(!) wrowinnniwwwiujjm:winwii tBHRanaMe99)in(iwaNnafMmwav " - iv.'. i"' Astoria, Oregon. Tuesday Morning, July 4, 1882. No. 81! Vol. xvn. "TWOH VT J f0fm. ORDER Or THE DAY- ' National salute of 13 guns at . bunrise. From 7 to 10 o'clock) grand reception of visiting fire-J men. At 10 o'clock a. .m. tliel grand procession will form on j Squemoqua street, right resting on .Main, under the supervision of Mr. E.l). Curtis, Grand Marshal and Aids. 1st. division. Grand Marshal,! brass band of 10 pieces, Liberty' car, Mayor and common council.' Grand ship of state containing ' Uncle Sam and Columbia, military organization. d division. First Aid; Uhiefi . Kfirrmpnr of A. F. 1). and visitinirUo Chfefs and Assistants, Multnomah i Engine company Xo. 2, of Port-lthe northwoi. that tins icg.on oi land, Columbia Enjrine Co. No. 3, Iters more varied inducements to i if Portland, Capital Engine No. 1, of Salem, Columbia Hose Co. Xo. r mm.a Tinliis Admin i7nmtin Co. Xo. 1, or Astoria, Rescue Engine Co. Xo. 2, of Astoria, Alert II. & L. Co. No. , of Asto- ria. delegation of firemen to the State Firemen's Association. citizens in carriages, citizens oiijlsui either tne soium-rn. norm horseback etc. etc. ! eastern or norihucstern states; we Steam engines, hand engines, j have gxild and ilvcr awaiting de hose and hook and ladder com-jvelopment, that will sometime parties in the state, of Oregon audi place us alongside California in Yashino-ton lerritorv. i respect to precious ores; the north- lst. Steam engines to run 100 yards; hose companies to run :;00nl our wh-jat fields stand corn yards, lay 100 feet, of ho?e aiHPaI0,l .v",,1,l :u,1 q"ily of throw water. 100 t first, SaO tojg"n V-'U1 t,u' 1)05t "Uivatel second. fields of England. The average 2d. "Steam engines to station with cold water, lay 100 feet of polling lulls ot eastern Voslng hose and throw water 100 feet t ton and Oregon will overtop the. from nozzle, 50 to first. lest English average. .The water. 3d. Hand engine to run 100 ; wmls. hose ejol?; tn run 300 vardsJ lay 1D0 feet of liose, break T!OUp- ling, attach pipe and throw water, ir."i fo first. Ith. Hose companies of 12 men, to run COO yards with 300 feet of hose on reel, either jumper or carriage, 75 to first $23 to second. 1 5th, Hook and ladder comnan- ies to run 300 yards, limited to 30 men, and get man on top of 30 foot ladder, $50 to first. Cth. Hose Companies, any team, to "make" and "break" five coup lings in "line" hose, $10 to first. 7th. Grand sweepstakes foot race, for any fireman of any de partment on the northwest coast, to run 300 yards; foreman to cer- tify active membership for oO days; the Illinois state, roles to o-nvein. 830 to first, $10 to second. -1! nri7es will be unid in V I irolil coin, to be civen at 4:4r, p. m. . ! on the day of contest. RCl.KS axi j:eoi'i.atkns. 1st. All hose carts or carriages in the steamer contest will be re quired to carry 330 feet of hose on the reel, with 12 men, to break coupling at the one hundred feet and attach pipe and throw water. 2d. Hand engine contest will be governed by the same nde as steamers, 12 men to hose cart, 4 men to brakes. 3d. The 500 yards for carriages or jumpers, 12 men with 350 feet of hose, straight away. 4th. The judges will consist of five chief engineers of different departments. 5th. xVH contests to start from the tap of the alarm bell. At 4:30 p. r.s grand boat race. At 5 o"clock p. 'si., "The Ancient and Horrible Chinook Moonshiners, of Salmon City," will enter the city at the foot of Cass sheet, and hold high carnival until the hour of 7. National salute at Sunset. The days festivities to conclude -with a GKAXl) DEESS P.ALL, Given by Astoria Engine Co. No. 1, at the Skating Rink. Cemmittee: C. .1. Ti:i:nc:i.v!:i. Chief Engineer. F. 1'. Hick.-,, First Afest. Engineer. J. O. Bozohtii. .Second Asst. Engineer. B. F. Stkvknjn Foreman Engine Co. Xo. 1 . C. H. 8 roc kt.. Foreman Engine Co. Xo. 2. .1. E. Thoma-, Foi eman 11. & L. C. Xa. 1. 11. S. "'oi:m.i:v. Entrmcer llescue X. 2. Our Ke&onrces. "We would eoniiiiuallv hold up the attention of those perons in the east, who wish to locate in j both capital and labor than any u lot her." All the undeveloped re-ja sources that rive rieatncss io the greatest states in the ITnion abound here. We hae iion and coal in immense piantity, that gave New pork, Pennsylvania and Ohio their ipecttl iliar advantage; wo nave lor- ests that dwaif the lumber inter- western corn lields we cannot rival, '.yield of the virgin prairies and, powers of Xe-.v England have their equal l along the gon am the fisheries their parallel in the off-shore fish eries of the north Pacific ocean, while the shad of eastern wafers arc of less commercial valve than the salmon of. these western rivers n the rduiuilin- ool told' und .slraner tnitlis-are de- ..rrorsaiul Imtfcretions f vonth.lifn- '.l?.:l.V.u,HL '"V V,,i-.,inr.nr?9T nt streams of -yern Orc-i velopcd. A WIH.K :ifr0 to-day 'mioTmSTr r r - j - - r : ini iniiitiio it: in ino leiunir" iii irii 1 Washington, and even cloud a little larger than :f man's cure jou kkke u uiiahuk. . r-WrV'-a ' ,1 . - i 'rfV.i,1i rni..it-rn Flinwrn.1 Ki i niliTel '"" " ''H O VI O., .IR0IIH lOr.VStOria. : "down east1 have hand passed over the IiigYvietnta Vmunrv in South America, .-send a self - rr Wn onv; in oeiov lofiliii.c i.ie I of ice live inches in diimeter iif-' inline niiiic will: three-inch, planking e surpass, in main loc.iiitKs, tne oi ice iim incnt.s in iti.inmu, in nlvuorJ:SOI- ,.vt.ry kn : ciunle:. and by stniishteniiiji the piling where best hop vards of the east: our teen inches around, were hurled . May'-. Human caudle--, tire crackers, ,ec:r out of repair, and unless a reraon ....Jt ., ., , , ,,. 1-ky rockeK elc. Fie-h from the f;u- istninceslmu-d ly the owners of two- lrun is superior louiav oi aimoaii every section and promises to be an important item oi production in the near future. Take the Pa cific northwest in all its length and breadth,and it holds up in compari son with any and all other eoun- tries, simply because it has a good ; ,. . , i- , i, I climate, a range ol reliable ducts, great natural advantages !a,,d undeveloped resources, and offers more reliable rewanls for la- or "l enterprise than can hu found elsewhere. Nature has done much for us in iriving u.s iinnui- i 1 less change, the crops know more' !i.ti;ntf nmi l.nmiii ; u,... ,- ' ccttaint, ami iiealln xm better a.s- sured here than in many other j parts of the Union; and the peo- j pie who come here from all parts j of the world, as well as from all' states in tho Union, bring reliable' character and more genuine enter- prise than can be often found in new countries. "We have reason ' to be proud of the character of the) people of Oregon and "Washing- ton deservedly bear. There is a steady stream of im.j migrants pouring hither that con- tinuallv refreshes us with the life i and best energy of other states, ,my f,o, Ao .shq, ,ioWlu.l.ta, ,l,. A .,. ..f .1,,..,, Kffii 1! JK, KSSSi Z&&W& afiect humanitvs often elsewhere. Sline Hi oV farm weie killed, and u':',',.:i,ml l? J,,a ,1!'. 0,t 'J'ailable . thU notice, the Conutum Council will , ,.-.,, . . '"" I medicine for the siihenu-j: sick. an- .nidcr.saidiiiinroveiacnt to be made Uv e know little of tempest, pesti- u-e have heanl of a few eattie hav- whore. order nrtl.effiu.aon CoiuSl. lenco.or famine. Theseasons know ling their legs broken. Foru..atolVi ,,"wSai-,:" "' "r.u.v.u v.,,.v5.?SSS' The immigrant wonders to find i door opened and a vi.sitor entered. that he i.s alwavs anion"- men of ; ''And, dear me! here lie is," con-, character and intelligence, who are i tinned the iniperturable I'ield ever ready to help build school- Marshal: '(Jeiitleinen this is AY. i houses and do their part to help i JJickhnin of the Dayton .lournal' build up the community. The j 1'tckliaiti, we were just speaktnrj sluggard stays at home, but the'l yon-' im re el tent an who uelibei-atolv reads of iliii n .. . . ., . auaincmaiconuon,toiry jnweiiershioni- iiiereor .said citv within ten days trom an wuo jLiuiLiaicn na'ihOt tmsj Have istar'.s haKmi of wild cherry arh Kilters. Ladlc&or the nurt Hellenic con- the final inihlication of this notice to jrion studies its advantages ef: always at hami. It cures roughs, eold-,, htltutlnn lwtlfy to Its liannlw,-, and nMoni.- WIt: jniynd. iw. the Common ci'un. i . oroncliilis, whoop turcoiiji h, croup, in- "lv,roir.Vl,.t. l .,,:,:"1V;tr",u?'u, cil will order the srud imnmvoiiii"nV tn .mate, soil and products and ex-j !.en,eoU,u,!iom nAll throaV an'd SSSS !&ttS1t1lS,xS?lH m"t be nililcTny order" iHff cSmmoX of resources, ami concludes r;.Ka,,u-' " Ll,,tt ,l,m;01 a um" abie of all stomachic. Council. F.C3IOKRIS, i to come here, and does come he-e. t- a rule, possesses more-thin average intelligence and enter- prise, and is certain to do all in his power to push tin world before i him A,r .i,lf i, ..., .ii.fl : welcome Mtcll inMl, a r.U Uhev find those .who wore in ad- i vancc of them ready and willing I !. A. .ill tint tlirx- r"in tn Mid their ' If) (lu all IliaL II1U Call U llvi l" " I. . . ,.f ;, . cnrriinil.i. , iii-jjiuniii ii. ............ - ! uirs a ...... !.... ..i i'imiii :i -v....... ...... ..v.. - . vuler rnn.rf. of oeeur.ations tliaii . ' .. .litions have changed, so a, t, oilier a wider ran;e ol occupa-. tion. Farminir is widening out into a profession, instead of being lie c:iu in anv wtern Male. Ilc'.tiro roTT'ami.Or. " .er..fid..us erupliuiis, such aa pirn-1, and findiiuy. AXDKKW EOBKKR3;'6f Plrfjei ffiob?rt3. . '" lj,-' ' i- , ,. . ,. , , . ... CA.DOMMl.ot Dolh, Krwiansh. Doluh il JOHN CR.Of.of JohacWfeCo. eau adopt farming or stock niismtr, , , r- TTrT" . I'K 'l'"Mliwi ol skin wia!llyL!!"no;:1.l.IfV ,,". & 31. WboreBooa aaaKes. ! , l . "". . . .ii. i has deve!opelthat a ei.uvie: , (m win ,ii-n.i.er mnullv hv 9WJ- SSbS? 'eCraken&Co. 1.10S. jjUIHAltD.BuripiMd&8pauldlaa i and can choose cliinale, oil and .' . ."" w,, w,, ,l'l',r rapiiuj uj i l. u. llENKltillsn.V. of Henrichsen & J.K.OllIcrJ.KLGmCo.;St55Se . .. , iit ..:' the Georgia prison, recently lining Pfuiiilui'k tJiv--m Blood t'nu-,rk(,r.,nIVe,5;lw,or , ., . IKJUNKZAOVlCHolXaiBrottoia. locablv, and irrow products to suit . , , . .. ,: . . Dr. u. K. SOTTAOK, M. D.. Etnnilaer aad j Each of tho 'abore ifleffSfl9.illnu- j . . . ,. . " ,: , ... ,, i pardoned, crved eint veats lor a " ' rhslclaa. j nnce la taUCiuipony. i.. mriiifitiiirvii ri r,iw i nnni! i fin. - ' i i- , ,,. .i. i i-iii- i... in i ..- ... "mi.. .. protracted calling. W h.ivp.(lrtiieueneratie ruuetifui room fi.r dairies, a call lor stocU breeders, demand for funis and . ,. vegetables to supply a fastidious , ;et, and while heretoiore the. Ktnner had a s,nall,na,ke,;toatisfy, . lie now lias me worm ior ins eus- i now has the world for Ins en- -niei. The time has fnllv come, also, mi mm iii.y t. mm., a. wnen tno lnecnanic aris niui inrm nae urn: nfuiuuiumini . ,m.iitnri..s .!,. r . ; asBSKs. "'I'lLvSrUvn'T-S . f, rcoM she,,!.! a v.ts&z3& here. We can now mvite, and 1 pronusc to ablv suniiort ontor- I . --. . nnses and :ndusines that eouicl 1 . i i r i not have lived a few veais aro, so- n- , ... ....... l lOCltA :ill Pill ins :oio uroies- sions to come and labor ainomr us Wilfftmtte Jutrmcf Au Electric Icetorm. Te.iis is a country ot mar -.yTouderful thing.s are constantly liamxminir. Strauiro j-loncs an villor eiohteen miles iui ill of ns aue, i lgnicen mue noun m u. . It lingered but a moment, yet in , tint moment nnhe-iid-ol-thiii.rs in.u uionu.nL nnne.ii u oi limits . transpired. It did not haii, but .. , .... ir there dropped electric ice. I'leee . . .. i irom me upper realms, uasmngi upon the ground like cannon balls from heavy artillery. Dozens of. o-Ies on loin (See s hou-e, atttl de- ,- . . . . . pro-jscending went through the pine "'' P : T ' l'o nil lu. :fi siiireriii'' from the . ."W. "- 1 ln"V",s ittkikiiim "irniiifi wuirii; iri - pieces were gaii.ereu up nnii v -,"-;;.-;, ".W. oiuor :ud repain, to be made. Uy wcighed and found to tun from i Hie reputation which A iimmSak-'ai-a- llrnlT'lumMMl ioWW -nnm-,, . i: I i.i.a enjoys. It is a cnmiiotiud ot the ij. ..,? i -, v m,, V , , ' fifteen to twenty ounces. One h,.,t u!;pl:ilK alleralhcs. with !he "' J -" !-', Auditor and Clerk. i.mr.. u-iuii th.Mirrl. tb.i uf.-ddu !iles of PeLisdi'ii: iiial I ton. and i , . ., . piece went tn.ougii tiio new slun-,ll(. UU)-t .lro.tnal of a r.MM(,,n0s for Street Improvement Notice. sceiming weiu inrougn ine pine icmiitiai eileei-, it pt.Mtuce-, rapid and propose to order the improvement and ceilin" over the sitting-room t ' ,1,,I,I,1,1,'U, V,nn""r :"f"la. S.ie-. Itoil-. repair of Cedar sited in ShlvelyVt As t.Liiiu u i mi. hiuine loom, .vi iinol(. j'nuple. hruptioiis. M,m Dis- toria. from the east .siile of West 6th St. another house. Colonel WlialovV, a " all Ii-tntUrs ri-in-rom im- to the we-t line of Salmon .street by wo believe. lelieve, a piece struck the stovenine nioieelin.r- 1V.1111 tlie mof' suntpipt piojtiiiiig 1 nan tne 1001 . land cut it olF as .smooth ns could! have been dom by an immense but one or two pieces to the acre'. f ii ir 1.1 i-u - , i fell. Had thev fallen in numbers like hailstones "usually eoino, ihHment- entire district would have been one vast ruin; a mingled heap f ani-', mal and vegetable lift; rjone out. ' Ifrurictla Skidd. - Once upon a time, while Field Marshal .Mural was discu.-siu'r; the ethics of journalism with a iVw friends, he felt moved to remark: "Well, yon may talk about, the. idiots you have known in the pro- fi'SHon but we have the blue-rib-' bon asof the Ohio niess up at! i Davton." At that moment tin , ,v- rorsaieoyaiiurujigiJtsanaiJeaicrs. jniyi'ti.iiWA AUtutor and Clerk. Fifty of .the Chinese students in American colleges, who were called home, will e sent hacic JioiTJ IMe i Hie 13oi:sr Askiirm;sist.srrtri:oijlioii Jlatsr it .; ..t"Z.t ,.,?.... i.mih... -....:,.. crmh:. ilie-.jms. insects. irc ner lo v y,,, ij,.,.;nr ,n. witl. carii , "in' ihhi " i uiuiru. iinnrii; ... ... . , i i .. i i i . '" -'' aij.r1--m.-ii. ..... 14 V 11 J .N'ew, onlcn comjdele eliiv I il.i.'. ,urinar nfli-ciioib. Mtiarliii!;. frequent ur ilillier.lt iirmaiion. KHiney uiNe.iM"!. 'ii.HtilmL' - 'isii OretimiDeiHit. DAVIS ' erime which he U entirelv iiinn -liimiy .tfei:. Wells' Health lienewer. AS. 'Hue , eare ..r ii.-rvons ueiiiii. aiui .iiikiies, I mi firm.. .J.fiTr5' P',,", 'VV,S V !'U- ' " ''",, ,f ; , ,,, A etuiult- eeltl or sore Iliroat shouhl he N(ipi(.il. Neleel trriiueiitlx result-; in ....:..,... .1.1. I.... w .i: ....... .,t- ..........., ,,,, j;roi,V lliom-hul imela-ilo nut fti't ; ninaen pans-. :u::niuu irnr.u.iui. i tlniitotl part. allanm irritation. ive . reHef m :isi!i.na liroiiHiitis e.umji-, i-atarrli. ami the throat irmibl.-, w ineli .-ni-eixaial imhlupe.iUersaie t-"hi1c , j,, j.or hutvyears lirown.sbvoiirhial merited rain; anion;; the few remiiluK of tin ae. N.Mai -J., rents a iMi ini-riuMv. T .. .n A...-ii.a ..v.... i : ....,- i..i.. i hi r men "i in1, iiiji.iii uii.iiviv couti-acled diseases, i;o:oiini'4. too o.o.ki, can nun iioiuiuS iieuer ie 'ain health than Pfimder's Orcmi ,,,,.,. . l'hHl l inlii-i-- - ; -llaeUinclnek. a lasting and ir.i- grant, perfume. Price 'i.'. and rt cents, anelb.''dliv Y. K.reinenn' rA CARD. aunres.eii enei.pe io me new .nwam .,, iNMAM.Maljoll .w yrk fil. 1 mil' n :li o mils . r , ., . . , 0h. uf lh()M. ( su,u.: ,..,, :m(I ,. , 'ment. ee one at I'oerV. - r !--wlP, Uf .tuly rowing. or. iiiti!ff -'- ' ,,m : InI::iflJ(. Kcnciiis ;C,r,u,m','ln',,rnnal',,rl,,004l,n,-on,('rs- I iiifoniilj siieecs-ful and certain in its icnuilial eifcet-, it effects it alwas lclieves and orten cure- I'iYT r"H,,s,"!K IVuiali- Woakne-scs amj irreeularitie-. ami 1 u no en re JS1"- 'if. vil:l,1,-- "'or. Prif3 in the 11.1.1U a 11.11 im ,-.ju.u. ji nines nji im- system, le.-jorcs and pre-erc the Why will you contra when Mnlolfs cure win jjive iiiunruiHte reiiei. I'nce to cts Met.-and: si. Sohl bv w. 11 Iii- $cx s. W . STOMACH & .ii -, t.iii..n-..,i niu-kji i..ii ,,r i uuiw r.r ""V""".v: ,", v,"""" v.uioiei H' CELEBRATED a rsiSwiWfc . Ss rZf -si?lr'"iMWi tvi-JST- Vi.-TK i YmMmKMmawm The feeble and emaciated, Minoritix fniia o i.ieowneis oi iwo-iinnisor tlie nrop dysjieiisla and intllucstion in any rorni.are lertj trmitniR on said ponilin of said advised, fur ihe Nike of their own bodily j street he filed with the Audkor and Vnriiislteit iSoouii to Let AtjMrs. Munson's lodging house. Notice. The Aslmia .Shirt and Oil Clotliinz Factory lias moved next house to uwinunwia i-urMUM wisihuk kooo oil Hoi liins- In keen t lemdrv will nlejiqe call. Sixteen thousand men are now , , . .. . . iill)lli-t-.tl in mi mill imii:(innlinn .'--v ; - ,,! norma. mgutv thousand ! neonle have settled in the sdate . . '" ps "" year. r-.- Jirmz l ... . Isaac Ilolden, who, at the age of. ..seventy-five, is a member of thei: it.hh ,h,:, , r , b "s. AKNi,T & FERUHENJE.C- ""ES- X..H.I.I. ... ....ici. in iiini iiiuuiai nftll,:1I,11.Ii r., !,? ... Qt.,.. .-" ". v i- . -iih(v lh-,m' ,,tfen -v' s ''t himseir a p.dac.-which cost i'100,-1 nnn u,,u- . I'ei'ttvtan Hit tern Citscboun Uubm. TIll. (. ciueltnn was tho .si)anL;h Vk-eroj m fern in Hk. The Countess, i,i:, w jr,.. Wns prostratel by an intermit- u.nt fever, fiom w Inch he was Treeil by tiu-ue of the native reimnlv, the JVru- ian hark. or. as it was called in the SKi JK SSSK- SSSBSS; s:g-'v,i;.:,,"klK;; lifiilur vipifiiic ii'iitw. tiiitvl f ttnLiitt- ealledit Cinchona, in honor of the fculv who had hronht them that whleh vn " Jn;iuecn.usinauu csomni uicinpaci 1 ii thi.s ilfiv. after n hmM of two him-1 more precious than tlieohl of thelne.i'.. j ;- - --- .- --- ...... i died ar.d iift eai-. science has iveu tis nnthiui: to take its place. It effect u-j n.. .. .. i.-.i ...,.- y-.. - I ally rare-, a morbid appetite for stinui-; a, u. i,v nwlorin.' the. nntiirnl tone oft .the stomach. It attacks excessive love j ' of" liquor at it does a fever, and destroys j - both alike. The powerful tonic viuuo of the Lhnhtiita i.s mt?.served oi the lVruvian Hitters, which areas effective against malarial fever to-dav as they weie in the davs of the olil SnanlBh AMeoroys. We niarantee tho ingredi ents- or tnose ititrers to be aboolutelv . jnro, and of the bist knovn qnality. Street Improvement Notice. XnTK i: is herein jiiven that the. i uimnoii i ouueil of the City of Astoria. . pr s ...... ...-..?..... l'oii-.e io oiurriucrcpairauuimprove- 1CI1 )f jat 1(0r,ini, r Sili,U011 0. Kl!jt -Second Mrcct in Miively's Astoria, from the .south line or Cedar street :o the nrlli Hiw l Hemlock street, by sheath- thirds or the propcrtj fronting on said . .'IK.SoB S'S'S.ffi ten days fiom the final publication of 1 1.:. ....t:.... ,i... . , t, ,,, win 01- NOTICE Is heieby iriveu that tho Common Couueil of the Citv of Astoria. iuehe-t in thickness and bv repairing the rail! ns and slraiahtenniij piling, wherever nut of r..nr.ir nn,i m.i.i'c r... numsii-.ince sitmed by the owners ofj iv.o-uiints 01 me pnperiy lroniiuu -aid port ion of. s.iid street, be tiled v on with Aaturia, Oivoii. July iM, issrl. Street Improvement Notice. . VOTiCK is heieln iven that the Common (.'ouueil or the City of Astoria, propose te ouler the improvement- and topair or Ilemloric street in bhively's Astoria, IM ween the east line of Kust , Svoml street ami the east end of .said 1 llemloek.str.ft. Iy sheathiiiK the .same with plank throe inches in thicknu'.s and hv rcpairim.! the railings thereon and le. straifjlitenin the pilinjt wher ever the same are out of repair, ami un-!c-a ri'HionMranro .it;iici by theown-ersonu.i-thlnNol the property front intriui said portion of said street, he filed with the Auditor and Clerk of said city. , withiu ten d is from tho final mihlica . lion r 1 Ii i - i:uli-i- (In Ciminiiii Coininil will order snid repali-s to he made, liv outer oi uincomuinu ( ouncil. I V. C. XOKH1S. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Or., .luh 'l. 1SS.'. Street Improvement Notice. MTlCi: i-, herebv Riven that the Common Cuiiiieil of the Citj of Astoria propo-e t order the impfovement of i ihat portion of Wot rtth street in Shive- ; Ij "s Astoria, from the north side of Wall rsiuH-t ij ihe south -iile of IJorrv street , hy ni-adimr the anw to the itahlislicd jrrade to the full width of said i-s'ivet. and unle,:i remonstrance signed it..i. . ... .-.. n PACIFIC 111 Tli 1L LIFE IiVSliRMd MBJHf. Of OJrtl2z-xilA. A. 3EcKINNIEv Manager. For Oregon, Washington ofiioi:-! FUIST STUEET. PORTXA3I, OR. References: CHA3. HODGE, of Hodge. Da U& Co. K, of Hodge. Da w & Co. , L. Cashier First National Bank. j KltlDOE. Wboievilo Leather J AJitasihti i.l. A. STKOW .MIPCEUiVXEOUS. ASTOklA. - OKROUX. Je I i.i-u.k. The Pioneer Machine Shop MWillTH u Tf e yA ra; BOi XX Shop '" At) kinds ot ENGINE, CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WORE !i.-tmiflif 1. !... I n M,J -'"" . ... . . . a siiej-ijiii y matli or roiMlriu"' p'":iUb CANNERY DIJS, FOOf OF KAIWYETTE STKEET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. ; RenyonStjikkt, N'K.n P.vkkki: Hocar,: AHTOr.IA, OlUvCON. ftSVCBAI IIAPIHIIICTQ AUni BOI Lt MAKERS. LMDlMMINEEMESi Eoiler Work, Steamboat Work. and Cannery Work a specialty. rjflSTSH? "3p6 HSBBmSvP ?td&4LMmn&? x-?rj Orall llenerlptlonM made te Order! t r. , nriivr-Dv at Nhert Notice. 'J Q A R0. A.D.WA.PtetJiWnt. ATl'OKNKY AT LAW. j.vt.iii.sTi.jJt.necrcnuy. I. W. Cask. Treasurer. Jonx Vox, Supcrinttndcut. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Midn nod Cbect mat Streoia. AKrouiA onwio r.rs.nn .l'R rr .s. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, J08EPH RODCERS & 80N GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE QEtiUIHE W0STENH0LN itrJ otlier KnsiLfh Cutlery. STATIONERY ! FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A line Htocfc. ot U'utrheN and .fewolry. Sluxrle anti ltreeeh Luadlux um mi(1 Itl!e, Kevolvrrn. IMstol.. aad Amiunultiou .TfAItlXK (iLAHM l ALSO & KINK! AisNortrneiil of :iine Sl'KCTAf'LlvS :md KYKl UUASSK. B. 13. FKANKLIN. UNDERTAKER, Corner Cj and Squcinotjlie streets. AST0H1.V. --.- OKIXtON OKAI.Kl: ! WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADE8J -. i)fflPiPWPriiWIMHr? AND DNDKRTAKERS GOODS. and Idaho TfTTtOH KererMee: AI. S. UUHKELL, or Knanp. BurrcH & Co. V. W. SPaULDINQ.' cfcer VAr. Cattle Dealer. z 1' ''i"ii;JLL.'-' -k.1- BUSINESS CARDS. N6TARY PUBUO, Al'OTlONKKB. COMIOSSIOX AND SUK.VNCE AQEN1. "T8. J. L NH.VFTEK, VDEVTSCHKB AR2T.) Ib.eatcH ortlitt Tbreat Hjttclalty. Ofllce over Conn'i Drug Sure. 4 Q-''0 K FJkRKR C'oiiHty Hairveyor Of Clatsop County. OfBco : Checaiaui street. V. 31. C. A. haJl-Koom Xo. 8. 'TO. HOOKTH, I'. M. CoiRiuKiIuuer, Xetary lHI1c, Had Insurance .tccnt. . Agent lor tlieltiunburK-Bremeat'Lre Ins. Co. ' of Harabur,?. (jermany. and of tae Ttor- lcrs Life and Accident Ins. Co., ot Ilftn- fOKl.Coini. ' -Ofilce in Pytlilan Uiuliilus. ltooiiw U. 12- -M D. WIXTOJf, Attorney and Counselor at Law. i J-Oftlce in Pythian BuiWlnj:. Itooros 11. Mi. 'ASTORIA, --- - OBKGOX. T. V TTJTTIiF, M. 1.. '" PHYSICIAN VND SuioEOS. KasLm:KeK-fvfrSlbtsoa,s,8jws-.cn- I ixxiw I'artli & ilrtrs'aJooB. ea.slclju mmA iNure. OFFWK-Over A.V.jAlJiysroetrr ;vts - - Pirter Hcxw'. F. P. HICKS. HENTIST, ASToWA- - ottKuoa , uaenaiuus Ktrceu - ABTOK1A. OKfctO - aia'as-wrv:. . j A IJ OB3SEY AT LAW. May be found at tho Court House. j n nirv a rn s DK.IL&S IN ! !, MUtf.Wm BllM, Ynii Mll -om.w. Turning- and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. Steam Mill near Weston notfl. Cor. (Uni evive and Astor 9trts?ts. Removal. TO THE LADIES OF ASTORIA. 1TAKK l'ULVSUKK IN I'FOMIHG jou that I have removed my Dress making roonvs From CheuajHUN St. ( maa St., NeU ,,00r l0 TlIK astowah offlc. I j thank tUe hidiea for their Uberat patronage. MRN. A. KATPtEYEA. ! Jel3 HEADQUARTERS Fosters Emptrium. Most Complete StMk in Astoria Fi7'ewo7'hs! Flags! Fruit Hetk Ferefs ! IHaitle, Wines and Liquors Ot Snperlor Bniud. FOSTER'S CORNER, ORAM DOCK " I. W. CASE, I.MI'OKTKK ANI W1IULKSALK ANH UK- ! GENERAL MfiBCEAKBISS r-orv,tv Chenaom aad O.iss sUt.-. ASTORIA . - - - OREGON steT)hans; Varieties , ghanb orain,,B' A UrKlY ATtlMTAIN3t.;X'f i mr V