w I " ASTOKTA- O2CEG0X I 4. F. 1HLIOKAX i;:flfir ' loiicu-iimciu iis'"'- , Ox the .steamer wlucn ai rivo.s i Concealment Impossible. UOWll iii'iuunuv. is a jjj j-oui-r in i charge of a California marshal,! who committed a murder in Butte i .. : :, : county Cal., just three years ago. j llis partner was captured, tried and ' sent to Sau Queiitin; the man in i question Keefer fled, and under' an assumed name herded stock; n eastern Oregon. Eut a few days ago he went to Portland, and while there got communicative, and "gave himself away." He was held, and upon Yoik Kundels ar rival from Chioo, was identified as the murder. So that his own lips at last convicted him. A detective declares that men will talk and give themselves awa . If they .could only hold their tongues they would be safe. An American esscl was mysteri ously set on fire and abandoned; but the fire was smothered, and it was afterwards found that her cargo, "which had been insured for large sums, was fraudulent all the way through, the wine casks being filled with water, etc. The sailors swore that thf1 hatches had been closed, and there being no other way of getting into the hold the cauo of the firebaiiled ovcrybody. But the captain and mate soon be gan to talk. The mate was given to understand that the captain had made confession, so he was in a hur ry to tell all he knew to get out of the scrape himself: and with the mate's confession to show thf captain there was no difficulty in bringing him out. The tiling was so well contrived, if thee men hnd not ghvn it :! v it could ui'ver have bon foiled out. hi thej cook's gailer , undM each of the four feet of the .stive, they put a round b!oc!c of wood, jus if to raiv the -tow. Under one of these blocks was u hole, opening directly into the hold. Under the hole was a lot of inflammable stuff, well soaked with turpentine. One day, while the cook was out of his galley, the captain and mate raised the stove, took havjv the block, dropped a lighted match through the hole", and the lire was started. These two men not only talked themselves into prison, but put their employer into a pretty scrape. And so it is in many cases. There seems to be an uncontroll able impulse in a criminal's heatt to sometimes" voice his dreadful story, and though, in general, the" confession is deferred to dm lust moment of the yrrctch's life, J he pent up feeling of concealed .ruilt is too strong for disci etion and " overmasters even' fear. In New York, as elsewhere, there are man goorl ladies, who, havinp; no children, being out of want, and weary of pets, naturally try to play at philanthropy. One of them, Miss Corson, has founded a "school of economic houselceep .ins." Site has also published a book, wherein she dcmonsliates that three persons should be able to have a comfortable dinner at a cost of not more than fifteen cents. uatmeal, nee anu soup enter lanrelv into her cuisine. A stone mason beihe seized with an eco nomic fit, determined to try -her plan, with the result that at the end of two weeks his employers discharged him as being unfit to do his day's work. The emaciated mechanic now brings suit against Miss Corson, and she, poor lady, finds herself in the possession of more notoriety and embarrassment than she can bear. aoRX. At Enappa, Oreson, July wtli to the wife of Mrs. EUa M. Davis a son. NEW 10-DAY. XETI.CST. ON XIGHTOF 12th JULY, IN PRAIRIE Channel 4 miles above Tongue Toint 1W fathoms 40-13 Barbour'fi thread, 10 mesh deep, cotton line. Part of corks branded W.I. P. Co. Lead marks inside J& M. Finder will be rewarded by gh Ing Informa tion to B. Ostraad, at Jacksox & AlrEES Station, Tongue Point, FOE SALE. A.M0D1T odukx built iiousn oy ri vi: teoms.wlth Lot sa by 50 fee. Bay ovvs, eu. For farther information anil I windov prifc impure of I " i A. BOUT Su FATHOMS OF -J3 MJS.i . :7i". '. ii. Floats branded I. I. II.. found on or J abtmt 4tli Inst. Cmibrjuodbr oi)Pr.i)iiilv. ;: her.- ami pa; ins ehaigc-.. j - llr'ORi IfAllEOU. V..T. i ? EXCURSION!! -JTT5 AX3 .W-r JI 31' i gi tiisjX-, Steamer Gen. 31iles. Will leave G ray's Wharf at lO a iu SUNDAY JULY 16, 1832. Fori jHtt'Vc'jtw, 1'ort Oanby ami I Invar o. Reluinhig.wdl leave Ilv..ial 1:3) : ' Fare fr lhe Ilimnt! Tjrip - - - :-:. J..II. I. HAY. Agent nnf-f'o8ieain Navigation . set roxT.vs. July loTii. oxc 1'inci: nit mai:ki:i) li. I'. C Ownpr csm Im the saim l . calling Jit JJay View Station and nujiiiK chHi-es. L'H. SAG EX SET I.OST. On the night of the 1211), oil Tongue Point, about 70 fathoms net, -s." jueah. part BHrhoutitnrtScoto) twine; lloatb marked .1. M. O. Finder will leae it :it C. C. Coin pan net iafks. 3t .1. M. Ori.x. set foi;xi. ABOCT 100 FATHOMS -jn"SI! M:r: corks branded W ; lead, .1 . W. On : er can have the same by calliu-; on A. Itonih & Co. and jm ing charges. ummons. TN THCCIRCUrTCOUltTOFTHK .--TATi: X ttl Orcuon, lur Clatsop Comity. teiac lcrniaii and A W JSi-irv, I'JJts. i, Ciiailes IaM:o.v. Dflt. State of OiCfeon. CvnnU oi Chuop :s To( Siailrslji:,hcatit' nam'l de fendant. In lhtMiniuenf the Mate I Oreso't. jrm aw hereby ie!iiieil t app?a- :u:d aiiswer theertinpfaint of thealfc naiiietl iilatntills tiled aral'i-l n: in the atoe entitled touit niitl e.mse on or hefore Hip lirst dav .f the nevt rc3i1.11 ten.i of -:n court folIiujnj't!: puhiUvran henof. ;li.-i day sn 'I ! iv. t the lir t oay uAiiiM, 1--2. and .f tou j. ii vi in appear am: atis.t r. Hie piaimiiii v. n apply to the eourt for the relief deinmdii 1 nielli eoinpl'dut, to viJ : ji:di.M-nr "fti Hib suMot tuehe Inuiil.od 'o!lar-., U.S. j;ol.1 enn and interest theitoa since the isUh dav 1 coruary. l&Sl.atllie n.io of ten per cent per annum ami costs and lottiireiii(id of this suit. Also a decree of mrecnMiieof n niortjrage on. and sale of I ton. p-rte! 1 1 l.'i-n jnnaisop uonuiy. uivon, i'& t.'.M.t .-. V Ij. fT ilf "I '! a -" f ? '.. V.i. .1,1. rtte meridian, and for '.Kli iier u' . ' shall he e'luhanle. j 1 mi -uinmnn3i sen ti nsis on 10 1.110. 1 Ikittioatlicronf In pur'jnteof:m r.ider if j the linn, ltalclsrh Stmt.. Ttid. ol the :do..- eia:tI:Mleourldn'e:h.t;tlie same, made the lfith iU of .lime, a. D. lSSi J.Q.A.I50V,'Lr.Y.x d-o s 7t Attoniev for Plaintill Dissolution of Partnership. mnE P.VTiT.NT.RSIIIP IIERI-TOKORK JL -xisiInj: t.elv.een .fohn ?.lov and A. Keller, under the firm name of Jim' & Keller ii tins day dlvohed h inutnal cneiii. AH debts due the Jinn Mill he collected lv John !oy. JOHN. MOV. A. KKLLHIJ. Astoria, OieOll. JlllV 13th. 1S2. A. Tan Dusen & Oo. Wouli jtisi'i-crri i.lv call Tin: attention or tho l'nhl.e to the f.icl that tliey ate Ajjoms for the fo!5nvInc- a;:nj; inat'hines. vi. : The Insrotecl J5'2njer. The While. Tlie Crown Ami The ESiliItl'-e. Winch the y arc selling from $;J3. to1."f. eaeh una HcTy t'oiupetilion. lVrous '.:s!iinu to jiurchase aiahine? should call and inspect ourstoc!: before -mi-chaslngeNewhere, as c guarantee toivc perfect satisfaction as leirds fjunlity .it price. OWE KIGET 0KLY. MONDAYjULY 17. The Madison Square Theater Go. Chas. and Gnla rrohnian. - - rdaiuc rs K.M. Koberts. - At-luiR Manner Mark Thall, .... Asent In the one sreat dramatic triumph of the centuiy. Xou neann'ilso0oth consecutive n'jnt5en tation, ly far the lonsst run on record. This eharmins Comedy drama -will he in tcrpieted iu Its absolute Intexritvand eu tiretybyihe follow in? ditlnjuish"edaitlsts. cjiiuprlsuiK tho greatest dramatic organiza tion etaut. Miss KjBe nisler. Miss Kate 1. Wlon. .Mrs.1. ij.l)aciipuil. Miss AU Oilman, , . iliss Terle nudlri Mi. Uair Ijee, Mr. C. . Couldck. Mr. Frank Weston, Mr. Chas. Bowser. Mr. W. B. Cahill. Mr. Edwin MilM-fii. Mr. rrank Ctilfas.. J3?"Ilazel Kirke goes home to every heat t. The advisability of securing seats foit!:- vnu is Miry lespccuuuy suggested xte ihii .TuWitc .mZ T rt.M pany using an eaurescolscericryr" """" 5SSeats can be procured at Aider's Book Store without extra charge. ADMISSION, --.. sico J. IT. JD. GRAY, Vho!csalo and ictall dealer In. alt. jlixds of;j?jrijd, f Unu I1n4 Ol..i. Uf.I Va.. SSaj, uai, OlfdW, WUUU, Clo, ticneraisiorajreana vviinrfnirn on r?ioin - nhle rerm.1 .,.t r rar7 T ll-T" 1 Orexon. - ....... . vv. VH.VWVU 3UCCI, rtSlUUH ftl2iJJi;-K- i, l-V'WJJ.-'SL. U.IXJJUI D. A. "ftjr T TCT FT- fc Q XT SWi p. 5 i 3 5J "I i&- - - "- -? KTT. -r J. aj ilRitf ?:-t '. V If t infllPH ;,( I ;: i Ms M iT TiH tw ..-' a t tw uu us- jrfjvuwuKMiiaD i Worsted Suits, I Pique Suits, Diagonal Suits, I Gasslfiiers Suits, 3 j Tweed Suits, I Oastor Suits, I Flannel Suits, AM TkV.W "ois E t-fcftirfirmtiasaoicjrv 1 1 i n-vwiMiill an u.foaio Assoiroinvr or INECIK'WAB wijWt s ::om the FAcrom. KID CLOVES, sorr AM) STIFF Ai Tl S IK A. jIcINTOSH. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Oeei1er.t lilocLr. BOOK STORS! ' P The l.irji ,; viw k of Jij Dlitrt: Hovtis ami Statioury 'Slif- " Of eer t!esenj:ion. iinn--3 -btnd liok. lid -. JVmJvI IS W C'-i WoiLs. AUiMii Hid ISJWyFosiili-s a rr.ll and eiit.ei feras nI o.-k if eer thlo hm::iP. 'SsiJ kept in a u11 res'iinted lto..k rtoM. Also, nev.s de?Mt and .tgi nry lor eve 1 r.-r and s'iio.'.Ie.i! :4i''.I-!nd. Carl Adlcr's Music ?tr. C3&rzr tz& ex-5 res "-. V Pianos and Organs. Of all makes ejiu;tantly on h.iml. AW a full mock ot VIOLINS, GUITARS, RAX JOS, AC CO KDilONS. CON CKUTLNAH, HAliMONICAS. FLUTJCS. Also a l.i-ge .stock of tho l-st or VIOLIN AND GUITAR STItlNGS, S1IEKT AlUSIC, AND .MUSICAL JNSTRUjn-INTS, As well as rtervtuln: else lielonnhiv to .a Tlist Olass MnsSe Su 7 J'iuiosand ()isiusdd on ::i.-iot.thl m sLtlliRcnt plan, or for rem. CARL ADLE R'SVAR ETY STORE C5C-J W atehes, Ckcl.s and Jew elry. Newgvds by ceiy fdcaiuer. The public an invited 10 examine my stock and prices. CHHNAMUS ST.. - ASTORIA. OREGON Dairy Farm for Sale. I :i!it instructed by Mr. (!. V. Coriinben , to oiser for sale his finely-located fann" ON CLATSOP I-LAIXS. It eon--Lts of 1G acres of excellent pasture laud which, with the adjoining cattle range, Is capable of supporting TO head of Mock the ear round. Eight ncirs fenced and 6 acre utidei enl t nation. ritirst X-scSii'iile f'nntfn on Ihc l'lalus Aim several bearing fruit trees, lhuicli is protected by nshig ground and timber be tween it and the ocean, from all heavy winds and storms. House Centniuins: : Itoonis. Shire-room, milk-room, barn, stable, wagon shed. te.. etc. Tlds valuable fann is situated lis mllos south from Point Adams' IJgnt Hoiw.aml if anplfctl for soon will be sold at a very low- figure, Mr. Cofflnbcm- being old and desirous of letlrin" imm i-."inr 1? ' "l...:u. .:it n-te sale.befqre the first of or at '10 ,iro,,ny W,H "e rti,,w,M'a Pnblir Auction. Till Indisputable, Tor further pa-tieidars E. 0. H0LDEET, 1f Ucal Estate A?cnt. To Whom It May Concern. THE NOTICE IXTn::AsTORi.xOPTnK Sill Inst. resardhiP' nn Hiccniiit;n ..r I ir1 '"if-V; "-"I'oeivreen .1. t. Korcher and Ann.nn. LI.. I. 7 --. rfv.M.wfc. v. G eo. F. M. Collund w-as inserted without my ,1;nov;'edge or consent. As soon as J.T. ltorchciswill settle witlune. and undertake ii. iiVii.;.i ?VlAie i:"u mc' u,t undcrtaki tho liabilities of tho Arm with consent of In 1 torocrmi niniu Ti.i.i. v:LT,..rvi...-?. I ri.rA'.r '" A3"-ii os.wujinKicaisspiTe I UdllUCXJUIJ. I4KII w AI POTTIICn lw-k. - -S3 v. v 1 2-SsTSvvTr iOCKci anu lauie 1 utiery, f? k$ai:w Notions and Tos, 3 w Pictttw Frames and I'limnm. yVs . Vg Babv Carrl.iges, :i complete a-i--s,-asS('.rtmi lit. f mrvsm cf, aj jryr Thesossuoat ee y3 , . , t PliSi 5 ifi xxmz.rr-.::wzT-zm -. -t ,: ss, kl. h: Asmr j TWO D00K3EAST;0F OCCIDENT. B. 13. FBANKL 5 N, UNDERTAKER, 2rit s-ii I ' di' &d Corner ('.is- and Squemoiihf Mreets, ASTOKIA. .... Oltr.UON' I1KM.I It IN WALL PAPEK AND VINDOT? SHADES AMI U X DEllTAKEltS GOODS. GOOD REASONS WHY Ol7 SHOl I.D I l PR0FESS0S SCOTT'S ttr.xovxnn ajstsjas? .x MAGrio .:bj&.:5l:ss: BECAUSE it cures Toothache in one minute BECAUSE it cures Ncnralgi.i tn one minute, BECAUSE it does not decay the Teeth. BlX'AUsE It cures Nervous Headache. BECAUSE It cures Tic Pohniro iu one una- ute. P.ECALSE it curs all swellings of the Uaiv in fiom one to six hours. BECAUSE it always leh'.'v e pud ofti u cures , iMs.JSLJkM Zif. - v. f .(mHMnra-v; V-iJ&'iuf:: sgpgHsrsat i r.-r iv . rrraicT'T tr --ji. jt tJi,! Klieumaiisin. 1 -.-. . -,. -a. .. BECATSE it never laib to relieve all Bodily , OSi.GlE3i. JS-S-X1 A. Paius, BECAUSE it never fails to do its work. 1... , . , .. , . BECAUm: it is eomposeil of Oik, Essences AH the Old Favorites Retained. and Tinctures, 1 tnictcd from Australian Herbs : and, without doubt or contradiction. Is far su- . open all !ic l:r. IViluriu.mre T.v.-ry iteriortoanyMediaineofa .sim-l vs..i., i-m.ii... ..., r t llir character now bffore the' s- Lnxire tuangc or T.o publie. amtuuie Once n Trtorlw BECALSE it is simply foolishness on join. Comprising all the latest part not to use it. if you an 6111 feringpain. SONGS, DANCES AWD ACTS. BECAUSE It has stood the test of public Tr -.,,-. opinion throughout Australia. . We give the Best Africa. India and. fapan. for the . . . , , . BECAUSE :UStliosc-.hou-i it -:pi-alc in the M -HtGI tailiniGni highest praise of i's medieinal , t j. ? Mrtues. -' -y--i-- BECAUSE It IS iiolidr.g moie thin nlnt u,,, theatie is erowded ulghtlj. and all .. ., ...?l)nv?en,0.t'-, . . , who have witnessed the eiitvnalniisent ro- MC.VUM.it eists only .cenU a Io:tle. j no,ince n to be eoual to any given el-ewhere. liay aside your HKeptlelsia and J Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's ulve it a trial. Price SO rents. Sold amusement tan not be excelled. An. body ovorj'tvliere. vvlshing to sjiend :i ple.is.mt evening and rieq:.nci-,.nrs;mf..i-(.e-rf.-..r iirn.to f..i "00 p.rkling wit and beai'tv without vul lleaseasksourMorekee.K .or nruv.tsvtoi .,,, in,,,rou. u,e opportunity and jrrut. ouutis iiustritudii wtisiu Balm. Wilson & Fishkk, SHIP CHANDLERS. DKALIMt5 IX Iron. Steel, Coal, Anchors. Chains, vr !-. n.,,i:.. ... TAR, PITCH, OAKUM," wiiour.iiTi and clt haia'anizko 0 SIKIS55, 3f:t JI.. Copper Nails nl Uiirrs. Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils Rubbcr and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, , Agents for Salem Flouring 7.1 ills. Corner Chenaiiius atulllaiiiilton Stri'rts 1 ASTOJUA, OftEGOX. ' LOTS FOR SALE- 1 LotS 4 and 5, in BlOCk ,3 ox - j C0NC0MLY and JACKSON STS.,j OTET'S ASTORTA. j Ju2iUin Apply tos. W-.r-. ! Notice. fllUE DIRECTORS OF SCHOOL District A 2so. l. will meet as a Hoard or Equaliza tion, to examine the Assessment Roll of said District, on Tuesday, Julv 2Tith. 1SSJ, at the store or J. W. Gcarhart." By order of the Board of Director. J. G. HCSTLEi:, Cierlt. Astoria, July 13th, 1832. d tf and Tea rot. pvrr. -cs i ? : v MWIJi: ILI) t!F f E. R. HAWES - SOJ.K AGKST, .Mill " UUl !- i'l "t VlllftUH.t IKIJ.--IF- AUtViirNJjrninit:?. ' u. f.irc-r. vvfS S I 1 -o a 1.4-y ASTOHIA, OKCGON rortivM:'. io rei: A: .i.m:n'.) Wlnftrjio and r-!a!I lon5ir; In &r&c?i&. Prnvisismt SswQk&rK Glass and Ware, Ittliili nroi'ioAi a xi) uoMiisTtr FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with ii8s,Llporii, llacco I Cigars The l.vn;e-t nud.ninU complete ttoek or tusls in their line to Im found iu tlii city. t'orncr of C:u .iml Siien:oefi:e SS reels. ASTO'.HA. OSZHCON. hU b Mil A ihh. fi:i-j:iiTiR A 15 ': f.RI'S. -lintaiai nit n ot HH. HARRY C0STLEI1" S-'titl 1:1::. 'ojiieiJaj milt "a:iei'j", HISS K0LLIS 0HRI5TY t Herio C'uii'le Ouet-ii j ! ' I SIR. TGI2 CHRISTY Trliire of Olil Uan IniiM-r- .OIKlHiri. Togellier wilii a new '"f. 1 The CGinp.ui) eonipries the foltowlns vvrtl- . Miv k.vnnik Walton. ' ?Ii9 Molmk Cititisr. I "Mi:. Ciivnus Koti 1.1:1:. Mi;. Tom. Cm:ii5l. .Mi:. Wai.tkr Parks. .Mr. IIarkv tioxr.KV. ! , All of which will appear nightly 1:1 their dif I ferent specialth-s. 1 Open air concert. over evening; iierforiii- anee eenmiencini: at 8 ; entnmco to theatre on Jicniou sireei ; private dovcs on 1 nena- ' tinio street. Look outfur Nev Stars. T HTTP K-- ( A O J-i V- Sit D 06 V J . , ! jonmnw ix WFNillB, LIQUOKB, ANDj CIG-AUS. acexts rei: thi: Bost San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. srAll goods sold at Sau l-niuciseo Prices-, ar.w-N strkct. "" "" " toriJ' 0llW kXQJtZX1S Cleaning Repairing. xkat. cheau and ouick. i:y ;s:oit(ii: xjjvjktt. MaUStrcet, opposite N.lJieb's, ' .VI-.,. AsWt ir 4h.. eel.nul JT35lp JffiDALUOK KAXiir. fMHEBL i s & -Q-J&S3 ,l r,-KS',ftK TO .TACKINS A MONTr.OIIir.Y.) siimSBmm t iSmr?rttr--Zz:iii v Ccri3-rTt:cri P. raCEF -4 ti rr.a'vita.f -r vir. j - r - -y-w is'-i-j'Xi . ::r-n'iswir: 2i9?TCv0 UiSffi?; (OJi,fiK 3' tJAJ3..A.'4. 'Z&-2-SZr CHA. HEILBORN, . 3IANUFA.CTUPvSIl OF FUBNITTJRE 55 BEDDHSTC4.. AIS'D DKAIii:il TN Carpets, Oil OlotU, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, V1NT0V COIINIC'ES AND CURTATX POl.S Complete in eery bnuich. MARTIN OLSEN, ni:.u.i:i: ix TF FURNTTTJRE 55 BEDDING. ConiiT Main :n.l ricmnqua fttieet-. Astoria, Orenou. WIDOW SHADES AMD TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC. 1 Complete StorK. PRICES AS CKSAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. I. lilXItsi tJl" rrK5iTLI3.K12PAIRKI AXD V.OtISHED. JIAGKUS (J. CROSBY, Dealer in TTT 1 TiTt liUnMlk, i I, Sl'ffiL, Iron Pips and Fittings. PLrMP.r.KS AND jsl KAM VITrKFiS Goods and Tools. SHFFf I PAH Simp $kn ,, . "-" wt.... ....-. SHEET IROH Tin AHD COPPER,; CamieryaiiOMniBSQsliB Stoves. Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PEP. PLUMBIi-iG and STEW FITTING Done with reatness end dispatch. Xone liit lhst class, worhtiien einp'oveil. A tsuxe assort meat of SCALEP Constantly on hand. Leinemveber & Co., . r.i'iM'vvvKit.a:. it. i.i:r::. r.srrvnt isurn isj.". ASTOltTA, OHIX.ON, TAMERS AMD CUBSB1S, .M.uiufaLturept anil Importers of A Ir KINDS OK AND FrN'DINGS Wholesale Dealers in 03L AiST) TALLOW. ylilghcst e.ish price paid for Hides and T.dlovv. kik is ic:i,Ijae:::i without Fi'UTsss:st ?:tici: ii--!"A" -,u- terms or jieace until "l e,,'rJ":iw' in Astoria has a new .,lii iisl- suit of clothes fe'Vsl mm .irASJK 5JV .mi:axv. Lookal tlte pi ices : I'.mtb to onler from - - - $S CO rants. Genuine UreiieitCtssimere - u CO Suits from - - - - - - 25 GO Tlie finest line of samples on the coast to select from. r.J.MEANl', C.tss street, next to Hansen's .lewelry store SteDhans Varieties ! GRAPJD OPEIMXNG. a iiivEiiY kstki:tai?;.hjrst Have a new borrling allev. the laigsst and bit in town. Admit tance'fiee. xu. k:. . s. sve 3? xx, rmnorter aud Wliolcsalc dealer in Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc., Etc., The largest and finest slock of Meerschaum and Amber goods in the city. Particular at tention paid to orders from the.country and t5sPl. Chenamus sticet, Astoria, Oregon. TIIEO.DKACKER. Manager Notice. f "HUE rARTNEllSnTU HERETOFORE EX i litmg between .1. T. Rorcliers anil F. M. Colhnul in the bsh packing business, under the name of "The. Abtona Varictv Packins AS. , uuouujuiKvmuu) JUUlUm COUbcUI. The business will hereafter lie conducted o 1 J . T. EORCIIEIiS. saosatgsffisapy, rrALi:aa in Tin, Sheet Iron- and Copper Ware". A lU" ci.il Asrortravat "t HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Af:ont- for Mujree Stoves al Unneres Tht Ki'it hi the K.rI:Pt. t'lUinblifzsoods of all kind-; on tfuunl. Jot) wiri? ilont in a workmanlike manner. JKrKKitSDX STStl'JlTS, MARTIN rOAliI. J. J. STOKES, F0ARB & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers In Wood a ad "Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco. Cigars. Wines and Liquors UOUKH:N ANT) DOMESTIC Fnriis cmdVegetables, "-r. -s sr-t, irsri -?r- -arm - rr r. jc jsry XT' xaJBiAi COUNTRY PRODUCE, Genoral Commission Merchants ASTOitlA. OItGOHr. Next to Oregon Railway & Nav. co'.s Dock. div Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE! CORK Ai3) LEAD LINES, SEINE TWINJJS. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 511 Market Street. San Fraaclsce Sole Agents for tho Pacific Coast. GOOD CHEAP BOOTS. I have Lately Reduced the Price or all my First-Class i:OT AMI .SHOES JU.1DE TO OKDEK, AS follews: Finest Sowed Calf Boots - - $11 Oo Finest reggetl Tap Soled - - 10 co Fintst Pegged Single Soled - - 10 00 Nothing but the Eest Genuine Mercer French Calf Used in My Shop. I. J. Arrold, Opposite the O. R. & X. Co.'s Dock. I. W. CASE, IMI'01'.TKR AND WHOLESALE AND RK TAIL DEALER IN &EHEBAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - - OREGON f ASTORIA, OREGON f DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articlei, PATEWT MEDICINES, ETC. E2--l,rcscrtptIons carefully compoundedat an nouis. jsHomeopathle Tinctures and Pellets, aad Humphrey's Speclflca also Kept, j-?z ." sr ay; k. v - -f.-- ;