C) ,-t SJftC jDltiiB 5t03J-i?ltU - " ASTORIA. OREGON. WEDNESDAY., ..JUNE 25, li2 J.V. H1LIOEW.. ..Editor All Honor to Them. Ix his address before the le cent Siilcm Pionecrfe' r-union President Crawford aid: . "Looking b, ackpver the forty years . since I came tc O'regonJ a poor im migrant boy in buckskin garments, I find that many of my comrades have fallen out of the ranks to rest by the wayside. "Now and then I meet some old grey-beardlike myself, who still lingers in the fight, unwilling to be carried to the rear, who remem bers the days of boiled wheat and salmon, of pea coffee and trail rope tobacco, of wopdon plows and hickory shirts when the pony and canoe formed the principal means' of transportation, an Indian trail the thoroughfare, with a drift log or a dusr-out for a ferry boat. But the ranks aie thinning. Almost every day we sec the announce ment, 'Another pioneer gone.' A few years more and the earliest pioneer will bo laid away, and not one in a hundred will be farther remembered or thought of than 'my father' or 'rav mother knew him. They ciossed the plains to gether beforcthe gold mines were discovered in California.' " Tn these -days of tiansconti nental palace cars, and bi-weekly ' floating palaces from San Fran cisco, it is difficult to realize the dangers and trials that beset the pioneers of the northwest coast a generation ago.- There is always a certain amount of prestige at taching to that class of men who i build a .state, who go out into the untrodden .wilder-no-s, and with strong hands and brave hearts, with an unconquer able determination in.tkv homes in a new country, and brins: with them all the forms iud usages of laiv ih it makes success practicable. Particularly is this the cae with the pioneers of Oregon, for unlike the pathfinders of California and Nevada thev &ct with steady step- to "the consummation of one idea, the building up of their individual prosperity and the good of the commonwealth by normal plans of industry and perseverance. Thirty years ago a huudied thousand men came rushing to ' California They built cities, overthrew mountains, turned tho beds of riveis and with a restless fever set up a yellow idol and worshiped thoglittering earth of which it was made.. The'icfiuent wave of tbatsuigo. broke against tho crests of the Sierras and flowed into sterile Nevada. And what was the end? The "19ers," and "old timers.' the men that made 'tWashoe'i, ring, and 'struck it rich" at "White Pine;" that start ed "camps,' and went with the rush from Ophir to Goiconda are, ninety-nine hundredths of them, "dead broke," or dead without being,J)ioke, and their names "are .w?itH in water." Not so tho men of early days in Oregon, who have lived in peace and honored pro gress, till now in honored old age theysee around "them in visible .shape, the fruition of their early dreams. Transatlantic Troubles. - Mucu interest is manifested in recent French and German statis tics concerning the population of those countries. In Germany the K trouble seems to "be that tuey breed 'too fast. The number of births excelled the number of deaths 530,- 000 every year, and even thahun dred thousand Germacs that an nually leave the Vaterland "or America does not seem to thin out the ever increasing population that fiverflows its Teutonic boundary. An entirely opposite state of "- affairs affects la bello 'France. Thcr,c, itjs.gems' they do not breed "fast enongli. A bill has been in troduced iutp.the French assembly encouraging an observance of 'the "Scriptural injunction concerning natural increase. , l ThebflT provides for relieving married men from sen-ice in pro- pnrtinn to tho numbor of their children. The first clause presides I that every French citizen in time of peace or offensive war shall, on proving that he is the father of a legitimate child, be exempt from active bcrvice with the col ore. If he be the happy father of two children no service in the first reserve will be demanded of him, j while three children to his name free the lucky citizen from any mili tary duty whatever exeopt in case of "defensive" warfare. What advantages the father of four or more olive branches would enjoy the bill does not set forth. Tjt the North American lie view for July, the leading article is a profound and sympathetic study of "Emerson as a Poet," b' Eduin P. Whipple. The author has. scarcely a word to say about forms and modes of expression, and cheerfully concedes that Emeisnn I had command only of two or three metres; but he brings all the re sources of his extraordinary criti cal acumen to prove that as a seer, of one who has intention of tho deeper truths of nntuie and the moral universe in short, as a poet in the highest snse of the word, Emerson must take rank with the greatest geniuses of all times, hi "Hydraulic Pressure iu Wall Street," a writer who withholds his name but who manifestly is no novice, exposes many of the tricks and devices bv means of which fictitious values are created, and the unwary lured daily to ruin. Desire Charnay contributes the eleventh article in the serie-- on "Thc Ruins of Central America," and records the crowning triumph of his exploring expedition,' namely, the diccovciy of a great ruined city in the hitherto unex plored country of the Lacandones, Guatemala. There are two papers on the civil seniee question, one "The Things Which Remain," by Gail Hamilton, who labors to re lieve the civil service from the npersions cast upon it on account of Guiteau's crime; the other, 'The Business of Office-Seeking," by Richard Grant White, who "forcibly portrays the moral ills that come from the perennial stiuggle for place Ax opposition telegraph com pany, with a capital of twenty million dollars, has been organ ised, and-will soon commence busi ness ih some of the eastern states Since the corvsolidation of the for mer companies the service has been inferior and unsatisfactoi'. If this new company docs not sell out, thef public will gain im mensely from its operations. This service should be done by the postoffice department; it would not take anf more lhan the star route men have stolen, to duplicate the existing telegraph system of the United States. But the influence of the lobby has been too Ktronjr and any postal telegraph scheme is at present impossible. Yesikbday's Oregonian Ins a sensibly worded editorial on the present system of fishing on the bar, and. in effect, takes the ha tie view of the mater that Tun Asto biak has enunciated, viz: that the Jcgislaturo is empowered and should bo instructed. to pass a law preventing atiyfisl)ing below cer tain specified points on the river. Wo have been assured repeatedly by cannerjmen and fishermen that they arq heartily in favor of such a law, and that it would be to their mutual interest to see that it was enforced. As it is, the con stant agitation of the nets makes an, equalization- of all hummocks, and'tho constant tondency is to make a wide and shallow spit all over the entrance to the river. The women suffragists of Wis consin are organizing a powerful lobby, and propose to capture the next legislature by storm. 31AKKIED. Ill Astoria, on the 24th of June. 1SS2. bjvRov; J. McCormac, John' Wil'Oii and Johanna Jlatson. Xetv filch Itlood! ' The'use of Oregon Blood Purifier. BWtmwoonwii rrmsTCPTD UAUOIlS . 1ST0. ifliewii 5wv wt iW" FOE THEBLOODISTHE LIFE! M.ike up or the Wfioulih' Mii'nloiu luU'lx Hie U0- BEST KNOWN REMEDY! Tor lliu lltnutl nml Mvcr .'illlal. New or Old 1iIIN, t'etrr. Axil?. .is;)cu!n. clr. E"cyst-rC) Curo uunn ami is!aidi-rUi-rar, Chronic H.tn 1roullr :iml Iliirutiiiltiim. Has Stood the Test ,FOR YEARS. r.iriuitleiilars imd testimonials lrom well known jicole In our Slatr lead local and circulars. Prlpo - - . per Bolt ie. T. Ins-uro a t me lake six lots for ?5.0o. Your ilnifftjist Lesps and recommends it. A1 for, and ce tliat you pet tlie eenulne. t2?JL L.i2?? lril i: IV FOURTH CS1 JULY! FIREWORKS TORPEDOES, Fire Crackers, Sky Rockets, BOMBS ! Roman Gandles, Mines, BALLOONS! FLAGS! Toy Pistols, Paper Caps. BOOK AHD STAT OHERY. liic Linjc-t siorlviif blank Coofsand Slationcty 01 nei dOiori)tion. Xf.inrtl Itnrlt. riilkni. P.iiilli tl feSsH Vv'orts, Allminf'anil IXsKS! iM reus. sm'JUWIICnIiIls a full and comiili-tc -si!y kept in a well i collated Hock Store. A'o, ncns Uoimt and pgoiiey for everj ),tpir:nd periodl'Ml jialililied Carl Adler's Husic Store Pianos and Organs. Of all makes ccust intlv on liauJ. full stock ol Alo R VIOLINS, GUITAKS. BANJOS, AC CO KDKONS. COXCKBTINAS, HARMONICAS, FLUTES. Also a lai-je stock of Uie best of VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SHKET MUSIC. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, As Aell as ovcntlim cla belonftlnj; fo a First Class Attislc Store. l'ianos ami Oijr.iiisoU! on tno montlilv tn stallnient plan, or Tur rent. CARLADLER'SVAR ETY STORE J Watches, Clocks and Jericlrv. gCjl'ockct and Tallin Cutlerv, Wankeo Xotlcm and Toju, "JSl'ictmc Frames and Chroinos. .mJtoky Carriaws, a eompletc iaKassottnicnt. New KOods by every steamer. Tlio public are lnnted to examine my stock and prices. CHKXAMITS ST., - ASTOKL, OltCGON T AST SUNDAY 3I01SNISU, Ol'F Cl.AT JLi sop spil. L)u f.itlioms net; Barbour's tnlne, lOmtsIi, corks br.u.ded J. O.. buov marked V. l Co. f.eive at tho KST COM PACKING COMPANY'; oHlce. Jilt; St $25 KEWAKD. A r.EiVAItT) OF TWEKTY-FIVC D0L-ii-lanlll be paid b Ilirmony Lodge. No. 9, A.O. U. W.. of fcan I"ranclsco. fali fomli, for tho recovery of the body of JO SKVI1 CALHOUN, a member ol said lodge who wrs drott-ned off the Columbia Kner btr while salmon- Ashing some time dmlns June 3rd or 4th. dkpckhtiov : About Mt loin, high, ncll-lrallt; v. eight 170: brown hair and side whiskers nrd mast.iche. De ceased was In "employ of J. Y. Unnie, As toria, wheu"Urovned, d-iw k . $25 KEWARD. ratun above rcwavd wiLii bk paid -B. by.. Jnhauson for the rcco ery of tho bodj of buml Henderson, drowned in South Channel, off Sand bland. Is a man about 3 feet 4 inches high, light complexion, light hair and moustache. Teacher's Examination, mm: public examination ror. ran X second quartor or 1J2, of applicants for certlllcates to teach school in Clatsop county, will he held at tho court house In Astoria on Tliursday and Friday, the 23th and coth Jmie. 1S82, commencing at 9 o'clock .1.JU.UL eauiiiuty. . v. rAi5KL.li m . County Supt. of Schools, Clatsop County. 3H Z&ibS jMnhaffa-iCMrrfaftioirrfortidtoirtmcwarttK.1 ,w :&. f Tzry zz&g . J ? c Worts' ir- fe aa? V3v l - '-i-.-3C' atscss T 0-CT3L Dissolution of Partnership ASK THE FOLLOWING : :e: Is il au object to save Five Dollars oa a Beautiful Cloak or Dolniaa, the handsoaiest ia Astoria? Is it an object to save a Dollar on a Dress? . Is it an object to save Fifty Cents on a pair of Shoes? Is it -worth while to save money in purchasing Corsets from the largest assortment in Astoria? If so, CALL AT THE CALIFORNIA STORE They are closing out business. Clotiiinff $5 te on a Suit than any oilier Store is Astoria ! :e: SLo-momtoer Xaoeatioji: C.SXIFOS.2T22L STOB.S, Opposite P. ., Astoria, Oreaon. T nz eisosscjo .S5t? '.iM. -'?g-'.r.-.. .... d mmkmsi Tfi S A n tfia'Uwa TWO DOO K3 EAST :)P OCCIDENT, Tr mtZtJiU CHAS. HEiLBORN, MANUFACTUUElt OF FURNITUEE AND DKATiKK Tli Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and fcloaldings, WINDOV,' CORNICES AND CUETATN I'OLES Complete in evcr branch. .MARTIN OLSEN, FURNITURE s BEDDING-. Corner Jtlnin mill SijiieiuoQua Streets, A-:oiia. Orrcn. Wl DOW SHADES' AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES, ETC. V fucili'cie SIoiu. PRICES AS OHEivP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. aix ko'ds or rurcsjxi'K?: ui:PAi:j2:n ajd vassauieko. Bairy Farm for Sale. I am instructcilby Mr.G."W.Cor.inbfri,ii oircr for sale hU finely-located farm" j OX CLATSOP PLAINS. It consists or 1C0 acres of evcdlint pasture land wlilcb, witli tlio adjoinins cattle ranse. i- wjiauxc vi uppuriinjj u nu iu ui muck me j j ear round. Eight acre fenced and u acres i under cultivation. i rinost Veselablc Cardcn on ifar l'laliu And several beanne; fruit tiees. K.mcli li protected by rising sround and timber be tn ceu it and tbc ocean, from all lieavj u mils and-stornre. House Coutnliiiuir : i:nuui. Store-room, milk-room, barn. staWe. u jou ihed, etc., etc. ThUvaluabla farm is situated l miles south from Point Adams' Light Ilonse, and it applied for soon will be sold at a very low llsnro, Sir. Coillnberrj' bclncr old and desirous of retiring lrom labor. If not sold at private sale before the llrt or August, the whole propertj will be i!i-posed of at I'Ubllc Aiiillon. Title indliputablc. Tor further partlenljis enquire of E. 0. H0LDEW, tf Real Estate Agent. Notice, - NOTICK IS IIEREBY GIVEN TILvt.I forbid the City of Astoria or its citizens from trespassing on that piece or land in theCity of .Vstoria. called by some Han-.il-ton street, as I claim tho same as mv Indl- 'vidual property, ' Jnnsa), 1JS2. '1KB. JIU.MJilXil. dot R9SIZUCVB99 iJi.liitaiumrryirjwiwigpewmrrrn.HaMiiiLjiB CJRJv N Kl " . ivfe" '" "-- -w zz." . r iWV T WT .V &- m MAY UK HAD Ol fcrTC.RHAAVES seli: ac em. Ageiil for Hie nlJiMtt'il Alu. iilicU! S'llJ'llt t.'JE- StO(. MEDALLION HAKOK xivam ithim.. a mtciai.iv. N''i- but tin lL-t woil.iiiin unplo-.ed. All woiklun ir.inteed orim ohnrKo. rnss, ASTOIUA, OllEGON 55 BEDDING, Wall Paper, Mirrors, ' L ( ) K B & CO., .ioni!L::s in WlTKTI?yi vt tlliliia, LIQUORS. AND CIGARS. acknts rei: Tin: Best San Francisco Kouocs and Eastern DIstillories. CSAll goods sold at S.in rrandseo l'rtces. MAIN' STIU'.CT. Opposite V.trier House. Astoim, Oiegon. g - ASIOISIA. OlSEdON DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATEKT BIEDICIKES, ETC. "Prescriptions carefully compoundedjat r-Honieopathic Tinctures and Tellets, and Humphrey's Spocliltsalso kept. Bacapam.mii i miiin.i iuwiiimmi. iiiiii n a , ! 'r WiTTPTTT JdUUIijIJI firemen's -3?o "too UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ASTORIA ENGINE COMPANY HO. I. On Tuesday Evening, July 4th, AT THE SKATING RINK. Honorary HON. HON. HON. HON". AV. E. A. "UT. CAPT. A. VAN DUSEN, W. "VV. paukei:, JOHN IIAIIN, C. W. FULTON, DEMENT, BERRY, . OEORGE FL VYEL. Recoption C.A. MAY, B. B. FRANKLIN, .). STR.VU.P, -Floor Committee.- J. G. CHARTERS, L. E. SELIG, G. I'.WHEELEI.-. 'Tickets. itcSsiilisig- Gent Tlie PnMic of Astoria anfl Yiciiiity is Cordially Iuvitefl o AM A. It. X 3is!'CiiUil! Oiai':i:t'i-s M ill he admitted. TIcliets cuii lie Jiisil ol ::iij j:ii'inl.v of (lie Cunjianj-ami nt all tlie prlnel :il .tor'S of ! oilj. iiV 2E5r:B OF TJIK CO-tiailT-TEE. J5 2i ..II( i K-,S()i: TO .IACK1NS & MONTOOMEKY.) coh2,t:i or liAixi.rxj imAannii nufciiiw-iiij-jji. BDOIISfflUH & HIODT'S S AM)- ARE THS SEST. Ami cost no mote than other brands ; and if the Merchant with whom jou trade does not keep our Goods, it is because it pays hotter to sell a p-ur of Boots or shoes e cry two months lhan m ery four or five. V.'E GUAH.VNTU: EVEltY PAIR XU MAKK. AU Jlcrchants in good credit can pioonie these Goods at our "Warehouses In Portland or San I'rancisco. Try our ''HERCULES" Patent Boots HECHT BROS. & CO. l'lnin and Fzncj SEWING OP ALL KINDS.! Suit s made in the best stylo from S5 to $30. Satisfaction Guaranteed. MRS. GEO. HULLER. lint door to Weston House. OF JULY Bress Ball. Gri-roxx- Committee. - HON. C. S. WEIGHT, nON. J). C. IRELAND, HON. F. J. TAYLOR, A. J. MEGLER, ROUT. GARROTTERS, J. F. HALLORAN, CAPT. J. G. HUSTLER. Committee. G. REED, P. J. GOODMAN, G. HANSEN, CHRIS. EVENSON, A. C. FISHER. II. SPELKHIER. Icuiaii mid Lady, 1.50. DRALKR8 IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortmentlof HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges Tlie Uest In the market. I'lUinliin goods of all Kinds oujhand. Jon work dono in .1 workmanlike manner. ,ji:Frr.itsox strrets. MAHTIX FOAEP. J. J. STOKES, FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers In Wood and "Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOI1EIGX AND DOMESTIC Fruits and Vegetables, AND 'COUNTRY PRODUCE. ! AND Genoral Commission merchants ASTOKEA, OREGON. Next to Oregon Eallway & Nav. co's Dock, iliff Leinenweber & Co., C. I.EIXPX webbr. n. mown, CSTACLISI1FO 18u3. ASTORIA, OREGOK, TAMERS AM CUBBBIES, Manufacturers und Importers of U. KINDS or AND FINDINGS Wliolesale Dealers In OIL AND TAtLLO. E2rHiliist cash price paid for Hides and Tanow. '(.' , - Iif