V L - ! IM.milM.imU Ml I , ATTENTION! (SUBURBAN LOTS.! i Chinook Moonshiner's. Homes For Fishermen.: Why -TI'lH vatO'VHll Council Proceedings. ! In Tuesdjiy'sFaradc. - - - - - -1 r.r r An adjourned council meeting iraf The procession on it?xt Tuesday, AbTOltlA OREGON: ; hold last Friday m'glit. A pi'tition from i WH wntain inuch lliat is rare and .'-. " property owners afong the line of Ce- costry, but we doubt it any portion uf ' SUNDAY JULY :!. JlMUdar etreoi. from West-sixth to Salmon j it "f greater va'.ne, .r cm ha made . -:isi -- - . !..,... .,;l-;,. tin. nno. ti !.. r..itlr.d ' more attractive than the Liberty civ. G. n. COOPEK, GESEIIAL 3LERCUA3TDIBE. rjtr.usiv ucv vwoi'mtjulvt. AH ihnt wnnf, foi -. -." " T IX L STORE ISSTJHD BVaEY SIORSWG. l'hy eioaihiiig over with three-inch ! ich xviH contain :hnty-nine little'. tlU'll Ollt ill thiol-' Ar.ftHT- ilfntj of water. KIch soil ! HI lIll'r.dinifyMv adac t it vegetable can!eu.. f ' NEW GOODS r '. LOWEST HIC!. I - :r!j. . VonriMV Kt'1ft . -J . l,.r ..-..: rt.iJi ro.ii'-onlinir -t Sovereign . -s. -i i i .. "" MIU3H III in iicim. survejeu IJUl-JO Ol I .v.onny Kt.e...M. j planks, vras read, and on mu.ton, re- ( iMlte. each repleading .i ..-.run , . p.-,.nlrt will AMor..r..i.i.nUi.-r...!h.rn i-ht of Itobertl .1. V. HALLORAN & COMPANY. ' f..n..j .,, -,,, cm,nittce on -trceis mid ' atnto, (one being for Washington ter-: pilUUll i- rtlilAU, W 111- M.ortrss d..im.w Land Halm, adjoitunj; M.ii i" n' ci'iiimuiu on -iu.i i mi . ,., , i . . x L ,, i , , - - 1 :-r -it.. ?i J:oil oni and reeerd-d uyi 1 rin.f.iiKi:i am. I i:Aw:iirr.i:-. bH A I,l,lit-ll,n frr. 1)ro,,. j ntory. w Inch ,.iul,t : bo a -''-) poll o-. reDOl't ill U. J-K.Kol!S. I "mn ami A. W. Cfm-J I-'.,.... ..;Wf (l,, ,. i;.!lv flwnM; aloIlg he line of Hemlock ; The foUowin, is a par- of the :,ame: 'Ui l,m . Vr V , HTu "' ! Street from the east side of East-sec-i " SPen. Annie Bemoan,'!). AMU S MerohSUlt Ba5grt'-'s Terms vf Subscriptien: ., i .i i ,. ,-c'. !.. Ki..;i nf if,.i.ilm.L-, n'l Child, Sadie fluids, Hsia -n i Oh ---. ..,1-.-. IL r. HOl.DKN. ,nl street to ns.t-ni limit oi .iemlock" . I 01101' nllOD. WlldC' AiMi-nirt-r s-ml i:.nl Kstate .i?n. shr Carrier. ,w wk ''L?rt, a,Ling the eounei! to order the '" V,"u ", Crno -Millt-r, LclilUl UUJA wt -c SSS' SU paired by sheathing with ' Ella -h-ichr, IW U..!den. InmUie you caI1 o-0t VOlll' A T A 11 --A.lvortumon.s:n3crt,d l.,tl,oTr ,.--. -. l .mw .... ; - L hretoofSi:..) .er.iinrcr'cr month. atretta ami public way. , j(i 0CCtlbH)U. j i -r. cxei: r.i r rriaMM-a.trortfainc.bythoday or w-jck.i The report from the ommitlee on ,i', -clO -.". -- - c. i. i. rvi.i j . 1 hav removed to th aui: A; Ai.Lu.) ifty conrii rcrfiuoro for each infrtion. THE CITY. I street and public ways, on the peli-1 " Oraii:, Alollie i-i-r, ivatie nun askm- council to t-auw Wew- -McKean, Winnie .Mclvean, Ki:z.a.Mc- bixth street to be improved from tin. i l" Vu oiin.K .Magsjic JIc Knitiii-. ib lift. Tiik Uaii.vAstoki.vn will in M "oi'th side of NValt sticettothe.Hoi.tl. "acK' e,1 ---"a-. --:"--' rfrisl,l rooms U ivtit. Apph maUiit-occnitatmnth.frcrof pelage. ltcmt- Bide of IJerry street. vas read, ami .n " ""' ';'""1- --"'-- --- ... .m .... 1..11J. erirhoroHlrnploterrVrjjrcroni Wcri;ci,n : ,,,, ref errc, jball, .lessio .lewctt, C.lllie Vaughan,; -- incrTuu A-miAX .rflir fJirfli. I)aii.vj " .. ' ... . ., loia JJeillmm, Alma HeillK.ru. Win- All MjnsiWrt p-""!lo. nliiT.n .th MrWKKi.v.1fMf..anvi-orirffi. An ordinance providing .or paint- j - ' Annie iioudu.ni. rheumaiiM... ue PfumWH Oregon ..; -.i;.jiuI rj-po,. jto.rf. H.7rfius the City I fall and lleli tower, was nie (.oodman. Ann c uooauun. , ,,., .,..,, . ,j " J 1 'I'l.o niMiniiittix. in -'jnr.i wkh tolliinna I unlior. :vdd at one dollar a IIIAlUf Itlti lll,iGi .KlJiruii.ii'Pii w. 'f llfUUliliU I Willi. I '! .1.... .i ..- :.. .......i ..f -. .. -9 1MV Lli;iL LXli:V 2Llt" llft ill lilVU .4 . was passed. An ordinance proviuiiii' . J - . , j WWt.-v- VI iuui;. -r . -FiajjR and arches m& oin; up for constructing and lavm sowers in iu abundance. Sijuemorpia street! certain poittons of Ca, ALtin. lieu- j luo;a jjay. ton, Lufnyctlo, Waahin;toii .md .Jaeh-1 w.... i c vjfr.m .;ir,.,. 1. Jsou 9tre,t5. wes read and referred to .1... M.ui.r.i:.f. t.i..i. ii ..vit-icommiitee on .sUvetsandimblie a.s. i. M. Sunday scltool at noon. Ittjv. J. T. 3IcCorniac will hold divine son ice nt the uppertown school-Jioihi- at tJ o'clorlc this evening. --The tug Pioneer elearod from I'liiladclphia last Tuesday. Sim will bo-due here about the loth il September. -Frim the Oregoniiui we leant that Beaver J odjc, of thir. place, has sent ??M8 as a donation for the Or phan's Ilome. Voue "ii 'Vant l (Jneoi illusion siove-: neat aim eon- storia i.s noted for, there need not be! indent, ss-i on.- at Fosters. number of od louhii.'j "iris that J It was ordered that the auditor and J clcik ivo notice b' jiubltcniion, that ordinance No. 448, concerning fniujj fire enickets within eeitain litnitsof the city, was Ntill in force. (The or dinance appears i:t ihi morniuij's ir. sue). An ordinance appropriating $250 out of the general fund for the payment of the eily assessor for ser vices for the year 188- as such asses sor, and authorizing the dm wing of a warrant therefor, was passed under suspension of the rules. The claim of E. C. Hohleu for f2."i! was ordered paid; the claim f Daniel Whipple Bihhop Morris, agisted by ltov. Dr. Ne.vms, will olliciiite in Grace-;for 551.:) 1 was lefenod to the commit - church, Astoria, to-day, duly 2d, morning and evening, at the usual hours. There will be the regular meet- tee on health and police. The claim of E. U. Halves ft.r7. 75 was refei nil i to committee on lire- and water. KF.oijrnoNs. ingof the Y. M. C. A., at thoir rooms Councilman Taylor olfeicd the fol at a quarter to threo this afternoon. 1 lowing resolution which was utmnt Every one thnt comes will be heartily inously adopted welcomed. the slightest dilliculty in supplying such a want, and some young lady will doubtless be proud to be the center of such a far train attendent upon her as lite above list represents. To the Ladies. A visit to the engine hints. jester dav showed unusual aeiivdy among the firemen in getting their engines polished and brightened even to a greater degree than uual. We all know how flowers enhance the beauty of a room, and are assured by the lite department that some bouquets of dowers will be the crowning feature of embellishment: the gay colors of the fragrant blos-som gleaming in ra diant hcautv on the glittering oilier and nickel and bntsM of the engines, Flowers are needed to complete the decorations, and the deparlmont earnestly request the ladies of Astoria to aid them in their (-.forts to please, by sending them on to-mo:row 3ome Four. Ii of July iH4'omiiir. Fireworks of ever kind at Chailev .MaiN. lioimwi candles, fire crackers, ski roekejs. ele.. fre-.li ftom the fac tofi. Wood for Sale. 1 haie about --K huudn-d and tift cords or dry hemlock, u Inch twill ell forci-h lVs7."i pereiird. I lull deliver tlie iiiH'u to my rttsiomers. It. U. Mai:io. To the Ijadien. l .Mrs. Uappleiea. dte.-v.maker, (V.s .-ire(-t. nil door to Tiik Antoima.v olllce. Also agent for the reliable I'.ut toriek ;itterirj-. Astoria lee lepot. FniuU Fabre is now pn'pared to sup ply families, restauninls, hotels, saloons, etc.. at :; cents per pound, on the prem ises. Fresh ii-e rream every day. Halls parlies and dinncts -tipplied wit it i.-e cream at short notice. I'ourtli or.Inl.V IretH ISnll. Iv.-M-v!liin' liMV :ni(l l:ivliioii:tlili' in white kid uloves, ties ami ftiruishitis goiMls at .Melntosirs Clothing bton-. iVli.'U-viIesint r.-t.ttJ d.'.Urr u, ProvitivQM, Glass and Plated Ware, n.OIMCA! AN. DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGEfABLES. Tii-thi-r wtllt Wines, Lipoid TolaccolCip's 11u largest and :nfwt complete stock of 3i, in itii'ir Hue to lie fonnd tn tin city. Corner oft'ass and StJPmi)cqlip Strerti. AS fill:! A. OKI ICON. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDING And have, Without a Single Ecepcoc, - . 1 The Finest M Best Arraoeed JStsre i toga i '. -r i - New Goods Received by Kvery SteRmetin, All the Latest Styloa and TovAHmm TaJl and Inspect Stock and Get Prices Whetiier Y"oa Purchase or Xot. No trouble to show goods. What antagenism: A good liver in IiwArrJ, Thnt the auditor and cleik dowers to deel: their engine will. ' j nem,f ia,t?a 1k lire UliW to ,..,. ho aml he is hvieh' directed to give Tuesday's parade. remedy this evil: Use Fmnder's :a ve oim lou (laVh, lMticc ;n TjK l)Klh. AsTO .otire. tltvgon lMooil Furificr, wlucJi will re- f.r iv flint, r In entnmoii .imir-il TimTini .-!.. .i:nr... ... ..,...,......:. ,:n i..i.i I tum-n nil immirUlix: ft-noi vnnt- lie.-.r -The German Evaugelical .u..an-auy.i oi vor.u, now organ- .. , ,..,. c,mllcil Ijml0Sl, t?.ed, will have divine service to-day j t(J imi,1We aM(1 repair that portion of at 2 r. .v., at tho Uaptit church. Cedar -tIVtft, lj-i: between t!w oist John Gantenbein pastor. Mo of Wl.st slstl slWtt .,nd tlc --The roadway is in tcinnor.irv con-!weRt ,i,u "f &"" tvut, by rfieatli- ditiou for travel. O'Brien and others went to work yesterday and put it in as good lix as they could until it is placed in permanent order. iug tho same with planks three inches in thickness, and by repairing the rail ing and piling wherever out of repair. Councilman Gray oti'ered the fol lowing ies"liHioii which was uau.ini- The 19 3'oung ladieB who arc to represent the several states in Tttes-I day's parade will please assemble, at I Mrs. E. J?. Warren's at ten o'clock tin the looming of tho Fourth. - Henry Martin a, fisherman of the Fisherman's Packing Company was accidentally shol yesterday at upper ir.wn. The ball has been extracted nd the matt ia now doit." well at St. Mary's Hospital. -A fisherman whoso namo ve could not learn fell yesterday from tho whatfing at the lower part of tin city t given uf intention to u-pair ilemlock to the rocks belew: receivintr severe I street between the east line of Easl- brnisps on the side and chckl. lie second attd the east !im t.f Hemlock was taken to the Hospital. ' street iu the Mine manner as the pre- . ceding. On motion, tho matter of letting riio diireieut companies will hold move all impurities from your liver, themselves in readiness on .Monday j ---- evening to iceeive and escoit the visit- Ai et it r.s mi ed paints, the best In nig iireiucii. l . .1. I i:i:.rn.vi:ii. .,f.. for sale at .1. W. Conu,s ,lrug .store (duef hngmPiT. jopjiostie Occident Hotel. Liias. nteieiis ,v oou uae tor vww Tile uk of Oregon l!lobd I'urilii'r. -Cheap explosive aredatejeious; get the genuine lireiiorks of Cart A Idler. and are auenis ror iue new .Mtuiei ew in machines. Fresh ire cream every day at Frank Fabre's. Families supplied in :tu ...... . . ; .?.. i. i ... .!- . i . .i. The death oj Guiteaudoe.s nol inlet-Hpiamu i ie-.iii.iu unier. .iis mi motisly adepted: iiVjorivf, That the Auditor and eh-rk j be instructed to give notice by publication in Tnr. Diha Ast.i kia that th common council pro pose to improve and repair Sal mon or East-second Hired, in Shive ly's Astoria, from the south line of Cedar stteet to the north line of Hem lock street, by sheathing said Salmon or East -second at reel with three-inch plunking, and by repairing the piling wherever out of repair. It was also resolved that notirc be fere with the salcof Adler's ll.j-js. He has the genuine liinitina ami is selling j it ar Ion tales. Then will be a balloon ascension at Carl AdlerV. on the niht of the Fourth. In the meantime buy one of those Chi nese lantcjlis for .1 our little Isoj, All ilho are afllicted with suit thetim, it -h. :c::Id head, itup'-iigo. and ciery other erttplion of the skin, should u-eC.t r.vN'-Sn.piiri: Soap. liui'st o'hlets eMled to order. Frank Fahres bisters and ice cream are known eieryuhere as par excellence. -A Nasal Injector fnv with e.ich lioiiie i.r Shtloh's Catarrh. Ilcmcilv. I'lice.Vicij.it. .siihl hi W, V Hemenl. For Dyspepsia andl.herCi. ip!.n :t. ion have a nriuti-il ifiiar.ii.tee on cirri iMittle of Miiloh's Vitalier. II neie'i fails to cure. .oId b . K. I Vmenl HILL'S VARIETIES. CKO.HII.I.. - - - PROPUIETOK WAl.TEK l'AKKS. - STACn MANAOKK Nw Sluts iu Rapid Succm1oh ! Knsas'ni?ut of MR. HARRY CONLEY Kmt man. Coiuedlnii and Dftaeer. MISS WOLLIE CHRISTY Serin I'omie ((neon MR. TOBI CHRISTY The. Prince uf Old Itlan Iwper- unnatorn. Together with a new ORCHESTRA. All the Old Favorites Retained. r Ma..aaM4M ' C. H. COOPER, MaMiiaiftiMUiinuauiiMa. S ASTORIA, June "J, 183?. ASTOBIA BBEWBRT M. MEYER .Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. SPBOIAXi LJJJJ-OXTJJOTil-M-raTJTP, REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. Cot.iu;s Lii.uu.'sLiijriu I.:.::; am Fa.iien icecream is the best, Tomc l.Nvir.oi.'ATiu: will cure tndiges-i tteii.d.spepsi: nr osof apiM-lite. .-I.s; Von w:tnl toiretsouieor Koseoes jcv Oprit ad ilir Irar. IVrfurmuuce llttrj Mhl. Knitre hanr of lr- urauuor Oacr a 1V-I. i 'tiiaprisiii; all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. We jjive the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. 'tit.- llii-alie is ir-.w.h-d lujdilly. aSd all wmi ume uiwii -co nit-eiiii-n;iiiuiiriik pru- ni.u.ice It to heisiicd tuuiiygiieiicIsAiiuer. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the nuhllc's umt-'Miiciit can n.u l. ece!lcd. Auiliody Ulil $7 50 PEK BARKEL OF 30 GALLONS. ILAKOK OKUERS IN UKK 1'KOPOIOTOX. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, S I BO per Ooxen aarSpc ciul attention paid to ord.-r from TuWle ilr.as uatlFaililes.V THE COLUMBIA BREWERY foi't:uMcn': ivmthcr. (if hrmmisls cream Jmlaj : fresh made and uiceli I'he l!ei. (Jen. II. Thaier. of I tour-1 ' lion, Itui.. s:tis:-otit myself ami witel jr tm want nice fresh hud. or "nodi wishing m si.(id a plejwmt eiculii am Oweour beso.suii.MrCovst.ilTlON'Ki,pnr.piir.'iMifiiiic int fi..in Hi., .niii-i see sii.xrK!li.!l nit and hemty without Ull ('I uv tih b W. 1 Dement. .r ,ut p, i. i; Flber-a.nV h-iken wu1tj.sin,ul.l Iia;ne the opjiortualti and Wh will oti cotigli when Shdohsl ..,,. c. . .,....,... . I the i-ntp.iii cuipi !-. the f..!lr.iv!iu'. wvll-Cureivill-ive-imnuliate relief. Price i 1' ! ! ' i " ," " " ,' fc K"M Wl1' 10 els -,. e?s and -I. Sold hi V. K. Ii- W "," "V '"i I T.' ?1? l" r'1-1 Fmk W.u.T.y. , , eau h Imught che:ip for e.tsli to .-lose' ... , . ,,-,.. ... "" "K lent that hrauch or the busim-s. w-" .l-l l ",K- i - . - Mi:. Cu h:i.i-s Kojii ri:. -ltev. Ii. A. Oriswell will pioiich' in the Presbyterian church at 11 a J .v., and iu connection with the suit ptoperty owners repair the loadway .tn iiimi-c Ast(ni:i ii'iiitinmriU- u:iti! ire the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- , , ,. ., -. .', , . 1 ! such time as (he conned count older l.'ri hiii nc Aiwiiiiiiruni ru, iuiiuii , i i .- i . . . J the sumu lepauvd, was reterred to school at noon. No evening service. committee u:: strou and iiuldie nay. that nil may have au opporiunitv to. . ., .. , -1 '' ' i I In iiir.ti.iii .iiiiiiil -lit imirii,. attend the Bethel sen ice in the M. - . . , . E. church. . Fire Delegates -We are in receipt of tho (hdifor-j U " '',ti"f' 'f the Fire delegates man for July. It has some fine'1'1'-1 evening. ' H. Stockton, U.S. articles in it and is worth reading. ifWoreley and A. A. Cleveland were the proprietors of that periodical would lwnted from Rescue No. 2: 11. F. dispense with thai horrible compound j Stevens, Joe Charters and F. A. of idiotfe vacuity furnished by s0me-l-Fishor from As:,,,,a Xn- !- l" ,lu! tu: ..i: :!.. ri. -v,,.i -I state convention of Jitvmeii to be held iiiiii cijriio; Usui) x.it.iv .iii-i'iuu, i --1 hae tMmht the .s!,.ria Camli taclor.i.auil am prepared iinnil.v anil sell the choicest candies and eoiMectio'i er. A full slock of I he linest sweet meats, nuts, etc.. aluoison hand. Ino. J'. I'i.a.si:. The IVruiiaii.sMtip has t'UViui thou sands who were suifetimr from dispep sl.i,debil:ti. liier comj.laiut. boll's, hit inot-s. female comphtlitls, (!. Pamph lets freeloaui address. Set It W. Foiilr A- Sou- ''.o-Io'n. I hare iii l;ie iiltole s-:em Willi King orthcKlood. See Adiertisemcnt. A Hell invoice of l.ill's elislom made muIs ami dolniaus arrival last eVt'iiitfi. Call and see IJiem hcfoie ihe Ftmilh. r . .. . . . .. - --. rk - .o muieood weight ul the Orient j i.o l.. i:o;coe.s ami Iry Ihe Koslou J. virvhoi.'. annate withtu:aiO feet of i;.tuis. i in eo inM-ciass nai tiers. .nii rvstai ice i ream, oeenient nioeje. woik guaranteed. Chihtietis hair cut-1 i.unaspeciuiii. .i.t..iv::ri.ns. Another of iho-e ime . It. Ci.-.i i.s sirnnaei: io itos'i. am is mxcki.lku ky nonON 'iw coAi JOHN UA11N, - - PKOPKIETOK, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OWWOH. m Otdcrs l.U at the ItKltAlAMA rllJif.! II ALL v.Ut te pJOxapUy SUeialJ to." Mi:. .loi.. Cooi:. Mi:. Walph: I'.iis. AH "1 nlnch will aw:r !iildly in th.lrUd-, ferenl s;--.m:iIII.vs. j Ope.i..irs.ncert everj Oleum;?: p.-rforut- 1 au.'e.'.ai.iaii(-iii-:al : cnlnuice luthcatie! on la-mi sin-el ; ornate tys ori Cht-mi- Fre-dieM and lim-si cak.-y, t'niit and V" "!'.V.!l! Mn'''' ean.lv at Ihe Astori-i e.mili la.-ion. ! ,,1MK'" rt Look outf r New Stars. .Mr. .lohn tJo'jersof iheCeniral Marl I kel. lias maite arnttmeiiienis lo Keep alt rn cain Iheiiucl fre-sh lish, ele.. in their s.-.isn rur d,t- fltW'ti VI ICKr. OI l.M. WITH ONE- the average reader would get more enjoyment from his purchase. in Astoria on the oth inst. The. fol - ' lowing were electtsl member of En IjiineCo. N. L: Martin Ols.-n Tho.s. I. --A Long Branch train wont piung- Shuinbly, das. Smith. Th.w. I'.rid ing through a Shrewsbury river bridgej well, and .1. F. llallor.iu. on the Now Jersey Central railroau und killed twenty people last Friday evening: eighty others are -seriously wounded. Several prominent men were badly hurt. General Grant es caped with slight bruises. Economy in tho us2 of safct- rails was the atise. Union service iu tho Mothodiat church this ovening to commenco at 7:30 o'clock, object, to promote tho cause of missions amongst sailors, fishermen, etc. Tho meeting will be addressed by Chaplain Stubbs, of Portland, Rov. 3Ir. Walters, of the Congregational church, and others, All friends of sailors, longshores men and fishermen are cordially in rited to attend. Alert No. 1. There will lw: a drill at 0:1)0 to-morrow evening, and a meeting immedi ately after to eiecr. delegates to tho state firemen's association, a full at tendance is most desirable. .1. 33. Tjiq.mas. Attention is directed to the ad vertisement of the Acme Minstrel troupe, who will appear in an attract ive entertainment at Liberty Hall to morrow and Tuosday evenings. The performers comprising this troupe are t 'faltkal.tl . f ll.lllll iMltafl i 'til I if Ii ! the gre.t coinpicrcrof lti:ioiiucfts mid Liver complaint. Relief ci-i-taiti in every ease. rte-slt fm it icceiied at C. A..M:t hj eieri .steamer. No stale I rash. Kvery variel;. of Oie-jon and California fruit ahvajstm hand. Ate. you made miserable i Indi rection. Constipation. Dkzineas. Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ".' Shiloh's Yital izer is a jio.sitiie cure. For sale by W. K. Dement. For the uenutne J. 11. Cutter old llo-.tibou. and the best ol wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Hem opposite the Ih-II. tower, and sop Campbell. ori:uisal Ihe City Doolc.More. t wharf at t'athLuatt. Waslmifiton Territory. i Trie-tin.. Uae acre of land, with lno-sior hotte I sitnnie within ." leer of same nlir.rf. Price .. ..: . - . - . rami oi is:. :ien-. v.. in niiii aim two , Aovellu's sr, hottsehohl arlu-ies .it v.-iMid wtiaits. rnmlase one-half mile on Foster's, J cohiinhin l.'uer : Siiacresahl.'rlaadoa place : i situate one n,l!e from aliie wharf. I'ricc lee for SJlIe:it the ).i.nl..ii! Iti.L.I .' 1.50. (For partiiMilars t nu.re of (Sen. 15. Itoticrts, j CathlaniPt. IV. T.. or I . K. Simns. rortland. ,. styles at .loin. A. Mont-omerx's. , " -on . "J . Threest-ow loads of dr lir, .sjiruc. 1. K. IV4AKK.1. T. W. Bum Astoria Market ! ' f'OK. CHK.NAAlUft :jli'D HAaliLTON' SfS. ASTOIUA. - - OtiiMON. w. uttr.X Jt Kx're.X, lritzs W'hulal nn.ttall Dloih. Fresh and Cured Meets A futt line of .KA.MII.Y (iltOCKUIES, FLOUit, FJiJH HAY. CXNEDFhCIT. VtMX- TAfcLKH. ETC Make use of the .-eU.blc K.nd...,. U.o- ,inJ'!jim,5r- E- 'se' 8te' P xEOixzaeo MiicHi). 1879. mmm MTU BLOOD I8TEE LIFE tuteli'ttn tear shuv supplied gf tie towt tuta. limbs, and bark, just nivived and for sale at Gray's dock. GOOD CHEAP BOOTS. I li.u.- Fauci xiaps and i)erfumer. of all kinds can lie found at ..I. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. A complete stock of boys and chil dren s Mtits just received at .Mcintosiis clothing store. Call and examine those baby wairons at the City book store. Bv-kfs.1.,.. -,- .m 1 AMtiiri .i Imrh i.titmi lit t Trov.UMuni ... .oB.. ..., prof. Fred Mver wishes to oruan- thc newspapers published where they have appeared and the programme is a sparkling one. Flags and fireworks at Carl Adlei's. izea .stnuincclase of children: he also has a fair assortment of Ceriuan music for-sale. Jtooins over the fJem sttloou Stevens A: Son have their store! Totclv Reduced the Price crowded Mith new irood ,. all niark.il rh' Jjaieif neuueeu uie rnce phiiiMittres j uf allm llisi-Class If ott want ice ejeatn that is U: i:otn in ilttr.s n Alr. T OUJKK, tTrom. go to Frank Fabre't.. ! n ... sit 00 io zo d - - tn i L'ho-ewiilin' desks at UieCiti biMikj Finest cn cd Calf Itimts .stoieare the lies! in the eity. Tii'ei ate "$ H !.M.i something nice and durable, and" just i lva Sm",r oM what most yottiiK Indies would npprcei-: ate from the giver. Withlnx lutl theBet Genuine Mercer French Calf -P. J. Muodman.on Chenam.L, s, r,.(., ., . Sb0 has j ted. received tho latest ami must I ; , 4 ,. fashionable .style or gents and ladies! , , ',. , ,f , ' lH)ot.s..sh(.e:c. Agent in Astoria for1 OpiQMte the . h. & N. Co.'s Dock. the famous Slorrow 'shoes. , " . YACHT BLUE SKIN. What is nicer on a warm dai than :t , dish of cream BEST KNOWN REMEDY! :R0SCOE'S FIRST CLASS """"" Ovstcr .Saloon. CUJ Slniiit ami Liter t'impluiMl, BW cw or Old (Wilt,, l'cfr. Asur. Hhm-itI. etc. CllK-V.VMU.S HTRErrr. AS'fOMA. TUE UNDEilSIUNED W JLE.1SH1 'IO tuuioitncf lo Itse puhllc ttMrf t 1 tn&k- iltl-xro Cure 'ln?,lle ion MUHer -t BfculilrrBUt-a, ' BOStOll CrySUl IC6 CrUB ! i CkiaMlc Skin Tfwbt-.s ; i ami KhrumalUai. The uaf t Ice Crcaa. ever dlslied op to Ui American public. Try It. sad be convinced, TJ. ,, j , ; lip nlo iuriiWh,'ln tirst-cJa style, JiQ'S ntoodf tht'lcsb j oysters, hot coffkk tea. etc. fob years' I trTf I For particular aud tcstinioatals fimu wrill Hlao ond CmnV tlumim talui, j known people tn our State rend locals and Ladies ani Wnry Oyster MJMfl, circulars. - ( Trice of that exquisitely llavored ice I Clipper built, copier fastened, that Knmk Kahre iinl-es ' dounlc mast lessel, lies at inarrratiKraure mams. . case'i wharf. Kel to - AV - XI. per Ilettle. 1 To iustuc a eure take six lots for .s.".0i. . Your drugKi".! keeps and recommends it. I Ask for. and sec that you get the jjcnitf ne. ? UflKXAMUa STKKET. IMca.- sve nw a PiU. UttSCfiB DIXOK, fnrtar KOTICE. Ilemciibcr Frank Fahre's Ice cream, j Tlie uAlwa3s Handv' stovepipe U is par excellence. m shelves at John A. Montgomery's. isMva iLisiiPfi. rri-i"lit nr i(. Ask to see one of those patent feed-' cursion parties to all iirts of nt Knlir'c . MuWiilnmli!:iriiir:iml vii'ililt --.--. w-.... ... t ...w..-. ..-..-. y - . . . ' 3UUU1U lt'HC: 1ULII UIUU13 lllLil i. 11111 ... n. m r . .. ..T ... . 'I eff-ror rurtlier jiarticu ars impure ot John ncn t- P. thee irn nretwirwl tr diU H,B ?l?cr. l ?' v-J ?wiD7 ca Yieaaeiay, Ro-'prs. CvntRd Market. Orof uuscn a. co.as tney arc pre parei it on e-. thesthot July, il. at the hour of ar.jw. novels, wnmj wri.f i. uru Urer ffooda in any part of the city on E. C. UOLdELV. Jt aster ana owner i c sowinni uuuw. Ju2id2t Seaetary. A r A -Jeer