w NEW TO-DAY Do A. "The BossCoffee and Tea Pot ASTORIA. OREGON: TiIBBBTY Mil. may r.:: !i.n or K.R.TJAAVES so:.:- Atn:sr. SUNDAY.,- JULY , lfcb2 Mnnflaw QTirl iPnoflrlaYr fPiraniniro ..sS.CJLi3S -j4. J&0. UJUiUlUJ U11U lUbfiUUj ioumuv.- ! JULY 3d and 4ih. J.E'. II.iLLOIt.lX. .sc.tr or TAXXiOS., Uoau calls!" The hanging of Gu forcibly to mind the tragic ending ! of that other assassin. .Tohn "Will-no J Bootbthe murderer of President j Lincolnjtrho was .shot 5n a Mar-1 ton Corbett. The fever of indig nation that found speedy relief in the killing of the, chief ronspira- "tor in Lincoln's untimely taking off, had no corresponding vent in the lasl damning tragecly, and for a year the American nation has piesented the most extraordinary spectacle that could be imagined oO000,000 people waiting '"to sec what would be done with Gui teau" waiting to hear the finale, nnd note the fall of the curtain on the .greatest tragedy over played on the woildV stage. The wretch who was btsrioil in the Washington jail yard 3'estcr day was impelled to do his awful deed from very different motives than those which inspired Booth to take the life of Lincoln. Both were the exponents of devilish creeds that however divergent their souiee, lead to one coin- mem conclusien: Booth was a political fanatic; intense, imagina tive, impulsive; who thought the South was -'wronged," and was en titled to vengeance. Guiteau was a calculating, passionless creature, who, failing m his personal schemes for advancement, allowed his natural shrewdness to be over come bv the momentum of revengeful feeling. Apart from any other expression of sentiment it may in general be said that the nlire nation is rl:id thai the hor riblc business ia ovcr.md the law's stern demands have been complied with, and would be doubly glad if it could be.so arranged that never again would the name of the ac cursed creature appear in publir print. Oregfjifj 'Popn !a! Ion. RtrcnNT cin:us st-tli-dics give some interesting facts in reference to the population oi this Mate. In the month of June, 1880. Ihe population was J7-J,77G, of whom 14tr.v73 aie native and "i).."0") for eign born. Of the native born, tin " weie bmn in Oregon 00,053; Missouri, 30.735; Illinois 7,S03; J own, (r,0G0; Ohio, 0.1911: Califor ni.i, o,9"il; New York, .y31; Jn di.ma, 5,U5'i: Pennsylvania. 3,337; Kentucky, :.74G; all other natives, 2J.803. There are '.K,, colored people in the state, l,RSr of whom wereboin in""Oregon. Oi tl:e for eign born theiv; werebnrn in Gliiua 54?2; German Empire, r,,03.i; Ireland, 3,059; England, 1,890; Canada, X',371; Scotland, 1;120; "Sweden, 983; Switzeilnnd, 730j Norway, 574; France, 57G; all other foreign-bom, 3.141. Xeaulv every paper we have seen? since the nomination of Sloneman for California's gover nor gpeak in praise of him. lve puhlican papers utter the simple truth when they say: "He will be :i hard man to beat."' it's a pity that he has to run on ihe amc ticket with that ghoul, Roseerans. SEW TO-DAY. Street Improvement Notice. XOTICK. i hereby gien thai the Common Council ot the City of A-1 ria, piopOMHo oiderthe repair and improve ment of that portion ol Salmon or .East Second street in Sliively's Astoria, from the Miutli line of Cedar street :o the north line 'of Hemlock s-tieet. by sheath ing the same "with three-inch planking and by straightening th piling Avhere ever oiit of renalr. and unless a remon- .strancesigned bv tlic owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion of s.iid street, be ifiled w ith the Auditor and Clerk of said city, within tendavstrom the linal publication of this notice, the Common Council will order siid repairs lo be made. JJy or der of the Common Council . . r.C.NORKIS, JitlySd, 4882. Auditor nn'd Clerk. LAND OFi:iCE.XOTlCK. Lnnd Office t Oroson City. Oroeon. .lune 12. 182. , Xotico iborcby jfiven that tho lollo winging named settler has filed noticoof hi' intentior to make final proof in support of his claim, nud that 5&id proof will bo mado beforo the County Clerk of Clatsop comity at Astoria, Orepon, on Jtfouday, July 17. 18S2, viz : Ferdinand Forstuer. Preemption J. S. So. a;4, for the lots 1 and J of Sec. li. T. 8 ., It. 9"V. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : D. V. Hum side. C. H. Balii. J. C: Adams, and O. D. Young, all of Astoria. Clatsop, county Oregon . d-5t L. T. BAEIS, Beglster. Two Assassination GttAND NATIONAL CELEBRATION i:Yj Tin: i ACME 1SL I IST S T R E .L -v i i OF 2OZtTfA.Vf. Adinlaaloji. Gallery. 50 No ctm chaise for losmed seats, which can be procured at Carl Adlei's. K.tr iu tlculars see programme. Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is licrebj tfven thai I he Coin inou Council of the City of Astoria. propose to order the improvement and renan of Hemlock slieel in Shivelv's Astoria, between the cast line nt Ka-t j beeonu mj cet and the ixu-t end oi -.ai Hemlock street, hj'f.lu!athiiu; tlie . i . with plank threw inches in tlu.- ,. -and bv rcpaiiitig the railings U' and by straightening; the pilin;: w.' : ever the same aie out of repair, and iiu- le-s a remonstrance si'ned by thrown-! oisof two-thirds ot the property front-j ins: on sr.id portion ofsaiditreef.be tiled j Willi the Auditor and Clink ol xiiil city, within ten days from the final unifica tion of this, notice, the Common Council will older said repairs to be made, llj order of the Common Council. F. C. XOKRIS. Auditor and Clerk., Astoria Or-.Jul. -Jd. 1SS2. Street Improv'emeat Notice. XOT1CE is ln'reby jj'r.en that the Common Council of the City of Astoria propose to order tiie impfovement at that portion of West Mix stieet in Shive ly's Atoria, from the north di oi Wall street to the soutli side of L'em sreet by grading the same to llir rsiabUshed urauo to the lull width of said street, and unless a rcinoii-tmincesigni'd by .the owners ot two-thirds of Ihe pror eriy fronting on said poroim (r ,. id stieet be filed witii the Audin r and Clere of said city within ten da . limn the final publication of liii-; notice, to wit: July 23d, 1SS2, the Common Coun cil will older the said impievcmen: to be made, liy order of the Common Council. F.CSOjntlS. July 2d, 1882. Auditor and Clerk. Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, propose lo order the improvement and repair of Cedar street in Shhch's ., toria, from the eal -ide of West tit It it. to the west line ol Silicon .stieet by sheathing the same with l;nk ihree inches in ibiclciifs and bv repairing the railings and straightening piling wherever out of repair, and unless a re monstrance signed by the owner of two-thiidsof the property ft outing on said portion ofsaid si rcefi be filed with the Auditor and Cleik of said cii, with in ten days f:om the final publication of this notice, the Common Couucil will Iordersald improvement to. bo made. Uv order of the Common Council. ; K.p.XOKlifSt Auditor and Clerk. As! oi ia, Oi cgon, July 2d. 18S2. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that ordi nance Xo. 448, lo prevent the firing of Tire Works in that portion of the Cilv of Astoria, which is east of Lafavellc street, and north of the soutli line of Squemoqua street, and north of. the cmilh line of Water slicer. is still in ferce: and people must govern 1 hem sen es accoidinglX on the coming Fourth ot July. Hv ofdi r of the Common Council. r.lWOKKIS, d-Ct Amlitorand Clerk. -A m 7AP iaKsi !; IT3 - l?l TW l't ti 13 es i tft &?' a tfj F5EWX PILLS 1 AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS KED!G!H, .ire incomparable. Thoy stimnJf.to t:c 'i-'OItFID IiIVEIt.mvigoratetho Jv -Eit -OU3 SYSa'EM, Kivotocotothol31GL.b i'lVI3 QRGAJJB, creato perfect direction siad regular movement of tto bow c-la. AS AH AKTI-KAL&R1AL Thfy baro no equal; actoga3 qpravvne iveandcurcforIldiou3, Jtcmittcctj Ictr mittont, 'Jyphoid Pevcra, and Pover and Ague." tJpcn tho healthy action o? the Cttiniach and, lavor depends, nl ifMt wlioily, tho licalth of tho Immah xzc DYSPEPSIA. It ia for tho euro of thi3 diaeaso andia at icndaiita, SICK-irRADACEE, NUKA OUSNES3. PE3POUDEKCY, CODf -griPATIOK, PIIiES. &c. that tbrfsc I'i'Ie liavogamcd such a yjdo rcputauoo. Xo remedy vas over discovered t hr.t ccts -.o apecdilyanilRonlly ontho digcstivo or-c"-cb, giving them tono and vigor to tiS' sim-.Ute food. This ncconaplishcd, th rrSUVUS are BBACED. the ItAHJ l70UliHED,andtheBODY" ItO 13 J ST. Try this ilemcdy lairly and yo a vrJilKain a VirusJDodyyPuro 351ocd, 5tronKlTcxvc3, and a ChecxaliumJ. J'rico 2oc. 33 Inrrny St- X. Y. GrjiT IIaib on VmsKEES cbttujod to a i.ribf i ULACZbyaslnKlo Rpphcatjoa of this Uii It no parts Natural Color, and acts Iastsntatnx:n! So!d byl)raceMtaorecatbyexircfi3oarccciiit ni Office, 35 Murray St., New York Plala nnd Faney SEWING OF ALL KINDS! Suits made!' tic best stle fiom $o to S5o. Satisfaction Gnnrantecd. MRS. GrEO.-HIJL.L10R. Xet door to "WcnIoii House. Jolt Notice. THE DELINQUENT TAX liOM. I'OK the year 1681, toKetber with a warrant from the County Court for the collection of the same, w In mj bands. Delinquent tax payers will please settle at once and sae costs. A. M. TWOMBLY, xny3 Sheriff. r,r ftB'mrSf ! VR If f "I RUM! 8 WjO I IHliU i iff Iljl J lift - Worsted Suits, Pique Suits, Diagonal Suits, Gassimsre Suits, Tweed Suits, Gastor Suits, Flannel Suits. AN n.nCANT AHSOItlMKNT Of tTECKWEA: o - i:u:rr ritoii Tin: facioji'n. OJT ND SlirK H A T . A. MelNTOSH. AILOR AND CLOTHIER, Occident ISIocZt. jjSarl Jk$Ll& inu:u is. FOJJRTH - FIREWORKS I TORPEDOES, Fire Crackers, Sky Rockets, BOMBS ! Roman Candles, Mines, BALLOONS! FLAGS! Toy Pistols. Paper Caps. SOOK .xiO STAT CNERV. "Sc 1 lie !;tiKest sKn-k of !fjvte Btntik Unnti3 and Stalionviy '; Vi&r3 Ot oeiy deeiiit:o!i. , jnlra sh.M.l l,e5.:,. P.it.'is. r.u-tieal ; i-Ijtj S.-J Works. . 1 1 nans and .sjMrj i4-,.,hn a full and eonijilete j$f?s$ isioek of everjlIiiM; is-mlly "SssiPkeiit in a well regulated U.-wd; Siure. Also, ik-ws dejioi and asene for eerj i:jjfcr siml i unheal i;ibth.-d. Garl Auler's Blusic Store Piaiios and Organs. fir all nuke-, constant! on hand. AIni a lull steel; ot VIOLINS. GUITARS, IJANJOS, AG- tl ) KDMONS, Ti)N CKItTJNAS. HARMON! CA.S, FLUTKS. ANo a la Z" slock of the bet of VIOLIN AND KUITAU STRINGS, SHEET 3IUSIC. AN1 .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, As well a: evervllilnp else bclonim; to a Tirst Class .Music lon. 'lanos and Organs sold on tt:c monthly in stalbneiit jilan, or tor rent. CARL ADLEK'SAR ETY STORE "Watches. Chcks and .lewelrj", t-v.O l'ockct and 'table Cutlery, Fr -Xk Yankee Notions and Tojs. C .3ifel'irtiire li-ames and Chronios. asa?!Si'aby Carnaei;, a conuIelc W6w-.al''.,.l,t,1,1, New pood- by eer M earner. The;ejblle anltmtedtofxani!i.e my stiek andpncei. nUIXAMl'S ST. - ASTOUIA. OKHtSON H. D. GKA.T. V. lioksalt and retail dealer In. ALL KIXDS OF FEED, Hay, Qats, Straw, ood, Etc. .Oeiientlbtnrat'cniid Wliarfai-e jii reasa awe tenus. 1-oot of Ilei ton street, Astoria, Oregon. IrM.KR5l.V Ha, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand; Wooil nolivercdto"Ordei Drayiiuj, Teaming ami Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. IKALKK IS W1NE3, LIOUORS7AND CIGARS. -FlKSTXCXAStt; op; JULY! fi. JR. MIL IMPS , TWO DOOHS EAST OK OCCIDENT, . . ASTOIUA, Oi:E(H)X CHA8. HEILBORN, MAXUFACTiniKH OK FimNITTJBIC S? BEDDllSFG, AND DKAI.KU IN Carpets, Oi! Cloth, Wall Paper, .Mirrors, Window Shades, Lsc2 Curtains, Plc-urc Tranies and frlosHdings, WINDOW COT.'(!KS A;j) critTAIN I'OI.KS Complete in every ir:i:ul!. MARTIN 9 FITBlSTTTrRE c BK'J )D 1'NG. Corni'i' .7;:iiu :iml Niiiituiii;i ti-t4. .xlovin. -i:. WIDOW SHADES AHD TRlfdliiNOS; LGOKiilG GLASSES, ETC. PRICES AS CHEAP AG oia?-s" BOOK STORE. V arc ro:istaiitl recoblii!: mw additiiut t onr.vtock and have lbfr finest nt lanrest aortment t .:rJ-t UOO!ltl till""! . Combs.. Brushes. Stationery. Frames Celluloid Goods. jVUonrguOils tiTP iuaiKri m iTratir-ifiii-i (dl and oan:Iiu finality aiut m.w n.s CII.VS. riTKVl'.NS fi.S). -" riTAV l:r''II i? Ii- OIlilN J,1kU :1 Vj itv, HAN AnAU:-An4n nrA DuSMmt. , nioiiiiciio auu uuiiugio, All kinds ol HouhcSvioH tlone U inrtCHt nntiee. Slio Corner of l'.iss and .slor Mnvt. ASTOIMA. u - c:KC)X YyM. no'Kt iri''-r- BOAT BUILDER. ATTlir.OLnl'AM).:!;A-M:ni.!)IM: niiT ci.a-s woitic a sri:rr.M;i . iarbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWfNKli GORRMDLBBIilKFXl SEINE TWINES,! A Full Stock Now on Hand.! HENRY DOYLE & CO... 511 Market Street. Man FrauriKco Sole Agents for the Pacille (V.i-d. Dissolution of Partnership. rniiE PAin'xr.i:sHiPMi:i:rroroi'r kv- iMlntc between i:.mmster.Zamicrh .1 Co. iu the llestaurant P.iislnes-,. kuouu : Ihe anety, is this uav dissolved bv mutual consent. All prrsons indebted lo the House are requested to make immediate panent. and all icrons Un in laims ayiinst" us are requested to present the same. The P.usiness of the House will be contin ued under therirm name of m. I'amii-.ter. wilu.vm ra.visti:i: n. ZAJii.ir.rn. Astoria. (Jreson, J mm 2Gth. lPJi. T AND OFFICE NTJT1CIL Land Offlefl at! XJ Oregon, City. OrcROii.Jime )2. 1SS2. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed not ice of his intention to make finrd proof hi support of his claim. He names the follow iug wimesses to provo his continuous residence uiont and cultiva tion of. said land, viz: II. Sloop, and Lizzie Duell of Knappa, James Ca age or Asto ria.andS. W. Tallman of Westport, all or Clatsop county, Oregon. d-Tit L. T. P.AIUN. Register. LOTS FOR SALE- Lots 4 and 5, in Block ,3 os- CONCOMLY and JACKSON STS., OtiEY'S .1STOBIA. Ju2l dim Apply to 1. IV. Cac. SmLon's Cunn will immeilintely relieve Croup, wliooplnt cough nnd Bronchitis, sold by W.E. Dement. aim uuisa nt uronr win ne inaiie ueiore uie . County Clerk of Clatsop crninty. at Astoria, uhiwiimoiw. N.'nous neaiiaene. .Mental l)u Oregoti. on Tuesday. July 1. ISSJ. I.: lssliu. Loss of 2!einomhi-ri:intnrrliapn. Thomas Savage. Uoinesieail Apidieation No. lmoteiiey. linoluntary LmI,Ioiis. Prema-j-.n rn.n.M'i'nfi. oj t.v i? tw I lure Old Age. caused by fiVer-n-vertion. self- Also. Agent for the s-?elratel X5ckt :3:'.t:ii rool! Mat. JIBDALLION HAN Mi fr-TEAM KmiM A Sl'K 1A1.TY. vi hut tin be-i workmen employed t vll r. tk,:iur:jte ! or no char?. OLS N 4 QUALITY WILL AFF0IU3. Dairy Farm for Sale. I am instructed h Mr. t'.. V. (iriinS)eir.ro olfur fnrab iiKnnoIv-Uii-jitod farm" ', OX CLATSOP rLAIXS. , It consist-, o iroaensor f eolitiu pasture 'laml v.lnrb, with the adjoining cat lie nuigi. Is callable of siipNirilii; TO lieail or stock tlu parroii:iil. Kiuiita! fenced and r arret iiinlei etilttvation. Fiue-.t eyetnlile aren nu Use i'laliL And sLvenil bearing fruit tree.. ;.inei is protected I riNiiironud and tiniiier be tween it and tbe Ofi-an. rrotu all liea v wlmt? innllr.- IXiissr 'onl.iiiil:i 7 Koitis. . Store-room, iiiilk-room. liatu. stable, wauon I slied, etc.. ete. Tl. aluable farm is Mttsatcd ! Vj mile? sontb rroi.i feint Adanw Lisbt lions?. and ir applied for soon will be sold at a erv low tinre. .Mr.rolbnbeirv beimr old and desirous of retinns; Innn labor. If not .sold at jirnale sale liefon tbe fiist ol i Aiiiiiisr. tie whole erowem will le disused ' of at ' ;itUr tnr:iou Title indNiMitable I'or further parli. iil.ns nfmire of I. 0. HOLSSN, Jti'iil lM:itc Aont . ir , HOI'rtS: A.V 1,(51' VOli SAI.S, S: lie. Astoria. sjoisk exi: stei: and a iiAi.r-. JLi Mai si room v.ortl-sheil. eluckcii lioe.se. etc.. and a iie;er-failiar. liin.spihis of ood water on the lot. I'rbf. i.V.i. l.oe.i- lion, about eejlit minutes walk fmni 1'ost omee. Aj'jdvto 1LT. ItOI.DKN, . j.r.-if Keal IMate Accut. L()ir & (jcx, .toi:t:i:i:r. ix WINES. ASO OIUAJSS. ACKN'IS I'OK tiu: 1 Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. j.JS?AUL'iods sold at ,S.m Tranclsea Prices. mvix STitcirr. Opposite Parker H use. Astoria. Oregon. i500 Hevard. We whl pay the abn;e reward foranyease I of !.ier (iiiijdalnt. l)jsHpsia. Sick ache. indi:etion, Consupation or O ile.nl-Costive- tiesswccaiiitfd tine with West's ict:lile t Liver Pi!!-, win n Hie direelioiis are strMly t compiled with. They aie purely Vegetable. ' and never fail to sihe satNfaetion. Siii;.ii I coated. Large boxes, containing .no PilN.iy. cenis-. i orsaie o an wriiggitis. j.ewareoi. j.-imil.'rr.lt, .mil iiiiitntimi-.. Tire I'pmiiiie ! manufacture I onh bvJon:.'!"". i?r&Co.. M'lie Till Jfaker." 11 and U V. Madison St.. Chicago, tree trial package sent by mad prepaid on receipt of a :: cent stamp. "If' tie w 1. DeaPent, agent. j ; Health is Wealth. lr. K. ('. West's Seri and Ilntiii Treat - .spci-lfie for Hysteria. Dirmess. alm-e. or oer-indulence. which leads to tiiV.in' .Iam.1 ..it.l .In... 1. fl.m I. ...... Ill .... I ii4-v...,ii v... .taut i. .i.i. wt- imj-w i.iii tim- recent ease, liie-tlmx eoiitainsone months treatment. One dollar a bo. or .si boxes for live dollar ; sent b mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. We guarantee siv boes to cure any ease. With each order received b us for six boxes, accompanied with live dol lars, we will semi the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money ir the treat ment does not elfect a cure, iluarantces is- ' .sued only by W. K. Dement, dnizgist. As toria. Oregon. Orders bv nnil at regular prices. Dress Making. . r.v ! Mrs. T. S. Jewett. Up stairs, opposite yirs. Holers' Boardug House. i i;-iSfiw-.,V5?r.-. u&mm rTfCVJfer 0 TH iremens .... "? w, aj msp ;. JTla, Ml m ' J? Jl Jj r- -2?o "too "Gricroia. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ASTORIA ENGINE COMPANY NO. I. On Tuesday Evening, July 4th, AT THE SKATING RINK Honorary HON. A. VAN DUSEN, HON. Vi'."V. PAKKLI:, HON. JOHN IIATIN, HON. C.W. FL'LTON, . K. IM-IMENT, A.-AV. P.r.RlIY, ('APT. HEOKCJK FI.AVKL. Reception C.A. .MAY, H. B.FRANK UN, J. STRATA, j G. HANSEN, -Floor Committee. J. G. CHARTERS, L. E. SETJG, G. V.-WIIEELEIJ. Tick(. iKfhidisiv Gentleman and Lady, $1.50. Tlie Pile of Astoria ami Vicinity is Wialli toi td o AMI X. 3. Xu iJisiN-;,uf:i:)Je C!i:ji-.:oU'i". it ill 1; admitted. Tickets an c Ir.itl ol'msy t:iejsiie 1" ilso ('oiinv.inyand at all the prtael- 1I sloi'f. i Hit' ii. . .rm-.-- ,. . ...., tfc ijass. jslu imnigomery. (si vi swu: 'jd .1 COH.J31t 2' 3IA3ASJ D(IKi.(IOAIIl ' & HEiiHT'S Tl ANP- are the best. nd eot no more than other brands ; and if j :he Merchant with whom jou trade docs. the not keep our Ooods.it is because it ias better lose!! a pair of Hoots, or Shoes every! two monihs lh.m every four or live. "WE j i t . vrpp i-eriM' rm ir... .. . .... , l -VLA.MLL L I.l.V I All. WLMAkh. Ail Merclunls in good credit can procure these Goods at our Warehouses in Portland or San Francisco. Try OUr 'HERCULES' Patent Boots HECHT BROS. & CO. Cleaning Repairing. NEAT. CHEAP AND H'ICir. HY i:oi:uK IjOVI'.tt. ilain.Street, opposite X.'Loeb's, JS j SSi'- j a5 OF JULY Dress Ball. Committee. - j HON. C. S. WRIGHT, iiU.N. 1). L llUZljAm), HON. F. J. TAYLOR, A. .1. 3IEGLER, ROliT. CARRUTHERS, .T. F. UALLORAN, I'ATT. .T. G. HUSTLER. Committee.- ! Cf. REED, l ,T. GOODJf AN, ! CHRIS. EVENSON, A. C. FISHER. I H. SPELLMTER. r.icixs v moxtco.meky.) ifi.ki:s i.v Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A (icner.d Assortmcnt'of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Mn(-(- Stoves and Ranges Ill's Kest in the market. 1'iumb:ii goods of all kinds oe.tiand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. JKFKWWOX STKKKTH, mi:tin koai:i. .T. J. STOKE8, FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers In Wood a ad "Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco. Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOKEICN AND DOJDaSTJC ; Fndts and Vegetables, ,3EGtXR, CoriNTltY PRODUCE. AM) General Commission Merchants ASTOICIA. OREGON. XVt to Oregon Railway & Nav. co's Dock, diw- I iicineiiweDer tf uo., ,. , KiM-vicm:R. h. brow.h. KSTU'.MSIIFD IMj. ASTORIA, OREGON. TAKERS kM CDBBRUS, i Manufacturers and Importers or I ' KN"DS OK ! XsjB-TBC-Ein. AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. tHTHiguest cash price paid for Hides and Tall (T. "A ?.; I qfcui.