CVJ Jps Sails .astxajiaa. ASTORIV. OREGON. FRIDAY... JUNE 9. 1SS2 GOhimEBCEA!IO TRADE. POUT OF ASTORIA. iiytiTALS icCOJ SKA. Urrcnn S9. SMS tons. Fonhnai. 8 F Jov " Anucrlr. HongVocg. June Eiwin Reed Msr 31 Wakefield fckKI IIcnRVone. v;r 31 IxilomabkeM Hongkong; Mar SI AldenBessebk 812 llonxkonp. May 21 heady For. sr.A. Itrevale. r.r U. Liverpool Juno -J vv Am ship Qiuenrtown .Mat 27 SAILED llotknell atle Juno 2. sut of Clllforals. S3 22&J Ion". l-bn"; J one 1 .rissKLs ox Tiir. Ifj i . o from i'orcfsu Purls, lor lln fnltimtiLl Klver i inc,;m. JbW Ilorckonc njfr Head. W Hong'-ons Devonshire X0 llocrkong Kato Davenport from llonckous rnUfhlWIIongl.on2. Hannah W. Dndlcv bk 11B llonsVuas. LaocefieM 11W1 Liverpool lan 3 River Kith lliSilazatlan: to be o-dercd airar. n'f bar ThePrejid'EtlOSI iron Liverpool Jan 11 James O Bain JBr bt !"i Liverpool Jan 21 From American PnrtH. Wallacetown bk WilmiaRton C'al Klsmore WS Xew York A.toria 1S33 If cw York March J4 Wilna 113 Kew York March 1 ' Kobcrt Dnon 1J63 Xcw York John V ilarr Am sU llsfi Xew ork 1 eli M El well Am sh EG1 ?vcw York Jan ?J Oanntlcsa Am ah SS5 New York ilan.ll 13 flDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA fiom tables of Unitdl i-UiUs Cousl Nur'.ej. Ut't'u Water. j A. I!. P. ". i Lnw ator. . 51. I'. M. liitc. .r. 2 ; a.'i . II u U (. 1! 7 35 1 II It . t 02 10 7 oS S 21 1 1 . 2 03 li 9 15 y iSj . 1 1 s oi 1 10 2i 10 10 2j 3 r.s is.. u."2 io r. 3.1. . i j". 1 1 0 23 11 G J . 10 15 . 1 211 7 1 C. W.. . 0 23.. J Oil 8 0t 7 17 .. 1 25 2-So! r 4 s l' ASTORIA Flltr. KKPAKTMK's.T 0. .J. TltlCIIAKD Chief 1J --.lier r. 1'. HICKS 1st Asst. Knnieor J. O. llOZOlITH I A-st rnincsr BOARD orDELEO ATBS.K'-pilar meet ing fourth .Moiul.a uit.uh month, at 7 i!tl r. M., at hall of Alt r: Jio.ik an' Ij'lrtcr Company Xo. l. On jckus. 1'. J. T. loi, l'lesiuent ; 1'. J- Paiiter, h'cretarj'; A. V. ISerry, Treasur-r. Uelkoaii s. W. V. 1'atker, .1. Strans, I. Bergman, ot Astoria l.njr -i-'Co. No l , A. A. Cleveland, W.J. L"arr, lias. 1L S'(n.kt m, otltescue Eneine Co. .No ' 5'jl. 1. Cmlis. A.AV. Bern-, f . J. Tavlor, 1 1 -.hrt Ho.i'; .mil Ladder Co. No. l. ASTor.iA nxaisisuo vi'a at a... j-. KeKular ui'eliiiK nrst Mnnd.t in nuntlu On'lCi.ns. V.. V. l'.irker, "reident; I. E." Sells, Seeretarj ; Willi. uu tuel;. Treas urer; It. 1'. Me'.cus. ruieiiMiu. N (;. Iusails, 1st Asst. Forf man. .U.e. (!. Cii.itteis. 2d Asst. roirinnn. -y, ,. , , hksci'k nznixi; costvaa r .v. ?.- itegulai ni"tllng lust 1ih!.'.v in i.ii-h mouth. Onion-. A. A.Cii'm laud, ; .1. AnitonUomen, Sen. lai': 1". (5. Morris, Treasurer; Chas. 11. Stucl.ton foreman, A. ItcKeiizie, 1st Asst. ronTiin, .1 limnii, 2dAsst. 1'oremin. AI.r.U7 UOOKAZl h DDLI! f'.i. A... 1. Regular liicotins soinnil r.lont.iv in e-eh month. OFncrns. .!. o P.0701II1. Picsi.tent ; ('. Bromi. S--ret:irj ; .l.ij 'lultle. Tie.isi.rit: .1. K. ruoinis. Pi'iem 111, I . II. 13Ix rson. 1st VSst. bolelii.ta. V. ". IVrUMin. 2t .Vs't. 1'oremin. Common Council. nVsnlirmootinir! econd and fmrthTues- iurr Bventnss or ocu month, ct 7' o clock fcS-t'orous do'inr? to h.iro miners acted upon by thoCouncii, jt..nv regular meetins mct present the to Itn An.timr atiiI Clork on or before tho r'ridiycemn!: prior to tho Tucilny(.n wliicli the Council holds its renulirmcetiny. V. ( . 20!:1!IS " Auditor and CIctk. Astoria L,odge No. IO. I. O. G.l. I'.eeular Mectinz evcrr Tnesiiar Ihenine al714 o'clock, at Hood Tomplir'3 U.ill, C!ie tmmas ract, Aftorn, cer C. L. Pjrkor's i'ore 2!cmbers of tho Order, in ciodstard- s:r,:iro Ritor,.l. iiesroe Hiei!in?'t r.onuay easa t,.ntn. j;-(irder V,'. u. 1: Tornpio L.oago. :.o. 7 a. F. a. M. Ilcirulir Communieiti i-.s Crt nndfV' i,ira Saturdays in cich month, at 7'' v (1 clock, r.'a.. at tho Hall in Astoria. Alombersf the Order, in pood sundin, are invited to attonil. liy erde: of tha W. M. Ordor or Ciioscn 2?nends. t Airegulai iaertm!: r.r 0' ci .lent GinneU Xo. -.X'.G. 1., is held ever", "ihtirsdav oven nc, ? t jc liour pi 7 o'clock, .:i the !i ill of tl'e A. ). t. . All sojouruin- iiien.bers nre cordially invlert to attend. P.y order of c.C. BOOK STORE. "We arc, constantly reeclvuu new additions .to ur stock and have the finest and Hrest assortment of vari. t , goods In theelt. Conibs, Brushes, " 'Slatlcjfery. Frames Geilulatd Goods. Allourgood3 arenurked in plain figures Call and evamine uabt and rote prices. CIIAS. STEVEXS &SON MuiFral Insurance Ce, Or CAUrOSfsIA. TOR J.-F?Hnt'OHTO.v... OHA3. Ik STOKY. GEO. h. STOCV .. Piestdpnt Secret arj .Aent for O-on Capital paid up in U, S. gold com ... . . 300O0 "" ' I. XV. CASK, Agent, Cl1cn.1r.111s street. Asloria. Oregon. SteBlians Varieties ! GRAKD OPENING. A LIVEuY CXTRTASSMKST nave a" new bowlimt alley, the largest and "best In tovvn.AAdmlttunce free. the Markets. Eluniicia.I. Silver, at pir. Com ov.eb.snse on San Francisco J per cant premium. Coin exchanso on Now York buj ins par: selling, ! to 1 percent. Legal Tenders par. Telegraphic transfers on "er l'ork I per cent, preiniain. ji3is Frarifisco QuotntioiiN. Il.Y 3tII, AND TELEGKVrjt.l Wheat No. i,i'i"i per cent,'.!; Oats-31 T.O0A TJtJ cti. Wool Oregon, Valley 28;si et-. x Bi. Eastern Oregon. 202G. Hides Heavy salted I0fe; ll2.1it..h. flglOe; salted calf. 9l0c. Family Pkovisions J'.acon. vufir its: clear Oreson side's. IM-LlVfe: Imir.s. lSKlTKcts. I Barley Coast feed, ..1 421WJ u 1. Brewing SI r-OQi CO 1 ctl. Eggs California. L-fsgiJe t dez: Ot gon,2223c"f? doz. Flour Oicgon extra. S5 ft); .miiut-ene.JS3-75. Butter and Ciiei se Extra Butter, S2J cts, i? H; Fresh roll, good to choice. 2D(TxS0 Cts,',? "A. Cheese, l". l!ie. Seeds Flax, 2W4e V lb; O-.inan, Sgjc: Alfalfa, K.(f4i7e; Timoiln, ."-(ft V.)o ip R. Bcs Wool sacks, litTCOc; jtotaio i;unnic3, l3K314c; standard grain nom inal. Fiu'its Dried apples, fiJ . V 7(9c fersiieed: I'cara. ! Plums. TtfflO. pitted i::13: IV.'. - ". c?13c; tied, liiiWO. hAi.MOV. Columbia liver hs.i ,m fliiolaWe at SI .TO t? doz. 1-fi. tins iii the ).t ; on the ri es , 1 2.". V do. Sac yanientoii 20'?l 25- Srr. vi: Refinery, li'ims net t.ih: Cube, ban els, 12-; Crushed, 12 .e: llxtra Towdere.l. bairels. i:e-. line CriKheJ. bb!-... 12'c; Diy Gi-tnu' !,-!, bl)K.. I2e; IXtra Granulated. bliN. llKc; CrtildcnC.bbls.,10?; J). l-K-.or S. K 1 1 Hr. ltr.TAir. ItUTTEErstra fanev "e Cond tr. ohews SO to 35 cts. y tb. CIIEESE.-15S1SC. Dried Fruits. X'acUrorne l"f : vnit Cala.ll15c; Peeled Peaches 17J5e Scgae. Cube, 11; crushed. In- imo crushed, 11c; extra roird. ll'e, h pr.'n. r.JCc; extra gran. 13lic, ( 0. 12'je. IIggs. 2 J to 23 eta V doz. Oats. $2 CO to U 23 per ct7t. I'otatoia i-i'a- cts. per lb. Ploci:. SuporCno S5 00; Etr.i 5 I": Com Jloal "rl ewt. $1 50; IlueLvbent ,i cv. Titl-sit Me.ts. Choice eats. Limb. Ue; Eecfl0S12 : Pork 10 ; Jlutton 19312. lis (ho carcisc Co. ill vts. Ereikfait bacon 17.rils per It; iulos D..!7c; lnra' WS20c; t'loulders 15317c : smoked beat 1331G;e; corned bef S10S12 tl bbl.; corned pork 10c V. Lakd. In tins and caddies ryIBer'' Hon f v. In frames tOc ; in class Vic Mill Ih p. Kran S-M 01 T ten; rimp ! feed S'-SS ; Sh.itis S21 eo . l!r.v J0" , ?22 r tun: middlings 52s. , Domestic Exports T'ie leceipts in ban Francisco, of ( ei lai 11 articles ot Orerjon jnoiltiee fiCiin .laiuury Itt. 1.S.5J, t.i Iay I7tli.ii.c!u-"r.c. hate been as follews: iirslvs , Wheat. tlls Oils, el Is , .. ur bbts . Twjix". 12I,"S'.5 1 .... Ill I ! 1 I . .. !.ri2: tiki's . Apples. niH.-. !s . . 7.7.V) lSutlei. pkgs 11G Pork, bills 21 Potatoes, sks l?J2ii: b lies 2 2 1 H ides. No is 7s-". Ttllo'.pks . 1.217 llecf, bbls '.ou Stiff, untied, is Print, dried, pkgs ". XI If ather, jikgs ,. its Iir.l,cs 7 lkico'i, cs . io M".d, sks CsJ Hops, bales !;'! Hains.i'kKS " Kra!i,s,s . . U.SI2 Cticcse, Cs 3.1 I lav Seed, tks.. Tt.'Vi Cuined goods, cs s: P.arley. ( II" . 2f..s2:: M.orts. ski -jst Corn, up :2 1!vp. sl;i ir Ool'iiafcii River srpii t. suii'iJLMs lonrir.-v. KECAriTCIiVTIOX JAM'Alil '--i. 77.iWlu;s. vvlieat . 'k.'sB :."3,"is bbls tioar..... i7;.;io Total. Oi cargoes SljolVKs ItfC M'lTfL.VTIOX El liliEAUV . Wheat. 007,133 bus., vuln- 5. 91.70! rionr.M.sii7 bbls., ... W2.til! .Salmon, 10,721 cs.. i"i; o5 Total. 19 careoes 1.2ii,'25 EEC PITt L vuo;., it vncn. J'lour (71,555 bbls) . ..:;'S 723 Salmon (71! c.ic&) . . :.,72a S beat (5S."i,'.2o busbeLs f 7 i.HG2 Tolal (.r.eargoua). . j-kit ' MAY 1 IVi ii'rei pril per F. ChajiHil. From l'oitland 13,113 bbb flour. 7jo .5 To Oic-cnttoicji per UciMrlcr i nun Portland C0.18S bus v. beat s-y; n-i0 " Astrai 1 s,,102 " " 7,(!i7 Total (J7.2P0 M-7.G17 7 To QueciitJotm jiri- .S01 1 Kin-i. Piniii Portland 37.C82 bin SJG.(iOi) " Astoria J,213 ' " 2J,7ll Total C7.S07 s'r.ioi lo TuQaren "Intra per Marl.lan-1. Prom Portland 52,127 bn, wheat . :2SC2 IS To JDuWfi per Jotir.t lrahmoUm. Prom Portland .vC,7ii bus wheat. iW,7an l'"-2'o Zirtrjsoo! icr Philip PMizpitrith rrmnrnttkiud 3,E?o bus wheat fa5so " .'t25 bbls floar CP,t. iwa - -.J1.5S0 13 To Mverrrwl ; er-Frbl. Henri Scmcc. ! ro-.n Portland 8,217 bbls flour 1 j,io 27 To QuccnsUncnpcr Irtj. 1 rom Portland Gi.170 bus. wheat i",j, m jrsc 3 la Livcrjiool per ItucvaU. From Tortland 11,715 bbls flour. s.-u,sflg " " 10,435 bus wheat 10.S 0 Tola! -. s,tcoo $67,000,000 GAFiTAL. LIVERPOOL AKD LOON AND GLOBE, NORTH 1IRITI8H AND AtEKOAN- TILE OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COILJIEECIAL OF CALIFORNIA A FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Representing a capital of SO7,000,OC0. A. VAN DUSES, Arjent. MISCELLANEOUS. il;.!:zcs rzd 1. . i on tlie Sjt:-.ri, CTrong, lu.i.. .... Jo-.tu, lu. .. .u Hrai- . . ct3n Dyspepsia, Ivt-xro'j j -i' eral Datility. ic..-; and Agus. irsi .-::, Jiii ei. Dnii-lyta, Ei"L - 3rcp-y, iiuiEorc, rsjaais Ct:- plaists, live-- C-sk- plaiut,ile;nilier''; Tcvci, f nil ML DISEASES CRlGlflA-iiC i . ? AD ' 1 OF THE BLOOD. C? ACCOt'" .',tL'4 l'. DEBILITY OR A Ll; C-'T OF ThE SVofE'l. BEBfiVBArl OVUi--' t v Surphca the bloe '!' i VP . l'i' I.ifo Element, ITtO-,. -..... I; .-. HLIXG I-REE I .".DM A J .ul .' - IrtelTectsaia riot follow .1 c t -i. . ' isi, hut are pciTijccn:. SETIt W rOV.'LE & C' r--. . 'larriscn Aiau;. EUo. Ejld ! j .l T j- Children r Rta n aslili (23 ;i:Cba?ia AJ.U l-iill. ATilJ -Jl.Ak.iTi t raco:amcnd it. 1 IT 15 HOT NARCOTIC S3S j CENTAUR L.INT3IENTS; , 1 tho World's rrcttt Pnin-Iie- 1 iicvinpr remedies. They henl, ::o(thc ni:d euro Uurns, Wounds, Woak 3ack aitd J.iicimiatisin uyou Slan, and RlJiT.ins, GalNrad Lameness rpon Beast-.. Cheap, qiiiclc aad loliable. ZZSSSSZHZSSS, SPUS.T3 of disgnstiiis Mucus, 5TiLlcs, Cracltljts Pais izi tho , Ecafl, TcliU Ereatli, EeaTaess, . .-tad any CBtmol Complaint, ! .,:, ,a, ,i..i..i ir- J crp so cstcimjir-vea 07 vVcja-o , Aieyff" a Catarru Cttro, a Coast.- tuiioal Aniidoio. Iiv Atiocm- &$& Wmk MH Mm mM W$ SfeS S V33 14 Pft ijsftl '.im Tho most IsiTJortant BfS- . tri-o xiK-.t -.-- f t 2-- I lor all kidney tro ibb is. Dr. Ilolm.111 s oovurj unco Vncc-uation, Ib-iul or Kidney Pad, tin ImsCi. mcd mtbe vvorlil rnd recon. motidcti In ilii miilleal ' ' Beware of Uoctis Pads. t:i i Ti'Ar. 1 T;ir, i i. llsb . JL 1IO0 . i. ILKyO . i I . .. s. v.,.., ..t r..-, .I i N.i',' CJf- tottut! ::( f.-.i-l ! 3 sc- sect! sitir.'r: ' A sine fine fm Blind, P.Icedin;:. ltihmg! .itul l iccnitc t l'i'i li-'s tiei'ii itisroverea nv 1 Dr. Williams, tan Im 1.111 l.ei.iedj), called J)r. Willl.iti. s liidiin Omtiiu'iil. A single l.e his ct:n-.i the c'lroine -.srof or 30 jeais st.mdu'g. "m one need suffer five niinuies afdr appijiug llt.s wcndeifitl sixitbmgiiuilKine. elee mines do more Harm tli.ngoml. vil liaiu'a Ointment i'iioils Hie tumors, alUvs the Intense itelin1, (p.utieul nlv at u'glil af Ic gcttirg warm 111 led), . lis as a ou!tiee. (.iisfliist.ini 11 Iiei. .mil is pioparul oulv fm P.k-s. iti'liiiijr of the pnvte ivils, and tor uolhmgclse. lieailwbat the Hon. ,f. S!. r Cleveland, savs about Dr.'s Indian V'leOintmciil : I l.:ie Used stores 1 f Pile (hues, jmu it iilfords ma-pb nsuie 1o srr ' i iia.t- iiuvui j.ii'iiu uiimiim V men j; lie siubliimiediateandpermanenl re'ief s.Ilr M ilbam'i Indian Ointment. J 'or sale b all dmgyists or loaded cm ie ceiptof liiicc. t-l Po. 1IE5RV& CO., Prop-is. Cleveliml, O. Ifodge. Dans .I Co.. vVlicles.ile Agei.t, Portland, Oregon. Health is Wealth. Dr. li. C. West's Nerve and Erain Tieat nisnt : a sp.cihc for Hjsuria. Ui77ines5, Conviilsu ks, "Nervous IlCiUl.itlie. Mental De iiression, Iioss of Memory. o-ihoea. linpolencv, liivi.luntarv Emissions Pum-i-ture Jld Age, caused ty ovei-4 rlion, self abuse, or iivrr-lndulgeiiee, which leads to miserj , decav and death. One but vvU! ciii recent civs. Eaehbov etnuinsoii!' inrntbs treatment. One dob ir a b.i, or sK boes for live (killers ; sent by mad prepaid 0:1 tc ceiptol price.'ntce si boxes to cmeanv use. "With rn bonier lepfivcd In ns for siv boxes. aecom,anied with live dol- 1 ins, wo v.iusonmnc purcuaserour vntten guarantee to return t!ii"jr,onc U tlie treat ment does lint eHeet acur.'1 OuaRUitec. is S.'.ed only 1 iv IV. li. Dement, dniigit. As tona. Origim. Ordeis by uml at retn-.lir liriccs.. J $500 Reward. We will paylhe above reward f-ir au case of Liver Complaint, DispppM j. Sick llead achc, indigestion, Constii . 11 Son er Costive iiesswee.umotci're with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the dueeticns are ttnctlv complied with, 'lhevare pure!, Vegetable, ami never 1.111 .0 give satisfaction. Sugar coatc d. Large bo'.es, containing no Tills, 2.5 cents. I or sale by all Druggists, r.cwareof counterfeits mid imitations. The genuine nauulaetured onlv by Joiix C. AVi T & Co., "Hie Pill Maker," 1st and lte W. Madison ,-u., siiucBgo. 1 reo pacuage .sent by nail piepiid omecelpt rf a a eent stamp. 1. . 1. JSC'llll'lll, i.i'lli. GLEAI'IIPJG and RSPaIBJI'IG XEAT. CIIILVP AND QUICK, ji ;3;Oi'.:i: j.ovjett. Maln;3treet, opposite N. Locb's, HOTELS AND EESTAURiVNTS. A.J.HKUrj;E. C.S-.-WIItGHT iHT.LEU & WKIQUT. l'rornctor.. Astoria, Orcron. T" 52PJHS5S JlWHl'LS I JL nnnnunutliat thealiinel.nltllMs been rejamteilaiiilretuiiiibhcil..,i!ibiiK pivatlj to SSmSnSS t T P A TilK ! T? TI O IT Sl MiunM ! sjlimm -.ui l.e talvcn. ou rraMHi i XV1,1Xj IV, JiVtl VJiJ,!.;, t,,,,. ,n jots h -iui-.liinKis j:. . ; vi:k::. rm.,. AiTORiA, - HUKGUN i?iaST CLASS iiOTKL. ALL MOWEIIV l-.!l"i:0 rMl'SJ.- !".' "li.i". HOT A.NJ) CO! 6'ood (Hrf Table, and Tret Class Co. loon stocked with Tire Liquors. cH-n:i:i; co.vcir to i!i)iTs!:.-s! SALOONS. jfERMA'IA REEi! HA IX AM ,.-,,. vv iii.i,iv i.iiiijji. ..i...... Hi-Hi. l'iai'irsiw Jiwii, :.".s or ,.aqr,: Ch. t.'.t Tliv !:." or l.fitrrSi Ch. i C.'n. Ordeis Im tin 1 Pnlolm'ilnrl '"PnlrU'ihi'i Drmrrniirl J) ! U'ft :".i ibis p'.,iei will I-.' pri'ti-nJiv -itti ml-1 ' til In. ! JarXm lie ip sstii I'nin. .sen iui'r"iM it I this pl.-p. 'I'M. 11' '.'.1 nnriei.T 5iiiT c- n5: tp;-osni:n.i: .-; x. nim'wis c.; t i ono but iljlrst !nimtruiU :i!').i'.N'iil j i' lliciur w.H'iii nT. I ASTORIA i Kwwovv Boev Saloon. ! Tlia Best Beer S ctr. a. i Hot Lunch em l).-v fnni to to 12 A. 1! Tho best of Lin ttnrs and OaK 011 hand. 1 !A ilc'ervedlj pii ular pi ice of itsuit :n lllLLEi: ! I "CT f T Ttf ,. 7& ? Q P ' l-E.UiJiiii:i k- . j- -a-.ij &1X io:; 1111: 6V18 iWf STOMACH AND ia.tu.Tml S,, -. .. -,,,-, -- v-ii. j . ;i i j(- .: an,, w'u.i, ui.nii;, .limit, -t , ('uei-,ils',oi.iceniid ii.irfae on !e"s,ii In all eases of bllboiisms .mil 1 ..d .11.1 ui , .u'e te' nis. l..oi of Pfii'on street Ast.-,. eer to ii).apreentntit.iudi meol chills. leirand dmuliajiie. Dr. Itnli'i.mN Pad is .1 1 perfect success. And foi il)sicpsM, sick . ' -tnil n"nmis n. sir.ilion. as the p id Is applied over thept ot the st( i.l.irh. thegi-eat nervous tenKi.'l .iitiiilulates the 1' .it once. It rewl.iti's the liver. m.l -.uin,.eli so su"- o-fullv t!,,t . bg.stion p, rfeet. liof. 1). A. Iioonis-avs: "it is ne.iii.rn ll!;ul.1s,,ip.,n.icea than .invlbiiii 111 nu-.b- erne." Ibis h dune on U." inimii le of ab- Miipimii.of v.luch Dr I!obi..i'i's id ll.e Ikicb'sP.iii bein tbt'ptl- vale li'ienue stamp of tliellnlti'in P.ulCo. v.itlilheabove trade muk psintert in (treeii. without it. For Sale by ail Drjiggists. 1)1. H()!m.".n"sadvKeKfrie I'.il! tu I r :,.,.,.. r. . r.i.,. "- :sk .s, " r. i, ..1. '"'"'Iv'!.:v' f,,I .0. box 2112. BAHKIHG ANDiriSURAHGE. i BROKER BANKER' xr- I j INSURANCE AGEilT.I A3T0UIA, ... OUEfJON OFiuciTiTeriis: j FROH8 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 1 O'CLOClvP. M. gsop Jl'f 4 le Kiclian's Golden i:.i:-ain o. i Cures Chancers, llrst and second st.ige: S-res on the 1, and Uocly ; Sj phibtii- diseased Scalp, and all prlniarv forms 01 the disease. E'rice, ?." Co vcr i:o!IIe. , Le 2:ielias nolden R.'lssiui o. 2 Cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Svphilitie Kheuu'.i lism, l";iins in the Bones, ulcerated Throat, Svpliiiitic IJesh, IiIutil,., etc., and eradi cates ail diseases from tiiesj stem, whelber caused by bad treatment or abus' ofmct eur;.', leav ing the blood pure andl.ralth. Price, S3 oj per Unfile. Z.c Itirbnn's (jolden .Spauisti Intlilo!. for the euro of C.onorrlioca, Utcei", te. t'rlcc, 52 5l per llottlc. Ia Iticbail-n Clolden Spanish Sujeeiinn, aw.asli lor cure ot Gleet, Siiictuies. Dk ease or the Urethra and Madder, ( le. t'rlce, 51 7.0 per Itottlc. I.e tiir ban's Cnlilcn OlnSniriit fur the effective healing of Sjpliiliiic Sores and Eruptions. STlic, SI o pee Ilolllc Also Agents for Lr IHrli.m's UnMen I'ills. for Weakness, loss of ph j 5ic.1l povv ers, and all diseases arising from abuse and excess or over-v.-oric. 1'rlce, s',1 00 per Box. Sent everywhere. C. O. I)., secv rely picked ler Express. C F. ZtlCIIAItDS A CO.. Asrtnf,, 127 .t 429 Sansomo street, comer Clav. d-w-ly San Trancisco, Cal. . 1 AJ s HEALTH. DSCCASC. MISOEIXAI'TEOTJS. - ' SHTPPIKG NOTICES. 1 TliAKSrOPyTATtOy LIKES. TUB Splendid New Shin I "ADOLF OBBIG!"; 1 1443 Tons Register, ' -. . . . . , n 1 , BW,K ut"'cr rfStaST l 'u -v ilVI'KJlTT KlV.riJia, JiB'irr. UU.h 1.0 VI) l'Ol: U UiroOL WKECT. I !!' ll.H'Ki; nil" mim vi mi - "f ., . .i it . m tin. iitilk iii Iitr iir On- ? 'Th. itnii.or 1'rvlshi aitdotiiiT lurt.iiii, 1-. ml'H " UI3SOK. CHsiHCH Ci CO. fortlunri- Oi'iijjou. lit' nu VAZ ESMOND, V I ir-t-ci j.s 1 . , i . - "i, l Knnnn ant? Loriamn House Ni-wlv JirfllKd i.ulieJlDst Atirarlno .ml t'oi'ifor' iKi" Sl le Miti I'iKiiciseii tttiti'iat Ktpr. 'Hi t! c li-liiated lreer.iKe ir"s!i on Ur.uialit . N tile lii!i JVVINsS, -IQUORS, and CIGARS KU::::i:T :.I'M1K. J'rcj.i-Sftiir. Opiios.ti tli O. It. .. X. Wliarf. " X. Si., & S Xt'jCSI? S2?, Cigars and Tocacco, Smoker's Ar- '''iSE&EU:3'.0"" iery, rite, ,. , 'Jbel.iii'i si ri! lini st stoek "r "Mot isib ! ji'ilAiiili'i-tt.x-i'.siu i' i titx. larueiii u ..i- ti-ntioti pu.i ;"'ii miwo tl-c eoiintr and In 'i n.i'.isstm'. Asb iia, ri eit. T5IKO. BirACKrl!. JIiMger ' i " WlLSON iIRllET, SHIP CHANDLERS. !ron. Steel. Coa!. Anchors. Oinins, TAf PlTCH OAKCJiVi. wuD'-Giir M rt r caia'aviki:) i SPSES rr? 5 u' c'vl Ka,lH 'A E,,,,r-1 Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils Rubber and ll'ivp Puchiw of all Kinds. FRQV355G&S, ! rreri: .t?ii .tisi.j, rr,j;i). I 1 l.n., f... 1. .1. .. 11 ..ii.i l!.'!. ." .. flnu'iChf'ianuisanil JI-iuiil'oi'Nii-tt- iTOUIA. OKEfiOX. w -w f fc"i . TIT ri. jj. SXiix t i ! Wh.iiespb? hurt ret.dl dealer ir. a 1,1. xi?; its or j1!-:!-:!), -., ritiir CtfiW Wntttl Pi" llrecoii. jtAGXlJo i. (ItCKSBV lit i r in HAWAII, IEOIJIffi,; iron Pipe and Fittings, Stsaio on un) Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD? STRIP LEAD SHEET IROK Tl AHffiGGPPER, . rt 1 i --, , r i pinerj aBaraeriiissttiimii.sPim-LL, call tur j J- It Han of tho lublie to tho fac Stoyss, Tin Ware and Housa furnishing Goods. i JOBBING III SHEET WON, TIN, COP,, PEP, PLUilBINS and STEAM FITTING Dane ii'$; nrcttn'ss and dispatch. X'-ad'Ut first cls,woiKiiirin'ioplieiI. Vlanseas-sortm-iitofj S f) A f , V, $ ConstantH on CIIIMeO RRBffBW, .?. HTSiAl'SV - - AfiV.TiT. Is now ready to sapplv the public with pee Celebrated Ciiicarjo aecr hi anv (piaatitv lo suit. I hive n!u this feiebratdl (.Iiitasn S.'cer i BnlilOs, Which is now- v ery popular anwis,"a!l fami lies nnrt siloons." ,, Please send m jour orders andtiiej hivemvlestattPiitio'i. Asloria, Oregon. Agent for Oregon and Wash. Ter Take I'lGtice. Jolin Rogers, Central Market, lfas leeelved al.irgc invoice of UAKIIELS AND HALF BARRELS ot the lest iiualit. And is now lcadv to supp!vBctc!.e-s Cm ucrics and all others, cheap for cash. SDSCS KHT LXX tip t-vtoV PArKiXG COMPAXT 8 f .- n i.. . s.. nw.l -fm thn linrlir nf1 JL oireriue aumo ic.u "t ""-,","' ,V rrauk Brown, drowned near where the Dil- i,..iiimnL' lies. Is a man abontofeet hi"li dark, complcxioncd, dark hair and a small moustache. Wore a blue ovcrshirt and had .1 pair of rubber boots on. Had a silver watch on bis person and some ninapy in his pocket. JcCdti Columbia Transportation GojOgon Railway & Navigation for Portland. . a'AST TUiKi . t niftp"puli,r ,Pamcr . & ! r- I.SS iwwui.-, 'W,ieli Ha beet. rrSttcd for the comfuit ot I'lViri.sri'ttm 1 a -vi i ,mr - uwru t'M.i Uondau, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. airiLinaat Portland at 3 P. M. Ketun.liis k:nos IN.rtl.-.nd imii Tuesday, Thureda.j and Saturday at Gi A l .:..,. t Jleinrtn nt 1 !() P lA . ,. ....... ,..y ... o. w An aillit!oii:l liii wilt be made nu , ' Saturday and Sunday of Each M, leaInsAturi.-inK:ituifln.vaty P.3I.J .,n,,iatiovioi'5f .anday 33ni-mnK. r.isser!rtisl' IIlh ioii!( (Oimeetat Knlamal mi ftmnii pom. c. c coit. j I'res'.illjit I flEW !!f3 From Pod land io Astoria. The .-!A?iZAXII.L.O I LftS&S"--'- ' " ' Dil!e. (fejtsr - S&V"Villl.i' - weekl trips Vjma PofAeen Portland ai.d Asiou.x. Hill amln t n.irreu . .uiii s .uu ..i im storia in hPW-. AN'I) .vn'RDAYS, ''lama.,.,irRIIIAYS.g AmirortliriiUiiMtJMiAsaiiil I i;iii.i. 1 1'i.rfieiubt or ist;;e :ippl on board. c:ls ncniiEAu. - &?lz-t Giara parKor, kb I.EPX T. PAKKEK, - - 5IA&TKK 1sw.v. re.ul)foi business. lor fieidit or chatter. a i! to the Cap- 1 1 un on boaid. or to it. IS. PAEKhlt. AlARKETr-. CRltTAJj MARKET. i I l" " "tl SM"iI 'niiui i.iuh hk-k rn'isuui.. eli n.iuil. S'.ieii is ICainsed Fruits aiul .lellv ' BaCn' HamS houldcr3. Lard - JS. V.l r'FillX. cnrssjZ. ; Fresh fruits and Vegeta&lasJstl;r2SrsS.M5, irssis. vavssnv ax wjif! ' ( in tu. s. tsei.. ,.,., ' ' Rcl nf W5K:?- A?) 3.r4llra:h, Allcheaptcr CASH. Coeds sold cncmi 1 1 tission. Opposite 1. 'A (' vse's stpi e. j .1. KOIH.EKS. CITY MARKKT l-l.-i l:i 51 n ton trc'l. , - -.1 Ata.037" 2 JCS.OHOJ? , '"u ' l: ' FRESH AND CORNED MEATS. 1 it;si 1;' vi irv Sausages at Lowest Rales' ialways ou Hand Washington Ifarket, 3!(rii Slrrtf, - - .li-lurin Ortgon I'F.V.'Jtr ' (. Tr'T.T. ! I .j. n j'.., ii. i.tijiit j. ATTEN- fact that the abovo Market will always bo supplied vrilh n FULL VA PJETY REhT QUALITY FHESH AJD CURED MEATS I Which will bo sold at lw est rates, wholesale aril retail. Special attention civca tosuppt. n: f'uius. tv.ii: iti is:jii.v::i:2 hitiiout I'J'KTHJSSt ."sOTJt V. ,1 - And n. trrnii of ik-ipc until SPf'Ss "ci man in Aston 1 his anew S suit f 'ife 3iAI)K P.Y TIK'iXV. is- . J."-. Loo't at the pilccs: lVn.ti to older from - - ?S Co I' - 12 fo Suits irm.s - - - - - - 25 to Tlie fine st line ol sar'p'.t-s on (he coast te select fiom. V. J. MEANY. Cass street, next to Il.-.rscnS Jewelry store THE OLYMPIC SALOON oppos.te the Parker House THE FINEST BRANDS OK LIQUORS and CIGAUS Kept eonstiutSjr on band Xo pains v-.dl be spared to give mj custo mers satisfaction. JS'-Olve us a call. E. W. SEIIMX. SS. S- 3? J3t E5. SS ST tT lirAtEEilN Hay. Oats, Straw. Lima, Brick, Cement and Sand" o . .. r" . n uraying, learning anu express business. J " a ' Horses ana Cairiagcafor Hire. DEALER EN' WIr.ES, UQ'JOns;A-lD CIGARS, tlCFVX 3)IVISlOX. Between Ssn Fraacisco & Portland. , - ,.AX - I LK. f o a5 o fa I lllrh 101 Mch i3 31cli-.'i Jicnai Apr 1 Apr 13 Apr 23 31cli24 Mch at Apr 9 Apr 21 Jfay 3 ila 13 Mayiff iMch SI Apr 1 Apr 8 Aur20 Apr 3 - " ir Apr ic Alir 2S Apr 17 Apr 29 May 11 llaysji - Pr -, Jlay 21 Jlay 10 .May 22 Jiayui Ma 2Ci -May 7 - SH -uaj i& ptavso, .uaysi ' ' " ' .. " . LeaUns rortlandat 12.05 A. Jr. instead ot 3 zl chK,ICC U ''e S'"n Cf any tmS":t Kight is reserved to change steamers ot saiungdays. Timnnnii ttpvptm .m .. .. .. eitltsin tho Lnlted States and Canada. . River and Rail Division. ; Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Rivers rEBUCARY 1, 1881. .nel'orl- laiul for 3Ion Tu. We. Tim. Frl. I Sat. Dil!e. Wal- al a atiila. up riv- ooints.. 0 AM SAM 9 AM 9 AM 9 AM 9 AM tona Ka- Taco m. Krni,tii (. AM CAM 6 AM SAM SAM CAM (AM JAM iona.Hew r v esrmsir Cathlamet.1 i Eav lew, Skaraoka wa. Erook- neiu os t port. C I i 1 1 on. Knappc. Pvt ton ..... biilem and liASI' 6 AM SAM GAM 6 AM AM 7 AM lntcrroedi ate points. Points on 6 am G am 5am Sna' e River Sam CEXI'RAL OITICF.S: Coiner Fiont and D Streets, Portlana. c it. rr.Escorr. JoiixMuiir. Managfr riuperintcnden ot Tralhe. A. L. 3IAXWELL, Ticket Agent Siwaco Steam Navigation Go WINTER SCHEDULE. 1 Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, I. waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Until further notice the Iliraro ur.i.vjii.iVLi uivivui, V, P WHITC0MB JIASTKK ....... . . 1 , mieavo Astoria On Tucsdaus. Thursdaus and Satwdnus I At 8 A.M.. far I Ion Sletvus, Ton Cnnby, anil llnaco. 1 Arm Ins at Tort Canby at 10 a.m. and touch- ingat llnaco for passengers and mall. Ee- 1111 inns, win leave iori uanoy ar li A. si., anlvnig at Astoria at 1 1. it. Only a limited amount of Freight Carried on those Days. 1 On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 1 The steamer wdl leave Astoria at 9 a.m. :is formerly, not lelng confined strictly to sdudnlo time. Pair to Pott Stevens...... .......,. socta " " Catibyandllnaco.........sios jurlhvaeo freight, by tho ton, in lots ol one ion or ov er, s j ou per ton. , ss"l'"or Tickets, Ton-aae or Charter apph cither at tho office of tno Company, Gn7'f wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain 1 on board. , J. II.D. OKAT. Axent. 1 Oregon & California R.R.Co 'iW: .. iCCrL -pJfSji -tsv- iSSKalu. "ssfisSSp On an after Oct. 11, 1SS0, trains will run as fol lows, PAlLi (Except Sundays), risTsinn mvisiov. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. UAH, TEUX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:3) A. M.Roseburs..7:0U P. S! P.oscliurs5:00 A. M.IPortland 455P M ALEANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portlurd 1:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P. Jl Lebanon. 1:15 A. M.PortIand10:05A..M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. i m Porlland .':15 A. M.IJunction 0:00 P. M Junction.. ..J5:rA. M.IPortland 5:25F.M Tho Oregon and California Railroad I eny makes connection with all RegnlsrTraiM 00 Eiistsido Division. WTSTStDE DIVISIOV. I'rom l'orlliuul to CorvnIM'J. MAIL TRAL1 . LEAVE. ARRIVE. Pottiand s:00 A. M.ICorvallis .1:00 P. W CorvnlIi3 Closo connections aro made at ROSEBURQ with tho Stages of IhoOrosonand CallfornU Stairo Companr. cTickcts for sale to all the principal points in California and the East, at the Componr'i Offico, Corner Fund Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storago will bo charged on freight romlin cgatCompanys Warehouse over 21 hours. irolcht will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on cither tho East or II est sido Division. .1. KliAXDT, Jr., Oen'I Sup'L E. P. P.OOEItS, Oen'I l'reicht and Pasneneer Aient. 1: . KOCnLEi:, Manager HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON rglHIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OP JL the Sisters of Chanty, Is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of anv desiring them. Patients admitted at all hours, day or night. No phvsician has exclusive right, every patient is tree to and has tho prtyllego of cmplojingany pbjslcian they prefer. I'uiteil HtnteH aiurine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must bo ob tained for United States Marinrs at the Cus tom House. Sistkks of CrrAnrrv A. G. STINS0N & CO., BLACKSMITHiNG, At Capt. Rogers old stand, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery -work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and reoalred. Good wort guaranteed. p n o 2a Jc 2. PTSBTMHWyj krL, es. - Jj.