m A. It. Vol. XVII. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Mom ins:, July 25, 1882 No. 98. tiie Wmm living man he has roamed the far west, always on the frontier. justly celebrated. once and exploits in the mountains recollected bv Oyster Saloon. !i::.VMi w. snci.trr. asyoria mrTnATnrwm nnnnTnmnmf.., . . , - .. . ; i .'m. . r. ... . pvunTAuo nr a njprnocn r.nonnop flDOT r I AOO i-n. wiiuaai xAUfliiLRomafl.; bushes, aim gazing "tn me space 1 reinaiK. "J in- umuau.uiv wu. .u , mr umo ur rt uiDCJOtli ' r.vJOUUL O riMO. U LAOO 1) I flimr. AflifHTiT T IFP IY01TD 1 TIH? PAVPAil'V ivi,r;mI.ui;., 'bcvond he beheld a party of ! the mouth of the Columbia wa. HVFR 't, C..W?. .O lilll Hi Ml! I IfilL Lllli llMJlliilMft I'Ulflljlil 1 c.!. ... . - v white men shooting at a target. responsible for not u few o, those - nake river. Wvomincr trritorv. I . .. ..... ....... :.. .1... .t..j.. ...1 1..- ,1... o..?.... ..r -"(TM 1.. ..1 1 !.:.. ...:.l. ..... ,nl, mmoi- n.wlml n u-rnfL ' If i ni" in i'Jy h' """""-.'"- t llrV ' !1 s, SIM.riT s,Ytl!.f.. -k d-l 1 -J -tVvi -1 ti.ic o l,;ct,r.. rf -.i.,i v.. J.ne -suriu i;uaiv.cu ijiiii jtu v-u. "1IV..-V. v-t-. . . ..w. . .. nnMncrea-inzi'ii preure muiii-uiiii.. wo mrj. wcax&a jjiasi -. . u,Ciut wwu .4u,w M auj 1.:... .!.,. v...... ....... ...II t.,l-o tlt win Ifln llio lellaiile: llie Miicnl i wn-iy o . . --. Till iitiii iii ir iihirimi iiiiiizi : win lit Liii; -v hhiu ut - ,v , n . A ,. i:A .. itn inf ki. a ft?u.t titww fin bince tllC cear ltf.JS . . . . . ...... ....... ..-ii T.nin ilt ,m Vr tl.o',!ionl..er un.li, "i.iken . fH'.l.'K rXUKKShlXBIi IS IM.EASKll TO man belore. and tie immediately! trouoic to iook oei me um in: win forKheum-itj.iiiiiitho:iii. Tho ..towueh U -fi-announce i.. the puMi.-ihai he has op- aucctcd with ! ot :iij.olite:in.leii'knef: .lit- ( . . . i i n i i . .1 . . .1: a.... t.... itiiM'ii'ii wtin i.s ii! !ii.tiiiii. ;tn..siii:n;; :iif i ni is wlilnlvmrl C!,me to ""' 0"clsu thjU "i1"'1 ,,,u u,n:e "'5' unite... ,el-in Antral ate c...iivc. ..metiiao. al- ' .,. ... w- lie is WUlCU and i;11M:nrf 'nm,; mt,v.,v .,.' tcrnatinuwiili Uxirj : IhelicH i .nwbW HICT I.AMrt Hinl his vnfkr:. "tun uciurciiim wi-ii- nji"i.ui.ii s.... ... , v . acpomiianiM vith a .lull. li.-ar -j-o s -- ,. rns,-, -j -., , ana ins cxpen- .i.....i r-urt : ; ., nnrfom n,.ot,ri- niion in the kick pnn. Thtr.- ;. om.r-; SttXXXS -aouse, son the nl-iin;ififl ul',,,-!!' J "i'i;- v..- r .- ., con.iaL.rjble h tf ineiimo. awmi-' . , .. ... .. .on uiepumsanu . . f clf. ,tt.nnriy.n ,ft :,. ,,...., . aniedilhaiiir-ilM-u.ationr.riMviiwlvn wl ni-.lii-nfli-r .-kiMM!- will be vividlv ,uuu 1IUU1 "'""'j ,mv " ""-"' "M- -"nh undone omMhins bifh onpht to linvo liccn i ; duck. He liaione(l back to tie statements, it would no wcmi to mc. - wi. in- cwus.ii- .-jh.cuui :;i- u-..i.u-. ...m . w. . r.i u.., r.iu. tho "nhlcf intmlii- uuljK" 1"-'"l-,,m-" .... ; tentlant. 'Hie iisticntro:nilain.- of ivojirinc t T t.iv . , 4 t r . . viUa"-e and m Inrmct us oinois oi .mu-k so lacis, rspeciaiiv wncii iney nDaueniiy;,,o,.c.u.,,.!.ruiHt;i i5io i-. tauts" who were tendcrfeet in the! , , , , . . , - , . , , wMoH"1"!"!1 , , what he had seen beings who are printed in the same column .-cnat:onoftlicfkin:liHsi)ini:uol..nr, uihI. t-lJ- u cm. yjoi -''i country when he was an apparent-1 . , , - I - ., i nithou?h he isatiifiott that cwir- w.:-Mf cufnami's n.K.rr. , ,," TT . . nn .could tiniduce thunder at their i with assertions. Columbia irate- hei.fcficialtohim.yethccan'rj.TH, .i,,i.ii i I v old man. lie is between GO audi . , , . i , iu furtitn.le enou?!, to to ... . ru-r.-i'tivt'it'eacaii .A - ... will. Then sewral of the fore-J way has no terrors to competent , . ..oseei: DiXox.rropriMnr 0 years ot aire now. and is in an-i ... . . ,..,.., ... ifroii huc any of the ai,..v- -yi.i,.to.n-. . . , . i...r- a. r i.-. ..!. a ....! tin. coi.Tiii i tn:iri!!i?rs- aim vvitnin iih nasi pf .,.i.:.i..i ii....i ... ..r .1... 1 iiLljt Jl 4. Ill u nil. 111 .-, 1 -- -j - - j nil 1 till uii -.tint 3 j bulbil j ii.- -; iii A. McKINNfE. Manager. For Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories. orricr.-io2 tiresT street. i-orTaLAI'D, or. s nr-nrimfo IliA 1.vnirnl wostpvi nion ... 1 1 - ., , , and, sure enoii'rJi, what the younr although showing the weight of ' ... 7 , , Jlis long cut ly hair which! ' ' . . ycai. was once dark brown, isnow streak ed with gray, while his heavy mus tache and goatee are almost white. .Si. feet tall, he. is straight as an arrow and steps with tho spright lincss of a young man. When a small boy. Jim ran away from home, and indentured . 1 .- . . 1 senu.no up. r .urLi.tft-rs luke: ni.i wui"K .1 minim:! im i-suir ii;iui sailed in over the "unfortunate ! . - ...... e. -.. .t. :........:,., .-..., .1. ,...;.. ..r .. ,,. Ae. . rittsimrsii. ra. true. i lew oav.s auerwaru iiu-;'"' '"" - " '"o - ; Whenjou. MV.Mrtaiir'. 1'ilN. in?Nt .ji hniins Or. t. 31rl.lM.'S 4 'KS.VV.K Ul'.!) IKi:riI.:.. maic y t-iri:itnu H.o.. Indians came into the camp or the white men under a flag of truce, when the use ami tin manner of handling the firearms were explain-! t- 1 1 ed to them, it came very near proving the destruction of the! whole party, tor the redskins ,.".-.., - c, coveted the guns to such a de- himselt to the service of the Anion- & T. 1T t ,- gree that j-cveral attempts were can r ur company. Ho served hisie l . ... .." ,,, .made to massacre the owners to time out with them, and then went . ... .a -i r i- if it ain possession of them. to trapping beaver for hi mseli. IIc . , , , f .1 i an 1 it in Jims day he was noted as frequently made tflO a day. Jle ni i ".i . e - 1 a. one of the wiliest of ..touts. He followed this avocation for eight ... 1 .. .1 4 '.. I was never known t' lose his venrs. and then took- nnrt in 1!h1 Mormon war. jcaulion, and an instance cannot boj orfeK that Bakc ma(Je he ad About this time Jim relates howjcUea erfJ t.,,e lllll,ans cvcr -0L j vance that resulted so disastrously the forty men in his company got1 ,P "m j General Stone was held for a con In the Yl'.iole History of .tlciiit-'iiie Ifvoiican not ert tbocciminc Ur '. 3tv- ' ertinu: without iininf will' no 1 -V.i:S MYKK I'M'1': V " r ' -- r- ; ocni ry inaii.nnu ru ',vm semi ii'fiii loy.u. ; -rA "f-i-SZ- 1 I.,. .w.wl ,1...-:..,. n raium nnoo n.n..i 1. r 1 -VA W-J:P "!;' " .iv;v.ujii.-..i ..a im.iipi; ; ricmiu onus., riiisuuryu. ra. r by the slnp.ownei- and masteis oti j .Ii. if-in1rl A'.vZyr..' .'t.lYlf1.'.' 1 LSilifi.u.injI ....; 1 m T... Lll.. Illlllll M lf'Cf.ll vififfi.i ii mi- a ... ...ra... . a. .....a.-, .a- ... j lieportet. At .Mrs. Minion's loduintr Imiiie. 1 - The (.euenil ?tone who is inetig tioned in the telegraphic, reports in connection with Egyptian af fairs is the same General Charles P. Stone who vas in command on the upper Potomac at the time of the disaster at Ball's Bluff, where Senator Baker of Oregon was killed, ft was in obedience to his . K. PISA NK LIN, UNDERTAKER, 3ft . . i - mc mmmmMm j-f.2. . IkAT.'.yiri. i-ilBBBBBL'JV7P-4-! j Jp3steusjj; RcftTPuiT.1.: Befereaces: CI1 AS. IIODO E. or House. Davb & Co. . .t. S. BURRELL. of Knapp. Boiroll & Co. JAAlESSTEHICaslilprJ-'lrstXnt!onall.ank.;y. AV. Sl'AULDIKQ, Packer and Cattle J. A. STKOWKRIIMIE. AVhoievile Leather! De:Uer. aiul finiliniri. t ANDREW KOBERTS, ot FIsbel & RooerU. P. a. POLril. of Dolph, RronauKh, UoipJj .fc JOHN CILVN, of John Cran SCO. Simon. C. M. Wlbcnj. Boots and Shoes. Co!. .1. MeCRAKnX. of .). McCrakon & Co. JOS. BURKILVRD. Burkhard & Spauldlng. I- U. HENRIOnSKN. .r ltenrlchscii & J. K. i;iLL.or J. K. Gill t Co.. ScaUooers. Grpenberc. FICANK Z.NOVIClf, of Zan Brethers: Dr. (J. K. NOTTAC.E, .M. P.. Evaniinorand Each of tho above men has 10,000 Insur- PhvMclan. ' anee In thLs Company. Xn preparation hr.s ier pcrfurimtl ! ,. , ... Midi liiurvclmts cure-, or i.iaintaiiuil mi ' ( 4,r;,,r ' -ts- a,,a H'in(jlic Mroet. wide a reputation, as A Yr.i:"('!iKi:i:v JAS"n)i:i.. - - - . - OREGON" l'r.croi.Ai.. whlcli i rrcotjiiizt'tl as the i world's remedy for all diseases of the! :::i.ki: in throat and liings. It- loim-eonliniird i scries of wonderful cures in all climates ' f iJ "? ' A "P 1 K ha.sinaili.it uitr.eixdly known asasafe . t? .jjjlj a .s. xjai. and reliable aunt to employ, .jjaiusl t ani ordinary colds, which are the forerun-j nersormote .-.crious disonW-. it art- W I 7T(S WJ A HPS .speedily and surely, always relieym- j " SiNU'V OLTi.JCiO siuicrm. ami .ciiii'ii .saxmu. tin: im roteetiou it atfonls, by its timely iw in throat ami vbeijt lirdei, makes ii yu invaluable remedy to be kepV alwajs on uauu in every uoiue. m peini e:m AMI 1:ND!.KTAKGKS 0()Di o4Y.i.l li 1kk ttii(ifif if iid Hia.i vi li.. snowed in, in what is now the' The Salmon Question. isiderablo time in prison for al-jj,aVc once tiM-d it never will. lro;a ; lonrnr. ,.Cn,l..t r,,. tl.nf- n..nninn lJsl'' KllOWIllta 111 IIS CMmpo-UIOll a.l.l i .--! .Vrf-in v ' ..- r.r..i .i.-tj.... iiv:i if iii xiiv- the (.'nuimv Gunnison county, and over hqlf the number died of starvation. , t,e act of admission of Oregon .as ! On being released he accepted a J Pixtoi.ai. extensively in their pr.ietice, , . ... , , u " uiLnuiiis ... and clergymen recommend it. 5t is 1 he mules were killed and eaten, a state the Columbia was plaeed ! hign position in the military ser- jub-olutelv certain in it remedial rilvt.s but Jim says ;they were so pooru,uler control of the government J vice of the kliediye oi Kgj-pt. ?".S.iwl! : " ,,m' wl,m' ,,IIP n" that there was not flesh enough onlal0ne which is not true and that I where he has ever since remained.' rm.sAi.i: kvau. ii..w.i:i:-. one of them to make a meal for, Oregon and Washington have no j St one man. The remnants of the right to legislate as to the takingly, band finally got out of the coun-i0 fish from its waters which is a I r".' j'question. The up-river men com- , WlLSCiNT& FlSHRR, SHIP CHANDLERS. try into Utah. After the war he sp ber of years m trapp then identified himself Shoshoncs, and after s ti:.vi.Ki:s in Iron, Sieel, Coal, Anchors, Chains. TA?2, PITCH, OAKUM. Statistics in regard to th num-? r.ntviaiinnter, u.:r.irr v. ,-it'.! .nv.v.7 mil size of the farms in the cinchona Rubra. ' SPTTrTgc; United States show that the ten- Viccrov m I'era in iiiEm. The Countess. . .:iN. i'oituer :ii!s :md liners. Oils Kinds. 33 2 e- CO CO o -n o mJ3 CO I s m 6 H t. Z J? m f 03 . ot z CO os 5iSjSg f am t a - Tl nSCELLAEOUS. v.....i. ..., 1., r......- ins wnc, was mitniraieu ny an nuenc.u- ni enk up largo laims ..,,,1 ,-.;,. fr.,,,, -IiTMi j.. -nc ).( i.v , oi,. irj-j-j n,.-. i en, a uum- plaiu thnt Ul0 j,y rwi of sahu0n, -.. ',..,. tmgt ... . , i.the " ailw remedy.. IVaU . Uii" va.c,. aim ouu mg. iieuvluch is usually a heavy one, down -. , ., , " yian uarK. or .as u s caucu in uiv Rubber and Hemp Packing of all i . i . ' - , , . ureaseu uuriiig liiu ium ieii m:ui. lanuaue in ine coumrj, "ifiiuij;::n:i. Wltll tlie 1 the river Moes not nut riordi th'.i . " . . . ..niij-fnl fur lirr i-..ovri.isi Iiit iviuri . few vmkL. .' f .1 ' "fJ ,a,--rc P,I,nlunons "' tho sot"" to i:ureje in HSU, she" introduced the PRO'ISiONS. i lew eais stations in time to irive them :n , - , . . . r..,.-i,.,. s.,..,;.. i...r.. ?. ,-nc i..,. i .- i irk iikivt rv niir iit itir ciiimii i-irtti t iviuv.ui nt ,m'iim jiv v ii- k t uu'mih - .. i- -. . -w w i -. i. i.a,: i.:t i .: .i i ....... . . ""- "-"' -" ! ' i i- .-... :. .: i ,... ...i atixjaHa e-i-aI-.i. uctumc tumi uiuui, ic.uiii iiiem eaten Deiore t lie .season closes, and , f lX . r ., , . -1 o- . ,,,u!,i:,' " ''" v" i ,,, - i. j.i ti i I.- . ... and many of tin extensive tracts called it Cinchona, m Imuorof the lauy ...,..... fl. v; ,,..., r,.,,ri .. muu in many battles against the Black- ,f anyone is justified in fishing!. 4, J ., ,- , , . who had btouald them that ; Inch was i---'-- . n.., ..mi., fool wk .w... mnrHl .,; ,.r .. , .. 4, I ,n u,c "ortliwost which have been llM,n. ,,rccious than tbeold or the Iiirtis. ! r..r,icr Cheiiamasand llamilJon St feet, who weie mortal enemies of over the limit they arc the ones to i . b f . j. . , , To this day, after a lapse of two bun-, ' " " , . ' ' , " '" the Shoshoncs. For three years do it, but will notMhink of being TiV iS AMO':i,.ouh,o.s. street- he never saw a white man. One the first to ignore the law. day he became angry while in jdo not believe the law will be bro- '4,003,007 farm council with the sub-chiefs, and killed three of them outright. He then found it too warm for him, and he attempted to make his escape out of the country. It is said by Jim's friends that the tribe followed him for seven hundred miles, and in the fight he killed scores of them, being wounded several times himself. Since that time he has never found it advis able to go back to them. "Did you marry into tho tribe?" was asked. "Yes, 1 always had a squaw; sometimes two or three," he said nonchalantly. Jim is badly used up, owing to the number of times he has baon shot and accidents that have oc curred to him. A portion of the right hand is entirely gone. He lost it while shooting at a target with the late Captain Jack of the Utes, in 18G7. Jim was then in terpreter at the White river agency, while Maj. Oakes, now of Denver, was agent. When Jim fired his first shot the carbine exploded, tearing off a piece of the hand, breaking a jaw, and nearly killing him. He was taken trp for dead, but after many months of suffering he recovered. He lived with the Utes for several years afterwards. In Jim's time the Indian tribes living farther to the west were little acquainted with firearms. In fact some tribes never saw a gun. The older bucks of the Shoshoncs remember well when they first kid eyes upon them. Jim relates the story as told him by one of the Shoshone chiefs. One da- a young buck was prowling about the coun tn'j when he heard the unusual noise of .the report of firearms, crawling through a clump of rr:itc.s. sin inei , , ,1 a A. . .-. I Ken, aim mai ine great row wnicni over ISA) . - . . has now oeen kicked up on paper,is " idle talk. There is one thins i.er-1 A Lomlon J,rro' was fined for tain,and that is unless eannervmen weiSnin t,,L l)aPer ba whh ti,( I ..!. .11 MM. f a . i' -a i lallv cures a inoibid appetite Inr Minui- the l nuou:ims.byrcMiir:i) the uait.ra! tone i.r ...en .r ".1 nor ...H.f tiicMomacii. it attacu.s exeossne uve e.ise oi .r per 1 1 ut. j of HqU(r ... u l(t,s .. f(.u.r ..,.,. ,:..,j,.ovs . both alike. The powerful tonic irti.e of the Cinchona is proem"! ij the rcravian UUtiTa, wlilch arc as clf:vtie .i fA. R.crs ..M stand, corner f r.e-i against maiariai lever lo-ilay :s tlicy : .-j.,! Osnri Strcct-t. take more interest in establishing hatching establishments the mem bers of the legislature will become sugar he sold. That's drawing it fine. We have often thought in buviug eastern hams that we were prejudiced -i"-aiiist thcni -nd en-'lmv'n- to t'ai 'or ca,"VftS ow,5 wiUinly abide thi test. F'orsalc bv . i n' e- " r i- " ii twine, whitewash and coarse nU-iallilruis:stfriM-oisaiiini.,tii,ri!ralcis. r?- act a law allowing fishing on each! ' tinlcnt. l.oeb.f'Co..a!reutfor.s(i.r::i t-- 0. A. ST1XS0N & CO.. BLACKSRIITHING. were in the days of the ol'i S.tni-ji : sll, .,,, 'i'JIillll.r,x n-rk, !i(,rs..i,oo!n. Viceroy--. We guarantee tlsc un-rcdi-, w.hj,....s mmte :.:;!' r.-;.iiir.sl. c.,.,1 uork elits of tl'cSC lnitcr.s to be ubs.dutc.y r.e:iz:s:ii..-.I. pure, anil of the best "known oii'ilitv. A trial will s:di.-.fy .oa t Jr.u this Is iu. best bitter in the world. " The j.:o.: of tlic mnldinji is ii iiic e.u.ii. and we CI"TY nei alternate year only, or some such' -..itt obnoxioiis'conclusion. It is a sat- , Cear Complexion I jiin uc ji;iii uv every lauy v.ii.i mil isfactioii to know that here are a use Parker's f-ingcr Tonic, iteulat- few cannervmen who take an in- ins the intenial organs, nml purifying . , . . . . . ! tho blood it uickl3r ii5mrvca j.uuplcs ."Tlollieis ! .HotSier.s!! .1ail5iiT.s! 1 terest in the hatchery business aud;alnl .ves a healthy bloom to the cheek. et a little of .Mrs. Wiiisim i.i;tluiit; ; pmiC Rncbpc i. ... -I i i i a- i i. "7 i -. n i J MTun. it will relieve the piMirfctliu uf- uUlitiiS. ui Ubllub. have already spent much time and ' Head about it m another column. J fjr.r iiiittiedintcl.x depend uwm it: money in carrying it on, but there .,, .r ". ", "" . there N no miMak.-ab-mt it. here .. : Q!rr.,,f C,. . . . ? . . i 1 Hinders Oregon IUood Cu-juot a mother on eatlh who has eur OlateOfiCt Y, r! -i. ..A .tt .... ,.1 !-.!. ?. ii. . 1 u.u MJi.u...ii8,MiioCKb m me iiiisi-. rificr ,vH, H3;t;v.olv ho foMlul a vahl. ness who are delighted to see theai,ic lvmcdv for chmnic constipation, 1 Ai-e ou disJui bed at ni.ubt 0inlIiru.;;-ji of yoar rot by a sick child MilTeruig and crving with Jtie excruciating iain of cultiii'4 teeth '. If .so. joal tiiin and "OOK STORE. are it.ais::u:t t,-.-iiin new :.t.ltlKns lo mil s-irt-L ,i..i have Die lim-st ami laivsl -i.si.ft'tteiit nf vanrlv C.i.kUiu lliecltv. S. AKNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OKIKJON. The Pioneer Machine Shop! BLACKSMITH SHOP JsrS MJ -kinds of BUSINESS CAKDS. E.c IIOJLIKX. NOTARY PUBLIC, AL'CTlONKKi:, COMMISSION AND SUILVNCE AQEN1. IR. J. C. HIXAFTKIt, I'HYSK'IAN ana MCKJE. (DECTftCHKIt JOUCT.) Di.scuxej ortheTliroat a Specialty. Oflice over Conn's Drug Stor. it EI.O F. PAHKER. Cnanfy Sarveys-r Of Clatsop Countv. Ofllco : Cbenanww street. Y. M. C. A. hall-ltoom No. 8. J. O. KOOllTH, used it. who will not --11 .m .if m:e.. that it will regulate tin- howeis. and give rest to the mniher, and relief and health to the ciuhl.epcniiini: like magic WOrk OTI Oil. l.llt rill loi.fl l.oilbf.r! .1I.Mi.d l-id..nvc ilvjm.iuii lii'or ..t.i. . V ' "- V" " J ".i-r- j u is ih'rrcctlj .sate to ue in nil cas, mnrfll nr.v fi..'i..r,.l ciinnnri AT., i rdn.nl rboom.iliam. Rprnfu!:!. mid nil ! mid l)l!lilit l:i tin .'isfe :in.i . lhi. ... i tr r xi r. i bor .i;..-.r. bnvbvr iboi.. nrlfMii : ! scription id one ol tue oluc-t ami bcM ' l ' Warren, of the Cascades cannery, ; tUcr d,st'tse ,m,n tllC11 nx,Sm m i female physicians .md imrxs in the ; ,a.o:. . ,....s...i. i...xi. i ninurc hlooil. "Manufacturcu only by Uniteil .states. .Sold everywhere, i". ... ..L.. i:,. .iivi . 1 1 Win. .'fundcr & Co., Portland. nro. '"- '. ij iit.ii ni -.s(uuiisiiiiiciii aim .,.. " t ames Celluloid Goods. ll our 4.k'N wrc c.art.cd m plain tijatres I! and e-.aniine iti.iht and note prices. I HAS. STKVKXS &SOX 33: carry it on at his own private ex-' .inner. TTo1 wn n C.... -...-. ...f.1 : j.w... a.. ... .. lv 1IiUIV ,,...-... diU.s iiniupiliat0,-y relieved by Shiloh'j hgent, enterprising men on the ' Cure. .Sold by W.K. Dement. river, there would lie no further! ---- trouble. There would be no more - -ding-dong notices sent out by the: O. & . Fish Propagating Co. to j those interested begging them toi take a little interest in protecting j their own interests. One of thej square-dealing cannerymen re- marked to us that there were cer- ggr 0f the Bl00(l fill. Uirllfl.lttr.il. ...l. .......1.1 .l..! v vu... iiiumiuiiuis V.IIU I)UU1 I.llilUI . . j Skinny .lien. Croup, Whooping. Cough and l.ron -.. ....,. 'ZZu.Vml.r !,.,,.. cure for nervous dehilih and weakness ot thegenendive functituis. i?l. a' drug-' "IMS. tlrcgon )eMit. DAY lb Portland, Or. CM., iSSTTi fil'g Tl g , I'Sain aitd Fancy SElirvG OP ALL HINDS! Sues- itMde :r. t: l..t, sjlc from " lo &W. Sa'. Ufuctloa Qnarantcod. Boiler Shop ENGINE, CANNERY, .ND- STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly atteiiilit to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, rooT ov LAFAYirrn. trekt. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. IIesto.v SritEET, Nn.i: 1'aiikei: IIocsr, ASTORIA. - ORKCOX. GENERAL 'MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. Boiler Work, teamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. OLSTXlN C5-S. j ASTORIA. - - - OKBQOI1 Of all Descriptions made to Orttcri b'oonvi hi AJlcn's building up stairs, eorner at Slioct Xotlce. i or Ca"s and Sqemoctihe fltrecto. I. s. Cuuiuiislnuer XeUrj' fabtlr, aad iBturaatc Acrat. Agent lor the Ibimburc-Brcraen Fire Ins. O'. if llanitiunr, (.ennany. and ot tee TAr clers' Ufc and Accident In. Co., or Hart tonl. Conn. BB-Ofllce in Pjthian Building. Rooms ll, 12. 1 D. WIXTOX, Attorney and Counselor at Law. esronioc in Pythian Building. Eooras U, 12. ASTORIA, - - - - OltEGOX. JAY TI7TTI.E. H. 1. PHYSICIAN AIiD SURGKOJi. i okfick Over the "White Houae Stow. i:K.siii:KCK-OverElberson"a Bakery, op- j poslie Barth & Mvcrs' Saloon. VI,. Ft'LTOX. 3f. I. PhyHlclaa aad ttaryea. OFFICE Over A. V. Allen's grocery stora. Booms, at the Tatker Mouse. . XI P. IIICKN. PENTIST, Q. A. B0WLB"Y A. O.AVASS.l'rosidi'iit. .1. :. llCSTLEit, Secretary. I - fiwU Tru-Kiir.il Jonk Vo, Superintendent. ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Cuenanms Street. - ASTORIA. OREUO A 'AItt. ;mijk g f.o. rr i i i;k i ? . N do.r to Weston Ilmi.e. it-It Isnui :i "luicall" it Ha ItlofHl-imnficiand leave twenty-dollar nieces to his hmm" iiPntofthci)!oolioisonsthes.. ' " l"1-1'1-3 "' ",r j teni. denines the circulation, and thus m- children than a river well stocked ! duces many disorders, known by dincrcnt lAi.i.u.iA.i tuu .i nci wen MOlkCU . .f.stiji.riilsliiliini .'ireni.lin.'l.. rf- with salmon, not withstnndino- the f'cl'. m,t ,)ei" r,oM,' l,Iilc,,Cs or t,l'rLs r i . , ' """o "" (that sreat scncrlc disorder. Impurity oi rignts ot the neon e. Portland Kiooit. such arc MiwHrpxia, ;jimm.;irw:, . , .-. l u : tIAnrComplaint.ConsltiMiMm.Xerrow'nh- Uomtnercial Reporter. order. Headache, llachachc, (lateral IVcah- m.. Tr.'fivf f.fAATir r.vlfcH I.-l.. Dftfr... f irr-rt. jiuii v iAivtAAi "l'tl . -....."wi aii-'-ii Pile, Iih(nmati'im. Catarrh, Savmila, Skin ' niHirdcn; Pimples. Ulcer. Swellinu. Ar.. i To all who :u,- MifiViing li.ttii tin- i ciTors and indiscretions -if vottlb. nerv- : mis weakness, early deca . loss -of man- C G- S Ii T P TT j IiihmI. etc. 1 will send a rccioe that will i " . m . , , . - .cure you 111 KK OK CllAl.t.Iv. This! iiimiT.:.l A holes-do denier in 1,;.,.!;..!V.,,sl,-V,Ma; ,,k?'v ,,v :i : ; Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar-,-siop.ry inSmtii Amenea. :e:id se f tide- P'avinfr rard: P.ir- ai dressed enve one to the l.'ev i.,s. .... 5 .icic, f.aying L.ards, Uut- j'l'. Ism M..sudion D.ew York fit", i lery. tc, fc.tc, i lie ian:e.t ami finest stock or Meerschaum ntii! AuilMTKiiod.siii the city. I'iirticiilarnt : tent Ion jui.l lucrders from the country and : essri. That Unfortunate Bar. M'L. C tr r. . s.- . AC. nine oi mc aiuii ux'euu aim ine C5. P. commercial Aews is cures these bv attacklnR the caitc. Imptmty ....Mi i, -i. . , , L r. . ,. lolllio blond. Chemists and pli.siclan.saprcc stui oaat scared about Columbia in calllnz it ,4thc most genuine and c-Qlcicut .-.trnviv I., u. i -. preparation for the purpose." SoldbyDniK- gatewau In its auuual review it! :b.t!s, SI cr bottle, b'ce ttotlmonhds, direc fr.1 lc r.f flff,. o. .i: .1- i tlons. &c In pamphlet, "TrcjitL's; on I)Lscak-s tens Ot lilt -one disasters on thlS'ct Uie Blood, wTapjied around cieii bottle coaat ana goes out of its way to I Buffalo. S.. -Kiiehnjiaibu," New, quick complete cure . dnv.s. I ln iinmiis street. Astoria, OrcffJii. urinary afrcclions. Mnarlin. frequent i TlHui. r.i:.rKR. Mana-er or duhciilt urination, kidnex diseases.! Z ist.atdnmuists. Oreuon Dctiiii. PA VIS . . CO., Portland, Or. " ' SLOTYT.QV7'gtl. The Pci avian syrup has euivd l hoc. i TO THE sanus who were suiienn i rum dvspep ! .lltllMillll.l.lllll . tlllljil.UIH. OOll, f III- mors. female enmidaints. etc. I'ampii Icts free to any address, .scjh YV. Kuwl fcISon- lbston. LADiE OF ASTORIA. lon't Iie in Ibc House. Ask dniL'Kist' for Kouch on Ifat.;.5' 1 1 clears out rats, mice, bedbug, roaches, vermin, dies. ants. iiisr-f-U. isn th. i.nv ' - j -j j ..,. .v, l'S4 UU.Vt TAKE I'l.r.VSfRt: IX IXFORMIXO A oa dial 1 liae nnioved mv Drcss maUui r.ioms Frnni CIie.Kii-tus St. to C:ts St.. Xcxt doer to Tut. Astokian oKlcc. I thank the ladles for their lilicr.il patronage. .UltS. A. ICAPFLGVEA: Jew WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Clionainus Streets, ASTORIA 0RE(.i-X ... i nivi.Kr. i . UU-iAHS AINU IUBAUUU,JG.,,BAI?,-JfcCO-' Tlic Cclebrntcil dealee ix JOSEPH RODCERS & SON Door". WlndowB, BUbiIm. Tra GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY IUWnisutOaktomlxr.GlaBoatata AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM Turning: and Bracket Work i A SPECIALTY aed otier Enslisb CuUery. , stcam ym neju. Weston bote,; Cor Ll. ST jiVTIOW'E"R.ir I y T. 1IUKXKY, ATTOBXEY AT LAW. May be found at the Court Houso. evivcand Astorsitreets." FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS . HEADQUARTERS, Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. , Fosler,s A fine stock of j r Wntehes and Jewelry. Mur..Ic nn.l Mo$t COmpifite StOCk ill AftOHl Itrperh Loading Ktiut GtmN ami j nine, iccvoivrra. riMtoi. ' i-rviuurKts: J?lUHSi and Ammunition AttAKirvr. -i.vssi.s ' Wines and Liquors aia-so a kink I Of Superior Brand. A(UA.vssES.or',1mv h'FI'TAC,'KSu,,1 KYKI FOSTEtt'S CORNER, 0 R AlVDOCIC ' m . Fruits Uotli Forelga aat 9atrtie Notice. mil I DELINQUENT TAX ROLL TOR jl me from tho the same, Notice. milE PARTNEltSHIPHERETOFOKEEX- car kwi. tosemer wun a warrant jl Lstlnjr between J.T. Borchen and F.3L Cotmty Court for iho collection of . Cnitimrt in thi. iiuii nnitfin hncin-c ,7V2r. la ir t h'lllflo 1 lAlittnun.( tnr. I l. .vk. T ... Tv "A "lt4li . ivaa uiiiiiuui 'il iiiv- . up irimn ni inn anrAnn i'mmar kvv ariety. payers mil please vitlr at onra and sate Co.." b this day alelvedliBUta'caSit: ou! utsm'i win neieonex COAtS. ny3 A..M. TWO.MBLY. Sheriff. ducted by J.T.