m pe gsilrx gsS rata. ASTORIA. OREGON : THURSDAY .". JUKE 1, 1882 COMMEBCEAHD TRADE. PORT OF ASTORIA. ARRIVALS FJtOU SKA. WakefioldbkSS7 U0scV.e1iB.M17 21 ixdomibkfSHonekon;-: Mir :t AlOenBnuMc 812 ncnKVonjr. Mir 21 o READY rOR SUA. Ivj Am snip QneeMtotrn'Mar' VESSELS t.V THE STAY. o F-o-n Forrizu rorts, forllie Columbia Itlver Kite Davenport from HocsVone. Edwin Iteed bk IKJ HongVon .. Friti sb. l'OOHongkoasT" Ham-lb W. Dudley bk 1U3 Homkon Lanccfleid 1106 Liverpool Jia 8 River Nitb 1125 Uautlan ; to be ordered a-ui. utt bar The Prcsidnt 1K1 iron Liverpool Jen 11 James G Bain Br bk SK Liverpool Jan Jl From American Port. Wallaeetotrabk Wilmington Oil Elsinore C6S New York Aitiri-. ISIS ew York March t TTilna' lfe KeV-YorL March 1 Robert Dixon 1SES Sow York John W Marr Am ah lis" New k ork 1 eb 13 Klwell Am h HGI New York Jan SO Dauntless Am eh SSJ New Tor k' March TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA from tables ol United States Coast Smvey. High Water. Low Water. Date, -a.m.- p.m. A.M. r. M. l..i: .... 2 0 1 3 1 03 4... 1 43. , 1 101 7 IS-.... 151 8E-. , 2 431 S 43. , 3 2o 9 21 I! Jl ,7 17 8 03 . 8 r.i .039 10 20 ,11 29 . 003 . 2 32 , 4 0G 10 00, 6. . 3 21 1 431.. ,10 3; 7 4 19 0 23 8 5 23 C22... S C 41 7 S3 10 7 5S 8 231 ..11 1 0 41 1 02 1 68 . 2 03 ASTiOniA FIR1". DKIAKT3IEST a J. TBEXCHAKD Chief Enjtlneer V. V. 1IICK3 1st Asst. TJiKineer J. O. BOZOltTH -2d A-,st. F.Ufjineer BOAliD OFDELKOATES.-llesat meet Inir fourth Mouda in each mouth, at 7 -SX) p. M., at hall of Alert Uook and Ladder Company o. 1. Officers. F. J.Tavlor, President : r. 1 Pdrker, Secretarj'; A."W. Berry, Treasurer. Delecates. V. W. Parker, .1. Strauss, I. Bergman, of Astoria L'ngineCo. No. 1 ; A. A. Cleveland. W.J. Barn. Clias. II. Stockton, of llescue Engine Co. Ko. 2 ; L"d. 1). Curtis. A. W. Berrv. F. J. Tn lor, el Alert Hook and Laaacr cxi. iso. 1. vISTi.Jjr.l EXaiXE COVl'-AXY jVo. 1 . Itegular meeting lirst ilohday in each month. Officers. Y. V. Parker, Proidcnt ; l E. Selli?, .Secretary: William Bock, Treas urer; B. F.-ateTens, Foreman, S. O. Ingalls. 1st Asst. I'orpman. Joe. (J. Charters, 2.1 As.st. Poreraari. RESCUE ,ESOINE COMPANY Xo. C fiegular moetlns tirst .Monday in each month. OFncERS. A. A. Cleveland, President ; J. A. Montsonierv, Seprctary; !' C. Norrls. Treasurer; Chas.lL Stockton, roreman, A. McKenrie. 1st AL Foreman, J. W. Brown, 2d Asst. Foreman. AL.-RRT lminiAxn i,atteh c. Xn. 1. Kegular meeting second Jlonday In each month. Officers. J. O. Bozorlh. President ; C. Brown. Secretary; Jay Tuttle. Treasurer; J. K. Thomas, roreman, F. 11. Elbe) sou. 1st Asst. Foreman. F. W. Ferguson, 2d Asst. Foreman. Common Council. llegular meetings Eocond and fourth Tues day avertings of each month, at 7H o'clock us: Persons desiring to haro matters acted upon by Jho Council, at any regular mootioE most present the. same to tho Auditor and Clerk on or before tho Triday erenins prior to the Tuesday on which tho Council holds its rceular meetinsn. P. C. NOK1US. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Lodge No. 40. L O. Q .1. Regular Meotins every Tuesday Evening at7H o'clock, atUood l'omplar'3 Hall, Cbo namus Street, Astoria, over C h, Parker's Store Members of tho Order, in goodstand ng, are invitod to attend. Degree meetinglst Monday each month. By order W. C.T. Temple liodjjo. No. 7A.F.A. M. Regular Communications first first andVy a. at7 V ibird Saturdays in each month o'clock, r. v.. at the Hall in Astoria. Members of tbo Order, in good standing, are Inl.J ti nttnnA 1! nwl n. v.f -.1. n V Kf Order of Choson Friends. A reirular meetlufrot Occident Council No 0. 0.C.F., Is held ever Thursday evening. aiuiuuuuroi iyt o;eioit, in tnc uau oi uie A. o. U, wi Ah sbjouniiug members are coruiaiiv mviiea to aueng. By order of C.C. Health is Wealth. Dr.E. C. West' Ncne and Brain Tteat ment: a specific for llvsterla. Dizziness, Coulslons, Kervous Headache, Mental De pression, Los of Mcmorv. Spermatorrhoea, unpotehcy. Involuntarj Emissions, Prema ture Old Age, caused by ov cr-eei lion, self abuse, or mor-liidulgence, uhlch leads to misery, decay and death, one box will care recent cases. Each box rontalns one months treatment. One dolUr a bov.or six boes for Ave dollars ; sent bv matl iirepaid on le celptof pnci!. Uc guarantee six boics to cure any case. With.cach order reeeiv eil by us for six boes, accompanied v.ith ho dol lars, won IU. send 4he purchaser our written guarantee to return the money If the ueat ment does not effect a cure. Ouarantees is sued only by W. E. Dement, dnisgist, As toria, Oregon. Orders by mall at regular prices. 1e Mntnal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA, J. F. HOUGHTOX., C'UAg. It. STORr..., KO. L. STORV.. ..... .President . Secretary -Agent for Orjon Capital paid-up m U. 8. gold coin .. . ? 30C (XO 00 I. W. CASK, Agent, Chenamus street. Astoria. Oregon. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has received alargc invoice of BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS of the best quality. And Is now ready to supply Butchers Can neries and all others-, cheap for cash. X.. K. Qe. S1C'?'K. Importer and Wholesale dealer in Cigars, and .Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing -Cards, Cut lery, Etc., Etc, The targest and finest stock of Meerschaum ana Amber goods in tnectty. particular at- tention paid to orders from the country and ' - Chenainus street, Astoria, Oregon, THEO. bbackek. Manager - K-f TAJimjILET 'XWe. MARKETS, ''lunuclnl. SUvfor, at par. Com oxchanso en 8an Francisco K per coat premium. Coin exchange on New York buyins par; selling, yt to 1 percent. Legal Tendors par. Telegraphic transfers on Now York 1 per cent, rremiam. Man Francisco Quotation. f by at Air. AXt telgob.M'h.1 Wheat No. 1,5 103 per cental : Oats Si soi 55:3 ctl. Wool Oregon, Valley 28:i -ts. V &. Eastern Oregon, 202e. Hides Hear y salted lOKc; lisht.dr. 9Kl0c; salted calf, 9i0e. Family Provisions Bacon. ij315 cts: clear Oregon sides lSQl3yc ; hams, VSX&XIY- cts. Baeley Coastfced.Sl 42(8.1 XV ctl. Brewing SI C0Q1 CO c? ctl. Egos California, SKS283 ? doz- Or-- Bon,'J2(i23c f aoz. Floue Oregon extra, $3 40; super One. S3 75. Butter and Cheese Extrn fancy Butter, 32J cts, T-3 K.; Fresh roll, good to cnoico, -s-gtvu cts.f it. uiiee-e, r: 15c Seeds Flax, 2K(iUe lb; Canary, 35c; Alfalfa, I6l7c; Timothv, s 19o $ ft. Bags Wool sacks, 4430c: ifitalo gunnies, I3ilc; standard grain nom inal. Fruits Dried armies. (MM) ri. ' i! forqrs.; 79c forfelieed; Pears, unH-c-Plums. 710, pitted 1315; Fe;i.b-., 11 13c; p eled,1720. SAUios. coiumma river 11-.ii arc; .quotable at SI SO 1 doz, 1-tb tins on tho .spot; on the river, Si 23 "j? doz. .Sac ramento 51 201 23- bcoAR Refinery, terms net cash: Cuue, barrels, 12Jn; Crushed. l-'c; Extra Powdered. larreU. 13c; fine Cruslied. bbls.. 12c; Dry Granulatid, bbls, 12Jfc: Extra Granulated. b!jls. lljc: Golden U. bbls., 10c; D. bbls. or S. 1. 11 Kc. Atorin -Marlirt-i. RETAIL. Boites Extra fancy SiJJc. tlood to el.u.i!0 SO to 33 eta. - tt. CnKESE.-l&31Se. Dried Fruits. Blackberries 13e: Prunes Cala. ll13c; Peeled Teaches 1T(32" Sugar. Cube, 14; crushed, He; Cno crashed, He; extra powd. ltc; dry eran. I3Mc; estra gran. 13Mc. G. C. 12Uc. Eaos. 23 to 23 cts W doz. Oats. $2 00 to 52 23 per cwt. Potatoes. 1JJS2 cts. per lb. Flocb. Superfine So CO; Extra 55 40; Corn Meal ? cwt. 3 CO; Bnokwheat V cwt 83 00. Fkesi; Meats. Choico cuts. Lamii. C.v; Becngi2 : Pork 10 ; Mutton lftai'-". By tho carcase 8c Mkvts. Broakfast bacon 17JtlS per .; idos 13S17c; hams 10Jj20c: phoulJor3 1331To ; saiokod beef 1351GJjc; cornel beef $10312 'ii bbl.; corned pork 10c V Linn. In tins and caddios ISSlSofif.. IIOXKV. In frames 40o ; in glass-30e. Mill Feep. Bran 520 00 ton; chop feod 8.103 ; Shotu S2a O03 ; liny 5ixft $22p ton; middlings S-3. Uoir.eattc SKDorts. The receipts in Is'im Fraucisto, of cer tain articles of Oregon produce ft 11111 January 1st, 1882, to May 17th, inclusive, have been as follows; Plour. or sks. . . !75 Wheat, ctls 7o,082 O.us.ctls 101,10c Salmon, bhls.. . . 1 13 hf bbls . cs.. 717 pkgs. . S2 Apples, ripe, bxs ... 7,74'1 Butter, pkgs is Pork, bbls 21 Potatoes, sks . ,.... ..1C".CW Wool, b.Ues .: 311 Hides, No . 1C.201 Tallow, likgs L t .1 10 Beef, bbls.. 10O Beef . canned, cs Fruit, dried, pkgs ...... 4 ,0S3 Leather, pkgs .... ; 137 Ijrd.cs-.,. .. 7 Bacon, cs Z...... 10 ileal. sk . . . 2.0 Hops, bales 4u9 Hams,i)kgs B Bnui.sks li.ii'j Cheese, cs . . 30 Flax Seed, sks.... 33,SC Canned goods, cs.. . .-. ...... . 23 Barley, ctls.... . 23,2xJ Shorts. .ks .. 2,331 Corn, ctls .. .. . JS2 Columbia River Exports. Rltir.MKJfTS roRFinx. RECAPITULATIO.V JANUARY 'SA 877,109 bus. wheat .... ... ....? M2,5j? 3S,'J1S huh flour.. . 173,310 Total, 20 cargoes 1,0I3.P3S RECAWTULVTIOX TEURUARV. Wheat. C07.13G bus., value. . ."JJ.TO! Flour, M.gOJ bbls., " . )02.ilti Salmon, 10,721 cs.. " 203.W3 Total, is cargoes.... SuSBjta RJ-CAVITL'LATIOX, JlARClt. Flour (71.133 bbls) :in72J Salmon (7lt ctses) . :;,T20 Wheat K3,123 bu-hch) !j3jsa Total (13 cargoes) tv"!! MAY. 1ToLlverpor.lptr S. Chaplin. Trom Portland 1333 bbls flour. 37,sfj0 5 To Qutcnrtoicn per Hcixi fttv From Portland HUM bus wheat . 3ri20 " Astoria 8,102 T.C37 Total 07,200 -(7,017 7 To Qacnutotri jvr Storm IZiiw. From Portland 37.C32 bus vlieat .-3(J,000 ' Astoria 300115 " " . 2S.701 Total 07.S07 f-ci.701 10 To Qneewtomiptr larhland. From Portland 32,127 bus wheat........ S32.U32 ICTo DuUln per iTimr.t iras'iingMji. tram Psniand K,7ta bus wheats .3c,7S9 16 To lAccrpool ptr Philip rhttzpalrich trom Portland 3.S0 bus wheat... . S3.S50 " " 8,423 bbls flour. swot) Total $n,3?o 1 To Liverpool per Frbk Henri Setnpe. From Portland 8.217 bbls flour ... ...40,ooo 27 To Quctnstoimpcrlvy. Trom Portland C-1,170 bus. wheat.. ..iOivJtw $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD- CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of SC7.000.000. A. VAN DTJSEN. Agent. That Hacking Cough can bo so ulcklv cured bv Shlloli's Cure. We guarantee It, Sold by W.E. Dement, MISCELLANEOUS. JN Of THE OLDEST AND f'-OST BELIf.SU f!KED!E3 IN THE WORLD TOS THE CURE Or Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Iniiueuzu, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every aiToctloa or tuo THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including OOWSURSPTiOK. A WELL-KNOVri PHYSICIAH WRITES: " It doss not dry up .1 cough, aad lui'.c l!.c ct(m IclunJ, as is ihr ca wiih rrjist p.tp trauous, !j Ijas-as it, cleanses iliu Ijngs and alhys irntiiui d.j rcm3in the C2asc?f coy.ptaint." ' ISO NOT BE UECni-m ! an. If, 1 . a. sig sfallar rrunes. Ee sure j otf s DH. VISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. ith Jhe ilsroiurc cf " I. HUTT5 "on t!.c v raj.-wr 50 Cents ;uiI SJ.00 .1 Bottle. l'rejared Ly SET1I W. FOWLK & SON. Ku. i.Mass. SoldhvcrnristsaaddcakrjEcnrra!' tgyswpffl-gasggggggK al-sra.j2 Caroa ntl itcvor uisnp points. Tio'Wor'Iw'jr-rca.tPiiln-Rollover for Hszx cnj Bc-ist. Glicnn. rjtilo"i: and roliarjlc. PITCHER'S CASTOKfA is not Narcotic. C2ii!Ireii Tpo-.v fjtt upon, rIotliei'3 lilce, tyul Pliynicians rccotnmoiitl CASTOEIA. liicguiatcstlie Bowels, cures Vinil Colic, allays 2?cvcrisbi:o-,s, and lc stroys V.'onn.i. WEI DE ME3TEnS CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutionnl Astitloto for tbis teii'ihlo Eialrt ly, uy Absorption. Tlia siost Important Dissovcry sluco Vne clr.ation. Othcv rcmotlicu siny rcliovo Cntarrh, tiis cures :tf any siago neforo Coat.ucintion cotu In. Piles! Piles! Piles! A .Sure Cure Found til ?.:i.( ! No Ono ?cel StiflVr! A sine Cure for Blind, P.Ieedlng, Itching andPleemtet Pi'es lias been dtscoveieilbv Dr. Williams, (an Indian Kcuiedv), .illed Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single bo has cured the worst chio.ue ca'-esot 25 or :v veai-s standing. No cue need sufiei five niinutes after nnDlvini: thi wonderful southing niidleine. lotions, ui-itriimeiits jnd electuaries do more Harm than cmhI. Wil liam's Ointment absorbs the tmiinrs, allavs the intense itching, (paitieularlv at night af te' getting wann iu bed), acts as a iN.ultice. mves Instant lviief, aril is piep.ured only fur Piles, llehiHL- of the private parts, and for nothu.gelse. Bead what the Hon. J. RI. Coflinlitirrv of Cle eland,. sajs about Dr. Williams Indian Pile Ointment : I have used scores of Pile fines, and It atfordsine ple.isiue toj.iv that 1 have never found anything whit!, gave sue h immediate and permanent lellef as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all diuggists or mailed mi to eeiptof price SI CO. If K.VRV A. CO., frop's. Cleveland. O. Hodge. Davis K Co., Wltolesalo Agents, Port land. Oregon. Le ttlclian's Oil.ldi t:.ilsain o. 1 Cures Chancers, first and second stages ; Sores on the U'gs and Bod) ; Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and -II prlmarv forms of the disease. Price, 53 oa per Rotllr. Lc Klrlinu's Colilen .'alsnin Xo. 2 Cures Tertiary. Mercurial, Syphilitic Kheiima llsiu. Pains in the Bones, Lleerated Tluoat, Syphilitic Bash, LuniK-i etc.Y and eradi cites all illseascsfrom thesj stem, whether caused by bad treatment or abuse of mer cury, leav ing the blond pure ami Inanity. Price. S3 03 ier Collie. Lc ttirlinu'it .nl!ti .sp.-inliil ViitlcSole for iho cure of Gunnuhorn, f.leet, etc i-rice, ts I'r" koiiic. Lc lllrlmn's :nlitru Spnuisti Injrclion, awash for cure of Gleet, strictures, Dis ease of the Cicthra and Bladder, etc. lVlcr, $1 50 per Bottle. Le Itlrhau's Rolilen Oiiilincnt for the effective healing of Syphilitic Sores and Eruptions, rrlie. SI 00 per Route. Also Agents for Le Itlrbnii'N Golden Pith, for Weakness, los ot physical powers, and all diseases arising from abuse and excess or over-work. i"rlce,$3 00 per nv. Sent everywhere. C. O. D., secvrely packed porlixpicss. t: f. iticiri.vi:iit9 &. co.. wcciitH, 127 & 429 Sansorao street, corner Clay, d-vv-ly " . San Francisco, Cal. HEALTH P1SCASE. 4MUIA3lgLg. J.-!W iaWUtLJi:LLSJJBJAllmjJi HOTELS AND P.ESTAUKANTS. a.j. 3tr.ai.En. cs.wuickt OCCIIEXT IIOTM.. .MEKLP.K S: VRIGUT. Pwpiictor. Anloria, Oregon. t XZMIV. I'KOntlCTOltS AKK IIAlTV TO JL atipomice that the alime liotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding prc.itly to tlo comfort ot its pacts and is cuw tlic best 1 hotel north ol San francKeo , j PAEKEE HOUSE,! it. 1:. : 1 nu j;:t. x.... j ASTORIA, - - - 11REGON.. KniST (JLASS iiOTEI,. ALL JlODEltX l.Ml'j:o J.MFVr-. HOT AHD COLD BATHS. Gosd Billiard Talk: and tri C'lttss i'.i loon stocked with fins Liqvors. o-ri:i:i: coach to thi: iiorsiu-so SALOONS. rF.IJMAN'IA rEET! 1! A Li ly .tJn, I50TTLE P.KKIt DKI'OT. I'lirivurHSnTiT An.i-n. 'Vlir ltrst of lMfjerti Clx. ! t:tit.f ' Orders for the CeHel Coliiuia Brewery Ij'fl at lliii place will If pi.iieptlv nlli'iul ed to. JS-Xo clicaji ha.i rraLfi-i ttovrsold at this plan- IVJI. P.f-h.P.oirietor MINT SALOON. OPPOSITE O.K. & X. COMPANS HOOK. None but theb"-t lWpiois.mdcii:.!!' p:v.-cil ocrtliel).ir. w. sciii'Lor. ASTORIA Urewcrv Ilocr Saloon Tlie Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch eveiy Dav from 10 t. ! A..M 'Die best of Liquors pud Clsr.'ts mi hand. A deservedly iwipular place ..f social rer.it 1K0. HH.LEi:. $500 Reward. We will pay the above n-waid for an c.e of Liver Comiilalut. Djspepsia. mc'k ifead aehe, indigestion. Constipation or Costive- uess weeaiinoicure vmnvvesis v cgi-.:;uiu Liver Pills.'vvhcn tho directions are strictly complied with. They are puro'v Vegetable, rind never fail to "ive itisfactlon. Sugar coated, llrge boxes, containing 30 1'lils. 234 cents, rorsaieuyan niuggisis. uevvareoi counterfeits aurt Imliatioiis. Tho genuine nnnttlactnrrd only by Jnn.v C. Wisr & Co., "The Pill Maker,'' 1st atid tsl W. Madu.011 St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt 01 a 3 edit stamp. W. E. Dement, agent. HOLMAN'S PAD. 35k roi; tup STOMACH, LIVER, ATI) KilKEYS. TTVUH JlAEi In ail eases ot lulliousness and mahula iu every foim. a pieventativ r and cure of chills, fever and dumb ague. Dr. ilolman's Pad Is a lerreet success. And for dyspepsia, sick headache and nervous piostratinn, as the pad is applied over the pit of tho Momach, ihegieat iicrvousceiitei.il .mnthll.itiM the disease at once. It tegulates the liver and sioiimiIi ' suc cessfully that digestion becomes perfect. Prof. I). A. Loomis sajs: "It is nearer a universal panacea than anything 111 medi cine." This Is done on the principle of ab sorption. ot which Dr. Hobnail's Pad n the onij true exponent. For all kidney troubles, use Dr. Hoiman's Renal or Kidney P.'d. the best lemedy hi the world and rec.iiiiinei.rleit bv the medical faculty. Beware of Bogus Pads. Bach genuine Hohnan's Pad bean the pri vate revenue stamp of the HhIiimu Pad Co.. with the above trade mark printed iu green. Bu pone without it. For Sale by all Druggists. Dr. Hohnan's advice is fiee. Full tieatise sent free on application. Address- HOLMAN PAD CO 711 Broadway, N'eiv oik. P. O. box 2112. BANKING ANDJflSURANCL e. w. case:, BROKER BANKER2 AN II INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, --- OREGON OFFICeTTeUKS: FROM$ O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL I O'CLOCK P. M. CITY BOOK STORE. We are constantly receiving new additions to our stock and have tho finest and largest assortment of variety good? Iu the city. Combs, Brushes, Stationery, Frames Celluloid Goods. All our goods aremaiked in plain figures Call and examine quality and note prices. CIU.S. STEVENS S.SON LETTER HEAD TAPER, PRINTED OK PLAIN'. OF THE BEST quality at Tug Astoriam efflco. rK. tt S:55s J BnSOELLANEOUS. ! ' 1 KEFUBLIOAK State Ticket, rSSSv .- tSJSsfiffisSK ' -Stem&Z.S; V.-WfcKH"wraC3 i-'fiy-saiSriA Nsstiiivs - 5rJ - ' rv,U- T u' J wfl "- $,. "tC-f- ' i ? POR COXGRFh. M. C Gl-01!Gi:.(tMiill!ioV.i:i!i .f'mnt.v. 101: o.n j n0!:. Z. V. MOODY, of Wae county. Pet: hri-Rriti: .it ix.f. V.". i". i.OIiD.of Jlation cnunty. l'ei: SK-:!-r.i: ov Statf, !J. P. nAISHAK'r.of Mu'tiioinah enmity For .vti- Ti:i:.sfi:i.l:. KliWAKD HII'.SCH, of Marlon entiiity 1 el: -LfT. OF PrilMf IXSTRfCTlOS. i:. !:. MeilLKOY.of Beiitoiseotint. Pet: hr.ir Pr.t.VTi'i:. W. II. IlVAltSof D.'uml.Tx'oiiuty I'onitii 5isirict Xiiili:ui8nis, ret: riiosrcutiM". .vikhixfa. .1. !'. CAPl.LVr Multnomah mnntj. Clatsop County Nominations. For Joist matl Scsatoi;. (r.ir Clatsop, Colinnliia ami Tillamook.) V. fMIEKD, of Clatsop coimtv. Pop. .Joint Krrisr.NTATtvr. (for Clatsop ami Tillamook,) .IASPKU SM 1TII. of Tillamook county For Coi'ntv .tuwiv. c. a. Mtomiu:. For Colxty CLrr.i:. K. IS. SPEDDKN. For Siikrii r, .IAS. W. WELCH. For County Trrasiirci:. chai:i.i:s iiEiLnonx. For Coi'nty cojl'iissiontrs, HEXKY 1 FISSIIKIS; V. E. PEAbE For AS3rssoi:. W.AV.rAllKE!!. For Strnvr.voi:. (inLOPAKKElS. , l'ei: snioor. SiTCRixTrvDrxr, 11. SLOOP. For Cor.oxrn. DIS. S. KIKSEY. DEMOCRATIC State Ticket. For CY.v;res, W. D. PES'TON, of Yamhill county For tiovLRNOi:. .I()S. s. SMITH, of Multnomah county. l'ei: Si'pnrMR.Inicn, I). M1ATTUCK, ot WashinglOit Co For SccRtrrvRV ot Sr.YTr, .1. K. WF.ATUF.RFORD, of Linn Co. For Statk Truvsurfr, I1YMAX AP.RAHAM. of Douglas Co F01: SVrr. or Puulic Instructiox. W. !.. WOlSTHINC.TON.of Vaeo Co. Pet: Statu Prixtrr, Wl LHUIS F. CORNELL, or Mat ion Co. For I'Rosmrrrxo Attobxki, V. K. STRODE, ot Mnltnomali. Ciatsop County Nominations. For Joint Skxator, (Foi Clatsop, Columbia anil Tillamook.) A. C. KINNEY. For Joint Itiu-uinxTAnvr, (For Clatsop anil Tillamook. .JOHN llORSON, For CorxTY' Jraai:. S. D.AUAIR. For COUXTV COM3IISSIOSTRS o. i.i:iNr.Nvi:i!Ei:, is. .1. Morri son. For Covnty Ci.t iik. C. .1. TRENCHA1U). . For Siikrht, A.M.TWOMIILY. Fei: Assnssoi:, L. W. POOLE. FOR Thkasurki:, ISAAC BERGMAN. i'OP. Srtloor. RLTCKISTRMH.Nr. W.B. ADAIR. . FORjSl'RV'lA'On, S.W.TALLMA.V. For COROxi'.n, it. R.Flt.WKLL. a .'i AoiTi'o r.31 i:.vr. To tli Citizens oi" 'Irilsop Coimlj : I herebj announce mvsoif INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE Foi tlie office of County Judge of Clatsop County. F. D. WINTON. Astoria, May lit. t.s?2. dS.w Id axs or.cF..in:xT. W f 1 To tiiei'itlzeim ol" Astoria 1'rrriiirt We hereby announce ourselt es as Candidates foi Justice of the Pesico AN'D Constable, ISrcspeetitely at Ihe coming election. ,i. o. 07oi:th. t. ::. itstmivrtL. inySSiltd Notice, mm: delinquent tax boll fob JL theyear 1SS1, together with a warrant from tlie County Court for the collection of the same, is in my hands. Delinquent tax payers will please settle at once and save costs. A.M. TW03!BLY. my3 Sheriff. KB astALJuULJVe3XBeazflM-tW'l SHIPPING NOTICES. Columbia Transportation Go.i0re9on Railway & Navigation ' C03IPASV. ' -FOR PORTLAND. ' ocavs rt'isio3r. ll'AST Tl'.ir.) . . n JSgj&SS&fc.' Which lias lieen refitted fur Hie comfort of , i.ici!2erNWiltleaieAVflionanil 1'lJier's dock eery 'Monday, W'cdncsdaij and Fildaij at 6 I A fi nuininn ni Parlland at 2 P. t.h iictuiuiuu l":n.- I'oiil.md c.er I -T...fc. ... and Satuiday at 6 .... i ..Oft n 91 A. N. arriving ai iswna c.i .uu r.,.. An additional trip will be made on . j .1 o.. ..... ch iv.fc I I aaiuriruy umi o..j....y f fc..... .. .' 1 rxtniiwAton.1 nit Saturday titS I. .V..; .iiurL."MincI,oKljiul at i oVIook ; 1 Sunilny 31nrniiiK- P.tsMiiiser. b thi. unite connect at Ka'.aurt (lorNiuiid port". P. P- SCOTT. - l'rcildi-iit NEW LIME From Portland to Astoria. The 3US3AMI.M) f.5C?. -"-Will liukeveini-WOcUy tnpsi tietr.pf.11 l'.irll'l'd and Astoil.l. WiUli-.TU'l , Wjueii & Eaton's u liarf at r. a. "U. on 1 I I I 'ri-.-Tv 1V11 Si Tli;ll AA'S And Portland ruMOXDA YSnnd FWUAAS. Per freight or iiassap- apply mi lioard. thi: skw .sti mi:r Clara Parker, LI'irX P. PAISKE1S, - - MASTEIS Is now leadv for business. I'or fielght or charter, apjd.v to the Cap 1 board, or to II. 15. PAUKKK. tain on MAEKETS. nrvvmii A T t A l r.""tarj VJlhrt X IVfAU ItsirXIiiXIiiX. (leiieial assort mentor table stock const?nt!y on hand, such as C:iimMl FiMiits iiiul Jelly, BaCOIl, Hams, hOUlders, Lard, j CHAS. liUltltCVU. i::s. Birrrr.j:. ckksisk. ; ""-" """". c--L --..:s- A Hail,l. s&FirTx Until further notice the Ilwaco FreSh STUIIS aHd Vegetables, I aJrCP Steam Xnvigation Co's steamer rJSif. POSJi.TRY AST f.XlV) GENERAL CANBY, J W. P. WIIITCOMB MASTEK !u ttie season. Will leave Astoria CI.tKS ASi VCIR.1CCO. 0n Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays ! AtS A.M.. for V.ci of AYSXTX A?VI J.KlfO'ns. It Stevens Fort Canby, and llnaco. 1 Arriving at Tort Canby at 10 a. si. and tonch All cheap for CASH. Hoods su,l r,u com-, mg lit Ilwaco for passengers and raalL Ea niii.loii. opposite I. W. Case's store. ' turning, will leave I-ort Canby at 11 a.m J. IttUMIEltS. , aninng at Astoria at lr.JL 7TZ " ,. ' Only a limited amount of Freight I). K. t A sb t. T. ) . Eatcs: ( , . . , . , Carried on those Days. - AstOTia idarkct ! 0 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays COB CHF-NAMC" AND HAMILTON TS. ASTORIA. Ol'.KOOX. WAr.KSS A. KATOX. !rorlrltM-. s-.c.j. ..,. irvini. 1.' Uifnin.' fiiu,rj llanci u j,(.itm. Wholesale and Retail Doalera in Fresh and Cured Kteats a full line of ....... . .. - ,....,,. ......K.f . ,... .., . ...... t HAY. canned pp.uit. VEOE TABIiJS. ETC. CB" Butter. F.zia. Cheese, etc. constantly I on hand. . BS" ships supplied at the lowest rates." Washington Market. Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon jn:iiG3iAjX f- nnnjiv pESPSCTFULL-Y CALL THE ATTES XVtio.j of tho public to tho fact that the above Market will nliray3 be supplied with a FULL VA RTETY REST QUALITY or FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowost rates, vvholosa'o and retail. Special attention given to surrlj ns ships. v.wtt is i5:ir.AKi:i) without FriSTKl'.It SOTIfK And no leiuis of peace until very man In Astoria has a new sivc. suit of clothe JA's?; ?& -if a i t : t j " .ir r.. x v. Look at tlie price-. : Pants to order from - - i& 00 Pants, Genuine FiencliCassimere - 12 no Suits trom - - - - - - 23 00 The finest line of samples on the coast to select from. P.J.MEANY, Cass street, net to Hansen's Jeweby store S3C. S. PARKER, lILYLFf.;IX Hay, Oats, I Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand "U'oml Iclivcrclto Order, Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DEALER IX wines, hquqrs:and cigars. THE OLYMPIC SALOON Opposite the Parker House. THE FINEST BRANDS OF LTQTJOTCS and CIGARS Kept constantly en hand. No pains will be spared to give my custo mer? satisfaction. "2-aive us a call. E. W. SEHLIN, " """" '' ' 'uw TRANSPORTATION LINES. Between San Frascisco & Portland. AT 10 A.M. 1J'-VKS rOUTLAXI. AT 12 nK A. M. o n jj 3 1 5 S. ' ' Mch 2a; Mclisr Mcli20IMcli"i Mclis Apr 'j Men .".1 Apr 1 Apr s Apr 20 Mav 2 Apr 1 Apr 5 Apr 13,Apr 17 Apr 12 ,Aor 21 Apr iu Aiir 2S Apr 21 .jir Apr 29 Jiay ar ; lM.iv C Mav 10 .iavn .nay .yiayii Mar 13 y 1S .May 22 Jlaysoi Maywfj Mav: Mayer ',mamim m Uar;, i'rtl.iinl at 12.03 a. ar. Instead of '3 A.M. uue notice win ie pcn or any further cnane. ISIfiht is roenedtu change Meainers 01 sailing dajs. TTIROITOII TICKETS soV.1 !. nlft, ...... TTllIOUfiH TICKETS sohl to .lil the t.n.. ilpaleitiesintlie United St?tes and Canada, River and Rail Division. i Columbia, Wiltamet and Yamhill Rivers J'EfiP.CAr.Y 1, ISSt. lA'AM'Port. land for Moil Tu. We. Tim. FrI.Sat I'aHei, Wal ls Walla. tin H..II. aniluDnr- er points. Atnn.. lv!i :a.m : am JAM 7 AM J AM JAM lama. Taco ma.SeattIe CAM C AM 6 AM! 6 AM SAM CAM AM Vicnft.Pw West'mstr Cftttilaraot, llay 'iew. SAM SkimoUa w, itrool.- liHU W OR t port. Ol if ton. Knappa. PaTton batem. and .iiAM 6 AM C AM SAM AM AM intermedi ate points Points on Cam 5am Gam Jam SnaLo River OE-ST.RAL OFFICRS : Coiner Fiont and D Streets, Portland. c h pnr.scoTr. MBuagrr JOHXMOI15, uperlntelIlOIl of Trafllc, A. L. MAXWEIX, Ticket Agent llvaco Steam Navigation Go WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II- j The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to j schedule time. 'Fare to Fort Stevens ....'... J " " Canby and llnaco.. . Wets .juce os-llwaco freight, by the ton, In lots ot ' ono ton or over. $2 00 per ton. 'or Tickets. Towajo or Charter appb , cither nt tho oac0 of tJ0 Company, Gray'j 1 charf, foot of Benton stroot, or to the Captain onboard. j.ii.d.chuy. Agent. Oregon & California R.R.Co 5SSS5Sis r?.Si.?JSra B 1 On an after OcL 11, 1SS0, trains willrnn as !"' is will r lows. DAILY (Except Sundays). nASTStm: division. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. MAIL TBI Iff LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:30 A. M.Ro3oburi;..7:00 P. .V !!oscImrK..5:00 A.M.U'orUand 1:25P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 1:00 P. M.Lolanon9.20P. M Lebanon. 1:1) A. M.Portland10:0o A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. PortIand......:l.! A. Jl.lJunction 0:00 P. M Junction. 5:13A.M.lPortland 5:2aP.M TiiOTAf.nn onij nnttrorrta Railroad 1 erry makes connection with all RejalarTrauu on East-ido Division. WESTSIBE DIVI3IOt. I'roui :ortInnil to Corvnll!. Hitr. Tnvis . LEAVE. ARRIVE. . .. Portland S:00 A. M.ICorvalbs ....3:C0 r. n Corvallis 8:30 A. M.ll'ortland 3:20 P. M CIo?o connections aro made at ROSEBUKU with the Stares of thoOresonand CaUfornla Staso Company. .,, Kj lickct3fors,ilotoaiitnopnnciiii"i'"'")e in California and tho East, at tho Company's Offico, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will bo charged on freight remain ng atCompanys Warehouse over 21 hours. Freight will not be recoived for shipment aftor 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or West sido Division. .,,.,. J. BUANDT, Jr.. Hcn'I Sup'L K. P. ROGERS. , , . mt tlcn'l Freiitht and Passensor Agent j:. KOCHLElt, Manager HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON millS INSTITUTION. CNDEP. CARE OF X the sisters of Chanty, is now readv for the reception of patients. f Private rooms for the accommodation of any desiring them. , . , .,,,, Patients admitted at all hohrs, day or nht. No physician has exclusive riglit. every patient is free to and has tho privilege of emplo- big any physician they prefer. I'nitctt States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, aro enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at tho Cus tom House. .sisihus ut i,ii.u:if . HANSEN BROTHEES, Architects and Builders, All 1-iudH of Ilousjejvvorlc done at shortest notice. Shop Corner ot Cass and Astor Street, ASTORIA, - - - . - OREGON 2?psgig '- , O-