanon 9.20 P. M , Lebanon 1:15 A. M.l'ortland...l0:05 A.M FREICHT TRAINS. 'LEAVE. ARRIVE. iVrtlnnd. (:11 A. M. (Junction 6:00 P. M Junction 5:45 A. M.lPortland 5:25 P. ii t Tho Oregon and California RaUroad 1 er? I ma3;es connection with all RetailarTroini on Knsbmla l)iviion. W13TSIDK DIVISION. Prom 3ortInntl to Corvnllli. ' MVIL TRVIN Li:AVE. ARRIVE. ! ji .Ai...v,......v7.iiw 4.. lu.iuuttaiin . .... w a . . Corvalli?. S:30 A. M.lPortland 3:20 P. M Close connections aro mado nt R0SEBURQ , with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California IStngo Company. i5Ticketsfor snlo to all tho principal point in California and the East, at tho Companr'f .Offico. Corner F and Front Sts.; Portland, Ogn ! Storago will ho charsed on freight romain ng atCompanya Wftrohousa ovor 21 hours. Frekht will not bo roceivodfor ahinmont aftor 5 o'clock P. M. on cither tho East or We 1 'ido Divhion. J. BRANDT, Jr., Ucn'l Sup't. E. P. ROGERS. Gen'l Froisht and Passenger Agent B. KOCH LEB . Manager e,3:i3:r JvriVRY'a HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - OREGON miHS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE OF j J tlie Sisters of Charity, is now ready for the rcccntlon of patient. Pri ! Private rooms for tlie accommodation of any desiring them. vdesiringthem. atlents admitted at all hours, day or night. l'ai patient is free to and has the privilege or emplox ing any physician they prefer. i I l'ni ted StateH 3Iarino I Seamen who paj' Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at thlsHos pital during sickness. I'ennits must bo ob tained for i nited States Marines at the Cua- itom. House. I SlSTEKS OF ClIARITr 23:. S. PARKER, DltALKK IX Ray, Oats, Straw. Liris, Brick, Cement and Sand Wooil -Delivered to Order, Drayiny, Teaming and Express Busing. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. ni-lAXFJt IX WiKES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. KIKST CLASS Take Notice. , jQha Hoaers. Centra! Market. :i Has received a large invoice of BARRELS ASD HALF BARRELS of the best quality. And Id now ready to supply Butchers Caa cetiei and all others, cheap for cwh. : , s. - . Z - -v .