The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, July 06, 1882, Image 3

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Julie Rive King ' THE FOURTH IN ASTORIA. to fust. Ajil to second. A storLi Engine j ami tin- buys expressed Iham.-idve
...... ... . , 7" , .Co. Xii. Ihtartcil, nud made thu run i :us being greatly picked with Uunr re-
Our mustc-loring citizens will be a Dav Woithv of Rcmemorauce.. . J
. , , ,i .1 . ! y I in good slvlo. getting txieir engine: centum.
jika.ed to learn that the fam-ms ,.,. . .,,.,. Tn,slV,v innniiinr. the!... A. "i ..,;,. ...n.1 in 41 Fire c-ieL-ors ami oxnlomv. wor.
i t . - i- -. . .. . .. .i 1 III inatl- mi -. ... -w i -j.
innin. .iiim turn tviii" iin .imu'jir ai .... . i .1 . . . 1
.,,,.,. 3 . ' thunder ot tlio i
tuiunMJA iUjI . if- .Lihcnv liatl m tins env to-morrow
g!h? Snij JAjstxua;,
' " .ill juati; imu -...... - .-w ... i .
morning guns woko the socomi3 the ho c?rt coining living j happily foif and the ordiumice in re-
M! .1.-. t. ... 1. . . ." . . fl .1 . . N . ,!.. r 1
1 . , 111 , i'sjuwbs in mo imi" ;"- - ". " after at hi"h speed. m nu.ioott ior ' laimn ibodib s nunuv euiun-cu.
ISSni3D 2VSPY Mop-HKG '": B" , .. , . - , -vreath of tvrilisht mist that floated fi. :vc,ird was favorable, but a, the About swrt riiere was a little luti- IBWS J
(Hond..- t,xee..ted -- "- -- - : I away through the nines gavo gh-nou,, cart ti,Mlinurcfl l,v the crowd; tude allowed. ,.ud y..unS America 1W )
j.nonaj. t.xcei.te.u. i announcement is imfhciem. he has; - - ,.. r ,...i..i.,.,;.. , " - .. ,. ...i. .:, .i.. -t ..-:....
J. F. HALLORAK & COMPANY. ; i,llt ,... simevn.i- in I'.ie v.wld the cWSOtt m ami n umireu " ; -, -vv i
- -- - ' -' Dill one aiipuiioi in nw ..iui, un. .. . . , , . i i.,.. ...... . ... . & i . - u ' v. .... . ... ....
.oi:;.iHiiKKSAM.:i'i:ni.KiCTOi:. !,. ,f Vt,i :-,:,.- ,, . ; :,. r!n,im lh ,,lsht lw"f,,IV ,m'nKVU "' 1"'',,- "water." Twa imi.o.sMo t,. vo the j muJit ancr all.
.UtnlUnUi tSlr Jni: L mClZ TU "" Mi hU,Uf U .n lrtfn,..l,cBnSi.W.....fai Ihning 1 .fag there were ox-
it,MS sn,,,mu- s,1,,- "'J1 -.. "J thronwof cxctimeuiau: tho viMtiujanj ai..nai in tlti fcl,in!j mass I Iii.itins of Uxourk at varioiw pri-
Tcmiaot'su'bsdptien: wvZJ." to .te,ter- i ' T o-uld W d.inM.alde and ,hn?h vate i.-.,dr: the committee in y ; jjjjjj -,
odt,y0.mar.porWook r, Cents, of Mr jr 0" Jjolden that vc are ' , , ' Ja lecidnf!v aUaniable, : chai-c- d.-cod it n,e.e to f.pentl any . I .... .:
'.:t Jjj mnil. touruioiiJlir 'j!' "'." . .. - . land after everybody b.-en ,l,r-! ti,e ,nst. w-:s ,lr ,vd. and the order i inonev m r,rpwirk unites there was a
c.Kin.n.onoyMr. -i ,jindontod i.r wn- pnytleje m an op- ,lgi,y wdcnmed. ih ne-.t point u as' r'. ,h; hw tmifciaood "sain of money available for that f " T ' . .
SYee of P6ftr.o m Snberiborf. liortuntty to hear thu itnient per- .:.i.. !,i.r;, , Th h.itok iKi: . . . , - .r " .:..i .i..i c .
:" -ii , -.11. " ' r.w....w ..-..0...i. -. T i niiiri" taken. A corann 01 iiiice wasi ijmpoir, ;i i.-u- ui'juj t ujc4
mm .rck i"tii ink 'iirct.iiMi uv . .- i -v -
rinonlL. the cslebmtcd eantatnce Uhs - . ., , xkh Ulp.1 I ,!.:....:.,., ;..,,. t..,.w .,.
tboduy orMock. Ivy vUndesfordc. vvhow fume as a ei... fif .,,... as .,... ..nitt. un,i,.r P S . M, , , . . i c,.. ,,.. "'...i. ,,.. n.. .i,.;
nertion. PnnMno ;, ...tnl.lislierl in tliu niemurv V ." '. ,. ..,:,., ...,.,. a 1WI. nu ttlle" KC"C,,C "' ' " ",H:,- "''. "" --, (
:1,, , : , It , - tneneauoi "lioom. owo.-.m uu-, .. . , n,t, hcv hail a ..jjot boat J. ('. Couam.s wer particn- J
--y rt ail wno nave nan uiu piuavuro u .;,,.,.......,... rim (viirdiont. lVMiit-t i t . - i
Y. ,..:.. i ...1 L -. r... ,f :" " '''.."- the expedtonts um.h t Th wlc a .jm. elfort an, My Ml
' llt.all.lli;' III J. JlltlSl t - &r v 1 T A I. ....... ..I I .If.i.n.n tilK
.. -7-. f , r. 1Mf J1..!l-,llo,n l,lc ! " sS" , n,m the ,im j.rj. tiini.. ; Co- X.. senotio accident occurred to aiar
iri-a oc ct M, the cnticiims tnuu Uie hwliii" paper., . - , A in. ,lt,l(lnnavterH nll , , t nv ., , . , . , , . . nm
i iiiiiuii -. , -..-. -.,.,..---- --- ... --"j - e i
' .
" Advbrtiieinents inserted
t.o ifito of SI &) per auiiTO pa
i'ninsiani ndvortlsin, by
afty conts per square for eacb i
1 have removed to the
mail nt'o cent. a month, frccoj jolagc. lirad-
erx if w contcmjtlatcabfienccfrum the ctlu can
linn Thk AsronrAX fallow than. Daily
frr Wkkki.v uUlions U any int.t-u$icc with
nut tuiillUoiMl ejcjycme. AtMrc4 may lc
VMntfLd UK often o-x dcf,lrul. Imivc order nt
'the mvntina ni.
Astoria council of the American
Legion of Honor lias organized with
fori v-five charter members.
We are glad to meet Tom Uranjj
on the street onco more. He had a
cloio cill but concluded to make a live
of it.
--The palmon run on tho Sacra-
nu-uto hn ceased. Tho pack ibis year
hat been lighter tlian that of last ;oa
The Coast Afaii is one of tho neat
est of our exchange. Tis evident
that a printer runs it, who in deserv-i
ing of the snppoit he evidently r'
of the country
The press in every city of the ln
ion has borne testimony to her tran
scendent talent. "Xo pianist since
Rubinstein has made a more brilliant
debut iu New York," sas the "Now
York Ti'ihviie. "Her debut was a
"lrand tiiumph," remarks the lcrnhl.
Mme. Rive-lvin stands at the head
of Amcrie-iii piauisis. and is more
than the" musical and arJin.ic peeress
of 31iss Kellogjj, Cary, Albani, etc.,
etc. Ko)l JiVrs.
The piano under her touch becomes
ja lmii4 instrument.- ( vriir im-
It is iinposMhic to conceive a mote
complete mastery of the piano than
she exhibits, rnqiiinlionably .ho is a
very great arli-it. Ciurintuiti i'i-rnrt-r.
Her interpretation of Ueethoven's
noble work was, in every M'linc, wor
thy of the author -profound, digni
fied, poetical and brilliant; sdie pl.tys
The new board of county com
missioners met yesterday for the
transaction of public htiMtieJus. TJiey)eni;rey fr,,m meiuorv, with ltorfect
will meet again to-day, when they rCposo and ruat ''"'' Her success
will probably iinish this session. j was (mjte ,:ir::tMi Slil,i omjihatie. ;:.-
-The delegates t the State Kire- io" 'tfW
men's Association met last evening at t IMayi'd fruin memory, with delicacy,
S:!0, in the rooms of No. 'J. An or-, ma-tcuhiu pouer. facility and univer.i
gani;vition was eflected, the. ).itticularsla! briiintiiry. She acquit led herself t
of which will appear in tn-morrowVn in.irvej, and bur success was emu
ipsiie. ! pb-te. - .Y ). Sjtirif f t,u- Tiuie..
At the June election there was Ih her CSmjun mimbi-M herphying
a tie in Yamhill between the legisla- j a almost a revelation. W'm etain
tive nominoes. Lust Saturday there i b' mw ,,;,v bitinl moi artistic play
was a .special election held; .1. 0. Nel-g. It was powerful, chaste. 'refined,
Mm, the Democratic nominee, wis tender deitcato, sympathetic and
was animation, sucn a reunion oi uie .,..,., r1.:.,.. : i !U -Th..s,Pnl
"boys" had never before been held m fw enjnes t
Astoria, and as the night wore on . wiUi hy m ftfet
they came in naili. declaring that , , m) ,
the clam chowder was the best they i CoIlIulllia . :, f
Portland, started up and got steam
mid a stream iu 10 minute." and dome-
jhing. Rescue No. 'J, got up steam
and threw water 100 feet iu 7-o'J. and
Astori.i No. 1 did the same in i'tJi'Il,
winning tho ."i0 priz-. Net on the
programme came the hand engiim con
test which lapsed for lack of i-ompeti-tioii.
Tho uet was for ho.- compan
ies of 12 men tu i un GOO yards with
1)00 feet of linjo on reel: Rescue No. "J
went lit to win and did it like little
"men. winning lirM prize, $7, m l.fil;
Ct'lumbia No. :. of Rortland, did well
too, winning second prize, of J.", iu
l.o'Ji. Astoria No. i did not enter.
Tho next prize was for Sot), for Hook
and Ladder companies to inn MOO
j'ards and get man on top of oO-foot
ladder. Alert II. L. Co., of A--toria
made the run in 1.10J. We con
sider that the Hooks made the neat-
had evcrta.-Ued, and the other refresh
inent.s were unanimously votod"good."
No. 'J kept op.m house, and every one
wms welcoiie. The night was a glori
ous one, and when the morning dawn
ed tin; sight wai a busy oil", every
one putting the tiuishiii touches to!
the decoiations. Hags being thing to
the breeze, and fronts being trimmed
and decoi.ited with every llag under
heaven. The of Ireland,
the tricolor of France, the i cross
of St. ti'eorge and tho eagles of Haps-
burg swelled to the breeze in tho
morning sunlight, beside the stats and
stripes, grand emblem of our country.
which yearly nutters into sight as the
grand sifip of stale comes rounding
into port with not a sttip ioin nor a
star missing.
At JOiiH the hue of match was
formed; first cuue the East Portland
elected by 23 majority.
A new theatrical partnership has
been fotmed, consisting of Chas. E.
Locke, Stcchaii of Portland, and An
drews, Into of the California, to run
the Oregon circuit of theatres. They
have nlreudy secured tho leading facilities.
Among tho exercises at the open
temperance meeting on Tuesday even-
. ing the recitation of the declaration
of independence by Miss Hannah
McCarmick, was worthy of special
mention. She was awarded the prize
of So oilcrcd by Mr. rower.
graceful. The "Etudes Symphoni
qiie.s"of Shumaiiu, with possibly one
exception (Rubinstein), we never
heard played belie:-. -1'UlUuleljihut
As every seat in the hall has been
sold, we need not urge people to at
tend. The s lie of over 2,000 seals in
a single day is not only very gratify
ing to Mine. Rive-King, but is, we be
lieve, the largest day's vile ever
known in this country. -Cliinnjo
Her success was overwhelming.
Never has there been such a fururo
lover anything in an Apollo Concert as
liriml tlien Ai":iviii' llnlm mid membpiR
of the city council, then the old Asto-j1 ' l"" '"'-". "'"
ria hand 'engine manned by a j,ivonih.t,,"i.r t5,m 'w l a'wn
. .. . i l'n .. im-iihiK Imi fur m mivli.iiv ut
lire company, a manly cmmi ot tittle t 3
c n ii-i .. i-. .i .i 1 the start. Tlio lifth vonteit was for
fellows who did credit to themselves)
i f .i s . jhue companies to "make" and
and gave prouiHe of the day wheiii '
., " . -n ... , ., j "bivak " live eoupliiit-s in "line" h.-o
llie, too, will isiny a Si.iiiiiei anal
.... ,, j i ., i ... . j--as4u prsz. won b Ile-eue No. 2
yeb lor "rtater, a- toiid as any one. '
,. ir, , ; v f ! .i !'i l."8. The sixth and he.1 wzsn
1 hen came Aluitiioinali .No. 2 sot 1 oit-i '
I sweepstakes fool race lor any hreman
j of a:i company in Oregon or Wu-h-
tiiton lerntory, to run iJiJti yrtrus.
Thu iiiwt i.rr.'i was won bv Ed. Knox
the thousands who thronged the j
streets from dawn to dark the univer- j
sai verdict was "the finest celebration '
i ver seen in tho stale of Oregon."
'Took Water "
After the contest on tho Fourth be
tween the engines as to who could
.station, get ii(i slouui. and throw wa
ter UK) feet in the quickest time, the
agent of the Clapp and Join's finding
his "imi-hei n" did not throw half as
far as he claimed she could, offered to
bet .Hm that his engine could beat
the iuo.keag I hrowing a stream.
Everson, who was present camu up
with the coin and seemed eager to
have the matter tested right thou and
there, but the other man crawfished
by saying that he did not like to ask
the engineer to run his machine. No.
l's are ready at any timo to compote
with theClapp and Jones for coin.
And have. Without a Single Exception,.
The Finest anil Best Arrant Stare ii Orecii. !-
New Goods Received by Every Steamer in
JU1 th Xitet Styles and tfomitlM f
Call and Inspect Stock and Get Prices Whether You
Purchase or Not.
No trouble to show gooda.
Some of the lip country papoifljover her playing. C1nwg Timer..
arc scorching O. 1 . Hoddy. He
dropped in here about the middle of
last April, and wo stood him in nll
forbearance till the 1st of this month.
He is now in the sunny clime for which
he yearned; he has flown to California.
A couple of county culpiits who
were confined in the jail, here got
thinking over what jolly times the out
side world was going to have on tho
Fourth, and last Sunday night man
aged to get off a portion of the shack
les which confined them." Their
eJTort9 were frustrated and they still
The gross receipts of Mine Rive
King's concert last night was s'",lSi,
which we believe is the largest sum
ever taken at a single perfoi niaiice by
any pianist. Cltiewjo Ltler Ocau.
land, presenting a line apear.uice, im
mediate,) followed by t'oluinbia No.
:. of Portland, who as always drew
plaudits by their presence, after them
were the Salem boys, and then came
the liberty ear, containing thirty-nine
beautiful little girls, most tastefully
dressed and carrying the flags of tho
several states they personated. Then
came Astoria No. 1, in all the glory
of uniform, and behind them marched
Rescue No. 2, with Alerl Hook and
Ladder company following, this
completing the procession. The Hue;
of march was as follews:
Form m Main street right resting on
Squemoqua street, march north to
Concomly stieet, thence we-t to
Spruce street, countermarch and
march east to Washington stieet,
south to Chenamus .street , eaht to
Lafayette street, south to Sqiiemoqua,
of Columbia No. !!, sOO; the second
pri..e, Hi. by Albert Mayer, of Mult
nomah No. 2. Immediately after the
tournament cbwed the boys got their
coin, and thus closed the next eAteii
sive and sueces-'fu! firemen's tourna
ment ever held in the Jtate of Oregon.
STKNllS AM l.Vi'MKNr-.
Just as No. V were lucking up for
j cold-water trul, a crash was heard
from the corner opposite Tin: Asm-
man otlice,and the cry was raised "boy
overboard!" A croud immediately
inched to the spot; the tide was in
and danger was imminent; the boy, a
win of Capt. Howe.-, had fallen back
ward into I lie water. J a-. Kiernan,
foreman of No. 2"s of Portland,
J plunged gallantly in and reieued the
Young's River.
The valley of the tidal section of
Young's river from one-fourth to one
milowiife. It consists of excellent;
bottom lands, purtly subject to over
flow, but easily reclaimablo by diking.
The foothills are generally well tim
bered. No extensive attempt has
been made to clear I bent for agricul
tural purposes, 'i'inu'u are thirty farms
along the river, where hay and small
fiiiin products are grown. Fire-wood
and -aw-logs :ta ul-ii shipped out of
the valley Io the river.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in thu Post
ofliee at Wotia. Oregon. Julv 5th,
ASTORIA, June 3, 18S2.
M. MEYER Proprietor.
Ceo. M. Itowe is in the city. The
government has family accepted his
resignation and he says he doesn't
want to sec or hear of Tillamook any
mere. The sad soa waves are all very
well for-a while, but to be out on a
basalt crag away from all sight or
sound of life for months at a time, is
too much.
J. W. Supreiiant goes up to We.-t-port
this morning to put up the ma
chinery for the W. S. N. Co.'s new
mill. The machinery will be the
finest of any of the kind on the coast,
and the mill itself will be a groat con
venience to the builder.s'and icsideuls
of the vicinity.
Mr. John Hobvui, of Tillamook, is
in the cily. He is getting everything
into good shajic at Caribaldi, and is
in most need at present of some wa'
to get supplies over to that place io
finish setting up tho boiler and other
machinciy. The cannery at that
point will commence operations about
the oth of next month.
The Devonshire is due any day
now from Hongkong. She is ono of
tho ocean tramps that are coming
across from China land, spewing out
their yellow cargo on this coast; the
fourth of next month will stop all
that business, unless thoy run them
across the line from British Columbia.
A good man' of Engine Co. No.
l's boys felt a little soro last Tuesday
over their failure to get in on that
hundred dollar contest, on account
of tho crowd surging iu. We thought
then, and still arc of tho opinion that
had the engine been stopped, the
coupling piade, and then started up
again, a record of LIS could easily
have been made, thus winning sec
ond monev at least. However, its
all over now, and there's no nse " l! Sba
grumbling about it.
Frank Soule, a well-known jour
nalist died on the Jd insl. lie was
one of the best-known men on the
coast, nud was one of the finest, most
genial, heartiest men that ever wrote
on a daily paper. He was 73 years of
age. Wo look to soe a fine tribute to
his memory in the San Francisco
Alta, a paper in which appeared some
of his best work.
east alouir Sottcmooua and Water;
streets to Wcsl-Otli, countermarch and:,a''1 a,ml lhc cheolvs ,,f ,u' C,,,W,L 'vho
.....i. .,l..ii..(il..m. ti..,.... t.....fl. 4. Slave our gallant visitor three times
Chenamus, then west to Occident j:5mv f,, h" ,,:,r",si :,'
hotel and disbanded. ' Tlu' &l 'tei rogatory was, "Did
The scene was a one. Over-1 3 -ver see a liner Fourth? Was there
head the fleecy veil of nioiiiing clouds !ovop :i ,M'lttfr ":""1 crowd," T.
obscured the sun, from the sea a
steady brecz- llnttereil the thousand
flags: ou every pmch and house lop,
street coiner and coign of vantage
were crowds of people; up and down
the streets were lines of trees, and an
endless profusion of flags and stream
ers; the engines glistening in tho sun,
and brilliant with cut flowers festoon
ed in graceful garlands: and the full
force of Astoria's lire brigade rein
forced by visitors, with steady tread,
marching with military precision, made
it the finest parade ever witnessed in
Astoria. Precisely at 12Joclock noon,
the proccs-ion reached Flavel's ware
house where a generous repast had
been set for our visitois, and to which
they were escorted. All were made
welcome, and some four hundred
being thus provided for, the. firemen
Amler-oii. Cha- I
Rorias. Antonio
tiastine, Fred'k
.1 I.
Bjorkman. .Maiia
Itealh. William
Carlson. Lena
Caito. Mariano
Dicken-on. W
Davis, John John
Klswiek. Oliver
When the Columbia went to sea
the last time, she weut through the
new channel now being made by Lieut.
Buchanan. The State of California
will go out the same course on her
down trip. Yesterday additional
force went to work, the Brenham with
the scrapers already iu use, and tho
Escort No. 2, with the new machinery.
This is just tho right season of tho
year for this work, and the work that
is. now being done is elective as far
iioth of these questions a negative re
ply was the only mm that .could bo
made. The day was about as perfect
as it could be, "just the wry d.iy we
wanted:" and out of the thousands of
people oi the streets, ue saw but one
intoxicated individual, and he was iu
the hands of his friends."
We think that last speaks well for
the credit of our city, and question
whether any other place in the I'nited
States could have mustered as large a
crowd with as little b.iistrroiiuess ur
Several professional mendicants
.uadc capital out of their deformities
during the day: they should be com
pelled to discontinue their perform
ances; thoj are oftentimes better able
to spend money than those who gen-
.lahrin Fu-tav O
Luketlch. C L
Mailman. Alex
McArce, John
Kelsen. Lurs f
Perrv. Nettie
Hay. Nellie
Sjone. A II
Spcddins. Abel
-Silvers, Mrs
-Mukey. Frederick
Stott, James C
Sialic. Luther
Severs!!. Severt
SehohelU, W 0
Wilhemson.Soi?!! Louis
Persons calling for these letters
mn-t iie the date they aro advertised.
W. Cu.v.vt'R. P. M.
- Captain Wood, of - the pilot
schooner J. C Cousins, says thai
1 during ibe last three week a fog has
constantly hung over the ocean thirty
miles from land. The current
of .the Columbia carries fully
that distance, and whore it meets the
great cut rein of tho Pacific, the
blending of the two waters form a
sinoiilar night. Near thu mouth of
the river the diverging of the
two channel presents another singu
lar spectacle, a vessel going out in one
is swinging away towards Tillamook,
i while a vessel but. iwn miles north is
caught by the rush of; water through
tho north channel and carried jibreaat
of Shoilwater bay before getting her
head well to ca.
Attrtitien So. I'm.
Less Quantities, - - 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, - S I SO per Dozen
VSprcia! attention paid to order- from rW.Ii; lhncs aad Farniiles.B
MrOrUws left Ht the GEItMAMA. UEKIIUIALJ. will tr piuiupUy attendee" to.
WooOfer Nate. A comi)etc 9tock of boys' and cidl-
i i..... !.,. c;v i....wir i f4.-.drcn'.s suits just received at Mctntcwh'
1 have about .six lumuroa ami Ult linthinfTt.fnrf
cords ot dry hemlock, which I will sell two-nin Sl0; I -;
for cash at So.7o per cord. I will deliver Call and examine in'oso baby wagoe
thewooutomyeustoiners. at the City book store. '..:
R. Il.M.i:io.v. .
Adjourmil meeting this evening at
: if) v. u W. . P.vkkkr,
L. K.Skmo. Piesident.
Kurnlsl.eil KneBM to l.el
H wll) arp afmcteU with salt
Physicians' prescriptions carefully ; rheum; itcli,soaldhead, i'mpetbjo, and
compnundrd day or night at J. W.iiry other eruption of-theskJm should
Conn's drug store. oppr?ite Occident . uaettLKXNsSt;r.PHun Soap.
Hotel.. . : i ;-
Chas. Stevens & Son have for sale; Toxic In-vigobjktob will cure-Indlges-
aud are agents for the new Singei sew Hon, dyspepsia or iosa or appeuce. JUK
t.. .-. ...1. Vlf
iiiii iiiiieiiiiies.
fur L'olHcivs; 110 otter. Of Druggists.
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier U
At Mrs. Mun-on's lodging hon-e.
erously contribute.
Towanl evening the Horribles An-1 rnfuriiMied rooms to rent. Apply j crvstal Ico Cream. Occident RIock.
at llli'i u .MiirKei, .nam stieei. i
Fresh ice cream every day at Frank
Fahre's. Families sunnlieil in anv.
auantity by leaving order. Also the tlie gre.t conqueror of BihoutneM and
nest oysters cooked to order. "Frank! T. nnn,i:nt Riiaf in
Fabres oystors and ice cream are known. Luer complaint, tteitet ceruin w
cveiy where a3 par excellence. every ease.
No more good weight at the Orient Fresh fruit received at C. A. May's by
Baths. Tnrco iirst-class barbers. AH every steamer. No stale trash. Evenr
work guaranteed. Chlldrens hair cut-, variety of Oregon and California fruit
ting a specinltj . J. O. Cha::ti:i:s. always on hand.
vil AAiiihl. npnnl iitliplnir wiih Are you made miserable by Indi
All sensible people, suflenng w itri j Uolt oonsHpation, Dhalness, L093 ot
rheumatism, tiso Plunder's Oregon ! appetite, Yellow Skin? Shlloh's Vital
Blood Purifier. Soldat one dollar a I DemVnt"" oure" " For Mle b' W
bottle. . '.
T-, ' , rrzz For the genuine J. ii. Cutter old
I Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar : Rourhon, nud the best of wines, liquors
t kct, has made arrangements to keep al ( and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem
I he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season i opposite the bell tower, and see Camp-
t Ho to Koscoe,s and try tlie lioston
broke ranks and went to get their
lunch and prepare for the great event pi", Doophunnies, Petrified J'oten-I
of the day; jtatea, Puissant Pillars olPerpotmli
tiik tol'knamkxt. Pi'rfdechiiics, etc., made their appear-
Which has been the theme iu firec? " eld high carnival till Hi-.
detiiriineiit circles for tho Inst threo'bats did flit and the owls did ht,
AtoriH lee Depot.
weeks. By 2:"0 v. ., all was
iu leadiness, Messrs. Kearney, j
Minlo, Strang, Trcnchard, Hume,
Hansen and Fox being the judges, the
last three being provided with stop
watches. By this time Squcmoqua
street was- covered with a crowd of
when they dih.1ppe.1rcd.
Last came the grand ball, given by
No. I'satlho Skating rink which was
Frank Fabie is now prepared to sup
ply families, restaurants, hotels, saloons,
ele.. at :: cent-, per pound, on the prem
ises. Fresh ice cream every day. Balls
i parlies and dinners supplied with ice
! cream at short notice.
Fancy soaps and perfumery of all
kinds can be found at J. W. Conn'idruz
Novelties in household aitieles at store, opposite Occident hotel.
Stevens & Son have their alow
You waut to get some of Roscoe s ice . crowded with new goods, all muJce4 la
cream to-day: fresh made and nicely plain figures,
flavored. ..
it vou want ice cream mac us ten
.Yew Rich Bleed!
Anew stock of stoic of the latent cream, goto FranlcFabre's.
'styles at John A. Montgomery's. : , - rt . .
: Those writing desk; at the City book
' Shiloh's Cube Avill immediately I store are the best in the city. Thayar
relfeve Croup, whooping cough ana someunux mce una qaraoie, ana jast
.-. - b -. rfrinvt i.rmiii wiiiit tin ii' t-fiin'ii
1"I. .. .. M ..n& &VIV4 !. .-b .- - - uv- "n' -.- .-.t .-- v
a source of present pleasure, as all such j ' ,M-,,NU ',' r """"'I Ul HH-" I Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement. what most young iaoi would appred;
t i - ir rriiii iiiHoivpr.
Cha. Stevens and Son Imieastock- Prof. Fred Myer wishes to organ
gatherings are. and a cause for joyful
remembrance by those who "the old ' of mouldings and moulders tools which ue a singing clase of children ; ho alsoj P. J. Go
t ., - J .. ,- , ,i.. eaulrt bought cheap for cash to close . has a fair assortment of German music ha ju-t re
and young, tho grae ana ga , lighm i 1 1, t uranch of tU. husiness. for sale. Rooms over the Com saloon, fashionable
.... :......r.-;i.tK4., ..! ovasva KiNirKv' vill rtf inrvincn.iA'tt liimr mil 11 I1rnk.1l f "1 1 1 "to IIXllI-
.111 imLMii.f.u.(..u ..c a,.b -....w .. ioite or merchandise
Ice for sale at tlie Occident Hotel.
peoplo that made locomotion almost j trip tho hours away," till tho breezy?
ing groceries, provis- . . ---ise
of niiv ilescrintion. 1 "" ,b V
up the joyous reel at day break yes-, should leave their orders with A. Van Kn
Tho Columbia No. o's and Mult- the shortest notice.'
P. J. Goodman, on Ghenaaius street.
received, the -latest and most
style of OMita and ladles
lioots. shoesfetc. AsedC in Astoria ftr
the famous Morrow shoes.
been cleared, the contest began. Tho
first was for steam engines to run 100
yards, hose cjuupany to run 300
yards, lay 100 feet of hoso and throw
water, two prizes being offered, S100
Remember Frank Fabre's ico cream.
For Dyspepsia andLiver Coaupluiut, , What is nicer on a warm day ttjau a
terday. Si-r "wu in S rtiXonyou haw a printed guarautee on every ! dish of that exquisitely flavored Ice
i !. r" " ...".-. ,-.- - ..j ....
iioniah No. 2's, of Portland, were! Fre3h laffy and caramels every dav i '
heartily cheered on their appearance, at the Astoria Candy Factory, Main St. Fabre's
bottle of Shiloh's vitalizer. It never ' cream that Frank Fabre makes?
falls to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
s ice cream Is the best.
I Aak to see one of those patent feed
ers at Foster's.
. i