- . " J ;-Mtfim.M wi . -lr rj-:. y-a- r. . z - .xi d 5l!3ic 23nU &sxo;hiu AhTORIA, OREGON: --- FRIDAY JULY 21, !SS2;for :ho new Presbyterian church. now ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Alondty Excoi'tedj. J. F. HALL-ORAN & COMPANY. .I'ruMsicKiw -M PitocitxmoMS. i io;imi HuUdiiHj, Ctvfs Strcti. Free of Postage to aubsrriberf- - n.nn tl, f;ii.ti.1 fn il.e linnsi! .f fJod I fillC. HOW Mwk of immK Wllirll XVCIi' ll(i at ai I Alllffe. , Terms ot Subset Uition ' -t I brought beie u open a ImiueJi tore.. --. .when hi- is mrever wieiit, aim so ml which nei-t be -old to ali-fy San ion'i lie in tin llou-e ' :rvort by Cnrrior. per wouk ""inPi.-,.,,.,! il. .'.,mi.h wiib tlu bc-11 Knuiei-fO eredilor-. The Mek eon-iM- t .,nt!y.iiail.fourinoiitb4 s.ilUtITCeiirMUh- cnmcli with tlu s-'t,Hofsnv,.r:,nil Vn,.r ,,,.! ware, ilam- vkdru i-t- ftii-RoiliunlJaN- It1 w. by mail. no year. co'lt will bo plaeed in ih- belliy and ( nl; bed -pi cad-, towel-., divs- Ood-, . ,.,., ,,"-,,, ,.,:CL. bedim"-, ntnche-. i rw.-uTeruscnicnuiinseriea oy tnoycnr an w.' -' --;.... ....v i-. -"--.. "-' v.,-; : I. v ivvirik .nrfnMrWn.Wmb. ;i...h..ia .. iiffljg&etfiZXz, ., i';.-.. r .l lmiiiient iidvertisinR. by tho day or woer., I rejoices in the tipportnnitv to testify ' ihe comfort mid -aiisfaelion of niv pal- " 1" i'o ire -nneiina irom Hie, it cents wtmixan for each insertion. I,,- , f ,irt ".. " "iron-. Tl. Cxi -rood- miHt be .sold, and if :'''- a'"1 ,,1,,w'r!,,;ns ''f ',,lW, "-, his .enl lor the cane. .; , ,,ar,,n Vlin will aitend ihi.i' jvi-nkn. .j?trly deeay.Jo- of n.a 11- ! - l-iiii'mruiii-ile. FoHOiTv ' bond, ele., 1 w ill -end a recipe thai will , THE CITY ! Wanted a Boat .miw-.ii -..b - 1.i.H.Oki.m. ,viw rtU F,:KK OF rilAl.-ISK. TIi! a.j-a.aj vyj-A. 'oval nMih'dy v;i tlicii;rMi l a nih -Ad'criisemcntsinscrtedl.yUioycnr atlulp- W1M cercan uoim " ' i Tin: Daily astokian wJJ f rjt 7 rn.il at 75 f . a month, free uj postage. Head cr who contemplate ahiencc from the city can hare tub astoiuan follow them. Daily or WrEKLV edition uw;)oNlrfffc ( on o.fJi7i'oiot cx))atne. Adtlrc may he ztuinjuianuftriia desired. Lcare order at the countina room. Those prizes at the auction at tract considerable attention. -Recent soundings show a depth of fifteen feet on the Coos bay bar. -Noto the. change in the Fleet wood's ud. Puitinir the 1 before the 2, brings her down at 12, noon. Jas. Steel, of Portland, has leased twenty-one warehouses on the nar row gauge roads for next. season's stor age and commission business. A new tank is being built by Mr. J. Wm. Welch, at his place.; it is oF concreto, is of good capacity, and will be a valuable addition to the prop erty. Parties in from Clatsop Plains report everything prosperous in that section. Hnying is about through with and the rest of the erop will shortly be gathered in. We hear of considerable in the way of property sales, but as our in formants usually supplement their in formation by saying "don't say any thing about it at present,' we thus lose an interesting; item. If our friends of the newspaper fraternity want to continue on our exchange list they must look a little closer after their mailing lists. On the 1st we intend to make out a list of papers careless in exchanging, and any paper not on our desk will be dropped. According to the Oregonian, the summer meeting of the. W. D. A. A. is not productive of satisfactory re sults, at least thus far. Poor time, and poorer management serve to give rise to hopes that the closing days of the races would be somewhat more in keeping with the former reputation of tho association. m, r, iii.i . Tho Congregational church organ- ized a Sabbath school last gab- diool lost Sab- e held directly ,' ig service (at1 bath. It will be after the morning service (; noon), to commence next Sabbath, j H seems to us that among the All children are cordially invited to many enterprises that would pay well attend. Special arrangements will be Clatsop county, cranberry culture made to make ihe school attractive occupies a prominent place. We have mid beneficial for young people. j the right kind of 'and and climate, and , , ; T , ibe uiaikct for them is liuh'miied. - Next fall and winter the usual i . . . ., . ,, .. IDnwn at Clatsop m wnue land thai scarcity of Bilver and small gold cain ... , . , , , 7. . Would be excellent for tho purpose, be obviated by now keeping it here as f. , . . ' -. , i,i -i jJioe land that everturn: sis always con - nmcu as iiossiuic, anu inns avoiu con- .. i .i n -.i-A noo wdered the best for ihts imrpoe. side.rablc annoyance. Over 1 00,000!..,, . . , . ,. , . . ' i 1 hen the water i kept on the vines has beon shipped here from San Francisco this season, and its disap pearance from circulation would oc casion difficulty in making change andj disposing of small bills. The editor of the Contra Costa (Jazetlo is the boss fish narrative, pur veyor. He sa3's a Sacramento river fisherman caught a salmon on the 10th inst, that weighed one hundred and eighty-seven pounds. Take ott the one hundred, and you have the weight of the largest salmon ever caught in the Columbia. That Contra Costa man shouMgo to Congress. Some little difficulty was rocontly experienced by merchants here in collecting bills for supplies furnished on an English ship. As a matter of justice it may bo mentioned that there was a change of masters on the vessel: tho supposition was that the vessel would load here with salmon, and low-broivod rnllian named Charles amid the genoral change in charter, j Brown, who was accused of indecent freight, etc., the inattor occurred as it ly exposing his person, and otherwise did. j acting ob.sccnely before two little A gentleman down on the State -rIs- TJ10 evidence was conclusive of California yesterday morning said rnti the judge very properly fined him to us in tho course of conversatien: l00 with the instructions that should "Your town looks dull. I don't see-i10 )P C0G" i jail to work out tho many people on tho street." That's the best proof at ten o'clock in the morning that people are busy. There nfA tr-tri- frr fnwnft in llio T7nir'd ox x t ,, ,. itown who indulge in tho same irac- States where there are moro active;,-.. . .rV .. j ,- .1 , . . , "ce. A coat ot tar and teatlicrs is the workers in proportion to the popula tion. A Nice Frescnt. Anioiij the freight on ihe Oolmu- . bia yesterday was a ()( pound "C'1-! irom New York, ami which is destined - r ... I '' im'tMi ui tiwawu u ",,. iThu bell is tho gift of Father Power. when its tones iinixo.it ..,.m the air bout two o'clock yuatcrdny nmrn-; ing the cries of a man under If awes' j store attracted the attention of pass-! j ers-bv. He was waist deep in water clinging to the piles, and shouting, ''15ring a. boat!" The watchman a the Occident was roueJ, a police man's whiste blown, summoning two guardhna of the inhi. and he was re.sc.iedt r --The force engaged for the last few weeks in scraping on the bar, re turned to the city last evening. Lieut. Buchanan goes to Portland to-day. The result is not wholly satisfactory. 'Tis probable little will he attempted for the remainder of the season. Lit Tuesday evening was the occasion of a very pleasant alKiir tit tho Good Templars lodge. A line silver castor and fruit dish, a wedding present, appropriately inscribed," was presented by Mr. 1). S. Caswell, on behalf of the lodge, to Mr. and Mrs .1. A. Montgomery. Among our visitors yesterday, was iCol. F. . I. Parker, the edilor of the Walla Walla Statesman. He is re turning from a trip to California. The cares of life and a lo3uth hat sit easily up-jii him, and if Walla Walla has many rustlers like him it must be the liveliest place on the planet. -At (5 o'clock yesterday morning, Henna n Lathimn, boat-puller of boat 2s o. J, of the Occident Packing com pany, while taking in his net at the dock, fell overboard; quite .a crowd was -it the spot, and every effort made to .save him, but he sunk and drowned before assistance could be effective. The body wa recovered and will be oniied from the M. E. church at 2 o'clock this afternoon. -The amount f tin flic belwecn this city and uppertown is groale.r this season than ever before. All day long there is a continuous sieiiiu of vehicles coming and going. It L to be regretted that the roadway in so narrow. Uueot those heavy trucks such as .lewett or Carruthers drive, come pretty near taking up the whole roHd, and suouid iut ot tne teams ' . . s ""'k " ' " " 1'C bad for a lighter vehicle that they would overtake or attempt to puss, ... till all danger of late fro.Ms is par-d. and there is no fear of freezing. That there is 11101105 in it is evident. - -Among the passengers on board the steamer Columbia when she left San Francisco last Tuesday, was a gentleman named A. W. Tuliis. He cnjo3ed a hearty supper that evening, but at half-past eight he was found dead in hi3 bed, it is supposed from heart disease. He was 73 years of age. was born in Troy, Ohio, and had been sheriff of SL Paul, Minne sota, for six years. He would havo been buried at sea, but owing to tho solicitations of his wife the body was conveyed to Portland. Col. F. J. Par ker interested himself in the matter and in a few minutes collected a purse of S'oLoO for the stricken lady. Among tho prisoners brought before Judge Wmton yesterday was a fine he should bo put at some hard work, and if he prove refractory lie be put on an allowance of braid" and water. We are iuformed that thcro arc several others of the. same gam: in mildest form of punishment wo havo to suggest for such brutes. I NY.r ooiiont w-Hi e.inirihuthe' "enor-; ri'PDlTOK'X s I,K .special arrangement has been ur.me ' C.isZ-J "i mij nibinpiion. Jior con.entMi ciiunutiti.i,. euw i.kdiiokn si,r. Ja CarJ filler .-otliat vou can Mihseribc !'3ipSs.-iiwl l.ooks. Ribles. Poetical! .ou.-dy toward the building ot the j Tuesday. .Inly IStb. is! at :i n.e.rk , for any paper, magazine, or periodical op-i rks, Alimiittaiid church this 7edoii en'-'eman defciros ' ' "" ' the "building opposite Well.! published in the I'nited .States or Ku- ,?s.inm ,...,- v , foil uid" coinnlfte ! ciiiircii, tiiis-iiu. en..enui, L"-0IFaW).,omci.. i wI .,. M.ing, audrope.at publisher priee. M'-aetime -S&J&fc iliiftt tncre .shall be a tongue to sum-, will continue each evening until sold, a and money b. Icaing yie.ir -nlwerip-1 """Jkeiii m a well reeulatcd Ikiok T,OST. A plain gold iingmaikcd on the in- . -" .... ... . WU hcsuifaljlv ruwaulcilbv retuniing.cord.sof dry hendock, which I -will sell , it to M. 1). Kant. Merchant Tailor. u axti:i: A gill to do uniicvork ,., ., Mn:,j f:,jni. I Inquire at this office. siiow - s. -naw i, -ws iiirimui ns r;-: .llltl JIHIIKJI- HI .III llllil-. ll'll'. " 1 '" live line pre-eni- an en io no- laoie- vy Ituelnipnihn.' -"' quick compete cure 4 , ay. , urinary auVction-. .-marttng, frequent or difficult urination. kidne di-eases.! New. quick complete l atdrugai-t. resiiiiei.ii.if ( ' '- 'llaml. Or. , " ', . . ... A great vegetable lonicior delicate) females, is J'fundor's ( rogoii IJLOf I) J PrP.IFIKll. ! Astoria fee Depot. Frank Fabie i- now prepared to .-up-j u pl families. re.-taurant-. hotels, saloons, etc., at ." cent- per pound, on the prem-: Fresh ice cream ever da v. Hall unities and dinners, supplied will! iee cream at short notice. Wanted. I'uieha.sei- for four lots in Olney's Asioria. suitable, for residence-. One lot in Shively's Astoria suitable for bus iness purpo-.es. Apply to .1. O. JiozoKTit. Agent. im.ii:xs bn:i;ii: I.ionn Ui:r.r axi To.nk IXYinon.VTei: will cure indigestion, and perpetuate bodily vigor TvoVrno other. Of Pruggi.-t-. Society Belles Are loud in their praise of Floreslou Cologne on account of its ivmatkably delicate and lasting fragrance. Notice our entire .slock id' mouldings and frames of all kinds, bracket- and wall Doekets. al.-o a lot of other rood. will be sold at cost at the City Book Stores for the next thirty days. t'iiAs.Sri:vj:.s A- So.. -If von want nice fre-h lard, or good liy will yon cough when Shihdi-siigar-i-ured hams, just from the coun- ( rc will give immediate relief. Price trv uo to F. 15. FJber.son's baken . cl. .Vi els ami sSl. Sold by W. K. De- , ! meni. P. .1. loodmnn. on Clienamu.s street, has just receivwl the latest and mosi fa.shiouable style, of gents and ladies boots, shoes, eie. Agent in A-loiia for Ihe famous Morrow '.shoes. -Freshesi m,(i im.a e.akes, fruit and candy ai the Asioria candy factory. j Vou waul to gel .some of Uoscoe ice eieaui to-day: lie-h made and nicely llavored. The Ilev. Oeo. H. Thayer, of Bour bon, bid.. -sa.s:i:olh mysi-lf and wife oueour live- loSmi.ou'.s ox-imitiox (V i:i:. .-old by W. K. Dement. A-k to .-ee one of ibo-e patent fivd-er-at Foster".-. If ou want iee cream that is in: cmnn, go to Frank FabreV. When .miU v.anr pure dru-i.- and chemical- of anj kind. :' to ,f. W. tonus ding -lore, opposite Oceidr-ul hole!. The parlor .set that was 011 thCr-lagc at the performance of Hayel Kirke. and which was so much admired was from the furniture e-labli-hmenl of Mai tin Olson. Three, scow loads of dry lir. sprticj limbs, and hark, iu-1 rceeived :iml for sale at "rav'jdock. Chas. stevens t Son hac for sale and are agents for the new Singei -e Inr machines. Have isiar's bal-atu of wild cherr alway.s'd basal, It cures cough-. cold-, hioue.hiii-. whiioptim cough, croup, in flucur.::. consumption, anil all lliro.u and iui! complaint.-. Scents a udM a bot tle. Fie-h ire cream eer. day at Frank I'abre's. Families supplied in any quantil. b leaving order. Al-o the lini"-t oysters cooked to ouh-. Frank l'abre- iiystersand ice cream an know u everywhere as par excellence. f -A Nns-.il Injector free with each bolile of Shi toffs Cnlarih. Itemed v. I 'rice ? cent. Sold by W, K. Dement. A .sure cure for dyspepsia. The Oregon P.L001) PL'RIFJEll. t'se before meals as directed. Are you made miserable h Indi gestion. Constipation, Diz7ine.s.s. "Loss of appetite, Yellow SkinV Shiloh's Vital izer i- a positive cure. For sale by W. J-l Dement. Those writing desks at the L'it, book .store are the best in the cit.. They are somethinu nice and durable, and just what suosi young ladies would appreci ate, from the giver. All of Zola's works at Adler'.-. -I'abre's ice cream is the be-t. Children .suits at 3Ir.s. Derby-. Novelties in household "articles nt Foster's. A new Mock of --oe- of the latest styles at .John A. Montgomery's. Dickens works, fine edition, only aj cents at Adler's. ' j 7-7-1 : :":",:. ... ,J Adler-: If vou want pure wine-Sand liquors of all kinds, go to ,f. W.-Conn's drug' store, opposite Occident Hotel. -Mr..IohiiKoger.sotlhe(entralMarI ivisoas wisliinc to puivliaso machines! kct, luis made arrangements 10 keep al 1 should call and inspect our Mod; lxfoieV)iir w he liuest fre-h fish, etc.. in their season chafing elsewhere, as we !aiatatdcc to "ic'- " , perfect satisfaction a regards 'iualitv and , Kresh fruit secctved al C. A.Mavs by. . M0DERV nuilT liotrm- nv nvr. v,15lly iw. aiinut io otuoms not. 40 every steamer. No stale trash.. Every Aggg withLot rbyw' &. l8?i$k cffln. variety of Oregon and California fruft mdows etc. For f .mher Informatloa and er wflUaeasend ooJ.W.&y.COOK. nt3 on naiiu. , rii.-e luquirc ui "-.. aril VtLV. 1 Wood lor Sale. I!... .-.!. !.. aillS fill t 1 have, about ix hundred and lifly r c;" .a.1 "", l00'"- ' ' ,,pm l'r ! : the wood to my customers. ILK. MARION. Subscription Xow.i Depot. vernih:. ilie?.ai!tvinsept. weperbos.: - -J- - -ionarv in South America. Send a -elf adilre.-ed envelope to the Key. .Io-::ih T. Inm m. .Station 1 . Xcw York fit A Clear ConiDlexion C!;II1 il(.iaii ju. t.verv a,v nho will me ,.n kw.s -illgl,r Tonii Kegulat- ing Ihe internal organs and purifying 1u. WMMj ;, qn;ri;iy rmoVos piniples and gives a healthy bloom to the cheek. Read about it in another column. Your Wife Wants i One of thox? oil stove-: neat and eon ,.! eiiieiil. eeoneat Foster's. A Cnange. Our niaiij readers will gladly wvl- , come the inlrodiietiou so general u-e of the pleasant remedy Syrup ol Fii!-. which is as agreeable to the ta-le as the fruit from which it is made, ami belter than oil. salts lills, or any of the bitter and nauseous medicines of bygone days. As ii costs nothing to try it, and always gives .satisfaction, everyone is using it wherever known, and W. K. Dement Diuggist, has been appointed agent for Astoria. J lodge. Davis tt Co.. whole sale agents, Portland. Oregon. Skinny .lien. Wells Health ISenewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the jreneralive functions. SI. at drug gists. Oregon Depot. DAVIS A) ('() Portland, Or. F.Ieventecn hundred ami cleventeen of the newest and mosi popular noels at Adler. All who are afflicted with sail rheum itch, .-cald head, impetigo, and every other eruption of the skin, should use flr.i:x.'s Sri.iMtci: Soap. ,1,; ritv boJik storV ' ' ,M Mi Jlk . c.. n .....i ...-...:.. n i. ..-.,. i.i For the genuine .1. 11. fuller old Bourbon, and the best ol wine-. liquor. and Sau Francisco beer, call at the Coin opposite the belf tower, and .-ee Camp bell. No more good weight at Ihe Orient Bath-. Three fn-t-e!a-s baiber-. All work guaranteed, t'hildrens hair cut ting a special! j. .11 (J. ('11 v::ti:i:s. Stevens A: Son have their store crowded with new good-., all marked in plain figures. ('has. Stevcn.s'and Son have a .slock of mouldings and moulders tools which can be bought cheap for ca-h to close out lha! branch of the bu-u:e-s. Fre-h tafi'y and oaramels even da at the Asioria Candy Factori. Main si. Kciiiember Frank Fable's ice cream. It is par excellence. The "Always bandv" siovepipo shelves at John A. Montgomery's. What is nicer 011 a warm d.n than a dish of that exquisitely il.n.ii.-.l ire eieaui that Frank Fabre'inakes.' I Fartica wishing groceries. prois jioiisor meiehandi-eof an de-criplimi. siioiuii icave uion- onier.- Willi . Van Da-en V Co. a- ihe are nepared lo de liver good- in an. i-.:ji of ihe c on thi'slmile-l noliee. For Di.spep-i.iandLivei- Complain:. 011 have a printed guarantee on eerv bottle of ShilohV. A'itali.er. it ueeV fails lo cure. Sold by W. K. Demenl Henry tlreville's fasi-inating works just received al (. arl Ailler-. j li-.t f Vi-t.il Minr !Ji...- I.x .......... I izea ;ingingcl.;-V of i-hildrenVl.ei-oj hnsa fnlrasHirlment of Cermau nn:-:c forsale. Booms over the Cem .-aloon. When oii 'o to Ilwaeo. -on in at Ailler.- before you 'tart and gel one 01 ; Waller S'cotl's novel--, oulj i" cent-. "Hackinetack. a lasting and fra giant perfume. Price '" and .vi cent-. Sold by W. K. Dement. Notice. ftHKi)ii:K(. ions or -school iH-iriet X No. l. will meet as a itoaid of KiiualiAi tion. to exmnine the Assessnifiit l.'oll of -aid District. 011 1 uesdav. .lulv ."iih. IkS. at llic store or .1. V. ilearhart." Ky order or ihe Hoard of Director. .1.C Hl'STId'!-. Clerk. Astona. .lulv isili. 1S. d ti A. Yau Duseii & Uo. Vli;j.U KKSI'EC-TFL'I.IA CALL THE attention or the Public to the fact that they are Agents for the rollowin- -ewni" iino-liincs. vi. : " The- Improtcd Singer. The White. The Crown AndTiicEiiiritiR.. I r2iumui'RvSmJui!' 3 - . price. FOR SALE. 1 Carl Adler's; BOOH. ST03EI.DQ1 jsV. '"""' largest .stock of IjOj Slunk Books and Stationery !i.-J .,.- . ..... 1 More. Al-o. news depot and ngeney fori verv pajioraud jwrlwlieal pidli-bed. J Carl Adler's Kusfc Store Pianos and Organs. Of all makes conianlb on hand. Also a full tock ol VIOLINS. (J171TAUS, BANJOS. AC- CO11DF.0NS, CON CERTINAS, HARMONICAS, FLUTES. AM a large stock of Mie best of VIOLIN AND (5U1TAR STRINGS, SHEET MUSIC, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. As well as everv tiling eJ0 bfl0D"lng to a First Class Al iisie Store. Pianos and oralis sold 0:1 me monthly ui--tallnu'iit plan, or for rent. CARL ADLERS"VAR ETY STORE Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. Pocket and Table Cutlerv, Yankee Notions and Toys, Vict nre Frames and Chromos. liaby Larnascs. a complete assortmeiit.- Xcwjioods by every steamer. The public are invited to eainhie my stock and prices. CHF.N AMI'S ST.. - ASTORIA. OREGON Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE ! !0iiK Mi) mw umi SEINE TWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., It! Market Street. Sau Francisco Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. Dairy Farm for Sale. 1 :ou io-lni-jl.-.l In .Mr. ;. W. CoHiliberrv.to ntler for -:li- hi- liiielv -loe:dcl farm" (S CLATSOP PLAINS. licoiisis'sof lioacn'si.r evecllcnt pasture laud wlut'h, with the a-IIoinln cattle ratiL-e. is capable if siii.t.rtiinj 70 head of Mock the enrioitiiil. Kmht acus femvd and C acres imder i-iili.-.;iln)-.i. I'loi-l -rl:dilt- .'nritt-ji on the Plain Au.i -eend bttirie-i irnit lid's Kiinr-h ! protcHed by n-uix Kr.nnid :.ml limber be-Iwi-i-n i: and Ibe oi-cau fioiiiall li':t v.iiiit-aiidsioria-. i:ti:)t- -ioi;iiiiinu ; ICooiii-. J Sloiv-ic.iai, noli.-ouini. bam. stable, wapoii -lusl, ei, 1 ie. 1 il!-.llit;iOie lailil l-MlllatC.l I'i iiiili-s -oinli rioin Vohit Adams' Lisht Holt--, ami 11 applied for soon will be sold at .1 vt low lisun-. Mr.t'olllnlH'rry beim; old ami ib-siiotis of Kiirntg Irom labor, if 1101 s..;d :it uh.ue -:i!e before the lir-iof Au.iiiisi. Hi., niiolo .rojicr will bedl-poed of at t'Ublir tiirlion. 'ST'V' nV fiiriber pariictdar: E. G. H0LDEN, ir .MAl'TIN ro.VKli, Ilcdl Estate Agent . J. .1. STORKS, FOAED & STOKES, Wliolcvile and retail dealers in Wood and Willow-ware, GROCERIES. Tobacco. Cigars, Wines and Liquors FORKION AND DOMESTIC Fruits mi (I Vegetables PLOVR, FEED, j COUNTRY PRODUCE. J ASH ' General Commission Merchants j ahtohia. oi:k;ox sm Radw.ivxNav.co-sDr.JeeJtC , , , rijtw XET LOST. "X THE NIGHT Ot .TL'LY iSth. NEAi: Clltton. C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. f I X L STORE t NEW GOODS I have removed to th I KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDI Hffl And have, Without j The Finest and Best-Arranged Store in Qrii ' New Goods Received AUths IiG.tot Styles and Call and Inspect Stock and Purchase No trouble to C. H. COOPER, I ASTORIA, June :, 1833. ASTORIA M. MEYEK - - - ASTORIA, S3PE10X.X AXXOUXOBli REDUCTION OF WHOLFSALF. PRICFS. $7 50 PEK BARREL OF 30 (GALLON ILtVROK ORDERS IX LIKE VROl'OKTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per GMsn Bottled Beer, v S I SO pf Dsas-n VSpecial attention paid to ordco fm Tublie llou-ie.s aad FaaiIIles.VK THE COLUMBIA BREWERY is sir periou to .mosi. and is excelled by noxei'ox Tutu COAST JOHN HAHN, - - PROPKIETOK, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGOlff. irOrder left at the GERMAN IA JJEKRJ iUU. will be pioniptly aUecded li.-w A. V. Men, (smCE.s.s..: hi CAOK A L1.KV.) Wttole-u'eana retail ortJcj-Jtn Or$kry. Glass and Plated Ware, . TROriCAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with fiM.LipoFS.ToiiaccQiCiirars' The largest and most conuiletc utocJ- of 1 j goods lu tlicir Uue to tw found In the city. Comer otCaw and Sqnemocqlio Street. ASTORIA. OREGON. For Sale. TWO" ACRES OF LAND. WITH ONE - story house, situate within sno feet of wharf at Cathlamct. "tYaslilnston Territory. ,"."" -iaSL."-- ';"" "'" KS'S MlUillC ItllUill w nil UI MlUt itu.ltl. l tin- $700. Fanu of 183 acres, witli hoiue. and two, wood wharfs. Frontase one-half mile on ColumblaKivcr:Eoacresaiderianaon place: situato one mile from above wharf. Price 150. For particulars enquire of Geo. B. Roberts, Cathlamet. W. T., or r. R. Strong, Portland, Oregon. d-w lm LOWISTMICCS 7r. 1 a Single Exception by Every Steamer in Get Prices Whether Yu or Xot. show goods. BREWERY. - - - - - Wmmrimt OREGON. a?- FOR THE BLOOD ISTHSLtfS Make aw ol the VeseUble Kixda. Afta lutely the BEST KH0WM RME0Y! ' For the ' Klo.l ;im.I I.lvcr Caitelats. Xew T Ii CUUa Vftvvr. asmc, MyftytilUa, etc ltl-7-e Our roK ' Klxej mmiI lmiiermtM3, Has Stood the Test. FOR YEARS. For particulars and testimonials fxoja inU, known people in our State read loci's. iSm. circulars. Price - L per MtlU. , To insure a c-iu-e take six loto for LI9. Your dru"gH keps and recoauteodstt. ... ,. ., ,,..,. M ,v .rt,a, ..w..3 ! UOI'.HK AXI LOT FOK HAUL ' In Otaey'ii Atrl. IJOUSE ONE STORY AND A HALF. JJ. Has sis rooms, wood-sued, chlckea house, etc, and ?. never-falling', Uvlnjc ; ot goodwateronuietot. rnce, wm. Loca tion, about euht minutes walk frorarost offlce. Applylo E.C. fiOLDEN, je-tf Real Estate Agent. WSSBNBL