CO ASTORIA- OKEPOS: THURSDAY MAY 4, 1SS2 J. I' lULLOHAV Eilllor. Evidences or lus&nily. Aketuei: jury has succeeded in the easy task of making a col lective fool of itself by rendering a verdict in Santa Clara County Cat. that Senator Baker, lately deceased, was insane, and that his will should be set aside on that ac count. The will, as published is one of ihe most sensible instru ments of the kind ever written; it ties up the property so that none but the legatees can have it, and prevents the lawyers from frittering p. way the estate in stays and' delays .and reheariug and all the rest of it. The alleged rea sonthat the jury found the testa tor insane was because once, when sick, he asked that a mustard plas ter ber placed on his side while' standing. This, the sapient sap heads that composed the jury, ar gue is prima facie evidence of in sanity. It was also alleged ttmt he was at times "morose," and now and then would ''talk in his sleep.'" For this hideous breach of custom the j:irv mu-t adjudge him insane. Where is there a puling infant so ignorant as Jiot to know that when they ask'' for a mustard plaster that thr-y should assume a recumbent position. That a . cultured and scholarly gentleman should violate this an cient custom may savor of insan ity, as ignorance of usagSs can not be pleaded. A law-abiding citizens we 'accept the verdict. Henceforth a party is nor a re sponsible agent if .lie asks for a mustard plaster while standing, is morose and talk?- in his sleep. A murderer has only to prove that he talks in his st.--p and is at times :ii(ro-r-, mid has ;iked that a mustSnl piaster be placed upon his side whili- sunding, to prove his irresptns:!i!!ity. Looking at the verdict in a dispassionate light, we can see both benefits and injuries. It will benefit us by imparting to us a Frenchy po liteness upon all occasions, "and it wili.induce men of wealth to dis sipate their . means , previous to death. The principal injury that will follow is that person are apt to lie awake all night to n-oer-t.jin whether they do or do not talk in their sleep, as most per ijn would liku ti know whether they are sane or not. Senator Baker lias at least proven himself a useful lunatic. Rising to a. position of envy among his fellow-men, having a gift of oratory that few .surpass, being the chosen representative of a popular -part, his insane action in trying to divide his property as in his large brained and whole souled way seemed to him most fit, demonstrated by his failure that trile-by-joroie s the only test of a man's mental status. Ye arp in the hands of Providence. German custom-house officials some- time, ago declared that Columbia river salmon was "iron ware'' or at least should pay duty as iron ware, because it is put up in tin "cans. They have further distinguished themselves by a re cent . decision, that Pennsylvania hams are "cotton goods,"' because they are sent over in sacks. Gciteac says that if all his "re lations had died .twenty-five years ago it would have been a God send." Had hismother died a year before he was born, it would have been" money in his pocket. The Chicago-Journal thinks that if Boss Cameron and Presi dent Arthur have any regard for the future mic.-ps of the Republi can party, thpy will do well to stop and consider if it is not about time to call a halt in the course they arc now pursuing. A close in spcetiou inttthe April elections all over tlie'cbniit'ry will reveal the fact that the Democratic party is neither dead nor sleeping, but that it has been successful in almost every considerable city in the north by a large majority. These Democratic victories ought to teach even a thick-headed Penn sylvania boss that if the Republi can party is to be kept in hand, so as to win the victory in the nest Presidential election, it must be through the agency of greater har mony than has been attained by the course President Arthur has been pursuing. The law against quack doctors that was passed in Illinois four or five years ago has worked like u ; cathartic in purging the "medical i profession of that state. The num ber of plvysicians has been re duced from 7,400 to about 4,000. The diplomas of not less than six teen so-called medical colleges are now rejected and the itinerant quack is fast becoming a thing of the past. Oregon needs just such a dose of legislative medicine. NEW TO-DAY. Notice. MB. L. E. SELIG IS NOW DELIVERING School Assessment Wanks for School District Xo. 1. Parties will please fill said blanks and retain tu ttie undersigned, in ten days after their receipl. J. G. nCSTLER. . May . ISSi Clerk School District No. l Notice. mllE DELINQUENT TA3uaJlOf.L FOR A the year 18SI, together wTth a warrant from the County Court for the collection r.f the s.mie, is in my hands. Delinquent tav pavcrswill Mease settle at once and s.ue cods. A. St. TWOMMLY. rays stipriir. Valuable Lot for Sale at Auction. Tuesday. Muy 9tn 11 a.m. IjiOR ACCOUNT OK AVHOM IT MAY concern. I am instructed lv the Irnst ces Of the ESTATE OF M. J. KINNEY, Esq., to tell at l'nblic Auction, at my sale room, for account ol whom It inav concern : Lot four (4). in Block forty-four (4 1) In Mc Clure's Astoria. . -is laid out by Cyms Olne, to the hlirhest bidder for rash. my3-td E. C. HOLDLX, Auctioneer. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE! Tuesday, May 1611 a. m. EY ORDER or THE t:OARD OF Di rectors, I will sell at IuMic .Auction a abote, that alu.ible and eligible tot known as I-ot 4, in illock 47, in MrClurc's Astoria, and the buildings thereon, to the lushest bid der for rash. Said lor i-. that on which the old Public School building stands, being on the northeast corner of Main and Astor streets. Sale Absolute and Titlo Perfect. E. C. H0LDEN, Auctioneer. test : .1. 0. HUSTLER, School CloiK. mj2-td REPUBLICAN State Ticket. For Congress, M. C. GEORGE, of Multnomah county. For Governor, Z. F. MOODY of Wasco count... For Supremo Judge, W. V. LOUD, of Marion county. For Secretary of State, U. P. F.AI.ILYRT, of Multnomah rr.unty For State Treasurer, EDWARD HIBSCil, of Marion county For Supt. of Public Instruction. E. 15. McEI.ROY, of Denton countv. For State Printer, W. II. HYARS, of Douglas county. Fourth Distrlet Xominntloii'., For Prosecuting Attorney, .1. F. CAPKF.S.of Multnomah county. Clatsop County Nominations. For Joint State Senator, (for Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook.) F. C. REED, of Clatsop county . For Joint Representative, (for Clatsop and Tillamook,) JASPER SMITH, of Tillamook oomitv For County Judge, C.A. McGUIRE. For C ounty Ciork, IL R.SPEDDEN. For ShejAfi JAMES W. WELCH. For County Treasurer, CHARLES IIEILBORX. For County Commissioners, nEXRY F. FISHER; D. E. PEASE For Assessor, W.W.r.UtKER. For Surveyor. GELO PAKKEPu For School Superintendent, H. SLOOP. For Coroner, DR. S. KINSEY. SHIPPING TAGS THE BEST QUALITY, WILL BE S'lLD by the hundred, or by the box, printed or plaia, to cult cttttoaers at I Tss Aswstw c fel ftWMflAWJJEB MISCELLANEOUS. G-O 370 a - .A' THE "BOSS" Men's, Youths' and Boys' i Y Tin: ito; i. CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! TIIK BOSS IV the Latent Styles HATS ATO CAPS! TISR BOSS S3. BOOTS AtfDSIlOGS! THK UOSH IS Cloths, Gassimeres anil Tweefl Tin: itoss MERCHANT TAILOR! You will find the Finest anil Lnssest Assortment, tl U"t Quality, and Hit- L O WEST of PRICES. M. D. KANT, The Clothier. MAfiXU. C I'RtKSBY, EABDWABE, IW, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fitiings, Rulers and Sta Mm Goods and Tools. SHEET LEAD' STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AHD'COPPER. Cannes and ttnuenis Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware andgHause Furnisbiny Goods. JODBINd IN SHFET MO.'J. TIN. COP PER PLUMBING ami STEAM IITTING Don? with neatness ntul dispatch. lint tlrst class vmikiii.-i! I'mi'lo.vvil. A larjjfi awortment of S-0 A L E P roiisl:ui!lv on li.ind Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has received a large invoice of BARRELS AND HALF BAP.REI of tiie best quality. Anil is now mulr to snpplv llntcliTs C:m neries aint all others, chL.pfor ra-Ji. WILLIAM EDGAE, Cornor Main and Chenimus Streets, AaTOKIA OltEOON. DIULCR LX CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Tlie Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENIIOLM and Giber Knclish Cutlery. STATto ITS 12 I FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Keershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of WatrliP.H mill .Iptrelrj', JInzzlo nurt Rreecli Load Ins Shot Guns nnd ItllleH, :ttvolvcrH, FlKtOlH, unit Auinmnitloii' 3IAKISK GLASSES. ALSO A rI'E Aswirtment of tin" SPECTACUIS and EYE UL.1SSES. LETTEP. HEAD TArEr., )RINTKD. OR I'LAIN. OF TUE BESI quality st Tut Astosus office. viccxrTj;cMggyayaJ MISCELLANEOUS. jpi il 11 3 K i J&ssal 5ttLr 9 (src-Kviou to r-AGi: iV Air.t-. W&ii'&wtonnd mail awtli-r 1u &r$mrim P.-j irf&ht ax fix w c - ec j.-3.j j 1 Glass and Plated Ware, THOriOAl. AND I)013JT!C FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. TouPlhrr v.Kli Wines, LiQiiors, Tobacco S Ciprs T!ic l.irset unit rr.(Ki coiuAtte sintk of jmoJs !n tlicli line to l)! tomi.l in ;ln f.lty. Con.iT of C:"n and Squewooqlw Strnf (q. AST01JIA. OKCC.nN. GLEANING and RSPAIRIDJ6 XE.VT. CIIKAP XSlt tjltCK, It :i:o:;g;: iah vvvv. Stmt, oniosile "'. 1L.. X-E, S:. SKTE. Importer and Whoicali- il-a'r r i:i Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards. Cut lery, Etc., Etc . 'Hie Ian:c and liiiet stock of "Meeisphamii sinil Amber nno, s in tlie e .y. lVrilcnlnr at tention p ;in to o:Vrs fioni ', e onnntry and voxels. Glir-namis? street, AMorm, Oregon. Tiiro. i;i:acki:i;, Maiwccr BMSMilUM & HBCDT'S ASD ARH THE SEST- Aiiil Cfst no more than otlu-r luauils ; ami If the JIerelia:it Willi whom jou trade does not Keen our Cood-, it is licraiw it pays better to sell a pair of Boots or Shoes eery two months tlian every four or five. WK OUAKASTEE EVEIIY VAIE VE MAKE. Ail Meiciiants itifioo-l credit proeine these Goods at our Wat chouses in lViiland or Sau I'rancisco. Try our "HERCULES" Patent Boois HECHT BROS. &. CO. THE ANNUAL MEETING or THE PIOXECR AXD HISTORICAL MJCIETY of Oregon will be held at the If.ui ot Rescue Ensrne Co. No. 2 .on TlHTKbDAY. the Hilt dav of 3Iay. lb52. comnieneni',' at n o'clock r. M., for the purjioteof iteeivinjj repoitsoi olncers, comnuinicalions. address es, etc, and for the election of officers for the unstring j ear. and the transaction of such other business as may properly eonie before the soclctr. All are respectfully invlied to attend. H. T. JIcKkan. see;y. Astoria, April 23. 1SS2. td Notice. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED roil l.It.M) ins the School Ulock. In Astoria, for the New Schoul House, untlllT.tir.dn v. May 4th 1SS2. The Directors rescue the rijlit tote jeetanyor all bids. The Wreelors will che all information wanted. Jiv order ot Ihe Roord of Directors. .I.C.. HL'STl.KK, Clerk. Astoria. Apnl 27Ih, lS8.i I. W. CASE, LMPOIITER AND WnOLESALE AXD RE TAIL HEALER IX 6KHEBAL KRCHMDISS Corner Chenamas nnd0ass stieet. 9 ASTOIJIA - - - OREGON A. G. STJNSON & CO.. BLACKSMiTHING. At Capt. Rogers old stand, ci.rni r of ftiss and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery wotk. Horseshocins. Wagons made tmd repaired. Good work guaranteed. VOV 1J. tWtJ rviiSjT"tr:zs.niJTjMijiri nzi - MISCELLANEOUS. fWV w? ieO,W8MHM8i Wholesale and Retail Scaler; GEOOBPvIES,! i Provisions. Lumber, i TC, ETC.. - KTC.i Fishci'snciis Mil Cuimery SUPPLlEiS A SVECTAT.TY. AflEXT For. TUB San iose Fruit Packing Company. .YST THE Sau JTraucisc) Chemical ASTOltIA - - - OKEGOX. it.vr.Tix roAsn .1. J. SWEE5, T? F0AEB & STOKES, Wholesale and ictail dealf 1-. i:i Wood and Willow-ware. GROCERIES, Tobacco. Cigars. Vincs and Liquors lORl'tON AMI IIO.MIIIC Frails and Vegetables. AND COITKTHY PRODUCE. IN'O General Comnsission Itt'erchanta AsroitiA. n:i:.v. Xexl to OffSLti Raiiuaj ,v Xav. ro's Doc!:. div Oaiuieiy Supplies Imported and tor sale bv AblOlUA. - OREGON". ISaf r5;;f. !".if ryftol Halt. I'ascs 0:11. . Aeiu for HntlocV Solderinp Macliine ; .lolniiton's improved Soldering apparatus; lotary table fot soldering soam; lllnod's net tloals. LOEB & oo, jouri:i:.s in AVINES. LIQUOJKS, . Axn CIGARS. ACEXTS VOR TIIE Besst San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. H?A11 ifoods sold at San Eranciseo 1'iices. MAIS STREET. Opposite l'.ul;er House. Astoria. Orecon. -CLOTHING-!' HEH'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS'. PINE J3RE5S SUITS. STYLISH BUSINESS SBITS. SOFTl STIFF 1T.1TS, In the Latest Stjles. Also a Kirst-C'.ass Line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! The Custom Department embiaces the Xeet 1'attonis in TWEEDS. CASSI MERES. WORSTEDS, rle. Suits mnde to order In the X.ATKST SRH'YOSK J'ASIIIoAft D. A. Mcintosh Merchant Taihr Clothier and Hatter, OCCLDEXT BLOCK - ? zzs&zzxx Mtt -fc- "x.---. ; tw A& "fjfrv tH?1 ti V1 -rf j -ve . ib. c 'SMCES V ii lltM iMKASOT.S. Worth. . I'i-lce. Large size, all silk Parasols, - - - $3 00 $1 25 Large size, all silk, fancy border, - - 5 00 3 00 Large size, all silk, 3 50 1 50 Medium size, all silk, twilled, - - - 3 00 1 25 Medium size, cotton, suitable for children, 1 00 50 CXOAKS. Misses' light-colored school coats, - - 7 bo 3 00 Misses' dark-colored school coats, - - 7 00 3 50 Misses' plush school coats, - - - 10 00 5 00 These are Spring Styles, and all wool. ;5scii:i.r,ASEous. Marseilles Spreads, large size, - - 3 50 2 00 All-linen Towels, " " . - - 37 25 Ladies' Hose, all colors - - - 25 10 Ladies' Balmoral Skirts, - - - - 1 50 1 00 Unbleached Table Linen, per yard, - 40 25 Unbleached Table Linen.extra wide,p'r y'dj 50 35 Ladies' Corsets, all sizes, - - - - 1 25 75 Also a few more Remnants Dress Goods at 10 and 23 cents a yard. Ri nfinhcr. these Rarsain are Limited in Quantity, so come early and secure them. CALIFORNIA STORE, I". 0. Rov 21S. Corner opposite Rostonice, Astoria, Oregon. iTaeBossilottee and Tea rot 'fea...,Vj..-....f.r,, I r v2-fr.i-.cTT. i.rnj. w--i s a ; i ; T . 1 ! Kp.ir2KlKT.ja (j---V r-,rajjwiir5 2S, X&. MWEi, TWO DOOKS EAST OF OCCLDEKT. - ASTOEIA, OKEGOK .ATrSCELT.:EOL"f;. "ashington. TSarket,; Main Street, - - Artoria Orcejo BEliGZlAX 1SK11UY RESPECTiULIA CALL TIIE ATTES. uon tt tbo Mibiic to tho fjet that the uliove JIarki-t will .-.hi ays Ijo se.pjdied Kith a FULL VARIETY CICSTQl'VUTY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which trill ho sold at lowct ratc, irholosnle and rctiii. Special attention riven to juii!j. nc ehir.5. HifilS VIIIBtIBU. GEO.niLL, - - - PROPRIETOR WALTER r.VV.KS. - KTAfiE MAXAOER Kiw Stars in Kniild Succession ! Engagement of MISS KITA EARLE. tiie queex of soso axd dance!. Open all tlie Year, IVir.irr.mncc Eiiry ' Malit. i:uliiv rimnse .r I'm- srniiinic itnvc a 'Wct'l;. Comprising all the latest , SONGS. DANCES AND ACTS, we gm the Bt Variety Entertainment In the West. Tim theatre is crowded tiicut!. and all J who have v.-itnei?ed tho entcrtainnicnt pio-1 nonnce it to be enualto any given risen Iicre. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amuiement can not he excelled. Anybodv uUhiiiK to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling vlt and henntv without vnl Karitj . should improve the opportunity and come. The eoiiipiny enmpri-es the foilov.inK well known Aitistt : Miss F,LV.IE Waltok. Miss Loosn Coek: Mr.,is Komxu. Mi:. Joh.v t'ooic, Mtt. Joseiti rrrrrv, 51k. WAi.Tnn Pai-.i;-!. All of which will appear nightly in the'r dif-1 foient specia'.lies. Open air concert everj evemaK ; perform-' ance coiRinencm; at S; entrance to theatre on Renton street ; prit ate t.oes on Cliena- , mus street. Loo3i out for Our Stars. St8uha,iis Varieties ! ! GRAMD OPEWING. A tlVElf.X UXTKRTAIX.1IEST Haven ncTvtinvlirwiilTox- ljfl-rv-ct .mrl bestiatovra. Admitunceiree. ass, JT $& - ?? .MAY RE ILVD OK aSrre.RHAWES SOLE AfiEXT. Yho, Atuit lor the celebrated Uiic5i Prttont CoolrStnie, MIGDALLIOS" RANGE, STEAM riTTIXGS A SPECIALTY. Von" but the best workmen employed. All workjgmranteedor nojcltarsje. JILSCELLANEOTJS. Wilson & Fisher, , gJ jp OHAHDLEES. I DEAXEia IJf -., , . , . . . . ron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, 1 TAR, p:tch, oakum, mvam CCT OALVASIZKO A'nlt-. Conner XtilsEninl Burrs, Sheif Hardware, Paints and Oils , Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, FJ.orR AA'I SIVLJ. rKI. Asents for Salem Elourlns Mills. Corner Chcnamus andllamiltou .Streets ASTOJUA. OREGON. HANSEN BEOTflERS, Architects and Builders, All i.Imls ol House vork done at shortcut notice. shop Corner of Cass and Astor Street, j ASTORLV, - - - - - - OREGOX ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS . ovstev Saloon, CHEXAMES STREET, ASTORIA. rTUIE CXDERSinXET) IS PLEASEU TO JL announce to the public that he is mar ine the Boston Crystal Ice Cream ! The finest lee Cream over dished up to the American public. Try it, and oc convinced. ; tie aiso iimuues, in nrst-ciass styie, 'OYSTER5?, HOT COFrEE TEA, ETC. ' AT TUP. 1 Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, 1 ' CIIEXAMUS STREET. ! Please gi e me a call. ROSCOE DIXOX, Proprietor THE OLYMPIC SALOON opposite- the Parker Hcuse. TIIE FIXEST 1JUAXDS OF LIQUOES and CIGAKS Kept constantly on hand. Xo pains will be spared to give my custo- mors satisfaction. S7Give us a call. E. W.SEHUX, .jTCfe. i r - -t