CI) kwc3i rBwuaerr !'-gfU-H"li!-'- IHJJW-I JyX-m-H.i. iz Sails g&teximx ASTORIA. OBEG05: TUESDAY. .1ULY 13, 18S2 mGOMMERGE and trade.. PORT OF ASTORIA. ARRIVALS FJlOll SB A. o SUt ot California. 2U0 tens. Dte)..SF July lb Wolfe Br bk X Y. Jnly 1G Lanceflel J, Liverpool James G Bain Br bk Liverpool July lSili, Annl Johnston, S3" Hall .Liverpool Jul? U READY FOR SEA. KJffin Reed. Liverpool. SAILED. tone. Poldman. S I'.luh Jf. VESSELS US TIIE H-ll. Ts-oirj Forclzu Ports', for lln Columbia Ulscr IJodrjdUnn.I24 Livorpool March ) via Vidurid Oallcron, C71 Loudon Juno l.'i ia Victoria Holdon, GV2 Liverpool via Victoria Aareh 11 (JloiiRaber CS Liverpool sia Honolulu Mh. 1 Kjlemore 11!S Liverpool i!a 17 Mandaylay 650 Adelaide June".: Kate Davenport from Honckon. From American Ports. AVm. II. Starbuck 139 New Yorl. May 27 Kioto GTS New York May 21 Helicon 120o Now York June 3 Win. U. Btarbnck 1339 New Yerl: May ."7 Helen Angier 653 Jfew York Slaj Is KUinoro 663 New York Astoria 15H5 Sew York March Wilna 143 Now York March 1 ltolert Dixon 1 Jfis New York .'ohn Ys -Murr Am sli IteuXcu ork 1 1 iv Dauntless Am sb SXt New Voi k March 13 hDE. TABLE EOK A.TOtIA jr j Fiom tabic or Pniteit suites Coast Siirvej.! lliyh vTator. i Water. Date. a. n. r. . I a. m. r. m. IS 0 2rt 11 21 . 3 SI It . I tcj . 6 C ' T M.- 0 0-:.. 1 -11 J .. 7 :ss 7 13 IB II 1S 2 121 s I . 7 31 17 1 23 2 SM S 13 S 32 IS 2 . 3 u"I .. . V ii . 9 11 Itl 2 II " 2J y :c ' 31 -'0...... 3 17..M. 3 35j ..... : 3J.......10 31 ') 4 Is 4 rOJ 10 27 ..11 23 12 j is; . 3 isj it or. - - ASTOK1A VI till C.J.TUE.N'CHAi:i)..., r. v. hicks ... .1. 0. UOZOKTII . .. .. IKIAICT5iK.Vi Cliief liiiKmcer ...lst ,t. L'tlgtlU-lT :iA A'st. Huaic 1 HOARD OF DELEGATES. lliwdariner lug fourth Monda in each imiiiih, at 7i r. M,. at ball of Alert lloel: and l;dcr Company Xo. 1. Opricrns. F. .T.Talor. PrvsHent: F. 1, l'aiker, Secretaiy ; A. V. Beny. Ticisuier. DELEfiATi'.s. "V. AV. Parker, J. Stnutss, I. Bergman, or Astoria Engine Co. No. 1 ; A. A. Cleveland. -W..J. Barrx. ('has. IL Stockton, of Bescue Enuine Co. X. 2: Ed. 1. Curtis. A. V. Berry. V. .1. Taior, of Alert Hook and Ladder Co.'Xo. 1. " ASToRTA EXG1KE CoUl'AXY A'. 1-. Begular meeting llrsi donday in each month. On'irn:-"W. V. l'.nker. Pu-sident ; 1 E. Selig, Secretarj : AVilham Bock, 'Ireis urqr; 11. 1. StevcnsForehian, S. C lugalls. 1st Asst. Fori'inan. due. ('. Charters, 2d sl . Foreman. RESCUE EXGIXE fiMl'AXV Xa. J. -Itegular meeting first Monda in each month. Orricni:';.- .V. A. Cleveland. Pitdenl : .1. A. Montgomery, Si'cnsUm ; l C. Nois. Tieasuir;rCb:ls.-H. Stockloii, Fn;inati. . McKenzle, 1st Asst r.enrui. .1 W. Hiovui. 2d Asst.iForemaii. .! LERT IWUL' AXD LA DliV.ll U A'.. 1. Hegular meeting M'toud Mondn in each inoiith. OKFlCKUS. .T. O. Bo01 th. Pi-csideitt ; C. Brown. Secretary: .lay Tall le. Ticisiirci : J. 1". Thomas. 1'oreman, 1". 15. Elbeison. 1st Asst. Foreman. F. V. l-'ergnon. 2l Ast. Foreman. Common Council. Kogular uioctinss Foccnd and fourth Tues day eveftincs ofc:ich month, at 7 . o'clock is3" Persons desiring to bavo matter. arted ujKn by tho Council, ntanyresular mcetins must present (hasnino to tho Auditor and Clork on or before- :LoJxIdny evening prior to tho Tuesdiiy on which tho Council Tioldsits reirular meeting.'. F- XiU'tHS. A udiior and Clurk. Astoria L.ode:e No. 40. L O. G.I. Regular Mootins every Tuesday Evcnin? at 74 o'clock, at Good Xetnplar'.s Hall, Chc namus Street, Astorla,-ovor C. L. Parker's Storo Momoors of tho-Order, in soodftjnd as. nre Invited to attend. Jlesreo uieolins 1st .V.onduy oach month. By order "W. H.T.2 Temple ljOClgo. Wo. 7 A. V. A. M. Regular Coin municat ions fitft .'hint Saturday; in each month, at S u unruly, r-. l,. tu. lliu iczill 1U xicluiiu. Members of tho Order, in sood tandinu, aro iu itcd to attend. By erdc: of the W. M. Order of Chosen Friends. A tegular meeting of Occident Council No. 3, .CF.,1s held everv Thursday ctenmg, at the hour or T'&o'cloc!., in tlie hull of the A. O. IT.W. Alt sojoyndiig membeis are cordially lnvitedto attend. Bv order of C.c. BAKK1NQ AHDINSURAHGE. BROKER BANKER' I xn It INSURANCE AGEKT. - - - OliEGON ASTOP.1A. - - , . OFFICE IlOUliS: FKOMS, O'GJOCIvA. M. UNTIL I O'CLOCK P. At. t j IairanoB a, OF CAL'FORKIA. J. Vl Hour.iiTOX- Uhas. II. Stout,..:..-. ... (irco. 1.. Stouv. .- President ....... ..Secretaiy Ayent lor 0.;oii Capital-jiaid up in U, S. yold rilTl " ? colri.. S S00 000 1)0 I. IV. .CASK. Agent, Cheuanius street. Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL ATS'D LOVT)OS AND " . . GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND 3IERCAN . -'TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART. - ' TORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIR&iJNSURANCE COMPANIES .RrSiiaW ' capital of 07.000,000. . A,VANDUSEN.A?ent, HE MARKETS.' Astoriii JlurKtt. nnXATL. Butti:e Extra fancy C2)c."Good to chco'o '23 to .10 cts. yib. . . CliF.ESE.-ir3.lSc Dnxno rituiTd. Blackberries 23c: Prunes Cala. liraiScrl'cclcd Peaches 23324 SrcAit. Cube, 11; crushed. Uc: fino cruehed, lie; extra i-owd. 14c; dry gran. 15c; extra gran. lOV. 0". C. 12l4. IIgch. 33 cts i doz. Oats. 52 00 to Si! 23 per civt. Potato!:?. l2cts. per lb. Flouc. SupcrGno S3 00;" Extra S'i 4tl: Corn Meal V cwt. S3 fi: Buckwheat l csvt 80 00. FitEan Mkats. Choice cuts. Lamb. i": Boefl2'S313: Pork 10; Mutton HglJ. By tbocarcaso 10c Mkvts. Breakfast bacon lTf'JS per It: eidos 13iV7c: bums lC52c; shoulders 15517c; Finokcd beef l"SilCic: corned be.f 8ia&12 bbl.; corned .ork 10cl.v Lakc In tins and caddica IIS? I So ! lloXJts. In frftints lifc ; in Kla3 TAc. Milt. Fixu. Urnn S20 (u y ton; chop feed 2i'.; ; .Sbiis 2G0o$V-: 11 uy .? $22 "J, ten: middlings $2S. Chop htules, Vu. Domestic Experts. J The leccipl.s in S.ui 1 r.uic:--. f cer- J tain articles ot urcgon produce nom January lst,lKS2. to July :0th. ineSie. have been as follews: Klour, or rfes..... .......... ......... .'"" Wheat. otN -' ,' .S:ill!i(i!l, libls ..... . .............. 1 '' hf Mils . ' . M... Alleles. iie. bxs Itiiner. iKs lMr'.:. blN iVitafoe?. sks Wool, bales . . Hides. .No Tallmv. iikfis Ueef.bbls M- lieef. canned, es !n:it. titled, jtlcs Uutber. iK;:s l.nrd.os ...... llac:i, I'-i-. .. Meal. sLm Hop';, bides Hanis.ukKb ". Bran, sks Cbeese, cs . Flax Seed,. sks Canned Roods, cs Bailey, ctls Shorts, .sks ........ Corn, ctls . I've, sks . . . .... IA.7NS 00 7;i v! .isi.i: nr.7 .. .. aijrerr. I.30-.' L.mi Jl 21 : Z 1 rjfifS 57 ... Is.Ssl 7.1 1G 2-1 ls.2 tr. Columbia Xlvfr Eaiortv HIMI'.MKNTS I'OnitHSN. lrrcArrrri vtio.v .i.nti:v 877,tih bus. wheat Vils bids Hoar. . M2,r.irf . 173;5I(I Tula", 20 cargoes $UHi.'.rn KKCAriTcr.Tiox rrmnuAitv. Wheat, ro7.155 bus., aluc ..; .ritK.7i)l Flour. K"..Mi7 bbls.. UCtpi Salmon, 10,721 e., 2u.:.tti" Total. 19 cargoes... fl.a.."i" r-AlMTI I. VI 1 OX, M.P.e!l. j I lour i7IJVJ-Mds) .;3t7-i Salmon (711 cases) a,7ro Wheat (585.12& bushelsi .r.7::-2 Total (13 cargoes) ItECAl'lTULAI'ION Al'ltll- Flour (4C10l bids).... . Wheat (2T7,.12G bushelsi ...".i: Total 7 c.tigoes).... ............. ..sls-Tstl MAY. I -'! LirriiA jh r E. i'htttUn. Fr.mi Poillnnd l?.$V. bbls Hoar. .V-To 2"mifi'.i 7rr Rcivtrler. From Portland .vi,1j1his wheat " Astn.i ,nc ' . Tolal.......... o7,2o0 7 To QticcnrUncn per Storm Kiixj. From Portland S7.r.s. bus wheat ' Astorta :sitr. . T-"7j . j&ajiiAi . 7.W7 ".017 2.70I Tolal Ii7.-i7 ;l.70l 10 To Qfrtyjitfuin: it r Jfni'.'.if rw. Fniin Portland 32.127 bus wheat -:2j.2 ' Tu DuhUix pcvlTintHt Wothhiithm. I'lom Pmlauil M.7s:) bu wheat- .Vv:i j 1. T,i Llvn-i-ol jhi- Pltlliii i'i'frHfnVJ. l"i wii Portland S.s0 bus wheal..!... vvu s.j-.Ci !di! tlrnir. . ns.non' Total ll.:.ii lt- To Lirrrifinl jh r IV hh Hi tiri Si no.'. j FiomJ'oiUaiid s.217 bids Hour f-Mi.ii.wj -7- Tu Qitttiihnvn i?r Jm. I Fioni Portland (i 1,170 bits. uhe;i.......-Yf,".io luxi:. J- To JJmjn"il per liurruU. I iom Portland 11.7-n bids flour. -3.:.ii " 10. t.Vi bus wheal . ..!it,vto Tolal . -6t.0."l 12 To Licitipool )nr Ltwitiiijj thill. l'roni Astoria lfl,SuO cs s:iliiion.. -2o7,2eu " 711 bbls Hour ti-V"! " S.172 ctls wheat 3,7trl Tolal t-Jls.Kri 17 To l". K. jwr Imjmrter. From Portland m,asi ctls neat. -.-.smH JS To LoNcto.1 ji-r BriiJf '. Fioni Astoria 18.7.s0cs s:dinon l,7r.s t)lls ilour. Total M 2-J To I.ircriwil pcrAd'iljih UUriy.. From Portland MGlbb'.s Hour.... lni,SS luus tliied fnui.. r'io Astoria r..einuss:iIiiioa 27.oo Total i) tsS .iriA. 13 To U. K. jkt Jns. Duncan. Fiom Portland 22.731 ells wheat.:. jsis.i;!7 13 To lAccrimol jtrr JMirfn Jlfd. From Portland 1133 bbls flour .S 7.ok) ll.uso bus wheat. 12jjoo " Astoiia,0w cases salmon -.tiS.lio Total.. . S227.10 Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CHFP AND OCK'KYP.V :x:ai:iK lovett, Mhin"Street, opposite JsV LoebV. J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL KIXDS OFFEE1), Hay, Qats, Straw, Wood, Etc General storage and Wliarlage on reivin ablo terms. Foot or Bei.ton street. Astoria Oregon. To Whom It May Concern. THE NOTICE IXTlir ACT.-wi x Ol'TIIE 3th inst. regarding the distnlulioii of copartnership between .1. T. Borchers and Ceo. F. l.r. Collund w:is iiisertcd'wltliout mv knowledge or consent. As soon as .I.T. Borchers will ;ettlc with me. and undertake .tho liabilities ofthe linn with consont of In terested parties. I Shall be wlliinrrtn itiefn-.- lliartnership. GEO. F.M. COLLUND. T- Domestic Salmon Shipments. snii'iinxTs rei: a 11:11.": oth, Sleamshlp Columbia; Union I'ackinjr Co 12; Win Hume SO; Ocean Canning Co 2. Total.. 101 nth. Slate of Cal. Win riiune, E r 1W. Total lrt) 2-.M. Oretton : Eureka Parking Co.. :M. Total :1 itli. Slate of Califernia: Cmiiim Packing (H 100: V. 111 Hume K. .150.' Total aw SOth. Celumbia: ,Ui. Quinn. 1(X: Cuttiii? Packing Co. 2C0; Wm. 11 iune 100: Astoria Packing Co. 00: Tnion Packing Co.. .":'t A:Co2. Total 12 Total for April. . .- 5HiP.Mn.vxs kei: may: 4tli. Uncoil. Hndollet & Co- Hl ; A Itooth Jc i'o.. 1 : .Jo Iluine. :e: Astoria Paekiim Co ha). Total. 7th. Stare or Cal.: .las. Oiiinn. 123: Win lluiiie, 10a; Eureka I'aeK- iim ('.(., :ae: .los. 'Imne, van. T.tal xtk. Slaleof Cal.: C. Tiiiimins .V Co-'j; i:alnllet fc CX :aa. Tolai I2:li. Coltinlbia. rishi'rinen'.s Paek inCi2:.los. Hume, :w: An-lIo-Al:ierie:m Paekini; Co.. :0: Eureka Paekin Co.. iVK): Ilail ollet Ar Co..43u. Total Iiitli, Oregon ; FisliermeirN Pack- . in Co :k; IlapotHl it Ci..:: .Jos. Hume. :aiu; Anlo-Ameri-ean Parkini: ('- :Hi: Hailollet t Co.. 4"i'l', Seaside Paekin Co.. .las. Quinn. 173. Total ili. State of Cal.; .Ins. Hume. :a Eureka PaekinnCo :3K; Pillar Uoek P.ickiii!;Co.,l. Total.... trills. Celumbia: Win lliltiu. lrt: Klmoiv PnekiiH! Cu..3d!):P. I. P Co- il: A. lkutollet & Co.. 1Si; I"iijle Cannerv. :SH): .iauu-s f'umn. 120; .Jo,. Hume. :0: .1. (r. Meeler, Til): HapKIM'i fc C' .. Tta! 2stj, Oie-ioti; Wm Hume..T00; 1". P. Co., llndiillet it Co., 210; An !' Ameriean PackimjCo :?0!); .los.llnme.'.ioO; Eureka Paek'g Ci, v3: Elmoro Packing Co., 3i. Total :;ist. State of Cal.; Uadollet & Co., :s."0; A. A. P.Co;sCMi;.loe Hume. :aH; Jlapsooil. :a0: W. A: T. E.T4IC Can'nery.2. Tnlil 1.127 .SJ3 :ai. i,r.2 '(IS 2-SI3 2,M3 UV2 1 U:s3 lir 1.131 CiiCvi Total for Maj s5iinMi:xTs ret: jrx::. St. Stab or Cal.: Uadollet A Co., toe: Anglo-American Paekinn Co..:X); W.ArT. Eaule Cannerv :: .lnijhtnie.:tu0: llapfKid A: Co.. :ak Total f.tli, Columbia; Seaside Packing Co30; l'. '. Co., 30: P. I'. P. Co 3i: IladolJer & Co.. CM: An.slo Ameiican Paekinu Co., tJOO; Joe Hume i0m; .1. (J. M"etler. it Co.. 1.3.H; Ilnpood A:CoM:i00; Eu leka Packing Co., 70: Tdal.. lilt. Oiecon; Win nume.fiOe: El luoie Paekinj: Co 1.000; C. W. 1 ;Hadolh:t A: Co.. 1,100 : .laiiP's (Miinn. -100; .los. Hume. l.-.ii0;.J.Y;. Mentor A: Co LiH) Eureka Packing Co-1.200; Cut li:; Packing Co.. 2s3. Total... l.i! h. Slate of CaL .!. (I. Mcgler A; t Co., l"X: Cuttim;Paekiiij;Co.. 113; Ilapooil. mo; .loellume. :ft(i. Tola! ITlb, Columbia ; Wm Hume, 1,500; I'.linoie I'aekinif to. l.UW; A. I'ootli. lUV): Uadollet A. Co., 1200; Fisiieunen s Packing Co.. ICO; .!.D. Hantliorn V Co 1: .las. 2ninii. 107; .1. C. Meglcr ic Co.. 1.108; Ilapj-iwd A: Co.. 100: Eu reka Paekinjj Co !. Total.. ilsl. Oietren: ElmoiePackinuCo, 3ti; (;. . Hume. 120: A. I'ootli A- Co.,2.ou0: P.adolbl ArCo..30fi; ! r.311 Easlc Cannery. KOO: ('tiltin; PackiU'i Co 1,13. Total. liL'!3 23th. taie of Cal.: J. W. Hume. :w: Uadollet A: Co- 1KW: C. Tim nions A-Co.. 100; Joseph Hume. lJM); !Iap4Mil A: Co.. :: Ku ick.t Paekinu Co.. isiti. Tolal . ! :'!li. Celumbia: .1. illiauis ,l- C .i; Sea Side Packing Co., 1,1-im: I'. P. Co.. l.oeO: Elmore Packing Co.. lr"rtH: C. Timmiiis A-Co. 1.001; Fisliennen's: Pack in: Co.. l.eeO: Anslo-Aineiiean P.iekinu Co-IKHj; .loscpli Hume. ii; Hapooil A: Co.. rani; Ku icka Paekiii!?Coiift. Total.. Sinm im,Mt:xr.s roi:.u i.y. lib. iuon; V. P. Co., ISM: P. V. P. Co.. UKS); A. Uoolll & Co.. Km: Uadollet ,V: Co., 1.200: Pisliermn's Pku 'ol.00u; A.-A. P. Co.,hi: .1. 0. Hanlhorn Ar Cn!ni: Hap nood A- Cojscm; Kureka PkijCo :jsi. Tolal .' 7.r.u) Mli. StateofCal.; I'nion PkyCo., 200.: Seaside PkK Co.. l.iW);Tim miiis &Co l,(KH); Eishermeirs Pks: Co.. 30-): Aberdeen PkjjCo, :av; Eutek: Pk Co- ia-i'. Tolal ... :'.jai 12h, Columbia; .las. Quinn. 37s: UndoIIel c Ce.300: Pacific Tn ion Pkj: ConS00; Wealhcibee A: Tltoines.ioo; Vbcrdeen PkgCo ism. Tola! 2.37s Foreign Salmon Shipments. The follow intr !iinmenls have been made foi cign. ditrint: the prent season ; rei: arxi:. lilh, Hiitisli ship I.aujjrigg; Hall: ScandiiKuian Pkf Co- :U300; West Coast Pkg Co.,:;r30i1: Fish ermen's Pku Co..20fi;.S. 1). Ad air and Co.. l.:tfk): Occident Pkfj ( I'nion PkijCo-iyioo: M-.1 side Pk Co., 2,000: C. Tim-minsArCo- lr".00; Hanlhorn k Co.,:v300: Ocean Canning Co.,; Eale Cannery, (Uellier bee Ar Thomas) ::jxx:. Geo. W. Humi.2r30!): Pillar Rock Pkj: Co., 2,00-1: .lolm A. Devlin & Co. j.y0u:Abenteen I'k? Co., ."O"; Total I7(li, Bark Wanleck: Liverpool; .lolm West, 3O0; Win Hume.; Cuttin: Paekin: Co.::omi Astoria Packinsr Co., i;,2,0. Total 2ii Si. Bai k Adidjih Obrij: SHIP.MBXTS l'Oi: JI'I.Y. loth, Bark Edwin Bf-ed;Timiiiins & Co., 1JK1; Fishcrnien's Pktr Co., 2.300 ; lT. P. Co 2.000 ; Aber deen Pkj: Co., :5,oeo: Scandina ian PkR Co.,;:,000; Devlin A: Co, 2.000: Hap.srood A: Co., ,'i,000;.las Williams. ::,000; P. U. P. Co.. 1.000: Coliuniiia Cannim; Co., 300: Seaside, 1.000; Astoria Pkt: 10JV34 3.000 rn j,mm; u. u. uutne, 2,000: Oi Total Us, 100 Those writinRdasks at the Citvbook stoic aro lho best in the city. They are soniclhinx nico and durable, and just whatnnost young ladies would appreci ate from the giver. citieniai rKH 10., i,5ut: West Coast Pkg Co., 1,300; G. W. JIunie. 2300; S.l). Adair, 2.TO0; Weatherbcc & Thomes. 2,200. s-s.i -i ?rr htv-. I'italLics siad 1 - 1 up tins &: .a, A: Strong, 2;ui!t!K u; . doiin. In-, i'v ; t:ni:i. .: CUR. Dyspepsia. Is ervo;ia eral TiDbility, Sew r:titas,v.u and Ag-.u, I'arah :.. Chrcnic TJiarriicea, Boils dropsy, Kumors, Feiiiale Con: plaints, Liver Com plaint, Ileinirteii: Fever, wtl '.LL DISEASES 0ntGtXAT;G n A T.D STTT OF THE EL00D. CS AoC0."PAKLD t-i DEDILITY 03 A LO'.V STATE Or TUC S'iSTC:!. 1Kb V SAPS S6-K3 "uo.Jici t"-; !.io t i-'i !s-" itrl I' r.irv j::i:iicr.!. ikon, i. .rt: V!irr m I Ni'ii' I.if.5 iir i. j BEING lltl.i. iKO'I A v'.. ' r!cS."fc: j:5 dj: tikfca i , . . . i 'in, but srs porn-utnt. Sinil W. lOWLlii '. "ito. hild Motlisrs lilro una Phy.siclrms rccomsiond it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUR L,IXIHIEXTS; the World's great Pahi-Kc-licvlug' remedies. Tliey lical, so uthe and -cure 15 urns. Wounds, Weak Back and liheitiuatism upon 31an, and Sprains, Galls and X.aiucuess upon Beasts. CIap, tinielc and reliable. SPURTS of dLsRastincMucuN, SnniCej., Ci'aolding Pains in tlio Head, Tetid Brcatlx, Bontiicss, and any CatarrLal Complaint, can "bo exterminated Ly V7ol Do Meyer's Catarrn Cure, a Consti tutional Antidote, "fay Absorp tion The siost Important Dis covery hinco Vaccination. Piles! Piles! Piles! A Sun Cure Found :il I.nst Xo Oik 3fcel SnrtVrl A sine Cure for Blind. Bleeding, itchim: ami Flcerated Piles has been discos'ercd bv Dr. Williams, (an Indian Kernels), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single, cured the ssnrsl chrome cases or 23 or :v years standing. No one need suffer I tisc minutes after applsiug this ssoxdcrful j soothing medicine. Ixiiions, instniuientsnud t elect iuu b s ln moiv liann than good. Wil-t bum's ointment absorbs the tumors, allays uii lutensi itching, (particulari.s at niiit ai ter getting warm in 1kiI), acts as a jxiiiltice. gisti instant relief, and is pri'pared onls for Piles, itching of the private p.uts. and for nothing else. Bead sshat the Hon. .1. M. Cofdnburty of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment : I luwc used .scons of Pile Cures, and It affords me pleasure to say that I have never fonnd anything sshicli gave such immediate and permanent relief :t. Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For sale bv all druggists or mailed on ic ceipt of price. 1 Oo. HKMtV A i'O.. 1'iop'rt. Cleveland, o. Bodge. Davis & Co.. AVholeside Agents, 1'ortlaud, Oregon. $500 Reward. We ssill pav the abos'e 1 esvard for anvKce of Liver Coinplaint. Dysjepsia. Sick llead ache. indigestion. Constipation or Cosliie- ness wec:innot cure with West's Vegetable Lis cr PilN, when the directions are strictly complied ssith. They ate purely Vegetable, ami nes er tan to gis'e sausiaclinn. sugar coated. I.arge boxes, containing ft) Pills, 23 cents. Forsalebv all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Hie genuine inaiuifnctured onlv bv.IotiN C. Wnsr .V Co., "The Pill Maker.' isi and 1st W. Madison tt.. Chicago, tree trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot a :: cent stamp. W. I. Dement, agent. Health is Wealth. Dr. B. C. West's Nenc and Bniin Treat ment : a specific for Hysteria. Dizziness. Consulsions, Nervous Headache. Mental De pression, Loss or Memory, spennaiorrhoea, 1 in potency, lmoluntaiy Emissions. Pnma ture Old Age. causcil by oscr-evertlon. seir abuse, or os'cr-indulgence. ssbich leads to misery, decay and death. One box ssill cure recent cases. Each box contains-one months treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for live dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order receis ed by us for mx boxes, accompanied with fis'e dol lars, s-e will send tho purchaser our written guarantee to return the money If tin treat ment does not effect a cine, i'liaranlees is sued only by W.b. Dement, dniggist, As toria, Oregon. Orders bs mnil at regular prices. YACHT BLUE SKIN. Clipper built, copper fastened, double mast vessel. lis a I Case's svharf. Readv to re ceive passengers, freight or ex cursion parties to all parts ot the Columblarlvcr and vicinit v. i- - "'.' ii - zr ien tor itelieir9s BsrF'or further narticulars fnqnlre of John Rogers, Central Market. Or or Capt. Wood. Master and owner HOTELS VND RESTAURANT?. A.J.JrEOLEi:. " C.S.WKIRIIT OCCIiKST HOTEL. M.EGTiEll & WKIOHT, Proprietor.'. Astoria, Orcrjon. I TIE PBOriilETOKS ABE HAPPY TO I JL announce that the above note! ha been j repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to :be comfort of itszaestsau'! isiiov.-tbe best I Uotol north t f San iranci. jPARIKEE. HOTJBSE.. II. It. PASS Si KK. STop.. t i ASTOII1A, - uur.iiUA. F I U ST C LASS 1 1 OTETj. Ai.1. MUUKKN r.tPlM.VFAIENTS. HiW 15 CtL! 82ATS5S. Good Billiard Table, and F-3t CiassSa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. s - 5-fi:i:k coach to the hofse.- SALOONS. THE ESftiGim I I A First -CI-lv K , , SalGDn ana Loagjng house- J '.ewl' l.etntt'ti .n tin ibsi Atir.ii'!lt and t'ui'toutablr St le. 1 &itzi J.'r:iicsco rVaiietm: lii't-r, . That eelebr.ited be. i:ue flesh fit ilnierbt ; bo i he lines! j WiHES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS t5oi:::;:T .n:vml s;t. rropricioc. 1 Opposite the O. K. ft N. "Wharf. r'i:r:?iAN I A P.KEK HALL ANl ISOTTliE UrlHE DF.l'OT. Tir Ht.: of Litijcs'-I Cts. n !its Ordirs for :tn iGnleW Cskiiia Brewery I l.clL:it Hit td to. plice v.Ill be pii-mplly alteml- , C3r-.'o cheap Sio Fmncic,i neers-obl I Ibis place I 'V.M. BUCK.Prapriator :t )HIMGQ IfflBWBR Y i I .i. sTiiArsM. - - a;::'t. Is now r-al l vppl the public with the Celebrated Chicago 3cer In ans ii:'.ntll to suit. I base also this iVIrliratf.! I'liicngo !7ieriii Bottles, I Which is uo. cry j pulm aiitong.'.dI faun I iiesauu saloons." Please sen, l in jour orders ami tli.c. ssill base iisa bt"st alleution. I .I.STBAUSS. Astoria. Oicgon. Agent forOn-gon and Wash.Ter i MINT lopi'i KITE O.K. .; SALOON. X. COMPANY'S DOCK. I None hut the best Iipior and cigars passed . user the bar. i w.sciiruvr. J5LS XO 2tXjt5k j Browory i p(ip Saloon. The Best 3ecr 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch eserj Das from 10 to r' A.M The hesi of l.iitiors and Clears on hand. A dcscrscdls popular place of social tesoit- GF.O. IIII.U'i:. THE OLYMPIC SALOON Oppi.suc the lioue. THE FIN'lST p,,Ans OF KilTORS and CrGAIlS Kept toiisiautly on hau.l. X11 pains ssill he spared ! uiers.satisf.u'lfon. ie my eiisto- rT-tiivi us a call. I. W.SKIIIJN." 500 jfewm y?V V -JLZ. r N 'fcJX- .V6CA! Vwa-22te. NiUASe. HEALTH. DISEASE. I.c Birbnu's Cutilcn Ilalsnni o. 1 Cures Chancers, first and second stages ; Sores tm the lA-gs and Body ; Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased 'scalp, and all primary form, of the disease. irlcc, 63 00 per Bottle. Lc KirJiau's Culdcn l.-ilsan. No. 2 Cures Tertiary. Mercurial, Syphilitic Rheuma tism, Pains in the Bones, ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic 'Bash. Lumps, etc.. and eradi cates nil diseasesrroin thes stem, whether caused by bad treatment or abuse of mer cury, leas ing the blood pun umlhealthy. rlcc. nsJ 00 per Bottle. Le Iticlnin's Ooldcn Spanish Antidote for the cure of Gonorrhoea, fJleet, etc. X'rlcc, $2 30 per Bolttc. Le Klcliau's Coltlcn Spanish Etijrcl'on. awash for cure or (licet. Strictures. Dis ease or the Crethni and Bladder, etc. Trice. I 30 per ISottte. Lc Klrlian's :oMcn Ointment for the effective healing of Sjp'.ulitie Soies and Eruptions, rrlcr, SI 00 per Bottle. Also Agents for I.c Kiclinn's fiulclcn l'II!. for eakuess. loss of pbs'sical posvers, and all diseases arising from abuse and excess or os er-ss ork. Price. $" a per IIo. Sent evcrysvhere. C. O. P.. sees rely packed Iter hpies. ' V RIC'I!Ai:iS & CO Agents, 427 .1- 42:) Sansome stieef, corner Clay. il-ss--ly San Francisco, Cal. HANSEN BjROTJTEllS, jA rzisnim C5k2 8'Jitf'aiH 5. Ki zS? A. i iwriafi& a? Architects and Builders, All kinds of lloiiseSwork dont at shortest notice. Shop Comer of Cas and Astnr Street, ASTORLV, - - - - OREGON SHIPPING NOTICES. j Columbia Transportation Co. ttVT THil'.T T!ie p pular steamer t-t- FLEE7WCOD, && Wbb-h li;s been retlttcd for the eoni'"oif ! passcntjcrsuiU iea'.c Wibon and Fish-r's licK very urt-son aion " !H Columbia ..Tu ' It andatj, Wednesday and Fiiduy at 6S "sY&A " l AM. a, riving at Portland at 2 P.M. kVafeSf cat.Wed -K gSSSJ." t5St " f. i Beturuimf leaves- rortlaiio everj i I Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 j A-M- u,riviniJ at Ast0lIa at 7:3 P-''L j An additional trip will be made on Satl.r(iulj cm Sunday of Each Week, ; Leaving Astoria on SiatwriSay at 2 3. 31.. : and Leasing Portland at i o'clocli rtnmlsy 3ioriurr. j p:sej.,,s ,,v Ulb nt. connect at Kalama for Suind porlf. C. 15. SCOTI, President. HEW L5SE From Portland lo Astoria. 'Hie MAXXAXaiil.O .TI."aT. S&ssz&&wm ,.,!;,. somi-weekly trijs between Portland ami Astoria. Will lejue Warren C. Eaton's v.iiarf at l . w. on Tl'!n.VYs AND SATl BDAYS. And Portland uuMOM'A VSamt FBID.WS. I For fr ssjht or jiii:ue :ppl on board. t'H AS. BCBBCVr. Tin: xi.w .rrwiri: I Clara Farker, 4gt?rAjs EBEN P. PABKEB, - - MASTEB i is now reads for business'. i I loi freight or charter, a;pl to tut (a tam on boaid. or to It. B. PAKKEE. MARKETS. (JEKTKAL MARKET. j Cenera! asortment of table stock constantly i ,,,.. on nand, such as d Fruifs and.J(lly, Bacon, Hams, houlders, Lard, 2;S. 5SS"ITEK, CITOESI-:. Fresh Fruits anii Vegetables, FIK5I. PITf.T35Y AA"I iAn' !u the .season. (S'AZ;S AIVS TOSIACCtJ. I tt- r ws.-vi a; s.iwuiws. Alt cheap for CASH. I Joods soiil on com itiis.tou. ('its-iie t. V.C:sosstire. ... i;oik;ebs. Washington Slam Strrct, - - . TSarket, Isor a On'fou liEKGMAX J- HKlUiY- JI'SPiCTFl'IiLY CALL THE ATTKN .L. tion of tho i.ublic to tho tact that the abosu Market will always be supidicd si'ith a FULL VARIETY BEhT QUALITY FRESH AND CURED FV1EATS! Vi Inch will bo sold at bwoi'tr.'itea,svhole?2le and retail. Si-ecial attention given to suppb- nj; shins. 1 1). K. Vi'.u:r:x T. V,". Esto-j Astoria Market ! COB. Clir.NA.Ml'S AND IIAMIL'ION STS. ASTORIA. 0P.F.GON. WAItKK.V & i:TOX. S'coiirietovs (Svcwors m Warren J: AUftitin t Wholc-ialo and detail Boalors in Fresh and Cured treats A full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOCR, FEED HAY. CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. c3" Ratter, Egss, on hand. c-o Shis sunsdicd Cheoie. otc. constantly at tho lowest rate. HOLBIAN7S PAD. FOB THE STOMAGH, LISR, AND 'KIDNEYS. TKADfc. JLSSK. In all cases of bllliousuess and malaria in everv foi in. a pteventatlve and enre of chills, fever sinil iltiinb acne, Dr. llolman's Pad Is a perfect .success. And for dyspepsia, sick headache and nervous prostration, as the pail is applied user the pit or the stomach, the great nervous annihilates the disease at once. It regulates the liver and stomach so suc cessfully that digestion becomes perfect. Pro. D. A. Loemlssays: "It is nearer a universal panacea than anything in medi cine." This Is done on the principle of ab sorption, of sshicli Dr. llolman's Pad is the only true exponent. For all kidney troubles, use Dr. llolman's Renal or Kidney Pad, the best remedy in the ss'orld and recommended by the medical faculty. Beware of Bogus Pads. Each genuine llolman's Pad bears the pri vate revenue stamp of the Ilnlntnn Pad Co.. with the above trade mark printed in green. Buy none svltliout it. For Sale by all Druggists. Dr. llolman's advice Is free. Full treatise sent free on application. Address : HOLMAX PAD CO. Ttt Broadway, Ness York. P. O. box 2112. -A Xasal Injector free, with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy. Price 30 cent. Sold by W, E. Dement. 4 V j. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Raiivay & Navigation voyrexxrs. O CKA X llVI8IOX. I Between San Francisco & Portland. iK03is-Arrri:A-. fjiom roirxLAXD. Lea iiig Spear Street , Leai ins at 12 :0o ndd . jr. as nisihr. as follows : fellows : StateofCal. Sat. July 1, Oregon Mon July 2 i.'olanibia.. .Thur " fij state ot Cat. Fri " 7 Miiiumbia . .bun "SUlbtateof Cal.Mon " 31 River and Rait Division. JULY 1. 1SS2 Leave Port-1 land for IMoi ! Tu. We. Thu.lFrl.Sat. Dalles t up per uoaim Astoria and lower Co-lntubl- n.M 3 AM 9 AM 9 AM 9AM 1 AM BAM CAM GAM 7 AM GAM RAM 7 AM GAM Daiton. Or.. Mi Salem. Or.. KA3I ...6 AM Victons,lJCir.AH .If. AMI IFAM Leaves Astoria tor Portland at 6 a. ia dailr m- ci)t Snnday. JOHN MOIK. Superintendent of Traflle. PKESCOTT, Jfanager. C. II. ilwaco Steam Navigation Go SPMmT-ER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, Il waco, Oystcrville and Olympia. ITnft? Til'rfTn' tiArinn tfiA ial. Steam Navigation Co's steameis CE. MILES, or GEN. CANBY" Will leavo Astoria On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays At 8 A.M., for 1'ort Mcicim, Fori Cunlo. unil IItihco. A rt iving at Fort Canby at 10 A. ar. and toucb ingat Ilwaco for passengers and mall. Re turning, will lease Fort Canbv at 11 A.M.. arriving at Astoria at 1 1 at. Only a limited amount of Freight Carried on those Days. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria ato a.m. as lormerly. not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens . " " Canby and Ilsvaco.... . 50Ct8 75CtS afFMIwaco freight, by the ton, la lots ot one ton or over, St 3o per ton. fiSrFor Tickou, Towaeo or Charter apply either at the oflico of the Com nan v. Qrav'a . wharf, foot of Benton streoL J.Il.D.GRAY.AKeat. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an alter Oct. 11, 1SS0. trains will run a fol f lows, DAILr (Except Sundays). . K.SSTSIDK DIVISION. i FJIOM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. I srstL Titvnt ! LEAVE. ARRIVE. , Portland .7:30 A. M.Ro3obursf..-.7:W P. X ! Rosoburjc . 5:00 A. M. I Portland 4:23 P M 4IR1MVFYDBPCCTOAIM LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 1:00 P. M.Lobanon..9.20 P. M Lebanon. 1:15 A. M.Portland...lO:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. :15 A. M.l.Tunction 0:00 P. M Junction. 5:43 A. M.jPortland 023 P. M I TlioOroson and California Railroad I erry mnkes connection with all Rcsnhir Trains on J KsHtsido Division. WKSTSIDE UIVI3I05. From l'ortlnntl to CorvnlllM. KlIL TRSIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland S:00 A. M.ICorvalli3 ..H:00P. M Corvallis. S:.".0 A. M. Portland 3:20 P. M ' f!Tnninnnol5nTi: nrA fnnrlflnl TtOKKRTTRn with tho Stages of the Oreson and California Staeo Company. Cj'Ticketsforaalo to all tho principal poinu in California and tho Kat, at tho Company's Oflico, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storago will bo charged on freight remain cs atComimns'3 Warehouse ovor 24 hours. Froisht will not bo receivodferr shipment j after 3 o'clock P. M. on oifhor tho East or U'cl sido Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen'l Sup't. 1 E. P. ROGERS. I Gon'l Freicht and Passenger Atrent. K. JvOCiiLKJC, Manager - HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OKEGOK millS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF JL the Sisters or Charity, Ls now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of anydcsiringtheni. patients auuuttcu at ail uourc, nay or nignr. No phs-sician has exelusivo right, every patient is free to and has the privupga of einploj in1,' any physician they prefer. Csiited States Alariue Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, ar enti tled to Fieecaie and attendance at thisHos pital during sickness. Penults' must bo ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. Sisters of Ciiakitv hc 33. 3P a,3k:e:r DHALKU IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Gement and Sand Wo! nelivcreit to Order, Dirtying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. UEALKK IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST i'LAS.H Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has received a large ins'olec of BARRELS AND HALF BARBELS of the best quality. And Is nosv ready to supply Butchers Can neries and all otliera, cheap for cash. - xsFss?Bi