pB? ' r- 0) irnuaM mjasri mu iw in a wif .wjijau wwptwiLiiiimOTPicwWW jr-atp - j&& -S 11 ifvivv !t? Iv is, IL S-' 'vSK , fy Jfe-'yi e.- "-.". . Vol. xvu. Astoria. Oregon. Wednesday omillg, May 3, 1882. l$o. 28. 'WSJ -t m .t raE hM 3 E vh ftfv1tit riV'Uli' IJMIUI IMPORTING AN ELEPHANT. The advent of Jumbo into the ' United States, calls to mind an eleahant storv of manv vearsl.vlu.fi il. .-ilfiilniirif shinow-ner. ago. In the vcar 1S3P the ships ; . - .' . 1 Cashmere, Caj)t. Elias Davison, and the Sachem, Capt. Albert Brown, wire loading their cargoes of sugar at Bankok, Siam. Davi son who? died only recently, was a genial, whole-souled fellow, a great wit, a practical joker, and wherever ho went always made friends. The ownei of the Cash mere, Mr. Alfred Riclinrdoiit was distinguished for no one of these qualities, He was stern and mor ose, his prevailing chaiaeteristic being an inordinate love of money and a disposition to squeeze it out of his employes on all favorable occasions. Davison had by his pleasant manner .-o ingratiated himself with his consignee at Siam that he was presented by liim with a rather extraordinary "cumshaw," ono not usually received with thanks, but a piesenl that was means such extensive accommo dations as those allotted to Jumbo. the captain stowed him avraj': under the main hr.tch, whore there was plenty of 100m for him, and j the ship not being full of sugar, boxed the hatch around with a rough sort of ventilator, laid in an extra supply of water, rice and such other elephant substntice as the passenger required, congratu lated himself on the probability of a successful adventure and jrot . under way for Boston. In the meantime, while these orenarations wore soinff on, thd Sachem had completed her cargo and sailed. Having a start of a week, -and being a somewhat faster ship, sho arrivod about ten days before the Cashmere, and reported her; for -it .must bo remembered that there were no telegraphs or even steamships in those days, five months were often occupied in bringing the news. So when Capt. Brown . arrived he brought the latest intelligence from Davi son, and among other things told of the "cumshaw." When the Cashmere passed Boston Light the wind was ahead, and, the time soon running ebb, she anchored in Nantucket Reads. Tugboats being unknown, the captain left tho ship in charge of the pilot to be brought up to town on the noxt day, and took a shore boat himself. Ho was a prompt business man, and knowing that his owner appreciated this quality, ho brought his papers and accounts with him and presented himself at the office immediately on landing. He had made a good voyage; the - price of sugar was high, and no he received a cordial greeting. The papers were at once produced. "Hero aro my disbursements and my accounts current," said Capt. Davison. "You will find them all correct, sir, I overdrew a little, and there is a balance due youof$3G4.25." Mr. Richardson scanned the documents carefully added up the colums, and pronounced them satisfactory. 'Except one thing, captain. You have not allowed me any freight on the elephaut." "Elephant!" returned the cap tain. "Who told you I had an elephant?" "Oh , I know all about it," re plied Mr. Richardson; 'und I didn't .think you ' would try lo smuggle him in this way." Davison did not permit himself to show any resentment, but calm ly argued that the elephant was presented to him, and he occupied room otherwise vacant, and that really valuable tl it could be and bo the bargain was completed.' '. mmuugu . ..a.. .... 1 1 iV jjoV.- xir.UriVo 5 oi. I.kl-V- lUr I it ii -i-- .x .r.. ju.j brought safelv home an elephant. - On the next day the Cashmere ! "r-"rty dinner, I felt for a time as lise,j .soodot. 'When pioperly nxer, i ' - ,, ", . , , . - . i ; .- ,r ,,. , , i ,iw,.., 1 n, il.lr.ii -i i-.-nii..il mule "''hen rub on Hie Sozor.ovr. and keep To ilie l.ndlew. It was a baby elephant just Camo un to the eitv. .Mr. Ktchard-- tho-gli 1 could cat .uoa-,1. it mute. , ,; , U). ,. t, l) ' , ... I - . t , Tin)- f ,.' iMnsiiiiikiiiK in all iti branches; neat weaned, mid ns it required bv nelson and the eautaii: stood upon iwie JiOCh iiouu. - - .ml iea-,onablo.:it Mrs. DennvCurrans. i he provided at hi own i-ost fori his food and water. "'Twon't do, 'twon't do, sir,"' re- i thi r- 1 ! .la,, U mine, and I shall; voii lrcin'lit or"' he added charge after some tefleclioii, "I will take the elephant over for my own ac count. He ought to bring u ooou ! price at a bhow, ami you had that object in view, hadn't vou." ! Capt. Djvtsen acknowledged) at he had ! 3l ir. nau. that Wi.ll v i-..r.li.t Mr lii'lrr.knn. ! "people .neak'of me as beinsr! close, and ail that, but IT: show' vou that I am not. There! I'll 1 for I did think when I got the elephant that I would got SCOO for him at least. Can't vou make it anv moro.' take bun over onU .square our a.. luumiiiMvic u,.... --. w. Case .for m.per AsK.r.a or anyeth.-r! ,,.; hiV. ooutainins In adili- Pmmptly attended to. account" took the bill from us hiding-place ;-f' ' 'Il,,!,i ,.'! i"ll ;?? "il'at..ali the fitrn-nt news, choice mis- account. ,,' ,, J u slate and tl.-j il! !,-pu.mptU at- e-lla.n-.au'!!i!ltural leatter, market r A',,,:laUVC!ad-f iopahin "I'm in vuur ,cr, Mr. Rid,. ;a floodol recollecfons poured over , tended lr. j potU.etc. Jt 1 lurnN.i.M to sI.,KIe.snb- T 1 kV1iV nTPa ar.Uo.," "leplietl the captain, j"- F"r a mom1 T M SO" lhe i ,eii..n .-,-hPrm. ., j nl.ers a , vr y,-ar m am auce. OAJNAhiK DiKS, mnurnfullv: "but it is lu.nl on me. 1 ngrv ciowd around in-; I WlM I . .,.737,, r,,M .. -KouBh Hats." j I'COf OK I.VK.WKnE MKEET. . i..t i -. . ci. i .. ... 4., j.-. -.....- - ,.- .- t . !."-, j. i:tiirii'v it Pt iiNr c iru - ? -i irr.RicIialsonwasHpiousmaii,l,,tw,fnlPiacc'1 tiie '""P-V "! .utheanswerd,"Nota cent!"!51" hiding-place; and, upon myj I I I 1 r.iMHtiql InctKtintimi the wharf, tin- latter -nperintend inir the hauliur in. "Mr. Hallct!" shouted the own-' cr to th chief mate, "vou nnVnt ' , . as well be setting up a taeklo t.-i . hoist out the elephant." Ave, ave, sir," returned the mate, ".is sm:i as she is in at the' , i wharl." Mind, be earefui not to huit him," returned the owner,""think- inir of the S2000 or jn store for him. resp to in his ear: "Guess he can't be ; hurt much. He died tiie day be- . fore vesteiuav oh" Cane Cod. IIo'll . I' ----- , 1..1. ...a!1 . l..fVn.l .....1 !.- ....? ..m.4 1 uu ,.:, u..cu, duu u t tusl , you anything to teed him. It was the old tea captain's last voyago and ho felt independent. He made more than 304- 25 out, of that dead elephant, fot he used J afterwards in his subsequent career of wharfinger on Granite Wharf to spin this yarn and lie back in his i chair laughing with a laugh that - nprtlrtnrmn lta lifii o tii rnnmni. 1 l.Mn..r .,...... I, .,,...,1 l,5e account In the lattor part of 13G3, while Gonera! Steel was commander of the post at Littie Roe':, a. Mis-1 sourian named Robert H. Crew- i ley, of Price's command, was cap- i tured somewhere below the city, and bi ought hero as a prisoner of' Avar and confined temporarily in the state iiouss. From here Crow ley va taken to Camp Chsse, where he remained to the close of the war. .Mr. Crowley, now an old man Goin sear way dollar bill from u hole in tho wall. "When I was a prisoner here," said the old man, "I secreted a hundred-dollar bill in the crevice in the wall. I knew it was im possible for inn to keep my money through my prison campaign, and I thought by hiding it I might in after years come and find it. After I was liberated I went to my home in Missouri, where 1 resumed my , . .... , ; uusihujs ui imi-iiiiir. -tt nines i was very hard pushed for money, but I did not once think of the hundred-dollar bill which I secret id during the -war. About a week ago, while sitting with my family after the day's work h.id been ac complished, and while I was wou doring how f could raise $50 with which to pay a debt, I happened to think of tho hundred-dollar bill. Wheieiiur.il Osiit. Davidson ,lis- ewfouudhmdV" were the hrst i". isracKKei s ctar store ami pavm? , t to paina. a. its ejects remain a ions iiiiuiuiiiu.in. uaiiusviniB ...... charges. It was picked up between time, uiakiiittniilv an occasional appli- ectfuily. puuclied h elbow hi- . queries propounded to him by the. Smiths' point and the black twoy. 'cation ueeoss:sr. It ss recommended the owner's side, and whispered athletic reporter. - -' .-- ,--. ' offidallv endorsed In thu State Ass'aver l . ,.,m ...., .,., i-..,.. ,.,---- - . - .-- .j itaeinaetJCK." a testing ait na- ami pieaaant Hie ieaie, aim lsme pre- AU.nnii Armis m UIO smallest crail mat ever 1 nimn iwriuiue. uicua. jj -iu .. , 31.-11, iiii ui iiik ji nn: umoi unu uuai - I 1 .1 I T ' I "IT- llUlil... II . .!-. i'Cllii 111. l-l.l-ili- .l,(oiv .nil-, .ii.ll I1UIWI 111 (III, , made the passage, tiie Little est-1 . Unit"d States. S-dd everywhere. 2.". After Manyjioara. ern, IGifeet lontr bv G wide. ! w"i!i!HBW Uvm, a tottle. . icuiiiiv arriveu in ; sciv. isi .inciior. wiiinii win k(ti me "... r: ,r..n.. i . n : iiituni. smti ii lpufwin fimtrMr S to the state houso here, he ! boatV head to the ivind vhile I Two dollars will buy the whole wad rr i 'XilSrSA. 7 . r- . ,...' . . . . , , ,, a vcar. fet - tor iinomn-,or ieii einii ' ,., . nv.nt nu,nr nn rHiun ni.ra ched for a time among the ha!!-' catch snatches of sleep 1 a!mll wrrony, ."fe. S"XoSte..wS t .lllfl tinnllt- 1AA'.' rr 1,1 1 n rl i.rl . Q .in., m. ' .T.,n.. ti.n .,rl is nl.ii'nl . -:" ".fJ".. .'.. .Jimi.iit.-, . a .. . . . .... . . . .. . I-.r.i..iI.i.j P.r...Ir I'tfjvs i.-i.Jlf .mo t .,,..., ....u... .,,n. ..,,..... v,,.- nw. u.n. i,i.u.i. ,.n.u..ii.uiut ppniviaii Bitter. .. tini ol II:- lllnou I don't know why 1 thought of it. i and. in fact, I cannot tell for the life of me why I ever -hould have , forsrotten it, but I did both forget anil remember it. Thf iccollc.;-: tion of hiding the money seemtd! like a dream At thi- tlini when 1 ! was a prisoner I was weak ami j worn out. A hundred-dollar hill ; jv. - as not a vry large piece of uum-1 ey. I dm not hide it carefully, lmt ; seeing an opportunity to hide the bill, which lbelived I could not much lonnvr hecretH about me, 1 seized the opportunity. To-day when I wont to the state house and. found the money I was moved ivy t ...... . u i n'f ; nn rr.s a; m .r.i'ctii i.i . t . . -;.. u ;' t. ' hh va. see. tne raggeii lorms, :.. i v.,.,.., , sore or cii.ipjhm nanus, tor aie i, joe , riu. Uli lltUiHl l0lllltl :lt Usl. A,k heir the half-n'aintive itid half-1 fx-.!-l,tI?f- i'de tab e:freeto HI. , l)niu'i;Nts lor -Itouali on Itats." It hear the halt p.ainm, .mu hoi; f h e imest baths in theeitj o ti)Lra Tout rats, mice, ioaeh.-,, Hies, bed-reveii-'eful voice? around me. I the Orient JiatliliiR rooms. ..ppowt.- lmjj,. j.v.hov . -1 I 1 1 .. ..!.! telt tor a moment as J must have, felt when I placed the money u j Actoss the Atlantic in ft Row Bo.tt! A eonipjctly-built young fellow with bronzed face and general an- , .. 11 , pearance of a sailor, walked into 1012 k3UII emit: ih-ii;i .int-i iiu;' i !. O .,!!.. ..,-i.wl-. . .f,rt. r.rt.1 : and made the startling proposition ; that h would perform tho eem-, - 1 : , r .a l, .-,,. e :,, mgly impossible leai .d7 rowing across the ocean. -'Have you had luuchexpeiienei $3000 that was ' in lowing boats? Did you ever! x.t pictcrt up, about iom fe.-t mail: bob a dory over the banks of &M'&? 'l have had ocpenen.e in row boats, but 1 never bobbed in a ilory ." replied the younir man. "I M. , cop Imp.. " tin nnnhn.in.l 'nr, f,i... i ..-, -. ... ;." -.- . of a littlo group of three islands, j ., "'. v . . on tho const or Norway, twenty- eight years ago. Every peron c J " - ' there had a boat. I often oiossod to ., .. - l , I t t lilt: u auu jiuiuuii-j. j.ul-.ikii fin: ' r,r f.Mtiinr !i,tl It 5n rrnnt nnra niiil o one ol the isluuds W 1 went , niihj smth of oiia.imtl.e ,,,,,,,, MMjXufM.IVInkr Soothms o school, in tempos! non-. weather, I f,r ,,,p ""'0'1 J mi n?,?H .r v. .Jsvriip. 11 will i.-li.-.e the poor littlo suf , , . , 1 i" UtM.iA'i-iN.M:. ft:r,.r hiimrdiateh-depend upon It; uid-when a boy i have passed -..--:-- j . ' lliere N no mistal.e about It. There is days and nig during terri bh dits .twav fioni home' e btorms. I have also! 1 1 1 1 j.1 4 a1 " firriSnd flmi rC10SSftU lllli A I LlIllIC in onninanv with GflorfToHalifiic. I "Vou are, then ''Capt. Fred Norman, ut your sprviee." "Do you propose to journey alone?' "I do." "In what nunner of l.-oatV" I "'One built under my own su. pervision, about 12 feet Ion?, 1 c.n, ,T-T,tn .,,i frn. ' , ojl 4V,ni! ICb. 1,111V., 111.11 litSIll i. I.' .i ...i- ic-ki deen. nnrtlv envrerecl fr.rf. Anil ,:,,,. , n 1 will tak' a a rouge, or tloatuig att. for I shall 'row when the weather is favorable. 1 expect to average, about thirty miles a day, which would use up 100 days in cross ing. I shall work all points to best advantage with regard to winds and currents. The Gulf Mream would bo favorable, for T will ,, , , , . scull along the northern edge r ;. "' lu ! "Have you asked the opinion of ..... ... old tailors about vour venture?" , mi , ," .i ....j j have confidence in my accomplish ing the feat, but they would not trv it themselves." "Will vou Invi- the neaii r.f iu jou liavi the -?ftii-.ot makintr a fire?" No, 1 shall carry a snug lamp. pipe and tobacco for company, preserved food, condensed coffee, and abont fifty gallons of water. I VI a -. .. . i . ... .... . mult n lit HiTiirmiTinn n nr in. i .iim n .1: lh: i "nit r:i in ,ttntr iiiii.iiiiii . - i r i'aiiiumcvsiuit si unvumu k: wiijuiiu t , v. ; : rv. .'.. " ""-,irr' sliall be thoroughly eiieaipd in light rubber during iainy weathei, so a. not to hinder my rowing.' "What i your object in :it- tei.iplin - this Impious toyag'-V" j "To show the iMiduiaueti ot m-iii j on the water: al- to scnirc a; hfjvv wajjer. 1 heliew I imii ;t t buckets to tlie ovteut nl ."i,O0n li.n I ill nu!.. the voa?.. in satety. nun. nnutus Kent. - . Aim.iu who w.uiN a nicely lurniiliccl inula in a pleasant locality cm Le nc- I'onuiioilated at !r.. Iieimy CurranV, ln'iir the Coiiref;atioiial church Mhrs-inau Krun. Hrprev " ..-,." --"'"''' ' ' Jei: G. CifAKTr.f.-.I'i.ip. Tr, j.aUllirHia rat "i our Tcp'Ii iaii have them pidleil. l.rt Prof, l'rcd. Mayer, of S-.iita.'iI.unl, i' ,1 now hi the cit v and intends orR.iiiiiint a class in instrumental mu-i.-. Ativ on.- hocoulemi.lafe-i takimi a coins.- of in- ' ci...,,.i;,. .,..n,. , .!-, ...in ,;.i ,i.: siriulion on the piano will rare oppoituiiitv. Prof. M?. ,.,. at Mrs. Twilight's. i-r mu b'r .'ntarrii or tiie JSl.i'lder vinf.i,iir ,(,rti,i 11,111111-1., cr ll,.t uiiiiaiy pissases diseased dischaiftes, eured bv Unchiipaibi. it. at duutgisN. j0l;son - n(.p()t) ilAV.'.SA-CCl'i.ttTaml, - Oregon Sot Fotiml. siiii-oit's Cii!:i: will imie.'ili .;t. lv relieve Croiij), whooping eouh Miii ! iJronehitK No'd bv V. I".. Dt-rocni. . War! Var! War! WaJ(T Uml otfcrnl fKa w ;i1 iWrm that will build a saw mill in the eitv ofj Williamsport. hii.mber we must li.ue to build this eitv. U'e have one stote in - . ., . i-, .i nuimuoti shen. double the I'KH IIKIIAT UIIKK ""Vlllcjfri'VI'i' i'1?? "!Vil'I Are voudi,iurbedntni(ht ami 1 her have alreadv loeaicd ii-iiins in thistle Vour iv-t In -.i-1!- child s icity, and ye! theie i- 100m. Sold or. I .,J..i ...,. ...:.i .'. I.,,,;,.', 41..... -. ..Ii- .......T.n I .,... T -... i Siilsee. lee t-jc-am, ice cream, at Knsc.''! fraclimniit C In.OM vtl It t ! mill V.ll.. iwiiii"i - 'i'uw( jkm.n.j hmi ".; I tkv ftvnill'K Opplflnnt 1i.1t .. . ... :F . ilr.C. Il.Cooner.ofthe I.X.L. ioj has leased the entile lowr floor of the Knlqhtsot Pythias building and will ienioe Ids stock on or about tho fitst of itav. Ueinc oveislocKrd and wl&liins to i educe his iueent stock i.e will oilw , ns a special Inducement a very liberal ' discount to all cash eu-,toaiers huyl:i;?i good? to amount of $10 or over. " !t- member that in patronizing this sale ( that the discount n ill l.v handed br.c!:' In casli. Itaj it-.e Weel.iy . lur. WniKi.y AsToniAS for till: ' ..nnL. . t-Mn nf i.. t ,,,i. infnr.iwiii.til1- iiiiiJ.u-uy:iiin.'i;iouaioisi:isiae3y5 , vcsW i, till! pi jiit m Hi iiitor:n.'.t.i.n t?lu tlcnl!!jes Oie civalatlou. and thus in ' asvi new- oi u:c c-ounirv a., ur ine-i'is ,in the east want to -see. tt lis-. ery ft-w advei-tUements, and i-, choc!: to tiie . fhe Count. Cinchon was th.pa.dsh ,V3 OineJi cnn.il.t. tent fever, from which she was freed bv thouseoithe native remedy, ihn Peru vian bark, or. as it was called in the language or t lie country. '-Quiiiinilna." Grateful for her recovery, on her iv.tnrn to Kuioi.e m ires, she inlrodi ?,e m ires;, sp.e inii-o. iiieeu li:e leincdy m .Spain, wheie it was ku-nvu under various . name, until i.imi.re-. eallcd it Cinchona, in honor of (he 1 idv called ituiiiciioiia. in nonoi-oi tiie i niv I who liad brought them thit which wis , more nieeioi's than thegold of tho Inoas, j To this dav. after .a lao-io ot tu liun-i dred and tffly jenis, sei.-nee lias given; I nllveuresainoiljid appetite for tiniu- I usnoiiiing uiiaKHiu mace, i: eueciu- ! larits, h re-doring the natural tone of i me sioniRcit. u aiui-i.- raaiiiic lotc of liquor as it docs a lever, and dcatmv.-. . both alike. The powerful tonle lrlu.'. of the Cinchona i prc-ened in the. oi llie '-'V'"a '- I-erten in uie Peruvian Hitters, wlikdi are a-, eiii-.-ttte; ugainst malauai lever to-day as tht-v ' were iii the days or llie old pani..!i v,ccrovs -e guarantee the ingredi- 1 ents ot the?e bitters to he absolute! ; pure, and of the be.it know n qualitv. ! A trial will satisfy you that thN is the ! best bitter m tho worm. " I lie proof oi the pudding is in the eating," and we willingly abide thu test. 1'or salrf by all druggists, groceis and liquor ilealers. Order-It. Loeb& Co., agents for Abtoria. t'iirii(Mvi Itootns to fiet u II r. Mmi W-Uotmshouw. Nntici- Tin-A-toi i.i .Siirt and Oil Clothing Knrt. J''03 oil clotiiiiiu to keep themilry will please Sotli'r. PicUi-il up Apiil JTih a piece of new web. Jr. to ."u fatIn::u!.Jj tucshes deep, So. 80 10-ply twine. Apply to A. P. Co., llwnoo. ' Ilrnin nii.l JS'ervo. Wi-IK' Hi-altti l!fniwer, greatest rem wlv !i earth tor impotence, leanness, exual tli'billtv. et.., 51. at druggists. Oieson Uepot. IAT1S & CO., Portland, Oretfon. (lip liiiUlv ttnri.na Take Siotlre. On .met thi date an additional 10 fi'iiTa lu-r i-oril will Ih phnrireil on all mdei tor sawel woeil not accompanied , -.i--li-M't.nearCotisieRatioiial Church. 1.Vrl,v ,;'" 'run ,w? (,ure7 l,um "l!ld,-' .'!" weiv-ulierins.from dspep -t.iei.iui.,, nv.-r cumpiamt, 00113, mi iiior. lcni.tie eomwiunH. etc. t'aiapii- let-free to anj address. Scth W.r'owli .fc.Sfill. ItOitOil. ll.u.i '.-, Vi.r.i.r.vnLi: Sicilian JIaik UErwi:n is a scientiiic eombination of nome of the i;nst powerful restorative .Trent-, in the vegetable kingdom. It re- sttifps stray hair to its onsinal color. It make-, the -:alp white and clean. It eure dandtiuT and humors, and fallinc out of the hair, it furnishes the nutri tive piiiKMiilu In which tiie hair is nour- i-lusl and supported. It makes the hair moKt. -.oft and sIosy, and is unsur passed as a hair div ssinj;. It is the most economical pn-)dration ever offered to of )tassacliu.8tts. The popularity o Uslls Hair I'.cnewer has incrersed with the te.t of main iear, both in this eoHiurj ami 111 ioivijiii lanus, aim it is now lni'iwn and itieii in all the civilized omit lies 01 the wot id. Fer: ii.u.rc nv ai.i. Dealers. !:,(,! 3Iut!ierst! .1Io!licrt I I and broken sufferinc ",, . "- -- . ..v."-, iu xcruciauuK paiu not "a iiietiu: on earth who has ever t..l if irt... iv ill .i.if tnll vm, nt miin ie-iiimt it i!l t'pii!itlf the bowels, and I !... . r . . !... ..w.i1..,h .l mil..? ah.1 ' ;.ii- ifi Hjc I'l'MitVl, dllU 1UIC1 UJ1U f li all h lr. fl.. .!!!. 1 r.i.r.rotii.frtll-o .nmrin Jt !-, -if.-.tl afe to use hi all eases, linff of the Blood Jsiwi t ' eure uh.' it l.aM-Vit-puiiflerand ionic, inipaniv si lue uiooa poisons iiie33 . i:ai.i.-v to distliuiaiv'i them nccorflngto ct- jfect - .L'it tvlnp ic.llv hranelies or phase? of . auc saaii) disowit'is. known bv dllfereiu Y m orerents aim oui--tlip"' l.j' atlaekmsj tiie eauw. Impurity otheli!u..il. f'!i-.ittist-:ml plijsif tans agree i!!f5iufo;M?esoSbu J tin- III. k,.!." rap!" ilaroiiml each bottle . IJANSOM.sON&t'o., Props ItunMlo. X. . Leincnwebcr & Co.. ' i.r.iMWivj-iiF.u. n, nno lTAUUiliM t-. ASTORIA, (JREOOU, TAMERS AKD CDREIRS, M.'iiiuf.ietuifiN uil ImiKrterot . u. K!M)S O t .KPXSl'IIlXi. i AND FINDINGS Wtiolevilfl Dealer) in Oil, AND TALLOW. cH-lHghest cash nice paid for Hides and Tauow. MISCELLANEOUS. S. ARNDT & PERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OEEGON'. The Pioneer Machine Shop .a BLACKSMITH suop4rMM ASH Boiler Shop ? All MnJ of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BKNTON- STUEKT, JiPAIt I'VREIil: HOUSR, ASTOP.IA. - OKEflON. GENERAL MAGHIKI3TS AND BOILER MAKERS. LMBillUISEBKHSBg Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. OASTIUGS. Of all Description maile to Order at Mliort -Vollce. A. D. V'AS3. President. J. (J. ili'STl Kir, Secretarj . 1. Xf. Cask, TieasuriT. Johk l'ox, buoerintfuttciit. B. B. FRANKLTN, UNDERTAKER, Corcw Csmanil Sqiifnitsjlftvrrprttr ASTORIA, - (JIJEGON UKALKR IN WALL PAPER AND VlNDOAY HHADES ASI UNDERTAKERS GOODS. SUIT HOUSE! CLOAKS SSi SUITS Ishall send to any UKKb'SES aiul DOLMANS at prices tlit CAXXOf HE DUPLICATED lu America, fioai 15 unv,.trds,nitli Mlvlk'Ke ot exaiululnj; at Welh-Panro, and If i.ot gcou vaiue i pay cnai ps imjiu waj s. au -di ess, with sUe. 33T. ES. XiITT, Coruer Third ami Alder Streets. poifTiiA."i. o!n:cc.. Take Notice. John Rogers, Centra! Market, Has lecelied alaige Intolce of BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS ot tl.e best ijiw'Ity, An.-t liiiotv leady to -upply Kutebeis Can uerie? and all other?, cheap tor cash. " DKALrK IX New and Choice MILLINERY, DeUes to erdl tbe ultii:!oii oi the Ladles of Astmlato tho fact that she has received a law asoifrcout of the i.ati:st ;4TJ.i:s or Hats,- Bonnets, Trimmings, Coiner jr.'ihi and Siiiemo,ihe Stiects. .1. ft. J). GKAY, -W&u'.c-ile aud re tHll dealer In. ALT. KlXnS OF l'LEf), Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharf asa on leasoi. able tenns. Knot otlienton street. Astor Li. Oregon. 9rf!.-iiv' WW' 'sJmmW$ T . -3Stm3iMlT&S ZZ- JTEMiUi .TW yJ" nmn vrnn m . BUSINESS CAP.DS. jg C. UOI.DEX. NOTARY PUBLIC, ACCTIONEER, COMAOSSION AID SUEANCE AGENT. TR. J. V. SHAFTEIt, J'llVSICiA.N and SIBCEOX (DhCTCnFJl ARZT.) UlseuVet, oflhn Throat a Specialty. OOlce "over Conn'3 Drug Store. J)R. C. C. GLASS, PHYS13.IAX AND SOTiaEON, Ottiee ovt;r A. V. Allea's Store, ASTORIA, - OKEGOX. "p D. WIXTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. OSloe In C. U Parkert building-, on Ecnton steeet, opjwsite custoia uouse. ASTOKIA, .... OP.EGON. TAY Tl'TTIiK. 31. . PHYSICIAN ANJ) SUEQEOH. OrFicr-Over the liviilte House Store. lttsmnxcF-Ovcr Elbcrson's Bakery, op posite Ilartb & 31ers' Saloon. p v. Hints. HENTIST, ASTOItlA. --- - OKKGON. I'oouih lu Al!c;i'-i building op stairs, comer of Cii'tand .Siiewocqhe strveto. j Q. A. B01VLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clwnaiuus Street. - ASTOKIA. OIJKUOiv Q II. TtAIS it CO.. oau:r in Ituuri. WlndoivH, BILuitx, Tnui xoiurt. Lumber, Etc. All kinds of Uak Lumber, Glass, Boat Ma tei'.al, etc. Turning and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. lieu, et tve and Astor streets. w hewi: BOAT BUILDER, AT TI1K OLD STAND, OKAY'S BUILDING FIRST CLAS3 WORK A SPECIALTY. MAG2TUS C. CROSBY, Dealer In HAREFAEE, IRON,7 STEELf1 Iron Pipe and Fittings, Kuleir an! 'Steam Fite Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN ANDWPER, Cannery and Fistermens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware andfHause Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch, Xone but flt class wfttkmen employed. A laifie assortment of, SCALE? Constaatlyion hand WILLIAM EDGAE, Corsor Main and Chejuuatu Streets, AhfOKU 0KF.00N. DEALSS IS CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENHOLM and other Enclbh Cutlery. STATXOKERYI FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Bleershaum Pipes, etc, A line stock ot Wiitrltri and Jewelry, Muaatlf and Itrcech lioadliic Shot Gunit uid ltlllf-i, UrvolTem, lMstola. unit .Vnnnunltlou" JtAKLYK UIi,SHK!t. ALSO A STJTE Av.iimeJitof lino SPECTACLES and KYE ttlASSES. SHIPPING TAGS riillK liEST QUAtlTY. WILL BE MU) X by tne banured. or uy tne dox, prrntva or cLain. to unit rtutomers. at Tl as A8T0BU9 oflce SS3Mfc -