(') --? $ SBraRiimagaaMR ri -- V J"' Vol. xvn. Astoria, Oregon. Friday Morning July 7. 1882. No. 83. 3 fie JtiAmim. Statu) Washington Letter. . various kind, to the page-boys at j invitation with many thanks, and .. . -. 1 1 2 U 2 54 1 -31 si -? -t n T T" , . the cunitol and Uk- watchmen and 1 if lie at cents, which it is presumed; : -5 :: I .-5 : 7-2 " " s: 5 2I? "sS'sa oSgo .r From our Regular Coi respondent, j iu-wwu. ... iw ! . j 4j. -sa i - j'j jj -;. qSSiic .sS0 ' AismraTON D.C., June ,18S2. scrub-women everywhere. Two) he is quite sure to. do. he first in- g - l0lzt ef 7 o 11?- i- o3?o ? Speculation on the alleged ! j,er cent, of the pay received is the jdulges in tin bath. pri himself; 7fJ'J: :" f -- . ; 5Z -ss Hj"lc ISg -5 probability of Mr. Conkling enter-inmount demanded. This, amounts j up in his best array. patro'ir.s his g J ET t !"- fflso SH - JUi 5ge in.; the cabinet of President to from I)toS10 each from the perfume bottles and hi po'mndes, j "- 7 " -; 2 S-i-s fTr--". iNrCs-i-? a2 Arthur nfrr rliA 1r.flmn this fall 1..l.,.r..rs md .t.rnwtitiox off. . smil :iml :lt the Hnnniutfd hour :miear ! . I S.S - r- E-5 "5"?. a Z wn b ".':: "fci 55 2 continues to break out every few to mnch larar sums from, the bet- j promptly at t lie door if his lady .s j 7: u-e o. 2 .- ifs & 2ai-2S- - j-p days. Sinee the nomination of" rr naid classes, ft is not ea-v to '.apartments. She is there tn ic- "2 o - b-"5j: fl ' . intSlbs- sS 3 Judge Folgor for governor of New! tej wuai the iitire levy will jeeive him, dreed like a queen.- J 5 3-- 7.S --'?.3? t OS c5"fl 2 2g S Vork has ceased to be considered jamount to, but the legislative., ,x-j wearing orange blossom-, in her- 1 gsa?ll"Zl .fxll lof-?! skSw probable, it has been again said Jecutive and judicial appropriation j hair and on her bosom. She con-i t - iS s5 "2",'i i 2 J fco-a--sf.'E lal that Mr. Frelinglmysen would shortly succeed Mr. Lowell as minister to England, and Mr. Conkling thus be provided for in the cabinet. Undoubtedly noth ing would give the president morej pleasure than to have Mr. Conk-j Jing re-enter public life as one of his advisers, bul have it from the most unquestionable authority that the ex-senator will not consent to eome back to public service throuh j Interest in ihe star-ioute trial the means of an executive appoint-1 now in proffres hre does not eem ment. When the president was to be as great here as might he in New York Mr. Conkling ex- expected, probably because those pressed to him his sincere gratifi- j wi!(, understand the ins and outs cation at his kindly offers, but hejof the matter do not expect that said that he felt more happy and contented as he was now; that Ii'Jn the firM. place pi oof of a con-! fully recognized the unjust hty exhibited towardnm, and that even if his individual inclination! should tempt him to accept the piesident's offer he would decline because of his resolve to do ing to embarrass the ydtninistra - tion. That interesting and amusing; difference of opinion as to the salaries, which has existed between j Uncle Sam, which prevail here at the housed and senate for several the capital, render the verdict of years, has lately broken out again, a jury in such cases "mighty onsar t hough not in a new spot. The tin." With, also, such a galaxy of question of senatorial dignity also legal strength a is anayed on the enters into the matter. Tho house j side of the defense there is daily every now and then undertakes to! manifestations of the fact that the equalize the salaries of employes prosecution is heavily ovcrweight of the two branches of congress, 'e(l. The attornev-general does but the senate regularly sets down on tho effort. Fortunately the pa' allowed by the two houses was the same, but in the days of Demo cratic 'economv, six vears ago the time when Sam Randall and ITolraan undertook to save fortvl millions by reducing the salaries of clerks and scrub-woman the pay of all employes of the house was reduced about twenty per cent., thus leaving that of senate employes one-fifth higher. The house employes ask for an equali zation that will increase their sal aries to the same figure that is paid by the senate. Tho house. however, after talking tho matter over, thought that an equalization could be effected as well by re ducing the salaries of the senate employes as bj increasing those of tho house7Fhich action was ac cordingly taken. It is felt certain that before tho bill leaves the seate all the portions reducing the salaries of employes of that body will be struck out, as the senate has always contended for the right to fix its own salaries, regardless of what the house thought or did as the senate is not as economi cally inclined as tho house. A proposition to allow each senator a clerk at $1,200 a year, payable out of the contingent fund, recent ly received the votes of nearly half tho , senators. It was not such an unreasonable proposition no mirrhi- Kr cmArtCrtfl Kir t.IlOA vllf" I 6 , 1 , -. J do not understand what an cnor- , . . ., , I11UU3 UUI 1 taUUIIUSIll.1. v.... ...- 1 l upon a senator with people from every quarter of his state and even outside of it. Tiio Republicans have never worked the 'mine of political as sessments for campaign purposes with sucfi boldness and energy as they are applying to it now. Cir culars are being sent to every em ploye of tho government, male and female, from the heads of bureaus, clerks, postmasters and officials of HilI, which includes the greater part of the employes of the gov ernment, calls for &1 Do ? r,000, and two per cent, would be 395. oAO a snug sum for a campaign fund. Most of the money will be disbursed this year by the con gressional committee, and they in tend to put it where it promises to do the most, irood. There is to be no delicacv or backwardness. anything serious will come of it. hosti-lSjnit.v 0f 1 1ilr- kind, where every- thing is done under the form of Taw, is an exceedingly difficult matter to establish. All circmii- stances and common sense conclu- noth-jsiOMS ,ay point clearly enough in jone direction, while distinct legal i evidence fails. And furthermore, with the lax notions of moral ob liquities in official relations with give much personal attention to the trial, and such lawyers as Cork hill, Bliss, and Merrick arc no match for tho half dozen ablet ones on the other side. Spot. rwpttuai vourauip. , The Mexicans of the wcalthv or well-to-do classes have a custom! in married life which seems to me a pretty one. Husband and wife have entirely separate apartments, and neither is expected to enter the apartments of tho other except on invitation. "When the husband de-1 jircs the ennmiiiv of his wife in i sires tue conipam oi nis um in his apartment 1 invitation in terms '.lofty and form closes it in a perl seals it and sends. silver trav in the hands of a serv- i suertra3 mine nami.s oi aser-i ant. The ladv acknowledges the j invitation in tho same way, ami if J dies in waiting. These then re- j tire. The husband receives her at: tltn. Ann. Inn,).. I. in .. i:itt -..1.1- I uiu uuui, ivuua iiv;i lu .1 iiimj uiUli:, ' where he treats her to chocolate or tea, cakes, fruit, etc. In the midst of his aoartnients he has a ! room, furnished in the most ex quisit way he is capable of, which he holds acrcd to his lady, and never occupies it utiles she is lirOtlf 'I'liic T-rtrt..! tc K.o rtrln io writes a note of as nicking it up in the road. The . to im nay. alter a lapse or two lum-1 Second str.vi m lively s Astoria, from ai noliteness en-' marking- "Yell that is ehe-m ; cJr,,' w,Fm, "Plielito for stimu-i ing the suiim with three-inch planking ai poiuencss, u-1 m.irhiug. t h, mat is cue ap , huts, by restoring the natural tone of and b stnugnteninsr the Diliie' where .Jin. v.!,i.iw, .....i... .-I... i iu.ui i juiiijj u j i..... iiL " i pare, aim oi mo nest Known uualily. F.C. most likely to do. she nnnears at blowed aud 1 had to run lUvwlf'Mv&JVJi.? "" -' IS-V-'- Auditor " l i uoiuiuiT in ieu orni. " i lie prooi Ol -- i.l. .1 r t . a .j ; ...! . .i.i. . . i.-i.-i. r. s i thn iiini.itiii, i ; tin .....i..... ....i ..- i in. uuui ui ins aiiiiiuneiit ai mo iil-uii oi oeuLii io much ii. "", "t1"'' "1."n' i-mum. iiu Strppt imnrnvpmnnf . . ,. ..... . ... willingh abide this test. For sale bv .. :nprQvement appointed Hour, in brutal costume i you see l run even' "' all druggists, grocers and liquor dealers ' -yl,t- Is hereby i u.. .. .s e u i-' ..: ...,i ! .. . ' Ordf r it. LoebArCo..a2eits forAstorln! S t'uuuon Council of th'e i ;nv;uiiu.i u uuu u iiiuii; i;i hit in- hiiiij ii.w.t.y nun ivm uiv e.op I ijil- H.r.tw.cn t f.... u, :T ' , .i"his was nt Gloucester. As she lie bintres no expense to make it ' ,. , . . , , , . , , . . .... uiuuuv. 11J. Llilllllllll" .IT. IJV..S3I- o i hie. When the jrciitleinaii has ie-! ,,.,,... . ceived Ins lady in his apart ninnts; . . ' i it is not proper to leave hr until j . . , , , , ,. , , ! they have breakfasted, which does! not usuall' occur until 0 o'clock. . After the lapse of 5ome days j I do not know how many eti- quette requires that tho lady shall j return the husband's comiiliment ! b- a siuiilur invitation, nicely seal ed in a nerfumed enveloDe on a c;tr. u i i j i silver tray. He acknowledges the duets him 10 a little table, when; he is offered wine ami cake orl chocolate and cake and fruit. ... , - , . " , Seattle coal miners .shipped After t!iis pleasant repa-t she re-j,,-nAn. ,. , , . , '., , . lii.009 tons of coal during Juiif. gales him with songs and music on j ' " the guitar. She also 1ms in the! Your Wife Wants J One of those oil stoves; neat Hint ron- midst of Iut apartments a room veulent. See one at Fo-ter-. which !.. holds sacred 10 her; Mavv Wisiarhnts-ua of w.ht ,-l.err.x 1 ImtvMul ..tn) wliinli ! tii'vpr on- s always at hand. It;ures roiiiihs. wiM-j. . ' . j bronchitis. wlinoiineouh. eroii!. in-1 titT. riiuc unless he is present, it mav t Jliier.ra-naujiii'tion.anil all ilire.nt and - be supposed that t his' saer. nxiin ,,,!ltr 'Plt-- 'iN aniljSl a 1m,- j .V m , .,. w, ln.uh-. . . I. 1 i 1 m-im iii imai'tiian.' n'liei. rre is her nnde above all 1 lungs, :inI - -"- - - n -t- - .-t :ml -1. soidhy W. k. De- to adorn and watch over it the occupation and joy of her life. Thev remain together in the hulv.' apartments mil breaklasr, alter" u-liJMi ilmv- rr-titi scnii-Mi,. TIiik i .- i- i T. i il elothiin; to keep tln'iii dry will plras" v.mcn tne again epai.ue. iiutriicuuiutiMii, u. I'liiuder Onnn.iiii. , . there is a continual interchange of courtesies and perpetual com t-i ship. Galveston Netrs Ho'wr to Cook Rice. i PPu,ar artclc of food than h"re-; tofore. ft is frequently sub'-titut-; it-! r 31 ed for potatoes at the chief meal the dav. bein-r more nutritious and G ,., ,. . . much more reanilv digested. At i i'-s present cost, it is relatively j nrt"eni COt. It is relatively' cheaoer than potatoes, oatmeal or" ' . ,. i-ii ! gr.iin-gnt-. ol any kind. In pre- paring it only just enough cold ,-..,. , 3d. at Washington, luce is. becoming a much morej, water snoulcl be nourco on to pre- i " " us"irnei aim.siii ami iirnKen i . t m.m. station l). ew lrk (Mtv. , . , ' . 'of your rot by a sirk cluM suifering : r- . zz -z vent the nee from burning at the and crying with the excruciatiuc pain' v.ui.u.- i. .,- . -.,. i .. , 14A f ,, .'i-i iA nJofeufllimteelh? li M.oaJ oneeandi- oll,lu" Nl,or,f 0l "mmtaknlile bottom of the pot, which should. j,ota iM,UJ(M,f r. wi,," .SioUiiiir; Keneitts lne a cloe-filtiii"- cover and with "Syrup, it will relieve the poor litt!sul"- tloufern'd iiimju tens of thousands of a moderate hie the rice is steamed ! there ino mistake about it. 'fh'-re is the reputation whieh AYKns.s.viys.veA A. . . -. i -i - i .not a mother on earth who has 'ever I nri.i..v enjoys. It is, i compound of the rather than boiled until it is nearly -so,i n. who will not. Ml vou at once : ,K'-t vegetable alteratives, with the done- then the cover is t-iken ofi tnat i ttin 'hite tin bowels, ami . pilules of Pol.issium ami Iron, and is oone. inen tue coens i.ik n on, lyp to u,,. ,n0,I4r, ami relief anil : nuwi eiT-tual of all remedies for it . -! . 1 .j 1 Tl 111. 1.. it !!- j . . fCSlV.fttlitt lit.lnit:.-.l nH 1 . 1 j- -. .1 .1 J . 1 inc surplus sieam aim moisture at- , . , . . m?gy n,ass. as a fine mealy potato jis .suPerior tn ,hf" wator-soakiid article. How He Lost Hia Ciop. A few days ago a farmer from . , mi: uumury was Ufa oiuupiei, via., i flnfhmn- tmv .iiwl ftiiifnr.l l.nri I doming .store, and Uailor-t nact j tried in vain to sell tniii suit ol i. . . m clothes,. Failing in this, he then tried Jo p1! him n tpnw bit viuvir, . ttiett u eit mm astraw tiat tne.ip I low's th.it v" snid Jilord "You ' iiow.stmu. .saui HHiioru. i ou . see 1 had a straw hat once and ! when I was at work it nin1 arter my hat. I just took it to the house in the fall and craw led .....1.... ..... !..,,! ...1 ..... ...... O... ' uuuci iiij uuu iuu iiuii iwu lill irons on the dinged old thing and I told it to stay thar, and it's thar 3M Tin yftir 1T13 was a reat era in American naval aunal.s. In that j year Captain Andrew liohinou , huill the first .schooner ever sem.' riiuiMi nun mi' water, a nvbianuer 1 ., . , ... rt nrl- -l rfil.- li..tv l.f v.-li, .-..: ' r, ,. ,, , ," .' 1 Catchina: at the word, Cant, liob- . " ,. , . , . . mson replied, A sehoor.ei ht her . ,,, no ncw n eauio at onee into wi(le llcctiVimico. - -- rr - r Young men bavin; unfonuuatclj cwitractctl disniaos, poisoning, tho Wood, can find nothing better to re-, hoallh tIwn lfl--" Oregon 1 IMood PurifiiT. -A Xa;al Injector free with each ihoUle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy. 5 1 Price 30 cent. Sold by W. K. Dement. " iuc3uiiL,iuiu "-'"'-tui". aim picasaui in iiiu taste. aim is tiirpns. 'innimi eiieci.s, u prouuees rapid ami nut n tniss nf mimv-wliite kernels- script ion of one ol the oldest and lMst V,."niloU )r,,s,uf Syrofnto, Sores, Koils. ouLamassoi snow -white kernels, f.maIo j,,VSjciims a,.,, niirspj! m tho Humors, lMmplc-s, Kruptions. Skin Dis- cach separate from the other, and United Stab. Sold everywhere. 2o . eases and all disorders rising from im '. - . cents a bottle. ' purify of the blood. Bv its invicoratiii!? I as iuucii superior 10 in' usuni ; of the most, countryman looked at the hat, re-j us nothing to take its place. It eifeclu-i mirth Hneot Ileniiook sireei, by sheafh- iimed euvelone, j enough, init it would be dear to i tho t-toiuaclj. it attacks excessive love ever out of repair, and nuless a remon- if to her on a line if vou would rin it to me." both alike. The nowerful tonie Virtual thirds of fin. nnu'wrtv rrr.iiti..w .. r.i" 2 r - z 08. g 2 Z 5 1 - izn-xi -. s Oit the '.in. u slupuii-n: of !r2 MuJinii;) converts arnveii at New York, under lilder Irvine. ... .ns:Wll 1M.(ini.. sutK-rln.. with IHoihI I'liriiier. .SM it ono dollar . boitle. The corner stone of the Uariie M ! Memorial church was laid on the ISueliunallm. New, quick complete ciuv l ua -.. j urinary all'ections. smarting. I'r.Hiuent or ditllculr urination, kidney diseases.! Sl.atilnisjsisls. Oregon leiHt, DAVIS : &C(jMl'ortland, dr. " --: ' -.: Miun.i mu ueimuii; ivwiiru "ere mm: L-al norma. ' .... .. .Tioin.-r- : jiouirm:: jioi uer: : niton ncaao 10 uiu uuuu.openuuisuKemaic. It is wrfeetlj safe to use in all cases, lll .lr Pcraviau Hitter Cinchona llul.rs. sh I,,, wiiiuviiiuiiiii hm uir ciw iimi !'? SMftf Otrtnli rn vi !..! t. ...!.. I. L. -v -"'"-' " y'"""w;;m his wile, wa.-, prostrated by an intermit- j the uje or the native remedy, the IVru- vianbark, or. as it was called in thn language 01 mo country, -ijunupiina. Grateful for Iicr recoverx, iu her return j l0 Europe -, hXil. she intrtHlueoil the .i..t .... ,. .. . eiueni moi.:ui, wnere n was Known tinilur Vtrifill li'lmn; until I hiiki.hl called it Cinchona; in honor of the. lady vl, ,ia1 lro"!',t them that which was luoro precious tir.m the gold of the ineas. ? - Umi!01m .P,0" in the Peruvian Hitters, which areas eifeclive uraIns.1 wnlHrml fever ItMhu as they " Merer uiiiiictiiateiv (Icikmki noon it r .s.uhtlt-. coiuu onzmaic and ninmrnin ,, . OY,i'rc m lno 1,av"; t the old Spanish , would just. Viceroys. e guarantee the ingrcdi- ,i wi'iiL'! these bitters to be absolutely If" CELEBRATED lA P fc STOMACH 8lTTErt Tho feeble and emaciated MiiTctir" frnui jRynytjJ 2",1? Ifffl1 SP5?9!T-I0.!y Hostettof stom- ach Bitters. Ladie:nr tlm in.t iiiiMi ?lAUrl.i,tify Jtsbannless and 'restora tive nronertles. ihT!iiniw nvm... v.. .h S"J1 n'iiJjl""? tfd Hquon of m- Suabfeof ail Si.n?w iSSySiDniJpVt. -,-.' ....- . "- sut-si auu Hum gists and Dealer fiPT-a'PrEXi x . nyyyg . r iifrirn jtr-. we . liBitt583SiiJHwi Cattle sell at S2o per head in oulhcru Oregon. Scrnfulvu-t eruptions, auch as )im jiifs. iliscoJ.Ji-aiifui f skin epecillv n f.ivO. will iHiiji:ir rapidly bv uiig riiitnU-i's Onijon liol Pun- IlK'llt. NnticH- The A.tiia Shirt and Oil Clolldny I Vf f'tll- !... tlrt .11 t.tvff l.ta I - ' "' Hotel. J'tirous wMiIns uuod j .u. i aeuoco. wue. Ol Me eon m .. . i ..i. ?- . ' Ti'S.s!lli!Il fwmi I 'nliTrirnifi is dangerously ill at Washington, and her life is despaired of. Don't Die in flic Hohmp. Ask Uruutjists for-Koushou Jiats." II aVsrs out rats, mice, bedbugs, ronches, vertnii:. llies, ants, insects. 15c per box. A CARD. . To all who an' sufTeriug from the V1...1J.IUU1HUI -t.ii-tiuiii jl uuui, ner- : hootl. etc., 1 will eiul a recipe that will 'cure yon FKEK OF CIIA1!GE. This i snat rcuiedv was iHwovpiwI in- mta MOnnry in .outli Ameriea. .Send a self niitiresM-u envloj)e to the IJev. Joskph :,Viu,",r"" - 1';"ll,,,"1 I uniformly .successful ai blood disorders and certain in Its effects it always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and is a potent re- llUWer of italltv. For vmrifvinrr thrt J blood it has no equal. It tones up the sy.stem, natures aud preserves the svmciii, leMorcs ami preserv iic.u.ii, juni imparis vior ami energy. For forty .wars it has b"cn In extensive table medicine for the suuering sick, any whore. F: Sal:: i:v all. Dkalkks, w " "-"'-" "" . Vl'Plf'P !o 1..i-f.l... .:.-.... .!. ... I Sitraaf. ln.nrnAmanf Mnt . t Common Council of iiio City of Astoria, j propose to order the repair and Improve ment of that portion of Salmon or East j nortir.ii of .said str.et, belfilcd with the I Auditor and Clerk of said city, within .ten dus from the final publication of this notice, the Common C ordersaid repairs to he ma hJr of the Common I'ouiicll Council Will made, ily or- XOltRlS. ami cierK. Notice. given that the L'itv of Astoria. iinnrovemonr nnd , repair .11 vuar street in SliIveIvTs As , tona, from the eastsiile of West 6th St i to the west line of Salmon street by sheathing Hie same with plank three niches in thickness ami lv wi.fi?rinT j the railings and straightening pilings i t wherever out of repair, ami unless a iv- I luensimia: ..! ikhI bv thrt nu'iiois of i two-thirds of the juopcrty fronting on siuu iin ion oi saiu sircer. no rued with tho Auditor and Clerk of said city, with-i in ton rlays from tlu final publication of ; this notice, the Common Council will onier saol miintveinent to be made. Uv or.h-r or the 1 onimon Council. F. C. XOJtKIS. Auditor and Clerk. I Astoria. Oiv"ou. Jnlv 2d. 1S8 t . Street Improvement Notice. ..,,., r, .'..... iwiivr. i neiviij mven mat me Common Council of the City of Astoria. propose 10 onier tnp improvement and lepiiir of Hemlock street in Shively's i Astoria. iM'twet'ii the east line of East! Seooiid street and the east end of said I Hemlock street, by healliiiig the same j with plank three inehes in thiekiuss anilb repairing the railings thereon ;uidb .stniishteninjr the piling wher-j ever lue same an out of repair, and un- j iess:i renioiisiranee sipneu oy ineown ersof two-thirds ol the proporty front in: on said portion ofsaidsuect.be tiled with the Auditor and Clerk of said city, within ten days from tho final publica tion of this notice, the Common Council will order said repairs to be. made. Uy order of the Common Council. F. C. NORMS, Auditor and Clerk, Astoria Or- July 2d, 1882. wwfic mm life mmmi mm, or California. A. 3rcKINNIK, Manager. For Oregon, Washington and Idaho Twrttotiiisl oFt'iri-: io iiirsr stkekt. roixxtAn, b. Kcfsprenev: CHAS. IIODOK, of HodR.', Darl- & Co. aud iliulhigs, C. A. DOJ.PH. of Doli,h. Kroaauh, IJolph 4 Simon V ,, VtS-JSVStSft'Al11 J- -lJnUien & Co. n.l - ..m.-n. ..-- . ,, , , "" ... . . U4i-uj.u w n,AceAW.ir ... .v tt. . llrnnfilirtVry Ph liir.n ' "" "" ammci aoi ynscELucsEovs. S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTOltlA. - OKKt'ON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP A Nil Boiler Shan r - ' ,m--j sf .Ulkludsor ENGINE, CANNERY, AXIV- STEAMBOAT WORE TrompUy attended to. A specialty made of ropalriru; CANNERY DIES, FOOT OK LAFAYKTTK STIJEKT. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Hkxto.vSiukkt, Xki: r.iiKi:it Hoiisk, ASTOIUA. - ORKOOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS ANO BOILER MAKERS. llHJ?iTlimi1IMUmLn! Boiler Work, Steamboat Work j OASTINaS. Of till OentrlptlOBH inndu to Ortliii at Nhort Xetico. A. D. WAS8. Preildcut. J. O. Hcstlkk, Secretary. I. V. Cask, Treasurer. 4ouxFox, Superintendent. 9 "-'. 3$ -J Jr t CO - " -9 x HjKz z & w s s MS wit- m V "- ...-y" WILLIAM EDGAR,IW- Ciirnw SInin and Chenaxau Stieets. AKIORIA ORKOON lKALJt VH CIGARS AND TOBACCO.: Ttio Cetpbrated JOSEPH RODCERS SON GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENU I HE W0STENH0LM and other Kpduii Cutlery. STATIOIIERYI FAIRCHILD'I GOLD PENS ; Genmne Meerahaus Pipes, etc. j .,... I A One ;tock of , I IV atehtt ana JTevrrlry. Xnz7.l1 jui.1 Ktveek TieaafaK SUot CIhum and RJMck, Jtrvelvcr. llftolM. aaa Ammunition .MAK1XK ALSO A VIXK Assortment of JH no SITCTArLKS and KYK GLASSES. Notice. 4HiBfe f!IE l'AUTNEKSintHKRETOFOUK EX A tathie bftween J. T. Borehers aud F. 31. Collund In tho flsh packUig business, under . Uie name of "The Astoria Variety Packlns. A CO.. U tniSdavdLKnlVRflhvmMtnfil mngonl 1 iTbebuames m rcnedvab . ,t Keferemrtmt cmia JOHN CTofJona ttai SCoT W" t - M iur4tl, UOOll OUU JliUO. n xr AiihoM i)a;'AM4 u.aa w imib. noon ana saees: - .UW. BITRKH4PJ), BaiUMdfr TwniliilM- OJIolJ-J liQiU CoJWai u. u. UiiU i r. . .... ..X. . . L T? itj ?-' rxi.ViA.yiAHUVlUUtorMJBOtlMMt'' -ksc or uie abOTe nea his Sio.ow tasar ance in Ujis Company. ISCS1XKSS CARDS. E. V. uounax. SOTXRY PUBLIC. AUCTIOXKEIs COMMISSION AXl SUR1NCE AOKKT, TAR. J. C. RMAJFTEX, PMT.SICL1A aul MWUrMS. ,DIXTSCHEK A1UZ.7 Diseases orttie Thrat aM ectalty. Onlce over Conn': Drag Store. ! Q-'-t' F. PARKO. Cannty Srrejrr Of Clattip Countj Otflce : Cbeaaxntts strer, . M. Cf A ILOU-Itoom 8. T O. UOX9RTH,' C. S. CotumUsivcr, .ury XmMf e, iBitHraace .israt." I Axeut trfr thcHainbiug-BremenTlre taa.Co. oi iiarauurs. c.erroany.and oi tao Tjav clers' IJfe and Accident Ini. Co.t of Hart ford. Conn. MTOflice tn Tj-thlau Bulldins. Booms 11, 12. Tjl D. Will TOW, Attorney and Counselor at Law. irarOfllee Hi Pytblan BulldJas. KoofiU 1, 12. ASTOIUA, - - - c OREGON. JAY TUTTIiE, M. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offick O'ver the "Walt Houae Mara, ltBHiOKXcc OTer Elberson'a Bakerr. oo. pwlto BaxUi & Myers' Saloon. A m. rrirox, M. . ; Phyxlriaa and Sivea. ! OFFICE-Ovcr A. Y. AJ1 grocery store. Koonu. at the Parker House. F. p- hick. AHTOKIA, .... OUOOM I Kooiivi In Alien' bulldiag up fttlrs; ', of Ca-tt and Snoiuocotie streets. .Ulen'g buUdims up t Snomocqtie streets. I Q. A. KOWLBY. j AlTOKNT3AT LA ft. C-lieounuw Stnl. -' A5T0KIX, O&StKMt 1 8UKNF.Y, ATIORTIET AT LAW. .May be found at toe Court Hoaea. ' Jm II. OAJK 4t CO.. OKAIiKB IN . loor. nobs. Lamber, Kte. ; aU kind.1) of Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat tf , tcrlal, etc. ' Turai"s: and Bracket wk A SPECIALTY. , stesam MU1 near Weston hotl. Cor. Qm- erive and Astorstrrets. HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stack in JUttria Fireworks' Flags! Frait Htk VnrolSH aatt AaasMitSv Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 R &XJMCK SteBhans Varietiet ! GRAND OPXMniO. UVBIY KSTRmXAXSmXXT ' boM Use aUer. the buiwt i AdmlrtaaceCttw. ' - :4 '-- 4.