3J J.&VmKALAJJJJJiUi-3J&!JJUU.'1 VWTZOBK uejMiMWKKzmmnm ajliv gnilB st-orlm, ASTORIA, OREGON: "WEDNESDAY MAY S. 1Ss2 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. 'MoaJjy ECii'teJl. J. P. HALLOEA1J & COMPANY, rcuusiiEUi ajtu r:oi"KirTOi:. .Ij'itmiii llxiildin'j, Cass .S'mf. rcrrts 0 Subscription : rervod by Carrier, per woek ..-'i Cents "v-nt br mail, four month"... ...S-; ' r'oat hr mail, ccc year-.. . ( W Free of iVrtnto to MitfcrPort. A Grand Performance.. Manager Stcchhati deserves credit for having brought tip such A 1 per formers as con&titutc the combmation that finished an engagement at Liberty Hall last night. A good many who had about concluded that c couldn't sco ,i first-dabs minstrel performance without going tu Sac Francisco were agreeably surprised upon finding on tho htago a? able an array of artistic talent as any place cnu'.d boast. Tho overflowing mirth that characterized the fitst night's entertainment was woil sustained lat evening, and tho old, dim, worn-out gags that have Advertisement inserted l.y the ronr : dono thread-bare duty so long for the ihoratoof SIC) pcrpnunropcr month. i end men, were replaced by joke? and Transient aJrortPinp. by the day peek, I smart savinc that had some life to Ifty genu rer 8qin.ro for each insertion. them Ry&n and Haveriy can I make genuine fun. while Bishop, iSJ t-i' 1 1V ! Tr f l. ...l t-i.--i ...r . AJLUJ V-1.JL JL I i'A.oi:, ncemauu lawless ufivo aui- ficient musical Ability "in n vocal way to fatisfy the most critical. Tito .stago business from the olio to tho last sketch is good, and a complete orches tra gives a refreshing .contrast to tho piano and violin accompaniment f some, jo ca''ed, "minstrel troupe".' This compmy is .i strong; one and will do well. Tho Salmon Catch ior Apiil. William llume, the pioneer packer of the liver, informs us that the run of salmon for Aptil has been tho small est he ha3 ever known hero, and Cant. James B. Booker, a man of fourteen years' experience on tho river, corrob orates the statement. Tho prepara tions and facilities for catching tish tills year aro gi eater than ever before, yet tho pack for April is fully 15,000 cases short of the packs f of 1880 and J 881 for the same month. The following canneries, from which a fair estimate of the mitirn work of the whole river is indicated, report as foleows: j.VrrlKonl J.cdsinK Uonf, Vtirt- laml. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. T New house and lnt class in its a-' C5T1 A..l!' S pointmenK -Third street, in 1!. KlaiA .ES.. & S Thompson's block, opposite Capt. Ains worth. Knows by the day, week ori t-rr hT -m month. :.ix.Ai:i;i(,oi.BOOK. JS!TCJEtJ5J TaUo Xotiee. On after this dale an Additional io cents per cord will be charged on all orders for sawed wood not accompanied bvtlieeali,atOra;. wood yard, .'iitj i 1st, 11. To tlio 2.nrtioi. : . Tho target block, ol ij-ji-i Slunk Boohs and Stationery :tjj ot fu-rj d-seriptloii. ilrift Sr-ut--l lilies, l'iblcj, r.vttcal fiiiitBiW; work-. Alliums ann Jmmv igrr-t Mod. it rTcrythln;r usually InM Tens. oMtlf:, a Jull and compete S' Jkept us a will regulated ltook JS 'K vr AI5. bAts depot anfl aceacy lor and reasonable, a. .Mr?. JJ ni.j v.urra.is. ,,:pcraiiil periodical puMUaed. Cass-treet.nearCougtegationaK !iurr-!i.i - ' ' ' To J'ainlll ami HoUKf-keeper I have opened a large swick of furni-i lure and beddiim on the comer nf Mam ! Carl Adlor'e MubIc Store C. H. COOPER, GENERAL. MERCHANDISE. REMOVAL! C. H. COOPER, OF THE - The Daily Asroiti.rc trill t-c mil by ma f I at 75 en U a month, fr c f poftngf. Head er trim cunUmplatt alifCiiccfrom the city ean Wo rHK ASTOIIIAN f''IO'C illlM, IIAII.Y r W'CKKLVJiHonx toaitaVft-offleeurtth-in' aiiUltoTial cjrprnc. .d(tmw maylx mnnijcd n afUa n a'nlml. iz-.jrt on rs at tfto counting nwim. The Emily Chaplin wf-nt to ?ea yesterday afternoon. Sheriff Twombly gives notice to sundry delinquents this moniing. We are informed he was uol arrested, as alleged. It was a mistake. Win. Hume, tor Vpnl, ia"5i, Jt i al,,j gqucinofjua Ptrcits. ind will c!l at .-iijJHs 1-ort r i 1SS1 i-'! Kranei-eo piices. You will save 3 sl'or-:." ' . , v .. , fla.. money by huj ing of me. George . LTuiiip, for Aprd, 183J, Martin Ors;... SKhSU " i '"il.iVl-i-.Maa-. 0C2 caises short of 1881. Eureka Packing Co., for April, JS82, ; Wotioo. 1013 cos ,hort of 1S81(overMp,ril.rherA,t;;tia 1,1.1. "p"'tjgFJAJASi-Jl '-aK W J a ft 3 J ft- TH ' & ZS J. F. 'Barrows, is getting up a neat littlo boat, "Tho Daisy," for his rapidly increasing trade. The fire bos and other massive machinery for the new boat building for tho I. S. X. Co., nas moved to place yesterday. Business of every kind is. brisk on our streets, and as ?oou as a little more money gets circulated among tho boy.', a fair sized b"om will bo under way. The Portland politicians aro in ad need of a political issue, wheu they seek to drag in the action of that municipality, looking to tho placing of a loan for tho purpose of improving tho Columbia river. Wo received our usual consign ment of over 1,700 pounds of paper by the las: steamer and are prepared to do anything in tho v.ay of jub print ing that is desited. The lato earthquake scums to have been confined to Oregon and Washington Territory, no accounts of any internal disturbance having been received from California. An Hiithquakc Story. We've waited and li-tenodto nil tin earthquake atones that wero told us ever .since .Monday morning, ar.d. in our rounds collecting, liavo secured some rhoice ieminiscencea of "gonc-but-not-forgotten" shake. One, which was told us by a joung man with a blonde mustache and a stiff hat, struck usas being well, unique. "Inthewin ter of TOY' said this youth,. '! was running a car in tht Raymond and Ely niiiiu in 1'ioche, Xc-vada. This mino wa 1200 feet deep. An earth quake struck tho town from tho south and knocked it galley-west. Chimnuyri tumbled, walls cracked, men jumped, women fainted, and so on; but down wheiv w wete there wasn't a quiver. It was only when v.v got to tho surface that wo know that there had been any earthquake. Nov, how do von aremmt for thjtl" W didn't account for it. Who on? cent). Astoria Packing Co.. for pnl, 18S2. 500 cases short of 1SSI. Anglo-American Packing Co., for April, 1882, 200 cjm short f 1S81. Wetherby fc Thomes for pril. S3 2, 300 cast's short of 1881. Fishermen's P.ukiag Co for April, 18S2, 450 cws short of 1881 .r.O per Scent). .T. U. Mt-gler t to., f..r Aptil, 18o2, over 1200 cases short of 1831 (over T.0 per cent). Tlie foregoing list includes all v.in ncries from which wo havo obtainrd figures, but tho probabilities att- that others could givo porresponding re ports tiith. perhaps, uncur two exceptions. J O'Brien's Hotel. Persons wishing good oil elotlitug to l.ceii them dry will plea-,.' oat". i Pianos and Organs I'or H.'iIp. Having other business that demands my attention 1 offer for sale my chop house, situated inthiscity. J. M. Vrojom w. Opposition in tho sealing business off Capo Flattery is being carried to xuch an extent that tho Indians now demand a bonus of twenty dollars each from those employing them bo fore they will stir a peg. Theclangofthefirobcllstartodtho department up Chenamus street on the donblo-quick at 8:30 yesterday morning. A burning flue in F. D. Winston's house was tho cause of tho alarm. There was no damage. No Snow for a Conflagration e of Astoria are to bs congratu lated on being - well protected from the mv.gbi of tho Ure Jiend, as Leaven and earth stand in together on every occasion of an incipient fire. When tho firf bell sounded :t half-pat 8 yesterday morning the boys went whirling out to Wintun's house. There wero a few lazy-looking clouds loafing around tho hillside near tho cemetery and off toward Uppertown, but at the fitt clang of tho tower bell thoy pull ed thcmsolres together and came sweeping on as fast as their misty wits would lut them, and about the lime thst any wcll-deve'.oped lire won d have begun to roar and crackle, a driving shower was deluging that part of the town in the vicinity of tho fire, while up toward Tongue Point every thing ivas as dry as a bone. ritoM writing de-iks at llu("ilj book toreare the best in the cit. They are something nice and durable, and j;:-t what nio-t joung lailie-. would appri-ei-pti- from the giver. Mr. John Kogenof thcOntral Mar hot. has made arrangements to keep al ho fitiet freli li-h, etc., in their -parm IngersoU's leetnies and "What Mtwt v;t Do to lie Saved."' at Carl Adlc-". .'.'otlei-. .Vlo a Of hU m.ikp roiistanth on tiand. lull stock ot Picked iitAtrit L'7l!i a niece of ne I Ylol.INS. OIMTAKS. 15AXJO.S. AC- web. 13 to W tathotn-. :r inches ilecji.i COKDKOKS. CONCKKTIXAS, 'o. Vti Ki-ply tw inc. Apply to A. V. Co..; HARMONICAS. FLUTES, llwaco. ' tho a larc stock of the best of llmiii uiul -eri-. VIOLIN AM) (JU1TAP. STRINGS. .- . , SHEET Ml'SIC. oils' ucaltii llenewer. gtvau-t i.-ia-, . N- ., rslrA i iVs-TRIT.MENaS. islj t'li eaith tor im'otf-iice, le.tuiii-. seMial deliiliU. ete.. cl. at iiiugmsis Oregon Depot. DAVIS .v ( U.. l'.irtl Hid Oiegon. I In- Mi-cLI) t.torian .V-. U as t'.-rMlilii!! els Wlonslnj; to a 1 lrt (''las, .itus:e Store. Is a mammoth sheet, double the, ,si7e of thf Dailj. 'It is jut tli pa-' per fur tln liresiue, containitig in audi-' tioutoall the cmient news, elioir.- mis cellanr. agricultural matter. n.uk-at - port.i te. It. is iurnisht'd to siuulr uu-i tTilifi- at -J ("Jpi-ryenr in adtann-. j:-:i1j tin jtni-.' The thing dc-ired found at l.i-t. Ask.j Druggists tor 'Rougli on Kats.' Itj clear-, out rats, mice, loaehe-, llies. li,-d-bugs. l.V. lioes. :;ihiiiim to Rpni . i Anjone who wants a nieeii furiu-ln-d loom' in a plc.is.mt locality can be ac commodated at Mrs. Denny Cm rail's, near the Congregational church. lts-itEsi2 j 4 ae&ft-p- r7j7mt"'l.'.-.rf The discussion liftw een lkb lngi-r-soil and Jere Illaek is mr s.ile in neat loi m at Carl Adler".-. -A dish washer and a wail"r can find pinplnj meiit at the Wt-ston House. Transient and day boarders can tie accomodated at Mrs. Lovett's coffee and chop house, on Main street. Meals 13 cents upwaids. Day boaid HJHQ per week. Everything eieau and romfort able. ric-ihestanrt finest eakt-s, lruit and candv at the Astoria caudy factoiy. Jatncs 3IcBrtde, who has been employed as a portor at tho Occident, was arrested yesterday, charged with stealing a 60 suit of clothes from the hotel. He will have a heaving before his Honor to-day. Dacoration day will be celebrated in an elaborate, manner at Vancouver. It will be tho most imposing military spectaclo over wituossed in Washing ton Territory, and it is thought that upward of 10,000 visitors will bs in attendance. The new steamer Montesano, which left here last Thursday for tho Chehalts, arrived at Montesano on tho same day. She mado her first trip in good shapo and will be tho means of opening up a good trade to the mer chants of this city. A delegation of tho city fathers wont to Clatsop Plains yesterday to Eoloct a sito for a cemetery. Several suitable places woro seen, but no definito action will bo taken until further information be given in reference to prices, etc. On the Portland boat, yesterday noon, there was a man who had ship ped in that city to go on board tho Storm King, lying at Smith's Point, and who had received his advance money. Upon his arrival here he was placed in a Whitehall boat, atid while boirig carried down to tho vessel, the boat was intercepted by fishermen who took him away from thow who had him in charge, and secreted him. At a late hour last evening he was arrested on a charge of desertion and conveyed to jail. As the man can not apoak a word of English it was itnpossiblo to get at tho in3ido of the matter fnrthtr than we have stated. Tl'.o Earthquake at 'Westport. Wr-STPOKT, May !. EOITOI! AuTOKIAX: Last night, at about 10:20, tivo severe shocks of earthquake were felt in this vicinity. Wo wero in a liihing boat on the tiver. The river was smooth, and the moon shining. The undulations seemed to move trom S-SW. to N-XE., uitli a loud, rum bling noiso, as if the boat was going over rapids and grating on tho bottom. Tho fish were jumping in all diioc- tion', and shatp reports on h.nd, as if the mountains were breaking and tim ber falling, were heard. I looked at my watch and (by my time) it was 2a minutes after ten. Item. See those new rubber spittoons at E. K. llawtis. A complete stock of boys' and chil dren's suns jufet received at .ucincnsus Dlothing store. Call and examine those baby wagons at the City book store. You w ant to get sonic of Kosooe's ico cream to-day: treh made and nicely flavored. J Tin iv. scow load i of dry fir, spruce limbs, and baric, just rreeived and for sale at fl raj's dock. I can't net along without It. 1 must have one ot those fine work baskets nt the City itool.-f.toif. --The MAhvas linndj' stowpip.; shelve; at John A. Montgomery's. If ou want ice cicam that U ire cream, go to Frank Kabre s. t'i 1'ios :iii urfianssuM on ttio laontlili la M.i'lnu nt i;.in, or lor rent. CARL ADLER'SVARIETY STORE Watches. Clocks and Jewelry, fVoi-kit and Tablo Cutlery, JjC Yankee ottotis and 'X'ojs, SA lvtnrp frames ami Chromos. Will nveiu- orders at the More of l.t Ji,,' n fnmp W. ra,e tor upivr , A-toria ..ram other x ,, ; ;,; Tliepubiio part ol the c tj. I.eae ;our older- i i L, tmptcil tll pawIre in st0Clt and prices. Tlllllllllll 3 S I I STORE S 8 iiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiuiiiuiiiMiiuHiiummiu Will remove on or about the first of May TO THE a KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW SBUILDING. Mlii'rinim IJroH. !Ixprr the slate and th.-ywill be pr.iiupib at tendfd io. CIIKNAMI'S SI . ATOKIA. OKEGOX. Vticiition Fiilirrnii'ii. L'sfNichola's ISalm nf ttile.id oil fm sore or chapped hands, for sale In Joe O. Charters. Tide tables fr.-f o. dl. For the linPM baths in thf eltj ; to tin Orient balhlng rooms, opposite Holdi'ii's auction store. Joe (I. CH.vnTr.its. l'r-ji. Treat "i oar Teeth Italia r than iiavti thiui imlh'd. Let jour dentist savf all he can. 1'oa dfsire to have trouble, becanc oir have not used SnzoiHir. When pi'oirly li'd. then rub on the Sozopovr. mid keep liirm all right for time to eonie. REPUBLICAN State Ticket. V In order to- reduce stock, previous to removal, will offer a Xaiberal Discount! To all Cash Customers buying bills of $10 or over. Astoria, April 15th, 1882. ASTORIA BREWERY. M, MEYER Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. Mr. r. CElbersou hai ju-t openr-it the Seaside Bakery (opposite Hume's store.) where the best ot bread, cakes and candies are kept constantly on hand. Mnsic.il Instruction- Piof. I'red. Major, ol Switzerland, is now in the city and intends organizing a class in instrumental music. Auj nni who contemplates talcing a coiue of in struction on the piano will find this a rare opportunity. l'iof. Hpjer maj he seen at .Mr.s. Twilight's. J .Hvti. " ' Wi?s& ,SSi 't-to vvfiJit-tV feS--; g, J ?- -'?-Ol- .., t. r -- o"--- 1 .Sfi s3: w "nss w Calarrli of tlm ittadili-r. Minging. smarting, uiitation ol Ihi urinary ivtvwise-, diseased diseharges, cured Lv liiichupailia. Sl.atdruggi-ts. Oregpn Depot, HAVIS & CO.. Portland, Oregon. A'i't Found. Xet picked up, about fortv lei-t iu.nl; isl "K. K..'' on tlie lead lino ".S'o. 12." Theowneieau have it by applving at Theo. Btaelzkci's clgarston- and pay mg charges. It was picked up between Smith V point and the black littoj . J.V9. PniKjiw. For Consrcds, M. C. f'cl'.i UOI'., of Multnomah county. For Governor, 7.. V MOODY, of Wasco counn. For Supreme Judge, V. f. I.OUD, of Marion county. Kor 8ccret'try of State. 11. V.V. UIlAKT.o! Multnomah county For Stnto Treasurer, KUWAItn Iint-OM, of Marion county For Supt. of Public Instruction. H. It. MflM.ttOV, of Benton coinnj. For State Printer, V. II. HYA IIP, ol Douglas county. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. 87 50 PER JBAKREL OF 30 aALLONS. LAltCK OPJ3ER5 IN I.IKF. PKOPORTION. LessSQuantities, - 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - SI BO per Dozen aTjpecIal atlenuon paid to orders troiu PubUc Houses and FamUles.a ' Across tne River. 1'okt Cvxby, W. T., M:.y 1. Euitei: Asterijls: Last night at 10:50 i m. this place was viaiteu by an earthquako of some severity, lasting from 10 to 00 .seconds, vibrating I think from east to ivcst. It shook things up pretty lively in my quarters, opening doors, anil spilling water out of a tumbler nil a stand. Xo damigc n ius done. A very slight show cr followed the shock in about half an hour, but a dense fog came up imme diately after. ' W. S. B. Another of those tine A. it. chae organs at the City Rook Siort'. Musie for tlie piano, organ, lhtte, iolin, guitar, coim-t, accordion, banjo, life, couewtinn find other instimnetits. just nveivpfl at Adler's musie stoi.-. Stuii'iis fc Son JriM'. their tore crowded with new goods, all niTKcd in plain figures; The largest stock and newest si v le-, of Soft and Stiff HaK at Mcintosh's Clothing Stoio. Frank Tabre has oysters in out st vie. .Stew and pan roast-, a specialty P. .1. 'Joodman, on Cheiuimu. str.-et, has just received the latest an.i most f.ishfonablo style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for tlie famous Mot row shoes. Police Court. May 2nd. Thoi. Smith, using obsccno atid abusive, languago in a public place; finod 20 or ten days in city j-iil. (o to Roscoe.3 and tr the Ronton Crystal ice Cream. Occident Rleok. Just iccetved direct from .New York a large stock of Nottingham lace curtains and upholstery goods at Chas. Ileiloorn'S; The Rev. Oeo. H.Thayer. of Rmir lioii, Itul.. says: "Roth myself and wife owcour lhes toSiiir.on's Coxsi-itPTiox Cur.L'." .Sold bv W. E. Dement. 3i:y tlie Wcekb-. "I'm. Vri:Ki.y 'sioi:ian lor thU wi-ek Is full of just suh information and news of t':e i-oimtri as vour fi lends in the ea-t want to sv. It (Us ,-i t few advert isi'iiirnt, and is ehoJ'k In the muzzle ot inl'oruiarion tti.it n family; can suceossfiill s.-jiiiw7i-ali.fnr witliom" Two dollars v. Ill biivilu- wli.tM v. id fm , t'omili lili iv t Nominations, For l'roioc-utlnd Attorney. J. t'. i'..1M.E of 'viuitnciinh ennnty. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY ItA&ER BUR. . is ht:i'j:i:ioi: to mo.i. and i kxckliui ky xonfb on this coakj JOltN IIAUN, - - PROPRIETOR, CHENAHUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. vtroulers till at ttu- CLItM.tMA ItU.K 1IA1X Mil te piutiipU) attcudtd to." a yeai , --! er eojij . 1 for I niouth'ti t.-n I'lit- Clatsop County Nominations. For Joint State Senutor, ! ffor -'iatsoT Columbia and Tillamook.) I . iitmn -J ni.i . -Chas. .Stei ens and Son :,:,...., st.ickl .i..ikt.r-u,on-iai-opw.unij-. of mouldingri and nioulilcrs tools which For Joint Roprosontatlvo. eau be lioiisht cheap for ea-h to close ,ror Clatsop and Tillamook,) out that brineh of the imsim. j JAsr;R SMrr,i. (l, nilaumok countj For County Judgo. ( .A. M(OL'lRi:. For Comity Clerk. It. R.M'EDDEX. For Uy.sipsia antlUvor CompLinst. ion hae a printed gtiaiantecoii evert buttle of bhiloh's Yitalizi'r. It never fails to rurc. Sold by W. E. Demeiit. Stationery and blank books, all styles and prices at Carl Adler's. lu tho hurry consequent upun! editing, our earthquake department yesterday, w e aiil that one pane of glass CCxl3fi inches had been placed in the new Knights of Pythias' building. It should havu mentioned two panes of such dimensions as adorning tho front of the aforesaid building. This is a pant-in! correction. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptherla and Canker Month. Sold by . E. Dement. For the ueuume J. jl. Cutter old Rourbon. and the bel ot wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at tiie Gem opposite the bell tower, and. see Canni bal!. Aie you made miserable iiv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness. 'Ross of appetite, Yellow Skin V -Shiloh's Vital Izer Is a positive-cure. For pal" by W. R. Dement. , Rut nlshed or unfurnished rooms ean be had at the I'nioii' Hotel. -A Nasal Injector freo with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy. 1'iiee i"0 cent. Sold by V, E, Dement. Anew Mock of stoves of the latest styles at John A. Montgomery's. Rrace up the whole system with King of the Riood. bvo Advert Uement. Xotiodv should .neglect a cough. Take ILvi.u'a IIoxuyov lloi;i:noux and Taii insluntcr. 1'iki: s lonTit ACiin Dr.orsrnre in one minute. Anvonu wishing plain sewing done can be' accommodated bv applving at Mrs. Hepburn's, i'-ri the Oilv v)i store. Tho nutritive pioiK'rties oi i'oi r KS'S LlEIlIG's 1. 11 II) llKEI' ANI lOMC Iviooratou sustains the hody with out solid food, fohlcn'n; m other. For S'aot,ia JAMES V. WELCH. For County Treasurer. CHARLES HEILBORX. For County Commissioners. HEN'RYI'. FISHER; D. E. PEASE For Assessor, W.'.V. I'ARICElt. For Surveyor. t'.ELO PARKER. For School Superintendent, H. SLOOP. For Coroner, DR. S. KIXSET. ET, Si. PARKER, iirvu:t: i.n IStlCOKSSOt: IO .tAl.KlNi & MVKTfJOMRBV.) I) CALEBS l.V Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, v jr: ;i.-u AisorUnsct ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. M agt.'i; Stoves and .Kaagea 1 hi IV .: la tti laarKet. I'lura'jjag Rjoili of.iil kinds on hand. 4oJ wok iloue ib u iirodcmaallkt) manai-i. COnNKlt OT .U.Vl.VAM JKt'l'EJWOX NTUKTM. j9kSXOStSA - CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTEREIt OF; FUBNLTtlRE 5? BEDDDSTG AXD DKALElt IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper,, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Moiridiitgs, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In ov ery branch. 3 .- o 3 .U C a c &i -iJ ua l Panics wishing groceiies, provis ions or merehandlse of any description, should leave their orders with A. Yan Dusen & Co. as they are prepared to de liver goods in any part of the city on the shortest notice. -A lar.- eonsigimu -it of tin "M.HjlY. ( ),ltS, Stl'fliW. brand Red Cioss coal oil just rtMvvd' " nt I,,.. I.s.tr'c t'.M.fr!i! Mniu-.-r i ,, v ..n,.-.-i. i,,r.7rs.,i.r ..," Lime. Brick. Lement ana &ano.i y uw . j , ..... wv. iv-i,., ..,--..., '''. rvm maker ami caulker. AH outer-, will li. pro mi dent li Chas. Stevens & Son have for sale, and are agents for the new Slugei sew ing machines. . lotol. Astoria. Oregon. Mni;ifltvr;it to Onler. Oiu'jidij, Teeming anaExpreas Business. Horses analCarriages for Mr, USALKB IN The pleasures of the table e a-e. Whene'er the teetii begin to tail : The beauties of the mouth decrease; The breath's no more a spicy gale; A il oil mnct cnnti in iii1n lie Unless to SOZODONT we fly. 1 WINES, LIQUORSIAND CICAR8. bsi; a.- '?, 5S3 f issa i$m iUfiwSlHlS- n 00 s-tst; 0r vtira ciiti :t .- .si & 53 H i5"li8tla U feStfiE 8?Sfifc iiSissfls i m v CO moM