The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, July 23, 1882, Image 3

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A Determined Protest.
This Season's Building.
Cantam Roper s Troubles
Captain llvpcr, of the Anjer Head, w in receipt of n conununici- A few seasons more of such building
ii..1 3.H.1 he was he;.rd to rcm:uktio!fn:m3IrrCha H. Dodd, of the as Hie proem one has seen will result
thaU.H sole ambition was to ship as i.i llaiid Boaid of. Trade committee, in transferring Astoria into a eiuii-
irhTi:,lb nj,k. scniiii-n about a dozen San Fr.111- , " which hotly emphatically pro Uiclly innlt city. Anion" the most
iondny Kxcet'todi.
IVki.tshiikh axiJ rnoruiirron-.
As-im it)i lUilUlitvj, xs Xft.
Terms of Subscription :
ckci reiMUtcrs. "Von caw n't open 'cms against any attempt on the part prominent building jut mipleto.l
your mouth, you know, bin whni the , "f cMineryui-ii h"d. " the Chun- and under way may be mentioned tint
bloody cKbwa Jiave to print it, yo.i j Ma river after the 3W im- Follow-: Pythian emit-, dedicated a fc.v mirk-,
know." Saturday ight, in the us- jS Wns: ; ago; this building cost SIT.O'jO and is
tablishinent of a Democratic politi-' The Board of Trade ef tin- city of an ornament to the pkice. .Ins- not
ei.ii.f he, it icported, made oilen-' l'itiai. at a .social srasion. iiimu m ..: it .. .u. .imiiiiviii is pui-mg up u
aire remarks aamst a ceitnin nation-! 'ho r1'' ! ''" ' 1SS- m-- ! Miltiianii tl structure, which "i 1 co t
i:tv.rl,ii:iit.ii..rnick!iiaiinthe , lence of rumors, thii various per-1 Sti.OO", when completed. bove on
' Zirtr engigeU in the .uinon usiieue the corner oi .fni lew ana urjuira hi,
.! dp 1'nprtnf vauL ?i lawttt
... L .. ..' ... ., ...itvi can-iii' the suirouudifi":. ot
-r m-til. cuo year -.. w tender potion of Ins anatomr to tak e the Columbia m, intended anu . Haoaeii Bru aw putting up an JsS.OuO
ffreo of Po-ua. toSuberiW. :t darkened hue. -Since that time the ; thrc.itene.i to vi-Aite the hut of this ( hall for Thw. Brom?er; d.. h-nk
-Aa.n7ott7,u;erbrtb.r.rnt. captain has kept to the seclo-ion of stale by fishing for sniinon during th j is the new M. E church which H1
horntovrsiMperniuareperunnlh. M. ,-bin unsitiw-lv lefinin" to re-I year after AugU't l-.r. ISS'J, adopt vb j be d.-dicuted by liry. H. Iv. Hiikh
l'r:uiMit:iilvortiins. by thotlny ir xAk.;ce;Vu jj,0 jmblic, and :noi psiticn- j unanimously the folioAing le.huioii-: j t.. day On ihe eonu-r of t'a and "!5?'
ifty coDt per imtreformch insortion. jlariy the roporJoi.. So many vi-siloxsj .VWm, That a committee of ihiee j .Jetfcrcou U a line i.hb-nce now bein; TJio tit-pat Auvtraliitti ftoiue.dy
.,..-, rmvr T,,.,.i.t...l tli Iw.t.r vf.stonlHv ilir.i - ! ha appointed by the chair to dm ft an i i'mi-thed l
(ill l li1 illllir i -' ...v. fc.. -.., ..-.... ........ .- . . -
4 1 JC vll I. , 4 ... ,i, hwblit.-it to nil nervous euiiaifed in tile
:iL'i iu at.iiiiMiL-ii .iv tui-i" i -
vK dp.
d-jt vJflr i
1 have removed to the
tnu Daily astoisian irWf he rent by j cabin door of
mil tint's cent? ci mnnth.frccof jitfUvje. Ilmd
en irio ominixulaicatifcnecfritm the city can
iari Tiik atoiuav follow thent, JUtr.Y
r WmKLY vfifivn- to mm prt-oirut icith'
nn lUttUtlunaJ ;ricjir. .4 drtr-i ow fc
;Hnycd at often n tltxirrtl. Irate order at
th? cuunUna ro un.
Seventh Sunday after Trinity.
But seven days more in which to
them out.
if the Anjer Head to keep i salmon uhimjbiisineHS.andthoo.inniii';
.S". F. Call. "f salmon on the Cohmibin river and
. - I its tributaries, expressive of the senvj
CostlyBook. uf t,10 ,.):8nl ,(f TnidlJj ; ref,.,,. to
The (Government is iiny to the j mihi-.vful catching and e:inuiny of
expense of getting our a very costly j salmon in .-nd wntera, and the deter-
On the.
H. .J. Hans.... n "l D ll C: i fciATIOMi
corner above .;u-oJ5ie' ('apt. I!iijm-h; l ,VI ' i '-
is putting up two liuitoins. one tor a
book on the fisheric.-. of the Tinted
States. It will be too line for rouum
j folks,, but will h-j distributed to
j congressmen, each getting one copy,
tpiof. B.nird s.i-.s of it: "Had the
- Divine service hi eery church in (data now presented been m the hands
the citv. to-day. ' Jti Aicric.iu eommissiouei'S' at
Jiaiifax m ltiit, no aw ant of
-Chenamns street was lively
yesterday evening with outside attrac
tions. - The Walla Walla Statesman local
h.ia finally got to woilr. 11" labors
under an impression.
Presbyterian church preaching by
the pastor at 11 a. .m. Sunday school j
at noon. No evening service.
would or could have been nude." ft
is well known that the Ji-hery studies
of late years have resulted in enor
mously increasing the fish food of the
country, not only by stocking the
rivers, but by bringing neglected va
rietiea into favor at the markets, they
have also added millions to our animal
j export trade; but now it .eums that a
I knowledge of these statistics would
havoeavedus the $5,500,000 codfish
dinner 'which we were obliged to give
isea to be one of the pleasantcjt ex-J , , ....
eiirsioos of the season. 1
However, the subject is
l still practical, for thet wele-y ear treaty
Rev. .1. W. Walters, will preach expires in 1885.
at the Congregational church to-day P;a2e7River"salmon.
at 31 o'clock. Sabbath school at
All are cordially invited to at- -4 -evr "uuinsicr paper -say3
' thul Fraser river ;s everywhere full of
, salmon, and all the cannerien are taxed
to their utmost capacity. We are in-
-Reeular mcotimr of the Y. Jf. 0
A., at their rooms at 2:45 r. m. this j
afternoon. W. C. Cha'ttin, agent for
the Oregon Bible society will lead the
Now .lcr-sey residents of Washing
ton city tendered Governor Newell, of
Washington territory, a reception last
Thursday, and presented him with a
gold v.atcli and chain.
The barks Glengarry and Wolfe,
which have been lying in the stream
for sovcral weeks, have beon chartered
by parties hero to load at Astoria with
salmon, direct for London.
The conference report of the river
and hatbor bill cute down the appro
priation for Yaimina bay from $100,
000 to SG0.000, and for the Cascades
canal from $300,000 to $265,000.
The Portland papers have a good
standing item which forms a "pick
up" for tho boys. It is about a man
named Welch, an alleged saddler,
whose present address is indefinite.
A dispatch dated Friday, July
21st, from Alexandria, says that
Arabi Pasha has cut off tho water sup
ply from the city. This entitles the
Alexandrians to the wannest .-yin-pathy
of Astoriaus.
Senator 3Iillor,of Californla,ttrges
an amendment to the harbor appro
priation bill, setting asido $15,000 for
the erection of a light house at "Point
Hanson on tho south side of the
entrance to Gray's harbor.'"
Hen's eggs 1,200 j ears old have
been found in St. Elmo, Franco.
We've always maintained that some-
formed that some of the canneries
have had to take oil a poitiou of their
fishing boat--, as the catch was greater
than they could handle. Several of
tho canneries are putting up 500 cases
each per day. It is estimated that no
less than 15,000 silmon wete deliv
ered at tho siv canneries in tho vi
cinity of New Westminster on Thurs
day. The run is considerably larger
than it was Ial year and last yoar
was a great year for salmon.
There will be divine service at
Giace chutch this aftei noon and even
ing; Rev. John Rosenberg otliciiting.
--Two of the sii. men mentioned
have received the 2 awarded by the
English government for their bravery
in helping rescue the crew f the
Lainmerlaw last Novembpr, oil" Shoal
water biy.
Arabi Pasha is quite a sanguinary
individual. He proposes to kill all the
Turks in Egypt, and says ho will be
gin at once. Ele is the mildest man
nered man that ever scuttled ship
or cut a Pitv he loves an ad
venturous life's variety, lie is such a
loss to good society.
hong biographies of Astor are
published in eastern papers. Boiled
down, they condense thusly: John
Jacob Vator came from Germany to
New Ybik with six ilulcs: sold
them; invested in furs; kept en: i. i.
f., some moio. Sent men to Oregon,
invented Astoria, grow rich, died: exit
-Mr. II. N. Keeue, i.f Walla
thing more ancient than Portland jWafla, is having a little time of his
eggs would some day bo reported, own -m i0rtlatil- He was robbed the
and, behold! hero we have it.
There will be a bankers' conven
tion at Saratoga next month, at which
the matter of securing tho repeal of
the bank-check tax will be discussed.
There are 7,000 banks in tho country
and tho question is an important one.
It seem to be tho impression in
congress that in this or the next con
gress the grant of the Northern Pa
cific vIli be forfeited. Whether tho
rumor is put out to get up a corner
on the stock, oris an inkling of the
truth is an open question.
Yesterday morning a Finn who
has been working in Mead's saw mill,
in upper Astoria, and whose name we
could not learn, had two fingers taken
oil" his right hand by a buzz saw which
ho was operating, no icceived
sugicd attention at the hospital.
fn-st night he visited the metropolis,
was sent to jail drunk the next, tho
night after he had the snakes in his
boot had 'em bad and the next day
he received word that his wife had lit
out for Salt Lake.
The Presbyterian Konda' school
will hold their annual pic nio to-morrow.
The childron and friends of tho
school are requested to meet at the Y.
M. C. A. room at 9:JJ0 . m., where
the hacks -will be in readiness to con
vey them to the grounds. An invita
tion has been extended to the Coagrc and 5L E. schools to partici
pate. Rev. U. K. Hines, of Poitland,
favored us with a pleasant call yester
day afternoon; he is to preach the
dedication hervieu at the Methodist
church to-day, and will also officiate
i at evening service. Mr. Hines is the
Wc arc informed that Cutting A;
Co. have bought 180 feet of beach
front just west of J. C. Trtillinger's
saw mill, on which they will put up a
new cannery this fall. It will lie poB
tcssod of all the modern appliances and
be one of the largest on the river.
ruination of the Ituaid of Trade to
vigorously prosecute all io'atom of
the law m such caes in .de and pro
vided."' And thereupon the chiir appointed
a eommitlce, as contemplated by said
resolution, consisting of the following
persens: Cha. 11. Dodd, N. Inger
solland.l. t. Whnllcy. In pursu
ance, therefore, of our duty as .-noli
committee, the undersigned beg leave
to state to all engaged in the -mIiiioh
fisheries of the Columbia, in any ca
pacity, that the threatened act alluded
to ib calculated, if carried into effect,
to striku a blow at one of tint material
interests of the state.
It would be it be idle to argue what,
to every candid man acquainted
with the fishery interest, must bean
axiom. After great delay Washing
ton Territory and Otegon have each
passed a law to restrain tho catching
of salmon after .Inly of each year;
but it is claimed b' those who deriio
to violate this law, either that the law
itself is nugatory, or that the practical
difficulties in the way of its enforce
ment are such as to render it ineffec
tive. It is claimed that, aa in most
cases the county lines of the counties
of Oregon which lie on the .uth bank
of the Columbia rier extend only to
the center of the ship channel, there
can be no successful prosecution in
Oregon for the catching of salmon
north of that hue, for the reason that
the crime would be one neither com
mitted nor iri.iblo within any county.
This assumption is fallacious. The
jurisdiction of its, the- tnics right,
as to criminal jurisdiction, and hence
such crime, though it may ut be
committed within the gcoprtphical
linos of any such counties, i yet a
crime iritihlc therein. Such. :ts your
committee is advised by the district
attorney of tho fourth judicial district
of this state, is his view of the law,
and ibis opinion s concurred in by
some of the oldest jurists in this state.
It is hoped that every honest, right
thinking man will Mt his face 'Jike a
flint" against the threatened lobbery
of the state and posterity; that their ef
forts shall unites with ours to bring to
justice violater.i of tho law; that pri
vate greed shall not work an irrepara
ble public injuty, and reason may
deter the unthinking from producing
the folly of killing the "goose which
lays the go'.den egg." But if not, this
lioard of Trade will, at least bo true
to its minion, and whether successful
in tho contest, or not, will, as far as
lies in its power, Htreiigtheu the hands
of thoc to whorc is committed tho
duty, of cnfoiciug the iaw, with the
moral and material support of its
member. Ciias. II. Bono,
J. W. Whallkv,
N. Ixckksoi.!.,
Conunitee Poilland Board of Trade.
Tin: Astokian his defined its posi
tion plainly, and endorses the abovo
as being in unison with its vie as.
From conversation, however, with
several cannerymen yesterday, we aro
of the opinion thai there will not be
airy great effort to catch after next
Sunday; for this, u go. d 111:1113 rea
sons may be assigned, but v.e will give'
but one, the most impoitaiit it won t
pa3. The fi-h are not large enough,
nor the quality good eiiough-to justify
the expense, for it co:ts as much to
can small, poor quality fish as large,,
firm ones, the pi ice being tho siine in
both instances.
workshop, ihe other for a dwelling.
Directly across the street from 11-, the
Odd Fellows an putting up a build
ing that, when completed, will have
Biot. (including the- lot and foundation)
$12,1)00. Wu .speak of tho Odd Fel
lows' building with nioiethan ordinary
interest: first, because, like l he I
Kuiht.s of Pythias, the rder desrve-'
praise in erecting what will be
tho handsomest lodge building north,
of San Francisco; second, hu&iuso the i
ennsti acting of the fust brick building'
makes a new eta in the history of j
'J'oolluielir. rVeiirjils;i;i.T5aek'lie j
SVlulien. 4 'out. r.umbK.
SpmluN :iml Si.'lllnfj.
lturii and SealtlN,
liruise.lleutlui'bo. Fronted Fee
and Kurs. Sore Throat, Palu
in tlie Client, KiirAcho.
Corns, ami Himioii. uli Itotlilj
Aritoru. -A starU'r is an tlnu 1 ,.M.,:sjeU .it vustnili.111 Herbs, prow 11 by
...j.l ..,! iv.. t.A- r.. s.. ..!l...t- tbe Ueriii .lis of tbe losfwood scrub district.
""""-' - -' " 11
brick buildings built here of
iueeiisiuiul. Australia, it ho make herb f ul
bricklturea soeeialtv. Jt do.-s not contain any
i ix.Icitiinw inrri.i!if't!l: lmtppt nml 13 tht
manufactured from the exeellenf c'avj
in this vicimty. BEST PREPARATION
On Clieiianiu.s street Capt. Flavcli1
putting two new tirehouc3, one is
Gnished; tho planking is laid mi the
other. On Main stiect, Mr. Boelling
is building two stores on the lot adjoin
ing I.prgmau it Berry's, and C.ipt.
Brown is about ready to begin the
framing of a large warehouse. The
piles are driven, the floor is hvd, and
the sides will aoon be in place. Fur
ther up the street is the new Presby
terian church, in a beautifuUoeatioi,,, -1 "' -- - ;" "
. . 1 rat. Victoria. Amitralla.
and in a comparatively short time it AIIF.ISKMV F.POT - - .aala Clara. Cal.
bell will .summon nil inclined to ."rL.w(1IIclllNp,fStWre1It Mlail(li Sole
the dedicatory sermon. Next setinon Ajreni for Portland, Oregon.
in the world for the abut econi'ilauil.
A I'cereet 'iutt aaraiif cetl in I'v-
-i"S Case.
It costs lint Co cents per buttle, and it is
Mtnplj foolishiiP-s for those ho are suffer
ing pain not to uc it.
Full Directions accompany each Hot tie.
Sold l all Drutisists and Patent Medicine
PROF. 31. A. SCOTT & CO.,
Solo I'ro'irirtors JL .If auufactMrora
And. have, Without 11 Single Exception,
The Finest aid Best Arraieil Store in Qnp.
t -
Npw Goods Received by Every Steamer in
All the Latest Styles and IToveltiee
Call and Inspect Stock and (jet Prieos Whether. You
Purchase or Not.
No trouble to show goods.
V mmmmmmmmmmmMmmmBmMmmwwmm
ASTORIA, June 3, 1832.
wo shnll chronicle the building of a
schoolhou-" worthy the place, :nid
would be glad to note a move toward
New. (j nick complete cure I dats,
iiriiuirv niTeetions. sinnrtlur. i'reauent
building a theater that would be a lor diilicult urbmtion, kidney diseases.
i. ai onmgisi. ureuo'i iicioi, m ir
itCO.. roitland.Or. "
credit to our little citv.
Wood Tor Sale.
; Husband! Bring your poor suffcr-
i i ., i .... ;- i ,i, i . t ,-(,. 'iug wife a bottle of Pfnnder's Oregon
1 hate about mx bumind and lnt trft.irt dt'dilmvc
eordst.f dry hemlock, tthieh 1 till itItlIi.K.
for cash at $3.7; per eonL I will deliver S - - --
the v,mmi to mv eustomers. Astoria See De-iot.
M. MEYER Proprtotor.
SFBoiAii vA-io'ia'oxj3?a-03Ea-mi
Suhterlntioii cws Dcjint.
Frank Fabiei-now irenarcd to.,ui)-i
j ply raiuiiios.rostaiirauis. hotels, saloons,
i i-fiV . :i! :: !:!. nr-r noiind. on the nrem-
.special aimngenu-nt has liwiinwilc i-. I r.M i;v cream evert day. Lais
hvCarl Adlcrt that ton can subscribe! P't.ties and dinners supplied with ice
for any paper, maira-zine, or periodical ''ream at s:n,rt notice.
ptiblkshed in the United States orKu-j "
rope, at publisher' )rices. .so save timet Annoyance Prevented.
and money by leatiug nur :dWri-i i-.. i...:. ...... i... ..i,i., i.,.i t. .;..
lion ai Carl Adlerv. ! -Kty ban-aie hoimiable but then
premature appearance is aunoyiug.
Parker's ti.ur M.dsaui prevents the
annot'aiiee by promptly restoring the
3'outhinl color.
Proflosorbcott, the Autraliju Pain
Autocrat. arrivcd in this eilt tesloidat
morning and g.ive his first heehne and! '- -
Concert last evening on Chei.auiusj Thsee-cot loads of dry lir, : spruce
street. The Proffessor'simdite in git- limbs, and bark, just reeeitcd and for
ing Hiis concert is to iutiodiicc Magic sale, at fSray dock.
Balm a wonderful Australian .Medieine. ,, ...r"', t , , ,
and the J'rofes.sors oild savings kept Hate isiars balsam m wild cheriy
the audience convulse.1 throughout.! 'dwat sat hand. H ernes eouglis, colds,
Messrs Lattrence and Frcneh. two gen-. brwieliil. ttho,mg cough, croup, in
tleinen possessed of vert fine voices,' iluenn. consumption, and all throat and
sang: some beautiful balla'ds and roiui.- pnigceinid: s. rrfi eeuN iimlM a bot-
nngs and were encored. ' ' ".
Prof. Scott gives auothr-r euiert.iiu -:
nient to-morrntt evening nud should be, Kleveuieen hundred and etetHiteen
heard, lie is Mopping at the I'.iikcrjofth.- n.-wi-t and mosj popular novels
Hotisr tt here he can Ik consulted. ! at Adler's.
Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, S I 50 psr Dozen
WSpeclal attention paid to orders hum Public and FatoUies.K
arOrdr ten at tbp CKltMAXIA BEKlti UALL will U piomptly nnended !.
our entile Mock of lnouldiuifs and :
Ti-anics or all kinds, brackets aud wall- j
j pockets, also n lot of other goods, will .
ue.soiu ?t cost at nit- ity jjook More '
for the next thirty days. ,
. ClfAS.SrKVKXS .thON.
To all are suffering from thej
errors and indiscretions -f t.uith. nei t -
ous weakness, early decay, loss of man
-OH and i-aiuiucluoseh:iht ttauoiis
nt Ihei'it.t It-ok 'tore.
Kir tin ii-nuine J. II. (.'utter old
Ilonrhuu. -uui the Ihs ol wines, liquors
i . ... !... ,:.... i. ..i i... ' n...
i i ... i . ,.i ..,.:.-:.. .1...1 .. tii'.oiu .oi j i.oi'isi-.. n-i-r. . .01 .11 im- iit-111
curiou H-KK 'I niAi'(;irTins;-,'-5l'5-n " r- remedv was discotercil bt a mis j
sionary in South Ameiiea. Wja-eli . r:UanJl ,..,,. iu,altIl ,MI MV,vl
nd.rcss.Hl entelope o the i:-. .Iim-imi , ,,, M.,.,1:,., -lx MiobV Catarrh Hem
1. iMiAMalion 1). .u't iork Citv. . t,J Vli..t-zt cents. Masai Injector rree.
- i, 7-" - - , Kersali- by W. 11. Dement.
The Great Natural Demand
, .j Stetcns & Son hava their .store
In order tMippl.t the gre.U mttural.,.nm,ttMl xvilh m..v gt0I;.aU marked in
demand for a remedy or real men!, one plain flguic-.
capable of ctcanstng the svsicm, lmrif v - rti
:!.. 1.1.... 1 ,...r.: i.. n... ..1 Glias. Met ens and Son have a stock
ingthe blood, regulating the liter, and, ,,....,.,,,,,.,...., ,nnl ,,.,ltl,h
lor cash to elo3e
Miiloh's Yitalleris what tou need
for Constinatiou. Loas ol Aimetite. Diz
ziness and all symptoms ol Dyspepsia.
l'ricp 10 anu 7j .:enfs per bottle,
by W. E. Dement.
acting on the bowels, the California Fig. can be bought cheap
Syrup has commenced the out that branch of the
manufacture on a large scale of a con-
cent rated St. nip of FIg. and is sending
out dial Iwittlcs to In given away, so
that it coats tr.t il and con
vince yourself 01 its etfe-act. And as
evert familt neetls a bottle, il i.s als( tor
sale in .") cent and$l bottles at the.sjoie
of W. I Dement, Druggist, who has
been appointed agent for Astoria. Hodge. llcnrt (rcville fascinating works
Datis Ar Co., wholesale agpnls.7loitlaud.iJ,"L eeitcd at t ari A.llers,
When ton go lo 11 waco. htoj in at
Adlor.s before on Mart and gel one of
Walb-r Scott's note's, only 2."" cents.
Mrs. W. .1. Strong, and Miss
?tl ay Wilson, of The Dalles, ae on a
visit to this city, and are the gucftts of
E. ( Holden. tally ami earamels every day
at tlte Astoria Candy Factory, Main St.
Jicmumhcr Frank Fabre's ice eieinn.
II is par evellenpc.
What is nicer on a warm day than a
dish ot that exquisitely flavored ice
eieam that Frank Fabrc makes'.'
skinny 31 en.
Health Kcnewer.
BZdlSTZBSO KAacKg. 18T8.
j Croup, Whooping Cough and Ilrou '
Ichitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
cure. oln by . h. Dement.
Lessons given in Waxi'iid Paper
flotveis taught in the latest style. Ap-
lemedy for skin diseases in Glkxx3i
bei.ruui: Soap. "II ill's 1 a in Dv:,r M:kr uso of the Vegetable KiadWH. Afro-
black or brown, fitty cents. tutely tbc
Cor.DKiv'h LmniG'ri Liqum Ui:kk; Dror
am) Toxic IxviGOK.vrou ib admirably : DLO I
adapted for females in delicato health.
Coldcn's; no other. Of Druggists.
For the
Ask to see one of those potent teed-1 K:",n, HH,i f,rr 'rtoto.
ers at Foster's.
if you want ico cream that i.s ire !
crconi, go to Frank Fabre'f. ,
AvcriH's mixed paints, the best in
use. for salo nt J. W. Conn.s drug store
opjwisitc Occident Hotel.
Sleepless Nights, made miserable
j by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure Is .
the remedv tor you. Sold by W. K. De-'
-If you want nice fresh lard, or good '
Srw r (Nd CkltU.
ttr. Ague, Jyptito. efc.
ICJ .l-nr IMIIIi- i:nfk-. s..lf, ,,r I'li.tcr it vi. - 11 i..t r il... '
cure for nervous .lelnlilt and ttcakni'ss c.,iiviw3 :.',: i-"-.Tr. ?usar-cureu uaiua, juat iiuui inu couu-
of Iheoenenitito functions. M. atdrtio-! v . .Zi "' x .iT".,.1 4"'--' "" try go to i. I J. I-dberson's DaKery.
T j. rx''.'. 1. in-'!...' .-. fix "'- "J .i-l.lllUll. i
gisis. Wii',;oii X'iHi, u.Yi ir v . .r,
l'orri.iml, Or.
,. . : . j Ice for sale at tho Occident Hotel.
i- resb ice cream every dav at Frank
- I-able s. amilies .supplied in any -Freshest and finest cakes, fruit and
Your W'lfK Wants quantity !t leaving order. Also the candy at the Astoria candy factory.
One of those oil stnve: neat anil con-' Vst (ti cooketl to order. Frank
I'llllinill swiaim Illl.t r IIVIIT W ---. -v... ,,.,., '.'. wa.V.A4 V lvIV m 111 I11IML i-i nillUL: Ui IIUILUU. IV,V
evert w here as par excellence.
editor of the Pacific Christian Advo-j -My itomach is dreadfully weak aud
1 -i; t-.- ...ill ...t..-
my uigesiivc oi-ganx aim wb.
Sticngthen tliem by using Wm. Prux-
catc, and for twenty-eight years, with
voice and pen has labored for tho build
ing up of ( Sod's Kingdom. The pas
tors of the other churches in the city
are inwtcd to join with their Metho
dist brethren in the evening service.
nr.n'.s Oregon Blood Purifier.
Four druggist keeps it for you.
Tho 'Always Handy" stovepipe
shelves at John A. Montgomery's.
tl-s-r Cure
KldNry (turf Mladaer !.
Ckraale Bfcla It hi
and KaraautUat.
Has Stood the Test
For particulars and testimonials from weU
known people la our State read loads Ma
Prieo ---. pr VaUe.
cream to-dav : tresb made and nicely t To insure a cnto take six lots for $3M.
llavored. Your druggUt Keeps aod recoaumeads tt.
Ask for. and see that you get tbe Beaolaa.
Pu,ehascr for four lots i.. uiiuuV.. f;r ' ""L, !ho n" -AlexanrlrnlTs'" works at Corl j
Astoria, suitable for residence. One gnu 15LO0D PIBIFIEK, the vege-i vdler'&
lot in Shively's Astoria suitable tor bus- .-, . , .., ,, I :
int-ss pnnxKrs. Apply to tame, reincdt . it a tho cure. Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar
U. ..xroiUlilll, .txvilt. 1 I KCL. 11US UliiUU UriUIIUCUlUlOa, iu ALUM .14
In Otaey'a Astarta.
Society Belles
Ate loud iu their praise of Flore ton
Cologno on account of its remarkably
delicato and lasting fragrance.
Wiii ou suffer with Di.sneik.ia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's vitallzer is
guaranteed to cure von. Sold bv W. E.
.AH of Zola's works at Adler's.
. im-ui.' avi: u-rrtTv vn x uirv
incst fre3h fish, etc., in their season I H u su roolns. wood-shed, ebickca-
hooe. etc., and a novor-ramng, nviag sfrtu '
ot cood water on the lot. Price. S8S. Loca
tion. about elirbt minutes walk fnmroat-
offlce. Apply to C. G.MOLD
Fresh fruit received at C. A. May's by
overy steamer. No stale trash. Every
variety of Oregon and California fruit
always on hand.
Real Estate Ageat.