-f f M m ag oafefeteMaagaaMW I HJ.I11 .lU TJt.L;juHU'J-l.-HIJl'-'-l"'l'-Jvl- 'JL.iUJW.wUJfcWS ASTORIA. 0R2G0N: FRIDAY .JULY 21, 1&j2 : C0MMERCEAKO TRftE PORT OF ASTOFJA. AMiiVA!.s fj:o:v ska. o t'o'ntabta es. 2721 ions. RoJfn- Ji K.lub Umatilla, S FJulj J V.'olfo Ur bk X Y. July lG Lsccpflld, Liverpool J&siea G Kiln 12 r bk Liverpool .1 ul; IStU. Asnle.Tobnston.S57 Hall .Liverpool Jul? 11 SAILED. OcToasfcitc Ur th 1500 S V July l!i Stale of California, ss iJ.ni toiii. Drlmey. : t" .tnlv 2ft VKVSKLSOA THE IIV11, tt. . i'rom I'orHsii PortH. for the Columbia lt.lv rr BodnddonlLiTcipool Slcrcli J via ViUoni Oallcron, G74 lindon .lunn 1.1 im Victoria ISnldon, CiG Liverpool via Victoria Varcli II ('lengabrr C33 Lherpool i Honolulu May 2 Ksleworell!5 Liverpool ilci 17 M.nlula MO Adelaide .liui? Kate Davenport from ItonckouK. From American Iortn. Wm. IL Starbuck 1339 New York May 27 Kioto GTS New York May 21 Helicon 1200 New York June 2 Wm. IL btarbuck 1339 New York May 27 llolcn Ansier 655 Ncir York May 15 ivlKinoro GG8 Now York Atona 1395 N ptv York March -- Wilna Ue2 New Yirk March 1 ttolxTt Dixon laS Ien York John "W Marr Am sit 11: Nev. ork 1 eb Id l4iiiitliis Am sh lis. nr Vork March 13 HIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA I 'rout tables ol United States 'o:isr Survey. High Witter. j Lot Water. D.ite. a. u. r. a. S a. . r. :. ii) . ;: 1.7 :: - - i ' ...io :m L...L. 1 K - 1 Vl 1 -T H 23 r. ." i: ft i."j .n " - - a: n i.-i fti o kt it 49 i 7 ic .. . r..t i 12 0 41 ii", .s 2.: 7 .M 2 ll - 1 42 c, y :::. ftM ' u 2 40 7 10 41 ! .71 4 :r -. 3 51 2$ 11 57 lo.v.j. . -,;s .r01 t-j o w ii :j o "o... .. c i3 astoksa I'm:: m't'.YKT'Kr.XT fi. .1. TRENCIIARD Chler Engineer I, P. HICKS 1st Asst. Engineer .1. O. DOZORTH -'d Asst. Enquirer iJO.-l .D OVDUT.UGA 'V'i.V.-Ki'Kiilar nifPt iiiK foiirtli "Miiiula lit each inoiitli,:il 7i i. M.,at liall of Alert Hook :nul 1-aildor ('oiiip:iy No. i. Orrirni:". !. .I.T:n!ni. Tn'Mtiriil : P. I r.ttkpr, SriH'l.uy ; A. W. l!iy, Trvasiiii'r. Dki.koati:. -AV. W. P.nkiT. .1. Stniti. 1. liuriiuii. of Astoria Eniin-Co. N. l : A. A. tliol:uiil. W..I. I'.:ui. 'litw. Jl. Mod.-ton, ofiroseue Etiuuj o. No. l: IM. 1). Curtis. A. W. llrrry. F. J.TaOoi.oi Alert II. ...k nn I . ItiMr oo. I. itASTAUA i:xa. ;: rn'ir.i r :;. ;-. lU'Ktilai incMiitK lsi-l Mi!niay in -:trh month. OH jrilK. W. . r.tlkrl. l'H-si;lflil ; a. tK. vielli;, SitrctaM : William liocK, ImiS 'iiror; 15. I. Htovcits. rin'tian. s. c. liijralls, lsi Asst. 1 on-mail. .lot'. Isartcis.lM Ast. I'liiemaii. v HKSGlTs K.Y..Y; ( iOM.YJ..Yo. .'. lt'eiilar inooimj; brst Moiulav m t-aoli Illdlllll. ornt i i:s. A. A. (."lowlaml. I'rcsiilrnt ; .J. A. Moiit;:o!!iPrv. .Sviflnn ; I". C. Nonis. ATivasunT; OJiiis. II. SUvJfloii ricinni!. . MfKv'IlH. IM AsJ. rol.'ll.MI. .). W. IttoKll, '21 AiSl. Ifoi0inaii. .1 1.UltT JH()K-3, 1) l.AhhUUr.i. S. 1. Konlar iiii'fliiifj sivoiul Moml.iv in raeli lllolltll. rrin.n. .1. 0. r.ooiili. I'n-si.l.-iil ; c. Itioun. Seciolary ; 'av 'Inllh. 'lM-astuvr; l.r.Tlinnuii. I'orciiiaii. I. 15. Klborsoii. 1st Asst. J'orfinan. F. W. IVif;soii. 2.1 Asst. Foreman. Common CounciL Uiiularr..octtnKS s(ntl and fourth Tile tiny vomnsr of cnh iiinl!i, at 7-- o'clock .e&'i'orsnnsdcdirin;; to liavo matters artttl uiK)n by tho Omncil. at nny resit l.ir mt-otins nm-t iresen: the s.mo to tho Amlitor and Clerk on or Lof.'re tho Fiiilny evening prior to tho 'lues-iLiy m ivhich tho Council hold lis rnicitar iiiccttit. F. C NOUIMS. Auditor anil Clerk. Aatorta L.odge 'o. 40. 1. O. G.l. Ilo-'ular lectins overv Tuesday Evcntns at 7' i o'clock, atCoo.l TcicidarV Hull. Cho nnuius Strcot, Astoria, over C. L. IVrkor's atre 'Monitors of tho Ordor, in good.-'tnnd-r.s, ?tro invited to attend. Werco i.ioctir? IpI Aion.lny cncli month. . fy ordur W . C. 'I . Tumplo lAKlsro. No. 7 A. F. A. M. lU'Zulur Cotuimin iicatior.3 first at4itv' ach month. at7'i v third Saturdays in each v'clook. V.H.. at :ho Jlall in Aatoiia. .Members of the Ordor, in Reed standing, nre invited to attend. iJy erde: of tho W. M. Order of Chosen Friends. .V I ftil.trmpi'jit; of Occident Council No. .1. 0..C.JA. Is hold every J'Jutrsdav cvi'iiihk. at,tho hour of 7,,Jo'eloc!c, in Hie litill .r the k i IT It T t II .... ... . cordially invited io attend. .' v. i. wii Mijiiuni.iis iiit'iiiitrrs iiit- i.y orucr or C.C BANKING AHO INSURANCE. S. "VST, CASE, BROKERS BANKER' VXD INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOKIA, .-- OREGON X)FFICEUOUi:S: FR0118 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. 31. Hone Mntnal Imraice Co., OF CAL. FORNfA, .1. F. nouonTOX. Ohas. it. Story... Cko. L. Htory.. . - Pi evident Secretary ,Aent for 0-;ou Capital paid coin up m U. S. koM ..... j? :sw iwo ua I. V. CASK, ARent, Cheuamus.otreet.AstoiIa. Oregon. - $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, t TSOUTll BRITISH AND JTEECAN ' TILE OF "LONDON AND EDINBUEGII. 'O'LD CONNECTICUT OF HAKT ; -FOED, AND V-..COMLERCLL. OF CAllFOENTA - :FIRE INSURANCE COMPANXES Representing a capital of 07,000,000. t A.YANpUSEN.Aqent. THE MARKETS A si on n JTIurUets. ItKTAlL. DcTTyc Extra fancy 32c. Good to chooe 25 to SO eta. WB-. ClIKESIC-lSSlSc Dmnn rituiTS. LjHckberries'i'c: Truaoa Cala. UGlSc; Pccletl Poaches UT.fWIc Si oak. Cube, 11; crashed, lis: fino crushcil, 14c: extra iptvd. JiJic: do- eran. ir.Jc: o.tra gran. Khc, d. C. lSV. Eggs. 35 cts $ doz. Ovts. SJ (m to cl' 23 iter evvt. I'OTATOIS. 1 if, ctP. lor lb. Flour. FttperCnc S.1 0u: Extra S-i 10; Corn .Meal '& ctvt. $3 .V); Ruckvrlient "H cv.r f 00. FEESn .M HATS. Choice cuU. Lamb. l"c: Becfl215: Pork 10 ; .Mutton 10S1-'. By tbocarcaso 10c. Mkvt?. Bronl:fjBt b:ieon 17118 cr !; eide 1131":: hnzns l3'-c: jhoulders 13517c ; pmokctl beef l.VSlCJic; corned hcef 810S12H hbl.: corned iKjrk locV IK Lvno. In tins and caddiej ISglcV n.. Honkv. In frnine3 10c ; in gloss .Tie. Mill FEi:n. Bran 52o 0J 11 ton; chop feed22r.Jjj-: Shous 52C003-; Hay f.VS S22rl ten: middlings $2S. Chop bailov, "". Domestic Exports. TJh i eeeipls in San FraneisCH. f er inin :nliel(of Oregon produce from ..Miliary 1st, 1K82. to .Inly :lli, iiiclu-iv liavo been as follews: Flour, ir.Mcs Client. ctN Oats.clIs Salmon, bids......... lit bids iter..."..... Apples, i Ipe. Ss. Batter. pk; Fori;, bids Potatoes, sks Wool, bales..... Hides. No Tallow. idCK Beef, bids Beef, canned, cs... Fi nit. !i im1. nkss leather, jkj;s ...... Iird,e9 B.ieoti. cs .Meal. sk IIops, lalesM llams,il:;s Brati..shs Cheese, cs . ...... FIa Seed, sks Canned goods, cs. Barley, ctLs Shorts, .sks Cora, ctls-. Bye, sks ,v. n s:. t , VS,7.ss 7.V.1 3S ... ' 21 is). 12-: U'.TVJ , 2G..VJ.1 lrj 100 .V.V.7.7. ."""- .. 1115 !l 21 'JMl .".77- :7.i.s 17 5S.al .tt 27.111! 2,SI 1K2 4i: Colviialiln Klvfir Erports. S1II1'.MI'XTS KOIIKHIN. imx vrni'i.vTiox .i.vm'.viiv ..ir.i mis. vvnea: .. .SI2 V.IS S,'ls bids Hour.. . 17.V5I" Tola!, 20 cargoes M ?I,0I3."AS RECAI'ITri. VTION I'EIIKI' MI Y. Wheat. r.07.13C bus., value . 3t.;.7H Flour, b5,s07 bids.. loi.r.18 Salmon, 10,721 Cs . . 2U.5.W11 Tolal. 19 cargoes lAin.'.!-'t i:itai'iti;ltion',m Alton. Floin 4 7lA"iS bbls) ts.7i ! C ,. I-M ....,., ........ S t.'! Wheat i.rS3,:2S buslieki nrsfiiti Total (13 cai-Roes). EECArrruijvTjov aii:ii. FIour'(4C01 bbls) . Wheat 2K,ri26 bushels! ... ill .Klir. ..vjijs Total (7 caigoel -MAY. 1 To Lid riA )H.r 11. fluij,liii. Ftoni Portland uucti bbls Hour..... 3 To ituuiifUnrn twr Ilcin tt r. I'ioiii Portland 30.1SA bus vh(-al .... " Astoria S.lt " ,.17.7S .-37,s(iO 7.Ci7 Total t,7.v: '.fii; 7 To (juccnttoirn jvr Slon,i King. I'rom Portland 7.G821ik wheat $:w.0oi " Astona .2l3 " " 2.701 Total 7.tt7 ?fil.70! M -7'o Qua HtUxva jiff MtirUiuuL Vnna I'orlland 3-M27 bus wheal......... ftfl '-!' DithUn jvrjlfoioit lVahiwjtnn. Fiom Portland Si.7M bus vvheal-.......3fi,7ftji 1 7'o JAwt'ih,! (ur I'hilip Philijkjtrirl. i lom r.uiiniul s.so inis wheat..... s:.m! .isr. bbN Hour. :s,eoo I Tnl:il 5vii -.ji' 10- To Linrimil jc- V .. J nri , iv. Fiom Portland .s'17 bbls flour .s-W.lH 27 7'. QiirfiWoini jurjrii. 1 torn Portland i!,i75 bus. wheal vy,v .IFN'l". ' L,rcijH1 per J'ucvale. Fiom Portland 11.741 bids Hour. Lo liklYiuus wheat lo.vii Toii'I itJL"'i 12 To lAdajnitl jv r Ijtuiyrivj 1 It'll. From Aslorla 40.h cs salmon 7II bbls Hour 3.172 ctls wheal.... Total 17 To U. K. -per lmjHtrir,. From Portland 40,9.si ells wheal. JSTo JjuhIoii rr IFonw.. hroiti Astona l.7.s0es salmon.... 27!k . .. .'.,7 . 2K.lo I "sijSlilS ..-'. t.7.1 . 2'."0 I.7C1 bbls Hour.. .. Total M ,. VIS To Ltccvjicil verAiMph O.rijf. From Portlnnii 21.031 bbls flour. 100 cs dried ft till . Astoria .rt,jOrtcsMiliiMiii....... rlb:.S?a) ..S.101.SSK .. 27.(Sn ?!2l'.133 Total . .. J I'LY. IC To U. K. per Jus. Duncan. Fiom Portland 22,731 ctls wheat.. Kx.'.i: la To Licerfrtol per EJtroi Jr tf. Front Portland 1133 bbls flour......... s 7.U0U H.0S9 bits wheat 12aik) " Astoria SSJwi cases salmon...... 2iiS.4io Total....... .................C227,:10 x-A-iiciiSsXisres-, Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHKAP AND QUICL". I5Y CIKOISUK I.OVKTT. ' MalnlStreet, opposite N.Locy'-. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALT. KIXJ)S OFIFKKD, Kay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc OeneralstoraMand AVharfage on reason able terms. Footof Benton street. Aslorla Oregon. HANSEN BR0TITEPvS, Architects and Builders, All kinrtH of IIohhc work done nt Mkertest notice. Shop Corner of Casa and Astor Street, ASTORIA, OREGON Domestic Salmon Shipments. sUIt'MKNT5 ror. a pail: ."Ul. Slcamshlp Celntnbia: Union Paekiiiff Co li: Win Hume ); Ocean Canning Co.. 2. Total.. 1411i. State of Cal. Wm Hume, K C Hy. Total 2-fil. Oivo!i: Knivka Faekino .. :'mi. Total 2i:li. .Slate of CallfiTnia: Cnltin"; J'ackinsCo-lOO: Wm Hitnu IL . l.'iO. Total ."Sllli. ('.iuinbia: J:s. ijtiinn. 10T: Cutting raekintj (o. 200: Win. llnnnC J0j: Aslnrirt I'at'ktntlCti. 2t0: rnion l,iifl;in":Co..."i:HHl ollet .viCo2. Total 104 lii Tjii iU2 Total for Amil ?iupmi:nt for may: 4th. Oregon. JJailollet Ai Cu, L-01 : A liooth & Co.. 1 : .lo? JluuuVafl: Astoria Packing Co 100. Total. 7th. Statu of Cal.: Ja. Qninn. 123: Win Iliune, liw: Eureka Pack ing Co.. "o(i: .Jos. JJnnie. :o. Total .Htk, Slate of Cal.; C Timiiiiiis A J'o,2; Ji.idollet A: Co:s). Total 12lli. Columliia. Fislii'inion's Pack iiig Co.. 2: .los. Htinic, :50il; An-glo-Anierican l'ackiii"; Co.. :mx): Eureka Packing Co., tV00; IJail ollet & Co.. 430. Tolal lfilh. Oregon; Ei.slicnnen's Pack ing C;a); llajigooil A- Co:ai: .ios. Ilitnic, :KX); Anglo-Aiiu'ri-ean P.i'l:iii!i Co.. :am; F.-.Ktollcl & Uo -532 : .Se.i.shle Packing Co.. las.. Quiiiu, 173. Total iiili. Slate of Cal.; .Wis. Iliiiiu. :s) Eureka Packing Vtu '-W. Pillar Kock Packing Co., 1. Total.. .. 2llh. Columbia; Win Jluiiie. loe: Elmore Packing Co..30o;P. V. 1 Co..r: A. Badollet t Co IfcOo; Eagle Canr.crj. :xi): .lainet Quinu,120; Jos. Hume, ;0: .1. (J. Meglcr.TOO: Ilapgooil t Co., :vv. Total isili, Oicgou; Wm Hume. 800; V. P. Co., lsailollol & Co., 210; Aii ulo American Packing Co., WK); .Ios. IIiiin(-.900; Eurekft Pack'g Co.. CtXi; Elmore Packing Co., 30o. Total " Mst. suile of Cal.; Uadollct & Co.. :a0; A. A.P.Co.,,iK;.loollumc. J0Q: Hapgood. :z): W. di 'I. Eagle Cannery. 2. T.iptl 1.427 I.TJOJ :2 1,'rCrO tl 2,n1." 2,si: 1.202 Tolal for M.iv .nii,.ii:xTs rei: jfxi.. UL Slate of Cal.: lladollet & Co.. ft'iO; Anglo-American Packing Co.,;0: W.ArT. Easlc Cannerv 2: .for Hume. re0: llapgoud A: Co.. y-0. Total 1J02 illli. Celumbia: SciSide l'ackiug Co.. 30: L". P.' Co.. 30; P. I'. p. d 30; lladollet i: Co.. OK); Anglo American Packing Co., 00t: .Joe Hume, :oo; .1. c. Meglcr, t'c Co., 1H; Hapgood it Co..:); Eu reka Packing Co., 700; Total.. 1.131 bib, Oregon; Win Hume, GOO: El more "Packing Co., 1.00O: c. W. ilume,:KO:P.adollet4;Co..l,100; .lames Ouiun, -100: .Ios. Hume. l.2"0;.f.Ct. .Megier fc Co im; l.uiekn Packing CeliVJ: Cul lingTaekingCo2.s3. Tolal... ikn3 l.'ili, .state of Cal .1. 0. iregler Vr I'd, I-'hIO; Culling Packing Co., 113; Hapgood, fill); .loci I nine, .-an). Tola! 2.S23 171 h, Columbia; Wm 11 time, 1.3e0: Elmoie Packing Co.. l,oo; A. iloolli.fioO; lladollet A'CoM Ilia): FMicnui'ii's Packing Co K-u: ! .I.O. Hantl'.orn A- Co., -1; ,la. (juiuii. 10i ; .1. 0. 3!egler A; Co 1.100: Hapgood & Co., 100; Eu reka Packing Co., !X. Tolal.. 2lsl, Oiegon; Elmoie Packing Co. 300; (J. W . Hume. 12o; A. Ifooth A- Co., 2.000; Radollet & Co.. 300; Eagle Cannerv. S00: Cutting Packing Co- 1.013. Tolal 311 UK 23lh. Slate of Cal.: (!. W. Hume. :sa); Radollet A-Co., l.o00;C. Tim mon.s.v Co.. 100; Joseph Hume, lo; Hapgood A-Co.. :mi; Eu reka Packing Co., r.00. Total.. ::) :at!i. I 'elumbia: .1. Williams A- Co l.t mi; Sea Side Packing Co.. l.isMi: l". P. Co-l.0(Xi: Elmore Packing Co.. 1,300; C. Tiiiimiiis A to. l.Ot-o; Fishermen's Pack ingCo.. i,oiO: Auglo-Amerieaii I Packing Co.. taxi: .losepb Hume. Ii'ibii: lhic4).ul t: Co- :an; Eu icka Packing Co-i'pOO. Tolal.. Muni niPMi:xrs kok jcly. j lib. Oiegon; l. P. Co.. 1.000: P. 1. I P. ( 'o- 1 .oou : A. Hoot h & Co- 4oo : lladollet A Co-1,200: Fislieninf Pi;g Co- 1,(K0; A.-A. P. Co.. 1)00; .1. 0. Hautliorn v Co-!hnj: Ha) gootl 'c('o..i!iw: Eureka Pug Co ."4 Tolal 7.1:00 mil Male of Cal.: I'liion PkgCo 2til: Seaside J Meg Co.. l.oui;Tiiii iniusACo- I.0011; Fisbei men's PkgCo-300: Aberdeen PkgCo. :an: JJurek:' Pkg Co- :3k. Total :.:;oo 121 Ii. (V.lnmbia; .las-. (Jttinn, 37S: lladollet V: Co-300 : Pacific I'li ion Pkg Co..Nfl: Weatbeiln'o ,v Tlionie.s. 10j; Abordeen Pkg Co laxi. Tttlal -V17S Foreign Salmon Shipments. The following shipments have been made, foreign, dm ing the present season : rei: acxi:. (ith, British ship Langrigg Hall; Scandinavian Pkg" Co., :3o0; West Coast Pkg Co-::.300: Fish ermen's IMcg Co., 2.300:S. D. Ad Co-:300; Ocean Canning Co., I.0i; Eagle Cannerv, (Wether be' A Thomas) :LVXi: Geo. W. Hume, 2.300; Pillar Rod; Pkg Co-2,000: John A. Dc lin & Co. 3.ft': Abeideen Pkg Co o,0C0; Tolal 17ib. Bark Wanleclc: Liverjiool; John West, 300; Win Hume. 5.000: Culling Packing Co. :l3000 Astoria Packing Co., f.2.sG. Total f. -3.111. Bark Adolph Obrig SHIPMENTS FOi: JCI.Y. 10th. Bark Edwin Beed;Tiinniiiis .t Co- 1,300; Fisbcniien's J'k" Co 2JXK); U. 1. Co- 2.000; Aber deen Pkg Co-.1,000: Scandinav ian Pkg Co., ;:,000; Devlin & Co, 2.000; Hapgood & Co.. .1.000; Jas William, y.000; P. IV P. Co., 1,000; Columbia Canning Co 300: Seaside, 1.000; Astoria Pkg Co-1.000; IL D. Ilunie, 2,000: Oe eidental Pkg Co.. 1,500; We.sl Coast Pkg Co., 1.300: G. W. Ilj lime, 2.3o0; S. D. Adair, 2,700: W eatberbee & Thomes, 2i00. Tolal ..." 10A31 USO 3.O00 ssjooo ir.th, Oregon; A. A. P. Co- COO; Hapgood & Co., 800 ; Eureka. COO est CoastPkg Co-S00; V. Tini mins & Co., 300: Weathcrbee& f homes, 700. Total ,300 lee for sale at the Occident Hotel. air ana uo.. i;m.0; Occident Pkg Co-. '5,000: 1'nion Pkg Co.. :5j00; Sea Side Tkg Co- 2.00O; C. Tim mills A-Co- 1,300: Jlaiithorn A- IHE OF THE OLDEST AHD KOST RPJABLl REMEDIES IN THE WOniD T0.1 THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, j Sore Tliroat, BroncMlis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cougb, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST. including CONSUWPTgO? A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WHITCGt " It docs not drj- up a cough, a.nt Late iV r j tchlnd, as is U case with nio-t .rcp.ira:.oi, 1 bosens it, dcxtsss tltc lens arul allay. i'rc-:'t Sets rcmovia,; the cauicof orspLiLi" do not r.:: i:ci:ivi:i Kar.uieii..-.i J13 similar csosk. lie sure j-o.i gt ' DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERaY. : t ith the lijntaturc of " I. 151JTTS. " on thr -7T-' .1(1 Cents and Sl.oo u Itotlle. l'icpated bj- .Sim I V. FOWLC ft FOX.-, Ik.. oa.Mav. ScUWdwcsistaaad Jedcrs j;carnia' ulwcy- Care;! and acor dissa-p pointj. TI10 "worlil'i fjveat Pali Rolicvoi for Idau uud Boost. Cbcajj. rtuiclc an, i-clia-bio. I'lTC Stairs (ASTORIA is ntt Xarcotie. C'I"iIlll'll Sow fat iiion, Molhcrs like, :iiil Pltysicians rocoriiiufiitl CASTOKfA. Itre-ulatesthe ,NYCxS, cnriift V,nul t'i., ulhi.vs lOYori.slii:oss, unci ;- j (roys onus. "WEI DE MZYLlfS CA TARRH Cnro, a Constitutional Antidoto for this terrible mala dy, ly Aljsorptiou. Tho mo.st Important Discovery hiuco "Vac cination. Other rontcdicu maj" relievo Catarrh, thLn cure ad any stags "beforo Consumption sots in l);lrsr, I T):ir. I 1 1 1 r. I x nuh i x utS : x ut;b :i .1 Nitre Cure Found nt Last I Vo One "Voed Siame! A sure Cure Tor P.liiul. Illeedlu. ltclihm iitisl FSeenited Piles hiwbecit discovered by Dr. Williams, (an Indian Kemedv). called IT. 1 IIII.llll - llllli:i1l Wliillllt'lli. .V M11UH ( li has cured the worst chrome cases of -j".. or : veats slamling. No one neetl Miifer live uiinulcs alter aipltiiir this w underfill soothing medicine. Uitioiis. iiitrnmeitts ttnd Ject uarits 1I0 moie nann than irood. i!- liain'i Oiuiiiieitt absorbs thcltiuiors. :illnsl tiie iutetiv iteliuig. (partien.arlv at instil al te.rgeltiiiK vviirni hi bedi.aels as : ihiuUhv. ives Instant ndief. ami is prep.ned onlv for Piles, itching of the ptivate pat ts. ami for nothing else. Kead what the Hon. .1. M. Collinbiirry d Clev eland, avs about Or. William Indian Pile Ointment : I have, u-ed si-ores of Pile Cure, and it affords me pleasure tosa that I have never found anything which .'avo such immediate and periiuiueiit relief as Dr. Williams Indian ointment. $500 Reward. We will pay tho above reward for any ease d Liver ( omplaiiit. Dyspepsia. Sick Head ache, indigestion. Constipation or Co-dive-ncss we cannot ciii-o with West's Vegetable Llv er Pills, vvlten the directions are .strictly complied with. Thev are purely Yegelable, and never fail to g"ive saiLfaction. Sugar coated. Largo botes, containljig ."1MN."3 cents. For sale by all Dnigglsls. lleware of couiilerfells ami imitations. The genuine mauulaetured onlv hvJnitx C. West & Co., "The Pill Maker." 1st and 1K1 V. 3ladl-on St.. Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt ol a U cent stamp. "W. K. Dement, agent. Health is Wealth. Dr. IL C. West's Nerve and P.raln Treat ment: a sppciflc for Hvsteria. Dizziness, Convulsions. Nervous Ilctfd.iche. Mental De pression, Loss of Memory. Spennatorihoea, Impotcncy, Involuntary Emissions. Prema ture Old Age, caused bv over-exertion, self abuse, or over-Indulgence, which leads to inlscrv, decay and death. One bov will cure recent cases. Each box contains one mouths treatment. One dollar a bo. or siv bocs for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on re ceipt of price. We guarantee six bov.es to cure any ease. Willi each onler rcceiv ed bv in forsiv boxes, accompanied wtlh five dol lars, vvc will send the purchaser our writ ten guarantee to return the tnonev If lite treat ment does not effect a cure, iluaranf ees is sued only by V. 1- Dement. dmggNt. As toria, Oregon. Orders bynnil at ngular prices. YACHT BLUE SKIN. . ier built, cornier fastened. double niasc vessel, lies in Caso's wharf. Ready to re ceive passengers, freight or ex cursion parties to all parts of the Columbia river and vicinity. iWFor further particulars Inquire of John Rosers, Central Market. Or of Capt. Wood. Master and owner alfMllfe. , ,t,,r ?;!t1,y a-, 1,J",K',ts "r ,I,:!,U ,l "" '- 1 tisiit. Pains m the l-oiies I leeralotl Throat. fciptofpriiv IW. ..... . S.Mdiililie IL-isb. Lumps, etc.. and eradi- KMt A 0.!roM nites all diseasesfroiitthesv stem, whether iii. i,.i e- f : .i .. v,i iv.ll.J.' caused liy bad treat mentor abuse or mer iw?..tVV i... ,. " h,'!,u, Agents. ..urv.iejiuj,,!,,. Wmu ,lur,. u,id heallltv. 1 ortkuiil. On'Rou. ,. j - ()J .:o1I HOTELS AND RESTAURANT?. A.J.MKGLF.t:. occi5i:. cft"'v,:ir'"7 sioTair.. .MEOLEi; & V;illIIT. P.-nriicior.. Astoria, Orrgou. rgiHK PItOPIUKTOKS AKE HAPPY TO i jl. announce tlt.it the above PoM has been IreiMintedand reltirnLshcd.nddinj; jeatlvto be comfort of Itscuestsn'!isiiov the best . hotel north of San FraneKco PARJKElt no USE, ii. ii. i. itiz:n. s'toii.. assToria - OltKGON. ! FIRST CLASS HOTEL. i I ALL VODKBN" 1MPBO YEMENI'S. I SIOT A.I 'S.S JSATJIN. Coo J Billinut Tabic, am! frst Class Sa- I Icon stocked with Fine Liquors. i cb-Fi:i:i: coach to the noisE."a SALOONS. j 7 ! J,l:M A"l A iKU HALL ' V..T txi BolTi.K F.EKi: DKPOT. i vtvtrs "sTKCKr. AsTi:i , i I Tin' Ilt'if uj Layer." ('is. tt CIits ' i M deix for I be 1 , , ,, j bfneoratgci uoiomma wmj U'll .11 Ibis i.fctiv will be vronitlv atlelid ed to. JSXo .'hf.ip Sao Fr.UK'iscii I5e r sold at Ibis piatv W.M. B'JCK.l-roiriolor itisviun' villi r in 1 ; ; i .J. ST IS l.'SS. - - .VI.' KST'r. Is n,v teailv lti snpplv tiie pabhe with the Celebrated Chicago Seer lit niiv i!i.n.tily to s:nt. I b.ive 11N0 this V2eIii-:ilc: Chicago J.rrr itt ttollles. Which is now veiv iHiptHar.imong'all fanu- j iiesamt saloons " Please send in jour orders and the will have n:v best attrntmn. .1. STKAFSS. Atoua. Oregon. Agent for Oregon and Wash. Ter MINT SALOON. OPPOSITF. o. It. X. N. COM PAX YS DOCK. ' ""Ue bill the best 1iiiPrsaud cigars passed w. s'cni'ijrr. ASTGRIA Bnnvrv (v Sa!(rl!. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch everj lav from to to U . II The lies 1 of Liipior and Ciuars oil hand. .. ilescrveill;. jiopn'.ir place of social icsirt. CliO. HILLFK. THE OLYMPIC SALOON ()iMsite the Parker Hotie. THE 1T.IT F.UANDS OF LIQUORS and CIGARS Kept constantly 011 hand. N" lU',IS U iH ,M' "Iti'il In UIVC HIV ef.sj.l- I iiiers.satisfaelion. 1 .-, J?"";ivc ns a call. K. W. SF.III.1N'. :i -at. 1-1 s ?a. SMS. IS CASE. I.e Kicliau's tJoldcn !Lt!sa:ti Xo. I Cures Chancers. Hist ami .second slip's i Sores on the l-csaiul ilodv; Svphilitie Catarrh. lNviLsed Sealii. and' all primary forms of the disease. Price. S3 no per tztilile. I.e Itirltau-. ;illen liaNam Xo. 'I Cures Terfiary. Mercurial. Syphilitic llheuma I.e Kielmn's Coltlen Snanisla Antiilole for ihe cure of Couorrhoea, Cleet, etc. Price. ."0 per tlottlc. Lc Eirban's Coldcn Spanisli Itijcctioti. a witsh for cure of Cleet. Strictures, Dis ease or the Frethra and P.ladder. etc. Price. 51 ."oner Itoltle. I.e Itlrhaii's Cnldcn Ointment for the effective healing of Svphilitie Sores ami Eruptions. Price, 1 o per Itoltlc. Also Agents for I.e "ic!iaus Colilru PUN. for Weakness, loss of physical powers, and all disease arising from abuse and excess or over-work. Prlre, :t o:i per Slow Sent everywhere. C. 0. P.. scevrely packed ler Kprcv. !' 1CIC:1AIII A ;.. AsentM. :s: x li SaiKoine street, comer Clay, l-vv-ly San Francisco, Cal. Lctnenwcber & Co., C. LKIVENVVKUKi:. il. IMIOV.V. hSrAKI.IsllRtl Isd',. ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMERS AND CUSMES, Manufacturers nud tinportersof A l.L KINDS OF Xji"H3Qu-3?:o:3D"o. AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. ua-Uighest cash price paid for Hides and T.uiosv. tf' tfM Wlmi xGpm SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transsoriation Co. i FOR PORTLAND- .FAST TIM F I TIM' N.itiUr steamer i FLEETWOOD, wts3? ! Whirh has Ihh'11 reiittidfor theeomrott ofiliiiiV jKixsi'Kiier v,:n iesive iim'ii ;iiu Fisher's ilnck ever Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 . -, ...-.. x rt--n .., to u .. arriving Ul rurutusu ul i ,:,. Betiirnfim leaves Portland evry Fucsday, Thursday and Satin day at 6 A. t,i. (irriumy at Astoria at 12 M. An additional trip will be made on I Saturday and Sunday of Eaeh Week, Leavii.-A!..riaoaS:ttnnla. at 13I.J and I.eavili'' Porllainl at i oelo'k Sunday I'oiiitntr- Pa-sciigers I.v this mute connect at Kalama for Sound iMi tv. I. 15. SCO IT, President. NEW LiHE cm Portland to Astoria. -isrJr The ?:.UX.M!.L I .febgAViu M;ake sCI1,i-w eekiy triiw j iieivveeii rorn.iiiit anu Asiorta. tvni icavei 1 W..ueii FalonV v, barf :.t 0 A.M. on TFiyiAT AX1 sA rtKl)A S. And Portland oii.IONI).ViSand FBI DAYS. For ftehtht ir pas:i.'i aiplv on board. CHAS. r.FL'KKAF. - - -r. 1p7Cs,! Clara Parker, Sjaagag KI5FX P.PAl.rCF.i:, - - .MASTKK Is now ready for business. For frvhihl or chatter, a plv to the C.t!-i j lam on iioara.orto M UKET ----- - rr- . - CENTRAL MARKET. Oeiier.ti a. -wnt iiicut of tabic stock eoiisranlly ,,...,. ,.,,., on uaa.i. sin it .is jCami'-fl Pniits and.(-Jlv Uannn. Hnn;?.. hmildfirc T.flrr1. , , w, -, z:;;s. iij3"B's:52. rni:i:si:. , .. , ., . , , Frash Frans and vegetables, fisii. Pn.TRy.w uamv la the s'aMUi. 1 csj;a3:s .4Si I'oii.ivi'it. Uvst r insa-is a s.i5'j5:k. ; All rlie.in fur CASH O.niils snh! mi imi!. I nu.sv.oii. 0pMsio s. w. Casi4 store. .1. i;OD(;i:i;s. Wasliingtoa "Market,1 Mail iStrt'rf, - - A.tonft fircnon Portlnntl .7:0 A. ?r.JRo3eburs 7iOOP. M u .Hoaoburs- 3KW A. M. I Portland. 4t2TP ftl r.r'r.irf.- r .u,7M- ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. JhhGMAZ A' Ill-Hilt LEAVE. ARRIVE. Tv.w.'is..lmti is. ,! Tiit- ,ni.i.-v I Portland 4i0oP.M.ILebanon..-9.20 P.M iSPi.t.trULL. CAI.J. lilt A I LN-, Lebanon Iiil A.M. Portland-lO.-OSA.M Jjlton of tho puolic to tho fact that the! cdciuttduhjo above 3farkct will always bo supplied with a : f "t'HT TKAIN3. FULL V A P.I ETY P.1ST QUA LITY ; PorundM A. M.Jnnctio5SSw P. M . Junction....3:t5A.M.IPortland 5t2iP.M 0 , Tho Orogon and California Railroad If erry rnrrpu An rus5:rr rjvtrATt; t I makes connection with all RcguIarTriinj on ,Rud" AiiBCbKtDHlEATb! Enstrirto Division. Which will bo sold at lowost rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention Riven to vjpplj nfr ship. - iv i- ,.,. rv" v.T I), h. v, irkm. 1. . . hvTos l-i''.-i.I "Ms .14-1 V-SbOlltl iUllkGu I ASTORIA. jvai;x:kx .; katox. Oltl'.C.OA. I I Sco;riotorM (Suteeri. i Warren A MetSuiri. Wholcsalo and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Curocl ftieats A ruil line or FAMILY CROCKKIES, FI.Ol.'i:, FFKD HAY. UA'v'Xl'D Fi'.UIT, VKOH- TAliLES, IvTC. ys Batter, Ksg3, Clsccso. etc. conslaiitly on hand. . &d' Ships sitpplietl at tholowi rato?. TTOTjM N'R P A T) " f'atientsadmittedatallhoiirs.dayornlghr. j-a VJJiUii.il kJ jl aAJJ''' Xo pbjsiclan has exclnsivo right, every FOR THE STOMACH,! LIVER, AND kidneys. TK.VDE VKK. In all cases or hiliiouucss and malaria in ev ery toim. a preventativ e and eure of chills, fever and dumb ague. Dr. Hobnail's Fad is a perfect success. And for dyspepsia, sick headache and nervous prostration, as the pad is applied over the pit of the stomach, the great nervous centei.it annihilates the disease at once. It regulates the liver and .stomach so suc cessfully that digestion becomes perfect. Prof. D. A. Lnemissays: "It Is neater a universal panacea than anything m medi cine." Tin's is done on the "principle of ab sorption, of which Dr, Hobnait's Pad is the only true exponent. For all kidney troubles, use Dr. Holnian's Renal or Kidney Pad, the best remedy in tho world and recommended bj the medical racnlty. Seware of Eogns Pads. Each genuine Holman's Pad bears the pri vate revenue stamp of the Hotmail Pad Co.. with the above trade mark printed In green. Ruy none without it. For Sale by aii Druggists. Dr. Holman's advice is free. Full treatise sent free on application. Address : HOLMAN PAD CO- Tit Broadway, New York. P.O. box til 12. Shiloh's Citee will immediately relievo Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement. n V f .7 fcsaotttntdaj' " TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXY. OCFLX I1VI810!W'. Between San Francisco & Portland. 1 KOM s VV KRAX. 1 fi:rAr Trirrr.s.-T j..;:iv tmj spear Street .Leaving at 12:00 mid- ! r " ...'!. l'lUj;Ul, il3 1UUOWS I UrCKcn .hat ?.' i Columbia ..Sun ' 23 "2fitOrecon. . ..Thur " 27 "SO State of UaLMon " 21 .btatcnfUal. Wed .Columbia ...Sun River and Rail Division. JULY 1. 18S2. iLeavePorl- I tninl.fnr .MonJTu. I We. ITliu. Fri. I Sat. ua;iM .fuTt. Co,u,n JAM DAM 9 AM 3 AM 9 AM 9 AM GAM lAstona and t lower Co-1 I f lfi..tii-, Ii? tl.. .-.flf . .tli tlli ... m.....m....u4..t,iu .1,11 n .vlin JV31I1. JV..I. CAM uayion, ur.,. A3Ij 7ASI 7AM naicm. ur jbAAl 6AM iotnna.IIfrffi A-if .cam! Leaver Astoria for I'nrtlnntl it hi tn HallvaV ( cept Sunday. JOHN HIUIR, ,. Superintendent of Traflie. C'.II. PKESCOTT. Ianager. 1 II waco Steam Navigation Ct SITMMRU SfinvnnT.V Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, IJ vaco, Oysterville and Olympia. Sag& Until furthor notice tho Uwflco tttt-m-Jb uioam iaviguuui. vu a nieamwi r,n.v. ,rr, ,. ,r .., j uiw. .uiiii-o, ut;vTr.v. Vv.v.."(iii Will leave Astona 0n Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays btateorCal. at. onlyliOreson Mon Jnlr 5 Lolnmbta.. Thnr " K.Stateot C'al.Fn " 7 .Oregon.. .Mon " ltTColnmbia ..Tn ' 11 .MamofC.il.Kri 11 Orejien Sat " 13 '-.Olumbia... Til ! Stmnnf I'nl Wnl io Piv to tnc C.l! 11. 15. PAKKKl:. j At 7 A. M.. and 2 P. .!.. for l"ort Slevrus, Fort Canby, aHtl Ilwaca. j Only a limited amount of Freight Carried on those Day.. Oi Tuesdays and Fridays t ., . . , ihe steamer will leave Astoria ato a.m. at. i,)nuerjv ot i)pinj conllned strictly to .schedule time. j Fare to Fort SteveiiSL. , " Canby ami Ilwaco...., BOcta 7.5cts L.M"im:lco !&h '' tho ton, In lots ol ;0R. inn or over, (i .xjperion JS'S'For Tickobt. Townzo or Charter annlv 1 either at tho ofiice of tno Company, Gray' 1 wharf, foot of JJonton streot. ! J.H.U.GKAY.Axent. 5 ! Orcgon & California R.R.Co 'On nnaItorOct.lt, 1SS0. trains vrillmn a3 fol- . i0W3, DAILY (Except Sundays). FASTSIDE DIVISION. FfiOM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. VfAlL THAIS LEAVK. ARRIVE. wkstsiok ntvtsto.si. From Portland to Corvallin. itvir. Tinix LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland SiOO A. iM.ICorvallis ....JttOOP. M CorvaIli3......Si.iO A. aI.Portland-...3i20P. AI ' Ctoso connections aro mado at ROSEBUBQ withthoStnsesof tho Oreuon and Californl iStnso Company. mrTickctsforFale to nil tho principal pofabi in California and tho East, at the Company! I uiuce Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storago will bo chanted on freight remain- ntr atCoaipanys v arehouao oror24 hoars. Frcisht will not bo received for ahinmeat after 3 o'clock P. XI. on cither tho East or WeHsida Division. J. BltANDT, Jr.. Gen'I Sup't. E. P. ROGERS. Gen'I Freisht nnd Passenger Agent. IC . KOCHLER, Manager . HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OREGON miDS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE OF mm X ti ie Sisters of Charity, is now ready lor the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of aiiydpsiriiigtlieiii. paiieiu is treu io ami ii:us itiu privitcQ '" I entploj usg any physician they prefer. I'nlted States Harine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, aro onU- 1 tied to Free cat e and attendance at thlsHos Jjiital during. sickness. Permits must be ob , tallied for United States Marines at the Cus Itom House. Sisters of CnAWir 5. B. PARKE Rf DKALEi: IN Ha7, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered to Order, Graying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. OKALKK IX WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST CI, ASS Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Markit, Has received alarge invoice of RAilKELS AND HALF BARRELS f of the best quality. And is now ready to supply Butchers Can nerles and all others, cheap lor cash. fcr k -