(J J SMJU.llUW."WJJMHB.l..lf rt&'XUL "a Mt.B'.JUJJU'Ct-HUywmJUl 9Jtsy- 2?ltC "QuiTtt 'isttOViWJlL Council Proceeding I Astoria's Scenery. Your Wire Wan t 0Wv artUM t.UA.A4Ji. . , i nnnnf tlinso oil steves: ncal : j The council met in rcaular session AbTOKIA, ORF.GOX: THUltSDAY JUXF-1, 13S2 ISSUED EVERY MOBNING. fMoaday Kicpt-I). P. HAL-LORAN i:- COMPANY. PRHLTMtr.n ajtoJ l'noruiKioi:. it-hvutn tiuildityj. Cad $lreti. Terms of Subscription : -erved by Carrier, ror week .- Cer.M cnt br mail, four month 5-1 fiO Sofct !i7 mail, ono year fl UO frco of t'oaiago tv SuLscilheri. "AdrertisomenteinerKiJ lylturwr (it he fate of $1 JO porfquare por month. frans! rat advertising, by the day or reek, ally cents per cquurefor ouch in-ertion. THECITY. Tiik Daily astoiiiam mil ; sail oj mall atlS cent a month, frfinf pn-lauc. Head er ulu runtcmplotf alj'cute frinn Die city can tiace Tiir autouiax follow them, Dailv or Wkkki.v d((fm luantf)t-otficemth' out additional cxjitnrc. Attdrtc may be ytanged a often a desired. Leave orders at Pit counting room. Robert Cut wick foil dead in Albany- last Tuesday morning. The. Olenelg arrived down yester day and will sail for Hongkong to-dny. -Sixty cents n bushel is offered for new whr-.it in Walla Walla. Little bills from tho W. V. Tele graph company wero being collected y eat onlay. - Tho Oregon is due this morning with 80 cabin passengers an unusu ally small number. Tho grounds around the Custom House are being improved, and sub stantial walks afford dry footing. Mr. Frank James, brother of tho late Jesse James, Esq., lias declined to run for governor of Missouri. Spring chickens are ripe, and aro beinji picked. When their feathers are all picked tiff then they nro "dressed." Tho county court met yesterday and after transacting .some piobatc business adjourned till ton o'clock this morning. .V broken bridge on tho O. A. C. ralhoad, just north of Aurora, let nine freight cars into the water last Tuesday morning. -Red Boy, an Oregon horse, is to liavc a race with; a Colorado hurso named Wildtnoor. The distanco is ono mile and a half, to bo run at Salt Lake city. Lip Mong, who dropped dead on the Fleetwood while en route to Portland, furnishes the regular Ohi neso item. These Mongolians have their uses after all. last Tuesday, Mayor Ilabn presiding; a full board present except Council man Gray. In these pleasant days of June, 'tis sometimes wholesome to leave the daily round of dutiei and ramble over ' One of thoso oil stoves; neat and eon- J i v enlent. Sec one at Foster's. ' SUBURBAN LOTS' C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fourth or Jnly M Coiuius. rm.nArbsnf nverv Vitnt flt (!hnrlcv- i tho lofrv bills that stretch airav to -vi.. inmin nimllcc fin. pmilrprJ. ln.wUU.. ...; wiw..-, .,-,..,;, v,,,, thc ?0,lhwari froI:1 oul. huatiiiif. little Ky rocKeis. en-., ncs,, um.i 'Homes For Fishermen. ii::x.iuivtuY AorM.T.HKM. ' council to nave tne oninese meaier at , chy ,tems alld editorJals aHko dis Liberty Hall discontinued, was read, . , , , eoml,.to calLfov "conv ' , l.. i tor j - A Card. -1 thc far--' rN'i: HCNlinKU KUILMNIJ LOTS Ar j J Auction, Plenty of water. Eieh soil I admirably adapted lor vegetable gardens. I All situate ta the ncwlv -surveyed lllaze of Alderbrook. on the northern part of Kobert .. 12 3 4,naJ1d ,u block 1JVH, ofSun?et,a.n,danniet j.,Mo!Sn.-1ff lively a Astotia, prepaii.lory to bund- thoettho weryof UiBimUotuiddin of ,en,toinep. K away -atisiied. and ro- thereon, was ,ead. and on motion, . l;fe amltt f(. ft i0W within'-'V1 "'' and on motion, referred to the com mittee on health and police, together with tho city attorney. A petition from John Williamson asking permis sion to mow the glass m the city cemetery, as lead, and on motion, petition n.3 granted. A petition from J. M. Shively aVning peruiisiou to drive piles to ship channel in front of ) lot Shi iui referred to the committee on wharves and water frontjge. A petition from the managing committee of the Fte men's tournament and celebration of the 4th of July, asking tho comic to donate 100 on that occasion, uas read, and on motion, referred to com mittee on ways and means. t'LAIM. The follow inj; claims against the city weie ordeied piid: (3. V. Ifiih FOli, 10.20; I. W. Ciwe, f-20.:K; T. J. McCIauahan, s7.0; Tlieo Rroem er, C0.8."; J. F. Hnlloran A: Co., 07.0!); J W. Cearhart, glS.25: Moses Roger, .7.j0. The following claims wei-o referred. Arndt Jt Fer chen, $00.85, to committee on public property; Theo. ltroomser, &:!.7o, to committee on health and police. The Mayor appointed Ciaiucilmau Gray on the committees of ways and means, public property, and rules and regulations. Thc matter of pui chas ing a safe for the city hall was intro duced by Councilman Case, and le forred to committee on ways and means. To the committee on public property was referred Couucilmau Taylor's motion respecting the paint ing of thc city hall. On motion, the council adjourned till to-mortow, the 00th int. ono can revel undhluibcd liithoaur-j Astokia, June 1st. IPfj pacing beauty of the natural "enei7:K"t'T;romAX: that these sloping mountain ranges: tent ion of our readers to the tact tint ,, ; to-.f.. ,... t1hm uiveii. IlmeeslablWu-aaiihotoijrapli ti.tllery snow in leal Jlint. lliott gieen- . Acfrin. ms tu the Couit 'louse. walled cliffs that on th other side of , leavnoatlv iiuiloeverv citt7en of jouri nw alio vieiuii uum ii u i-'iiu-. amine tlio Ui'plav ofpietures. lirmlybe-1 111 lieving that the verdict of. each one Shortens' DcMintliin Land Claim, adloinla tinner Astoria, as laid out and record by J.K.Kelly, I Bergman and A. W. Ufrrj.: Terms of payment at.rt day of sale will tie lulv announced. Torfuithcr particulars and examination of j reeonlml plat, apply to J K. C. 1IOLDKX. I Auctioneer and l:ii Kstate Agent. r MwmM..ji...t1..1lt IfmilHl. IXL STORE ', NEW GOODS Young's river, lising in majesty frJitn the ea. whether seeu in the gold and gray of early, morning, beneath the jua j LOWEST PRICES - will be that mv work is not only ot the ben but that the price- are reasonable sapphire sky of noon, or the roseate) 1 am prepared to do all kind- of view- 1 h&vp rmorcd to the Tlis Usual Growl. their quiet .shadow. i tnlly app'.e-, z ciate all the landscape, splendor of When on want pure drugs ami nti.n-tiiuiL of rittl I Hill tfrt. ti I mountain bcentry, one must not lie nmnVdrug store, opposite Occident too near. The graceful harmony ot noiei. the scene is enhanced by partial .sepa ration from that upon which wc look, feelings are more numerously produced by chronic constipation than any other bodily illness. Remove the) cause with Pfimiltsr's Oregon Blood j ease feeling ilL nod for Nalr. . i ) i inue about si hundred and tiftvi .JUf 1UMT8 OF PYTH7AS NEW PTTTT.'nTirft eoidsof dry hPmloek, which I will sell j . j for cash at 173 ir cord, lwilldeliverl ' the wood to my eustomera. 1 . II. JfAl'.IO.V. The managing committee lespect fully ask all citizens to decorate their houses nnd places of busincM with bunting and evergreens, on the days of tho coming festivities. She said she had nu wood cut, and ho told lior to get n Kteel engrav ing then. This came out in tho testi mony, but the judge decided there was hardly sufficient grounds for di vorce. The "published diary of the un fortunate De Long portrays n liorri ble scene of suffering. He died on the 1st of November, after seeing his companions perish of starvation around him. Henry Masuck a Portland mem ber of tho Improved Order of Red Men, is missing, and it is believed that he is drowned. Any information concerning him will bo gratefully re ceived by Hnnibel. "Uho spring run ot salmon in Rogue river, says the Coast Mail, has been ono of the largest ever known in that stream. Hume lias had more fiih than ho could handle in his can' nery, and has put up a gro.it many in barrels. In talking about .salmon statistics the San Fraueiseu I'ulletiii gets in its usual growl. lu refcteneo to tho cargo of the Langrigg Hall it siys: "The vessel is repotted to have dented with 10,800 cases, but the list of shippers as published by the Com mercial Reporter of Portland only gives 37,000 casus. It is. an even tiling that neither figuie is conect. Oiegon commeicial papers boast of :i gieat deal of accuracy in their statement, but boj-ond the boast the analogy ccasc3.' This cheap sneer is just like the Bulletin. We have detected that taper in errors .so often ilnt wc have ceased to place any confidence in its state ments. Wo lcpoited the cargo of tho Iangrigg Hall coirectly, as usual; onr published figuies are always obtained from Mr. Rrow n, of the custom luuiac, and we liavo yet to hear any contra- dictiou.of their accuracy from a relia ble quarter. It may be in order to ask the commercial editor of thc Bulletin if he know;, what "analogy" means. He should overhaul his little Webster. We might aUo suggests en passant, that the nwsol in question did .not, as he states, complete her cargo mid then "drop down to so ria. ' List of Lett ere Remaining uncalled for in the Post office at Astoria, Oregon, June 29th, Its.'. Niagara Falls fishermen have a novel way of catching bass. A boat is rowed along closo to tho shoie, and -tho water between the ihore and tho boat being struck with an oar, tho fish "leap into tho boat. Largo quantities are caught in this way. The old engine house alongside the city hall is being fixed tip in good shape, and when tho Tisiting Creraon como down next Monday and Tues day, they'll bo given a hearty welcome and a dish of clam chowder which will sit. lightly on their hearts nnd stomachs for tho day. Parties who live in the vicinity of Liberty Hall, complain tliat thc Chinoso raise such bedlam thcro that it is an almost' intolerable nuisance. Picnic is picnic, but that's no picnic; it isn't a bit fnnny to bo kept awake by demoniacal screaching and clanging of cans and kettles all night. Allen. 1 S Ave. Frame Banks, Joline) Jirack, I'eler Claressy Win Colleman, Tho-. Cajullc,SG Collins, T Oucich. l'oter Dcvlin.JlrsK Eberley, Chits Foss, Frank Frcdricksson. 11 V Field, J W Fut,Robetl Green, Miss A Grant, Daniel Gabriel sen, (3 Gentie, Xanlo Huff. T J Hodge, Geo-i Hart, i: J Persons calling Johauscu, Hemieka Jackson, .las II Jackson, L F Johnson, S J Knkio. Maiteo ICellv. J M O I.amila, Jacob' Lundbeck. Jno MeFaddcn. .las Michel, C F Mazuik, Ilanv Maelntyre IJios Xearpas, Geo Xillsson, b V Oliver, Albeit Olson, Andro Olscn, John A Poole, Tlios 13 .Smith, Samuel Sever.son,Soveit Vascntto. Antonio Ztiejh. Christ for those letters and 'much of the changing beauty de pends upon the hour at which we view it. When beyond the farthest peak the morning sky is hung with tleecy clouds, ihe mountains with their wmiber fronts, present u far diii'e'ent appearance to what they do in the broad glare f noon, or tint grandest hour when estth anil air and sunset siy ate trniisugtueil, ana crag ami forest line and rocky tovwr, arc lit up with a radiance that is as dazzling in its effect as it is brief in its duration. 'There'H nothing good m lmd in this world, but thinking makes it so, says iiamict: yet to tnose who My a mountain is a moun tain and you can't make any thing else out of it, it needs but a d-iy of actual expeiiment to show that as much depends on the time and location in viewing mountain hcenery as does on the time and jilaio in any of the actions or transactions of every day life. In the kindling orange light of dawn, when tho deep azure of the western verge that lies upon the ea is paling to an exquisite violet, and far down the eiuyotm the cool tuLsts of morning are floating round its gloomy base, ami high above, the morning 4nr that glittera over the peak rceins i feeding slowly through the waves of rosy lislit that pour from the east, the mountain, tint with slaty front looked S'J gray and grim, septus to wake into life nnd change in form and expression as the niching beams of sunlight fill the nil with dusty gold and the dazzling splendor of the now born day calls up, near by, the bitds, God's choiisteis, that flit like anima ted gems from branch to bianch and make tho forests vocal. During these glorious days, and iiioio especially the afternoon", thc gieat masses of summer clouds that float toniud the suiiiinibt thiow rich, reflected eoloi ing on the mountain side. A in uniliceut -sight, indeed, to see a cloud whosoiiiua is to lie measur ed by the square mile, sweeping over tlu landscape, wheie now the stately pines arc lesplendcnt in green aud gold, and now in softened shadow that shows more delicate shades of emerald, and again lighting into leuewed glory as the ilond shadow photographs itself on peaks too i emote to be dim med by its presence. But it is at sunset when the trans cendent gloiy of the scene is most apparent, when shattered lock and shingly slate aud broken basalt and long cathedral aisles of pine are sur rounded and lesplendcnt with a blaze of evening gold andglowingscatletand deepest crimson that blends and soft etui in purple and violet shades of twilight aud gray and dink its thc shadows thicken and the glorious stars ('has. Stevens & Son have fur sale and tne agents for the new hingei sew in: machines. To Ihe Ladies. Shtloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is -old by lis on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold Ivy W. K. Ii nient. Will ou suffer with l)ispcp-.ia and JJver Complaint? ."shiloh's Vitaliier is guaranteed to cure von. Sold by V. K. Ilement. I-'ie-ili ieeeieam every dav at Frank! f uuies. rmjiixius siiiuiiuii oi .uij nuantilj by leaving order. Also the finest oj.steis cooked to order. Frank Fabrcs ov sters and ice cream are known everywhere as par excellence. dimming features niaj he tendered actuall.v icpnlsiveby blotches or pim ples. ;r.i::s"s Sri.i'iiri: Soap, reme dies nil eomplexioiial blemishes. l'abje's ice ereum is the best. Mrs. liapplejea. tlressmaker, Cass -tieef, next door to Tin: Astoria;. office. Also agent for the reliable Out leriek patterns. Astoria lee Depot. 1'iauk K.ilneis now pi epared to sup ply lauiilie-:, icstaurants, hotels, saloons, etc., at ;t cents per pound, on the prem i 7cs Fresh iee cream every titty. Balls parties and dinners supplied with lee ereani at short notice. You w tint to get some of Roscoe's ice ereani to-day: treah made anil nicely flavored. If .v,ou want nice fresh lard, or good sugar-cured hams, just from the coun try go to 1'. 15. Klberson's bakeiy. Clnis. Stevens nnd Sou haven stock of mouldings and moulders tool which can be bought cheap for cash to close out that branch of the business. 1 have bought the Astoria Candy factory, and am prepared to make and j-ell tho choicest candies and confection ery. A full stock of the finesL-sweetmeats, nuts, etc.. alwaj son hand. - .Illll. I-. t'l.AsKS. Fieshest and finest cakes, fruit and camlv at the Astoria candy factorv. --.Mr. John Rogers of the Central.! Mar ket.ltas made inratigemenls to keep al he finest fresh fish, etc., in thoir season I'm ties wiihiug groceries, provis ions or merchandise of any description, should leave their orders with A. Van Duscu & Co. a? they Are prepared to de liver goods in finv part of Ihe ell you Ihe shortest notice. Go to Roseoe.s and trv the 'ii-tim Cljstal lee ('ream, Occident Block. Another of those tine A. I!. Chase organs al the Citj Rook Store, What is nicer on n vvainiday than a dish of that exquisitely IUvoipiI ice cream that Frank Fabre nwkesV Xov cities in Foster's. hoiischolil aiticles at Thirtj -eight Mtars. The Fourth of July Committee waul tliirtv-eisht eirls to lcnresenl the sLitci of th" rniou in the procession on the iiuoi.iuiv. .vii who vin to partici pate will leave their names at Mrs. E. S. Warren's. Rooms to It. Unfurnished rooms to rent, at the City Market, Main street. Apply All Minsiblo people, sufferiug with rheumatism, use Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Sold at one dollar a bottle. Fiieworks of the Cat! Adler's. fieshest niaku at Fresh fruit received at C. A. May's by every steamer. Xo stale trash. Every variety of Oregon and California fruit alwnv son hand. A cough, cold or sore throat should be stopped. Xeglect frequently results in an incurable lung disease or consump tion. Brown's Bronchial troches do not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the in flamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in nsthnia, bronchitis, coughs, catarih, and the throat troubles which singers nnd public speakers are subject to. For thirty years Brown's bronchial ttoches have been recommended by physicians, nud always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and coii-tant use for nearlv an en tile generation, they have nltained w-ell-mciited rank among the few staple remedies of the nee. Sold at 2." cents ft uox evci v, here. Have Wistai's balsam of wild eherrv alway al baud. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whoonlnc couch, croun. in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and l mug conipmiuis. ,mi cents annpsi a bot- 1 truce up the whole system with King ot the Itlo'Hl. See Advertisement. - And have, Without a Suigle Exception, . Tie Finest anfl Best Araupil Store In Oregon- New Goods Received by Every Steamer in All tiie Latest Styles and 17ovltLM Call and Inspect Stock and Get Prices Whether You Purchaso or Not. No tioubie to show goods. C. H. COOPER, iMiimiwiMMMiutinniisiiiiitfimniiiiii J ASTORIA, June 3, 18S2. 'iiCaiiinimnnmiinmmiMnimiiuiniiMiMMmMiiMMnilw must give tho date they aro advertised. W. (JlLANCt:, P. M. Ask to see one of tiio-e patent f.-t ets at Fosters. Thfee scow buds of dry lir, siimcc. limbs, aud b.uk, iust nveived and for sale at (J ray shock. islevciis .t Sou have lheir sleiel crowded with new woiK, ull nun ked in ; jilaln liguies. If )ou want Ice cicam thai is iir rrcinn, go to l rank i-anre s. If you want your harness fixed send them In the sliocmaker shop, where tliev will bo handled without gloves. At the shoemakei's shop at Mr. N'tchols' Iloaiding House, next to .Mr. Johin son's stoie. ujipcr A.sloria. That Hacking Cough can he so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold hy W.E. Dement. For lame Back, Side or Chest iimi Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 2.5 cents. For sale by W. .. Dement. liv fur .sale at Uie Occident Hotel. For the genuine J. 11. Culler oM Rourhon, mid the best ol wines. liquor n..,.a :.. .,!...,:.... i: . r... ti.n auiioau i raneiseo oecr, can ai uienfiii come out in gleaming line fov tho )))loVll). ,., ,,H1 tower, and see Camp grand nightly review of the Cieator. j hell. The local editors of the Oregon- ian and Standaid cvcrlasttnglv scald a Umatilla deputy sheriff who has been playing such fantastic tricks be fore high heaven as to mako reporters vvoop. They give it to him plenty nnd serve him just right. All members of Bcscue Kugino Co. Xo.2 will meet for drill this evening at 7iT0 o'clock. By order of C. II. Stocktox, Foreman. IJ. F. Wohslky. Scc-ctary. Xo more good weight at the Orient Baths. Three first-class barbers. Mr. Abe Levy, of Portland will ofilciate on thethird chair. All work guaranteed. Children", hair cutting a specialty. J. G. CHAiSTi'.r.s. When overhead is a delicate web of lace-lifte clouds, cioiiny white and rosy gmy; m the east a fading gleam of purple; in the west, where dipped the sun into the sea. a tint of richest chrysoprase, half-green, half blue; far beyond and above, piled iigaiti3t the eastern sky, lie lateral lines of cumuli furrowed witli crinkling gold nnd jag god scarlet, somber in the center but edged with siinMiine: on nearer sopes, the rustling mtinnur of the bteeze among the waving pines, as though nature were l tinning her hand over the key-board of thc creation, striking hero and there a chord, befoie begin ning the unjestic symphony of tho night, when the great arches of light shall Mtnve been lifted into upper ether, and half of our swinging little planet lies wrapped in shadow Such sights and scenes iw these form a pleasant telrospect, which hangs as a picture upon tho shadowy walls of memory. Doctor Wells will remain one week longer at the Parker House where lie can bo consulted in diseases of the nervous system, liver, kidneys, rheumatism, and nasal catarrh. Room Xo. 5. -Fanev .soap-, and nertumerv of all kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. oiiug men having uiifoitunatoly contracted diseases, poisoning the blood, can find nothing better to ic gain health than Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. . V. Allen, (sttifK-noU -o pOE it ALLEN.) w im!cs.ic mid r.-tiJI. Heater tu; &f0O3fl$3, Ptovisloss, Glass and Plated Ware, TKUPICVl AVU nOMKhTlti FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. liLietciT with Wines, LiQnors, TotaccoSCiprs The lar-st and aiost-complete stock ot goods In their line to be (ouud In the city. Corner of Cos and Squemoeqhe Streets, AHTOIUA. OIJKGOX. lid All New Goods! HEADY MADE CLOTHING. xi A, X S , Gents Furnishing Goods, X). A. MCdntosli, Oooldont Blools..! 1 MUiUUMMItMltliaIIIIIUIHHIIIIttlUIlllllIHIIU4HHIMIIl ASTORIA BREWERY. M. MEYER Proprietor. ASTOKXA, OP.KGON. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES? $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. ILAltOK 01URRS IN LIKK I'ltOPOimuX. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, -- - - SI 60 por Dozen aVSoeclarntteuUou iaU to orders frwrn l'nbllc Houses sad Families.- THE COLUMBIA BREWERY If jou have rheumatism call on Dr, Wells at the Parker House. Ho is hav ing great success: A complete slock of boys' and chil dren's suits just received at Mcintosh's clothing stoie. Call and examine those baby wagons at the Citj book store. Kerne inner Frank Fahre's ice cream. It is par excellence. What antagenism: A good liver in general, has a' bnl liier. How to remedy this evil: Uso Pfunder's Oregon lllood PtniSer, which will iv move all impurities fnm your liver. Those writing desks uttheCit) book store aro thc Iiest in the city. They are something nice and durable, and lust what most young ladies would nppieet- ;tio iruiu luugivur. Prof. Fred ityer wishes to organ ie a singing clase of children; ho also has a fair assortment of German music for sale. Rooms over the Gem saloon. Teacher's Examination. milK I'UISIJC EXAMINATION FOUT1IK X socond uuartnr or 18S?, of applicants for certificates to teach school in Clatsop countv, will bo held at the court bouse In Astoria on Thursday and Friday, the 23th nnd sutli June. lvSJ, commencing at t o'clock A. JI. of each day. W. W. FAEKKB. County Supt. of Schools. Clal-oji Ooiinty. For Sale. alWO ACKU3 OF L.VND. Willi ONE . storv house, situate within 100 leet ot wharf at Catmamet. Wasliltigton Territory. Filce.t00. . Oac acre of land, with two-storyhpu.se situate within WO feet of same wharf. Trice 'Farm otlS :icie-. with home, end two wood wharfs. Frontase one-half mile on ColumbUlUirr : fdaercs aider land on place ; situate one mile from ahove wharf. Price For'nartieulars cmiuire of Goo. B. Eobcrts, Oathlamct. V. T., or F. It. Strong. Portland, Oregon. d-vv lra Thc "Always Handy" stovepipe shelves at John A. Montgomery's. IS SLTKHIOn TO MOST. AND lb KXCKU.KD UY NONJJ ON TI113 COAitf JOHN HAHN, - PROPRIETOR, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. -Orders left ot the GEEMANIA BE:KJ HALL wUl b pjttr.ptiy teedd torsm. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, tfj) CHENAMUS STIIEKT. AR'IOKIA. THE UNDKlaNED LS I'LKAWJJ TO announce to the public that Ue l c-avk-los the Boston Crystal Ice Cream ! The finest Ice Cream ever dished up to the American public. Try It, aud be convinced. He also furnishes, in first-class stvlo. OYSTERS, HOT COFFKK AT TltK TEA, ETC. Ladies' and Genf 8 Oyster Saloon, CJTENAMU3 9TUEET. Fleasa elve ms a call. R03COE DIXON, Proprietor 1). K. Mis&r-i. I.W. Kaw Astpria Market ! COIL CHENAMUS AND HAMILTOTf T3. ASTOUIA. - -. OPOON. WAHKK.V A KATOitf, Pnjwttra ( .S'mwrfivrf w Warfen k liMvin Wholesale ud RUH J)aJr Is Fresh and Cured Meats A lull Una ot FAMILY CKOCKIUES, FLOUB. KfiEU- HAY. aiNNED IffiOIT. T- TABLE3. ETC. r Batter. Ens. CaM, (to. oowUstlj oohaaui. tar Saljii aptlia4 at Ultloirejt rate. M ; x ii i- 1 1 irtrtiiyS'gNiL j.agA.-.