- ' -S"k Vf."V.f, V"i-j-"'r- "-&. m H) In mmicmin.. .. n. n ... '""- -mini. imi-.'UJ.UJiil i i i in i i iimiii i i i ii ii i m miiilli Mi'q III 'I Tf1,u' p i.l-MBlHHPWWitoa ihw JT.nwaBBMM ! J&e ailg ska-laa. ASTOK1A. OBiiUUXH: ..nAm T THURSDAY- JUXE 20, 18b2 J.F.1IAU.OBAV.. ..F.i'.ilor England and France in TSsjypl. It is never easy to get at the ex act truth as to the immediate ori gin of a popular outbreak in any partiof the world, -and it would be worse than useless to waste time on such an inquiry in the case of the riots at Alexandria which have so suddenly fastened the atten tion of the world on the amus ingly awkward position of England and-France in Egypt. "With a dashing mutineer like Arabi Bey at the head of the Erjpytian forces, holding the Khedive :i prisoner in his own capital, and conferring on apparently cqual terms with a special envoy of the Khedive's sovereign, -the Sultan, it is not strange that the nntivg populations of Egypt should think it safe to give the rein to their very deep and quite excusable dislike of the promiscuous mob of foreign ad venturers and functionaries by which Egypt lias been governed and plundered foryears past. The whole Mussulman world has long been in a ferment of growing dis gust and indignation at the decay of Mussulman power and prestige and the scenes which Alexandria is now witnessing -ought to have been expected, by all who know anvthing of the actual condition of the Oriental nations, from the mo ment that it became known that England and France, instead of landing a joint force to chastise the revoltcrs under Arabi, had in vited the Sultan to interpose in behalf of a great subject converted "by European influnce into a practi cally independent though tribu tary prince. It ia mv thing for the Arabs and Egyptians of Alex andria to mm' an agent of the Snl tair treated dy Englishmen and Frenchmen sib :i ''principality and a power;" and it is no wonder the spectacle should "have turned their head. Unfortunately, the agent of the Sultan'cannot possibly in his. heart of hearts be dissatisfied with this outcome of his presence, and as Dervisch Pasha knows ner fectly well that England dares not mOve in earnest alone to icstore order in Kgypt, that- France is in the same case, and that both Eng land and France go in great and wearing uncei tainty as to the effect which may be produced on the groat military powers and on Italy by any joint action they may lake, D"ervich Pasha is more likely to take counsel whir- Arabi a- to the sett!ement,of the existing situa tion than to facilitate the restora Hon of European tnfluiice and au thority in Egypt. This is of evil omen for France, now grappling with the North African problem which she so" blindly permitted Prince Bisniark to seduce her into undertaking to solve. But it is o still more evil omen for England, to whom the loss of her prestige and weight in Egypt means immi nent peril to her dominion in In dia. There are not a few public men in England who must "be bit terly recalling the rtirae when Nicholas of Russia vainly ofiercd England the sovereignty of Egypt; and possibly even Mr. Gladstone himself may look back with "min gled . eruptions" now upon that "proudest moment of his life" when he knelt before a Greek arch bishop -"and ordered the British flag tfoibe hauled down and British fortifications to-lbe;blown up at Corfu. Tjieke is probably no branch of farm industry that will pay so well In this part of Oregon as dairying and "stock raising. Nor is there anv part of the northwest coast - i . t better -adapted for such pursuit. Thcr moist climate, mild winters, and abundance 'of feed, makes stock raising less of a risk than in other localities' ies1 favored by nature, while vithe . present high price of cattle, a price that must of necessity continue, 'for some time, insures large returns on the amount invested. Trno Inwardness. The Republican National Com-! mittec i3 dctcrm ned that if rmrtv I i i - ucccfs depends upon the amount j of money spent, their party will have sufficient of the sinews of ' i- -. . .. . . war to maKO victory certain, liacii government employe is being as sessed two per cent, of his annual salary. A man who gets 1,500 a years has to "come up" to the ex tent of $30. A $5,000 man con tributes $100 to the fund. The circular sent to Uncle" Sam's em ployes says that $3,000,000 is to be raised. As there arc .'200,000 F.:d eral appointees tis probable the Republican sack will be well filled this summer. And of such is politics. " What Is a "Vagrant? At a recent trial in Chico, Hal., for vagrancy, the counsel for the defence proved that his client had $20 in his pocket, and asking the jury and judge if either one of them had so much money, insisted that a man with that amount of coin couldn't be a vagrant. The prosecuting attorney on cross- examination elicited the fact that the $20 was borrowed for the occa sion, when the defendant's counsel argued that the fact that his client was able to borrow $20 was nfli- cient evidence that he must be of some standing. The iurv could hardly keep from cheering the lucky man who could borrow 20, and gave him a verdict of acquit tal. He lit out at a rapid gait, and the counsel for the defense 1 out' just $20, and an hour's time but he knows what a vagrant is. The opiuion of the west and its people, entertained by the east, is far from flattering. The east as sumes to understand its own wants: it never loses the oppoitunity to tell us of the blessings of the tariiT which protects home industiy anihenables capitalists sometimes 1o make seventy-five per ci-nt a year on their investment, fr is willing to act upon the doctrine of state rights to the last limit, when its" own affairs are concerned, but seldom loses the opportunity, to tell us of the west that we do not know what is good for us. During the debates on the Chi nese bill this insult- was often hurled at us, and it has been re peated in the selection of the com missioners who aie supposed to be charged wth the duty of revising the tariff. UliKffl iZonH&cf&Z. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE 31aUo ine of I lie Vegetable Kingdom, ah-so- lulclj Um BEST KNOWN REMEDY! . Tor Hip Wood nml Lit it Cuuiplainli, .Nr or Old riilll-i, V'-trr.,AKiu-. Uypcpi!a. etc. FOK Kliliify nUiI llliwlder DUra-vr-i, tlirnnic Slilu TrMiblc-t and Itbruiuutltui. Has Stood the Test FOR YEARS. For particulars and testimonials from v?ll known people In oar State read locals and circulars. , l-Prlcr -" - - si. per itotilo. - To insure a euro take sis lou tor W.0O. Tour druggist keeps and recbmnieiuls it. Ask for. and see that you get the genuine. I. W. CASE, IilPORTKK AND WHOLESALE AND ltl TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHAMS& Torner Clienatnus and Cass ,streeis ASTORIA ..- - OREGON Xew-IMch Blood! The use of Orogon Blood Purifier. EEOISTIEED MAECn2J. 1879. npinHiiil llILL'8 VARIETIES.! Gl.'0.niLL, - - - FROI'filHTOlt I WAI.TEK PAKKS. - STAGli MANAOKP. ' i Newr Stars in Rapid Succession ! Engagement of - HR. HARRY C0NLEY . TKnit ihr:i. f'omcillnn ntid Itnttrcr. ' i HISS H0LLIE CHRISTY Merle Comie ijuppii i MR. TOM CHRISTY The Prince r OUI Man Impel--rtonatero. Toother with a new AH the Old Favorites Retained. 0irn all Uir Vtar, IVrlurniamr I'.wry Mslsl. Enllrc thausi- or Pro- 2t-nuu:ic Oiwn n Wei-K. Comprising all the latest SONGS. DANCES AND ACTS. Wc give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. Tlii' Jtlse.ilre Is rionded nightly, and all nho have witnessed the entertainment pro uoinieo It to be equal to any given rl-.cn here. Mr. Hill as a caterer tor the public' amusement em not be excelled. Anjbody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see spaikhne wit nml beauty without ul Kiuitj.sl.o.Ud Improo thpcppoitiinlryanu i onie. The i-oiiinuu) comprises the follow ins well known Artist JIlSS 1'4NMK Wai.tom. Miss LouisrCoou. Mr 'u i:irs Koin I.R. Mn. Jomx Cooic. .Ma. Walte: Parks. All of whh-h will appear nlylilly In ififir dif- lereni Mieciaines. Open :iir concert e en evening: prifniin- ance commencing at ; entrance to theatre onllcnton street; private boxes on Chena- mus street. Look out for Wew Stars. as?3 IIF.Mbl: l. FOURTH 03F1 'J V-l FIREWORKS TORPEDOES, Fire Crackers, Sky.Rcclcets. BOMBS i Roman Gandles, Mines, BALLOONS! FLAGS! Toy Pistols. Paper Caps. BOOK AND STAT OHERY. s "-., Hi.- 'arKt-t tlcl. of ' JKir E'u"k Boohs ami SUitionaii I 'fUffl. HIJ U M;iHMIll. t3lfiferis,I,''"l Hooks. EiWes, tAtIeal it i' Works Albums and i.oiit fens, JJeiiiles a full and complete Mock of eirthln? nsu.illv SijKeM m a well ieulHleil liootr Mori'. .Vlso, news depijt and Mjtnev for er raprr and periodical puUi-Jit-d Garl Adler's Kusic Store Pianos and Organs. Of a'l makes eonst.uitly on hand. Also a full stock ot VIOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS, AC- COJIDEOXS. CONCKUTIXAS, HARMONICAS, FLUTKS. Also a larjie stock of tlio best of VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SHEET MUSIC, ANU MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, As well as ecrvtliin2 else helongln to a ritsf Vlasi Musle Store. 1'iauuf and Oipins sold on ti-e nioathh in stallment plan, or for rent. CARLADLER'SVAR ETY STORE 5 Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, -tjj, iocA.ec ana uanie laiuery, VgJ Yankee Notions and Toys, iv, ZZ ficiure rrannn aim uuroinos. Stjfellaby Carriages, :i complete " ZLSsuri asNOrtinent. Xew coods by e cry steamer. Tlio public are invited to examine my stock and prices. CrtENAMUB ST., - ASTOKIA. OHEON xvre lost. "T AST SUNDAY MORNING. OrF CLAT JLi son spit, mo f.ithnms net : Barbour's twine. 40 mesh, oorla branded .1. 0.. buov marked AY. V. Co. Leave at the WJZST COAST PACKING COMPANY'S ollice. Jll2T sr Dissolution ol Partnership, mm: PAirrNERsinpiirnirroroRE r.x- JL l'tlns between B.uinister. Zamliech & Co. In the Restauraut iSblness. known as the ".uiety,"lstliis day dissolved by mutual consent. All person's indebted to the House arc requested In make immediate p.i) ment, and all persons liavinj; claims against nsaro requested to present the same. The Rusiness of the House will be contin ued under tliel'irm name of Wm. Kinnister. WILLIAM ISA NMSTOt N. ZAMLIECH. Aston.!, Oregou, June 20th, 18SJ. LOTS FOR SALET Lois 4 and 5, in Block ,3 ox C0NC0MLY and JACKSON STS., OVSES'S ASTORIA. Ju24 dim Apply to I. TT. Case. Dissolution of SELO3SS::T,S "OJ TH - :o: Is it an object to save Fivt- Dollars on a Beautiful Cloak or Dolman, the handsomest in Astoria? Is it an object to save a Dollar on a Dress? Is it an object to save Fifty Cents on a pair of Shoes? Is it worth while to save money in purchasing Corsets from the largest assortment in Astoria? If so, CALL AT THE CALIFORNSA STORE They are closing outbiisinrss. ClottiDir $5 LfiSo on a Suit than any oilier Store jo Astoria ! Romom'foor Xjoervtioxx: OAIiSFOB.Kr2, STOHE, Opposite P. O., Astoria. Oregon. eJUossuoxtee an ,"1 Rl JSWaKaterSi.'SistSl'a-iil i-j -i. . m JBmminas2EmM& wsMHWyEiy TWO DOORS EAST ;OP OCCIDENT. - - ASTORIA, OREGON - - t ..,-. T'-,.. .--mr-r.-n-f i- -i ii i . -i i- ru.-, . .-i. r . . -i .1 i i-i r. ..- CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUi'ACTUKEU OF FTJBNITTJRE S BEDDING, AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Vindow Shades, Laca Curtains, Picture Frames and filouidinos, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN VOLES Complete In eViij branch. MARTIN OLSEN, ituki: in 0 PUKKTTTURK BEJDTNG. 'gi-ih-i- .llnin nml Wiim-niDiiua Mli-eei4. A-(ori;i. ls'ei;oii. Wl DOW SHADES AND TRIiViryllHGS; LOOKING GLASSES, ETC. I Complete "ork. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. am. kixus r fisi:vzti;s:j: i:k5.!;k! asi vaukisiiiid. Dairy Farm for Sale. 1 aw instructed by .Mr. Ii. AV. OuliiU-rr, to niter for sale liUllneh-liioateil film OX CLATSOP rL.VIXS. ItcoibWsof ico acres of etelleiit lusturt I.iuil wliicli, with the ndjoinins entile mnge, t Is capable of supporting 70 beail of stock the j jearronnrt. Klglit acres feneeil nml 8 aeies under cultivation. Finest lcselnblc Garden :i Hie S'liiiiit And several beaiing fruit trees. i:.incii N protected ' by using ground and timber be tween it ana the ocean, from all lie.-i y w iml and storms. House Coulalnins ' Koaui. Stoie-ioom. nillk-iooni, h.un. stable, nagon shed, etc., etc. Tlnsaluable fann is situated VA inilos south from l'oint Adams' LiRtit House, pud if applied for soon will be sold at a verv low fi;nrc, Mr. Colllnberrv beins old and desirous of rctlnni; Horn labor. If not sold .-it orlintc sale before tho Urstof August, then hole property will be disposed l'nhllc Auclion. Title indisputable. Tor furtlier p.utii ul.irs cnqniioof E. C. H0LDEK, tf Real Estate Agent . Notice. Tim DELINQUENT TAX L'OLL 10U the year 1881. tORCtber with a warrant from tlio Count' Court for Hie collection of the same, is In my hands. Delinquent tax payers will please settle at once and sae costs. A. JL TWOMBLY, my3 - Sheriff. i i. i . .. ..-... - . i-m.M i ,.t ..!..- h-rjunm. hfi -' w - : ,. i, '- oxjk p j j JX.8 n Ft 02 Q - ot ; in-" 11 i or "R. JTAAYES seli: acknt. Aimi, Aiji'lil for 111" e.-iebrMeii ISm-3 iit-nl t'uoli Siox-. MEDALLION RANGE. sitam rmiMis a spkiai.tn Noni" but the best .or!.nieii eiiii!oeil. !I woikjttu iranti'i it or no clinre. LOEB & (30. .nnr,Ki:s in VV" I l!1l?l ' filiilO JAQUOISS, CIGAK8. Atiuxfs iei: 'fin: Best San Francisco Houses and Eastorn Distilleries. kSf"AH goods sohl at S.hi I'ranciseo I'lices. MAIN STISKKT. Upios!te l'.uker Hniiv-, Astoria, Oieon. "574 EI. TT1 7 TT 75?. TT ? I j. ASTOISIA. Ol'.KCOX Vy DRUGS AND CKEMIGALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATEETT MEDICINES, ETC. J3?l'icscriptloiis carefully compoundeiliit nil hours. Bf-IIomeopatMc Tinctures and Pellets, and Humphrey's SpeclQcs also kept afTSHQychTn iAi. UiJLVA NJJtjL-LW remens -STo Too UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ASTORIA ENCINE COMPANY NO. I. On Tuesday Evening, July 4th, m Tn otr a J E? J3L.&. -Honorary HON. A. VAN DUSEN, iion. w. PARicrR, HON. JOHN HAIIN, IION. C.W.FULTON, V. E. DEMENT, A. W. BERRY, C. rT. OEORGEl'I. .VVJ3L Reception C.A.MAY, I P.. B. FRANKLIN, ' J. STRAr??, j -Floor Committee,- j. G. r;iiAi:TERP, L. E. SELIG, !. P. WHEELER. Tickeis. Including Ociitiemiiii ami Lady, 81.50. Tie Pole or Astoria and Vicinity is Corilalfy M el o Attend. S. ii. ? !i-i'i-)ittii!It- (Ii:ir:u-i"i-s. ill lr ailiuitted. Tickets i-:iu 1h !i:nl :":-.ii3 uscuiiti-r .;t" tin-t.'iunpaiiy mid nt all tlae prlncl i:i! ltn--.ir tsir -3Jj. ijy a3t:i: uv the com3UTTEE. iSl't PrASOU TO .IACKINS & MONTGOMKUY.) it&fS iH'1 ' '-Q -Sr ir " ll--''J5 J'i' ih'l -n1 CI'L I con.r.:t of isai.;xi Sa5tSii., -s - BUmiSfifllH & wmn Asn- VEi ARE THE BEST. And cost no more than other brands ; and if tlio Merchant v.ith whom jou trade does not keep our floods, it is because it pa-s better to .sell a pair of Uoots or Shoes evcry two mouths than every four or five. WE OUAItAOTEi: n'EKV l'AIK WE MAKE. I Ail Merchants In sood credit can procure these Cootls at oar Warehouse? in Portland or San l"raneisco. Try our "HERCULES" Patent Boots HECHT BROS. & CO. Zxossa2a.ct2sJ.33.sr ,1 Plain ami rancy SEVIW& OP ALL KINDS! Suits made In the best stUa from ,. $ to &50. Satisfaction Gnarauteod. MKS. G-EO, I-3XLLEK. Xcxt door to Weston House, fell OF JULY uress sail. . Oi-won.- mT"arr DTNTXT JL X VJ JL.L.L' JA.. Committee. - I HON. C. S. WRIGHT, IION. 1). C. IRELAND, 0. F.J.TAYLOR, I A. J. MEGLER, i ROB1'. CARRUTIIERS, J. F. HALLORAN, CAFr.J. G. HUSTLER. Committee. G. REED, I. J. GOODMAN, G. HANSEN, i CHRIS. EVENSON, A. C. FISHER. I II. SPELLMIER. IlFALI'.IM IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortmentlof HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for 3Iag(Mj Stoves and Ranges The Uest in tlie market. l'liiintitii!; Kf-oils of all kinds on pinnd. Jol woric dune In a worlcmaulike manner. jkpfkksox jtrf.kts, , , ORSQON. MAnTi.v ro.vitn. .r. j. stokes, FOARD & STOKES, Vliolesalc and letnll dealers in Wood a Qtl "Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors , I'OKEir.N ASD DOMESTIC Fruits and Vegetables, Ss'IUOO'Efc, FESD, ' AVIi COUNTJIY PHODUCE, i General Commission Merchants ASTOniA, OltEGOX. j Next to Oregon Hallway & Jav. co's PocK. dtw Leincnweber & Co., C. r.FI.VKXW-KBER. It. IWOWX. r.STAHLISHKD 13ffi. ASTOBIA, OREGON, TA1ERS MB CDBBBIES, Manutacturors and Importers of I.L KINDS OF AND FINDINOB Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. jnrlllgliest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. f 51 .' -mJ,1P J r V" St