0: -BMjumurmwi'-i U'lu- jQniVn ;Astjav.Unk Nothing it: It. Merited Revrard. XnbMCvlptiun XewH Depot. 55 --.- j Walking "'iog the city front ycater Erj".'one roincmbers the loss if tiro Special arrangement lias been made by Carl Adlereo that yoa can MiO'i-rioe. i .' ... 1 l-.I i'i-if;sli Iibi-i.- I Mitinn rl:iir Inch VOllt ASTORIA, OR KG ON: ,ay, oiirauemiwi was ujitovu m am "- ror anv naper. magazine, or pencuicai i individual v. ho had evidently lon ' :l?hote !l Shmdwater bay, mi the published in i the United States or 'Eu- TUURSDA IFLY IS, lfij whv tlie l.vfc IiittUecii licttnig the f -- t f j"n,r. K1' mffnon -.-rr.-r - - . . - iujakv ft.ju ; him : hold thei,Ui how gallantly the'ciew were aided I Hon at Carl Adlcrs. ISSUED EV3RY MOSJS.ao j j. j .."j.-,, ?u. .,m ..,, frf. i iltrir .iicfiil effort i got ashore. "HTn JIaH7 P.ce:ituit. it a,.,,,).. " uii. mu 4t f.- yiiOTi ,. ! Uml'r nnti? of .lulv 10:h, John Rsid, v miTrt. c. ,,,,;,,,- jlou rinuLs., wtfoiH, , nt lu. . . u.,.-t.. Our uitire. toek of mouldiims and -.-s-fi&kiSA'Li cPr:x : U ,ih, 1 -: .. or tlM fiiuait mcefcitu- lniuh vicC-coiim;! at Portland. wnn.fMmis r -11 k;nric brackets ami wail- Pi r.;-!i;i!' .wo. lt.rni kicks. forms vf Subscripton f. l r Carrier, imr ,. - .- nv mail. Jour :aw::n , t tr litiiii.aro rcrt"- . ........ -rye if I'4'Ih-v li Sub-crl'mi - .iiivertizemeots inserted by Ibeycnr :tl ti- i its of ? o"l ijriauroier iaonh. i'LUisiciit ntlrcrlHins. by tho !. or vefc, s:ty ccntn t siunrofor each insertion. . ....l...l ..1 v .. Lit- f ..4l.rk.. .rrtn.I.. ,I1 . . i , , iift,7ii... --- : iiiivv iunhn. n :-. - til. ill ii.iii'i 1:1111111. , in icson the eeaM. iNuw. mores iiou:-: ,....,..- ' ;i,. ... .,, ,. n ru ,- r.-.v .a,.-. Inr 1 imltf ..iiV.'1M!li'!it !! . .. ....... r i:fr 111 it. lake e i una? cnaw?, j " j.' - - tor iim ih(.i tuny nay:. K.w. iLurA j:ith-1 lu :vIr- f 'wy- i"iw: w.bcr him ,. nmi Wli Cud Jtchvnrded 2 i eayn nt tho hmiui. i uati:vk.n soy. jdoc.-n'taiu.s;:ti..Ay thing. !,' y -1. . rV-M. Liyhi ..us.8 Ge-i. . ealized .t'tniHji-T ,,.-,,,,,.-,. ,,,,.;., .lfji'iyd .aiith, ThftJiBN V !, Unbolt . - . , . rt i kind ot MiMM..iMiuieDtntioii. Jt j , ,. , Uf :.!. jhT;ro in :innoiui!iu iStat r'"i.o,NieJH5tdidit,t drink, he'd be .n'ch a0rbonrmd Oiw l..hrn, ffh.. nt- llK.ftude.lvor-,0 ..ue. lK.rfm rcm. . ' fin mukir.ij. .i bifteVsntiili. or r. riter. i l P1- trc.uii in rwcuiny me cruw j . aawoai,i,. th, :nt. ami i-wmpT. THEJOITY. IKK OA1I.Y AST OKI AN ri bt, t-niiljy m itfatlSccut a month, frecof ijohigc. litad trx . J.. rt.-nttm nlaWaht tin: from the city can ma lut ..riKi .n mIIoip ifc"j. Daily r .Vr'HKLY nlitlon U ami iiul'offle ivilh v ' iJ;.7iuNfi rxunr. Adilretw may Lc i. -jal 7 ?': ?s Jfi.v. r,ir onlfr ot li-- otrnttinc ri&n.. or souiothiii!! else. alwnj's m the point of straightejniii; up and "autouminij to smethitJir." than t: aciunliy : ir. H'.s their stock iu tradi'. wlml thoy .vonld be if ihey didn't drink, hoxi tlio fact is that you inijht l:eoj them as Avy as one of tlie Astoria water coinjumy'd pipes fiir Ihrcn; weeks and you couldn't ijet any o.wl on; of the.m. It's a i i i i .i . . - -Cai.t. Hurler gives notice lo thoJPPu,s' U01,! -,0!, "-' whihii-,' dinxsoirs of A-.hool district No. I, t-j,u ,4- da. ' ' Too TJtterJv Ufc r'm he wmiidu't 1' t,e "'ip S'UP hamKerla-A. Ii:i!iiK:un(l eiTeetiv.- in U- action on Wc-ul t.r hdicv... that rear sluf jlia'.e heen iiwti-ucted t inako llw pny-jih.. I.iu-r. -toiv.a-i, and Br.wN lias hnr inn 1 ili.L Jt w,s .-iiier for the "'nts and liavo written Uapt. siiiciw' , &.i. itrii!. yitd ilwi rlio hitler, but ioukU timt it was t-.iaier .ot tut- j . -, , ., nau-emi nn'iliriiu fonnerlj u-od tor . ' ithipniKtarcn:piiih leominjrtiinins as vet have recetvea no reply. 1 hcini- ,.( mt-t. svnti of Fii- i. Mto nev w.;.,it.t .f ...;.i.lfif..Hl vi.iirliv lo !,. 1 1" ecennju wiierc mo iihmi uw, ui. -i'"-- v .r..iw.. -i j -- - t -The Columbia went to .mm at tiitio o'clock yesterday morning. Tho Oregon arrived in at eight in the eve- J ntnii. - -The second page of Tun A stomas' lo.'kaa? tliough wo were going to run .u illuslmtod edition ome of these davs. lu the spring a brighter color jjlotts upon the bmnished dove. In the spring a. vouuginan"iam- liglii- iv turns to mougms oi iov. utiniar. TfiHti.vns)tm ti sliniv. Thp fol- 'J'hu council did not meet lasu, . ... , , lowing, wiiicn was lcceiveu iiyayuuii Tuesday evening: a pustputicd meet ing will be held at 2 o'clock, to-morrow afternoon. So King Tennyson, and though Teii ny never was in (rg:i,yet his innate knowledge of ltunnn nntuic told him that what .v tru. of England must he true of so fair a domain as our lady yesterday afternoon from a hona tUe admirer, shows that the tender passion doth inflame the heart of one No neater place can b found in i who thttsly doth indite: Astoria than Win. Ldgars and the! 4$weet. hrown-haired huiiuty, lov patronage he enjoj-s shov.s that tho h pure and fair: giwnd thou ait in public appreciate it. j instinct, and .supreme. From out - To-morrow Tim French v. ill celc-j'C brown orbs .ift love doth bratoihe fall of the Hostile Twill Lo sliine, for in my m you dwell for ninety-tlireo years since that ancient (evermore. n ' J"e k fabric was torn down. j ln,,se ripe, sweei lips, and c.ill you ail jmy sweetest angehegooues1. government also awarded a -silver I ami jsl.caju iemed n! W. K- licment medal to Cant. Stream. Druggi-t. lia- been apixunlcil as. nt for Astoria. itoige. iiai- x o.. noie ia!e agents. Potil.nil, Oregon. I'urnlslnX Itoums to tet C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A t 3iIin. 3Iuuso u'i lodging hou.-e. ; Your IV ife 1Vat Oneol those oil sVvea; neat and con venient. See one at i'oster's. blitloh's Touso :fid Consumpaon fine N hl by us ii guarantee. U curtm cnnsu!0Ptl.u. old by W. K. Dct uient. Kre-.b:ic-s and -mirity arc coimnaiiv eatcd lo ihe compilation by Glkvn's St'i.rnci: Soav. 5Iii.i.'"TIaii: Uyi:, biack or brown,! tiftj el-. l!.iu:s- Lir.ci Lmviv llccFl am toxic 1 wir.oiiATon is enuorseu li phj'icifltis. Aufcfvr Colden's; tate no otriet. ut" Druggist?. J tihiloh"- Hialiwris what you need! for Constipation. L,os or Aopeiite, tlz-ziue- and all sniptomot Dyspepsia. Prlc-10 and 7"t cents hr bottle. Sold bs "r. 11. Ueutent. IXL STORE NEW GOODS JLOWEmTMicEs- . List of Letters Remaining uncdled for in the I'vst olllce at Astoria. Oregon, duly KJth, 1SS2 Ixtorin ice llepot. Frank Kahn i now prepared to mii- AlMieron, .M. .1. .I.hn. William S , !'. Sn.- or TJ?in iSSS Ai ncn. Mckal A. Kelly. J. M. ( . i'tl "VVv V 1 )-v-'.'rC in I Vniu Anderson. John . IUtl'e. J. M. . ,1'. "J"1 ! f.fV - m i wiM, ce Hjoi Klund. A. Lundbeek, John - i 'l.J'S;. "W- '' ' uAsamriani. V. MewiKer. All)ert rm :U ,,nrt "olK ' Jtarorili, J lljars, 3fis- ,M.u Connor. .Jolin Caviu. 3iack Duckcr. Tlioina Dcmarliuc, .joltn Fagrell, Cha-. Fisher, Ida M. Frederick-s. Win. lluilson, Mm. .. Hylaud. Ole i HuiNul. Lottie Hart, 11 J. ,Iohiion, Ander-. lohanson, 1 1 timer Persons call in must give tho date they W. Cn ot:. V. 31 f..l.r..n II r' Miller John " lVih ice cream every d:i :u Frank Nordling, William FnbreV. Families supplied in an Ulvis C. -'quantity by leaving older. Al-o the 01-seu Olive i nnest oj.-tei-v cooked to ord.r. Trank of-en'. O. Fabis uster and iee en'am are known Fink, William G. ' every w liere as par excellence. Fainter. Samuel Itvncar-on. Peter M. Sjoblom, J. II. i!okes.AndievX. lf , ilic ernan ,,., s ;n Wingard. L. Ask lol.ee one of tlio-e patent feed- , ers at Foster"-. -P. .1. ioodni!in, on Cbeiiamu- -treel. t lies for ' 4 ili- uiiiiou-. Morrow '.lioe- J lias jus! received the lateM ami most .r thesw letter fashionable tIe of gents and ladies ?y are advertised. 1 ?- ''J':1" Astor,!, for CLIPPED AND CONDENSED What i nicer on a warm day than a dish of thai exquisitely tiarored ice " 'cream that Frank Fabre makes V -On the last trip of the Uonita she brought down 1,002 sacks of llonr for Their Name is Legion Wilson & Fisher, a regular weekly; Comm.mt has hesn made on the shipment to that firm from Salem. -Tho governor of Jlisnoiiri is dif-i-i cut in some teapects from the gov enioi of Oregon. Tho governor of Missouri thieves. number of new societies that ate be ing organized in this country. A gen tleman who 'was recently hero organ izing a new association in this city, will not oardon how snres us mat we. u:in eiy i-w - t cieucs in uregon. in iventucy tney I seem nieltv well IimhI. Tiieru thev The Hay ward biought down ajhavi. llu. JuujOI. ilinm Allw aml The Utitish Coiumhta s.dmn rnnj is very light. o. Jt. AiX, Co..s stuak .sddat 111 in New York last Mondav. Parties wishing giocerie-, ptovis ioii5 or nierehaiulisc of any description, should leave their orders with A. Van l)ucn v Co. as they are prepared to de liver goods in any pan ot we city on the .shortest notice. 'j he Cahtornia state llupuohciu ;- . . , , ,, !, ..a i ! Will you suffer with DispepMaaud coiuention will be hold on the ..Oih , r,Y(,r complaint V Shiloli's Vitalizer is of wnist, uuaranteed to euro you. .o!il by W . 1 " m Dement. Pleasure is the mcie accident of onrj - , - ii-. ii .i If vou want nice fresh lard, or god being, and work its natural and t 1 sU;jarllrnl hanis jUst rrom ,!lP r,in. holy necessity. ! try go to F. J J. F.lbersoifs baker;.-. lien Duller is ptvpirlug fr his an- j Mr. John Kogcrs of the Central Mar en-it Hon lie will shonlv Iiiim tin -is kvl-,,as mai1 arrantMiient-s to keeji al i.u.n uoj.. Jic win snorm tui.i up asi ,p m)fM fr(,sIl fisbtt.tc iu thPil. .aon a Iteixiblicaii. . no :o ikOMioe.s auu ir me uo-umi eppicial: Fxbibit of the financial condition of Clatsop Count for the fiscal year end inn.l une ..!-'. OOLWrY I't'SH. Uahitice in Treasury, " June:0,18St 3S6G9 Ueceived from nleol lk)iids 20,00000 Ki-ccived primium on Uonds, lnooo Iteeeived from all otti er source' 17.C51GC Total 33,23325 I have remoyed to the KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDING t r3 Paid Co. orders .-'I,XSCC. Coup'n son Bonds SOOOO .laHUuilding... 9,00912 - State (jn Taxes.. 3S3 7-J Jkil. in Ti eaur t;J57 Ss Total S,'.'as Jo5sS3 25 A m't i ee'd I'roniTaxes .-s TWJ K Count CSS 72 Total 3 7,907 3? Paid State on Taxes .5 77 v-" SCHOOL rt'XI). Amo'nl leeeived from all sources 3 -iflSl 7 1 liv amount unpaid June '50. l.ssi - ill to ' School order paid 1.164 7." Pol. on hand Git 01 Total George Washington never told a lie; hut it must be remembered that ho enteied politics when thi country was verv tiert. Orj.sta! he Cream. Occident liloek. big crowd of excursionists yesterdai, and after leaving Astoria mails and passengers here, started over to llwaco wilh thoiTU -Yestorday was comfortably warm at all points where the sea-breeze reached, hut it must have been a scorcher on tho inland creeks and water-waya of the staie. -Tho General Itfiles arrived dow n yesterd.ty morning with a cargo of miscellaneous merchandise. Sho took 4 m about fifty tons additional here, and leaves at throe o'clock to-morrow morning for Tillamook. Daughter of tiie Viimvavd, l-.iule Daughters of .lobhiia, Jlenevoleiit Sons of the Young Amu Shilling, First National Pheniv Si-ters, Young Ladii'3 Golden Hap of Amcrie-i, Danghtet'o of the. Fni Star of dncob. Risinir Sons and laughtors of the Fast, Loving Daughter of Paradise, Sisters of the Jord's Delight Society, Heavenly-Called Lalmer.sof the Yin yard, Originating Sons and Daughter of .Business Young Home Search, Daughtcts of Love, Sv.cet Prospects of Paradise, I Hone to be Righteous i Society. United Sons and Daughters of Rising Jlotning Star, Following -The new building on Snuomuqua- 'i Sous of Abraham, Bciievoknt Daugh street now in process of completion, Xtils uf Yu-Qjiing Marj Society, Fe is a credit to the energy of A. 31. male Follower of .Mount Zion, Ris .Tuhnson, the owner. Uis xail loft injijjg Daugh lei-s ot .lob, Peaceable the upper part is one of tho eompletest Daughtei s of Belhlehem, Reformed institutions of tho kind on ihe e.asf. I Daughters of liovo, Reuerolcut Sons A loadTngTaerymau fiom up-!of Love ,'nvi"B So,j;i :;l,d Daugh rivcr, aays that the canneries above lors oF 1-cvclalioii, Rcneiolent Daugh Tongue Point are all behind: but that j tc,'-s of l,le Fits' tiict, Daughtei s the Astoria canneties are about up to ,f tl,L fil Chaiiot, Inited Daugh- last eason's pack. We have ecaseiliu'M of T-ibity, I itcl Son of Alira- rhoie writmgde?ks at the Cit book .stoic are the best in the cit j . They are i something nice and durable, and hist , what most voting ladic-. would anoicei- A1111snvidt11r.1l pup,.-r sw:"a cu , at.-fi.,m the giver, eats from 100 to P20 pounds of green! Three MrvW loads of dr ilr'.i spruce grass per day." when she 0.111 get it. Since the !iit last Jamuuv there 1 i:...ii ...i 1...-1. :.. , -....-.." . 1 ... .1 l"l. :.. . ..,... iiiiiMNiiiu ii.iiik, jiisi 1 i-t'i-i ni ;i:ih 101 I hat is. 01 course, ..,,,. .., ,.M, -, , ',?. 1 ll ll mi 1 uwtn. For that Headache! Trj the (oc t'uii P.LOOD PURlFIKIt." ihe v.s'c- have been thirtyeight criminals hung i, . curc by the people 111 IhiJ country, and . liftv-three hanged by the law. -. 41)39 74 S 4i8074 DECK.VSKl) Ft'.VP. Ainminl in Treas'irj- June'. 1331 Amount in Tteasun Jiine:. 1RR2 s.S5i And have, Without a Single Exception, i The Finest anil Best Arranges Store in Orep, ; ":::" 1." New Good. Received by Ever' Steamer in All the Xi&tost Stylos and 2ToatiM Call and Inspect Stock and Get Prices Whether You Purchase or Not. No trouble to show goods. - - S-oai Total S5 S35W sUj.PLirr.vi. Amount in Treasury J une ?a 1S31 -SI 7 A mount in Treasury .Iune lf: 107 Totat SIC: 31C7 iircr.n.M. summahy. Total balauoeon hand June :s), IRS 1 b 5.09 Kccehed irom all sources l'Jjioi 01 iSO.lsS , .s-m,;vS bZ 800 00 . 9,00011 . 74W7 . . !,it;i 7;: There are 40."0 Chinamen employed on the Canada Pacitic railroad work iu llriiiilt rvii!imili7.i lltrtt iiroiilftA a lit . . ...",.. When you want nitre drugs and lie increased to bAXRi 111 August. chemicals of a:iv kind, go to .1. W. I'or the genuine .1. II. Cntt.-r old iiourlNin. and the best ot wines, liquors and an Fniiicisco beer, call al the Gem opposite the bell lower, and see Cnmp-bel!. ham, Rising Sou- of LHjah, Young National Daughters of Phenix, Young Daughtoi-3 of the Ark of Shiloh, Si ters of Piovidecce. Anyone, whether s-m or daughter, having anj- opinion about it some tune ago. -Passengoi-s on the Columbia yesterday morning were profuse in their compliments regarding our rineougnlllt to j,aVf. any ditiiculty in gel- .....iiiv.. i.iumuiiniUiHv.niiuUli ung Jl0m OJ SOmClilltlg tllHt Mll'IKCS heat of the interior they thought that! their fancy in that heap, our sea breeze and delightful cool air GracedhurcnT was something for which wo should .... . . . , IJiero will bo no service m tin- be. envied. ,11 , cuurcn on neL .-Minaav. me itev. Mr. Rosenberg will officiate on the 2iJd and ;0th. Bishop alorris has gone on a visitation to Coo Biy and One of the mistakes of .lugeiidi was his putting ?."i0,000 into mining stock, whiclfhe. could buy now tor 2 090. It will he remembered that Mo ses never mr.de any mistakes ithoul. mines. lou't iirry .1 million ioveteigus m j Vonr pockets fi-r tifieen years, lu j that i:m e are toh't. they will ine in weight, by wear and tear, one-half of one per cent, or about S2.1.000, and this sum is an important iit-m nt the rcsfnl price of het-f. Capt. Fivdi nek Slow e. uell known in the conimercial v.oild f.o- the ap plication of double top s.dl ynnls to shipping, which Ins gi en th-- inven tion Ihe name of "Howes iig," died Conn's drug store, opposite Occident noici. Call and examine those babv w-mon-al the Citv book store. -Tlie "Always liamU -to.-!'fiii- j .slielves al John A. Monlgonier.N's. Fieriest and finest caki-. imit and eandvat the Astoria eandv fm-iorv. 5.13)9 23 a 7,189 07 Total : Paid Cniinu 1 11 ml.. Coupons " Jail Biiilding... - State taxes - School Total 15.il. cash in freasttrj Applicable as follows To the payment of County orders ' Sch.ool - Deceased fund.... " Surplus Total S 7,189 07$ 7.1SQ07 Co. ordcr.s ottfstutidi'gS 3: Cl F01 -aynicnt of which is in Treasury f37 41 Delinquent Tae- unpaid 912 14 ASTORIA, June 3, 1382. ASTORIA BREWERY. M. MEYER -------- Proprietor., ASTORIA, OBF.GON. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PEK BAKKEL OF 30 (MLLONa JLAIinr. ORDERS IX IJKR PROPORTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, SI 50 per Doien S"Speelftl attention iaia to orders nvai 1'uWle Hou3e.' and FamlUe&.'VB r.,5a7 11 f.uoi 107 No iioieo;d weight u the urieiit Baths. Three fiisi-elav, Imrbei-s. All work guaranteed. Chihhon-i hair cut ting a special! j. .!.('. Cit v::tki:s. For iame Baek. Side or Chest n-e Miiloh'.s Pot oils Plasier, Pnes 'Si ceiils. ( For sale b W. K. Denteiir. J Cat.itih Oiiied, health and sv.eetj !neathseeurriib liIlohs Catarrh i.m. "edy. l'rice roceiits, Masai Injector ir-.-e.j i-orsaieov w.r. uemeni. Total 7,H985 K. K. .Sl'KDDEX, Coimt Clerk. THE TP COLUMBIA BREWERY K (r& "GiKGr)' 5BSC&TO Vgft) ?9Wt5? 3) IS bCl'KftlOK TO .MOST. A.NU Ih EXCKl.LPJ) I;Y XON ON T1S COAi1 JOHN HAJE1IN, - - PROPRIETOR, CHENAKUS STRET; - ASTORIA, 0R3G0N. JTOrders loll at the GKRMAMA hEK!iUAU. will be prompt!) atteuUeJ to." ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. CHK-VAMCS SlItKKT, ASTOKLV. Drossm iTciixy 9 11 II ill twill f,!llll- i rim. L'NDicitsiii.N'Kn i- iuv.vho. to SRUBWft nP AT.T. KTNnfi ! I .-- apncinnv to me puoneuiai a- is mtuc - - - . -- .., I lag the sui - 'o::.ir l rj.' l-t stylo iiom -f. l' sj. Suti-fietinu Ounranttied. Boston Crystal Ice Cream ! Fro-di fiijh receixed :;l C. A. Ma i; eer aJeamer. i sfali- trash, flverv The managing committee were around yesterday paying bills incurred on the Fourth. They expended the money entrusted to thorn with judg- Rogue River. He ccneel- to ofliciato ment, and will probably come out ;n Grace church on the nrst and see suddenlx-ofheairdiseaseat Yarmouth- vanetj 01 Oieg.-n and i'nlnoriii.1 truit ,, , , 'alwas on hand, poit, Jiass., on ill" 'Jbth uh. ii. f,i p.-, i.. Stevens Jc S.n ha' then store Uijh. LmKeriiun of l.m 1m it, w.i . mm,iedAIth new good . all maiKid in has already paid a line for bringing j plain Hgure. too many Chinese p isseugcrs on hoard , Ihace up the w hole sv stein with King his vessel, has been arrested on tho j ,lf lllP lil0011- A Jverti-i-mon:. charge of violating the law in rehtion J Dyspeptic, nervous piimh. -out of .sons, i ui,iii.. i ijiui in nr.i.r ui cute. Talc no other. Ol Druggists. iMUK (1K(). IIIJLlTOK.! N-M iloor lo AVestoii House. 111 even. A dotailed statement of the rcreipts and expenditures will be pub- lished in a few days. . ond Sundavs of August. To-Niglil. There will be a meeting of tho A--- How long will it be before ourUoria Fii'o Department at the rooms of warehouse men will havo to bulkhead i Rescue A"o. 2, at eight o'clock, to hear the water front? There's constant' the report of the committee. filliMrr ?m riTirr nil ,irt 11, eriiin rlnnr.ii - - - b.. , , !. . x, ' It is stated hv the Marine Regis, n noticeable shoaling of tho water. I, . . - , . x, , , .. j ter that not less than tour tnonsand I ho absence of the teredo makes it , . .... . , ... . .Norwegian seamen were enticed into comparatively cheap; and its a job . . . . . . , i , r , deserting their vessels in the port ot that must bo begun before long. ,. . , . . . ' 'Jiew York last year. According to -One of the prettiest sights in j estimates made they lost over o0,000 existence was seen j-csterday at1 in wages due to them, and over 100,- sunset; over 800 boats coming m onjOOO in advance wages which went into the evening tide, their whito sails) boarding-house keepers packet. gleaming in tho 'rays of the sinking j Through the vicious system of advance Chas. siccus and Sou have a stock of mouldings and mouidei.s lools which can be bought cheap lor cah lo com out that branch of the buMiios. Fresh taffy. and caramels own day ai the Astoria Candy Factory, Mam St. to berths. He brought, 7i!)C!iinaue:u here, and the penalty for violating the statute in such cases made and provi ded, is S" for eich Chinee. Cinch 'uin. ()ne hundred thousand emigmnts landed at Castle Oardetis during May, and the arrivals for the year will reach l,n!H).iHKI. And yet it takes you si. weeks to find a gill to work in vour kitchen, and she'll only htay- 1,on"'n -, ' .-, t.. mm .....i.. ...n,. ' u " lr l'- nireu 11:13 s lueii. neii ai:'uuii leua j .. . vou thete isn't work antfwages forj -Katire's ice cream is the best every soul in America, haul him away j Fur Sale. The unt-.t Ice Cream e or dtshed un to the j American public. Try It. and be conv larva. I He also furnishes, ta urst-c'ass stvlc. I .., ,,.. .. ii x.-l ji..s, niji iiurrtr. ir, r.i . AT THR EEQI3IXBID !03KB.187t. ' Ladies' and 6ent's Oyster Saloon. . i cwhNAiius srnwn. fllWii AiMtlLs: or L.VXD. Willi O.NT. m. sturv lions,., situate within S00 feet or wharf ntCatiitamet, Washmjiton Territory, rrice.s-.en. one :icp of 1.1ml. with two-storyhou.se situate w it!ii:i cr) feet ot same wharf. Price 570). lViri.. jil Is". o.i t-.itli lif.ii.i- ni.H tisi wimm! wtiarTs. i'mntao one-liaif mile on Colnnihia River ; w acre alder land on place ; sHiuite one mile from above wharf. Price Tor ti:rtic:il.trs iWjiilic of f too. U. Roberts, i - .. - r.iihlanict. W. T.. or V. R. Stromr. Portland. JEM.GXXl.ral. i On'ROii d-W lm ; FOE THEBLOOD ISTflE LIFE Mslcc use nftan Vegetable Kingdom. Abso lutely the k e re gjtOK D1X0Nt Vro)1 lH0T ; BEST . KHO WH REMEDY ! I. W. CASE, j :to the ladies of astoria. For the Ultioil ttuil Uvfr CampUtaH. 5few r ld Chttl 1 TAKE lLEisL'RK IS iNPORMINft , l.Ml'OPIin: ASH MiOLESALKAMJKJ!X you that 1 hav rcuion-d my Dre.s- fAIL DKALER IN Prof. Fred Mj'er vishcs to organ 1 izea singing clase of children : he al-o I KiK" TKSrW'W'K"!. CTOCT ii. MBBmriUllIOT uianiaiiiiu uiuuuuiuiuxufi ; making rooms 1 From CheuniHiis SU to Cai St., Next door to Thk Astohiax office. I sun, and a flood of purple mist filling the north side of the river, deepening into dusky gray, as tho mountain shadows darkened into night. wages, here. is the sum of $150,000 which the sailors of one nation iu a year lost in the port of New York i alone. li'eniember Frank Pabre's km- en mi. cellence. -Children's .suits at Mr.s. Derbx' ' thank the ladies for their liberal patrounRC. i ''onior Cliciininus and CahH streets. URN t RiPFLFYt'4 ASTORIA - - - OREGON! Jew joedLtl'X'r Cure KOR KldKO aad Kind 4er BlMMWtw. CkTBBlc SUa IfWMlts ttltt IthCHBtattMH. K. lv I A JR. XC ZS n nrun!iN SUBURBAN LOTS. to tho deepest dungeon 'nealli tho cas- yam.v .soaps and rerfuiiicr.v of all (1.1 llinnh tKnibfwm ImflillllilMi I VI IV.n'li'. .I.un ..w ...v..... , laiiu-- . . i.'iii.u .11 ... 11 . ...'in. .ii ii- TI UV fj"V I, I siore.opposiiuweciucui noiei. , - -1 r llfirc 2 Xtl'Q r : -TlUlllVH rwt J? 131IC1 'J1IC11. For particulars nnd tesUmonJals- na tfaJl . V....rtlll.. I,. 1 l...l.l ....:... ' IT.- , . ""'" ;- 1-.j. The next state in .. -'- """" '""" ; i .,mv. .n.iA.cUrkT . w-cukus,. . i.nsier. Rhode Island has '2'2?t itihalutamsto'' the square mile Has Stood the Test FOR YEARS. density of population is Mass-ichn-i i Ice for .sale at the Occident Hotel. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand PRKf.lMI.X IKY 4.NXi:.M'F.MFAT. setts, with 21 Jo the square mile. ; New Jeisev is the next with 152. 4 Chas. Stevens A- .boil hae for wile . l-rice : l. per BtUs, To insure a cure ui.e six lots for !).. n, ...-:... I r 11 -.i ion ..,1 1 and are agents for the new Sing Connecticut follows with 120, and I jnfr ,naPj,y,,cs iSow lork with 107. Pennsylvania and Maryland have each 95. Ohio 78, and Illinois and Indiana each 50. Kentucky has 41, Iowa GO, Florida 5, California 5, Oregon 2. IVnixl lHlverrdto Or4or, ;ei sew A new stock of .stoves ot the latest i-tyles at John -A. 'Montgomery ' I Orayiny, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DE.Vl.Kn is ONE nCNDRED BUILDING LOTS ATI - adroifablj- adapted lor vegetable nardeus. Your dru-bt kceis and recommends lc 1 All situate Ja the newly survejed tllaso of I Ask for. and se that you get the genuine. 1 ATdcrbrook, on the northcru part of Robert ' : iiotfce. 1 Suortcss' Donation Land Claim, adjoining Terms of payment aad day of sale will be 1 X 5 Unner Astoria, as laid out and recorded by. -vfci ! J. K. Kelly, I Bergman and A. W. Berry, j niHE DKUXQIIKNT TA5C KOLL i'OH lerms 01 payment aHu. uay 01 saio vvui oei j. ioccar nwi.xoj-euicr wim awarraac duly announced. 1 fTom the County Court for tho collection of Vmt n-mit-titfr.ir cmnnn Mm-.,... .,. t ue.ii.u in Vorfurthpr TifirtirnHisi nnrl (irninlnnllnn of I thn 4xina t In mv hernia Tlllnmint tor. cream to-dny: 'fresh made nnd nicely I WNES,LI0UOR8AND CIGARS recorded plat, apply to &c fl)LDRX payers md Jletw tUoattoneeMysay llavored. I FMKT-fMft Ancttoneer and Real Estate Agent! 'm):l tr&. - V, ife&ri' v