The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, July 18, 1882, Image 3

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glu- aUjj astariau. '
J. 1 As Others Seo It ' CLIPPED AND CONDENSED. WoodforSalr. .
. - . 1. . im. . fl ...:....: r l.n Iil.,.Ji Tl... (Imnxnmntnr ,,m til hlf :i I 1 llUVC al)OUt MX hlllldred SLlUl HltV i
.- .--- Lying up our .csu is .,hrwi . m- mir-.-. i3 .-.... ,..,. w .- -.-.. . - 0nl of dr homIock which IvrH wft j
i 1 :.. t.l ; ...A.1 li... ..-..r..! , Itiimi..! r.f fi-.iinrMs- VerY eilBlDIC Kflft Ot atlnil. 1C IS:rn-.wh .it-!- i...i-.r.r.l 1 trtll.toi;.!
vnvo WA i .i , , , i i..l ...!... :.. il... cl. .... I'lii.wrtfw. m mi" mclnmniv
;of which will awaken iimuy a lung-- Hie amnerymeu oi tne ,oimoia aiwnj-a ijnuiiru .i ukiK j .- a..v. , - .--- ...... .-
........ ... . . ... ... ' t-.vt.r An .. c.xim tn liOPil tint fact that' m u tt ir.. - . -.:..i. - ' ! A ' ' ' r ..................
, is. issin nmlinriMt' leeoUoction in i hi memo- - v ... . . . me aua nana ore eii"oie, oiuu - --
. L-...r ;."...:;!. n U , v.W, ' -J' !v,i,"- ?InS that great . (,,iml- :l flS (I:,.H affl. A now- -Jock of Moves of the latest .. i-aiuiiiv i.i us snnntv ot ttenciGU u- "- - - ' isiie-::i.iniui .. .iioni-zouu.-rys. - i
Die'soiis" worts, line edition. ool .". i IB
the lhst legimcnt New otk vohw- ,,on tj,eir jj,veti capture .ill they , was successfully fished out iast Sunt-
:J UV,......1 !. . . ..... . .- , l ....... .11 il .t..,,-. ,-M.-l- i.. . ".":": """" """.". J
F. HALLO BAN & COMPANY, i ..,,:,,. - j.. i,qr wis f.r.nutn for lws of liiial results. They arc ccr- . . ,. . .,,,.! j'...i:iyTOi- ifS"1-"1. alMld. trt1l!,l,l.U:" . ' tainlv killing the iicn that has been. PtiJnr.cI wwt h h:.t tho M- A,t.X!11)(l,.I. i)lIin:ls- work. al ,:ai,
.... lithium Ai.l.i....i:iKroK. ll3 Jmmte,. ,,. ,n 184. mm - ' j,n., th. loi. cgtji f..r them thtw giati yovunumMU ib ab..ut i give out X.ller
...mi, hi.Ww. i-wNr. jAltaantl ja Cahrinia. Jt is win-, mauyeats., nd unless th state legis- fr nitioiw. This uiut e IMgiaul ci:A.Sti-tns and Son haw a .stock
piierthvotieof jiietililyuardjFraiicisD. . Jam re intf!-feros, Ciluuibia 'hl ' jof mnnldinjrsand ninuidors tools whldi
Uiwsof SubacnpUon. Claiko" au.l is for .mate circulation 5 won will, within a fow years, lw a " ' cai telJ!:,.Lf to close
- T T ZT . I . . .-- U . tnftl1tl In u1lt. IiV IIIM HI'sL 11 LIlaIJkl. kllLT lillJC ltT t IJ1I. Llm.1. UltlliLJ. J i. LXA IUIUUJ.
I., unw, iri h ,Vau,Umi,nfTihH Vw sealicrcil survivors of t ll,n, Ul "'' "." ""y "- 7- "" f.
juai!.f-ariarta: .- ?; Bifc. . . .? . . .iwscthat th ipnuturs ot cHmunit ween Astoruand Uhico, via .North- -Frh taffy aad caramels every dav
it ilavs at tlic Atoria Candy Factory. Main St.
1 v 1 CTnor
cm .
.1. iV
wc !3hiI,it:o yoar .. ......
o of rostflai? loSnbcrib
LOWEST Pll'lCli-
-" Ajxcrti'iouiciiis msartod ly tbi3t-ar .si
f raio of ?1 j"i ierfjuaro ior uiontli.
ir.tnsibiitadvorUrtiDe, by tho day or weak,
nfty cents ier sjunro fur cacb insertion.
illK OAI1.Y AsTOUIAN ICill ht" suit Lu
inn tit 75 cent u month, free ( 'jytnlpge. Jtma
tr jr.'w coutniplatentiwmc from the city can
hmv lm: AsioitiAX follow them. Iiia
..r V:i:ui.v tdiltnnA tu:t::i jiOi.t-ftc irith
1,1: .Mfttf'Mfit ffljfwt. .iiW,.-.t ninj2
; 1 ;';'il a-fjler. ax rir.iire1. Isnvc 'utter fit
thr n.uniino nn.
.1.... . 1. 4..1.4..I...11 4 rir.n lri fiir- ' .... . t .! 1 t....
,,ijtijjk ..uiiuiis .iLi.i.iwi.. .... .v- r-- 'jcataMistiineius wH" :iai; uanKeu auu-i..
that (!!ijmit. uouhi jaiv iKMthor
p.ilUS lior t'Jen-: ii jun;.i.n5 - i im-iicn .uuviii;.ui.iiiii4iiirM . ..- . j
iiiiiii at hatching stations to icplemMii j.mj js tjie vav. frltl 't.v Vurk tt Alt nlioaivaftlfrlrtl with salt rheum
tho suonly upon hioh sueh heavy) . " . . . j ilrh, 'raid lnid. impetigo, and every
uu siipio "l" ., , , r.tthi; Columbia ntvr. i ne new Anu-n- ,lt,..r ..iMi,rf,, , . i-j i,nni.i ,.
S?tarflKytalMr;ta;:-iJUp iru,F-1U.l.VjO.BW..rnrB:i!
..f..1,,M.r rtiiil (niiinnr. like decline-1 froi'i Philadelphia to i'liiret yillid. Arpvnn ui:uli iniirnhl liv Imll.i
Tho r.ritish lmk Wolfo nnivod in
ln-l Siuiilay.
lr. Fred Cospr. of FoitTowiidt-
tMiil, ijots Oeo. Row e"s place at Tilla
mook rock.
-Tho .Sierra .Nevada, loading at
Soul tin with coal, was loported on fire
last Saturday.
- Tho schooner Trustee wont to
hv yesterday with n lare load of
lumber aboard.
We are authentically informed
that theie is another vessel- tho Ore
gonon her wa3 to the Columbia,
loaded with Chinese.
The new Presbyterian ehuivh will
be flnuthed by Sept. ITith, and 'tis
probable that the dedicatory sermon
will be picached about October 1st.
Sheriff Humphreys, of Linn
county, will be down on the afternoon
boat to take to Albany a present in
mate of the jail by name of John
Harerator. who is "wauled."
if i have Sjankea nun-1 ,ri, i, ,,:,;,. ,-.,. rt;;i . ei-"r
of honorable record we tlnd the names ! dreds of ihoumls of dollars through! , ,
...-!.. . t ..i? ...., ....:!.n..iuiiu -i. iiwur.
of many whom we know in Uiuior-
nia, Nevada, and other regions. The
volume ia, we believe, the only one in
Astoria, and is the property of Mr.
1. C. Johnson, tho popular clerk of the
Occident Hotel, whoe name appears
on the roster of "C. E.'
The Late P. J- Kibble.
Mr. E. C. llolden is in receipt of a
letter from iiuffalo, ZS'. V.. from
which it appears the late Mr. 1. J.
Ribble, who died suddenly in this city
on the -1st of last month from an
oveidosoof luuduum, taken toiolieve
pain fioni a felon, held a lif.' policy in
the X. V. Life l::s. Co.. and that he
must hae had tho pajH'ts with him. portunitv to paU up the Columbia and
Xothiie'of the kind was fouiul among tributaries every ther season unmo-
hi personal effects, and he may hae
placed them in wiine icisoiib hands
in this cilj' for s.ife keeping. The latter
stales that ttibbo! left a wife and :r
nice family in JtuiiaJo, and the
amount doe on his life policy is great-
llv needed by them, if any one heie
has any knowledge of any papers .so
deposited, by handim: the same to
Mr. II olden to forward oast, it will
greatly facili "ate the payment of the
amount due to the widow of the deceased.
Heuieinber Frank Fahrc's ice cream, t
It is par oveeSlciHv
1 have removed to the
tion, regardless oi ih tutuio. I "l j There is nothiiiii like being a million-
people ot Oregon ami aMiingiou , . n1l havi ,.,,. hijw. bUwu
liave an interest in tlua source of ive- ' '
nueif the cannerymen have not . and I t ca s nameil after you.
will no longer submit-if thoy are niKlirrOllI SAML
7. ::.!h KStfiSJ J ' TmLii. J.ny ism. Mte. ar 2 vrk
mil imi.iSwnii-i iyi..." .vr... I'M- li the ilUiMlll'' OJlllOsite WoIK
ii"''est to our legis- Fn,"o.s oflloo. 1 will beein selliii'' and
lati.-c members soon to assemble, that will continue oaeli eening until xr!d, a
line nv wk or goods. wlneJi were
brongnt hole to open a bniurli -tore
hut which must bo sold to .iti-f :an
Frani'ieo oieilitor-. ThoMivk oonsi-ts
of .silver and silv r jilated ware, dam
ak bed sprentls, towels, dres good-,
glo 05. shawls, genth furnishing ;o:d-,
and notions of all kinds. Thcie wiy be
five line presents uiven to the ladie- ev
ery afternoon. There will be gool .s.its
proxldeil, and over.thimjilono to in-ure
the comfort and sa'tLsfnctioii oj my pat
ron. These goods must bo sold, anil ij
you want bargaii.-jou will attend the
aftorno'.m snies. " Ki. 11. Orkm,
Mihsci-ljilioM X'cwf Iopt.
duriii"' the next session a law be passed,
with a Pcvcre jisnally fixed for offend
ers, providing that eatching or pick
ing salmon le permitted 011I3 on each
alternate voir, giving the hsu an op
"e-t ion. Constipation. Dizziness. "Loss of
:ipM(ite. Yellow Skin :' Shiloh's Vital
kcr i-a ih'isitivo cure. For sale by V.
K. Dement.
Henry (Jreville's fa-cinatms works
just ni'eitod at Carl Adler's.
-What is nicer on a warm day than a
dish of that exquisitely llavorcd Ice
cream that Frank Fabrc makes'.'
-Mrs. Abraham Lincoln died al
SpringGcld, Ills., last Sunday 'night,
of paralysis. Sho was 04 years of age,
and loaves one surviving child, Hon.
Robt. T. Lincoln, secretary of war.
-List Saturday, the sloop Mary
11. while carrying a ioad of lumber
and mercandise to llwaco swamped off
Scarborough Head. The cargo was a
total loss, and the vessel was towed
back to town.
Among the evidences of entcr
piise in our city should be noticed the
bill boards that Alex. McRae is put
ting up in every quarter of tho city.
He proposes to announce himself
flhortly as the champion dead wall
Oregon is to be congratulated on
tho efficieucy of her congressional
delegation. Senators (J rover and
Slater, and Representative George
have exerted themselves most success
fully for tljo good of the state during
tho present session.
Hazel 2iil:c
Seldom hae wv?e.n Liberty Hall
more densely packed than when the
cm tain ro-e last evening on the beau
tiful play of 'Hazel Kiike," produced
for the first time 1101 th of San Fran
cisco by the oiiginal company wiio
played ir for nearly 2,00 consecutive
nights at Madison Squat e Theater,
X. V. Thetc ia, fortunately, no star
in tins' play; they are all goed: the
simplest character is presented with
as much effoi t to excel as is the hero
ine, and the lesult is perfect smooth
ness. We aie sure that those present
last night enjoyed the play, and can
truthfully locontmend it to tho pub
lic of Oregon and Washington Terri
tory as being all it claims to be: a
first-class company and a beautiful
Good Tor "Washington
The Seattle l'ost Intelligencer
thinks it may be pretty wifely .stated
that "Washington territory will m 1882
send abroad :;C5,O0O,OO0 feet of lum
ber, 200,000 tons of coal, 1,200,000
pounds of hops, 200,000 cans of
salmon, 5,000,000 bushels of wheat,
3000,000 bushels of oats, 100,000
bushels of potatoes, and 2,ro0,000
pounds of wool, averaging cargoes at
1,500 tons each, this vast quantity of
produce will load over !W0 iarge
ships, or three every day of the year
except Sundays. How i.s that for ilia
products of about 120,000 people'
.special arrangement has been made
by Cai I Adler m that you can Mihscribo
for any paper, magazine, or periodical
publisheu in the Fniled State or Eu
rope, at publishers' prices. S sao time
and 11101103 l3 leaving 3osir subscrip
tion at Carl Adlers.
lested and secure from the miles of
netting that is stretched across tho
stream for their capture. P.inimry
men are complaining thai the run is
light and they are going to be ruined.
hat wonder, when it is remeiiiDereu
that for years thev have been grab
lung eerythiii!j within reach, without
making an ettort .so renew tne snppry.
They would that tho government
would establish ami Keep in woru
in' order hatching houses, so that
th'-". might put in their whole time
and encrgv in 1 tinning their canneries.
How would it sound for .-.lock raisers
to ask congress to renew their herds
which had been depleted through
heavy sales and negligence in not
giving the herds proper attention?
How would it strike them for manu
facturing establishments to demand
from the government material with
which to keep their machinery in
motion, so that they could give all
their time toward selling the pioduc!
and making more money? And .so we
might continue on the whole list on
just as good ground- claimed b3 e.m-
neiymcn. It is high tune the people,
through tho legislature, took astion in
this matter to protect the enure de
struction of our salmon interests, aud
we know of no better way than re
stricting the catch to each alternate
season. Even state in the union,
almost, haying a sea oast, has experi
enced the displeasure of seeing their
atp-ams robbed of their salmon and
utterly destroyed, but Oregon and
Washington should take action in the
matter to prevent a lepotttion before it
is too late. The greatest power of
caunerymeu would be m the legisla
tive lobby, to prevent, if possible, tho
passage of such a law, but the intor-
estbofthc people are paramount toL.,,.,,,, ivrji;,nd, Oiegon.
private gain of private individuals orl - --r-- -
A great vegetable Tonic for uchcatc
females, is, ffundcr's Oregon IILOOI)
To all who aie suiloring 110111 the
errors and indiscretions if ymtlli. nerv
ous weakness. earl3 decay. loss of man
hood, etc.. I will send a recipe that will
cute you FREE OF CHARGE. This
groat remedy was discovered b a mis
!siouar3 in South America, .send a self
adilrosed envelope to the Hey. .Io-Krn
T. In mam. St a tion I), New Yoik Cit
The Peruvian syrup tias cured thou
-amis who were suffering from dyspep
sia.dobilit, liver complaint, l-oils. hu
mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph
lets free io any addres. Seth W. Fowl
Son- 'Jo-ton.
A Change.
Our man readers will gladlx wel
come the hit 1 eduction to general r.-e of
the pleasant rciip'dy Syrup of Figs,
which is as agreeable to the taste a the
fruit Horn which it is made, and hotter
than oil. s:.Jts. pills, or any of the bitter
and nauseous medicines of l gone
As it costs nothing to try it. and e.lwav's
gives s.iiisrielion. euryii" is using it
wherever known, and W. K. Dement
Diuggisr. has been appointed agent for
Astoria. Hodge. Davis a;- Co.. whole-
Parlies wishing groceries, provis
ions i.r meiehandi-e ot airj description,
.should their orders with A. Van
Da-en a:- Co. as tho are prepared to de
liver g'otts m an part of the city on
thes!iorto.s notice.
Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar
ket. bus mado arrangements to keep nl
he liiK'st fresh tish. etc., in their season
Thieoseow loads of dr3' iir, spruce
limbs, and hark, just received and for
sale at ("ray's dock. Stevens Sr Son have for sale
and arc agents for the new Singei sew
ing machines.
Fie-h io cream everj dav at Frank
Fabre's. Families .supplied in any
miantity by JeaUiig order. Also the oysters cooked to order. Frank
Fabre- oysters and ice cream are known
everywhere as par excellence.
Fancy soaps and perfumery of all
kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drug
store, opposite Occident hotel.
Call anil examine thosobabv wagons
at the City bookstore.
For the gouuiiie J. II. Cutter old
Douibou. ami tho bo-t ot wines, liquors
and San Francisco beer, call at the (Jem
opposite the holl tower, aud see Camp
bell. CoI.I'KX's LlKMU's. LIO.UII' lir.y.F
and Toxic IxviooK.vron will ottre
indige-tion. and perpetuate bodily vigor
Ttihc no other. Of Druggists,
No moie good weight at the Orient
Ruths. Three first -class barbers. All
work guaianteed. Children? hair cut
ting i speeialt . J. (. CtlAitTitlts.
Rrace up the whole system with King
of the Jliood. See Advertisement.
And have. Without a Single Exception,..
Tho ffinwt anrl Boot Apranirorl Qtnpa in fWon 1
iuu i-iuuai uuu iuoi aiiuujiuu ututu m UlUfQM.
Xew Goods Received b Every Steamer in
All th Zi&test Styles and
Call and Inspect Stock and Get Prices "Whether You
Purchase or Not.
No trouble to show goods.
iimtmnmmMM4ttitiiMMMiMtaiiMM rn-a-jirmtiiaMi
ASTORIA, June :3, 1882.
M. MEYER Proprietor.
- D. CI. Waldron,correspomlent and
traveling agent for tho San Francisco
Wasp, ia in the city; he is a clever
gentleman and represents a live jour
nal. If jou want live Pacific coast
humor get tho Wasp and a cylinder, t ameelh.gof Alert Hook ,. Lidder
escapement to mark the leoirs as you Co) x. I, held last Saturday night,
lead the fun. ,j vvas njovr,j :xn( inianimouslv arnod
Return Thanlis
Rut little new comeR from Alex-!
audria. Tho town is rapidly becom
ing a mass of ruins, and rajiine and
plunder is tho order of tho day. The
English have established a military
government, and are preparing to at
tack and crush Arabi Roy, the mnl
content who started the. trouble.
Stopped the Spoit.
Among the llwaco oxcursionists i
last Sunday was a party of young men
who went down to xtiy the Canly
"Country Boy" a game of base ball.
The "City Boys" club was as follow b:
Hare, catcher; Yan Dusen, pitcher;
Bryce, short stop; Prael, 1st. base;
Richardson, 2nd base, Praol, 3d baso;
Montcith, right fiold, Jackson, left
field; Harris, center field.
The "Countrj' Boys,' had McCourt
for catcher; Tan Dusen, pitcher; Par
ker, 1st b. ; Glassev, 2nd !.; Betsby,
that a vote of thanks be returned to !
the ladies, vi.: Mrs. M. C. Crosby,
the Misses Fiavel, Misses Taylor, Mrs.
Taylor, Mrs. A. .1. Megler, and oth
ers, for ltoral and other gifts on the
4th of July, and that a copy of such
return of thanks be sent io Tin: As
xoni in for publication.
j Wo hear of several attempts at
burglary; fortunately nothing of valuo
has been stolen. The thieves are spot
ted, and if they can be caught at ant
attempt of the kind, it will be de
cidedly unhealthy for them.
It is a habit among the careless and
unthinking to drop lighted matches
and stumps of cigars as they pass
along, and it is the place of even citi
zcu to seo ihat the practice is discour
couraged. As, for instance, early Sun
day morning, as a gentleman was com-
jing down b3 the Occident on Cass
3db.: Murphy, s. a. ; Michelsscn, r. f.;l .. t, ... . .'
". , .' ' , ' istreet, there was a smouldering hrc in
ODav, 1. 1. tdlcn, c. f.; Patterson, .. , , . e .. ,, ...
.' -:.i ' the dry planks of the sidewalk, which
il nii tii n.
The game was progressing finely, l hve minutes more w,,ld have been
Bovernl neat rnnti having been innde nnefl n.U u lUn,c' II ;l ,nattt'r
when as tho 8th inning was called, the1 iat rctu,!v, "' watchfulness
United States or America, personified' luu l""4-1" "o ,wn pn.per.v.
by an awful personage who was dress-' jj. u j-.jtt
cd in ultramarine blue and bore a j $Se(U ,ls j,.,,,,," leli(llJe ,Iritfsl6,
dreadful sword, ajipcared and in a I io be sold at Siu. Every garment must
game be stopped. The bovs were' gooiks charged, pioviding tlicj write
nearly paralysed but thoy managed i 1"- &uf' m'r
to get their breaths and slopped.
There are some strictures in tho
above that aie undeserved, and .vet
theie is a vein of truth running
through the whole article that is in
accordance with what Tin-: Astoki vn
has been arguing thionghoiit the Feu
sou. The position we take, and which
has received the endorscipout of all
with whom we have talked on tho
subject, is this: Let a uniform tax of I
so much, or so liitle per ease bo leied:
on every caso of salmon picked on the
river; let the fund thus created be
placed in the bauds of a board of di di
receors: lot that hoard of directors
empower a manager v. ho -drill be an
experienced piseiculturist, to have full
control of a hatchery; let him be re-
spoimbio to no one but iho bo-ird of
directors and lei his juvver bo oi-ual
to his responsibility. Fa.v him a good
salary and let him alone. Wo tin not
think that there is a cannot ymau on
the river Hint would objocl to such a!
plan. The trouble is right bere: ' 1'ia
hard in the fii si place to gut concert j
of action in a thing like this, and 'tis
.sometimes difficult to get men to be
lieve that the 11101103 they subscribe i3
going to be judiciously spent unless
the3 see right aw.iy just what's done
with it.
The history or old European fish
rivers, and of the McCIoud river in
California, shows that a stream must
be .stocked with salmon to insure aj
pcrpelmti of their return. Tho
ability, the intent and the desire,
exiat lo dt what should be done in
this matter: what is needed moie than
anything else at picst-nt is for some
one to take tho lead.
"llaclcnietack. a lasting ami fra
giant perfume. Price ."."" and ;o cents,
Soldbv W. E. Dement.
Inu Iie in titc House. "
Fresh ft nit received at C. A. Mav's b3
overv steamer. o .stale trash. Every
vaiiel. of Oregon and California fnut
aiwajson hand.
Stevens fc Sou have their store
crowded with new good-., all marked iu
plain figures.
Ask di uggist-: for lloiuzb itu Rain. 1 1
clears out nils, mice! bedbugs, roacbi-.-.
I vermin, Hies, ants, insects, l.v per box.
Skinny Men.
Wells Health Rei:ewer. Absolute
cure lor nervous debilllv aiot weaKnes
of thegenerativc functions. SI. at drug
gists. Oregon Depot. DWl.s ,v (..
Portland, Or.
For l)3'spops-n-i'iiUJcrtoii)p-u'!i. j
011 have a printed guarantee on evciv ;
bottle of .Shihih's Vitalizer. Il nove'i
fails to cure. Sold ly W. E. Dement.
Tho Rev. Ceo. 11. Rom
bon, Ind., ea3s:J!eth uvAelf ami wife
oweour livi-. toSnn.ou"sC)Xst mpjion
Crin..- "s,i,l by AV. E. Dement.
--Shiloh's Calanh Remcilv -a .osj
tive cine foi ('atari li. Diotiieria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W. li. Dement.
Prof. Fieil M301 wishes to organ
tee a .singing chiM' of i-hildien: be also
hasa fair as-ortmenl of Oerman music
for sale. Rooms over tho ("em saloon.
-A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of .Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedv
Price DO cent. Sohl by, W. E. DcmeiiL
Wbon Mil! 'o I.i ISv.sien. fnn iti mi
Adler.s before 3 on stall and get one of
alter .scon novels, onl 'jr, eent.s.
A sure cure for dys-pepsia. The
before meals as directed.
If 3011 wan: nice fresh lard, or good
sugar-cured hams, just from the coun
try go to F. II. Ellierson's hnkerv.
A. V. Mien,
W'biili-.:'.i(MUiit rel ill'Ui
Glass and Plated Ware.
M'liHlW! AN'I I(l.MI"STt('
likiclhei milt
llie ifiivi'st au.l aiost conqilete tock or
!fM,is in tbf ir Hue : b. fouiiitlii Hie city.
Conu-r ofCas and Sipiemocqhc St roots.
Less Quantities, - 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, -SI CO per Oosan
avSpecia atfentlon paid to urtlers from i'tibUe Houses and FataUies.C
arOrJcrs left at the GEl'MAN'IA IWJMi HALL will Ie piomptly atteadetl to.
Ovstcr Saloiui,
In Oliio4 Astoria.
JL announoe to the t.utn. that b. lias op-f-ni'dJ
P1KMT i'L.S!4
JE3ettlxa.a; . House ,
And furnishes !n Urst-class Jtj Je
ovsTi:t:-s. nor coffkk ti:a. i.ic.
Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon,
riease Kive me a call.
KOSCOK IHXOX, rmprletor
acatazKSXO nucati. 18T9.
l .1. Goodman, on Cheuamus street,
uas jiisi ro-eiveu uio jaie-i ami most
fashionable t.lo of gents ami indies
botiLs. shoes, etc. Agent in Astoiia ror
inoiamou- .iorrow sitoes.
Tho score stood 4 to o, the city boys
leading one.
Eleventoen hundred aud eleventcen
of the newest aud mosr popular novels
for I ho uoKt thiitN days.
Ciias.Stkvi.n- .t St,
All of Zola's works at AillerV.
Ice for sale at the Occident Hotel.
t Siiii.ojfs. Cui::: will imuiidiatelv
'relievo Croup, whooping cough niul
Rronchitis. .sold l W. E. Denient.
Hdt'si-: exi: roi:v and a half.
lias si riMMii-. vxooil-shoil, chicken-
-iaiiinf-, living spi
t. Price, s&to. Lf
!cs walk from IV
Real Estate Agen
house, etc.. and a never-failing, liv IngspritiB
01 gmxi water on inoioi. rr1ce.5s.10. ica
tioii.atmiu eijbt niiiititcs walk fronil'ost-
omce. Apply to
j'S-t r Itcal tstate Agent.
you that I have removed my I)res
uiakIn rooms
FroiH Ckrnaiaus Si. io Ca-w St..
Xevt door to Tuk Astoiuax oftlce. I
thank the ladies for their liberal patronage.
.Make use of the Vegetable Klasdoni. Abso
lutely the
Tor the
Hluoit mill Liter Co-apUJaU,
Sew r w& am.
rrtrr. tatir, rs-pta ct-r
Homes For Fishermen.
kidu uMit BladUer KL-mwc,
tfare-ilc gfclK TraM
ami Mkn
i Has Stood' the Test-
For p.iiUuius and testimoalals trom weJi.
For Sale.
story house, situate within COO feet of
' wiiarfat Catblainr-t. Washington Territory.;
Vriec Atiio.
! One acre or I.iml. with two-story Jrouse
sISn:iti uil'iln "Jl fi M nf winiK w-liopf linisi
unr entile htock of mouldings ami! - - - j.s7or.
frames of ah kinds, brackets and wall-' r-re-host ami Jinosi cakes, fruit and 1 Kami of is, acres, wit h hoiue. and two
onekots. also a lot 01 other girfnls, willlc.iiulv al tlio A.-toiia camtv factorv. V .u:".f"- Knnta:e oue-balf nUIe on
esobl at cost at tho Citv Rook Store; . - ,.VJ",;"'l?.r.,.: Donation Land Claim, adjoining 1
1 0:1 waiii 111 j;i-i -.line 111 uil-j-oi-s lee ,..-. ' l pper ASiona, as una uui ui.u reeoruu o ' rrice
cieam to-daj : fre.h made and nir,' llIrt,t? To insula cue take si tots fcr.00.
u,m,r ' alblasuit. W. !.. or if. It. Mrong. Portlanil. I ,,..,.. oniinnilcwl. - , ,. . . . 1 ZL-..
4 '" l-w For f uither r-a ticulars and cxawlnauon of I "r ,u "nx "H' - ,"u
rwonle d to ' Ak for. and see tli3t you get the getmlBB,
E. r. HOI.DEX. rr :
Auetionwr and Real Vstatc Agent. NOtlCC
Auction, l'lentv or water, -inch sou
iiftinirablv adaoted lor veaetatde uardens.
All situate la the newly .snrvej ca u age ot ... npoo,rt m our State read locamnd
Alderbrooi". on tne nortnem part 01 itoneii piroui ri
- St. per Battle.
Wbv will 3011 cougn when Shuoh's "
Cine will give immediate relief. Price j
; 10 ei .hi eis iiiiii.-i. .-soi 1 1 uv . 1 iji
Fabre's ice cream is the best.
Children's .suit- at Mrs. Derby's.
1 "u ,IU j X No. I. will meet as a Board of Kquahza-1
1 . 1: ,, Cl. ,lim ,,r .jin ,. l(nill Ck , i tion, to CMtmiiie the Assessment Roll of said j
irk AV '.? " ' !" t! lMlP, rerl District, on Tuas-lav. .Inly Sith. 13S2. at the
1 ers at Foster's.
Novelties in household articles at If 3ou want ice cream that Is Jco
Foster's. cream, go to Frank Fabre's.
tsttnif between J. T. Borchera and h M.
t i.kllitti.l It-i trirt. ftch nnnWIr riolitto noilat.
store of .1. W. d'carliart. . A MODERN BUILT HOUSE OF FIVE i the name ot ' The Astoria Yaxlety Packlair
By order of the Board of Directors. j . Eooms, with Lot 50 bv CO feet. Bay j Co.," Is tbis day dbrfolredby uautmd coaaeatl
J. G. HUSTIJER. Clerc, 1 windows, etc. For farther Information andj'ITie business wilt hereafter be cond-!d
Astoria, juiy i3tn, im. . uu. rice Inquire of c. w.shiveia. oy J.T.BOKDl