The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 09, 1882, Image 3

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glu- -pnn$ slosiira.
AfcTOltlA, OltF.GOS:
FRIDAY Jl'SE '.), lt5S2
. (Mucday Excctitcd).
t'ci:i.ism:u! axi Pkoi-ihctoi:.
i't'iTian BuUJiiuj, Cats tfroi.
Terms of Subscription :
4rv4 by Carrier, per week .35 Cent
"-rot byniiil. four month? ti ft)
tent Ijj mail, one ear. ... ......... t-J
i'rae of Postage to subferibor.
" Advertuonienu ir.ertej by the year at
bonuoof Jl'iu per month.
rrmsient advert Hn::. by the Jay or foot,
tfty cents ter square for each insertion.
Tiik Daily Astorian trill l rent Jjr
nlni'5cenU amnnth.frccfif jin-tagc. llavi
tr u-Jio ctmte mjlateat,cnccfnm the city can
1-ire Thk Astouiax fnlbnr them. Duly
it Wfpki.y ftiifioiM tu any jiorl-tigeMrtth-ojJ
diUftinnal expemr. .Iddrcw maybe
itmmjid a nft.-n r doircd. Loire trrdcr at
tf" emitting nmm.
-Tho ri er is booming.
The Willamette is 24 feet above
Ion water mark.
This weather is, for any kind of
work, about a neat perfect as it ran
-.Master Eben Rogers came, down
flow Portland yesterday for the holi
days. Tho State of California- w due
this mnrnin. She hrs 400 passengers
on board.
Work has begun in Portl tnd for a
new ptcamer for the Ynquina, Tilla
mook, and Gray'a harbor trade.
The Eureka sails from Sin Frat.
cisco for this port to-morrow. She has
boon refitted and thoroughly repaired.
A full attendance i.s requested at
thefiromen's meeting to-night. Make
the preliminaries a success by your
Another one of those ancient
Chineso rookeries on Chenamns street
is being moved to thp lot opposite tho
pot office.
Holdeu advettiscs an auction
sale for to-morrow afternoon. I!ar
piins can be procured on household
utensils, etc.
The Mclanchtou came in yester
day and went to Knaptou to load.
Tho North Lend, Portland and T.un
O'Shanter, went
George has telegraphed from
Washington his thanks for and appre
ciation of the handsome vote that
Oregon gave him last Monday.
Sheriff Hogan, of I'osobury, of
fera 100 loward for tho cipturo of
Wm. II. Clarke who escaped from the
Douglas county jail last Friday.
That portion of tho Bradley gang
who escaped punishment for tho mur
der of Brown, are being told that due
regard for their welfare suggests their
leaving Portland at once.
- A baker's runaway horse gavo
Ben Worsley an opportunity to save
property yesterday by considerately
stopping in his headlong flight at a
simple word of command.
Peter Sullivan was tried in Port
land last Wednesday for complicity in
tho Brown murder, and was found
guilty of manslaughter and sentenced
to five years m the penitentiary.
The Memphis Avalanche man
mes in his stirrups and aay3 that "as
a matter of fact, fish is as indigestible
as solo leather, and but littlo more
nutritious than sawdust." Send him
a can of salmon, somebody!
Tho Grand Army of the Repub
lic in this stato now constitutes a de
partment of its own. Wo are in
formed that there aro about 7 resi
dent veterans here, and that a post
will be organized hero in a few weeks.
There are soven posts of the order in
tho state, tho latest being organized
at Eugene city last January.
Greatest and Smallest
Jas. Williams, of Tanzy poiui,
yesterday caught tho laigest and least
salmon of tho season; tho big fish
weighing 75 pounds, the smallest 2
ounces. Tho little one, wo saw; the
other we take from oarsight.
"Summer Sannteringn."
A neat little pamphlet, with tho
above title, is on our desk. Itcon
tains piquant notes in referenco to ten
excursions over tho O. R. & N. lines,
and while it fittingly describes tho
many points of beauty on tho Colum
bia and Sound, is itself a typographi
cal gem. To any one contemplating a
summer excursion the book is a useful
one. -
'!?y luwwJIIJ-fJ'iJau'till'y''l''t3vft.ii'j.'t m wiwpjm
Election Returns-
The cjtniiy clerk, the polite judge,
atid the justice of tho peace for Artoria
precinct met last e cuing to cimasi
the returns and declare the official
vote of Clatsop cjinity on Jlonday
last Three precincts were counted,
when a discussion arose on tho matter
of -an apparent discrepancy between
the number of ballots cast and the
number of votes recorded in Astoria
precinct, the uumbcr of ballots ac
cording to the tally list being 7jC.
The alleged fact that tho ei-nibined
vote of any two candidal, running
for the same utile? did ne: aggregate
that number, was in the opinion of
the returning board, leasmis for a re
count. Braced 03- the sympathy of
the bystanders the ballot box for thiB
precinct was produced, mid tho fasci
nating work iii counting the ballots
began. The count was finished at
eleven last night. Wo will
haw the returns fo-morrow in tabu
lated form.
The Fourth of July.
lit little morn than three weeks the
lOCth nnnivrrsaiy of American Inde
pendence will occur, and it is but
meet tint we of Atoria should littimdv
celebrate our great national holiday.
There is plenty good intent, plenty
money, plenty ability; we hae first
class social organizations, societies,
fire companies, etc., and could get up
a good celebration. What eeius to
be wanted is ".-ome one to start the
thing going." e suggest that a pub
lic meeting lie called, an organization
effected, :x chairman appointed with
power to appoint sub committees on
finance, arrangements, 1 to , and the
matter put through 111 good fhape.
We feel just the same interest in it
that every other citizen does. The
election is over no.v and attention can
be given to the initlor tint has been
otherwise diverted for the last month.
The patriotism and love of our couu-
try that was so prominently displayed
dining the campaign that has just
closed can be exemplified .mew in
giving fitting celebration to our coun
try's birthday.
We are glad to ?ef that asUMiil our'
firemen are "on deck." The boys
propose giving a grand tournament on
that day, and expect to make such
arrangements at theii meeting to
night as will insute a success. A fine
parade can be made a feature of tho
day, and with a little '"standing in"
on the part of all, the coming Fourth
can be celebrated here in a manner
befitting the importances of the day.'
Ladies' Social Union Entertainment
Following is part of the piogrammo
for the entertainment at Libertv Hall
this pi cuing, commencing at 8 o'cleck:
ii:ct ElUST.
Graud march; Tableau "EiiVcr
and Rebekah at tho well;" Recitation,
Edith Conn; Instrumental iiuimc, Prof.
Mayer; Tableau "Morning, Noon,
and Night;'' Song, Mi3s Katio Flavel;
Recitation, Miss Alien; Instrumental
duel, Mr. Mcintosh and Prof. Mayer;
Overture, by prominent citins of
Broom Brigade; Address in cos
tume, M. O. Royal; Song, Miss May
Van Diwcn; Indian scene: Duet,
Prof. Mayer and Gracy Carrutheis;
Recitation, Mis. M. G. Royal.
Ice cream from Alisky, Portland,
will be served during tho intermission.
Admission 25 cents.
A Hot Day in Walla Walla
Yesterday afternoon was tho hottest
of tho season. Everv Ineath out of
doors was like .1 bird's life, pressed
intoa minute. The air was inatranci,
and only the most stubborn resolution
could wait for the going down of tho
sun. Of course somebody must stay
in town, but it would have been a glo
rious thing if everybody could have
gone away from this brick and stone
oven, where there is nothing but wilt
ed fainting air, into some place God
made, sonic place where the poies
would not gasp, muscles droop
and the mind become a blank,
nerveless thing. Yesterday all hu
manity was mi the incessant leak.
Tho thermometer ran pat into the
nineties, and the lifeblood aizzed
through tho veins at white heat.
The church bells echoed through tiie
city, but men lay under trees and
ladies loitered in baths. At the res
taurants cooks w ere aggravated, people
sniff at the meat, gaze interrogatively
at boiled eggs and call incessantly for
ice-water. Fcailcss-of municipal law,
crow3 take to tho cool waters of Mill
creek, and the druggist clerk, with a
bitterness beyond his aloes, remem
bers the pond ho used to bathe in.
Washeo Picuty Clieapce sweats it out
in his den. A few men do go away
in the early morning, and scramble for
places in the cooler shade of tho tree3,
or at the beer tables in urban resort?,
but the poor devil who is enforced,
slandara the theimonieter and wonders
at lus master who, used to such lem-,
pcratnre, only liimh- deinoniacllv!
-..'. , ,,, , 1
at his iiiflering co.workcrs. Mcs-i
J MOll
Two hundred varieties of grapes,
now grow 11 in the United State-. Wm B- sloane has iocated a photograph
Henry Villard and partv ate i";gSSSreS
Montana, viewing the N. P. It. 1! ,todo first-class work. Cali early and
, , ,., .. .. ... , get jonr photos while you ha.e a
uauaua naa iu,uoo iiiiiosoi niiuo.ui.
with .1 nominal capital of ft8!l,2S."!,700.
s:l,.-vy.i 1 .i,!- t..vo ..,-.. i;..
v!d af th, r.i...vf io.WOaer.s,,er
da .
Jacksonville, Plo.ida, elaims to have
shipped about 2ti,000,0ftii.rniigiM ibis
. ,,,m,1m woo. .,
and Delawaie oxjrfirted ner -yt,t!00,-1
(Mi worth of butter and choose lnt !
...... '
F. J., whilom en pet bag,
'i-i... 1 : r 1:.... 1 .
the cost ot a i count foggy laying,., ), ,..,rt, f,- impoienee. leanness -.ugar-cured hams, just fiom the coun
Loudon was -SCO.0O0. tor 73,OOO.too ! tvual J.-hilitj. clr si. af .lniggist-. tri go I.. F. It. Klber-oirs bakery.
' Oregon Depot, DA A l A- (.. l'oitlnnd.
feet of etra gas. 'Oregon. , -If jou want ice 01 earn that is ice
go-ernor of o,h Caioiiira. was W ..-.JVlM?
to to the New Yoik penitentun U-.ti'1',' 1?11S,rUJp ' " illl",!l 'chop house, on Main street. Meals 13
w 1 1 ? t " oiirtUiiis -j-ioio. cents upwaids. 1)35 board S4-50 per
euiieua loiiaicem. ....Varrant ieei-.iult claim .1.-..I- week. i:erthlng cipan and comfort-ThpdiiM-,t
coal mine -haft in Eng- au.l iimrtgages, for tlent llii-oilier I able.
land is at Ashton Colllerv, near M.111-
chest.r, which has pierced the eaithl
1 .
to Die depth of 2.S20 feet.
,, , , , - , , , cite uiuvei-ai mimiralion. A-lcto -o'
l'..r:C block of land eoiiioiising I.- ,,,. nf their new lo.-ks.
017 square miles in the iKuth of Ans-,
tr.ilia only S1.7.". a mile was i.tulvl -ChaJleeiii aiidNm iiae.t Moei.
. , 1 , . ,.-u ' ,nl nioiililmgs and inonlder-, tool-whit h
oileied; for a 11 other -f .i,0. biiuarej,..,,. )lu Mj,,t cheap for ea-li to i-lose
miles onlv $3,75. '"M J'-'1 hiaiiehorthe Imsine .
The leeeiving teller of the J'..nik of! Fresh ice t learn every d.i al Frank
California shot hiuie!f througlit the
head in San Franci-co last Wednes
day morning. Steks and -i disorder
ed liver caused it..
Two large parties of Italian coin
nieits have arrived in Vera Cm.
The Mexican rufcminctit is living to
miiko contracts for the introduction of
Irish and Welsh colonists.
Liverpool is to be supplied With va
terfiomthe mountains of Wales, a
distance of sivt-scveii miles. t an
expense of about SI 1.000,000, tliei
supply fioin this source will be 100.
000.000 gallons iiailv.
Estimated est of building i-uiro.ids
in different cuiintiits, pei mile: Eng
land, 5200,000; France SI 00,000;
Rus-ia, 8105,000; Ausiri 1. SI 09,009
Geimany, S105.000: Italy, S100.000;
Pnited States, S59.000.
Moie than two million 1 pounds of
freight ueie received at she Kelton
waiehouse, Idaho, in the month of
April, and a pilgrim from Wood Itiver
declines there is ninre freight at the
station lb m a thoustnd tennis eould
Snit7ciland has 1,594 miles of i-ail-load,
repicsenting over $200,000,000
of capital These railroads do not
pay well; some have paid no interest
for j ears, even the debenture holders.
Over l:?,000 per.-ous are employed,
Accident- aie few
It is belie ed that "then- aie 5000
elks ranging on the hcadv.ateis of the
streams and i-ibntaries heading up in
the Olympic range and putting into
Gray's harbor. Fish, both salt and
fresh water, are abundant. It is
simply a paradise for spoi tsmen
The exports of wheat from San
Francisco for the month of April
amounted to 2,010, IOC bushels ag.ain-t
l,r,97,S9.'! bushels from the port of
New York. ISaltimuM shipped 5f!5,;
2S7 bushels during iho same time be
ing the next largest port of export.
Late mail advices from Chin a .slate
that the oj.flim crip of th" present
season promises to be twic-j -m huge as
that of 18S1, which was laiger and
better iu quality than that of the pre
ceding year. In 19S0 the yield of
Chinese-g' own opium was p'ac.-d at
HJOJKW pirn's.
The mills of eighty -ilk manufac
turing firms in New Jeisey la-t yeir
consumed 1,570,000 pounds ot raw
sill:. New Jersey eveeds iu tlu 111
dusiiy all others combined. The cap
ital invested is $7,521,200, and the
value of the manufacture- Aat year
was 23,050,220.
Frankfort -on-the-Main, containing
a population of about 100,000, i-. said
to be tht richest city of its size in tho
whole world. If Its wealth were
equally divided nmnug it- inhabi-1
tants every man, woman and child
would have, it is siid, 20.000 marks,
or some $4,000.
Multuouiih county gave Geurgo
2000 majority. Th it county and
Clatsop, Coos, Columbia, Tillamook,
Josephine, Polk, Yamhill, Wasco,
Marion and Umatilla, gave Republi
can majorities. Columbia has been
Democratic for twenty years befoie,
and Wasco wiia alwavs reckoned a
Democratic (stronghold. Lane county
gavo ita regular 800 Democratic ma
jority. Siiiloii's Ctrnr. will lininedialelv
relieve Croup, whooping cough and
Uronchitii. bold by W. E. Dement.
11. n Mtt
gi'ilt. reliable wholesale and retail
manufacturer of dolmans and dresses
has .sent Mrs. Unmhall, a lady, who
xiill show the handsomest assortment
ot dresses ana wraps ever exhibited, at
prices vrliich will coiuo witnin tiie reach 1
of anyone. Duo notice to-morrow when I
she will exhibit. i
Jet 1'oiir IMiotngrui'li-t.
'ohnnco to get the best.
Tl.eAM..r.Afthlrt and OH .-Intnin-1
SJ?.. U '"pert,," wl-. inUl j
U IJrlCll JlOlel. rerSOllS Wl'.UIllgpO.Jli
W"? '" "'l' them drr III piense!
ttriilii anil A'Pro.
tt'..!! iT.i1tli lft.t..-vv.r I.-.I....
j,r. John lloger-ot the Central Mar
kol. Iu- made arrangement- to keep :il
'"' ""-"' f' '""" ''"'- "' "lplr v'flsn"
Ciia-. bteen- & .Son lime foi sale
-ami are agent- for the new .Singci -ew
"'2 niaeliiiii-.
-Peoile have read so much latelv
ll!'t,'I,prv.,,"nt. k',10y ' 'Wi.
lint t n. I .llnr v mtjl nrt. oil i....!,.....
and are so rea-onable in pi ice n- to cv
irabie.-. I ainilie.s -upilieil 111 an
quantity b leaving order. AI-o the
lmet ojsleis cooked to older. Fn-nk
Pabi es oyster.- and ice cream aie Know 11
everywhere as par excellence.
lee for sale at the Occident Motel.
For the genuine J. II. Cutter old
ISouibon. nnil the best ol wines, liiiior
and San Franci-eo beer, call at the Own
ontiosite the bell lower, and -ee Cainn-
1'. J. looiliiiau, on ('heiiainiu -ueel.
has jii-t received the lalc-t and 1110-t
fashionable -tvlo of gents and ladies
boots. alines, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the union- Morrow -hoes.
l'aitie- v.i-hing giooeiies. .illus
ions or merchandise of am desciintion.
should lervc their orders with A. Van
Diison A- ( o. as thev arc prepaird to de
liver good- m any part of the city on
the -lioitest notice.
Tliii-e Imbv eairiages at Ailler"- are
meeting with ready snip.
I have bought the A-tnna Cainlv
uetorj. and am picpared to make ami
sell the choices, candies and confection
ery. A full stock of the finest -vveft-ineats
nuts. eti nlway.-on hand.
Jno. P. Cr.Ai .
Those vvritingileskn ot theOtj bimL
store are the be-t in tiie eitj. Thev are
something nice and durable, and" ju-l
what nio-t jourig ladies would
ate fioin (hegivei.
Thiec seow load- of dry fir, .-pmce
limbs, mid bark, ju-l received and for
sale at Oray'-dock.
Clocks in endle
vaiietv at Adler'-.
stvleaud infinite
Call ai'd examine tho-eb.ibv vv.igous
at theCIIv bookstoie. .
-Steven- it Son have theit toie
crowded w llh new oods, all mai Iced in
plain lignies.
Ileauiilul stat'onerv 111 eieite
vanetval carl Adters.
Another of those fine A. P.. Chae
organs at the City Book Store.
l!o to tJoseoe.s and tr the I.Ostoii
Crystal lee Cream. Occident Illopfc.
licuiemlicr Frank 1 aluo - ire eicjiu.
It 1- par pxecllenee.
What is nicer on a vvaimdiv than a
dish of that exquisitely flavored iep
cream mat Frame rauic inai;esy
Fine piano-; and oigans, cheap, at
i.ari Ainei -.
Spa-lde I.ilirarj alCar) Adloi'-.
New ariival of the mo-t popular
novels. 10 and t". Car. Adler's.
Pic-dio-t and liiiesl cakes, lruit and
candy al the A-toih candy factorv.
Weliavelineapaitmentstoieiit In our
new bnildinp:, to suitable parties who
may desiie comfort and a pleasant .situ
ation. uaxi:x j. i:o.
'A thins of beauty is a iov fi never."
So says everj one who fees and admires
tnnsp nanv eainasjesai .utcr..
lirate un the whole s"lcm with K1112
of the Mloed. See Adverti-enient.
bhiloir- ('atari Ii liemcilv a io-i-tivo
cure foi Catarrh, Dipliicria and
Canker Mouth. .Sold by v. K. Denient.
Aro vou made mi-erable bv rmli
KCstion, Oonstipalion, Dizziness, 'l.-vis- of
appetite, Yellow akin V Miilo'iS Vital
izer is a positive cine. 1'or-alelij W.
E. Dement.
A cotmn. cold or ore throat .should be
stopped. e.slei t freipientlv re-ult- in
an incurable lung disease or consump
tion, iliown's troches do not
disorder the stomach like coufjh -jnips
and bal-aui-i. but act directly on the in
flamed parts, allajinji irritation, ive
lt.llf.f ill fitl.tiiQ l.v,ti.l.lllc .if.i..rl.
catairh, and tiie Ihroat trouble- which'!
singers and public .-peakers aie -ubiect
to. Porthirtv ycara Urown'- bionchial
troche.- have been lecommended by
phy.-icians. and alvvajs ;ive jK'rfect
satisfaction, llavins lieen le-Kil li
wide and con-tant usu tor ne.uly an en
tire penehttion, they have attained vvell
mcriled rank among the few t-taple
remedies of the ape. Sold at 23 cent- a
oox everywhere.
Vou w ant to sret some of Roscoc's ice
cream to-day: fresh made and nicely
lee cie.un, ice cream, at Itcocoo'.-. re
freshment aloon, Saturday and Sun
day ex ening-. Occident block.
a. 4'ant.
Avrtiui . June 1st, 1S32
Bhitei: Vsnn.TAA:
It is wiiii nlcasiue that 1 call the at
tention of; 011r leader to the fact that
I have c.-tablislicd a photograph gallery
ill Abloriii. umxisite the Court llonse.
I earnest Ij invite cci eitieu of your
town andicinity toMsit it and
aniine the display of pictures, firmlvbe-iu-inir
tliat the eidiet ot eaeli'mic
' ill lie that mv woik i-. not only of the
nei mil nut price-, aic reaonamp.
I atnpiciiared.odoall kind-. o iew
inv.'.eoiiinganilenlaigiiig. to anv size
'ilJTs'rnvlRlfe.? md 1
tn.i, 1, It Crnvr Phntnfrnnliai
,n,lj- JowPhmosrnpher.
Th' Iatet and freshest novels at.
-VUl.'i -.
II j 011 want nice fresh lard, or good
ti i in. go to T'lank Kabre's.
Prof. Fred Ala) er is meeting with
marked -iueees in hi-, musical iiibtruc
tions. "loreadanred pupils can be ac
eiiiuuimlatpd with lesions at their own
house-, at the niontlil rate of S3.
Fresh ov-ters at Mrs. Lovett's, In
everj stv e. All who appreciate a good
stew or jian roast should call. Kntrance
llnniigh Oeo. Lovptf- tailor shop.
The laige-t stock and newest stvles
or ott andhiiif Hnt. at Mcintosh's
Cloihing More.
June-", lsj-.'.
1. in ion A-roi:iA:
I de-lie toaiiuouiueiiiat mvview art
ist, Mr. O. C. Yoeuiii. is now iu Astoria,
to leiuain several dav-. Hn is nrennrrd
to make view- of residences, ousiness
oou-e-s l;c. .n outers auaresseu to liim,
A -tuna P. ()., will lecelvc prompt atten
tion. I will also sav that 1 ham sold
mv lea-oof giound to Mr. Crow, and I
will not have a branch photograph gal
lery in Astoria, as was announced some
tune- ago. Mj acquaintance with Mr.
Crow during tho past jear has been
vcrj plea-ant, and I hope he will re
ceive a liberal patronage.
I. O. Davidson-,
Fortl.ind, Or. Photographer.
FatireS ice cream is the best.
Foi Dv sneiisia andLiver Comnlnint.
vou have a printed "uaranteeon every
Imttle ot" Sliiloir.s vitalizer. It never
laih to cure. Sold bv W. E. Dement,
DiMicntie. nervou- neoole. "out of
-orts.'Cor.DKX's ,n:nic's Liqurn Beef
axd To.vif lxviooRATor. will cure.
lsj.or pouiai v. Of Druggists,
-i'liv-ieian-' -auction lias heen no.
corded to that -tandaid disinfectant,
Oi.iinVs .sri.viirn So.m. Hill's Hair
djp. iiiapifirlirown.SQe.
Why will ou eoiian when Shiloh's
ruie will give immediate lelief. Price
liiels-Jlctsand. -.oldbv W.K. De
mi'lit. .The l'eiiivian -vniitlias cured thou
sand- vvlw weresiiirering from dyspep
sia.dphililv, liver comnfalnt, bolls, hu
mors, leinaip pompianits, etc. j'ampn
lets tree to an.v adclre . Scth W.Fowlf
iVSon- '!o-ton.
-IJackiiiPtack," a lasting and fra-
t'i:illl liel Tiunn. IVl..i'l": Hint TJ nntj
feoldbj W. II Dement."
N a liiel.tiKCst stock of
TrM Blank Books and Stationery
1 P& Ot cv cry description.
, J ptV-j.vIhmjI lhviks. Bibles, Poetical
J H p-lhjLi " 01 ks. Alliums and
,!Vita !old reus.
i!j!ii4 IScsitlcs a full and complete
-32tS5Tl"i:K fI everjiuuis usuaii
LJKct.t In a well retaliated Kool
Stoie. Atso. news depot and agency for
uicij p i(H 1 aim iH.-ii.uit:aiiiiilsiiruf
Carl Adler's MusiciStore
n fff
B IS 5 .-
Pianos and Organs.
if ,tij nuke- Kiiistamlv on li.m.I. Al-o r.
tall -tock 01
Al-o a larnc stock of the best ot
A- Well n- etrvtlihu el-e lielonslug to.
I'Ik . 'In. c IIiii I. Cnv..
1 ..-. 1 ...-.- .nuiig oiuii'.
Planus ami Organ -old on tne niouthtjilD
staltinent plan, or Tor rent.
ifZ Watches, Clocks and Jcwelr.
fYS&R Yankee Notions and Toji,
h-J -ia Pictm e Vramcs and Chromos.
XjiSgllabj- Carriages, a complete
n, rt , TMasaOrtmcnt.
New poods bv every steamer. The public
are invited to examine my stock and prices.
i 2 J yLHLi Hl 3& JvJcT'HTr Z$ y
1 have removed to ths
And have, Without
The Finest ni Best Arraugei Store in bfepa,
New Goods Received
All th. Latest Styles and ITovelties
Call and Inspect Stock and
No trouble to
ASTORIA, June 3, 1883.
I All New
I 3
I Gents Furnishing Goods,
f D, A. Mcintosh,
9 a
Less'Quantltles, 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, - - - S I 60 per Dozen
e3Speclal attootioa paid to or Jcis if oin Public Houses and FaisUIcs.Sa
is MUn:i:ion to most, and is r. .nonkbqk tuia coaii
a-Orders left at the CEKMANIA lSf.KV.t II Al.I. w ill to prompt!) uttemltd to."
Oyster Saloon.
X announce to the public that ho Is maX
1ns the
Boston Cry stal Ice. Cream)!
Tho finest Ice Cream ever dbhed up to tho
American public. Try It, and be convinced.
He also furnishes. In first-class style,
Ladies' and Genf s Oyster Saloon,
11;as giro tne a call.
KOSCOE DIXON, Proprietor
a Single Exception,'
bv Every Steamer in
Les I
Get Price-. Whether Vou
or Not.
show goods.
t). K. V r.Br.i.
T. W. RT'
Astoria Market !
roit. chi:namus and'ilvaiilton sii.
AIjIOltlA. - - OWifKJX.
V.ltltK A llATO-X, froprtrtbm.
(.svee'rvt-i o Yfarten A XeOutifl
hoiivjlo and RetiU Dealers la
Fresh and Cured Meats
A full lino ot
oar Butler, E. Cho, te. oooftoatir
on hand.
cr Ships snppUed at th lowest rti