C'J wwwamiBBnuiim i iili wjjjwminii mw twwu irwwimjwMsww C5Wuu jw in .1 n 1 1 wua.KWgSWiJUJiuvugg ;jiiu?jMjnigqi!wcoooftflftrtaiBrtfca u imunaajji YH '5 e ' ra 51 H ' m b m :i 1 rS Vol. xyii. Astoria, Oregon. Friday Morning. May 5. 1882 So. 30 && '"f HA -wA -9 r- s jlJft lilI'M-i Hb EXTRACT PROM CONGRESS- SllcoNOffPW w.. i.iu -xiu ui iipiu ijuii. m. v. Oeorge, in an exhaustive speech, entitled, "Permanent Development of the Northwe" .ui-cused at length tho matter of improving the Columbia river bar, ami effective' ly answered the objections of the New Yoik board of engineers against Col. Gillespie's report. In tbe coui?e of hi:, iciiiarks he i-nid: "I believe it to be true that the Columbia liver canies off a vol umo of water almost equalling tho great Mississippi. It has been estimated that the volume of water in the Spokane, a izver that emp ties into the Columbia, at Spo kane Falls, about seven hundred miles from tho mouth of the Columbia, is greater than that of tho Ohio at Cincinn-iti. Though not so wide as the Mississippi, the channel of the Columbia, fed by the rains, of winter and the melt ing snow on mountain ra'ige-. in summes, is of gieat average deptli and its cunent rapid and strong. .And this mighty stream, freer from sediment than any other American river, flowing out of one month I onl (and not a half doen), would form a grand, deep, straight clmn- nel, with a bar, as I verily believe, in timo ten miles out to sea, with abundance of water to float any vessel over it in almost any weather. As it is now, vessels not of the largest draft are at times detained for weeks, een months, awaiting water enough to pass out with their cargo. And this brings me to the last objection, and that is: The idea oi the board thut no improvement of any kind was nee essary, which, by the way, was equally incorrect. Let me quote the following dispatch, which I clipped recently from tho 13ulletin of San Francisce: "The Eurekal which arrived here Portland yes terday, teports eighteen x-esseIsoff the Columbia river b.n. Twenty vessels, loidcd and cleared, are lying in the harbor ready to cross out;" and this dispatch' is but an illustration of what is frequently occurring at this point. The loss of tho Great Republic is a signifi cant illustration of another evil closely allied with the present con dition of the bar. vYhilo not wreck ed on the, bar, and aside from all consideration of carelessness, j et a straight channel to the sea (which is always tho counterpart to a good bar when the body and the current of the water i sufficient, as thev are in tho Columbia) would have saved the noble vessel, whose hulk tiow rests on Sand island to attest tho dangers of crooked channels immediatelyinside as well as over the bar. From a list of vessels, foroign bound, crossing the Columbia river bar from June. 1882, carefully Astoria Chambe presontcd to will be seen that of eighty-six ves sels, drawing from fifteen to twen two-ieet, anu Having a vaiuo 01 nearly 17,000,000, sixty-fivo were ,l..;nn,l Um ir. fri...t . 1 . 1 detained from one to fortv-two days, and that the total direct loss i thereby for demurrages of ves sels and interest on cargo, amount' cd to $45,413. This list omits the large coasting trade in steamships and sails to all points between Pugct Sound and San Francisco. fiflter fines this include the 13:s for detention 01 vessels coming in over the bar, some of which have been compelled to wait outside as long as thirty days at 11 time. From tho sruno detailed state ment it appeals that in tho last four years the loss from wrecks on account jof crooked channels and .... , , - , 1S81, to Jaimary, immcdiatply. for delays are dau- '' ., ;, ,.;,;,, ntl." FrAK1?. ..,.-, , ... ... , , iuiuiuii.ni;ii in ...-. ii-ii-i. . 1111.111-. i...j...-, z ...I...- 1 ncir. .sH-ttoii.., ,c. i .XMori.i lo Hie I.1CI UiiU sue ii:i- i.'pf-i veil compiled bv the jorou. tnv slile informed . i!,nt A7C-,. near the L'.iiigiee.itioiuilei.iirob. ' 5iiir " U:e ISIoort prcionts and j t..,p.... uj ... t, ln iuii , iniormrii un mat iiw.-. , , uei. il.t -1 lt ittaMi-E tlio (ut Imiuit tv .1 lara a-'ortinnnt nf the rof Commerce and In thua oontr.ictiii2 the channel' 000 in .'old coin hail lieon naidout .. .,-., - !!f !!,.V.,H.I-..,Vli"V-l "'Ll'l"-!" Congress to-day, it ; and throwing the bar or sand de-' that -or.son to fishermen for fish' ,-.ri.'m1w ItlKfJuStttitilSZ. u d t..;......:.. lack of wnt.-i rn tin- b.r. simply, I .a,! njt Minting tho costs tojed ihe periannent impiovement of j other vesteh for repairing damases Cj.Ueea 0 stnUin on tne oar, lias; iainouilte(j IO -j51S,r5 1. j ItJ addition to the above, I has e :ut beet. ttdvKrd bv the- nrt'Mdent ' j0 tju, Astoria Chamber of Com- me.rce of the complete wreck of 'Columbia, let me .-.i tlmt it i-. tUs'up our ooutm-s, aie deeply inter the bark Corsica, 810 ton, draw-'only nvei in this g.e-tt commeictal j.-:e.l in tbef matters. Your peo inir nineteen and a half feet, whilei Heoublie whieh will re-ehe -l ! te ul.o eoiiti'mnhito imiisrntinn being towed .nit over the lur,. favorable pciiods udeepM'a-goitig!. ire aKo. 'Die edinnieiee of the March 1st, the essf-l !iaiugstruck i vfs-el ISO miies into the interior. . .orld j concerned. It i-, 01 the seven timet and became u tt.ta! I I thall now tiy to "if -.oiae vreck; loss of vessel ;:-?2,000; car-i idea of the pient and piopcc goof nheat, $1G,80S; total, 78,- ,tive commerce over the bar; and, S33. He adds: 'Tim Repourri first, as to the growth in my own latolv cam in with raiiioad iron i.stnto alene: after lying off the bar forty das."' Comparing our pioduenon-. m j ye.u ejrri.-d out mor thitbnr, in The larger class of vessels load-. the year 3SS0 with tlic-e of 1820 value, .-. or V. i.OOO.OOn of export;, ed nith railroad material forihe during -vhieh time out populi- ( Wh'it il! it not le in the devel AYiU.imette valley and Columbia t'on doubled nearly we find that ! opment ol t!ie nigh fuliitc? An river basin have been compelled to' in 1SS0 wo produced nearly VI,- other iheuuiit: Impiow- tin-river go to San Franc5.-eo, thenco to be j lightened in .smaller ceasters. or to , crease of 01 ei lonrfold; and the J n c i 1 .1 . -.iii. . .: . 1 . , "uget fcnund, and thenee transmit last year it wa- estimated at near . across the land bv railroad atily 24.000,000. u e have nearl v ling 11. ballast .ind el.arainir hijher largely increased expense. And doubled in the hial two year,. Yasj iate, through l.tei. uf e.iruo.. vet the New Yoik board tlionght, anything like tliis ever known he-' huge immigration will follow on ncarlv two years ao, that no im- fore? the-e line-, lltus not only dituin- provemeni nl was needed, but time has pt oven ethe: wise. Why, Mi. Speaker, the eommeiceof the Co- lunibia suffers now, .dl told, enough 1 in one ye.n to equal th- entire amount skod for by Colonel Gil- lespie. 0n this whole i-ubject mv per- L..i 1 .,,... i..,i.. r ,1.-, i,.i;..- njujn niitiiiivut' 4 -.-; t.ct.j and careful imestiiratiou induce, excel. These lignies rive us over j future we.oth. Here :, the ,(nn r mo unhesitatingly to declare my ovomy bushels to each inhnbi- "f t v- 'umbering and almon belief that tho three genllemen in ' taut. Our pre-eminence in this j interest-, and vea-"Un.teriiig ?en the city of Now York constituting j re.-pect is seen by comparison with t es-tily lighter ior a be upriver p.is tho board were wrong and Col- .the rate per inhabitant generally I agand e .uipletej!go 01.. return.'' onel Gillespie was light; and the . engineer in charge stiil stamK by hi' recommendation, and the pco- , ,, . -T ., . ..! plo of the great jSortliwet lill stand by his report. it win oe seen v anyone wno 1 I ., , ti. .ili, , , i rl takes the trouble, to e:;mine tltel sod only, and even the whole of nifli.q i.f the biiroor entriiees of ' Diiwiii U -i -mill fcetiniml o irl or ' mapsoi tin oiiroor entranus oi uiegon is a small 11..1 tionai p.ut o. leadin? maritime ports the woild of tin- jrand scotion the Xoith- over that the Columbia is peculiai toitsell. US capacity tor porraa- nent and great improvement is far j .1 .1 ."r v 1 ' greater than that ol .cw York, or. the mouth of tho Mississippi, or 1 ' to itself. Its capacity for perma-1 low water and probably a mean the Dcleware. hue ban 1 1 an-1 els annually. As the lute iiishopi .v-kilmest-rnr'-!!.-! tlnm l:.iis." itju-.-.'. u. wii-i -..il! n ' i"ll you at once 1 1 11 i . , IT . t . . .,,. , rr ., itleaisniit rat-, aii.'e.bfiliiii'is. iicicl.es. It'i'5' '' 11'' it-salue Hie Iwwi I-, and Cisco bus much the deepest water Huvcn said in the Zion'.s Herald: Virin'i iti. nuts i::-e,t- lV pei io 1 h- o-t m .1." ecibcr.. mil relief and over its bar of any leading port in -It is a great country, and - ii'i'rVllil'iVrun.'an'eSS the United States thiifv feet at should T nnrps? niv mind trpnlv' ,,a '" i.ilnl'l .isil.t lu lie 11-te. and is the DTC- rise of four feet more vet the writing in the interest of someiail Colutnbirf river once equaled it, iad company or land speculators.' and can be made to equ il it again. How much incio might be done no one can determine; but this much is certain, that more fresh 'gou because a country in which ii water scours out over the mouth j salmon does not rise to the ily of the Columbia liver than over; could not be woith ver much,' any other sintrle bar in rhe United j yn on the liver ther. .tie thirty States. Nature is iiadually doing, fivo eanneiie,, which, during this the work for us, and all we have to J aat v,.ar) ,acked for export T.-10,-do is to confirm and maintain her' 000 ease, worth over 52,100.000. 1. rii c?..:. . :.K .1. ! won., uiiiibon ojm, 111 us Kruwiii, Un Illv way Imie, Mamllii"; 011 the i iVyinoii.vTou -u-tains U.t- U,h wuh-' i.-a.i-m .li-tliiKuMiil,.t.i r.fc.m-ti, M iCW illKl VlUHiUi is to-day in constant .h.ngor of;dpok of tll(. sl0Jllfe,io Califamia.'"""5""'' fwi- c'"w"- '' xVJnSmvJtiftPt again breaking Jiff. Let tho wo.lc whicl, hy ,).,. Bny ha( tn wait lwo .... ... lum. , YJVkAff !?.&&J$tt& MILLINERY, of imnrovoment be conimnnoed ,i,,.t,w,... .nr,i,..i,.,, u.. r :., ' ... ,u,i..!ui ..!. .i '"' '?'':'" iLtii-cii,, nrntnn: U'tah-. posit far out in tho deep ocean, unlike many other jirominent .places wheie lmprovemunts aio' being made, the hand dopo-it will 1 i. i I.:-.. . t . . - be constantly subject to cross or littoral oiirients which greatly ' fucilitie for shipment: Inrger ves assist in wearing away and remov- els, deeper draft, more tonnage ing bar deposits. These strong ong do , uo shore currents, i am informed not iwisl ill the nuth Pata , , ,,...." .. I,. ' ... J , . ' of tho Mississippi, nor at Aew 000 tons. Ihe avorago dratt of ntei' not in need of the scouring torco of these cm rents) is eight miles insido of a line from Point Reyes to Pcscadero Point. President Hayes, in 0110 of his messages, after risking this won derful country and learning of its iieeesMtk-,, eametlv leeoinniend-j the channel tit tho mouth a. an "iiigeni noeu. 11 is. me ju phi inlet and onllet of nearly ihe whole of the Northwest; and iri ; ur-'in the impoitance of tin- in.- ipimemrn: :f ti.e mouth o! the 000.000 bushels of wheat, mi in-; In 1S&0 e pioduced ncaih I,, ,-00,000 bushels of oat-, . twofold inrioase- of btrley, ne.nly :),10(.- Q00 liushol-, over four'uhi inerc.e; (" enteiing the Columbia wo (,nvool nearly 0,000.000 pounds, , ''l8,l l'"' piosperous and lapidly or nr.a,v -.KfJld increase. l)uiing!srow'n-f I'oiiimeieial --a-port, As- the saiue time our m&.iufaetuiesi lor-'a u di-fribuling peint for .1 vi.st nerlv doubled. It is, however, in loi "- cmniiy teeming with all .r-i,o-t .,rn.i.,n:.,., ,. r.... il,.. .. nilgai. iKKuui.uuiijii ') " " - . in this country, that being about1 eighteen bushels; in Middle -States, little oei tineo bu-hei-, and in ' iie-lnm-nr -aloon, .Satmd.sy .tn.i .in- Vr ,, . , . i- .1 s'daj pciiim:i. Oceiileiit bl(( k. New r.ngiiiiid about one-fouriii of . u bu-hel. This immense yield is j wt itemoie jroinatmaii.iraction 01 oui tinaoie - ! we.-t. A memoiial lo Congre.-s, presented fiom the Washington prese.ite.l Horn the a-lungton Territorial Leirislatuie, eslim lies' 1 i- . 1 in eastern Washington alone a, wheat capacity of 12.000,000 bush-1 r j 1 about it, I would bo suspected of Takothesalmonindustry. While it was s-iid that tho English com ' missioner :i.;rpel tosurremlei Ure- caught 111 the waters w thin tho "- , . . ratlffe of our lslOIl. 1 .... . ti- ... v tic 0.11, .-ii. u'lii-i '. on" in"ti .1..... own 11 !. n ,tti ttt im . i ,tny'i. ii. ui art 1 in.mr 1 ... , .... 'the immeuso tonnage, ol ilm j Jmi,'(.,,f ti'," .lrtti"e ri'iiMilv the lVrii-l Columbia, pi eseut and especially Ulan bark. or. a- it was cahY.l in tln'lEx .:." ...,,. , -.. -J lauRiiacc of the coiimry, '(miii.!iim.i.- j prospective, calls for increased capacity. Our coasting tindc with! "5-1,, Franei-co emoloy'iien ste-im - sail rranusco employ u 11 .sitam- .chins overe few .lnvs nf nv..r . 1 r ii- i . 1 anco and expense of all inteiested therein Th vovarr is so Inier i.itrein. 111- oyaac is so long that economy requires the largest and deepest vessels, which we can- .i .1 "i .i.:..i "... not now nrocuro. Even if thev COUiu noi- carry a tun c-ai"u up iiiui , , . , n , 1 river after entering, should they I iksiro to a-e-nd un iur in thevi eouW go, tliey could iranstei tr lighter, us- hi-rctcforo, 1:1 :i.nr, and 1 1,1110111111 10 tionn cotuu ti:iitM cirir-i. aul thu-, jnatenaliy benefit tlie ti.in-poi tut-on interests ol the people. Vcu oi the eat, lioo eapit ! i-. doing so much to devo!- gii-aie-it importance ttiut torn e--sels Mid tiie bhipi of the ituild cm safeh r;aeii ihcj'r diiin.ition 1:1 0111 noitlii-,u ami -.iFi i.tiil ' profitably depasi. The-- -hip Isst and htie -team-e-se!s will 'akr the place of -nil, and ie-ie.id oft .1 . . . 1 the irrealer poition ol w-m-Is to-n-, .1 .ishiug the tost of uhe.it .111 i.ige, !'ut eaii.-ing ilie upbiiildiiu- and deeIopment of ur coiinti. the irmiid elements oi present ,tnd VuSiirfc "" " fee I'li'fi. i. 1' ii,"lni. .if l?n--. - r.- , jir.i..ii. wivr.miut i.a.i.. -iou- l.n. A....I ..:,... ... ...... .Inr... ..T f I, . . ii.u, n.nm tnu uii.i- linn I Jiu.il I'l iiici KuiKhtse: rjlhias building ami will! re"'nve his stock on or!l'Ollt 111? fust ol ; May jieiuj; ose!te,'k..l mid v.ihin-l toiMli'ceIilpie-eut stock be will nili'i . ..-. i -j.vt..n ......... ....... .; ,.1 uun u 1 n ..it o!-o.iei-ii:iiiieiii aaitiiiui.i.ii discount to all ea-b cii-touicis biijiue'of m.-'i n-t In .t -i.-tc child suifeimg - LoV 't'iuiMmi.ini; iii," Ah- Jliat thedi-cnnii will b handed tim-l: in ca-h. jt - . -- :..:! nte hi the .-ee , j,iiims n( unioiiiii in -sio ;ir mer. 1.1 -. .New, moll, compleu- .Mir.- 4 t.lv-, fS,,: ' V",'',.," !.,", ..'.rl , O. urlini.: aliertlon-. vii-i.tiiw. ncoient'.' '.'". ,h" Un: : ,,l""!"7 V ,. ...1...,. . I. ...... ...... n..i- un.-i-r-. f 1. Jt ilr.iu'di-ts Oleuii liciint. DA X'--.tei'O., I'ortland, Or. ,. .i!.;!..,.i( ...!,...:,... 1 ,.i.. .i:.;,.. War! Wail V.n! Wiil.-r ttom oib-iiil liee t 1 .10, jk i-.on 1 tb.:t will bull 1 a siv; mill in the 1 it of, W'illiamsp.'.it. Lmnbci we i.iusl !i?.m! to I1111UI thi-citj. He ii.'U'one stoic in . 1 mining order at jiri-ent. i'liitea i.ein ber li3ealieid loca'nl home- in thi citj, and jtt ilicre i- 10.1111 obi on time to sIMt pnrcha-er-. I.n.'.diit one mile -until of -toiia. on lb. siie.r. stile of tbe bill n Viiiine'- on. .1 tt'lllllVsi.Vsl. 1'h.' mitrtlive inojertio-. ol ' o:.l t r l.ii-i'i..'. I.inr'in Irrn in1Vi'n .i.i'.ff-. i.iinv 1 i.i .tf.r-, kn...n In .llilnriMit 1 I . 1 il riu-(. .111.1 Cinohou was the jumh .-A ;-o p-i "V Xim?u?V$? Vicerov in IVm iniiB". TlieOiuin.'ss,!"' '"" '' ""'p V.r:'"n? s Tv l-"r. i'm,.? l,u wile. w- mosliatcil bv an lnleiiiiil-1 ' ' VNM,M- hU,.. ''. rl"-s i ..f"''i. '....,i.i,i..i;,.,i,...n.. Grateful for hiM neuter?, 011 Iwr rdurn 1 to hururf m liif.', sue mirotliii'eil imp remedy in -Spain, a her- it w.i- ki. own umliT .rioa- naiiit--. until Luum-us nnltoil 1 1 Tli.clljtlO tt lllill'lt uf 'Itil I (if I who had brought them lint which was; more preeious than theyoldofi iln-Im-is. To this day. aficr a lapse of two him-1 I tired and tiftv C.U-, ei"!li'e ha- Js'HOH lUsiiotliiiiKtotakeit-i jil.ice. ltifivtu - ally cures a morbid anjietlte. for timu- 1UUL-, oy lesiorniji ii:r 100111.11 (t.ui.. .i rcruMan Hitters, wlncli. tie as I'liiitixi? .AAn- malarial fever to-dax as tbet - "Pro in the das of the old .sjems 1 . ytecrov, yfc eiiarantce the mgreili - lents of ihee hitler, to be ab-ofuteh 1 Pure, anil 01 tne iw-i mown quai u. j trial will Miti-fy joj tluitthi- is th" wst..?.'"n "Vi""1 " ..ii'S PEPS' ?i inu ouuuiu is iii un- ".-.iiiiii;, ui.u wn """ft.) "' " "" " "j all drus"Uts, ftrocers and liquor dealers. Order it. Loebs Co., agents for Astoria. itri.U!..-.l ;:.ki::i tot J.et .u.M Muiiv.n'-. lixjint; Siou-. .,-., i-.,,,,,!;,... nn.i i:,m.ohi-pw 1 !i m fiofimi i' l,i 1 !; lin.'J: 01 fiuni iui': .i.iil iVMin?0! t'ie comer of 31am sun! .-vjiv h mi'a Niit'v:-. immI will -ell at sin i-rnnei'-i-ii iui"t'-. Vo'i will save money by Im-. ins: of me. M yiui.v Oi.m:. '1 he W-im .Miirt .Unl Oil Clotliiiii? 1'nitnrj I..t-. iiinl iu't house to OT.rien-. Hotel. 1'- iiiiiii wsliinj sooI n;it l..i!i!ii: ! !.is-;i tlieiuilrvwill jilpfl'.p cjil. :i.-nti.u J'i !ii'VKii'n .l.se MciioiaV. L'ilm .'if OileaJ oil for -ori-er clupred liamls, for sale l Joe (r. liart.-i- l'iii. tables free to ill. for ti.eM.it bubs 1:1 tliei'lt go to til.' Oi it-tit bulling room", opposite 11. llii'll - 11 et. rl -till.'. .10.'. (J. Cir vitrujs I 'i up. Mn'tcal lostr.iction . i'n I. FitHl. suej, m ";vitzeil..i.il, i! no m in. . 't unl intends organizing I ae!a-i In i:.-iiai.iei'l.tl inil-i.-. A115 one v.!i.Mv!it-i ij.i.e.. t I'.iua eein-eiif 111-' strneli in on tl e .itiui v.ill liml till-, a raie enix.iimiiii. 1'iof. Msr.er niai be! -.ci 11 .;t Mrs. I'ttillln's I'l.e !' i.neni .rniiias etireU thou n.uhU win. ! N'Hieiinir from iIvsimmi sl.nlel.ilitj J'o.-i . ompiTiint. rni-, hu iiui. Semite .'.(liiiit.iinH. etc. I'ainiiii- I.'ts free team nililie--.. Setb V.Kewlf .V -HISs. lt..tli'.l. JS.ij tbe tteeklj Tt'i. '.Ii.i.mi Y-.roi:i. for tliis wtcl. is tnll 01 ji.t v.ieli information a".i ii.--i-.of IS'e cnimtvj as our friends j:. (lie .-i--t w.utt ti se. It lias civ lew '.ii utix. i.K'iiK 11,1 is clioel; (d the uiii77le uf infill nnmmi lliat no laniiij e.m sii.-ee-stsillj smi.-ive alon witliont. '1 v.o il.-II.tr-. v. ill tiuv l'".' wbole wad for acar, -1 .'' !ui m .1 .illi-.crteinTiits pei cop; II i i's Vi:i.i:Tvisr.K .Sicilian Hair X m w ei: t- a cficiiiiiu combination of seine of Hie imj-t powerful ie-loralive asoiil in tli' ivet.il.ie kingdom. Itie sioi -, j l i,;,n 1.. it-Kriinal color. It iijki Hie -.-i'i v.lilte and clean. It erne- tlaniliiift ai.d bmnors, and f.illiim onl of tin-In. i. It f m nWlies tlie nutri :ie niiii"ple U wiiich the liairis nour-i-liei! ti'il -ui.ported. It makes the hair luoi-l, -i.lt ami jji'iy, and is uniai-pa-e.l :i a It iir r"-.-iiiij. It is the most ccoiKcmc.tl pre).a:.ill..n eer o:lereilto the public. 1-, it- i .Tl.s- remain a lone time. uwl::iu oiilj -an occaiienal appll ealien iefs-ar. it is lecounueiided fie.t 11-.. I by eiumiitt meilieal men, and ofiii'..ill) eiidi)!-- il li ill.- Mate Assaicr ol M.is'-.iclmsf-ti-. Tliu impulaiily of n.iii-:i:.n iJ.'iiLwe. i.as inererstu wiin ,11'.' tet of m.ui ',..us both in this Ifnimtrj and m forii.'n l.mds, and it Is ",,-' Vi,' ,:...! t COH 111 I II'S 11 I 11' W Oi 111 . .. ,. imiMtna vt.i. io v.i.kii-. " "" "" - - tiuiSl-i, liniiici-s!! I.isneis! ! I . ,uni . ,.,iiij Willi :.. excruciating pam oi , mdncbVV; oVioat onre'and ';. n hotib ..1 Mi . H iuslow's i-oothniE; Kmiiji. il v. it! 1. In .- the poor lillli? sut- jfoier imninii ,t.! .bpond noon it; ;tli;r. 1-.. im-r.-i.. about it. '1'hcre is I not .1 tiieibe: i.u .'till! who has eer e iir. 1 iiiim -".in- -em ni'iuiiiiTC. iJ cent- .1 bottle. King- of the Blood 3 I is :i. .... . 1 1 l.Alil.Hitl puiilicranj j. I l.ii.i. 1.. lm. I. ..? Il.i li'.ir. 1 luili..-. tlu-:. . Mem, .1 r.i.Kest, . u. -ilitifu. ai.d Urns lie' ' HUU.UI...S. 1. in li :; is j-Jlv- (Vile 5 Qtvaiv l, Jti lo, kjbIX. . Lime, BriCk, Cement aflfJ Sailfj. ' ' , o.i;ieliei'il to Order, . . - . "..w....o .r......y u '.irtAftfiw uwAif.bj. Horses- itnt,Cui 1 iages fot Hire V.'ifiES, LIQUORS AND CICARS.I - 1 , ni T7 i. I bt313iiaiiS VaiietieS ! new Kit is 1 fos 5(5 WLulosalo Dealers In GRAND OPENING. . i-3..-i- "vwnviivvi'xT IIaea now Kmllncallev, the largest and best hi town. Admittance free. MISCELfiANEOUS. S. AftNDT & FERCJ1EX,!E.C V010EX ASTOHIA. - OKKOOV. The Pioneer Machine Shop DlrKSMITIl w.aSS "i 1 'j s 11 o prisa D.-l OU tK-US. OUIIC! OIIUp iVg-'(J U1 Kin , of ENGINE, 0AHHEKY, - VVD- STEAMBOAT WORK Pr.inii.tlj atttuilej to. A -piM ill) nn.te uf lop.'jrlns CANNERY DIES. lOOf OK LVJ'AVKITU hllitKT. ! ASTORIA IKON WORKS. liK.vro.N Siwrcr, .r.a I'vi'.Kin Hersi:, .HTOKl. - Ol:i CON. GENERAL MAGHIKISTS AND BOILER' MAKERS. LAKIIcMARIKB KKUIXBK Boiler Work. Steamboat Work. and Cannery Work a specialty. cxi. &rsmisrs . Of nil Oi'si'l'Iplious ntniie t Oriter at Slioct Aotire. . i). w.ss. rwsia.Mu. J.(i. JIusti r.t:.S?cietatv. I. V. Oasi1. Treasurer. Jon" Kox, uj.etluten.U11t. B. B. FKANKLIN. UNDERTAKER, Ciuncr rjsasi 1 s-.-idikjIi,. -ii-i-i AToillA - - (iKJMiX lifi.VLni: ix WALL FAPEK vli)oY shades AMi rXJJtJKTAKKKS l.OODb. SUIT HOUSE! CLOCKS iSi SUITS Isball sau.l toanv Dllhs'sl-saiid DOLMANS at elites tint AXXOl' 1!E DLl'IJOViEU I In Ainonca, Horn i:5inm.u.h,vwtli in n llff;.: ,ot 'aii.li.tiu at Wells 1 nrgo. and If not kuu.1 ituue 1 im;. cnaiifi-s i;oi 11 wajs .u- EST. IO, XjXSP, Corofi Tblr.l .111. 1 Aider istrenU, 1'UltTL.A.Vn. OltlliiOX iiwcis. I5ER.ST-, F.a.isrcTr goods. Corner M.1I11 aail .viuomobo Mroi t-. Leinenweher & Co., C. LKI KS WKlll 1:. s. II I ISO t K-TUII.I-.il CI 1A".. i ASTOKIA, (JlIK;ON. ' P AWWCRQ AUT1 PITP'RITi'P! 1 xxlll 11131.1U iXxJJ UUXlllIljlIUi Manufacturers mill Impiiitei-ol . A 1.1. KIXIKOf ---, t. vzty- " f - JZS--z.n- -nfivmv- AMI HMHM.s OIL AND-TALLOW. 03IIIgUaat cash price paid tor Hutea and Tallow. zmz-ws $ul5g?re3 3B&K& niita, uuiuicia, 1 1 iinniiiiys, BUSINESS CARDS. MIl'AKl I'UULIU, ALrnoM:i:n, commission and svkance agent. jyu. J. C. MIAFTEIt, riMsii n ana smci;o Un.T-cnr.n ARzr.) Ii-i-ns,'s ortlie Throat u .Specialty. Office oer Conn's Drut Stoic. J)R. C. C. CLASS, I'in.sICfAX AND SCKOEOX, Ollic-o 011 A. V. All. u's Store. ASTORIA, - OREGON". TTi D. WIXTOJf. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Offtcrt in C. 1 Paikir's buliaiag. oa Eectoa stccet. episx-.lt Custoia House, ASlOUIA. OBEGOK. ,T XY TrTTLP, 31. I. 1'llY.SKIIAN AKD SURGEON 01 n.'K -Our the "White House Store. Iti.siDi nci. flier nilwrson's Bakerr. op lslte llaitli 5. Mrrs' Halooc. lf V. UiriiN. JF.NTIST. ASTOKIA. .... OltKGON. liooini in AllinV bmlolnj; up stal w. com' r et Cas .mil S.u.ino..'nlic strt-cts. I Q. .t. IIOWLUY. ATIOUXJ:" AT LAW. CIWKii.uis Mreot. - ASTOUIA. OIUs.tIO 0. II. .ts." V CO.. or m it i Ount-s. VI iniloWH. BlindM, '1'i-an souib. Lumber, Ktc !l kind-, ef Oak Lumber, 01a.w, Boat Ha ttrtal. 1 tc Tarnic.g and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. M&.iu.Milt r.ecr Weston hotel. Cor. iJu bvUimuiJ AstdrstieeU. 7M. iimvi:. BOAT BUILDER. AT T11K OLU.VlA.su. (IRAK'S BUlLDDiG riiar ru&s work a. specialty. MAG.VITS C. OROSBY. ualer la HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, Plumbers and Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD'' STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN ANDWPER, Canserv anil Fishermens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware andHouse Furnishing Goods. JOCBIhC IN SHEET IRON. UN, L'QP- PFH PLUMBING and STEAM EITTINQ Djne with neatness and dispatch. Noiif but lust tluvj workmen euuplojci A lav-,;." iort!neut of SCALE? Constantly ou tuind WILLIAM EDGAB, Corner -Mnln aai ChocamiySueeU. Ah rOKIA OBKQO.N. DULER CI CIGARS AND TOBACCO, l lie Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS &. SONS GENUINEiENGUSH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LU .".pit other liislUh CuUery. STATIOWERYI FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine ISeershaum Pipes, etc. A I'.n- stock of U'ulrhrn and .lewelry. Jlurzlr. and ItrefrJi l.oadlns hliot (Innn unit Kilted.. Krrnlvera, 1'iMtobi. mnli Amnninltlen' MAHIXK GLAMHF.H. -VLSO A FI5tK Aviiutmrnt of line S1T.CTACLE3 and EYE SKIPPING TAGS IIMIi: n&ST QUALITV, WILL BE LU X w taa liunarca. or y in doi. rnsiea or plain, in iuit customers, at Asto&iak offiot.