) JWut&.wwam'gu;i .pj, g. liv aSailij vslornTU i ii i i ii M-U.....LHII ! in ! ii -mmi mm m.KmuimiMmviuu-iWMi&!!)?JumrrjjrrAMiKUViJ i'& -L &ilix "UNO TREMOLO." wiJfciAM uiMx&mMurv&Km ! 1 A Lively Shaliins Up. i At nine minutes to o'oven last Sim- day night two severe shocks of earth- ASTORIA. OREGON: lUEsDAY.... MAY a. ISV2 qnalv0 wcro feit ;,, tu;g cjty SUqUin ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Jloadur Bcrt9d), J. F. HALLORAN & COMPACT, rtJJlLISUEKS AJfl I'lIOrKIETOKS. Terms of Subscription : -erred by Carrier, rer week ......' Cttts 'at by mail, four raon'hs ." i) "if y call, one year.-..-........ fl 50 Free ul l'oslrjia to snberlbsre. -r AdYertissffiost? uiscrtod by tho yejr at thflrntoof JtS'.i ier cnnre j.cr month. transient advertising, by tbodny or week. nfy ccsti per siuarofor each insertion. THEJ0JT5. ?nu tJ.-ur.-i AaroitiAX mil l-e m.i !i mi'iUitZitcttU annath.frirofjtO'lage. tlejtl-a-r ?rii.j (tHicnptorcafaflKCrjHi 1jc rlhy ran iov Thr Astoria?; olI'ir Jfcm, Daily tr WKEKLVftii'lffli in.i;j(-r.i,:ft:';h-ju( tMHio;iaI xpentt. Aildn-"C mill be -i i r-icrf a-i nier: a ftoi'rol. IVttiv (inter uf tor eounjlr.o room. slightlv Astoria's tlrcds were dusty yesterday. Judge Eowlby returned on Sun day from nil extended trip through thrs Willamette valley. Chenamus street, hetRemi Cass nud Main, is receiving considerable attention in tho matter of lopairs. They havo discovered an animal in Arizona tliat is a cross between a horse and an ot; a sort of equinox a5 it were. Caniierymcn complain thai tho run of Sainton this yeRr does not bo- gin to compare with that of former years. A light catch is anticipated. -A pane F plate glosa 60x130 inches was yesterday p'it into ono of tlte show window of tho I.X.L. rforo in tho Kuights new building. Holt Brothers havo thr. contract for driving tho piles for the new brick building of tho Odd Fellows, and .ill begin active operation? in u few dtys. ! Tho City of Chester came in yc-stordsy. She is running on tho Alaska route in place of tho California and whsn sho goes out will proceed northward. Guitoau still claims that "the Lord will take caro of him." Prob ably, but tho tirch enemy of mankind will be tho LnrdVi instrument in this caso. in fores and duration anything over experienced hero before. Tho first shock wan preceded by a law, rum bling nowo, and wan immediately fol lowed by na oscillatory motion that offectually atousod thoso who had re tired, and sent .1 good many flying out in abbreviated costuir.Cb to see what was tho matter. Tho streets wero im mediately filled with people, and sev eral basincss men went dawn to their stores to see if any damage had been .sustained. Beyond th upsetting of some goods from the shelves no fur ther trouble was occasioned, though a good many wero badly frightened ut the second shock, which rocked the houses, fearing a third, which, if a littlo more violent, would havo proved mc-t disastrous. The line of vibration seemed to bo from southeast to north west, and, that atmospheric phenome na had S'jmo connection with the in ternal dig.wtinn of the earth is evinced by tho fact that through all the even ing and the f,ore part nf the night it was still and sultry. Immediitely aftor the earthquake a wind arose, tho air grew cold and moist r.ud the sky was suddenly ovorcast. ' Fiahermen near tho bar ropcrt that thoy felt their boats jar, but there was 110 tidal wave. Residents on the hillside flay that tho shock seemed much heavier tu them than those who live nearer the water's eda repoi t. The shocks w ere f olt with equal force at Skipanou and Tort Stevens. There were two .shocks at Portland. The Oregoniati -ays that they were the savert ever felt iu that city. Reports from Oregon City in dicate tint the nni rf dLstmb anco xtas n wide one. We arc inform ed that tho shock here was the hard est ever Mt n tho norihivost co.it in tho memory .f any one living. Ii had die singular ntf'ect e: making swaral Mek at the stoaneh. nnd g.iv nwry tiiiu a hroly shaking tip. Wlmt Engmeer ThlnlM . Euitoh Asterias: Tho article headed 'River and Bar Improvement" in thu Daily Orogonian ' '" cit-i' Jal Ho speaks of tho bad engineering at tho month of tho Mississippi as being th(j causa of tho overflow of tho valloy above. Ho forgets that tho overflow began above, and that it onld havo began tit tho bottom it it was citnsedi by jetties at the month. Vtlm nas over hemd of a dam raising the water st the m-iuth of a Ptream lofoix3 it did at the dam. Ho saja no engineer would advocate the use of jetties, if he did ho would lx en imitator. It seems to me that I hnv I'olico Court. ( MISCELLANEOUS. May 1st. Goo. Smith, drunk; 5 or two day, j JgJ M.gUL&7?& . - t jrv- ! I in. vofin. aruuK; j nepo-ii forfeited. W. Diw.i, drunk 2 or I d-iy tn : city jail. Jas. Foloy. abtisto lanjuiajt; uis- jcharficd. RfloaiH to limit. Auyojw wlio wants a nieelj funiUhtd room" in a jlcaant locality can ie:;i' eoniuiodatcil t Mr. Denny Currant, near tlie Consn'jsatiouul church. BOOK. -ST2?0"EtHI rr- Tbciirwtatockot .wji Blank Boohs and Stationary "i! tftizi Of v n.rv dcirt.'rintion. L lflb?3 i?ctioJ Uo-4:-.. BiWes, roet:ca! I t'-aPvi53 "".Voric.. Albums and f ju i SXiH- ""1 rev:, &u!W lfe-Si'.es a lull and compltto H Meek ot cwrjthins nsaally "&"-sSi3l;t.r.t in a wll rcjrulattd lhok Store. Also, iuv.-s depot and aRency for evoiy pajranil I'jiiodical niblKbd rtheriuna lra. Fapitsi Will leeeite m'er t the s-toiv of 1. 'll'l s-me-1 ..nr. ,,,- ,i,.rliv. i.paw sour order- en I where that fools only i'carn by e.twri- j :hc sial.' nnd 'tii.-v 'W V pn.mutU :it-! ence. tiieretoro witi mi'n .ire imita-i , --- - , Carl Adlcr's Kuslc Etoie Mm$ik 311 C. B. COOPER, GENERAL MERCUANDISE. BEMQ7AL! C. H. COOPER, OF TILE - tors. AJtcntlon i'lti'nnii. Jetties aro gw.d or bad r.ecetdin: t'e Nirholr-lJaini oi ,ik-ad oil f..r to the way thoy are nut in. if badly t sore or chapped hands, for Kih !y .I.,e . . J , . . .i ; C. Charters. Tide tables free to ill. put in tuoy are obstructions t the For the finest h.-.lh-. in tlieeit; o to Sunday was a most enjoyable day. Tho streets were filled with crowds of peoplo enjoyiux tho brilliant sunshine, and the passenger coaches to upper town wero crowded to their utmost capacity. Gustavo Frohmau, jjenerai mali nger of tho New Jersey Madison Square Theater travelling attractions, left New Jersey April 21st for this coast. lie will arrange during tho coming summer for tho production of nil tha New Jersey Madison Thcatro successes "HazelKirko," "Professor' and "Esmeralda" throughout tho en tire Pacific slope, extending from Ore gon to southern California. Ingcrsoll's lectures and 'What Must we Do to bo Saved?" at Carl Adler's. Tho discussion between Bob lner soll and Jcre Black Is for sale lu neat form at Carl Adler's. At the Theater. Tift, peifurmiwin at Liberty Hall ljst c renin;; wa-. n g.muiua trer.t tr. all lovari t mirth and melody, ur.d tl.oili.'i tho lioarscuest of the basso ami oni! ur isu oth:r littlo minor in cidents interfered with tho jietfect r uditifin that tho talented troupe are ttwdmity cipabW of giving, yet wo are assured th:il on to-night tlioir ftiie- well performance will merit tin" mo3t geni-rou3 snpjiott, as it is a -ombi-nntion possessing intrinsic merit. The Pate of The Ostr:u and tha Negro. "It u a waste of valor tor us tu do battle," said a l:mn ostrich to a negio who suddenly came upui her in the desert. "Let us cast lots to sck who shall be considered the victor, and then go about our business." To this proposition tho negro leadi- Iy consented. They cast lots tho nogro cast lotn of- utonrs, nnd the ostrich cast lots of feathers. Tho for mer went about his business, which consisted of skinning tho bird. Meral: There is nothing like arbi trament cf chance. That foini -f it known m trilc-hi-jinrie is, perhaps, as good as any. A dish washer and a waiter can find employment at the Weston Ilouso. Transient and day boarders can lie accomodated at Mrs. Lovett's coffee and ehon house, on Main street. Meals 15 cents upwards. Day board 54.50 per wceir. Juvar: able. rythlag cieau and comfort- The New Cornet Freshest and finest cakes, fruit and candy at the Astoria caudy factory. Sen those new rubber spittoons at E."R. Jiawes; A conipleto stock of boys' and chil dren's suits juat received at Mcintosh's olothing store. Call and examine thoe baby wagons at tho City book store. You want to get somo of Itoseoe's ice cream to-day: fresh made and nicely tlavorcd. Throe scow loads of dry fir, spruce limb3, and bark, lust received and for sale at Gray's dock. 1 ca"nt "Ct alone without It. I must have one of thoso fine work baskets at the City Book store. Tho "Always handy" stovepipe shelves at John A. .Montgomery's. If voa want ice cream that is lec cream, go to Frank Fabre's. ; Mr. F. B. Elberson has just opened the Seaside Bakery (opposite Hume's store.) where the best of bread, cakes and candies are kept constantly on hand. Another of thoso lino A. U. Chas? organs at the City Book Store. Music for the piano, organ, llute, violin, guitar, cornet, acconleon, oanjo, fife, concertina and other instruments, just received at Adler's music store. Stevens & Son havo their store crowdod with new goods, au niarKea in plain figures. The largest stock and newest styles r cn- nil Stiff Tints nt riTntosh's Clothing Store. The comet is now about 13o.000.0trt) miles from the earth. It v. ill con tinuo to approach until May 20ih, when its distance will be about 60,- 000.000 miles from us. It now seems curtain that the comet will bo visible by tho 1st of May: It will not bo run spicuous, however, ontil the middle- of May, nnd by tho end ot that month and during June Hill, without doubt, furnish a splendid display Last week the comet became circuinpular that is, never sets but it will ho so low down ffi tho northeast during the early hours of tho evening tliat it will be hidden by tho mits of tho horizon. It will probably bo seen in its great est gloiy about Juno 1th or 5th, far dortii in tho northeast. juM b-.-fote tho first glimmer of dawn. free How of liver, and if right lv piit in they assist the tlow of a river and causo it t empty its-elf much faM-r. Allengineor and riier men knotv thai tha eddies of a liver ciiuo an up ward Cow of water and vtheio iho bends ar numerous this upwaid flow is often quite large, perhaps equal to onf quarter of the water running in tho river, and is pread out oer flats and bars whoro boat3 can't uso it, and occupies moro of tho river thou the channels whero the waier is flow ing southward. One use of jcttir-s is to stop this upward flow and keep the water down when once down. Would such uso of jetties cause inundations? Another use of jetties is where a river forms a junction with :t larger one. If tho smaller ono empties into tho largor, at or near tho tight angles, the large would continually fill the mouth of the smaller with yodimi'.nt. T-i remedy this a jetiy nhould be extended from the upper tide of the ranller liver nnd continued down tho larger river and gradually curving tho current of tho smaller until it is lim ning parallel with tho larger, when it can be left to iUeif. Would such iivj of jetties cause overflow! I think it ac-uld rather help tho llou. These art the principle '- i jutsii-s ac cording to Elds, m any .mi- -m lear:i. In spoakiiig ot the c.i u of rmr bars, Ktmpp once i-ild in New York that tin- ocean threw up the aiid. Non anybody who has i-ver nhservwl tho pi-tion of tho whvm on u t-hor,i knows that the water runs in at thu surface and runs out cu iho lKltim nnd is continually wearing awoy the shoic. Tin Rimjile mid only irasou for bur is thu river water U stopped at that place )y finding its Itivel, and gives the seliiiient a chanco to M-ttle. Tiio Columbii rivt-r is now turned from a direct cour.-e to Mia by the fhapo of- its north shr-rc line. hich causes it to turn to the s-outh. This fcouth angle of the river giws it nort h erly current along Clatsop beach, car rying the aud stilled tqi by the surfs into tho mouth of tiw tiver, thus nmk ing tho river do double duty first, in washing out its wu deposits, ami sec ond, tho deposit of its eddy mi tho beach; a it is easy to seo tlut a shoro line on iho south of tho Oobinibii. ex tending out ovou with lht Capo on tho north, would biinfjteat .ervica in keeping the river together until leach ing deep water and also checking tho encroachment of the Clatsop beach sand. Such a shoro lino might be made without such up. enormous ex panse, as some ti-rai to think. Tho Columbia has this odvantngo over the Mississippi: It has deep watr-routsido the b-iv, which iho Mississippi has-not. Emjiveek the Orient bathing room-.. llolden s auelion store. .loi:fJ. CiiAitri.i: i-pivj-df r.-op. J'rcHt oiif Tortli liathr-r than have them nulled. Let vour dentist save all he can. Vou desire! to have tmublP, lKvausi' jou haw not used Sozodot. lien iroprriy uxed. tlien rub on the Siuono.vr. and kivn tiiem all right tor time to come. STusical ifstrttplioa I'rof. Ficd. Mayer, of .switzerlainl, is now in the city and intends organizing a class in instrumental music. Any one who coiiteinplaics taking a cfitirsc of in struction on the piano will iind this a rare opportunity. Prof. Mr.ycr may be seen at Mrs. Twilights. Ari-Iiioni JjCdsins JSoasi-, l-oir land, )j;-Kfu. New house and fir-t cln-i in iti ap pointments. Third street, tn It. 1! Thompson's block, ojiposile dipt. Ain-. worth. Uooms li the dav, week or mouih. Mn.lii Ai'.Rir.ovi. To tlie l.artic!-. 5JL5J.-USB -..an I s Pianos and Organs Of ail m.ifcf -. c."u.sl.".i-.tl on hand. Alw a fu'l stoclc ot VIuLl.Nb. GL'ITAP.5, BANJOS, AO- COKDEONS. CONCERTINAS, HARMONICAS, FLUTES, A1-.0 a largp stock ot the best of VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SHEET MUSIC. ANL. .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ts vvel! as evertbinir else belonqing to a first Class Mustc Store. Dn ssnuiUing in all it- biam-hcs; neat and reasonable, at Mrs. Denny Cm runs. Cass strwr. near Congregational Chmvh. To J-'ainiHi'-i mid JSoiisctjei-pi'is ttliUlUIIIIJIIlIlllMIIIIillllllllllllllllllltlllHIUUHilt 3 T -mr nwimvi 3 STORE 3 r a !SII4llt31ilftllSIJattl.Ht3DmiIHUUItImUllIUUUtUiUllllIUUIlUlUIUl Will remove on or about the first of Hay TO THE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDING. 1 haw opened a large stock i mini um and bedding oii the oornei of Mam and SouemoMia stretts. ami will -i-M at San I lani'isco price. You will -ate money bj buying of mo. Mai: i i.s ui.-i-.jk. Tiank l-'abre has oysjet-. in uny ?tj !i Sww and jian li-ats a sii.-.-la!ty -V. J. Goodman, i-si Chenatuiu -irtct. has Just r.-ceivi'd the latf--.t ai.n nn-t frt-.hion.ible style of gent-, and ladies lx;uts. shoos, ele. Agent in Attn:.-! lor Iho faniou- Morrow show. (in to Uo-ol-.s and tn tin lSo-dim Crvstal Ice Civjiu. Ooeittr-nt ltioc!:. Just received direct from New York a large stock ot Nottlngltnm lace curtains and upholstery guods at i"i:ii. Helllior. All fi-iherinen should keen div fwt; to do tliat get yoiir-boots at I. .1. r voIdS. He will suit inn in price, ee advertisement. The Hrv. (ipo. H.Thajer. of 15-iiir-bon. Ind.. says: 'Both iiivsclf and wife oweour lisiosiiii.tjuSCoy?rMrnii3f CfKK. Sold by W. K. Dfinrui. Wlij nlUjiui cvugh whrn shiloiiS Cure will git c liniiU'diate relief. Price lOctsMftsand.l. Sililliv W. K. Ib- mor.t. I'taiios and Oijran-.so!d on tbe momhl in staliiiicist plan, or for unt. CARL ADLER'S VARIETY STORE rx? Wa.riics. t oc-Ks aim jencirv. cri I"" 1'ocKct and lab'.c Cutlery, t ti J '-& V.".nkio Notions and Tojs.j w a i nniur i r.ines aim iiiroino-t. Sv.Vftil'''," rarriaitps, a complete ----- as-x-iilniPiit. Xi-v. (rood-, hv cirr -tcamer. Theitublic ate Invited t. cvainiun m stecl: and pi Ices. CItr.NA7.ir' ST.. ASTOUIA.OREQOJi. Notice. MlOM AM) AHEI! lillS DATE THE i Scow"!aiy C, ot Aoiia, will not be responsible tyrant ,jM; contracted by X. 1. borri'son, as r.i has no interest In licr whati-kor. 1IFSRV A.SHAW. A-.torla.Aprli'-Ui.HWi ' dlwk KEPU'BLIGAN State Ticket, Z Tn order to reduce stock, previous to removal, will offer a Xtifoera! Discount! To all Cash Customers buying bills of $10 or over. . Astoria, Ap.'il 15th, 1882. A,STOPxIA BREWERY M. MEYER ASTORIA, OREGON. Proprietor. Want Damages. Earthquake Items t'or the gt'iiuiue .1. U. Culti-r old llouibnn, and the bel o vviiH-s, liquurs and San Vraucivo beer, call at the tim opjiositc the Itcll towir. aud.-.-e I'amp- IK-IJ. Aio viiii inadn mi-.er.ible by Cndi- goslioii,-'i:ilipatiin. DUIiu-as. Li- f appetite, K'liow ,-)Kin. iiuo'is nai izcr is a positive euri'. For sale In W. E. Deinoiit. Fuiiiishedur unfurnished iwm. can behi'drd the I'nioii Hotel. Parlies wishing grrveiies, piotis ioiis or meicliandise of sny desei iption. should leave th.'ir ordt-u v.'ith A. Vim Dusen A: Co. as l litv arc iiip.uei tudf- liver gooiis in am pan m me city on tluJiotti'-.l nutici1. Ciias. Stevens A- Son ba.-im -ab'. and are agents for the in'w slngei -isv inn maciilues. ShilohS Catarili l.Vimd a 'ni- the cure foi Caturih, Dipila-ii.i nnd Canker Mouth. o!d U . K. Ofuient. Clwsop Plains, April :sG. Epi ton Astoki ax : An earthquake passod hero at 11:10 r. m. The apparent direction was from southeast to northwest; duration iibout JO second-. It was heavy rnniigh to make ii pers-m uneonifurtable. S. According to tho Post-Intelligencer, the Seattlo saloon -keepera set tip a claim for damages. They say that, in accordance with the law of the Terri tory, thoy took out and paid for licenses to keep open for one year, meaning seven days a nc-k and SOU dsys a year, and they sr did business until tho new Sunday law came into effect. That lav.', as they uiuk-i stood it, is intended to deprive them of ond- seventh of tho tlm they have paid for, and they think that one of threo things ought to bo dono either thftt tho implied twins of their licenses be complied with, thai tho period of their licensos bo continued so m to maku good tht los3, or that lestitution be made them of the monuy overpaid. Simsidi;, May 1. Em ion A3roi:i.v! Last night about 11 o'clock two severe shocks of earthquake occurred hero. Eirh shock -was pieccded by a rumbling uoiso of two or threo seconds dotation. Oscillation, east to west, I should judge. X. April tt). Eoitei: A-jtoi:h.n: At 10:50 r. u. .Sunday u .K-veio shock of earthquake was fell at Sea sidy. Tho shock lasted for fully ten suc-uds, and was .sn distinct that sev eral person? seated i-i a house ru-jhtd to the dmiv. HNpeciiug tho building to full. - ItESIIUiNX -f'ba-..Steen--and s . ban- a -t.n.1. of mouldings and lnmihli-i's tol. which can be batight cheap h-r cash to close out that branch of the l.niuess. ?n " 1-3t3SSS&V A-r. .' &j -&.- sjEaWi j tat--. .."s-A i REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES.. $T 50 PEK BARREL OF 30 GrALLONS. LAT.C.r. OEDF.KS IN UKV. rilOrOI.TlON. LessSQuantitjes, - . - 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beor. - - - SI SO per Dozen rS"Spcc!al attention paid U orders fiw.'i fublle Houses nnd Fanillles.ei THE COLUMBIA BREWERY For Dyspepsia midLiver C'oaiplaiut. xoitliavoaprlnli'd umarautfi' i.u -ei- Ixittle or Sliiloh's Yitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. IVuiixir. -A Nasal Injector free with each bottle ot ShilohS Catarrh. Kemedv. Priiv ."0 eoiil. Sold bj W, E. D.incnt. Anew .-dock of slot cs of tin- laical styles at dolm A. Montgoincry's, Hrac un the whole s-tem with King of tint Blooij. See Advertisement. Nobmlv should neglect a cough. Take !L.i.i:V Hoxr.Y or HouruoiiSD and Tai: ilsf((n(c;. I'iKr.S Tooth achk l)i:ot'- cure in one minute. Aiivone wishing plain sev, ing tlnne can Im accommodated by apphing at Mrs. Hepburn's, owr tin (.'in br.o!c store. Tho nuiiitivo truieriii-s ot i.'ui.n r.vs J.ir.nifjs i.HiiiijKi:r ami lo.vic IXVinuitATOi: .sustains the bodt with out solid food. CoUlcn'y; -io oth'tr. A lare cousiginm :it ul u- Ih it i brand 1 ted Ciov. ei.al oil jtisl revived i at.ino. iii-Kigcr.s, t.cnirai lait.i' 1'or Conzross. M. C. GEORGE, of Multnomah county. For aovarnor, Z. P. MOODY, of Wasco county. For Supreme-Judge. W. P. LORD, of Marion counU. For Secretary of State, U. PJUUHAUT.of Multnomah county For Stato Treasurer, EDWARD IlIRSCil, of Marion county For Siijit. of I'uU'.e Instruction. R. I'.. Mcn.UOV.or licnton county. For fatate Printer, W. II. P.r.RS,of Douclas county. I'tiitrl'i Ulstrlm -Voruiiintloiii. For Prosecuting Attorney. J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah county. Clatsop County Nominations. For Joint Stato Senator, (for Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook.) F. C. REED, ut Clatop county. For Joint Representative. (.tor Clatsop1 and Tillamook,) JASPER SMITH, of Tillamook county For County Judgo. P. A. McfiUIEE. For County Clork, R. R. SPEDDEN. For Shes-ia JAMES W. WELCH.' For County Treasure-, CHARLES HEILBORN. For County Comtnlsalonera, HP.NRY F. riSHER: D. E. PEASE For A3so3-sor, W. W. PARKER. For Surveyor. (1E1.0 PARKER. For School Superintendent. 11. SLOOP. For Coroner, DR. S. KINSEY. IS nM'KiaOl: to MObT. AND I lXfKl.l.KH IIV NONES ON THIS COAJrt JOHN HAiliN, - - PROPRIETOR, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. iMTOrdeis ictt ai ihc (it:t:MANlA HEKi: HALL will bo promptly attended tow. i'SCCCKSSOK TO JACKINS & MBNTfJOMEKY.) LiRALXBS IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Gtrieral Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agent? for Magee Stoves and Ranges lb !Ie-t Ul the uuuket. I'.umblnjt poods ofrUl kinds on hand. Job work done hi a workmanlike maimer. COi:.i:il Ol' HtH;A.M JKFlTItSOX hTBF.TN, ASTORIA, - - - OREQOJST. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTl'itER OFJ FLTUN TTJRE 35 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Coni)j!r In pery branWi. Si- 8 no c" ss&a' ItIXa. " ?iV6 P. E.McDonoug,. l,lran-iiicr.s,r j i ! A X S K N ii ROTH E RS. ! U! U er, sr. will Sfr-S'5-S 3-fsJs; A" z Joe s t s jj Xies. Iflsiit WSHaolJilftls CPSlra T31S5 ttJA d dvUOESW. J4II ...ir -eSasQ'-ISuMa rSiSUieST r ;wwtj fcr 3 9" - makc-r and caulker. lt onlt-rs will ho1 iiosewiitingdisksatthei'itibook!ir)'I'tly,a,l,ehd'J ' ltesldimcc, Occi-, ArrilitPPK flild BllilfJerS. are the liest in thb city. They aro ! dent hotel. Astoria. Oregon. rtl LHUCLli) aim uuhugio, -r store are the liest in thb cilv. Thev something nice and durable, and just Sut! I - B u .-S what most young ladies would appreei-' xiie pleasures of iho table rca nto from the giver. . WhcneVr the t.-eth begin tn Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar ket. has made arrangonients to keep al he finest fresh fish, etc., in their season . fail: The beauties of ttie month deereaso; The breath's no moreaspicv gale; And all must soon in rniit lie, Unless to SOZODONT -we fly. ! All klmU ol llonrn- uorlt done at bortcl notlco- bhop Coiner ot Cass and Astor Street, ASTORIA, - - - - .OREGON a i StSaAPi P" c;S?i -.-S s 5.E3 ssa ws-HCkis.y . tl.u iwrin. ac: is nitis'sv s t ? s .-. . -7rf3llbJk : L s? 'S a f e: t Ifftss-sgss 3.5T3 CO S, . j,