The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, July 16, 1882, Image 3

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M mi iii
glu- :UhUb 5lr.UTU,
Fine Timothy. '
On our desk lies a bunch of timothy '
brought in yesterday by
Council Proceedings.
At tlin List meeting of the city'
Hacl Kirke.
ckt.ditou'.s maxxl l
On Tuesda y. July 18th. 1S82. at o'cTk l
ite Wails A
llhiir. Iwnll
"Hazel kirke, the play which, , r. M -, tju. ijtiilcliiis: opposite V
Mr. O. D.;.uncil of Astoria, Mayor Halm pre-j without interruption, held the '"-SSJevS untillolia
, winch v!rcr
branch store,
o satistv San
stock consists !
i wore, dam-
. dress "goods,
Voun" men hie on John Davs 'siding, a quorum present, a petition jot .uauiaon nquaru nicuci, -"" j fine, new sloe K ol goods,
MW'DAY JULY W.i-N-wcr. Ukchi1 in qiiaiiiy W lV from A. Booth asking permission to; York, for sixteen consecutive month,, j !,1SgjeJ;J1ij(at
- .. -r Jtiinothv 1jv raised 111 Illinois or Iow. 'build a wharf in block lot) mfchively s;aml which, by reason ot its enormous Francisco creditors. The
reenpn twov x-TxiTvrr2 . - ..... .i..z.. .,- .1 .i ...r.-....i ii,.vnn r n.nrir c1t-inf.-f-ii hundred con-. i rticr and sliver plate
..,.., w.o. ...w.w.w.w. una measures .seven teer, oiJtt mc:iys . -- '. " "- " ...... ...... ....... a-k bed .-oreads. tnel
... . .. . . .... ... . .. ...i . i ..... .: ..:.!. ij ....i.-w.i.i thi.t , , . . ....
.uuiiitt7 r..eepiiw. -in length Mr. Yot;u iv that ho I cominiiico on wnaivcs ami niuwiKciuvB .u-ui.-, u.n on. !-.... - ".loves, anaw i, ucwn lumisning goous,
i O " 1 - ! i fiti.i m iiAnL aCiM liil. Ml-mw. -Z1 t 1- , J
M HALLORAN & COMPANY, . in h wuh,tsU frontage. A communication tromibmgeM run nn. record , mil . '-j - ;r;,i;, td' -J
Puum-iikk- wim'itorutKTOi:-.. irof.rc,, to it he:"h im re tlrm Mrs. X.-uicv Welch, iu reuard ;o nit-sat tin- piuco nust .Monday, y me; L,,v afternoon. Tnerewlll be good seats
:,-W,a IMWu . f. laliy oth,r n:tlt llf lhu id,,. There are , lrovis Vot,fi:, Miect w,e read and.nuuKd company. No other' play for; ES
' il.niw-iiiiU f .in-.M i.f lniid iin:ibh. of i "led. The .several reports of city: many .-oason has been so wanniyj rnn. Thwe gomls imist be sold, and if
r,r,s or ,.. :& ;;;:::,; ."!--f-.i-i- - .- ..,,., , liMSEj&&H
fiTt.vCarrMT. :cmk AiVnM.i..,. -rtll f ,, .ir.i ir :, .. :,nd ivff-rrcd to the pr.tper eoonoir- su5c-:uHy revjveu a chss ..t dramatic Auctioneer-
i v i CTnor
-.t b? awIJ. t.-unaonth?....-
r . J.j- aisU, onn yar -
Vee if Postacc to Subscriber
..... CM
w-rk thai of 5atv eais ha lalten nn-
k-r the dun : nrulr-cr. Tise class 1
j lowest raiciui
All of Zoa" work? at Adler's.
u ,j matter of regret t us that so many t0c
nmnjgrants io bv oi ever; su-JiiMor to i ""'" " ,, 7; . -n -- - ; 1 I
.-4,.,"-.- " "-; "- 'Trl ' .."rr-jrjJzrs i
hMtoriW j.or3.n.arei)crmontb. Jiain. when the finest laud that (Jods neaini ami potu-i-on inepo.icr.iuu-cs, ... -
1 haw removed to th
'..,,,. , , r ..i. ! .11.11 f..i- Mmv v-isii"id ind idiiitid. 'mav lie anl that in n other nlnv of XoveUie-in hon-ehold arliele at j
Lnomcnt adrornsjnR. by thotiny or -ok.;.sun ever shone on lies liere at ("ohun- ; ep)tt i"i .uav, n.isiuui .iuu .iu ijiuu. . ."-.. . . .',(or"-. !
iny cmiU per siunre for each inse'niou. S - ratcwa v '.vailin" for an owner. A majoritj- report from committee on j the same usmte i- thureamoie pure, - ..
rilVxT? rinvV We have always been" of the opinion ways and means will, the city aeorj jnu.1 --implc .-pivit. or a more whoii.. -Kidir.iee.wimiheju'ftt. J
lUll, Oil X. uhat newspapers .should not pubiiBh j and auditor and clerk, and a minority Jaiiiiu .s.vmpailo. It is a eonventiiMial . cnildronMti:.-at 3Irs. Dcrbv's. i
Kill iV mi; Wrosc-tinteo- accounts l then- tu.try J report uomv,.!:ci...w... ...... .w ......... .....,v ....... ., , .. -What is nicer on a warm dav than a
tuaJatlTtccnU a month, frcccf posiaoc Head
tr nhu CHiiUmplaleabvncefrom the city can
li.wv Tmi: Astoiiiav fnlliiir tltcm. Daii.Vi
VHi:Ki.vr4ioioanjii0i.!-ofVf!irih.i under false pretences, and for that
;n the emle-ivv: indue iiiin'irnion-af. referre-1 the assessment roll for! one. l'erhaps its wrongest claim to nsli of that exquisitely "vc
!lif too much like obtaining goods ! 1S82. together objections and novelty lies in llu skill in which the w-am that Frank Falire makes
uui tuUiitiunnl expense. .liMrfw wiajtei reason Wt r.trelv
?ui:igcd cut often t riirft. .iK 'tnlrre at
tti c-miiHr.o room.
c-Ul attention to
more than
ivored ice t
apjdications for reduction thticoti, deeper feelings are so handled as to pnrties wishing groceries, provls-
iven- read, and on motion of Uouncil- avoid the usual (jloment of evil intent. i'iS or nierchapdise of any description,
, ' x. . . ! . ... - . tl , ,VM t should leave their orders with A. Van
man Dement otmg on the report j there is no viliatn in the play. " '"- Duscn & Co. as they nre preoared to de-
--. fact, that for fertility of s,il. health- j was postponed till tho next regular ever of wrong or suffering it depicts jjSJJJJ in jny part of Ihe city on
p, . ,. , , ... .- FnliipRo of 'oi'alitv vir erou- jnd I meeting 01 me if.uocn. uic u-kiu ansvs out oi mi-uiiieu jiurjnj-jci i
flie Limine arrived down at U.4.JI,unc&s '" "t-auiA. .i iojj.-., mm - , . . . :
l i lie omiiiiiin'e was rrau, jihu uu inivcr om i nmiivt's m uiumwuri j
las t night.
; abundant harvests this count iy
The Oregon will be don io-day. j( (Rict of bml yJu m
Shi goes to Bca this afternoon
The State of California ia duetto
day, with 127 cnbin pas?enger.s. She
will hardly make the dock before
2:J0 .. m.
Service at the Methodist church
to-day at the usual hour.. Sunday
school at noon.
l'resbytotian chinch: preaching
by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 :'M
p. m. Sunday school at noon.
.Mr. John Hocers of the Central Mar
i ket, ha-, made arrangements to keep al
without an equal in the I Tnited States, "lotion the ivcfunmendation wasldark or impure. Its appeal is thus i h, tine-t fresh fish, etc., In their season!
'. tr .. r !.... ,... ..n..l.l
ivaiiMis or ioia, iiui-ii iiuui ,Mm
raise four and live tons of hay to tho
acre, where he could raise stock and
got cash for it ten nuhw from home,
where he need never have to winter
his animals; where he could get ton
cents a quart for all his milk, and
j forty cents a pound for all his butler;
the laud would be snapped up a.s soon
na the title deeds could be made out.
We regi-et to be obliged to saj thai
ithe trail of the serpent is over ibis
Uav. L. V. Walters will preach potion of the people's heritage: there
in the Congregational church to-duy at cJo,ul cal,wl 'TI,t' -'si Ij'1
Orant." tliat hangs over this country;
'i it. ..t .- .: . i....i.,-..
II11U lll.:il lllil iwi'- l.lin Minuuiij
112! ....
'i-lnini won L bill Id.
nl.nn iv-it t 'n A stA n I nrl IIOYI Sllllil.ll I ...
1 " . '' (jutsh; the set
tne -oa Jue nonce win oe"iveu
11 a. m., and 7:! JO i: 3i.
-The now 31. 12. church at this
of the ceremonies.
and won't lelin-
ler" are between the
devil and the deep sen, and till .such
i time as a man kims where he i-, 'tis
. The Hazel Kirke company are on j probable that the tide of immigration
to-day's .steamer. They play here. I will go by Clatsop county and break
and will, we are assured, give a crcd-'upou the Cascade range.
itablc performance. t
- ' A Busy Institution.
-A new channel 'has been discov-, 7 7.,,
in our upper .storia travels e
dropped in yesterday to see the work-
ol'.lM.N WKs.
,. '
made directly and eohtinuously to the
'"eneroua side of nature. Whatever
An ordinance entitled "an ordi-j emotions it touches are puro and true.
nance to repeal section 1 of ordinanco
No. 4'lo," was read nnd passed under
suspension of the rule.'. An ordi
nance entitled "an ordinance to regu
tiie erection of a private wharf on
and in front i.f block K0 in Shively's
Astoria, was read and passed under
snspi-usiiin of tho rulo-.
Its lessnn is directed against pride and
elf-will; but so gently is it taught,
and with so much tenderness, .o warm
an interest, and so pretty a stor of
love, that it glides into the heart al
most unconsciously.
fie', your .seats
Three .scow loads of dry llr, spruce
limbs, and bark. Just received and for
sale at Crav'sdock.
M.AIM-. l
The following claim agiiiiM thoj
c:t were ordered p-:id: T. J. Urod-J
....:-i. c .rt. ti..,. i ...,. ...... r.;.i
Atndt A- Kerchen, SM.So; Daniel
Whipple, .ot.ot; E. 1!. llaue.s, t.7r;
Tiu.s. Log:in, $7". The following
claims were referred: I". (.'. Xorris,
Si'; .1. Y. Jlallonin A Co., .Il.oS; i tug.
The cur will be ei-owned Sejd.
The Tilhmok eauip meeting begins
It has now be.-n discovered that
Uilly Patter.-on was si ruck by lightn-
Citas. Stevens it .on have for sale
ami are agent-, lor the new Singer ev
inn machines.
lee for s;Ue at the Occident Hotel.
I our entiie .stock of mouldings and
irauie-. oi an Kimi", onicKCus anu waji
l Carl Vdler'sto- iockets. also a lot of other goods, will
lir. r.l.I nl i.-v.-f ..I tli.i ' ii, I nl Cn..
- .-i..l .w L'ni .11 IIIU . IIJI JJ.IIIX. .7K.ll
for t he next thirty days.
CirAS. STJ'.vKXft & So.v.
ered in the Columbia from Tongue
Point to Earmington Peint: Capt.
Gregory starts at sir this morning to
buoy it,
The time of the excursion by the
Cen. 3filc3 to-day is clmngod to leave j
at 8:30 a. ai. instead of 10 a. m. This
will give all more time and accommo
date through passengers.
ings of P. F. 31ead'.-. .-siablishsiient.
and found it a veritable beehive of in-
j industry. His sawmill employ.- a large
force the year tound, and at thl- sen-
son of the ye.w he is fairly overrun
with orders, being obliged to increase
his force and work overtime. At pres
ent he is busilv engagrd in manufac
turing boxes, and when in full blast
his factory can turn out one thousind
finished boxes per day. Attached to
ihc mill is a. drying-room -.there, by
an ingenious arrangement of steatu
pipes, sawed lumber is thoroughly
dried before being nailed together in
boxes. Like all the other Aitoria saw
mills, 3Ir. Mead's trade is purely local,
-Portland papers delightedly an
uuounce that they will have Herdics
in thirty days. They are a great
convenience to our citizens here, and
we are glad to ice ,that Portland
ivill also havo them.
-Look out for chauge in the
Canby's time. Commencing to-mor
row tho General Canby will loavc As
toria al seven o'clock a. m., on 3fon-
days, Wednesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays .
Six business blocks in Colfax, "W.
'P., wero burned last Friday: but a
few buildings on Main street were left
standing. Full reports havo not been i
received, but it is believed that thejj. Vsr.nsi .v
town is -ajwhes j , sec you ghe lhll irrton, .w:itl.r
The Rritish bark Jas. G. l.ain, c-mpany" a rap now and iheu m your
Mockler master, which left Liverpool j lPt'1"
January 21st, arrivod in 3'estcrday
J. W. Gcarhari, -14.7S; t.'. H. Stock-
ton, S120; Jas. Tavlor, .lo; TI103. j
iJealey, -Slo; G. V. JTnbisou, $11.10;
T. J. .McClannahan. $44.10; 3fra.
O'Urien. ?20, and minor claims
for witness fees.
The certificate of Jas. Tavlor, Thos.1
Dealey. and 3Irs. O'P.iien. lor repair
ing We-r-Hth street, and tho eeitificate.
of J. "W. Gearhart, for work done on
Water street, were ro fin rod the
committee on .street and public ways.
'We'll shake once more for the
quinine." as the ague said to ihe vic
tim. The public debt was reduced du--ing
the month f June over $512,000.
000. Of the Knglish-sptsikiug people RJ.
o00,000 are Roman Catholic-, and
.19,000,01)0 1'rotcstp.nts.
A Pittsburg (Pa.) firm hai iccured
ja patent for ulass shingle-, and pro-
And have, Without a Single Exception,
i The Finest and Best Arranged Store in Qretoa.
New Goods Received by Every Steamer in
All the XiatMt Stylos and ITowltU
Call and Inspect Stock and Get Prices "Whether -You
Purcliase or Not.
No ttoublc to showyooih.
Fresh ice ercam ever dav at Frank
lnhre. Families .supiilicil in any
quantity by leaving order. .Uso tho
iinesl ojsters cooked to order. Frank
l'abres oy.-tet and ice cream are known
everywhere as par excellence.
Ask to see one of those patent feed
ers at Foster's,
-If 3 on want ice cream that is fcui
yrci), go to r rank I- aure s.
No more good weight at the Orient
Uaths. Three first-clas barbers. All
work guaranteed. Childrcns Imir cut
tint: a siecialt . J. (J. Ciiaktkks.
On iiH.tio,, of Cuneilman Taylor, thejP" to nufacturc the.u.
auditor and clerk wa- iiictmeiri in
uottfv' the chief of poheu to noilfv the
A Florida ailtirator which was killcl
tho other da.vhad an empty two-quart
police oHiccra that they must be out jug in itr. stomach. Alligator m-vcr
Ihcir beats more promptly, and not I -stop tu measure their dnnus.
congregato in me part 0: the city; Two hundred Siuiix at Koscbud
also to furiiteh council with the Hhl ef: Agcnc3', iccentl.y voluntarily surren
dilteront beats. tn motion of Conn- dered their arms, and requested that
cihnan Gr.i3 ihe auditor and clerk wa.s they be Kohl for the bandit of the
instructed to notify the lamplighter j tribe.
and beach cleaner that they must at-: Th t E , ,Ub ,
... 1 -..-..I., i !...: .i..i:.. '
icmi mure smciy iu men uiiiicn , w:lfilftli : rtlft i,.,!.,,,. ,ut f.,,,,,,1
he beiufj unable to fill rder.s for the
immediate vicinity a fast as they streets and public uay.s. On moti.
come in. His mill is one of ihe insti
tutions of upper .Woria, and is appreciated.
Me Tco.
Aviouia, Oregon,
July 1:1. 18S2.
afternoon. Tho British bark Lance
Geld, Dak! 11 master, hIro arrived in.
They both sailod in over tho bar.
-Eric Johnson came up on tho
Columbia last evening. He reports
the Wolfe omtside. She is a now
British bark, Reid master: left New
York January 2d, aad arrived at
Guaymas Ma' loth. She is in ballast.
Dr. Baker returned from -up-river
3-eBtorday afternoon. When he got to
Portland it was , at tho Cascades
103, at The Dalles 10(', so having got
that far cast he concluded such a
rising scalo of temperature was too
Interviews with twonty-one- can
nerymen, yesterda', from Tongue
point to Tanzy point, amount io the
ono general statement, viz: the salmon
are running very light; tho usual July
run has not yet mado its appearance,
and that should tho usual run come in
tho last da3's of Jul and tho first da'.s
of August, the pack may apprroximate
last season's figures.
The nmltT of improving Astoria
street was refeired to committee on
of Councilman Gnvy, the vote upon
the reports 01 majoril and minority
reports on the assessment roll for
JS82, together with the objections and
applications for reduc'ion thereon,
was reeoiifidercd . hi mutton of
Councilman Dement the matter of re
ceiving Ihe majority and minority
wanting. In other words, -he .started
for Alaska, but did not make the
"A veptilaishuu," says Josh P.iil
ings, "once broken, ina possibl' be
reunited, but the world will nlwus
keep their evs on the spni where tho
j kraek was."
- 0
The doors uf Dr. HaH's eliuivh.
Xew Vork, are loekod fts fui as li.
Fnsh fiutl received at 0. A.May's by
eer--teanier. No stale trash. Kvery
variety of Oregon and California fruit
aIuasou hand.
Stevens & S.'m have their store
crowded with new ood.s, all marked In
plain figures,
1 "has.. Stevens and Son have a stock
of mouldings and moulders tools which
can be bought cheap tor cash to close
otii that branch nf the business.
Fresh laJTy and caramels every daj
at the A-toria Candy Factory. Main St.
-Uemeinber Frank Fa tire's ice cream.
1: i- par excellence.
-If .ion want pure wines and liquors
of all kind;., go to J. W. Conn's itrmx
lim i);t.. Oeeiih'iit Hotel.
ASTORIA Junft 1, 1332.
1 m gisu someone growls a
little in public; this thing of having
no water is a shame, and i would ask
if something can't be done. Talk is
all well enough, but why don't some
one propose sme pkn lo if: plenty
Thai's just what we waut ti kno.v.
The Way to Do It
Last Wcdncfda3' "ight Win. Baker,
of Portland, was arrested 011 a charyo
of grand larceny; Thursday morning
he was bound over to appear before
the grand jury: Thursday afternoon a
true bill was found and he was placed
on trial. On Friday he pleaded guilty
before Judgo Siott and was sentenced,
and yestci-day morning the sheriff
took him to tho pcnitentia-.
reports on the assessment mil for j begins preaehinir, and Hie mily w.iv a
1882, was set for Wedne-day, July j heathen can get in and -ave his m.uI
PJth, ISS2. On motiwu. eoniicil ni wsli a window.
...,.,. 1 ....
juurne.i to mar ii-ue. Ao ciu 011 tho Pacilie eoat-t is nii.rej Tla.mas Sax ,. IIoau--tirart Application No.
r t I )S0. ir tlie I: !, r ft'.-. iff, T. S X.. It. 8 V.
Unice up tlie whole system with King
of the Blood. See Advertisement.
Call and examine Hum' baby waous
at the City bonk store.
--The -Ahvay.s liaudy" stovepipe
.-hehes at John A. Montgomery's.
I'rcihest and finest cakes, fruit ami
candy at the Astoria eand factorj'.
, You want to get .some of Roseoe's ice
cream tenia': fresli made and nicely
Dickens" works, line edition. only 25
cent- at Adler-.
lev.:m(er lmnias' works al Carl
Ad lev'-,
M. MEYER PrprltorA
Less Quantities, 30 Cents psr QaUon
Bottled Beer, SI SO per Dossn
Special attention fsid to orders from Public Houses and Families.-'
-Orlers telt at the UKKMANIA UKKltJ 1IAU. will be promptly 'atteettetl to.
I AXIiOFFICi: NOTICK Land Office st
l)-?nn. l'il. Or.''(iti..rmiM 12. !&?
X.'tits-isli.T.-li eii-ulliat tho follow in
uaini'ti seti liasiilcd iiotlceiu'liisinleiitiun
lo iu:.KaBn priHifin siiiiport of his claim.
aal lh.iaiil pn.-.if w ill be made h.-rore the
Ceaiit. ( Wk o!Clniopenuiil. at Astoria.
oieuuji, tin iiicaa. ,iui is. ns xuz-
j favorably situated topographically r : lh. ,-iaVlHS ;,,".. roffottiW wirne's,e; 'to
Oyster Saloon,
LIST OP JURORS. .... ....-..!., .-11...UV.1 ...lM...i.l(ii..i1i, .... H,. naiiiislli-tiillottiiic to provu - hji
. u iH-rfect system of drainage than i.i .-oiiiiiiiioiis i--IUrn.jt- !. a'-'J, euhha-
i ci..i li.u-j.iilriwii in -i-i-vc-is iti-1 I li"ti of.saiij taint. uz II. hioop, and Lizzie .. r
J- mi I, K V?i "nt to-i!J l! of Ih.lffi-1 "alla Walla. --". II'. Stnte,i. J llii-ll . Kabi.J:.mes E. unwise -Vto And '
r,,,.r;lt - li ci.'i ,fi s ffi. . . , ., , W. 'JaHrtiuii i.f WesliMirl. all or, v.w...
eiiit Court 01 the blatis oi Un-gon, tUTut, tut: von -liouid navel. ' 11.1-1,11, ., . On-oa. OSf:::-s.
the County ol Clatsop : drawn by A.. M., " 1 ,..J,t ' L.T. KAKIX. itcsNter.
Twombly..She,iH.aiid I:. It. .SiMnlden.. The new Silsby engine f..r Walla r t v.. ..t,v,r..- v .,.Z ,,o-. ..
riiu: tTNi)i:twicixr.o is 'it
JL aari'un' tu ttie pnM!; tbat Ur kes op
ened a
jElet-Cixiv Souse ,
fmnishes In ttist-cla-.- -ttvle
County Cleik. ... .. , ...
OceiipaHiin. lli-ldcnce.l """ "" " "" '" -" "'u""
Knap pa.
Yesterday was a hot dayfor
Astoria 80 in the shade; people
sought the shad3' side of the street,
ico cream, lemonade, and fans, wcro
in demand; some Portland arrivals
walked around with overcoats on and
called for ginger ale; when the Lur
linc came in last night, upon tho faces
of tho heated excursionists there was
a look of glad surprise.
A Valuable Cargo.
The Edwin Reed, which cleared on
the 13th from the Astoria custom
house, has on board a cargo valued
at $227,010. Of this, salmon to tho
amount of 208,41 0 was loaded at As
teria: the balance of S10,200 was
from Portland and other p.ints in the
Since tho publication "of that
puzzle last Thursday it has been tried
and worked at by old nnd young; wo
have been told that it was impossible,
and not having :m opportunity to
work al it, didn't know. II. E. Nel
son has solved it, also A. P. Anderson;
'tis simple enough whuti you see how
it is done.
I. N. Foster.
A. Juiapp
Isaac Bergman, F.ulehcr. Astoria.
CarlAdler, Merchant,
John Enberc. Cauucr, l". Axloria.
B. C. Kindred, Farmer. Clal.sop.
F. P. Hicks. Dentist.
II. Carnahan. Farmer.
John llobson. " Canner,
Frank Althaber. r at mer.
R. L. Jones.
S. B. Barrow-.
E. C. Crow.
Francis Hill.
John Wilham-011
T. 11. Foss. Logger.
0. 1. Young. tanner,
Fred. Bartolde-, Fai mer.
George Bender.
linb'i Cm-nil hers Teamster
Howell Lewis, Farmer. John Day's.
C. W. bhively. Astoria. i
Wui. Tarrau:. Fhstercr,
F.N.B.Md, Farmer, Clatop.
R. J. Morrison,
O. IS. Wirt,
John Loomi-,
C. Vr. Hambliu, Carpenter. A-lom
W. J. Franklin, Farmer. Clatsop.
Statk or Oiu:(jox. 1
County of Clatv.ip.
l3'theriat ear on which ii was placed
! running off the track, it cost 4000,
I ami lies in sixty feet of water.
L. & Clark,
L.& Clark.
John Da .s.
Astoria, Clark.
Tho American ship Inxjunis, rU'.O
bins, and H. 5?. Oregory, 2f20 tons,
have finished discharging e.inofts of
railroad iron ni
load there
sroirmiD m- ?2m
r AN1 OFnCK Ofiiee at
1 j l)rc;oa City, Oroion, Juu 12, 1852.
Kiiliou i hereby civon that tho tollowinsinji
immod cPitlorhofiletl noticoof his intentior
tu inr.ko sinal proof in support of his claim,
and that said nnmf will be made bofore the
I County Clerk or tlatMip county at Astoria,
i Oregon, on .Mom lay. July 17. lcS2, iz-:
l-ettliiiaiiil hoistuer. I'recnnition 1. S. Xo.
.".-24, Tor the lots 1 and 2 or See. 1-t. T. 8 K Y
'. ". lie uaiiios ihe following witnesses to
prove lus ronihmuus residence unou. and
cultivation uf. said land, vi. : I. V. Uuni-
.siile.C. It. Ualu. .1. C. Adams, and O. O.
on :u Novy Taoiii.-i and will Ymin.allof Astoiia.Clatsop.eountyOregoii!
v .'.i w 11 u- 1: i . i '- IT. IJAltlX.l.egister.
k with nulla Walia wheat. I n
"How many days in Jun-if siid
the teacher. Kvery little fellow be
gan to count. "The fourth, eleventh
ninth and sivth have thirty ib-.s to
each a Hived," and a ehom-, shoiiJ
In ft1auis Astoria.
i jecsi: 0x1: sTony and a half.
IX 11a- .-IK rwnns, wood-shed, ehicken-
uou-e, eie.. anu a net pr-ianing, ltvins spring
of fKl wutrr on the lot. Price. $850. Loca-
tioa. aiMiiit ciuiu inunues walk from I'ost
ofikv. Applvio 110. 1IOLDEX,
jfG-i f Real Rstate Aent.
Udi.and Bent's Oyster Sa. QR THEB100D ISTHE LIFI
t Make a-v of the V'CKCtable Klajdota. Abso-
Pu-ac ifive rae a ealL
ftOSCOK DIXON, Proprietur
In Paraguay every gentleman iutro-l For Sale. J
mwl If. m liile iu nr-i.-.fnl f. I m,.- .. -. ivn ,.,., ,v.-.. I
........ .. .. ....... ... . ..r. V.V- ,-. ui.i riinw .vt ui.-i ui 1..1.M'. ttuil Uii.-1
liie If ilnt -ww flu. .Mihfmo In iliJ-i - Mo, hoiw, situate within GuO feet oft
.Iici. it ,et. the oifttom m thi j v. hartal Cathlamet. Washington Territory,
1 country 3uie girls wouldn't hive a . Cl1!? '1,J ,,,,.',
! ,, . . . , . , ,n' "' f 'ami. with two-story houso
. VUll'lit.Ut . I ( i till VU ill lit" J It 'II iM.
JL you that I have leinnved mv Drcs
making rooms
FroBChraaiuus St. lo Cass St..;
Xet door to Tuk astorzan ofllce. I !
thank the ladies for their liberal palroni'ge.
Homes For Fishermen.
lutely the
For the
Miautl umiI llvri- MpUlJlt4.
Sew r mid MUU,
Ver. ASHr, !f9?9i, rte
10 J
kldnry an a Hbidder Wfaw.
Chraalc SkXm TtmmMt
and Kfcgniatiw.
jTJtey'd always forget having met the
, .;. ......
i.-.imi uui acre?, wnn anu two
i,i n 1... :..i....,i ....-1. wood wharfs. Frontase one-halt mllo on ! fE llliXUKKU iiLlJ.uuu low ai
.hu, au. ..!. ...W..U....CII c.cii Commhift,.h.orPO ,.,,., vr Auction. Plenty or water
I hereby cert if that the iorcgoimx isj
time thev nu t her.
j Cuhuiibia River :K)acresaldcrland on placo:i vr Auction. Plenty oi water, mca sou.
situate one mile rroiu above wharf. iTiceihnirably adapted for vesetable eardeas j
.-i.ffl. AU situate in tho newly surveyed A illnso or .
lUch soil . circulars.
Has Stood the Test
For pai ilculars and testimonials from weli
known teopl In our Stat read locate on4
1. pr StU.
. 1 - . s ft i.iwLAni m ihAHArhupn vir .r ifnnnri 1
sVrv !? hAAule AiSleSu. k I The war department u pivparing to-, cZSX ?$?T To insme a cure take six lets forgot,
S?lPClftXSrtofl the Prosed new of : ",. 'd-wln, VJf iVTS&g.: Vour dstkceandrecomraerKlslr.
gon'for the County of Clatsop ,icivin" alarm of annroachin- hbrnns "' ' , 7 ' ' Ternls Tor! ivmcSnd day ofale wilt ! Ask for, and .ve that you get the gemune.
w inie-s my iiauu unu mc .-t.".- ;. - - , nuiiuc. nuiy announceu. ... w
Fm:al of said Court, this 14th day of by finng cannons at towns roachod milEDIRECl'ORS OF SCHOOL District . Forfwther particular- and twanunnuon r NOtiCev
I11IJMRS2. . . . 1,-fpWranl. a, , ! i:. J-, . 1. will meet as r Board of Kqualiza- recornea piai,ippiy m n ..
R.R. SPEDDEX.CierK. " n c -' uoa. io exanutie the Assessment Roll 01 sata j ...., , --, V.--Y ". "-
mirth sav.i. It is to Iih b.iw.,1 n.i District, on Tuesday. July 25th. 1S2. at thai
Eleventeen hundred and eleventeeii j.i1B cam,,,,, -'fired at towns" wilt ht' Uv order of tlioBoani of Directors.
of the newest and most iMpular novels , , . ... .,,. , M . , j. o. UUSTLKK. CTers. . relieve
atAdler's. - j loaaea witu noimng out powuer. Astoria. July isth. 1S32. dtt Bronohltls
i,,ntinn..n.i.iTlii tvtnin iim! -L may concprn mac my wiie. tthi t
' " ; Stoao, bAvInjc left my bed and board wrthaw
cIIA.. fr-pr "Trill imTuprf'ntcK-'. just cause or prOTOCatiou, iwiu not be-re-bHILOUn
CLJ.C WUI im.TUeUaU.l . nci.lft in futim for mi r iteht thai-mn-
;"... VAinir Zr fi -spouslbloln future for anv debt? that qy
Croup, whooping cough and t beeontracted by her. W. I BTOSJt
tls. Sold by W.J&L. Dement I Astoria, Julv 7th. 1882. tf