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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1882)
ah WS ? I 2t&t0j3aiL faflhn Astoria, Oregon. Saturday Morning, July 15, 1882. Vol. xvu. No. 90. A CHEROKEE COURT. Incidents of a Recent Trial for Homicide at Coo-wee-koo-wee in the.Indian Territory. COO-IVKE-SKOO-AVEK C'OL'KT- HousKj.Junc 2. The court-house in Coo-wec-skoo-vvec district of tho Cherokee nation is a small lo.builcUnr situated in a shelt tiiod nook of oak timber in the midst of a sea of green prairie, with the essential of a fine, bold spring near by. the locality thus possessing the three requisites for good camping wood, rras and water. As we rode up yesterday morning we found evidences that a session of a Cherokee court was about to be held here. Horses equipped with rolled blankets and a coil of lariat, which form bed and stable for rider and animal, were tied under the trees or grazing.on the prairie, and there was a wagon or two drawn up for a more elabo rate camp. Men, booted and spurred, with .slouched hats and belted waists, were standing or sitting about discussing the state of the growing crops or the proba bilities of the coming trial, and there were constant arrivals from the trail through the timber or over the prairie. It was the usual mi.i.. nccmkin,M ...... f;r.t flir. nrrinncWrt nrmrlttinn f t lirt Cherokee nation, with oerhaos a larger intermixture of white blood amono- the praiiie farmers and ranchmen of this district than would have been manifested among the dwellers of the wooded regions east ot the Grand river, the aboriginal Cherokee having a fondness for the forest. Many fine figures of physical manhood j were apparent among thorn, and all had the free beai ing of an inde pendent and vigorous life, while attendance upon the court had made no difference in their accus tomed wa3's and dress. The Cherokoes have a regularly adopted and written code of laws, dating back to 1808, and it was resolved by a council of the war riors and head men of the nation, held on the banks of the Hiawas- see, put upon record by some English interpreter, and signed by the marks of Black Fox and Toochaler, head chiefs, that the Cherokee murdering his fellow of the same nation should suffer death unless he should find him in pos session of his horse, when the slayer should "be left to his own conscience." The spirit of this latter provision prevails to some extent to the present day, and there is hardly a Ckerokee jury but what would bring a verdict ot justifiable homicide for the shoot ing of a thief with a stolen horse in his possession. The present code of Cherokeo law is written and published in a volume and does not differ in any essential degree except in simplicity of language from the procedure and penalties provided by the statutes of the states. The nation is divided into judicial districts, in which courts are hold twice a year, and for special sessions. The supreme court, composing a chief justice and two associates, has jurisdic tion in trials for murder and ap pealed cases; the district courts take cognizance of the lighter cases of homicide, assault and rob bery, and there are also judges with powers . corresponding to thoae of ordinary magistrates, for the purpose of dealing with minor offenses. The laws are executed and arrests made b the sheriffs of the districts, who have power to call for as mauyas they may think necessary to mount and ride. At Tahlequah, the capital town, there is a stone jail where the prisoners are kept and where oc casionally one is hung. Such is the mnrliinerv of Cherokee iaw fori the administration of justice among, themselves, all offenses by and upon white men and violation of intercourse laws and 1 1 eaties com - ing under the jurisdiction of the j marked with tobacco juice and the j eircuimaaures, and confidently an- j eS JljJh , JJjJjer. gjgj United Statr-s district court at ' dignity of his office, the work of , ticipating a Minihir cour.-o ot at- of tin general ivefunrtinns. SI. at drug Fort Smith, Ark., it authority Miinpannelling a jury prooc led.; lion. The .solicitor repiied. nrgu- ifo?" ,)Vpn, ,'VA IS ra liMinrv fffr4trii IM uuiii- 1.1.1 it,.-... j crowti oi , j. I denutv marshals ridiu"- the cmin-1 uipuiv ui.iisikii iiuiij, try. The most common offense is homicide in its various lorms. ami the airrra ating eaiHO the whiskv smujrirlpd across the border in vio lation of tribal and I'nited Mates law;, ft is the universal testi mony that the fuii-blooded Chero- j tance for jury- iuH A frosh pan kees are a peaceable and law-abid-j nel was made out, the judge can-ino- p'eople, except when undei the suiting the sheriff as to whether influence of whisky, which has the J this or that man was ejnchable." same effect upon them as upon all J suggesting the idea tha. in the the Indian race, inflaming them Kentucky fashion, it might posi- with a raire to kill. The whites and, half breed, are of the ready and . sometimes desperate class of the border, ptompt to settle a quarrel or execute justice with the ;-.six- .shooter" or shotgun, and although! occasion with a smoke. When the homicide is but little, if any, more requisite number of "oatchable" common in the (Mieiokee Xation (jurors iiad been selected the court than in Iho neiirhboriiiir berder: v. as adjourned until noon the next states, there is riiongh to keep the day to enable the .sheriff to hunt courts busy. them down and bring them in, The present session of the laud tins ended the first day's pro court wa. a special term for ceedings. A chain uas attached court wa a tllC trial of a murder ease. A j native of predominant white blood. "avinjr had u dispute with a full; l,lootl o1 cfepcraio character, upon licaiiiijr that the latter had I !mauo Ulic:ius :,?""hl m met;, pu. F. .,.? mm,w.s promptly took Ins six-shooter, rode, upon him and killed him. lfe: had been admitted to bail audi. sign on his or their part that he: now rode up for trial. At the ap- pointed hour the Sherilf, wearing a pistol and cartridge-belt as a token or authority, the rest of the assem- blage being without arms, pro-J claimed from the noorWiy" with "Oyez, Oycz"' the calling of the 'court, calling the Cherokee nation to plead and the "defendant l ans-1 wer. The assembly 'filed in and took their places on the rude benches. The judge was a genial I and accomplished gentleman, entirely white in ajipearanee. al- though of ancient Cherokee famihy. He had been a major in the Indian brigjidc in the Confederate" service during the war and is familiar and greatly iikod in Washington, where he frequently atuves as a member of the Cherokee delega- horses grazed and the whippoor tion to look after the interests of the , wills samr loud and near, ana the nation betore eongre. lie had not thought it essential to the dig- nity ot the supreme court to don a collar, and the handle of his long reed pipe stuck out of his side pocket. He was accommodated j with a seat in a sort of pen and! by his side sat the elerk in his J shirt sleeves, a half breed Delaware, r i ,i i. :.-n:, ! munication witn ins iionor. i The defendant was acconnno-' dated with a cane-bottomed chair in the center of the room facing; the jude. He was one of the finest specimens of western man hood F have ever seen, lie was the tallest in a crowd of tall men and overtopped figures of six feet by more than a head. lie was. perhaps, a tnlle too slim for exact proportion, but bj no means lathy: and his vigorous form was a model of litheness and easy activity. Ilis regular features were deeply bronzed by the sun, but wero handsome and strong with an air of adventurous courage, and there was a spark of ready fire in his hazel eye. He took his seat easily, wound one limb over the other and tilted back in his chair. Being summoned to plead, he raised his tall form and, after a voluminous expectoration, responded calmly, "not guilty," and -resumed his seat. After some preliminary objections rm . .. . ..... . iii-i;k i; .iinii.if ii tut-,.,; ...,u-., vn't-rovs. v e uuriiantee tne mjiieui- The sheriff leaned Ins elbow upon i was filled, the jury sworn in and i11-"-1 .nnniuuitumi oni h vn if Ui(,sy bUtrJ to bo a,,snrutoly the rail for ready and familiar com-: the trial commenced. E vcrvone i F,emin9 B"0S,. Pittsburgh. Pav V"."'". SMlfc . . solicitor, or district-attorney, who in this case was a gray andjgiiarly farmer, appiuc-uily ju-d from the .plough - tail - , his countenance nt -ll-l-.-l 1 to jroinir on with Mm trial, bv the ......... - ..CT.. , ,...., . I ucir names were caneo in :i i'u voice Irom the doorwnv bv t net . jaliei iff, but only three or lour an-; svvereit. rome were wHier-noumi on the other side of the Voidigris river, which was full ami unford- able. and 'others, it was presumed, weie eon ti oiled bv the usual leluc-J blv be necessary to run down a p.iriiciilnrly shy juror with dogs, In the mean time the prisoner had drawn out a small leed pipe and was lelieving the tedium of the io the prisoner's ankle by a deputy- sherilf and hitched up to his knee by a handkerchief, but it was more oi a lar.nai assertion oi autnonty than anything else. Xo restriction and he sat about and chatted with his neighbors without the slightest was a red-handed niansl.iyer on j trial for his 'life. Everybody 'laughed and joked with him in a j familiar and neighborly way, and between him.and the. judge passed the familiar salutations of uIIow j are you.. John ?" and "How arc you, .roc?' a they shook hands in a cordial greeting. It was evident that no moral stigma attached to his i act, whatever might be its con- j . . , . , , , mnatioti by law. After the ad- do journment of the. court the assem bly sat about the building or the spring and chatted aw.hile, depart- ing by twos and threes through the woods and over the. prairie trails, except those who made camps. The fires in theae burned brightly through the evening, while the night-hawks conr-etl the air with j melancholy cries 15y the next dav at noon a .sulli- cient uiiutber of jurors had been surprised or run down and brought in. Two or three were i ejected on account of iclationship to the prisoner or the deceased, neccssi- tating a new delay and a fresh cast j- . t.... f, .t.. i sinoi.e(i at wjji; the prisoner passed ..i, , tilrt ;,!,. ...i i,,.rtrt . l IHUlbll lJ HIV JlAl. 4111. .1IHUI.U his tobacco bag with the sheriff; and everyone chewed with renewed vigor under the interest of the oc casion. The testimony was brief. Three or four testified that they were at the house when the pris oner rode upon a mule :u the dusk of a July evening, got off and took a drink of water and turned around fited two shots from his Remington dragoon pistol at the dead man's head "quickerin a wink,' the third bullet missing him only because he was falling beside his horse, from whose sad dle he had jtit dismounted. Then the prisoner mounted his mulo and rode away. Three or four othets testified that the dead man made threats against the prisoner, swearing to "watch his trail and n-ct awav witSi him before the leaves fell," and that he was tho kind of a man -who would be ulto- nether likely Jo carry such a threat . J into execution. Th counsel for ; the prisoner made y brief argu- ; ment to the jury, asking them vvnut . they would have done under such ' ?.. -..Utt... .1, ...... I . ....-1.1 f , !...-.. mij m.-i uii---i-.i3--mnm. i been allowed some Kind 01 a .-now, , I cr at least hail a c.ianee vvnon it ramr iw . quu-i..... u. M'"1-"'- . n draw, but he evidently consid-' e:cd it part of his perfunctory and painful duty to present this view of the ea-o, and his s mpathies seemed entirely in suppwrt of llie nu' ju-nice of the deed. -:oi.uiT"jTn:inrTiiQuiD Bf.rv The ju.lir. in his read 'u Toxir- l.vvifion.vion is endorsed J ' rt i by physieiaua. .4 sfc or Co Wen's: take the law with rofereiife in murder i no othrr. t f DrujifU'-ts. and justification in self-defense. ! TTTmV ' " jiiid observed that while it was j ,. , . ,, i Tn all 'who are suft'criiii; I'min the proper, accoi ding to the law. that (rnrs ami liMtisrit'liou? 3f ont!i,nerv- tLorr. dimiid li, vnmi' iiMlirfllinii fl "Us Wrtlkllesearlj ilocav. f()SS" Of 11UU1- tHeresliouKJ in .souu. imiu.aiiou oi j i,, (lU,M i wm v;,j a recinc tltat will immediate danirer before the shoot-.cure you FUKK OK CIIAliUK. ThN ing, in point of fa el the man wait- ;..r, r w .... i.i r..i s;, ;., t -i I ing for it would hud himself ju.-l a J little too late. With this sound and sensible application of tin law for self-defense, the jury re- 7 J tired to the. thicket, after the tune- , i ,. i t , m l honored fashion of the Uierokees, .i .her, h-M ii,f .kDHiim., more as a matter of form than any- thinir else. ,, ,- ., i , . I then they hied back . nn,l tlirmiirl. tlii-ir fnro- ....- ,,.W...... W.-.-.j, - . man, a verdict ol ,not iriultv itiheaiiiitotiiet'lHlil.operutinj'lilceniasic. . , , . . j Jt i-? ncrfeetly safe to use in all cases, was received by the prisoner with ' ami jileasant to the taste, and is the nre- lb., .:,,.. nirit f n.mehnlMneei"'"1""'1 "B '" oiliest anu uesi - i which he had manifested through j trial, not even an expectoration to i indicate relief or interest. rus friends and the audience were' Advancing years, care, sickness, dis ,ii , i .i t :,: . appointnieiii, and hereditary predisnosi- cqually cool, and the tiecision was j t,on-a!l operate to turn llie hair grav. evidently accepted as matter of ad either of theni inclines it to shed - . premalHiely, Vvi:i IIaii: Vioon will coui-se. AH that romainedto eon- restore fr.ded or ar.iy. light or red hair .... .i . ... to a rich brown or deep black, as may dude the special session oi the su- be ihired. Tt softens and cleanse the preme court of the Cherokee na- j tl,l. Ji'ving it a healthy action. It re 1 - j move and cures dandruff and humors, lion Was a proclamation by the ! By it use falling hair is checked, and , . , ,. . " , 1. 1 new growth will be produced in all sheriff and the mounting and de-: cases where the follicles aro not de jrarture of all concerned, leaving the temple of justice to the guar dianship of the. woodpeckers. whose operations upon its shingles had been temporarily interrupted , ... , . ' by the formalities ol justice. 1 ,i MOTHERS READ. ..... ... ...I IVrnvian Bittern OirvT: About mno ycura ik I hail cluM i two ycari eld nilalwot dead. The doctor I Cmchnna Hubrm had itttendin? her could not loll what ailod ...lwi 4, ,, , .,;., ...-V .i. .. ...:. i. her. laKoil him if ho did not think it nan be tniutt Linch: I was the bj)aiiibll worms. Ho said no. However. thi did not i N leeroy in Peru iu lsJ. Tho Countess, fatisty juc. as I felt convinced in my own his vil was prostnitcd by tin Intermlt niindthat h had. 1 obtained a boillo nf tent fever, from whiehsho was freed by lK. J. MctAXJS'S CKIiE'.IIie.V'rKl tin. list. f.rtl!i nmiv.. ntniilv. flio lVrn- VtllllllMITl . ir.n.ini.tjisi;uu.iic. j nave ner a .:.,., I, n r- nr s ii .. ll.l in thp tcaccoonful in tlo morniUK and another at , 1 . .;..;, i iiJ. ,-, S'";,,' ' niKht, after which sho ntv-scd ievctity-tw. .,!,i"ll"17' ' ou.itrj. Quinquina. havo necr been without it in mv fAtnilv. j Tho health of my children remmucil so good thai. I had neslccled watchiD tkeir actions umii a wm '"eo hccks npo. wucn two oi . hhitii inn oi ?JHS c?piITwr?B? ntS?o Work at'oiS .. 1i.vltXXV.& I litem irt-M'iiu.'u i no auic sickiv npearanct inai ranny um nino year? i itinust bo worn:?, nml went ivltli n tinttle r.f IR. . VItMlFL'K between four of my chit- lilcrfiil feet of our Vermtfujjo around litic.i. and now havo the worms on exhibition in my tore. out3 truly, JUIIX i'lii:i:. iind hciir the sfcnattins of V. 3rrf,aiie nnrt f,,f;IrIvr.n!l U ,? n0"r ,ua', '" "' Louis or vv ucelinj?. Bo ?uro you uci the tt imino n hottlo. i tec ... i un.. FLEMING BROS... Pittsburgh, Pi King of the Blood Is not a "eitre all," il is a Moxl-pittl!hr:inil tonic. Impuntv of the blood polns thpivs tcin, dvnttiKCs tin' Ion. and tnus in duces inrtny disorder, known bv different ' names to cUsiitmnMi tiwui im,,..i:.. :. 3V : fecK but belnc re:dly branches or pfiases of J that Rreat HCiiene. illsonlor. Imparity oi r srrrn'nJi ?V 1JM"'ta' UHUoimim, o hlla S iinr rTr .V" ,c''r n' Hf?,rt Db?M Brow. Kidacu Dita. Piles, Ithetmatlum, Catanh, Sa-ofula.Skiii Ac. ixiBtr or tne mood, prevents ami cures these by attacking the enure Inimiri tv ottho blood. Chemlbtsaud phvstons a-?ee In calllnc It "the most BennAianrt cfflSt ff&fePSS?SiiyiS: tlons. &c. in pamphlet, "Treatise on DUeases ot the C'owPKdarouniiteach botUe u.kamim.sos&Co. ttom Buffalo, N. Y. worms nna wa? a weiiciiuu. sinco liu.r. uron, their ases bems as follow.-.: Alico, S lis nothing to lal:e its place. It t-ttectu-years: Charley. 1 year: Emma, jean; , all v cures a morbid appetite for sthuti John.9years. ow comes tho result: i Alico , ,;, j,N ,e-toiiug the natural tono or and hnitna camcoutalt ruht, bat Chnrloy n,,. Otnii-.J.ii n .t n.L- rtv,.niv.- Inr.. l.asseil forty-fivo and Johnny about v-xtv ll". sl "I,w '", ," 'uUx tsV 1,.J ' worm?. Tho remit was so urnthrins that I r lisir as it doe, a focr. and destroys soent two davs in tfanwiuz tbu wnnilcrfiil ,.r. . both aul.e. Lhe tfOvvorflll tome MrtUO I . ti'.irit i tltit ilii. fiT tlii iilil Miianicri J(mi lio in the Hodhc. .vsk drijsgsw rl vermin, ilic-5, ants, injects. T3cperbox! Ski n ny .lieu. Win. PFiiiiiWs Omrnii Blood Pu niier will no-itivelv be found a valu- allll. rompdy for chrunie constipai,ont :iln.ctfl kwlnejH, dyspepsia, liver com- ij:ilUf riMiiiiil:iiii". -crofnin, and all j0:W ita-asn having their origin in j impure blood. Manufactured only by Win. Pfunder Jfc 0., Portland, Ore- jbionarj in .South America. Send a self j auure-.-M u enveioje toiiie Jiev. joskimi .,. iSMAM. station JJ.N"ev York Clt. llunift-! Mothers!! Mother! ! ! jl Arc you disturlKHl at nisht and broken .of iuir re-.t nva siel: elnlil sulTerin anil eryinjj with tin ocreiatin; pain I I of eultimr teeth ? If u), g at mice nurt ! jtteta bottle of Mrs. Window's Sootlnns! j ggi ftsaassyssasrsiss "Si 'there Is no mistake about it. There is lll llll HUIU 11IK' into till UM.,l it. who will not tell a at once tint .. niAflim .all airitttl n'Tii-a line? mAti "al ,l rrKUlfltH. 1C UOWC1S, anU frii'afc rcf tf ihi ttinTlim nti1 rt!Iir nml . . . . . - . .. '. . t . .10 iiiale physician-; and muses iu the United .State-. .Sold every cents a bottle, . here. J. Various CauKfs stroyed or the glands decayed. Its offer!-, are beautifully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair, on which a few ap plications will produce the gloss and trehnesof youth. Harmless and sure d'rcSSK in its operation, it is incomparable as a " ""J"- aml. richness of. tone it im- ; parts. It contains neither oil nor dve, i and will not soil or eolor white cambric; , et it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it . tresh and Nigoi oils. Kei: S.vt.i: i:v am. Dealeiss. j UlUtl lltl ! ll IV I'l Vlt 'I4 JV.4 ltllli u ! to hllto'.O in IftrJ. she introduced the ( remcd.v in .Spain, w here it wa known under vtrinUs names, until Idniumis . ,.an,.,i ,i cih-M-Mna. in Honor (Z the ladv , i-aiieu u i iii'-i'i.;i. m nonoroi tue iauv i hu had bivimht them that which wa's ! m )!!. than thegold of thelncas. I o t!ii? dav. after a lupse of two hun- dnd and liiJy jt-ars, selenee has given It eneetu , f the Cinrhoita is preserved in tho Vruvtitti Hitters, which are as effecilvo acaiut malarial fever to-daj as they sh . ,et hitter in the vvorltl. "The proof of tlu'im.Iiliiiifis- in the eating," and wo ...:irt..... i.:.i.. .:. ... i fr,... .t k- all lirH.r.ji,Nt jroeeis ami liquor dealers. :"""rw- i"iur.iuria. OXIfTST BOOK STORE. We an' rnnsiantlj rcvlvlns new r.ddltl.n tn our Mock mulhavc theilnest stiul l.inrc-t asMvrtment of variety ' KOt)U hi the city. Combs, Brushes, Stationery. Frames Celluloid Goods. .VllouryofiuVi iti-eninrkcd in phiin flgnrrH ' C1I :uid -.amine qusihty and note prices, luahty and note prices. CHAS. STKVKNS &SON I CHAS. STKVKNS &S I " i r nmitfiiT o r-.v ! . - .,.. ,... .. BLACKSMITH NG -HUIomi I niHUT At C- "W 1J aad. corner of Ca,s and.Court Streets, Ship and Cannery work. HorsesHoeinc. Wagons made and repalrid. Oood work guaranteed. PlllFIl MUTUAL LIFE IMMCE CGMPMi, Of Oa,lijrozxxlA. A. MeKIXNIE, Manager. For Oregon Washington and Idaho TftrrltSrMftV OFrin-109 FIRST STREF.T. PORTLtSD, BclVrenec: Greenbcnr. Dr. O. E. OTTAOK, M. 1)., Exaniiaerand i'byslcljn. i Q ox o "- CO r Wg u. CO .ia 3 1 -i ui 3 3 1 zm -. m nSCLLA2?EOUS. mr- S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ast)1:ia. - obwhjx. ,' I The Pioneer Machine Shop! BI-ACKSMITH SHOP Boiler All kinds of ENGINE, CABBERT, AND- STEAMBOAT WORE rromptly attmdfd to. ' A specialty made of repairing OAJ3lJNJiiJLl.JL JJUtj", FOfVr OF LAKAYKTTC STKIIin". ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bknton' SrnF.i-rr, N'E.n r.vuKKit House, ASTORIA. - OltF.GOX. . GENERAL 0 MACHINISTS AND Dflll CD II A VCDG LAKIIiMIRIiffl ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty.. CASTISTOS. OfHll Description mnde to Order at Mhort Xotiee. A. D. Vhh, President. J. (J. Ilc.sTLKis, Secretary. I. W. Cask, Treasurer, .loux Fok, Superintendent. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main imd ChoniLcms Sueeu. AF10RIA OREO0: niGARS ANn mRAnnn. DALEfl D " i wwwv.ft The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SON GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM and other English Cutlery. 9TATZOWKRY I FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc, A One stock of Watchc d Jewelry. 3Inxle and Breeck Loading Nhol CIhsm and KlflcH, Kovolrern. PIisteLi. and Amunnttion .iCAXtsxr. Af Jin a rrvv Assortment of fine S1TOTACUH and EYE uuAsa&s. Notice. mUE DEUNOUEhT TAX ItOtJ. FO! A the j car 1S81, together vnth a warrant ' from tho County Court for the collection of sarar, is m my nanus. Deunqueut tax payers will please ettlo at once nnd savn J coste. A. 3f . TWOMBLY, nyS Sheriff. CIlAri. IIODOK, oi Hodge. DavLs Si Co. M. S. CUHfiKLL.of Kaapp.BBiwJl C. - J.UIKS SXEKL. C.aailer First National Bank. W. V. .SPAULDINQ. Kcto azfttWSttie J. A. STKOWKRIDUi:, Wholesale Lejtn7r Dealer. nnd lludluas. ANDKKW KOBERTS. qTFIaci' Si-Hiof&Sl; C. A. DOLPI1, ot Dolpti. Bronaub. Twlph & JOHN CKAX. ot JotoJ3raa Co. -" Slnion. C. M. WlbemrBoo afKrJSKoiBa.1- Col. J. McCKAKEN. of J.IcCraken &Co. . JO1). BUKKHABD.-Butiftaia'Sc maalitiz. L. C. HENCICUSHN. ot HNuIcken & J. K. rix:o J. sL QnrTSaL.'SBESS1 -1 M CD tS2, Shop B j mrr Keltoreaee:,,. PKANTJ 'Zan'OViDK rtr.2ni Eatnoi the above mennas S1CT.C ance In this Cojnpaay. &JRT- o a S3 a o o ft lb p tM BUSINESS CAKBS; E. -NOTAKY .POBLIO. AUCTIONEER. COMMISSION ABD subascb agsxi. TVs. .1. C. 8HAFTEX, laV.SICI.. ail 8I!S6CX. : (erxTscnEi: abzt.) Dieae ofthn Tkrat a 8ycUltjr. VA W.4 VVU.U 7 JJH& VslT- GE, P. PARSEI. County Smrrejrwr ?S? Offico : CheaMiMSitcctr .. --- -S T O. BOZOKTH, ! AscM. I Agent lor the Haniburg-BremeHFlre IsaC9. l of ilambursr, Oermaay, and ot ta Tv- t clcrs' Llfo and Accident Ins. Co., ot Hart- j wrotllce "nPythlan BuUdinff. Booms U. 12. Xjl . WIXTOIf , Attorney and Counselor at Law. jMTOfllco In I'j thlaa BuIIdlag. fiooa U, 12. j ASTORIA, - OBSOON. : j JAY TUTTliK, X. . I PHYSICIAN AKD 8DRQKON. M),erthemHjstk i P0"lle nana a divers- satoon. i 4 li. FL'LTOX. M. D, thy(lelaa a4 lCM. orriCC-Over A.V.AUe grocery stow. Rooms, at the Parker House. J? F. HICKS. PENTJST, ASTOUIA. .... OUMOtV Koonn in Allen's balldinz uu stain, eoraer j of Ciss and SiiDinocqtu) street!'. j Q. A. BOWLBY. ATIX3KNKY AT 'LAW. Cbenamus Street. - ASTOhXl. OBSU)3l " ATTOBarEY AT L4W. May be found at the Court House. C.n- BAIX CO., nriTTD Tv- DOOm. Windewa. Bllmfa. 'Tnm aau, Iimmker, Ste. All kinds of Oak Lamber. Glass, Boat Ms- terial, etc. Turning and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. Mill near Wesson botl. Cor. tl erlve and Astor streets. HEADQUARTEBS. Foster's Emporh. Most Complete Stick in lUttrfi Fireworks! Mags! I Prniti Beth Forl(H a 9fmvtiti Win as and I imtnrc . Of-Suierinr Itrand. I FOSTKIl'S CORXEB, 0 S &J8 1HMJI ; .. Dress Making. r.v Mrs. T. S. Jewett. JJp stairs, opposite Mrs. Eosro' CosMbc nouw, j - .,. Itntlfnri