The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, July 09, 1882, Image 1

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Vol. xvn.
Astoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, July 9. 188
No. 86V
How the Trotting-Horse Repor
ter Coached a Chicago
plied the reporter. Vou take that THE MEXICAN MOZO. . 1 1 1 1 1 2 S
I sentence about the shimmering The Seivant that Scnietimes Robs' as - gs s d5? : H-
I i i: H....U l..:..fA., j trills a,n MnoQr - w -c . .- " St-. ..oF,p S32 C I
'a starter, and then you go ahead , cz -.alS'sSj - - ..- SsJ: Has52 JS g
, , i i V i 1 he 'mio.o ' ;s a lcn.nnnl ser- -r - 2 sia A 5r3 .S -See t
ft n mil llfllV W'llIIII f IIIIIIMI ! Ill ... n -V 1 TL '.'II " v 1 aV .
V" 7 r 7 r :v:mt or valot, and a erv iwful -5 5y;fc 5 -?- ?23"rf:t- SJ1
""V1, i 7 ..lappeudaee 10 hav- in tn.voling 5 S-fg3 7 222 fs i :! Sg 2 ,
est and moorland, over palace-hall! , " i . ,. ,,.... S3 ?. 4u''i S:r .-'-S -?iz 52 "35a"3 2
,l ..around over the country away - -. .2 - , ss- i u ---c--.5'a 'sis S
and umblo cot, there gleam, forth , fi H(. u. g eg f f- g 0 ;.--p gfe
in al its pure radiance, the clear,, (jf g c: g - Sfcs:35 g
steady of a lugh and noble, fe. &f gjr-fSr j 1 li I -hPILI igB
....- r.i;.,o- ...n .iin " . . t t-? c-.-'-c . :- 3 ss ,-'io-- u-z3-.i
ulean task, miss," said the horee f T i i m etc- oT iniml,. yxS-MISci:, M S'cS5siSlS9 5f
', ., '....,, dark clouds of despair hang heav-, " , s - - x ? f - a - feiL32rs-3Sa2 jpra
porier, ana tne aanerent oi iro- .. . . . -, - i ,i i.. m p i. . n....i. c -.-j c r g j: - o " 5Z-;c!t5s555sSs6
. -i j ii j -i H vathv!tthe horizon, and ihelti- ' .. w.lirrt : " .or- j- 55 g So S P &- SSSS"5 5jS
101s smiled a bland n:lOi smile, - , - , ,. ', v , . nients he can ave In- uages-. ccr. S ou5 -ae ? ...a- -i
which seemed to reabsure the),,,, ,. . . r ' winch ii- generally nityciMits a uaj ,
. , I followed bv the linage rumbling- . . .i.:i...... f,,,-! -n. . 1:1, -..
....... I..,!,. . " ' 111 hiivillir iMrir.s. iMUCKCns. lOl 1 111 II-5I COIll
i . c ors i
- "I would like to see au editor,"
said a girl of rather prepossessing
appearance as she opened the door
of the editorial room yesterday afternoon.
"That is not a particularly her
l0f course," she aid, "I don"t
exactly know which editor 1 want
to see, because "
'Oil, that's all right," said the
advocate of the Saratoga scale for
two-year-olds. "We don't expect
people who come around here to
know anything." And again the
quarter-stretch smile beamed forth
in all its splendor.
""Well," said the young lady, "I
Of Oalifornla.
A. Me KIN NIK, rfanager.,
For Oregon Washington and Idaho TertrtkrlM:
mnsn't forget to get in words like !
'lurid Hash,' and 'pure radiance,'
because they're what set out the
t1nii. -.r tlm cliili I L-nniv 1ir
am going to graduate next week, i ' , '. " , ,,
i -in . l. n 'cause I've been through college
mrl liintninn !iul flint iifM'nnnt; if I i "
iead mv essav to some editor hei ''
would point out any little defects
in it, and show how they could be
uusiiouers tiae
food, and feed for the animals at 'given up stocking mciM'.nd ponds
tin regular rates, where the iguor- with black ba?-, hcauie ilny de
ant forcignrr, unaccustomed to j vour all the other lish.
American ways, would get cheated j Iaf j htt 0w.
on all occasions. . gon BL00D TURIFIKi;, lliu ,-ftje-
Thr.n Afoxipo is a Cfuuitrv in i.i ....a.. f n. ...,...
"I suppose so, was the reply. . nces go a long wav .- - -
"You bet it is sis. only you t(wanl urn consideration and ! Tin first appearance of cotton
of the thunder, like the mutter-
ings of a might- giant, foietell the
coming of a htorm in which the
very elements shall rage in blind
fury against each other. That's a
corker, ain't it?"
comfort. The man with a moo is las an article of commerce wa, a
supposed to be a man of business, I shipment of seven bales from
who undeistnuds the ways of the j Charleston, S. C, in 7o7.
country and cannot be imposed on - -
' with impunity. All mozos are sup-
?t .., ., , -, posed to be honest and irut3 lo , uri,iary afltrtiii5. .-inarlliii;, trcom'iit
, "Have you.'" said t lie girl. . . Hi ' or difllcnll urintitioiu kiilney ilieasus.
'-Yes 1 know vou wouldn't,51 tMl,im " ! "" 'Si. at dru-ists. Oreynn, DAVIS
, ies. I know ou ou,unr,iXic.ins t)f t,0 j0Wt.r class have,. (().. I'.ntlaml. Or.
suspect it, necau-o j (ton i siiiukk
"Mamma told you that, didj
"Yes, sir."
"Your maternal ancestor," said ,
the horse reporter, "is evidently a .
person of great mental fertility.
What is the title of your essa'?
'"Life's Possibilities," ' wa the
ride a bicycle; but
a limit to their pride of honor,
X. Bra, of Pulaski county, N.
cixn rettes. or ride a bicycle; nut , ' .. . , .v JSray, ot nuasKi count v, ..
p , ... - I, though one can generally be sure '
I've been there, all the 5same. - ., r r u i;. ,: rl -i oirerc; l" "et "Vo lnal ,,ft can
... , - -., , of those qualities (tvith a limit) ii '
"Is that all I should writer , ' , . ,. ; cut nine acres of wheat in a day
. i . -j- .i I the moo has been secured by a : -
that about the torm. the girl . . and drink a gallon ot buttermilk to
"Well, 1
' resnonsible buine.? man, who has.' ' '
:.. , ........ ... .-.. r """
, ,, , uvea somenme in me ciiuiiuy. jii
.li.inlil c-i' tinl oil
suoils a moo to treat nun a an
,,. want to describe the squall in all j
its dreadful splendor, and
nice .-ay lie al:oit a stately ship
,. , - ,-1 e mozo cannot spea
II... ( l.n irktmi h (Mil lllrt -ir.'lU'AV .
liuil ill' . VMIiV .,! .... ...-.. .
Then are about G5,000 ex
s(ildier of the Union army in
Kan-, 35,000 of whom are moro
or los disabled.
Ilun't IMe in thn Heutc
Ask druggUts forlonehon Uats." It
elears out rats, mice, bedbujrs, roaches,
vermin, dies, ant, insects. I5e per box.
The entire foreign-born popu
lation of New York, at the last
census, was much less than 500,
000, while the native population
was about 750,000.
CHaS. HODClE, of Hodc. DavLs A Co. At. S. liUttKKTL. of Knawvfcawy. Co,
J.V3IES KTCEU CnsalcrKrst NaUooal Bank. , SlJUxCSQHeriaT CtftU
o. .i. oinvinpuiuvi., tiuuuait M'aiucr; ucmer.
,a?d.5?tdfflSs- . . w rf .. ,ANOia:wBOBEKra.oUFweiJs&te
. A. DOI.fn, of l)olh, Drouautfli. Doluh & JOHN CE-VX. ot JoJm CxaiittCo
I JOS. BUllKHAfiD,'Biuu5ld JtSwiMat.
j. k. hill. or J. k. ooi SiCo..ataxUMtss
FlUN'K AKOVlCH.oiaia.tTrltfi,it?.4
Col. J. McCRAKEN. or .T. JteCroicPn & Go.
L. C. llF.NlUCffSKN, of Jleiuicbsen 4
Dr. G. E. KOTT.VGC, Al. I)., Examiner ana
Eaeaof tlie above me&feas SlOJWtasur-
ance to this Cojnpanr. XK
Xo hotter Hlood Cleanser than Wni.
l'fiuuliirV Oregon Blood furifior.
Iiheiiiii.itidiu ca3e Xo. U25- After'
sutruiiiii; 10 years with rheumatism
and nsinj during that timo every re
cominciulcd medicine and tho best's advice without tindins re-
I i;.,r r .-:.. .i ., i...ti.. ,.r tii ri..i,.nn
iiwi a i.v .i vi'lviu ,& viivi vi (n 'u
Blood Puritier, and feeling better'af
ter its ue, I continued in taking jt,
; and am "lad lo that after two
N'othlar Short of Liiitii.laUuble month's continuous use of your valu-
I .... .- . . t . i
u .. ' pqaU '-d it is much Detter tor' iipucuih inuitJ or0o nhmd Pnrilicr. I am
tell .1 ! f..f.,..l, fnnc ..f a . '
both master and seivant if tlifl couIl ..j',, sulll ,nnintaiu pertectly tree troai rheumatism.
half a dozen jthen'putatlon whh'h AYr.itsSAnsAe.v-l Alukkt Youxoki:.
iiili.a enjttv.s. ji i :i I'UMiiMMiiiu ii inej
i best vepab!e alteratives, with the 4., , ,. .,
hrtlidesof I'olaiuai and iron, and is ' " talks witn
S d to W
c37S2w t V Uli i
coo Z Q Mg O SB s
3 2 1 WfeJl m 3
"That is certainly a comprehen-i. . . ,. . . " words of English. Xoni.iushouh
. , ; 1 islands ot tlie sou thein sas, where
M.uauui.i.1, "-"""n,-u "W1 HI,,. ,n.VM -i. IndiMi with the tr" mmviuiis. wn. , ..-. . .... tlie limn elTeetual or all rpuii'iiia ror j f :l , Ur J0
:i,i.. ,i ;., !. ""' bl0P a!'' ,atU,, "" ll,c-. .... 1. irt,i. ..,- ,i, M-rofulous. iuprcnrial.or blood di-ordcrs. '"' J w,-JO
,n,, ., (balmy odor of soices, and all that u- " -- L'mformly successful and eerlfiin in it I anything .al.iahl
cae of lovely woman may include!. . . . ... .' . ..,, Snanish laniuaie. remedial eJTects, it iroducis mpid and ! '
,. ." . . r . kiml ol rubhli. you lenow. tnen - : . .oainlete cures of Scrofula, Sores, BolKjcuie.
my thing, from the mistress of the i, ,:.. i,ii ;,. So:ne Americans in traveling Iu,m,r ,, iimlfts, Ernntions. .SkuiDN-l -- .
1 1
his mouth
hnson, "rarely hai
e to commnrx
White House to hanging out red'
flannel shirts."
"Would vou like to hear mv
...k .k:.. ...i ,.... 1..... ..1 th.i .eases ami au tusoruers risuiij iroiu 1111-
the "oodship. almost in ight of ",l" ,"1-" """is"- ; - ,,riJy of the MooU Bjvitinvijioratiiifi
, . ,x 1 1 1 ,1 r ,, ' money mev can v e: me inp
......,., . ........ ...... ... ...w ,..--
The Pioneer Machine Shop! surasce aokni.
tik. j t utrrei.
nL-vcKSMmt .jaBtmmAJ .X
Office over Conn's Brag SCw.
Boiler Shop
essay, sir?"
iGive'einn gi eat talk about the.
'erstwhile placid surface of the
, and effects it always rolitfvcafand often eurCoM
1 1 l..r. fAmAI1ill( Vlllll.lln U Ill'llfl.CftC
let him o undeiMand it that nc'nmi iricgularilirs. and is a jiotent re-
,.,0.. lw .ir rn liU nmfncomitl newer of vitality. I'or purifjing the
may be put on his prolos1ion.1i ,. . , . t, , It toue-s up the
and nieserves the
inip.iits ior and eneigy
Peravian Uiltrrn
Cinctiona KnbT.
r otttWto c6 cfcM 11cwi . ,. . , , .... made a rule, when a patty ol two or yjeeroy m lVni iiiliSW. TheCounti. Are oa disturbed at night and broken 1
rcdlefore a large audi- ie&s ;'5 u -" l,ol'l l-1" . wen- u-av.dinir.his wife, was prostrated by an intermit- of jour by a siek child suffering
t 11 waukce paper, lug out the light, three Ann. leans wut iran "CT ; cnt feir. rnnn Mliifli alio was freed h J and ening with tin everuciating pain
MWiff, 1 can not allow 1. . Miliinpp' with a InMv moo, that at no lime the iwor the native remedy, .ilie lVni- j..f euitim: t.vih ? It so, go at once and
wmvrubvlins and am ff,cannnS ,n " Ij I),no 13l,lillice1 ,. ,. , . . . ian bark. or. a, it was called in the'get a biittle.of 3Irs. U IihIow's .Soothing
1 1 iuj,n, tl,..t .....who had brought them that which wa;gie rest to the mother, and relief and
was onI last uciouoi iiiai .11. n)0re j,rCl.,iUs th:m the gold of the Inea-. J hoallh lo tl;e ehild. operating like magic
Vinerican and his wife,travelingl'othis day. after a lape of two htm- Ii i perCeetly -.afeto use In all case.s,
.. dred and lflty yeai-, science lias given 'and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre
from linh to Uunuigo, with a . us nothing to take its place. It eilectu-i.sciiptiO!i of one ot the oldest and
to hit 'em if you do this."
"Do you really think so?"'
"ft's dead certain."
em r 1 11 r 11 1 1 mm l?l P in l.oth murdered s he: stomach. It attacks e.ces.Me b el oents a bottle.
"Then shall follow your ad- Horn l-l l a-ot u 1. orn uiuruereu: H,Ilinril,it .lon.afever.aud detro.
., ii 1. ,i ,i , ally cure-, a morbid appetite for stimu-1 female phweinn- ninl nurses in the
iiiuyu iou nai uiiJiii.i. . "-" laiits. nyresionug tue natural tone 01 ; i,nis-il Males. SmiI.i evervwucre
vice; and let me thank you for by the tutsty ninzo while tney
your kindness," said the 'girl, as slept, and that was the end
elm ctnrlwl fnr iin of it. TllO 1UOZO lMk all tllC .
htH.-v inn ! ii rur. 11 .1 ...(t im 1
lit 1U III lV mkl- t . ' IVUilll.lM 1 ...-. . jw. rnMla .I.iaai lAf n. W ..,..
"Don't forget about the lurid nc they had and escaped. The Viceroys ; We guarantee the 5 n nVccipe that will
0 ....,,. i-..i icnts ol tliee outers lo no ao-.oiUiel , , ,.., L-iivr nw nmimv 11.1
glare, sis," shoute.l tlm horse re- mithonties iook mil mtie inierest pure, ami otthHM k
porter. in the matter. Xo rewnid was ol- .M.M -Tl l-nnSf of I ary in South America Send a. self
"f will lemember it, sir," was , fered and he has not yet been cap- the nuddin2 is in the mating' and we I :,. ixC,x..biatli,n D. Xew York City.
TVU 11 r.r.nWr.A !,. ,... ..,.,
' ' , J a 'mightv deep being lashed into uu-
who once beiran the reoort of a, .. . .
it 1 , . 1 goyernnbic lurv nv the tieice . . , uu v o-dav tile mo-t available
lecture with the somewhat startl-0. , . t . , ., , the disagreeable iip
4, trr winds that seem to laugh a wild,. , . ,-,.", , meuicine ior uu sum rnu mi k, .mj-
ing announcement that llenrtt . .... , inr hi, master while he bleeps, if where.
? , .., T . , a demoniac laugh in very glee at' KonbAi.ur.Y ai.i. Dkai.i:i:..
Ivara JJeccier, xchose name nasi . . . . . he intends to rob lum, as he can
, T T T I .'lilt U(."UUUlllil Hilt tlH l'1-IOMIUi
been so worthily borne for several . . . . .. , ,, leave with the funds at any time.
. i jT 'And then, when everything looks'"-' , .
vcarsbv one of the most success- , ... ; , , W. know of eases wheic it wn.
fultrntiinn Tallinn 1 in hit cowv I as dreary, annclesOlat ami hope- f i The Count Cinchon was the .Sp.misli
f rotting afwn ?i tt COtm J 0ditorial n-irrd of a Mil- mwl" :l ru,e' w,,en a Im,,V f l WO r ' Viceroy m lVru in liS. The Counts
fry, appearca.vejc
encelast evening,
a lie to pass my ruby lips, and am
therefore constrained. to say that
I am not wildly infatuated with
the scheme you mention, but still
you can iead this essay. T am
young, but tough."
"Schoolmates" began the girl,:
iicc stand upon the verge of a
shoreless seat the "
"Hold on" said the reporter.
"Come back and get the word
"Why, what's the matter, sir?"
a-kod the young lady.
"That's all wrong," was the 10
ply. "How can any one stand
upon the verge of a shoreless sea?
If a sea's got a verge it isn't shore
less by quite a considerable. You
might as well say j-ou were sit
ting' in the arm-chair of a chair
less parlor. I suppose you have
been there."
Tho young lady blushed, and
.aid she really didn't know.
"I reckoned you'd grasp the
simile," said St. Julien's friend.
"Chicago girls may not be beauti
ful, but they are superbly fly.
Now re'll change that lino to
' We stand upon the shore oj a
sea that stretches away as jar as
the eye can folloto, -until its shim
nitring surface is kissed by the
purple rim of a horizon that bends
to meet its laughing waves as the
mother bends over her baby boy
all gentleness and love' now
thats a daisy seutencc- Then tho
Ship of Life racket is a pretty
good one."
"The what?" asked the young
"The Ship of Life racket" re-
Stkinny Jlen.
-Health I'enpwcr.
Ml klnils of
Absolute 1 TwrW'M u . AvranpmW-:
cuie for nervous tieiuiity and weakness Xixi ullllii tiAJl.nJ!tfvX7T
i r .
pride, and at the same lime, if he .system. 1 est ores
; , . . ,. j iicauii, aim niipaii" ii .iiiii cm-iut..
is not to be trusted, it saves him ! For fmlv jear. it ha been in extensive!
of thegencrati e f mictions. 1, at drug-
gist-v Oregon Depot. DAVIS A- UU.,
Portland. Or.
otey Hmrmyr jtUKBf-
.CAi -.-
,vr -W t UllfAHTH
""" . .1 . v -"--" ?
w-- " -r-r' xrir-
1 K'i'b' m m mmm m iHfiKar r . ?. caauMLwiiiBrr. .tatarr rian. mmm -- .-,
v nfili'Mir ..ililiiir.'.Q irri.itfr 1 AAXclIE UvttA 1W vlvlh -. b J "m wi
- "r .-"- p......-. mtmmMnmv ...
rood can often be done that! by I iro.npujaiienm.uxo.
decrying it. Self is at tiie bottom j A specialty , mute of repairing
of maiiv irood actions in their CANNERY DIES.
" I 3
motives. i-noT nv i.ap.wktti htri-'VT
.llotliers : .llotliersl! JfotheiH! t ! I
r.hsro.vrtTBEKT, Xkvu PAKKfcit llousgyj ASTORIA.
of flflmburs, Gcnnany, aa4 of Ibe Tmf-
. tiers' Uf and Aceldeat lai. Co., otHaft-
ford. Conn.
t Mromce in V thlaa Biuldiaif. Kooms ll, 12.
t "j1 D. WISITOS,
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
' rrOfllce in Pthlan BuUdloc. Bombs ll. I?.
PCIICDAI UAnUllllQTQ Alini OKrxcK-Ovcr tho WhtteHot itewi'
UCnCnAL mAuniRIOlO AnU: r.Kt4iDExcK-OverKU)Koa,rBky.r?
Phyiileuui aaA Imimi
i b.i ii. mi m i Al ail 11 i
f!i 111 I. I I 1 AI I.
i oouer norK, oieamnoat nor -n p. micks.
' J. a
and Cannery Work a specialty.
OKFICK-Over A.V.AXlmft gTOCWJ flWtJv
Rooms, at the Parker House. "
kmi. i:i'A mm,.. m..:irr.i ...,; ..;r.w.t aim vmiiiici v iiuin a lucKiaiiT. --..
of the Cinchona is preserved in the; A VAKU. riAinTWft. ASTORL, - - - - OWMion
iVi .r""".V To all v. bo are sunerin-' from tho - -.---'- f jjoonu In Allen's bulkU4iBMr9. wi-
.jt.-unsi iiiui.iii.ii u .n... .i-. i';S error-, mid indiseretioni of voutb. nPrv- ornll lUrlutieBn mmIa ta Orrtrr oi ta ruu aqt-moeiD wrwis.
ay. 10
Ht Mhert Xetle.
A. D. W.S8, lresldriit.
J. u. iicsTLEK, sexctary.
, Ttoi
I. V. Case, Troftsarer.
Johx Fox, .Supcxintcoaeot. Oaexuunui Street. - ASTORIA. Ofc2&KK
the renlv. accomnanied by a smile, luted
"And the pure radiance of the , .' .
flame," he continued. "A flame
without a pure radiance is of no !
earthly account in
"I won't forget," and another!
all dm
iKCiste, groceis and Iniunr dealers.
iL J.oeb& Co., agents for Astoria.
ties to teach childien to think of a
lovt n: llioi drnn rhoir nifiiiev into
a o-raduating . . A . . , t . '
n the eonUibntion-bow A certain
litth girl at Sunday school recent -
U cute lbf lnv :itiitrn:iphitnr. Mild
smile was wafted down the hall-' . . . "
. ;be,ran to .search in Iter memory lor
way. "Ana now cood-bve, sir. w . . . . , . " .
f. .,,-,, , a text. he hesitated for a low
"Au revoir." said the horse re-. . , , ., ,- - .
momeius, iiniiipeu uu- nuuu in
HTTTTT1TW V'nflA'D :r u-Aw
..,.. o, ... ATTOBSEfATUW.
May be found at the Court House.
'Come in again after vou
t on
to a nice name for vour first
unci. iuiue in ;i".iiu iiiiei uiii. , , i i , i
1 j the box, and rwclatined tnuuiph
u iij.iu iru. lliu i ttiu I ill tun uu , r It . rrr
' anllv. "A fool and Ins money are ig
soon paited! ll
S.ivs the Jacksonville Sentinel
ome j
baby." Chicago Tribune.
mm&zm rMivunA 4 - r
'TJBUB...: K
n tt i tv i unr n yvrrvxsaaaBFranaB
Street Improvement Notice.
" viveii!. ; i...r..i.. .,;..... ti.ot ii... i comer aoun ana cucnHmai--treii.
Common Council of The C'ltv of .Vstoria. ..sT0ttlA OREdOJv
pniiio order the renairand improve-1 .., ,- . ..
ment of that portion ot Salmon or East! . ." . ' n
Svoml street in .Shiyely's Astoiia. torn P KARS AN) ) K A 1 1. '
.W....W .... ,w ,.w,
Tho Celebrated Uoor,
BAIX 4b CO.,
the soutli line of Cedar street to the
north line of Hemlock street, by . siieath
ui2 the same with three-inch planking
ami by straightening the piling where
ever out of repair, ami unless a remon
strance .signed ly the owners ot two
thirds of the pi operty fronting on said
Ipoition of -aid street, bolGlcd with the
Xiiilitnr "inl Clerk of a.iiil eltv. within?
'ten d.ijt troiu the linal publication of;
f f this uotiei. the Common Council will
I order .-..lid iep.iir- to be made. Dy or
der of tbe Common Council
j .Jul. I'd. l.-.s-j. Auditor and Clerk.
The annual sun dance of llie'T j.lto raiis whlle dni11, ,.ome
Ponc-i Indians is desdribed as ( flnnrtf4. to jni ,avo i,,.Pn inore
having a considerably civilied m)o;tllI1(. fnr jaU. Mlwn .rram :m,j
aspect this year. Then- wore . f;,. com ., 50rglium crop,, :MUi
blankets instead of buffalo robes, ther. is nov, A priKprtCt ior :ul
paints from a drug store instead .,,,,.-,111 harvest,
of dyes from hot hs, topes instead! " ; -z. -
of rawhide strips, and glass beads ' Georgia has probably tho small- iKSffi
in place of wampum. The savage ; est foreign-born population of any acWeves jWs-wggjV fcjr. tltojoaml
character of tho ceremony con-1 slate-only 10,000 out of 1,342,- L!&??-3Vbe Sb
tinued, however, unchanged, the 000 total. She probablv hits, mIso. Mj?011 o-kc recovt-rinj? from entcobiinj;
. ... ' c. . 1 ' dlase. 3Ioreover it I, the srand spccinc
principal rite consisting of lacera-. the largest per cent native to her for feer and ague.
l O O I Knfll'A III' nl i.n. O.1..I-..U
It i the cor current tesUmonj of the pub-
ting the flesh in various ways. own soil over 1,400,000.
Street Improvement Notice.
NOT1CK is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of Astoria.
propose to enter the improvement nud
repair of Cellar street in Shivelv's As
I toria. from the ca-t side of Vist 6th St.
to the wc-t line of Salmon street by
.heatbing the same with plank throe
j inches in thieknes-; and by repairing
the railings and straiglitening pilings
w i:ereer urn 01 repair, aim unless a re
moiisirance signed by the owners of
two-tlijrds of the property fronting on
said portion of said street, be filed with
the Auditor and Clerk of said city, with
in ten days from the final publication of
this uotice, the Common Council will
order said i ninrovcment to be made, lly
order of the Common Council.
Auditor and Clerk.
Astoria, Oregon, July-2d, 1882.
Wiaifsws, mUmAm, fi
aaata, .Lamber, Ktr. -
U kimls of O.-vk-Ltomber. G1M9. Soai
ird other KsslUh Cytlnry.
Genuine Meershanm Pipes, etc.
A lii'f- slock ol
Turning and Bracket Work
.Steam 3(111 near Weston hotel. Cor. (
evive and AMor ferrets.
Foster's Emptriwi.
Most Complete Stick ii AstKit
Fireworks! Magsf
Watehcf and Jowelry, lluxxle awl ,
Hrcrea Loading Slant Uaun aad
ltlAri, HevBlvcr-. PiMtaLx.
and Aataiiiultloa t Fruit Hin Frelsa m Jtaaaesxla
Wines and Liquors
Of Superior Brand.
A KINK PilUTPR'U rnRWB n V A. u&Aar
Assortment of Jtlrn; SVFirrACLES and UVF. ....., v mm m,mwm
The rAirraEKsnirnEKETOFOBE fa- ,
istinjc bouveen J. T. Borchem aart F. Ht.
Collund la the nsu packing business, under ,
the name of -The Astoria Variety Packing
Co.." is this dav dissolved bvmutit-il vnjit I
IThB business wUt hereafter be conducted? Up sislrs, opposh Misl8o2ia' BalM.
j.x.bokuuj.3. fifonse. .
1 s J
Mrs. 1 S. Jewett.