The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, July 22, 1882, Image 3

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fgz:LV st.griuu..
Hwaco Items,
j 1 ia o, wTrriitib li, 1 SS
El). Astoriam
Wood for Sale.
Summary of Vessel-.
f Wn . tt.rlrttitr.jt fr. ATV f. ttetl-lt
1 liMt'W .ihitiif Jv hrnirlnvl :inil Wflv.
depnty collector, for the following cords of dry hemlock, which I will vir
Garl Adler's
! Ah our wanderings 'have onw w.ire j summary of vessels documented in tliej Jur cash at S:U73 J-"1 w m dp,iv-"r BOOK. S-3-RL-E3
JULY 22. lSi brought ns to this little village by the j district of Oicgon, .him 30, 1882: ,P C k." R. aLmuox.
tlM444MtMMUt -1
Mom' by Eicoi.too).
rrm.i-mi:i& avivJ Pitoi-i-nrroKS.
.liirtin ISnildiiVft 2ass Strut.
Terms of Subscription :
j sen, or rather, bay, and as u is getting
' to be of ?oie inteiest to many of your j
iroadiMs. ivn will iot down an account! Enrolled
y .. --. - .
of tilings as they appear to us
j A good many improvements havcj
Kfirtti ii'-..?s uniMa n intt i lcif liorii I
uvwit -i-...i; -.ii. -, 4i4.iv -- ,-) j
I first of which is the Ilwaec Whaif
fsream! none
(sail) 111 4:uH' special arrangement has been ina.Io
(steam) IT, l,4Si.4i , oy larj Auier so mat you can siiusenm.
Licensed (!ssji under twentv
Ions Nail) It! lot).
fstcun' 7 ..
Th-4 l-it-'ct stvp.k iiT
tShJb Blank Books and Stationery
" jW-? . . .. .... I.I..
hi i,er
. -
(for any paper, magazine, or peiiodiealj WK
it&GO I published in the United Mate. orKu-( r ;f.?.a
S3J50 rope, at publishers' price.-!. So a e time j St-IISs
I n tri2 school Rooks. P.lbles. Poetical
jiiiilU Works. Albums and
' Hold Tens. t
SCo.'s new roadway, about one ilion-
rvo.l by Carrier, rer u-cek -'Dai sand feet long, and fine, large ware-
cnt 1-y luad. touriiioiiilii 51 ... , , , ,,
-nt hr mail, one yenr. m wj house, boi It since the old one blew
froo .f Postaso to subscriber?. .down last winter. It is somewhat j
-.irortnw inserted by the year a.(Mn",lcr than ihe the roundhouse of j
hr.ueofir0 per m.uaro per month, the Union Pacific railroad, but a
rransient atlvertiping. by tho day or week. credit to the place nevertheless, and
any crow Per square for each insertion. thc. t ttf ,)imi f road leading from
I the wharf to the town is very pietur-
Steam tun Cen. Mile-, dociimcnt-
edinMulv i:7.ll,
Barge Xo. l.hos verdiNaiiiucijtr-d.i.iTuu.ji
llfatiles a full ami complete
1 .mil nuiiinv liv liaviii? vnnr siiisrii-i Siat! i r i.. n wni Tniintwi Pjvnfc .
...4.1H.4s!tion at Carl Adlei-s. Mrnv. Also, n-'ws dejot anu7, agency torj
D'ou't Hit in tin Ilous
jcaque, ovLrhunj; 13' intei lacing gi ecu
UK Uaily asiouiax trill he KCUl hn
trnul alio cent a month, free of 'pnttayc. Iiftid
era m7.vj contemplate absence from the city can
kiiv Tni'. Astoiman fullow them, Dati.y
r U'MCKIA' fAilhm toanu juttS-oific with
ml ti't'lttwnal crpctitc. Aildrccs man be
vt tiiutd. ax4tt,n at dcircl. teape unlcr at
lln counting num.
The California store beina its
sale to-day.
There are 23,489 cases salmon on
th- upper O. Ii. A' N. dock.
-The Mary E. Ruas arrived in
ye-sterday; she loads at Knapptoii.
- Thi Rev. John Rosenberg ill of-ut-iute
at Grace church to-morrow, at
morning and evening service.
-It is a contrast to sit down by a
lire theso pleasant July evenings and
read about eggs roasting on the Icrees
at St. Louis, Mo.
-Two young ladies of Astoria
chartered the Sam, and yesterday with
a party of sixty excursionists visited
Youngs river falls.
Note the sale at ilolden' to-day.
There are household goods to be sold;
tho sale is an imperative one. nnd bar
jaiiH may be secured.
A. ".I. 3Fegler, secretary of thoi
(). F. L. A: B. Association, gives no
tice of a meeting on the 24th pros.,
for tho purpose of election of officers.
"And what is rarer than a day in
June?" asks Jas. Russell Lowell. We
rather think yestordriy was under
done, though we have some raw days
in August.
A fire in Portland, on First street,
hot ween B and C, yesterday morning,
but ned a barber shop, clothing estab
lishment, and tin s'tore. Loss, SS.oOO;
Tho steamer Clara Parker takes
ti party of excursionists to Young's
river falls to-morrow morning. Hero
is a chance to make a short pleasure
trip and see some beautiful scenery.
Vo undcratend it is the inten
tion of tho Knights of Pythias to have
a picnic about the loth of next month.
It will be qnito an extensive afl'air
when it does occur, and will be worth
participating in.
Uavo von noticed the little fact
that Astoria is the healthiest city of
any in the United States. Leave out
the contingency of accidents, and
there is no place that has a lower
death rate than Astoria.
The heavy fogs that hung out
nide the coast line have taken to drift
inn inland. Every morning great
banks of low-hung clouds tloat
boughs on one side, and falling sheer
down to the blue waters of the bay on
the other. But alas! the Jirsr building
that takes the eye v.ilh its golden-lettered
sign, is the Cove saloon, so
called, probably, because it is fre
quented by the worst "coves"' in the
country. Hm-e, m addition to entic
ing bottles and jugs, and subtly-inviting
decanters, you will find a -eIect,
assortment of old soldiers' clothc-Jand
socks, taken at par in exchange for
the deadly firewater and ofi'vivd for
sale at a reasonable liguie, while the
denuded c-owners, happy and spirit
ual, seek diveisinn in the bowling
alley net door.
Von go in past the wrll-ivmember-ed
little restaurant, and a new
grocery and drygoods .store, kept by a
now comer, past various dwelling
houses and another drug shop to a
diminutive post oilice, which is quite
an improvement on the old way of as
sorting the mal in the saloon. Just
around the corner is the school house,
also new, and a ery good and com
modious building, encumbered with at
little credit mobilier transaction
which the lax-payers find some fault
with. Next comes the elegant resi
dence of the ex-auditor of the county,
who now ecliews politic.-., manages a
prosperous and largely increasing
Sunday school, and drives his two
fiery black steeds up hill, and down
dale in a, t . .John style
that wins the admiration of all be
holders. Tiie next modem improve
ment is the shooting gallciy, kept by
Mr. D. P. English, who having
served an appienticcs-hip at teaching
the young idea how to fchoot, now
turns his attention to children i-f a
larger growth in the same line; and a
very good idea it is, for, as .some of
the population seem to have a. taste
for shooting escapades, it i 'just as
well for them to know how to take
aim. !
About a week ago Mr. E. was seen
to go into the gallery and lock tho
door, after which he was observed by
an inteic&ted but silent audience at
tho windows to execute various
wonderful "hornpipes, jigs, -strathspeys
and reels," and ond by idevating
his heels (to improve on Rums) in the
corner. Caue: a bouncing baby
We had the good bu-K in be on the
wharf when the Eumn Haywnrd ar
rived with the first installment of .sum
mer visitors. The great rr pait of
their baggage seemed to consist of
insect powder, and fi-h hooks, and
this advent was hailed with much
unction by the village merchants,
who have laid in a large tock of
Ak diuiight-? lor -Rough on Rats." Jt
Total lonuage in di-ti iet (.".". . .."..414.V. j clears out rat-., mice, bedbugs, roache-, I
. . , vermin. tlte. ants, Insects. I3c per bov. '
A O.TT.W. Installation.
vwry paporanu periodical published.
Carl Adler's Music Store
Deputy Grand Master Tivnchatd
. ii i".i r n - e : ! To all who are suffering liom the!
stalled the following nfheere of Sea w rors a,i indiscretions of youth, nerv-;
Side Lodge Xo. 12, A. O. 1 W., at
the last meeting. P. M. W., (J? Y
Fulton; M. Y., .1.0. Bo.oith; G. F.,
T t c i i. i. i- u :.. i. ,... I Monar. in. vmtli America, mmui a -ei
J. W. Ccarhart; O., U H. Stockton; an,ire.etl em elope to the l;ev..Iosr.r
Recorder. C. Brown; Financier, S. T. T. 1x.m am. Station I). Xew York Citj.
on- weakness, earh decay. lo of man
hood, etc., I will end a reipe that will
eure you KUEE OK CHAl.GE. Thi-s
great remedy was dfceowred bv a mis
Mounrx in South America. .Niui a -elf
Mclvean; Receiver,
Guide, X. .Jones.
John Brveerj
Your Wife WnntH
-When you want to buy anything, j
leady made or manufactured, findi
v. hat it will cost in Astoria, and then!
get a bid from Portland If the Pott-!
land man can do tin work fifteen
cents cheaper, send a letter to him,
pa- the espies charges both ways,
wait for the order a week, (time isn't
worth anything) and when yon get it,
find that it isn't what you wanted, and
that you havn't saved a cent by tho
transaction. Thai'.-, one way to go
about building up a town. lo you
like hi
la'sirons given in Wax ami Paper
flowers taught in the late-t -ty!e. Ap
ply at the City Book store.
Waxikii: A girl to do hou-ewoik
in a small family. Inquire at this oftice.
t One or those oil stoves; neat and i-
j enient . See one at Foster s.
A Change.
I have removed to th
Pianos and Organs.
Of all makes cmistaml on lmnd. Alo a
full stock ot
Alv a lar,:" stock of the best of
Our iii.ui. leaders will gladly v.fl-l.vXD .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.
cnnie the introduction to geiieml use. fj As wi-ll as ecrt!ilus lse bdonglnK tola
the pleasant remedy bjrup oL Figs,
which is as agreeable to tlie taste as tin i
frail from which it is made, and better!
than oil, salt-. pilN, or any of the hiCer
and nauseous medicines of bygone daw
As it costs nothing to try it. and alas
gives .satisfaction, evcrjoiie is t
wherever known, and W. E. Dement
Druggist, has been apiinted ageu! for,
Astoria. Hodge. Davis ,y Co., wliule !
sale agents, Portland, Oiegon.
rtrt I 'lass .M lisle Store.
'Kr.iSToxrs sAiii:.
Skinny .lien.
Well-.' Health Renewer. Ab-olule
erne fornervoiLs debility aud weakness
of the generative function1;. SI, at drug
gists. Oregon Depot. DAVIS & co..
Poll land, Or.
On Tuesday, July isth. IS..', at g o.el'k
p. m., in the building opjioMte Wells.
Fargo's oftice. 1 will begin selling, and
will continue each eening until j-old, a
fine, new stock of goods, which were
brought here to open a branch store,
but which must be sold to satisfy San
Francisco ci editor-. The stock consists
of silver and silver plated ware, dam-a-k
bed snreads. towel. dnts.- goods.
glows. .shawls, gents furnishing goods, j
and notions of all kinds. There will be!
j-five line present- given to the ladies ev
ery auernoon. I ncrc w in ue goon .-eat-piovided.
and evervthing done to in-ui-e
the comfort and satisfaction of my patron-.
These goods must be sold, and if
on want bargains vou will attend the
afternoon .-alrts- En. II. Onr.M. $
New, tjuick complete cure 4 daj,
ml nary aiTections. .-marling, fiequent
.-tr iliOionlt t.ri.i'it inn l.iiltn lll-:lSf'.
.-I. at druggists. Oregon Depot, I A VIS
A-CO., Portland, Or.
A gteat vegetable Tonic for delic:ite
females, is Plunder's Oregon BLOOD
Axtovia lee Uepot.
Pniuk Fabre is now prepaiwl to .--apply
families, lCstaunuiLs, holds, saloons,
etc., at :: cent- per pound, on the premise.-.
Fie-h ice cream even day. Balls
patties and dinnei- supplied with ice
cream at -noil notice.
Wanted .
Pm chaser- for four Sots in Olncj-;
A-loila. -uitable for icsidcnee-. One
lot in Shiel.s AMoiia suitable lor bus
iness purpose-. Apjl Ut
.1. 0. Bo.otnit. Agent.'s's Lurin BnF.r
ami Toxir IxvineKATOi: will cure
indigestion, and perpetuate lodily vig(r
jni.rvn omrr. iirnruggisis.
Eleventccn hundred and eleventeen
of the newest anil mo-t jiopuiar novels
at Adler's.
Why will you cough when ShilohV
Cure, will give'immediate relief. Price
10 cLs .'in ct.- and f 1. Sold by E. Dement.
All who are afflicted with salt iheum
iteh, scahl head, impetigo, and every
other eruption of the skin, -howld use
Gi KXX.- Sl.'l.lMll'J: So.vr.
Call and examine those baby wagons
at the City bookstore.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquor
ami San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
opiMisito the bell tower, and see Camp
Iiell. No moiugood weight at the Orient
Rat h. Three first-class bailors. All
work guaranteed. Children- hair eitt
tinga -eeialt. .I.G. Ciia:.ti:i:-.
Stevens & Son have their -tore
crowded with new good-, all marked in
plain ligtires.
Clia-.Steen.s ami Son have a -toek
of mouldings and moulders tool.s which
can be bought cheap for cash to elose
out that branch of the business.
l't.mos and Oiaiissold on tne monthly in-stalltii'-nt
plan, or for rent.
p5 Watche-, Clocks and Jew elry.
Pocket and Table Cutlerv.
Yankee Notions and Toys,
Picture Frames and Chromos.
Ilahy Camases, a complete
New j:oods liy ot cry -steamer. The public
an' invited to examine inv tock and prices.
And have, WitJiout a Single Exception,
-j The Finest anil Best Arrant Store ii Omn.
r Z.
Xt-v Goods Received b)- Every Steamer in , (
JUlttLQ Latest Styles and TSTovMAmm
Call and Inspect Stock and Get Prices Whether You
Purchase or Not.
No trouble to show goods.
Fresh taffy and caramels I'u-rt day
at the Astoria Candy Factory. Main St.
Bcnieniber Frank Fabry's h-e cream.
It 1- par excellence.
--The "Always 1 randy Motviiine
shelves at .lohn A. Montgomery-.
What is nicer on a warm tint than a
dish of that exquisitely flavored ice
cream that Frank Fabte makes?
Parties wi-hing groceries, provi
ioiis or uicrehandisc of any de-eription.
should leate their unlet with A. Van
Dtisen t Co. as they are prepared to tie
liver goods in anypait of the city on
the shortest notice."
J. H. D. GRAY,
WhoJosjIe and rotail dealer in.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
len-ral storage and '.Vhanage on reasoa
uiile trriiH. Font of li ton stiect. Astoria
Dairy Farm for Sale.
ASTORIA, June :, 18itt.
M. MEYER Profffittor.
speoial Liq'ircXTKroTgi-wynTr
inivivisions In suit :ili oiileis. such as
ji i. i. ..: 4i... t.:i i :
,.uwu w,u -uin-, uu uiu itui, uu n tomatoes i l:,if .,, :im Hour in one
is not nil ton o cleck: that the sun
shineB one with wonted brightness.
There was an excursion yesterday
on tho "Sam." We failed to get any.
of the particulars, and meeting one
of tho prominent participants lie said
that all lie knew was that hi3 nose was
cold. That's a good deal to know
A poor littlo fellow came weeping
by the office yesterday. Ho had been
sent for eggs, and coming home the
treacherous paper sack burst, and the
eggs were smashed so that the lion
that laid them wouldn't know them.
It wasn't because tho eggs had slipped
their moorings that he wept and snuf
fled. Oh, no; sonny believed in a
horeaf tor. His maternal and muscula r
parent waited for him.
Tho Orcgoniau prints a letter
from Mr. C. Leinenwcber, of this
city, to the chairman of the Board of
Trade committee, in which he takes
the ground that amendatory laws
should be passed at the next legisla
tive session as to make tho law man-
pound sacks, and ilie obliging butch
er!, Messrs. Graham and Young an
nounce that ihoy aie prepared to cut
two ounce steaks and deliver them at
tho tents.
The Aberdeen Packing Co. is i nu
lling at full blast, and already has
inoro salmon canned than over before.
There is to be another cannery built
here this fall, called tho Capo Hancock
cannery; it will probably bo successful,
as wo hoar many of the shares are held
bv fishermen. Rovnit.
Societv Belles
Ave loud iii their praise of Kloit-.stou
Cologne on -u-count of its remaikably
delicate ami lasting fragrance.
-For Dv-t'en-ia andl.iver Coiiuiiaini.
j ton have a printed guarantee on teit
oottle of Sluloh s itaher. It never
fails to euie. hold h V. E. Deim-nl
And now comes the season when
tho seductivo fly allinca tho unwary
trout from the pool. Those who are
fortunate enough to get away for a
season's trout fishing should remeni-
to adopt the Jventuckian's maxim and
"kill snaix wharever found.'' The
water snakes along the streams are
deadly enemies of the gentle troutlet.
A correspondent writes in refer
ence to our article on tho waterworks
yesterdays and the necessity for an
abundant supply, and says that Bear
creek, near Knappa. will furnish just
I what is needed. If ao, ne vote for!
our entile -lock of mouldings and
frames of al? kinds, bracket- anil wall
I wicket-, also a lot of oilier goods, will
he sold at cost at the City I'ook Store
for the next thirty da .
Chas.Sti:vi s a- Si..
It ton wan! nieefie-sh laid, or good
.-ugar-eiired hams, just from the eoun-
tiy goto r. is. laoei-son's bakery.
P. .1. Goodman, on Chenamus stiect,
has just leeeived the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
boots. shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoe.
Henry Oreville's fascinating wo:k
just reeehed at Carl Adler's.
Prof. Fred Mjer wishes to organ
ica singing elaso of childieti; he also
has a fair assortment of German
forsfMe. Booms over the Gem -aloon.
Freshest and finest cakes, ft nil and
candy at the Astoria candy factory.
You want to get some of Boseoe's ice
cream t enlay: fiesh made and nicely
i-The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour
bon. Ind.. say-: '-Both myself and wife
owe our lives ioSim.otfs Cox-UMfTtox
Crist-:. Sold bt W. E. Dement.
Ask to sec one of tho-e patent feed
er at I'o-ters.
When ton go to Hwaco. stop m at
Atllers bcfoie you start and get one of
alter Scott s novels, only i eeiiis.
Fresh ice ci earn etor.t day at Frank
Fabre's. Families supplied in ant
quantity by leatlng order. Also the
finest oysters eooKeu to order. J-rank
Fabres oysters and ice eicam are known
etery where as par excellence.
A sure cure for dyspepsia.
before meals as directed.
Are you made miserable bv Indi-ge-tion.
Constipation, Dizziness, "Los- of
appetite. Yellow Skin.' Shiloh'-ViUil-ier
is a positive cure. For sale bv S.
K. Dement.
Those writing desks at the City book
.store arc the liest in the city. Thev are
something nice and durable, anil" just
what most young ladies would appreci
ate from the git er.
Brace up the whole system with King!
tr .. : ..-.. !..,. :. (-.,1'" 1,lv '"""" i-ii.iuu-jii3i;uii-ill. 1
JL jOll it.uiv id- jh:uiii iiuo i- iixii
rrram, go to Frank Fabre.-. - c tola's works at AdlerV.
I am itistriii ted bv .Mr. ('. V. CoiViulM-iT-, to
j-iTer for sail bis Unci-. -located farm
It emi-isNof lii lien's nf excellent pasture
laud which, v. Kb the adjoinlnxcattln range.
Is ejijt.iiile " -iij-irliii: TO lusulaf stotk the
.teariotuul. Kubt acres fenced and acres
under rultitatioii.
I'lucsl Tii-si-taliic (.artlt-n iit Hie l'lala-t
Ami set end bcarin-; ftuit tree-. Ranch 1
iirotected bv riMnir uniinul and timber be
tween it nmlthe.Mvaii from all heaty winds
and storm-.
Ilnii-c ('(Oilaitilii. ; Koonis.
.NJore-nMuu. milk-mom. bam. stable, wagon
shed, etc.. tc. Tliis taliKible f.inn Is aituatetl
I1, italics .ontli (mm Point AilaiaV Iagnt
IIoti',:tinl if applied Tor soon will be sold
at a ten low fctiu-e. .Mr. C'oStlnberr" boing
old ami ilt'-itriK of retiring troin labor. If
not sold at private -:di before the first of
Augw-.!. tin whole piopertv will bedlsioed
of at
I'tilOlr Aiirtton.
'iuir- iiiil!si.i,i::b.-. I'oi fmthci- parlK-td.-us
-ii'pibe oi
If I Seal Estate Agent-.
MU.riX rAKI. .1. .1. fTOKF-.
hole-ale and retail dealers in
Wood -and Willow-ware,
Tobacco. Cigars. Wines anil Liquors
Fruits cm el Vegetables,
General Commission Merchants
Xect to Oregon llailway ..'s Dock,
Less Quantities, 30 Cents per GmUti
Bottled Beer, .SI 90 per Deceti
VSpeclal attention ald to orders from Public Houses and Faiiilllas."
wrOrders left at the CKRilANIA IlEEKJHALL wUl bo piomptly attended tu.H
At erill'.s mixed paints, tin. ie.-l in
use. for sale at J. W. Conn,- drug" .store j
opposite Occident Hotel.
The parlor set that was on the stage
at the performance of Hazel Kiike. and
which w a-so much admired was from
the furniture eta!li-hiuent of Martin
-Fabre ice cream is the best.
Children- -ait. :t Mrs. Deib.t's.
Novelties in hou-ehold aiticics at
r-ns-tei .
niHi:ilREClliRSOF .SCHOOL District
A No. 1. will meet :is -a Hoard of Enualiza-
rion. to e-nmine the Assessment Roll of said
A new .-tock of stove- of the latest '
f-lyle at .lohn A. .Montgomery-.
District, on Tuesda . .tuly Glh. 182. at the
store of .1. V. (Icarimrl.
P.v tinier of the Hoard of Directors.
.I.O. HUSTLER. Clerk.
Astoria. Jult Ulth. !.. d tt
A. V. Allen,
(si.vKss.i ro tf.vo i .utx)
v:n.;t-s.i!t ;uid retail ittsat-rMn
xKairncazo iiaaB. W9. .
! Make usa of the Vegetable Kimjdwn. i
lutely the
Glass and Plated Ware, BEST KN0WM REHEW!
! For the
TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC j RJitotl iincI f.lirr C-HUU.t.
.ew t mm CU,
Together with ZOJ0-Lt-LOr)-'l OUS
WJBiS.Lipi", TflteelCinars: kww ---
ami KlieuwMtoai.
Has Stood the Test
datorv ns regards restriction on time j Rear creek. Fortunately Astoria is 'sale at Gray's dock
Three scow loans oi urj nr, spruce Dickens' woiKs. hue edition, onlt Sij 4 xixirrv-FoOT COVERED SCOW, 21;
is.aiHt narK. jusi reeeiteu nun 1 or; cents ai ..titers. ' A foot bcam.all In good order Willi lanes.
Scow For S-il-
itp-im. nil in L'ood order wit
Michors. etc. ism 1 seen at Tonguo Point
. . - 1 -
- t..a...i..m !.... .. ...i- ... .1 II. 1.;.,. 1 ff .... 1'Affii.iuit. nirrip 1 nr t.n
.... -,. . 1 11 r-i r . t . .1 . ..ivAiiiiui-i iMiuiiis niin;s :u 1 .iri t hshihk -. " - .- "...
in which sjtimon tisinng may oe prose-1 so won uxen water tnat a supply 1 chas Stevens & Son have for -ale vdlei'- ijiunr .!ckso-kiyks. j
cuted on the Columbia river. Tlie lean be readily obtained. It is requisite, ?nd are agents for the new Singei ew j KaluW.JniygKMfetg Jlli)'
. , , T. .... ..-,, 4, . ,, . , ; .,. I ing machines. Mr. John Bogersot the Centra Mar At.n-v-mro Prpvpnted
fact that Mr. Lmenweber is identified however that the supply be unfailing, j ket. has made arrangements to keep al ; Annoyance Prevented.
with the best interests of Astoria, and eleTated sulliciently t.o insure good j JJ$ Gray hai are honorable but their
desires to see the placo prosper, natu-1 pressure, and not loo far off. 1V0 ate shi!debilitt mer compfaint. boils, hu- Fresh fruit received at C. A. Maj's by ftro.i"lt"W4nKPlS"im nmvonS'
aiy tapcl. him to take . correct o O. opinion that B-, crook h , l'yrt'lo Innonco f 'JZ Sring !ho
jiar away 10 dc practicable. &Sow yoston. 1 always on nanu. youthful color.
The largest and most comjitete stock of ;
goods In their Hue to be found in the city.
Corner of Cass and Squemocqho Streeti. 1
lot- u.irticulars nd testhnonk-b
known peoplt In our State read 1
For Sale.
0Uper nttl.
view of the matter.
To lasitre a cure taJse sit lots foe 93.Hl.
peps cod recomjlRfc,
that you get the jaute.
.- ". ..... .... .. 1 i
um acre 01 tanu. wuu iwo-storj M ..rfci-, A-crk ttT rn .f,v
.situate within MO feet of sarce wharf. Pnce ' " A"u Mw "" AJiJl
.-700. H Olney'M Atti.
" Farm of 183 acres, with house, aud two
wood wharfs. Frontage one-half mile on XOUE ONE STORY AND A HALF.
jut. lias six rooms, wooa-saea, cmcea
house. etc.. and a nover-falhng, 11 vine spxlai;
of good water on the lot. Prlee, f3. Loc
tlon. about eight minutes' walk from Post
office. Apply to E. C. HOUX-N.
jefi-tt Real Estate Agit.
M. storv house, situate within 3X1 feet of j Your dmgglt k
wharf at Cathlamct. "tYashltigtun Territory. .... t ,, n
Prico $tOO. .vk lor. au vo
ColumblaRivcr ; POaeresalderlandonpLice ;
situate one mile from above wharf. Price
S1.-50. ,
ior particulars euqulro of Geo. B. Roberts,
Cathlamct. W. T., or Y. C. Strong, Portland,
Oregon. d-w lm