N - f?) SHxe gailg vslXJrift-.lu ASTOKI A. OREGON: TUESDAY . MAY a 1S82 J. T. IIALLOK.I.V.. ...Editor. The Independent Vote. Is en article on the present con dition of the two great political parties, Carl Schurz, in the No.rth American Review, takes a. very fair view of the growing import ance of the independent vote, of that unknown factor in the politi cal problem, and concludes by saying: The continuous existence ot the two parties is therefore no proof of any exuberance al vitality in tbem. They are held together in their present condition in a great measure by a certain vis inertia which is, and may for some time remain, sufficiently strong to re sist the centrifugal tendency. Nor is the fact that the two parties are on their good behavior in itself a certain guarantee that they will behave well.. The natural tendency of the machine interest m them is rather in the direction of the exploitation of political power for the self ends of persons or cliques. But something of value may be accomplished if strong aftd intel ligent influences from vithout are exerted with judgment and en- erg' to encourage and strengthen tho best elements within tho or ganizatiyns. And for this the present condition of politics poems to present the usual opportunities Neithorof the two parties commands a majority of the popular vote. Both are minority parties of nearly equal organized strength. Both depend for success upon J ho aid of elements which belonjr to neither. And both arc well aware of this. To turn such a situation to advantage for thf public good will be, in a great s!-pasuiP, the task of tin' "indep:nui-ut voter," who has of late made himself felt, and grown xo the estate of a. dis tinct political "Force-. In using this term, we mean to desiguate lho?o patriotic ami public-spirited citi zens to whom it is of greater inter est that the affairs of the govern ment be well conducted than what .-et of men conducts them. This element lias its groatest Btrcngtli among those who do not make politics a business, but-deem it their duty to lake nit active part in political movements when ever aD important object is to be attained for the public good. They are nor 'enlisted in airy of the factions straggling for power and patronage, but are inclined to oppose them all in turn as tho public interest may require it. They are without permanent or ganization, but occasionally find themselves together for a com mon effort, as the duties of the da' may call them ous. Their in fluence has so far been practically mora of a negative than a posi tive character. While they have not been able to accomplish the nomination and election for high place of the men they would se lect, they have rendered eftbetive aid in preventing the elevation to power of men they considered especially objectionable. They have further succeeded in uiging upon the attention of the people, and thereby of politicians and parties, measures of -reform they considered especially important. They are .alwaj-s willing to con sider whether a defeat or a victory of that of any otifer party would best serve the public objects they have in view, ami to act according !y. They are, as "impracticable hoorists," very unpopular with tho "practical politicians," but usually much in demand when the day of voting comes. The reason is, that while they cannot control tho organizations, they can occa sionally decide an election, and as the power of party allegiance and diBcipliccTgrows generally weaker, their influence upon public opinion grows stronger. TJie Red Cross. The. United State3 has joined tho society of' the Red Cross, Tfliich'isanother step toward the millennium. Tim rrnnrl thr- T?or1 Cross accomplished jn the lata Europeau wars i3 beyond all con- j testation , niost satisfactory, whether it way in lessening tho miseries of waR, in alleviating the sufferings the wounded, or in humanizing he treatment of each other of tho combatants. The conduct of its members on the battle-field or in the hospital was beyond all praise it was sublime; and wherever the Red Cross appeared it was hailed by both sides in the i contest as a ray of sunshine in the darkness of despair. ' It is almost premature to hope, j yet it is a dream that may well be indulged in, that the day will como when the influence of the Red Cross will bring about the possibility of an universal system of arbitration between the peoples preparing to submit their interna tional disputes to a contest on the battle-field, the shedding the bloo i of fellow-creatures, tho victory and the defeat lo the one or the other, being hardly worth tho sacrifice for tho uncertain object to bo gained. A well defined systom of arbitration between tho contend ing powers backed by the opera-' tion of the peaco-at-any-piicc party in both of them, may bring about an. era of universal harmony, which, without sacrificing the int erest of either, will establish the great Christian1 doctrine of "P.ee on Earth and Good Will anions Men." If ever this noble princi ple shall be carried out in the in ternecine quarrels of nations, it will be in some measure hue to the conscientious persevering and charitable operation of that so ciety which claims as its founders a few enlightened citizens of the little republic of Geneva. i ! NEW TO-DAY. REAL ESTATE AUCTION 8AL& ! ! Tuesday, Hay 1611 a. m. By order or the board or -Directors, I will sell at I"ubll; Auction as above, that valuable and eligible lot Uaown 33lxt4,in lllecl: 17, in McClureS Astoria, and Ilia buildings tliereou. to the hislie bid dpr for cash. Said lot Is that ou which tho old Public .School building stands, being on tLe coitliean corner ot Main and Astor streets. Sale Absolute and Title PoriVat- E. C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. Attest : J. O. JICSTLER, School Cl.-rk. lilS-td LIBERTY HALL I'. . STKCHHAX Mara.er Two Croat Shows in Ono I (TWO .MiUlM ONLY). STMUII ffllSSTBELS coMKiHED wttii Tnn Muldoon Picnic Party I Uirvrt from Kiueriou' -Viifalp". ai TiTJicisco, Imltitc just closed a mo-t Suoccsfiii scasuu of Jiisht Mouths, ui:ikui; the strong- 3t Combinatinu no7 la J'.xUtuuec ! sr.K jkkkv thk nosucv : Standard Thontrn Orohoitm. EXTIKE CHANGE OF ntOOCAMMH Kaeh Evi'ulns. UoxlMt Sow ilpen nt Curl .tiilcrV. CLOTHING! MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS'. FINE DRESS SUITS. STYU5H BUSINESS SUITS. SOFTl STIFF HATS, la Uid Latest Stvle3. Also a Flrst-CIasr Una or GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! Tha Custom Denanmcnt einliiacs the Newest Patterns in TWEEDS, CASSI- .iu-tsi.3, Muitiiuus. inc. suns inaua 10 order In tbts LATEST XKW VOKK FASIHOXH D. A. Mcintosh Merchant Tailor Clothier and Hatter, OCCIDEST BtOCK. LM.gjjanrseagyg.i-u.'.jaiaiu ujk. m, - MISCELLANEOUS. CS-O TO T IT A m ! j jls., J--- -2- 9 f THE "BOSS" Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing! TflK ItOAH IA GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS i rni-'. itosH ix uio Latest sii?s HATS AND CAPS! ra! ;?m i BOOTS AND SHOES! ji'Jti: boss i Cloths, Caimeres ami Tweeds! Tiir: noss MERCHANT TASLOH! You will f:ud the rim-at anil Largest A;snrtineut,th Cost Quality, and the LO WESTof PRICES. M. D. KANT. Tlie Olothier. i - A YEAR'S REABINS F0? SI. The Hew York IWSCLY;jr03p.j Haw lrfssns. K-w Typi-, llcxsr Building:. Kovy Ap pliauscsi anil JJY.v.- Zif ia Evnry Dppartsnint. $1.00 -i2u rSTlZlJSulR.. ',G L't-, laoaths, i'rtSila'.' raiil. A Complete Family Paper. l'w Mas.i- shouli rpad Ua Sjw l.il MASONIC DEPARTMENT. rjiitd by oueoi thf mo-st Ueuouiied Frre 3Ian, ivliU Contribution? fr.-m therenofDistlliguis!.- d jlasnns. WEEKLY WORLD IS THE ONLY Lea l iiig; N e ws jiapor In the couutij that li:is a iPeclal Deiatt- meat devoted to Masoiite Interet5. Other Excellent Features. I. All the News, ftomuleti- and Inf pnMlii". 2. Tho Farmer's World A full pajc ot AgrJ- 3. The Literary World A fail page of 1mz Stories and Short Stories, iioinlc llaituN and Serious i'oeius, I'alrv Tides and Sailors' Yarns. 4. This HousekeentT's Columns W'lat Kv- erv Womnii Wants In Kimir. r-. TiiJ Veterinary Department With Tin- scrlptlons Fiec lor Kvery Subscriber, anil full inductions for the tre.itment of L1VC HlOlK. 0. The het Cli&ss folumn in the v.-orM for Amateur plaver. 7. The beitCheckcr Department In tho world for both Amateur :md I'iofev.lonr.1 play ers. 8. A Comer f ..r tile Youhk F0IU3 Itiddler., Charade;, Pa'zles, Enigmas, Acrot!c, etc. 0. Complete Market Ilt:-ort-UnriTaIled In detail and nccuracv. 10. .Vnswei3 to Inquiries. Each department 13 perfect of lis Kind, and all combined mane It the bst newspaper e er published. The New York World U.-14 110 Superior on Either Ride of Ihe Hater n it Live. Urll ll.iut, t'erftctly Aiijioinl- ed J'rosresie IMpcr. D.N'ZQUALLZII OFFERS TO CLUB AOEXTS Specimen Copies Sent Free, rHE NEW YORK WORLD, WoriaBuildin!:. N.Y. BILL HEAD PAPER, OF EVERY GRADE AXD COLOR. PRLN' ed or plain, at lovost rates, nt The Astobux cSce m.vn j 3. a,ih.i.w.j ..miium.iwwt MISCELLANEOUS. !a. V. Men,:Geo.W.HumerC) woii-,RTojua:i5:-i.L.) : WhultrwteMii retail iecb r p. Glass and Pialed Ware. t niOVJCAl. AM DOMKSUC I I FRUITS AND VEGETACLES. rottcltit-r v.iUi WmLipoFs.TotafiCiEaiu Itn." Un;e-st and most c..iap'.-:o itm-k ' Kurt.!i Int'iAir luieto be lsr.Mi tin- ii'v. Cerzifi nf Cvsand Sfpiinw-ji Miti-n- ASIOKlA. OREGON. GLEAEJW(i and REPiilRlWG :.'E.T. CHKAl' AND QUOit. BY ! Slain ?!r(Vt, os-poil . i i--b - :e. se,. ci. sskix 22:, Iinirter acri WIioIcsrIp tlca'er In Ci.-ars aud Tobacco, Smoker's Ai ticlcs, Playinj: Cards, Cut lery, Etc, Etc , llioteige-taiiit finest stock of Muorciiai.i.i and Ainbsr poods In tho city, l'.ini'abir al lentlon i:i!it to orders Iiom I!.-' oiunry ami VSSC'l1!. Chensiaus "-trcet, Aotia i!v.;.m TJ1E0. lSRACKH!:. 5L:.t r TtXftV m iSIW m J II J k mwn AJ.D- ARE THE BEST. And cost no mow than other brands ; anil if tho Merchant with whom joit trade doe? not keep onr Coods, It is liecaic it pajs better to sell a pair ot Hoots or Shoes eer tv.o montlu tiian everj-four or lUe. WE OUAltAXTEK EVEItY PAllt WF, MAKE All Merchants in cood credit can piiuurp thesa (loods at our Waiehouses in lVrtland or San Francisco. Try our "HERCULES" Patent Bools HECHT BROS. A. CO. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PIOXEEP. AND HISTORICAL SOCIETV of Oregon will ba held at tha Hall of Iteseue Enfane Co. Xo. 2 on TIllJltsDAY. tiio llth dav of May, 1S2, comuienclnz at 2 o'clock 1. M., for the purpose ot leci-nlnir reports of officers, communications address es, etc., and for the election ot ofilcers for the enu!m; year, and the transaction of such other b:ilness as mav properly eoiae before the society. . All are respectfully ins iti-d to attend. S. T. McKi:.vy, Sec'v. Astoria, April 59. 1SSJ. id Notice. B IDS WILL BE UECEIVEl) FOl! OUAD lHK the school Ulnrk. In Aamh. for ll:e yew School nouse, unt!niiuidav,May4th 1SS2. Ihe Directors reserve tlu llelit to re ject any or all bids. The Directors will give all information wanted. Hv order of the Board of D.rectors. J.G.IirSTLEK, Cieil.. Astoria, April 27th, IS'.'. NEW GKOP HOUSE. ME. J. M. FROJDJIAo, foncerlj ot Ihe Europe House, Portlaud, Is Klad to an nounce to the public and his m:mv friends ihat he has opened a Coffoo and Chop Houso on Cas Street, -et door to tho AsroniAX oalce. Chupsand bleaks cooked to order. I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WI10LI5ALE AND HE- T.utEAi,i:u iv GENEBAL BRCEANDISE rorner Chenatuus and Cass streets. ASTORIA i-i-OTTi-irvvr .wox.wxs fgff lip Vygp ii- m-M'XMuv rrnerrss rawiBigggiisgiasgg: MISCELLANEOUS. Wholesale and Retail DoaSer GiPvOCEIUES. .Provisions, Lumber, ETC.. ETC.. ETC.; Fishei'inciis ami Cannery SUPPLJEIS V SPECIALTY. AtJKNT FOR TllE San Jose Fruit Packing Company. and thi; San KYaiicisw .0 hem ical ASTORIA - - - okj:gon. ji.uiti:. iOAi:t. J. J. sTOKKS. FOAED & STOKES, Wholesalo and ieia!l dealen in Wood and Villow-warc, GROCERIES. Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors r01!i:iG. .T DOMESTIC Fruits and Vegetables, .VMi COUA'TKV PRODUCE. ANt General Oomntisiion Kerchants MTOltIA. SSttJ-.HO.V. Nct to On-con llaiisvaj s. Xav. co Doclc. diW Camiery Supplies li.ijiortedan'l for sale by VFW. EC XX 2JS XS, ASTdEIA, - - , - OI'.FGON. Bur Cojkyi'i-, Liiri-poo! :ilt, Tiises tlarv, t-to. Aneiit frr Uarlock's Sfildeiins Alaclilnc; Johnston's imped So'.dtiiiiK hpparatus; rotary tc.ble tor oh1er.n; seams; ltloud's nrt Moat-. NIHMQfl DRRWIM. .J. KTICALSS. - - . AUEHT. Is cow ready to supply tiie put-lle with tho Celebrated Chicago Beer In any qnantitt li -'i!t. 1 !i.ne alo this Cclcbrnlfd Clik-aao Beer In llutllf., WhlcJi is now eiypopu:aramoaK"a!l fami lies and saloons." I'lraso send in your orders and they v,lil have my beat attention. " J. STRAUSS. Astoria, Orcson. A4jcnt for Oregon and Wash. Tcr GOLDEN SHOE STORE. I have opened a NEV7 BOOT and SHOE STORE On tht StoniUvny, OPi-wite ti.e O. 1.'. &. 'S Companj's Dock. 1 mil piepnrcil ta .to f S CI.VSS V03::Cln luyiino My stock is lanie and new and cry nice ; or any stjie you all'shall have your cho-.ce. If on the slic es yon find 110110 that will do, ou can lu.ethein HADcat tho Uolden Shoe I. J. Ar.VOLI). LO.EB & CO., J0BBEU3 EV AVINESi " LIQUORS, AND OIG-ABS. AdENTS rOUTHE j Cest Sfln Franosco HouS3S am, k Eastern Distilleries. J37A11 srijcrtls sold at 3aa Francisco Prices. ' MAIN STREET, I . opposite ratKcr muse, Astoria, Orejon. jgOEN &-, 3te &J .jr'. 2SEGS5 T 6i SlisMSsr i?A:.tsois. Large size, all silk Parasols, Large size, all silk, fancy border, Large size, ail silk, Medium size, all silk, twilled, - - - 3 00 Medium size, cotton, suitable for children, 1 00 CX.OAKS. Misses' light-colored school coats, - - 7 00 Misses' dark-colored school coats, - - 7 00 Misses' plush school coats, - - - 10 00 These arc Spring Styles, and all wool. ikisceixaiveous. Marseilles Spreads, large size, All-linen Towels, Ladies' Hose, all colors Ladies' Balmoral Skirls, - Unbleached Table Linen, per Unbleached Table Linen,extra Ladies Corsets, all sizes, A'ot a tew more Iicianant? Dres? l.'cniember. thece Bargains :ms Limited in CALIPOiaflA &TOUE, . 0. Hox 213. Corner opposite Fcstofllee, Astoria, Oregon. tf tnPZ imejjossuottee and Tea rot pfjtf tSrft; VL&5iL: mm-m "S3! Tn t0l AlS' ARHit Mr -Hi- cdebratcd hZr&fiZir&ri?. mzXi-ZZV-iZZZ- VJ vSS?SiS.J?S.VJ8. Hil TWO BOOKS EAST OF OCCIDENT, illSOELTANEOLS. Washington Market, I Mail Street, - - Axtortit Oregon UEKGMAX M JiKIlllY RESPECTFULLY CALL THK ATTKN tion of tho rnblic to tho fact that the abovo JlarLet will alw.-.ya bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY av FI1SSH AND CURED MEATS! tVTibhwill ho relit at lowest rates, whole-ale and rHail. Spucial attention giron to supplj 05 shins. BILL'S TJRIBTIBS. geo. hill, - - - - roorniETor. WALTEItPAKKS. - STAGE MANAGEIt Nmt Stars in Rapid Snccftision ! Engagement of MISS KirA EARLS. ' THE QUEEX OF SONG AND DANCE! Open nil the l"enr, tVrfotntanrc l'.tirj" !sht. I'.nllie Iian2 t.r ro. sranimc Once :i lVrrk. Comnrisins all tlie lalel SOKCS, DArJCES AMD ACTS. We give the East Variety Entertainment In the West. Tha theatre is ctowdrd niah'ly, and all who hae witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be cqualtoanysiicu elsewhere. 3Ir. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement cm not bo excelled. AnDod wlshinp; to siicnd a pleasant cveuins and see sparklmfi wit and beauty without til garity, should inipiove the opportunity and eoiae. Tlie comp.aiy comprises the followiai Known .iriis : 3Irss Fa:;mi: V.LTOy. Sliss Louisr. Cook. Mn. Chaeles Konz.cn, Mb. Joh.v Cooic. Mr.. Josr-nt Tsttv, His. Waltch Tap.!;?. All of which will appear uightlv in their dif-1 foient specialties. ance on mus street Look out for Our Stars. " . iSxeBlmiis Varieties! GRAND OrEJIIWG. , A MVKXiT nXTilRTAINHEST I uau ifc jicw uuwiiuc.uiej Have a new howling alley, the larcest and :y.tt free 1 best ta town. Adinlttanco free. 14 STot rf $2 amigd;?? Wortli. $3 00 5 00 Vrfce. $1 25 3 00 1 50 ' 25 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 3 50 - yard, 3 50 37 25 1 5o 2 00 25 io 1 00 25 35 75 40 wide.p'r y'd, 50 ... - 1 25 Goods at 10 and 20 cents a yrud. Quantity, so como carl- and securB them S ETT3 W. 1 jtAv r,E had or liitfk' S'atnt Cooli Store, MEDALLION RANGE, M'FAM FITTINGS A SrECIALTV. None but lha hett workmen employed. AH work&uarantoed "or no;charKe."" ASTORIA. OREGON I MISCELLANEOUS. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALEKS IS roil, Steel. Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT .VXD CUT GALVANIZED IViiiK. Cupper 5'ailsjnnd Bum, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Panning of alt Kinds. PROVISIONS, IXOUR AXD II1IX FEEI. Asents for Salem rioming JIU13. Corner Chonaimu and Ilarallton Streets ASTORIA, OREGON. Take Notice. I John Rogers, Sentral Market, ' Has received a large Invoice of I BARRELS AND HALF BARHEL8 cf tho Lest quality, And Is now ready to supply Butchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. A. G. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Opt. Eoscrs old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoelasr. Wagons made and repaired. Good work auaranteed. nJROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, CHEN'AJtUS STREET, ASTORIA. , u fJlUE CNT)EP.SIGKED is PLEASED to announce to the public that he Is raak- Boston Crystal Ice Cream i OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE TEA. ETC. j AT 1UF. j Ladics'and Gent's Oyster Saloon, I CIIEXAJIUS STREET. riease give me a calL R03COE DIXON, Proprietor LETTER HEAD PAPER, TJRtNTED OR PLAIN, Of THE BEST x (jisjitya: Tec Astorux oScs. -