m HUUUSBtSf MIBn ClUWUi. ajM.umjimjmic.aaT $& avails stovXatu ASTORIA. OREGON: TP.IDAX MAY 5. 1B63 J.F. UtI.LOU.VV.. ..EIIIr. Discoveries in Medical Science. To the scientists of tho century we are indebted for whatover of progress lm been made,' and in everv department of human ad vancement the record is a grand one. In the arts of peace the victories are of great importance and all now discoveries arc ol value in direct proportion to their prac tical value. During the last few davs two alleged discoveries have been made by eminent men, that, if capable of practical demonstra tion are of incalculable benefit to mankind. M. Pasteur, an eminent French savant, has made what he and his friends conuler a discovery in medical science of the first impnrl anoe. If siu?er-ful. it i- hardly secondtirj' to the jjrtj.il one of Jenner. Jt i a check to all epi demic mortality. It ."huts out every infectious disease as effectu ally as vaecination guards against smallpox-. IIo sent to the Intr r national .Medical College, in August lti't, a communication de tailing his 'penments with the virus of 'vhickeu eliolera,' noting tho fact that by attenuating the virus he could 'vaccinate'' fowls and render them proof against the originfd and unmodified poison. He mad the sumo discnyerv as regards splenic fever in cattle, the eed of which be detected and dealt with, diluting its activity down by huccessive breedings until ho secured a weakened germ, with which lie inneula'rd others, thereby piotocting them from the original and fatal disease. In this revelation n hopr is evnre--ed that prophylactic methods n-iy be dis covered as a eoufiterartiiig p 3v.it against all zvmntio inaladie-, and pien tuatone gieat coinpie'.iensive tn-uns of effectually presenting infectious diseases may be found. Referring to this hope, if the s-plendid expectation should he lealwedjim enthusiastic writer says of it that ''it would bo the' preser vation of countless human lives," uid that "thro i-, perhaps, i'.i all tho world at this moment, no ing!e existence iucko ptr-ciousto human ity than tint of the neeompli-hecl and devoted French sivani." This i- dyiiig vi-iy inm-li, in.if;ed. Assuredly his JijV - of more than otdiuary va!n t hunimiity if his researches are i he attend! with the brilliant iesnlts so eonfidentlv nnlicipaU'.l. Professor 'fyiu'all the lumous Jrish .scientist aNo makes public the results oi experiments made by Dr. Koch, nf Berlin, on tuber eular diseases, ft was known be fore that the disease was commu nicable, but Koch has ascertained the eaet natuit- of the parasite which eauses consumption. He has propagated it ar:ificially and killed animals with parasites thus produced. TV matter evpeetorated fr m the lungs of consumptive p-T-otis Ins been found to be swarming with para sites which are highly infective. Tyndall's. object is t.i protest afre.sh against legislation which prohibits in England experiments such as i-uablo Koch to make these discoveries, but at is hoped that Koch will dovclopo a harmless form of the tuberbnlar parasite which, by inoculation, may pre vent consumption, -and thus check a. scourge ;vhich, according to Koch's calculation, carries off one wenth of the human race. If these indeed be real, no thunder of artillery flashing over conquered field mor proclaimed a more important victory. NVith somewhat curious taste a jeweler in Middlebury, Vt. has constructed a clook containing a representation in miniature of tho assassination of President Garfield. The automatons are of- wood, about two inches high. Tho whole movement, which includes the ex ecution of Guiteau, takes about three minutes. Bands of music arc forbidden , t play on most of tho largo iron , bridges of the wcrld. This is duo- . i u ' id iuu weu-xnown pnenomonon that ;t constant succession of sound, waves, especially such as come from the playing of a good band, will excito the wire vibra tions. At first theso vibrations arc very slight, but they increase as the sound-waves continue to come. Notice. MB. L. E.SELIG IS NOW DELIVERING j School Assessment Wanks for bchool j District No. l. Tartles -will please All said' blanks and return to the undersigned, In ten , da s alter their receipt. J.C.HCSTI.EK. .May s. lssi uerjc :cnooi District .-so. i Notice. THE DELINQUENT TAX ROM. TOR thevear Hsl, together with a warrant from the County Court for the collection of the some, ts in inj hands. Delinquent tax payers will please 'etlle at once and sae Cv,t. A. 31. TWOMBLY. mjs Slierit:. Valuable Lot for Sale at Auction. Tupsilnv. Muy 9tU 11 a.m. IOR ACCOUNT Ol' WHOM IT JIW ? concern. I nm Instructed by ttieli km ecs of the ESTATE or .M.J. Kt.NM.Y. Esy.. to sell atniullc Auction, at luj s.ik room, for accounte: whom It mav concern : It four (4), in Mock foitv-four(ll) InMc Clure's Astoria, as laid out l)j Cvrus OIiipj, to the highest bidder for rash. mjS-tif E. C. HOLDEN, Auctionerr. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE! Tuesday, May 16 11 a. m. BY OBDKK OP THE I.OABI) Or Di rector. I Hill ssll at l"ul)lle Auction ns auote, that alur.hie a'ld eligible lot krovin as Lot i, in liloclt 47. la JlcClure's Astoria, and the luiiuin-s thenon,to the highi si bid der for cash, hildlot W th?t on whlihtlie old lublle Scsi-ol Imildlia; stands, being ou the nortliejst comer M Main and Astor streets. Snip Absolute nnd Titlo Perfect- E. C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. Attest : .!. n. II Cfjl I.EK, School Clei k. mj-2-td REPUBLICAN State Ticket. &r l-'or Conffi-oed. M. C. GMOROE, of Multnomah co-mty. For Govc-i-nor, ' Z. F. .M000Y, of Wasco count . For Supreme Judgo, W. P. LOltD, of Marion county. For Secretary of State, U. I KARUART.of Multnoianh county For State Treasurer, KMVAUD lllRSCII, of Marlon couniy ForSupt. of Public Instruction. i:. II. McEMiOY, of. Ronton county. - ' For State Printer, V. II.RYARS.of Douijlacouiitj. Fourth Ulatrlet Xominatlous, For Prosecutlaff Attorney. J. P. CAPLKS.of Multnomah count. Clatsop County Nominations. For Joint State Senator, (for Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook.) F. CREED, of Clatsop count. For Joint Representative, (for Clatsop and Tilltfmook,) JAiPF.R SMITH, of Tillamook count For County Judge. C.A. McGtJIRE. For County Clark. R. R.SPEDDEX. For ShoriH JAS. W. WELCU. For County Treasurer, CHARLES IIEILBORN. For County Commlssionere, 1IK.VGTF. FlallER; D. E. PEAE For Assessor, W. VT. PARKER. For Surveyor, GELO TARKER. For School Superintendent, II. SLOOP. For Coroner, DR. S. KIXSEY. IIKAIXR IN" Now and Choice MILLINERY, Desire to call the attention of the Ladies of Astoria to tan fact thatshe- has received a lanjo ni-ortrooat of the LATKST HTYI.KK OK Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, .wo FAIfCY GOODS. Comer Main andSqucmoqiie Street. LETTEE HEAD PAPER, P RETTED OR PLAIN, Oi' THE BEST HtaU.tr at lire Astcbus oSc f W ' I 1 'III 1 MISCELLVNKOUS. OO TO THE "BOSS" -IX- ; Men's, Youths' and Boys Clothing THE itms J.N GENTS' FURNISHIKGCOODSr tiii: Jto I ii o i-atiM siji.- HATS AND GAPSH THK J!(ls IA hoots and mom itmi: lie. i THE ts MERCHANT TAILOR! You will fiiiit the Fint'at and l.:i:'o-t Assortment, the Ui-st (Junlity, and the LOWJCSTofPIiJCEX. M. The Clothier. MAGNUS C. CROSBY, l'.jltr in unmu. iffl, am,iIR,KBUi Iron HjpH a.id Fihinns. ; Plumbers M Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, CifliisrfaMFftniisiinSiippi IS' Stoves, Tin Ware andpouse , Furnisbing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEE1 WON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING iu.il STEAM UTTINQ Done with ne-atiir and dispatch. Nonn but first civ.-, tu.ikn.ui :upIoko. A lorite assortment of SCALED Conitautl -n CuinJ WILLIAM EBGAE, Corner JUin jqJ CLuniuiieStrosU, .Vrt)ltIA OltKliON. iiuur. Li CIGARS AND TOBACCO, the C li brateJ JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS 6ENUINE1EN0LISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE XYOSTENHOIU nnd other lipli Cu'Jtrj. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Pleershaum Pipes, etc, A ilna .tock ol IVnK-lu-s anil ."e'.V. .Iluzlt and ISn-i-rli I.omlins Mm linns nml Hllles, ItiuoHrr-.s, ritol-. unil Aniiuii.Millon' 3tiixyv. OUSHIX ALSO A riVK Aortmont of Sun M-1XTACI.KS and i:n: $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AXD LO'IOK AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN- TILT OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OK HART-! COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INBURANCE COMPANIES Rer.r?f ontiog a capital cf SG7,000,000. A-VANDUSEN.Asent. MISCELLANEOUS. :A. V. Allen, ; (is.s&MiiRTOPAOEit alien.) Whr-ltviV and retail d.-.nt.r lu I Provisions, Qfo&kery,: i I Glass and Plated Ware. IKOriCAl ANO DOMisjlc I FRUITS AND VEGErABLES.I i i 'lutfi'iluv flish 'Wines, LiijiiorsMaccolCiprs III.' Ijie-i Hint aiost tfoiui,l'" i.cS of jcikids Inllieir lino to W fom.it In it. ill. "oriui oi Cass nnd i)u,miii-jli,i Sir. . tn. A.sror:i.. oi:f-.ON. TJXJGSIXIG- CLEAiTIWG and REPAIRING M:vr. niEAi vxn .! n 1.. : ci:uite;i: 1.0 ;rrr. M.ilu Sliort, o!Oiil. V. I.el.s, SMXT 22C. ! Inifoi tcr :mt WHolMa!-.lr:.'.rto 'Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar-i 1 tides. Plavintr Cards. Cat- ' lery, late, 'fit. lat :rst :iinl llnest itock aiidAliilHrct'udsin the uniMi jnui 10 oroi it iiu'.u 11 e oiiirri, una riuiiiiiii.s stieet, . riico.iutvi km:. ii-j.i. & BKl'OT'S -AND I ARE THE BEST. And cnt no more than other lraad . and If the llerchaut with whom ou trade does not !es) our Good?, it li beciusc It pai 9 better to sell a pair ot Boots 01 ShoM eieii two wontln tlian every four or lhe. WK JUAILVSIEE EVERY PAIlt WE 5IAKE All Meicluuts in Reed ciedtt can (uocuie thew Goods at our Waichru-es lu I-ortland or San I"itujcl3co. Try pur "HERCULES'" Patent Boots HECHT BROS. &. CO. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PIONEER AXD HISTORICAL SuCIETY . of Oregon will be heldnt ihe Hall of KC5CUO uiKino lo. Ko. 2 on THURSDAY, tlicllth day of Jlay, 1SS2, coinmencin;; at 2 o'clock P. Jt.. for the uuriHiseet: ncciilnc eportsof olllcers, comnmnlrailoiis addre-n es. etc.. and for the cleeiton'of offlct rs for the cinlns ear. and the transai-tlon of such either business as may roi.rly come before tbesocletv. All are re-nicctfullyinsiled to attend. S. T. McKrN. Sec-. Astoria, Apill 23. 1S3I. id A. G.STINSON & CO.. BLACKSMITHING. At Capt. Itoscrs old stand, corner or Pass and Court Strung. Ship and Cannery work. Horse-hoem,:. Wagons niado ami lepainsl. !nod norK guaranteed. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, His recoled a law Imoloo of BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS of tho best quality. And u now reads- to sntily Butcher l'ui neriej and all others, cheap for caali. MUST iXASS Dress Making. Br Mrs. T. S. Jewett. P stairs, opposite Mrs. Eosers Eoardng ease. W (if $W vwGsj-vy MISCELLASLOtB. .Geo.W. Home. Wholesale and Retail Deaieri GROCERIES,! Provisions. Lumber. ETC.. E'IC. ETC. , r ishciui;iis and Cannery SUPPLIER A Sl'KCIALTY. AGENT Ft Jt Till: ! San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AN U THK o n - ii :, 1 oan r nuieisL'o uanniuui SATOSilCS, AS'lOUIA OUEUO. . MAltll.N tOAUn j j.sioki:s, JFOAEI) & STOKES,! ' liol.'vale au.t i luil ilraleis la I Wood and Willow-ware, GROCERIES. ' Tobacco. Ciyars. Wines and Liquors joru,.n vMHOMlsn. ) -y r- q yj c -jes ths 77" vy I General Goir.misElon Merchants AHTottiA, u:k;o.v Nctt to ortii li.iiiH.u . Xa.o'? Deel: lliV. Cannery Supplies IniU'iti-' .i:-il for lie bj -vrm;. ss: tcx iscc ss, 1 ASTORIA, - ORLiJON. ttni- Ci!iii'. I.iiii'liool .Milt, . Pa?ci (r, cti: I Acnt ioi KailocL' boltUillis Maclilae; . Jolmstnn'-i immoed HoUKriiisr aiiiuiatus : lotary tabb lur soldeilnn wains; l-.loo.rs LOKB & CO, JOIJRJ.RS I.N , LIQUOKS, D OIGAES. AllKXIS TOR TIIR Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Dlstillorles. J57"A'l giwsds iwhl at an f ranclseo 1'iicts. .M.vi.s jri:n:r. Opislte Rarkcr House. Astoria, Oieson. CLOTHING! MEW'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS'. TINE DRESS SUITS. ' STYLISH BUSINESS SUITS. SOFT STIFF If ATS, In the Latest Mj les. a!o a Tlrst-Class Line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! The Custom Dcpiltment emtiraccs the Newest I"attonis in 'I WEEDS, CASSI MERbS, WORSTEDS, etc. Molt, Inride to order In the. IiTEST Xi:V VOIIK J-ASHIONS D. A.SIcTntosli Merchant Taihr Clothier and Hatter, OCCIDENT BLOCK -lc j nais (lid veurrciotex:' us h&mrnxmzzzzxsg&A Z V.. r,-l,a J:i ' J gS" 1 1'iSSffilis5 r km. ! -lrSilii 1 , gPtgS$gghtt I 1 -r-fi yea ,'jtri- Ci . CS"ViO 'jwsi5h H-T '44r OL SV3 -S F UC . V - . . i. S05fe 3M5g& "Cji 1MKASOZ.S. Large size, all silk Parasols, Large size, all silk, fancy border, Large size, all silk, ... -Medium size, all silk, twilled, Medium size, colton, suitable CLOAKS. Misses' light-colored school coats, - - Misses' dark-colored school coats, - - Misses' plush school coats, - - - These are Spring Styles, and all wool .lUSCEXXASEOl'S. Marseilles Spreads, large size, - - All-linen Towels, " - - Ladies' Hose, all colors - - - Ladies' Balmoral Skirts, - - - -Unbleached Table Linen, per yard, Unbleached Table Linen.extra Ladies Corsets, all sizes, Also a few raoie I iraaant Drcsi Kei i. luber. Uie Tini-Kalii? ire Limited In 1. . I5rt 21s. ,m leBossOoffee and Tea Pot 1 1 SLrOT 1 N'?' t .. zTr:::r,is- " I fjtpj i He BL. M A 5 rfe. TWO DOORS EAST .OF OCCIDENT, .MISCELLANEOUS. (arbour's Wo. 40 I2-P!y SAL10IST TVIiSTE! M Ail) Liilfi L!SBS,,w,50,fi,ir CUT n SIHfNE 'JIWIINES A Fllll StOCk NOW 011 Hand, HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 311 31nH.ct Street. San Fi'auclro Solo Agents for the Tnciflc Coast. II ILL'S Mil 1 1ST I ES. cro.uii.1.. - - - rROPRIUTOE WALTER I- VRh'S, - nTAOE "MAXAGER K'., n, ... ft . , c . ew bturs la Rapid Suceossiojt I Engagement of MISS NITA 2AKLE. Tin: oaten or song and dance; Onrn nil Hie Year. I'rrloniMaro Kiro Mxlit. l'nllre (lianse or Tro. xiammc Onre n M'cel.. ConiprUinc all tho latest SONGS. DAHCES AND ACTS. Wc give the Best Variety Entertainment I ,, , Tho finest Ice Cream ever dished up to tha In the West. American public. Try It, and no convinced. I He also fumbues, lu Urst-claSs style, This theatre is crowded nichtl). and all imvTrps irnT rripprr- tpi rrn nlioha,c.ltncied thctntcrtJiumcnt pro-' U':,1'-K:'- llul "-Ofctl.1. TL.V, ETC, liounccittol'CequaltoanyKHeutlsewhcre., AT TIIB air. 11111 as a caterer for the pubacs Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, nmttcAM.,,! An.. ,in f,A v etc ll.jl A .,. hn,l I nbhlnK to spend :t pleasant cvenlnji and see sp.irklliiKv.lt ami beauty without sul-' santy. should iniprose the opportunity and come. The romp ins eomprie tl.o follnttin well known Artist? .Miss Kvavii. Walton. Iiss Letnsi: Coon. JIr. Pitvin.rs Koiilfr. Mr. Joji Cook, M,!,0rM"rSrRr.uK,. Allot which will appear nlzhtly in tliclnllf- forcnt specialties. KfiKu air KvuKKii vMzri cvcuiii; j'cnonii aneecomracncln-cat 8; entrance to theatre on lienion sxree raus street. . pmaiu boscs ou Chcna- Look out for Our Stars. tsreieisy - a - -rlFJX' $& Worth Price. Si 25 - $3 - 5 o - 3 5o - 1 00 3 o 1 1 50 25 for children,! oo 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 5 37 25 50 40 00 25 10 00 25 35 75 wide.p'r y'd, 50 - - - - 1 25 Goods at 10 and 20 cent3 a J ard. Quantity, so come early and secure then.. 1 2w5S CAMrOliXIA sroitE, Corner opposite l'ostofHce, Astoria, Oregon. MX UK had or Ili.E.HAWES SOLE AOEXT. a!v. Agent lor the celebrated It.ic!-. 1'n tent Cook Store, UKDALLION RANGK, sriAII riTUXUS ASrECIALlY. Vone but the be-.t vrorkrasn employed. All orkKU iran!eed;or nolchai-gc."- ASTORIA, OREGON MISCELLANEOUS. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. nKALUi: is ron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR. PITCH. OAKUM. SPIKES. iXailn, Copper Anils anil Bum, I Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils nubbsr and Hemp Packing of ail Hindi. PROVISIONS, FLOUR XSH 3III.I. FEED. ARfnts for Silem HouiInR MUl3. Cornor Chenaraus and Hamilton StreoW iVSTORIA. OREGON. HANSEN BEOTHEKS, Architects and Builders, All kiiiiln of JIouc work done at uortcsi nonce, f bhop Corner of Cas3 and Astor Street, ASTORIA, .... OREGON ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, CHE.VAMUS STREET, ASTORIA. j rilRE EN'DERSIGNEO 18 PLEASED TO S X announce to the puMlc that he Is mak 1 Ino the J !Boston rystaI ce Cream! CIIENA3IUS STREET. Plcae gn e mo a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor 'TH OLYMPIC SALOON Opposite the l'arker nouse. I THE FINEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS and CIGARS ,rept coa,la,lt;- ou toaA. No pains will be spared to git a my custo mers satisfaction. "Olve us a call. E. W. SEHT.E?, -V