w ASTOKIA.OKE.JO.: TUUESDAY JULY . 3bV-I J.F. HtlXOKW ...lUor others .vent on the Brenham yt-s-terday to poo the progress made in scraping on the middle" sands, and note the working of the new scraper which the "Escort Xo. 2 Jiad in chaige, and which will work in oonjtrtiction Willi the Brenham. The trial of the work was in every way satisfactory, and though nothing definite rolativo to the workings ol the new machinery could.be definitely ascertained, sufficient " is knovvn. to warrant Gap tr Powell in tlie-opinion that it wilbprbve a valuable adjunct to the scraper now worked by the "Brenham.' There T now a depth of eighteen feet in die chauni! through the middle .si mis. Gapt. Powell is of the opinion that with rompnratively little attendant ef fort' a channel can bo m-ulf with a depth of twenty-titur fjl at low water. -''Tis a consummation de vouilv to in wished:" with such a depth ol wate.raure'l. l ho ships of twenty-two feet dm tight that ate now ordered In San Krancisco and the remind can ;afelv titer and load. 11 - "t Max old or tait medals and stamp'; hae been icciilly i :it what seemed .marvellous price.-.. The .sales at lea-t show th.it lite owner did a very prudent thing in" making the collection thus dis persed. .iSntne of them Me en hanced in value by their relation to histmioal ineidenJ A. collec tion of revenue stamp-, m.idonoiv. tt j will uutlpubtedly ptoe :t good in- .vostiaeqt.. TJit ftmcjmist come A- very" soon when these A;ill be handled with scurrpsity. iucro-ased b' the asstitance that, more than fifteen years after the end of the war. out of the necessities of whichJ DOmiuincr on i at M.ir. , milE NOT.'n. IXTm- s-ioita v nr-ni r A farty cnnis.ii,-r or aplain topauncisi.ipi.u-ree,, .1. t. Roichers amp s'bU I uiiilf a. J iS.ii J sji5 ., 0 ,, , . , r. .. KM. dillimd wis m-rled without mr .nJW-TMKrkvera L I.. Povril-ltCUUM:uit BHCltHimnlaiuv.luilKe or Luuscni A.-, -soon a J l ; aCc--'-'ca---sve-"-' 1-1 1 it r- . v i 1 i Ilorchf in will settle with me. and tutdin.Hke 5 frrauk .Mooros Pilot boitauu-h, A., tho liabilities or the nrm witu consent i in r 147,. -,,,- -iii. i! B.Slausoiiof the Oreoiuan, nd jmrtacrship. OKO.F.M COLLUSD 5 the ufce of these stamps gtow, the - government persisted in enforcing their-use, and that a patient peo- .plc.submittpd to the extortion un til the surplus of revenue increased to such an enormous amount that it became a innd over which "con gressmen and congressional lob bios. ..quarrelled for plunder un der forms of legislative measures that took this sin plus by dips of Tten, twenty, fifty anil even an bun dled million-of dollars at a time. Illuminated by such historical nar i. aires, a collection of such teve uue stamps that went upon j matches J with which the poor "lighted fifes, upon the medicines which cured the sick, upon the , check that paid a subscription to a charity, and upon a dozen other articles of family use, will become not only an interesting but pecuni arily a valuable possession. . King Kalakatja is' to have two . thrones with all the modern ap pliances, made for Jiim at Boston. AJljof the Yankee, improvements will be-added and he will be the only monarch -in the world who is the owner of two places where the , ro' personage can repose in jstate. It -is surmised that one of them is intended for his feet. The - dusky- motiarch would appear more graceful -standing beside a barbe rs chair. The biUs for all bf this nonsense are, for the most "'' ' 4 part, paid by a few score of Amer ican, citizens who owji plantations and have control of the business 'of the-Sandhich'Tslands. " . t - . . . ' Tiik recent collection of assess - mtnents.jfrom federal officeholders fis tojjcthe subject of judicial in "vcsligation. A more "flagrant dis regard of the proprieties and of public sentiment, has seldom been .ygJYR-U-Sj'1 P-t"cal committee, "but it" will be llaTd to prove that anybody, iuilty of crime. 'The members of the congressional com "mittec are' not ordinarily consid ered public officers, they will prob ably escape the meshes of the law. rc&3atas&i&l i Unless they arc purposely invit- inff defeat, it is hard (o sec why they should have Leen so defmtit . of the best sentiment of the party. SEW TO-DAY. I To Whom It May Concern. SBBUKBAK LOT&h Homes For J?ishenm.j- i-r.iximvt ia i.vNoj m-kukn r. ONE IIGNDRED BVILIilXG LUIS Al Auction. fJpiitN or water. i:ieli mi!! admirably :id.iited lor esctalile !ranh n.. All situate in the iiewlj suneed illas:i ft I AiuerumdK.imiiieiioitlipni turl of KoIlm; Sbortess' Udiiatlim I-ind Claim. ihIjoiiiiiik 1 pperAloiia, nsl.iid ut:md rccorilil 1 .1. Iv. Kellj. I 1'erxm.Mi and A. V. I!f-ir. Tetm-sofiujim'titand da ut v axiII h duly auununccd. For furtber iarticuhin:iiiil exj:iitiali(u .f lerorded il.it,:ijjl to i:. r. tioi.ii t Ai'Clinneer: :id Ileal JMatcA . IT'S g H PILL I AS AN ANTI-B1U0US HEDIGINE,! aio incomparablo. Thoy stimulate llu TOHPlDIiiyER,inviKbratetheJS22r.V - OUS SYSTEM, KivetonotoiboIDiGKb- T1VS OEGA2JS, create perfect digestion and rcKular movement ot tae bowcbi. AS AN ANTI-DfiALAREAL They have co oqua.1 ; acting a3 a preveiii' ivo and cure for Bilious. Xtomittant, Inter luittont. Typhoid fevers, and Fever an.i j Ague. Upon tho healthy action of the Stomocli and Liver dependrs, alnos1 whol iy, the health of tho huanu rac . DYSPEPS!AS 31 Is for 1 Sic cure of this diseaseand It- .it toudants, SIOK-IIEADACHE, NEKV OUSNESS.DESPONpENCY, CON .?riPATIOKrPIIES, &c.. that theK 1'iiis luiro gained such a wide reputation. ICo reincdywascver discovered that acU ifoupscdily and gently on tho digestivo or iin giving therntononud"vigor to a 2'iiiiita food. This accomphshedj h Si'.VES are BRACED, the EIJAIM NOUitlSKED, and the BODY atO- SUST. Try thm axemedy fairly and .. w.W gaina VigcrousBody, Pure SIoivl, rrw.14; Ktrves,"and a"Checrful iimiu. rrif25e. aSrurmyr!-, . . TUFT'S HAIE BYS. 'fist lIXmR tVnisuiyis cb.ne"1 :-j -i l-r-k Bl cGr a 6iiu.le aoiMicatiori or th w 111 r 1 : ri psrtfrfi Kattiral Color, end a-la lntTliv,'," SoldbyDnirtfinHorK-iittiyeiiirfTioiiieii'M -. Ofnc'e, 35 Murray St., Mow York Leinenweber & Co.. . pr.iTKjvwrnr.R. -- ilmimw PSTAlIMftllKD 1S55. ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMERS ABB CUpRIES, ATanufacrt.rer-J and 1 mporlers f L .. KINDS OF AND riNDlN'dS V.'liolesaie Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. ?5ll!j'liest cash price paid for Hides and T.J low. 5.13. e uSk 3B; JSL S R, Il"AI.Ki:IV Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime. Brick, Cement and Sand IVobit neliveretljlo.Order. Draying, Teaming and Express B,;sinrs3. Uorsvs ana Carriages for Hire. DK.VI.KU IV WINES.SLIOUORSrAND CIGARS. FIKST'i'IiASS WILLIAM ED GAB, Corner Main and ClicnainusStioetf, ASToniA ei: ego;, inn.ra 11 CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Tlie Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS(& SON GENUINE ENGLISH CUTiERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTEtfllOLU ard otbor J!n:iish Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Gemiine Meershaum Pipes, etc, A flue stock of Wat flics and Jewelry, 31nzzle ami Breech liondin-r fthot uj; :ml KifleN, Revolvers, Pistols, and Ainmnnition" 3IAKIXK GIiASSIi ALSO A FINK Assortment of Ifine JrFCTACM-S and KVK (JLASSHS. G. A. STJNSON & CO.. BLACKSfWITKING. At Capt. lingers olll stand, corner -or C:iss and" Court Streets. .Ship aud Cannery work. Horseshoeim:. Wagons made and repaired. (Jood work guaranteed. HF.fe D. A. McINTOSH Pique Suits, Diagonal Suits, Gassiruere Suits, Tweed Suits, Oasfo? Suits, Fianns! Suits, - i 1 '-iihaxesr2!2zxiacxzr-3njx v ki.i:: wr asmiU'imcnt or "NTECKTfEAR iMi.if t i ::utih: s ai io::. 22D CLO'S'SS, n i . M -.n; I Z7fr ! A "1"- ' " j j H.xV.MHXTOSH. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, 'S3. 1 j&Cii3?7S OOK. S'SfOS.lS Tn' ':ir;-eM Cn I. f - .-WJ5 Blank Hooks ami Stolionciu 'jjl. 'f I'WIJ t!iM'llitlO!l. lton. AImi. iit-u Uhi nnrt riui'ii-v fur! .,.. ..! .t-w.r..u1 ... .1.1X1....! I t.r -Mivrnud miwiiim1 j-ul.lMti-d Carl Adloi's music Store yi-.-ii r&J v Pianos and Organs. Of .ill makes coiKtamlv on lutul. Al- a full itoek i-t VIOLINS, (IUITAKS, 1JAN.I0S, AC- CORDKONS. COX CKRTINAS. IIARMONIC.VS, PLUTKS. lva Ia.?;e .oek of the lievt f VIOLIN AND OUITAR STRINGS, SIIEE1' 3IUSIC. AND .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, As well a? eervt!dn t 1m tt,'Inniin lo a Tir-1 Ol.iss.Mn-ie Store. mi -?2$L-f5P 1&&T 7M ) 1'i.inits and 0:.iti sold on :tie inoutlilv m st diluent i.'.an.orforren!. CARL ADLER'S"VAR ETY STORE 'tfV'sc'jfca<aliy Carriages, a ci-tinpielf - ;tMiruiieni. New poods hy ev. rj- Meatner. Tlie jmlilie an huired to examine my .stock ami ncc. CIIIIN.UIUS ST.. - ASTOKfA. Oltr.tJON Dairy Farm for Sale. 1 am iiLstnutod lv Mr. :. Coninbcirv.to oirer for sale his llnclx -located farm" OX CLATSOP PLAINS. It eonMNof im acres of excellent pasture land which, with the adjeinini: cattle nuiKu. is capable of npjHirtin-: TO head or stock the jearronnrt. Kij-lit acres fenced and acres under cultivation. Flncsl cactabte Cartlcu on Hie I'l.tlus Alio several bearin; fnnt trees. K.uuh is protected bv nMiifCKroimd and timlier be tween it and the wvnii Trom all hc:n v winds ..ml stornw. Ilnu-c f'onlaiuiiis ; Koimis. Stttre-iYNiin. milk-room. bam. stable, wscon Mied, etc., etc. Tins valuable fann is stmateil ls miles smith from Point Adams UeM llor.se. and if applied for soon will be sold at a er;. low Jiiire. Mr. Conmlicrrv beini: old and desirous or relirin-i Inuii labor. If Till? wilfl if (-. . .. i...r - .. ..... ' .i "- "- ot-iore ine lirsl 01 Aneiisr. the whole pniiM-nv will beilised I'liltlir Auction. Title indisputable. Tor further iiartictilars J euiiiure of E. G. HOLDER, Ileal Estate Asrcnl. tr yacht bltjes"kin: Clipper built, copper fastened, double mast vevel. He, at Case's wharf. l.'eaiU to re ceiv e passengers, frei-jht or ex cursion parties to all iiarts of IheColumbi.iriverandvieinitv nsri or furtlior iiarticulars n Lexers. Cent ral ilnrker. Or ol inniUre of .Tnlm Or of apt. Wood. Jlast or and owner ;ir,Ij -jSebiH.l lM.k-. I!ili:.v. r.H-il:l v3cj V -irk. Album-:hiI R tlol.t 1V-H-. M1! lie-He- n fi.ll ami eiuij.,te i3Bfe-JdN","t ,,r eTthbii iiuallv -tM- t .! t a wi Hv fSrtnx--' Sfc-SSi fc?,? , , The BossCoffee and Tea Pot' g?ip it i a BSlnSjVuBj-f "g:s??.ffeS m IBLu two J)oon.s east;of Occident, roscoe-s first class Oyster Saloon. 'ci(& ClllIN'AMl S STKKirr. ASrOIMA. mm: lwokksicxed is ii.ilsf.ii to .L aimoimiv to the I'Ul'lli that hew in.ik - in" ,!,(4 Boston Crystal Ice Crealn ! The rme.t lcru.a,i ,.i,f .l.J,wi . !.. H... j American iiubllc. Try it, and be rum hip-.t. J llealsiiiurnMies. in ilr-t-eht tle. .OYSrKt.-!. HOf tOITKK li:v. irii !-.. i.ri,l4.0 r UUl .Han kmpi-r-" Tin: Hiiuator-. Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, fllltXAMl'S sri:i:irr. flea-e ji mi a rail. UOSt'Oi: ISIXOX. finniietiir BOOK STORE. W are eoiistaistiy reeemii-j n,w ailditioiw tn .turstoek andii.ne llte'tiiirst ad l.irK-t axorlmeiit of .inet goods in tlirfi'j. Pnmhc Pi-nchic ! '"' ''',' N crowded mlitlv. and all vuiiiua. ai UollOo, ; who!iae witneed tltreiirfrtannaeiit pro- S, i itoimceit iobecniHltoaii glvuicNewliere. tSllOnerV FramPv A,r- , '"'erer fur the ii:bi:es lUllUHCiy, I ldlHCb :,ii,hm.iii.iI t-.ii mil In- excelled. Alljb.dv wi-lds to Nttiul a iie:i-.uit eeiiin; and iifilltllnifi Pnnf.; vv sl-" U ad lieanty witlioiit ud uciiuojiii L.UOUJ. .j:,rux .Nimiitii improve tlie -i-.-uirtitnif ami it , , . J come. .viSniir ;hhI an m.'.rked in plain t'cure. Mn , ., , ,. , ,-n .... ? ,. . '".sMi nii romp.in comprieN tJii ful'.iwnv we I- ( sill aim t'Namtne iiial:t :mt imiepnei-. ; known Arti-t-. fii.vs. s n: vi:.s &m- .m is i-umi: w.m.tox. .Mini !.: i-:. Cok. I"T"r i '0,1 "Mir i'iukmn IJiiiilkr. . V . lAMJ. SIi:..:.ii loek. OHN.I.Tl.i:.AXI WHOM.-.'.!.!. EIV TAIL HKALKi: IX &ENERAL MERCHANDISE 'rner ClienamtL: and Cuss Mreet,. AbTOKIA . - . OREGON Dress Making. l:V Mrs. T. S.m Jowcil. lTl stairs, opio:le .Mr..,i:oer' lianlat: llon.se. t TO THE LADIES OF ASTORIA, j 1TAKK I'LILVSnti: IX ixkoumino i ou that I have rcinord m r--1 making room-. From 'Iieiiuimts Si. to 1'nss St.. Xet door to Tin-: Asti:iav oilice. 1 j thank the l.id.cs for their liberal pairon.i-ie.j 3IRS. a. r.ipie.i:yea. " jel.l I. K. WxnRn.s. T. 'A'. I:t.is Astoria Market ! COM. VliESAUVA .VXIl HAMIMOX-S. ASTORIA. - - OltKOOX. AVAKKKX A K.ITOX. Proprietor ) (Successor tit Warren .(- VctSnirA Wholcanlo and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats A full line or family tnrocEKiEs, ri.oun. i;j:i:t" HAY. CANNED FRUIT. VKtlK- I TABLES, ETC. narijuitor, EgRg, Cheese, etc. constantly I on hand. j " Ships supplied at tho lowest rate?. Street Improvement Notice." ' NOTICE is licieljy iett tltat the' iJlUIIO,lUOII,lf " .r,"11'. CUy f As,ftl ia J lnopoae to order the improvement of that portion of West Gtli street in hhive- ly s.torja. from theiiorth side or Vall' trcct to the souUiside of Uerrv .street , Itv imidinfr tlio snino t to.. ,.c..Ki:.-i.n.i ' raile to the full width of -.ud street, andnnltes a rciitoii-.tranci-sifted by the nuners of two-thirds of the prop- crty fronting on said porot in of said gsvvxrr.ii;::: the final publication of this notice, to wit: July sal, 18S2, the Common Conn- cil iviu order the said improvement to be made. By order of the. Common C?gfraUg8B. AudUom?cSrk: - . For Sale. TWO ACRES OF LAX1), WITH OXE-' story house, situate within :m feet off '&na of 1K-. acre, with house, and two v?Mvih -ntaBc one-half mile on ' ColuiiiWaKler:Soacresaldcrlanilii place:' Vio " e unan. itic For nartieular: pnontm nrrinn it irvi.... I Catlilamet. W. T., or F. R. strouj;. 'Portland' i tpco-l . d-wlm ammmsKHJit.j Jwjgag-eajm. m -ig .y ; -iyf. MAY t;: HAM )Y fE.E.HATvES V stfam i rn i n . a mm s i a n "S'm bin the bi'-i u.in.nu'ii iiiiiloid Ait w j.i.t:.:raar-i'.! or uu .t.aiw yiriss 9 ASTORIA. OISEOON J BILL'S VARIETIES. cro. Hit.u - - - ri:ori::irroi: AVM.TKl: I'AKhS. - SfAf.r .MAXACr.Pr A . . , c - , - ",11,r 2t-",; l Kapii Surcession I irnwi-ifiiient r KR. HARRY COiHLEY ' I:i,li Ma ,0,,,:H,n ' mSS PIOLLIE CHRISTY '"--- ti"'i'-- - -mp TOSI HRISTY Tiifijollter witii a lieu AH the Old Favorites Retained. Open all I lie tear. Perfurimiiuc !'. r.i Main. Ilnilrc tiange r S'r.i- sruiume Oiu- :t 'V'iek Ciiiiri-inj:all the late-t SONCS. DANCES A?JD ACTS. Wc give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. Mr. m.tki: I'i:ks. All of whMi will appear nifilstly in their dir fernit -peeialtn. ;:ilSSESSi ' mus street. t t i, .. r -t . c 1 JiUVlx UUtli'l lUtJW OldlS IJjOEB & CO., .toi.f.ins i 'WINES, LIQUOJKS, l ASM) CIGAliS. Acr.NTs rei: Tin: Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. 5-All jjomN sold at San Knuieiseo Price, A1AIX sTicr.irr. . Opposite 2.irl.iT llnnsi. Astoria. Oirumi. t , &"& & w A. V. Allen, j (srcOKU: . PAOK A U.I.K.V.) ! Wholesale and retail dealer In" j Sroees'feg, Provisions, Crockery. G,aSS a"d Plated Ware TROPICAL ASCII HOM1STIC FRO ITS ND VFRFTAR! Fs - iU CjH I HDLEIO. Trt...M ,.,. ...... S Vt ,h r wj,h i Tn- t mi -n- mes, Lipors, ToMcco t Guars ' ' , . , . . , , ' e lare:,t an(l nur;t cnmpieii stock of ' ,n t!!C'r """ S te rU"d ,n (Jonier of Cass and Siiemocqho Streets. ASTORIA. OREGON. Clfl0 5 Repairing. XEAT. CHEAP AM) IJUKMC. P.Y j.: AiJKvr. tS&ttAiZM .wo. .w.,u t..r n ...j..i,r;.t..; KibiiKPr-r''5---; S?f .??- --.Ii -J---' i "J MEDALLION HAXUK SS t'KOK'iK JiOVKTT. 3IainStrect, opposite XVLoeb's, te- Htontgomery, V( rFs-l!: TO .1 CKIs 5. 'lOVHSOMFUV iKryOi. rt NS'-'li-riI5-ill vil-ifti i l--iS- aM--5 ronr3:it of 3iais4aa ' r-r jbl ... -A-.m OKAS. HEILBORN, MAXOFACIUP.EK OF FTJKNITTJBE S BEDDING, AND DEALER IN , CarpeLs, Oil 01oj.li, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades. Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDONY CORNICES AND CERTAIN VOLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN DEALER IX FtTP,SiTTU"R.E :- BEDDESTG. Corner Jain ami Siiemnina Streets. Astoria. Orcjron. WIDOW SHADES AflD TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES, ETC. V Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ai.i. 5Bras r iTssrre-isK isximirki axi varsishew. B. iJ. PKANKLTN, Corner Cissnud S-iuemmi'ie streets, ASTOP.IA, - - OREGON nicM.Ft: i.v WALT, PAFEK A NO WIKROW SHADES AXO UNDEiiTAKKRS GOODS. GOOD CHEAP BOOTS, j I have Lately . Reduced the Price or all mv First -Clav, . i:uTs !, mi i. 3:tur. to !U)i:tt, , As follows Finest Sewed Calf Roots Finest P'jed Tap Soled Finest Tejjued Sui;Ii Soled -It Oj 10 "o to Oil Vothin but the Rest Genuine Mercer French Calf Fscd in "Ij Shop. :. .1. A iv old. O'lposite the O. It. & X. Co.'s Dock. martin ro.vi.n. I. J. STOKKS FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers in Wood and Villow-wave, groceries. Tobacco, Cigars.. Wines and Liquors FORIIION AXO DOMINIC Fruits and Vegetables, Fxo"ur:R, -s"Eo, COUNTRY PRODUCE. General Commission Merchants ASTORIA, OKF.CJOW Xet to, Oregon Railway & Xav. cos Dock dftw HANSEN BjROTHERS,r Architects ami RiiilHfir5. All kinds ot Ilouseju-ork iloiu at ,...,., n,tw... . r?, V Shop corner of C.i5 and Astor Street, ASTORIA. OREGON Notice . a.-r-. ' nsL j1 .. r-i T?--iz-5iarTT - -"- .-i TnhJ, ;,LJV-1, 'J 'OLL FOR fTOFSI oxn STORY axd a half. rv . Ulv,iar,1,vV.'toJ:ct,u'r.u,tIlawarraut -tL Has six: rooms, wood-shed, chlcken froin the County Court for the collection or hooj,e.ete..aud:inaver-failinlivin-snrin? nIirrSHM,te3r P' f-J,e,illfIc '" of Reed w a'ter on the lot. IMce.SS: fS - ' C:l NeUJcatn,.I.uA-saNt! tion. about eiKhr minutes' walk from Ptot- .-, A..M. lOMULi. (Olllee. Apply to -E-CHOLDEX. Shcrnr. lt M.HCN I Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Oo. end Aortuietit Oi HOUSSS-SOLD GOODS. Aseat- for 3Iii:cQ Stovs and Runges The niat in the ii.irktt. I'imnblns 'ootb of all kind-, on band. Jat work dune In :i workmanlike manner. .JKi't'iiit-sox stkkkts. !! vza i-?ff'tte'jLfc. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE ' Make use ot the euetable lungdoin. Abso lutely the BEST KNOWN REMEDY! For the j I.Iikm! ami I.ivcr CompIaiHts, ''d Fever. . lac. Djspcpsiu. etc. Positive Oure FOK Kid in-j- am! Ktadiler Ulseasen, ilirnulc .Skin TreVblCs ami UhcntuatiHiii. Ffas Stood the Test FOR YEARS. Forpaitieulars-and testimoniaLs troni welt known people In our State read locals and ' circulais. i Price 1. per Bottle. To insure a cure take six lots for S3.0O. Your drugRLst keeps and recommends It. -Vik for, and see that you get the genuine. Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply i SALMON TWINE ! i ij-oM Ml) LEAD LINES, , ' j S E I N E T WI NE S. ; A Full Stock Now on Hand. . HENRY DOYLE & CO., '"II ."Uarket Street. HaH Frmaeisce .suie Agents for the Pacific Coast. J. H. D. GRAY, vim!esale and retail dealer In. ALL KIXDS OF FEED, "y "$f ""SW, WU, LlCt Ocneralstoratjcnnd WliarfaRB on reason- able terms. Foot of Berton street. Astoria, Orejron. HOI SK AXI LOT FOR 8AIK. In Olney's Astoria. jec-tf Real Estate As?nf. &r