CJ glc guilt sloriinu ASTORIA. OKEf'ON: THURSDAY AWUL 17, 1SS2 J.F.UAIXOKAX... .i:ilor. Plglicadedncss. Among this great pilo of uripcre received by yesterday'.! steamer was one tbe Morning News published at "Wilmington, Dela ware, which has a leading edito rial on the Chinese question. "We quete: 'As to the shocking inhumanity 'of President Arthur in neglecting "to sympathize with the roughs of 'San Francisco and tup despera ''does of the raining camps who, 'so long as the Chinese stay, will 'have to go on hunting thnni down "like so many rats, and committ "ting casual murders when tho "powerful heathens will not -'part with their enormous earn ings upon less compulsion, "the matter only needs to be "stated in order to show what a "cold-blooded tyrant Mr. Arthur 'is, and how indifferent he is to "those well-worn maxims of per gonal rights and individual liberty "which have come down to us "from the fathers of the Repub lic." " This is given simply as an ex ample of the eastern style of look ing at this matter, and as an ex emplification of the density of the bettled prejudice that would per mit such attempt at irony in what appears to be a well-meaning and intelligent journal. Washington Letter. From oar Regular Coiroipondent. WAsnixoxox, D. C, April 10, IS.'. It may as well be granted that the tariff commission bill will be come a law, and that the Presi dent will have to appoint nine commissioners from ciil life to take in consideration the present tariff, how it affects the various in dustries of the country and rec ommend to Congress what changes ought to be made in it. There are already a good many candidates for these nine positions and the President has, it i3 said, a consid erable list of men who believe themselves or are believed by their friends to be eligible. There is some reason to think tlmt o-Sec-retary Kirlcvooii will lie one of the commi-Moiier-' if he wishes the place. Concerning tlm other- nothing is known. When the com mission comes to he made up, if it is honestly done, it will be home thing of a question to determine, the scale upon which the great in dustries Of the country shall be represented. The nine commis sioners should represent fjirly and proportionately the "industries of the whole Union. To begin with, at least four of the commissioners should repreentagriculture North and South. Thi-, is the largest and most important interest in the country. Wheat and the other grains, beef and the other meats, cotton, sugar and hay, not to speak of other minor agricultural indus tries, employ more people and in terest more families than all the other industries in the coun try taken together, and to give the agricultural interest lour repre sentatives on the commission would be to give too little rather than too much. To give to tho raisers of grain, cotton, beef and porkj sugar, hay and fruit less than four com missioners would necessarily cause great disaappointment and distrust among the agricultural class of the fairness of the commission and the utility of its work. Then conies the manufacturing interest, cot ton, lumber and mining interests, all of which should be considered proportionately to their relations to the tariff and each other. There is a great deal of build ing going on here this season and the Capital will improve greatly during the year as it has been in "past years. Among the new build ings just begun is one for the money order division of the , Postoffioe Department. The De partment is rapidly outgrowing the building, whioh when erected some years ago, was regarded atnplo for Tall time. Senator "ft indom's -new Jiouse is nearly ready foe occupancy, and so is the spacious ano built by Mr. Blaine, But the latter and his family will not move in before noxt autumn, as thoy propose .spending tho sum-1 tner out of "Washington, as usual, j Senator and Mrs. Windom will t probably move into theirs, which i .1 -i ii. i ?b;r"Z;r;S'! Senator Piatt, of New York, pur- chased and settled ou his wife , just a year ago, has stood empty ever since last November, when , Senator and Mrs. "Windoni gave it up. Mrs. Piatt, hoping to rent it, j came here and refurnished it ' throughout very sumptuously, but , has not found a tenant. These three houses, all very handsome and specially adapted for enter tabling, stand as monuments to the futility of human hopes ami ambitions, which was never mini-, j forcibly exemplified than by the brief duration of the Garfield administration and the consequent change of plans of those -who had expected to shine during its continuance, which ther certainly believed would be four yeats tit least. Since he is a senator, as lie was before his brief experiencu in the cabinet, Mr. Wiudom will not look upon his big, new house as a 'white elephant; still is probably as true of him as of Mr. Blaine that he began building with a view to the icquirements of a cabinet officer's residence. Perhaps othei -wise, both gentlemen would have been satisfied with the bouses they had used while senators, for Mr. Blaine also used his while speaker, when it was customary for the speaker to have public evening receptions, like those of the Presi dent, ouee a week. It may be considered, certain that had Mr. Piatt waited a week or two he would not have bought a house here at all. Since the. end of Lent the Capital has been very lively s-oji-ally, politically, and generally. Congress has not stirred up much dust, but it keeps pegging away and matters are shaping for more lively work in tho next two months. The Democrats give up beaten on the tariff question, in the piesent Congress at least, and the coin mission bill is certain to become a law. Several contested election ca-es have been settled by the election commute.; and are teady to be repotted to the limine. There U likely to be some n.usio when the teport comes up for consideration, but there is but lit tles doubt that the committee's conclusion will be sustained. Captain Ilowgate gave us another sensation by eluding a deputy marshal who had been sent with him to his house, and the faet re moved whatever doubts prev ion ly existed of his guilt. It cannot be that he really expected to es cape beyond recapture, but he may have regarded his case mj desperate anyhow that it could not be made any worse by the at tempt. Tho Star-route prosecu tions promises to occupy some at tention for tho next four weeks and we shall ste whether the govern ment is powerless to convict ras cals who steal from and swindle it under cover of law. Si'OT. Iowa judges complain because tho lawyers talk so long. One of the judges recently asserted that thcstateispayingannually 1,000, 090 for unnecessary gab in the courts. Eastern-hound shipmasters at Boston are paying for the privilege of carrying wheat in ballast free of eost to-Liverpool. If the wheat is damaged"in transit the ship-owner must make good all loss. The Milwaukee Orangemen hav e sent Congress a petition .that further emigration of Irish Cath olics be prohibited. If there be anything more idiotic reported in tbe way of petitions we have not yet heard of it. sonx. In Astoria, AprlL26tn, to the wife of H. C. Lord, a daughter. MISCELLANEOUS. M. D. KANT, THE "BOSS" Men's, Youths' and Boys'! Clothing! "I UK BO4 I GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! TUB ltm.H l.V the Lute-tStl HATS AND CAPS! Tilt: BOHS I. boots xm mom THE UOSS I. Clollis.Cassiinerss aofl Tweefls! THE ItOSH MERCHANT TAILOR! Ton will find the Finest ami Largest As'ij.'tnient.tliu Cost Quality, and the LO WEST of PRICES. M. D: KANT, The Clothier. B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Cutnri Cub Olid SiUdiioqli slie-i, ASTORIA. .... OllCGO.N" iim.i;r: i WALL PAPER and; -VINDOAVfiSHADES AM) UNDEUTAKRItS GOOD--. CLOTHING! MEM'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS'. FINE DRESS SUITS. STYLISH BUSINESS SUITS. SOFTl STIFF HATS. In t! a Laten Mj ies. Also a Fust-Cl as-. Una of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! The Cutom Depaituient embraces ttio Newest ratterni In TWEKD3, CASHI MEKES, WORSTEDS, etc. bulls inade to order In the LATEST XKW YOJtlt FASHION D. A. Mcintosh Merchant Tuihr Clothier and Hatter, OCCIDENT BLOCK W.XU If lKCI,AItK WITHOUT KI'KTIIKIC .MtTK'i: n And no term of peace nuttl t?iil''Jfe even" wan '"A 'jv-if suite! Uothe Ator!s !s a new sew; MABi: BV MKIXV. Vm ? ft. Look at tin- pilcc-s ; l'ants to older from - - iw ranti.Ueuulno French C.i-.iiint'it' - 12 E0 ults frou - - - - - - 25 W The fliifsl Ibio of saniplei on thn coast to Hlect from. - 1. J. MCVXY, Cass ftrpet, next to llaii.-n"a Jewclrj' More K. B. PARKER, rn'tiiii in Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cemnnl and Sand. Wood Delivered to Order, Drayiny, Teaming andE cpress Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hiie. DEALER IX j WINES, LIQUORS.-AND CiCARS. MISCELLANEOUS. A. V. . Allen, (auisw-woit ro pack & AU..S.S ). Wtiuteatf an J i;l.itl Viatel lu Provisions, Glass and Plated Ware,, ruoricAi and Do.ui.irio FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! loettipr wiUi ! Wiiies.Lipors.TotecfllCiEani the Lirgeit au.l :ua-.t ojinplriu toclr ..! j H--U In tueir Hue ro bo found In iU- .U). i CoiufrofL'aaudSquemoc.i!.ehlii"it- I .YSTORIA. ORET.O.V. "TAn-oms. " !F0AKB & STOKES, GLEANING and REPAIRING! a"i-taiideai.u .NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK. BT ' 00(1 ail(l WillOW-Wai'C, ueorok i.ovirrr. G R 0 C E H i E S. llain Strett. o positc N. 1 nt-bS, J X. . 5. S. iyi X "X i, j Tobacco. Cigars. Wines and Liquors Importer and Wliolfsalf ilea er in rir3r Tarrn PmnV,'c 1,.! -to-" - w .ww, h...v... - ... BfiSKIKGlijlM ' ; & IIEtHT'S -a.np ARE THE BEST. And co3t no more than other brands ; and if thu Merchant with whom jou trade dcei not Keep our Goods, It U fiecaibo It pats better to sell a pair of Boots or Shoes eerj two inontlu thaa every four or five. WE OUAKAUTKE EVERY r.UIt WE JtAKE All srerehants In good credit cau piocure theso Good at ourWiuehouse-t lu P..itland or San Francisco. Try our -'HERCULES" Patent Boots HECHT BROS.. & CO. Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALM01T TWINE ! CORK m LEAD LINES. SEINE TJWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 311 Slnrket Street. Knn Kr.-turi-.ro ! Sole Agpnts for the raciflo Coait. Dress Making. Jlfi'S. T.S. Jewett. lp slairs. opposite 3Iri. Eogen Boaidlus House. 1 A.G. STINSON & C0..j BLACKSMITHING. l At Capt. Eogers old stand, corner cf Cdis and Court Streets Ship and Cannei)' work. Horseshoeing. Waeons made nnd repaired. llnnH rrnv guaranteed. ucies, nayinjf aras, ui- ThnUMdCnestsiUof Mee,a...niJ'''Z" (Hid V CgCtdblCS, g VMMMM IX AGENT. azdAio!erKOodsmt!iccit. iMriK-uim at-1 "'! :5?r.J2J5ti 'frKSrs,g?Sf!. ts tcstion pafd to ordtr? frot.i the cuiiuin. aii.t 1" I -Js3iLLfcV5Jit!TSj;'7 u. in.t.if,rtiu...M.nt 1 Clionjini.j.tMot AcI.ih,. 11, I - S .4TW J. JC Jr A . Vvl'J f&SJLPZsSZZ? " - '" '",": v",r SSwJsssgi s.ti-Si r?.unt cau stove, "BSfMOT58! - I General Commission Merchants 15 V& . 1 WKS. MISCELLANEOUS. Geo. W. Home i .Wholesale and Retail Deaieri GROCHiKlESJ Provisions, Luiuber, , i ETC.. ETC.. ETC. Fishermeu.s and Cannery SUPPLIES A M'ECIALTI. . .tOKST FOR THE San Jose Fruit Packing Company. A NO THE Sail liYdiicisco Chemical WOi3fS, ASTORIA - - - OUEOON. -, I jr.UlTlN FOAKU J. J. jTOICl'.P, tU.ll.lin ...ll WMLMW General Commission Merchants Next to Oft con li.illn ly .t N'a. ooS Dol. ol. amrrnu. n auks nBiin. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. UtE)l mr.lXO A.NJJ CLEAMNd. Shipper &. Rybko. - Proprietors, No. 11 0.1k htiea, I-OKfLANI), - - - uEiMOX. ri'.ier mr Pant-, made to order fioin OveiroaK " " ' Suits laade - . Iliesssmtj III 00 r, w , A large &srtni?uc of buliuigs aliji on lind. Kepalrliii: dor.e witli Neatness and tils Iitcli. Cunlnt; done Free for Iuieliaseis Sull Jiia.li- to Order fi-oni $; 00 anil I ! wards. ftifttl lit ;u:r.intec(i or in. Sale. fvlOY & KELLER, First Quaiity. SUGAR CURED BACON At 13 c. r.vr.KY day FJtr.sm SSj9lTJ-Sl.3-0E2S OF THE BEST QUALITY. 31ala Street. AMtorta,Orrgou. Cannery Supplies Imported and for side b ASTOKU, - - - OKEGOV. Bar Coiicr I.lvoi-piKiI Suit, 1'hrcs Oni'a, ete. Aseut for Uailock'i Soldering Macliln.; , Johnston's iniproved Solderin;; aimamtm; rotary tahle tor soldeunt; seams ; Blood's net floats. GOLDEN SHOE STORE. I have opened a IftTWT n AMfvi a . ..BBK.nM r iviiuw uuu t ana saoji' STUiiii Ou th Itoudivaj-. OpK.slte the O. K. &. N Corapanj's Ooclc. I am prepared to do ' - S CtlSS WOKKiit my t.Uii My stock is laro and new and cry nice ; Of anv stylo you all-shll have your choice. If on tbs shelves you Hud none that will do. You can have them HADEattho GoldenShoe I. J. ARVOLD. COUNTitY i'KODUCE. fe53. silam rrrmos aspeoiali iiBMS" Sone ljut the best workmen empIojeJ "'' Sv All woik'gjaianleed orno charge yjJ'JK'' mLKTSl.gl &wW -- TtFfYRTVi! A v & rt f ?, s i s .r& 0 .-.-- JJssm ASSOES T " ii liglitlr 1MISAS01.S. Large size, all silk Parasols, Large size, all silk, fancy border, Large size, all silk, - - - - Medium size, an sine, twiiiea, Medium size, cotton, suitable CLOAKS'. Misses' light-colored school coats, - - Misses' dark-colored school coats, - - Misses' plush school coats, - - - These are Spring Styles, and all wool TtllSCCJ.Uk.'XEOVS. Marseilles Spreads, large size, - - All-linen Towels, ' " - - Ladies' Hose, all colors - - - Ladies' Balmoral Skirts, - - - -Unbleached -Table Linen, per yard, Unbleached Table Linen,extra Ladies' Corsets, all sizes, - Als jj3 few inoie I.pninnntf Dies l.'cinf m'ji r n??o Eurfrilns .ire Limited in CALironxiA broitc, 02KnE2 aFB-XOEJ TO ALL, 1. O. lio Hii. Corner opposite rostofflce. Astoria, Oregon. er fg' rheBossGoffee and Tea Pot t-iff. -MAY US ILVD OF TPMftiiSlif I C R. HAWES CMI1 tln kVVluft kAKIriB U M UMW H TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW CHOP HOUSE. Jl. J. 31. ritOJDMAX, f.nmerh- r f tho Xta Lmope llou'e, rortUiid, i ylad to an- I iioimcelo tin vuMlc niid lit wain fiieadsi that he has ojirrril a Coffee and Chop ifonso icasistiifct, lioxt dnci to tho AsTor.iAs ilce. rtiovJi'd Steak? coolved to order. BOOK STORE We- aio eriu.it.intl) reeeMiig now additions to our stoetw and have the finest and largest assortment of variety i&oda In tha eilj . Combs, Brushes, Stationery. Frames Celluloid Goods. All otu goods .uen1.11i.ed In plain llguic Cull and examine quality anil note prices. CIIAS. STEVENS S.PON HILL'S VilUBTIBS. Gr.0.11fLL. -WALTKR PA11KS, - riiOPEIETOU STAOK MAXAOF.1; Olirn nil ttir lcar, I'crroruiiitire C. 1 rv I Null!. Entire tlinuzc of Pro- .ramuic ure a lmt.. ' Comprising all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment J. , , , 111 the vvest. 'Ihe thcatie is crowded nichily. and all n i.oi-.-. cimnvs.l l!in pntcrtjlnmont nro- ' whn li.ivrt wlnipiied the entertainment pro-' nounee It to be euualtoan) Rhenclsenhere. ... Jlr. Hill a :i caterer for t.ie pnbnc's .......cttiAMr fin lint ln I'XCPlle.l. AlIbOtV whliins to spend a pleasant evening and sec sparkllm; wit and beaut) withoyS vul- eatity, sliwiiit Improve 11 ei.ppoitunity and i-'0"1" . ,. mtii fiiiinr-inv ui.'i. The comp in) eou pruc tiia tolinvf ic w l 1- k..o n vru . 1 f".. .....,-ip ivttciv Aff.-n T ftT'tovi Paal- m-vu,... Mn. Ciukixs IvOUlei:. Mr.. John Cook, Mk. Joannt rnTrv, Mr.. TTaltoi Pahki All of v.hleli will annear ntlitlv in their d'f- l f.-.rent specialties. Open air concert every cveninR ; petform- j ancocomaieuelnscut S; ennance tothentro ou Eenton street ; private boxes on Cheua mus street. Look oat for Our Stars. saacsccrasg k .a a i i,-z ic-i;." .'i--'; - ft5 Bmagd." Worth. lrlc-. $3 oo $i 25 5 00 3 00 3 5 1 50 - - - 3 oo for children, 1 00 7 &o 7 oo o oo 3 5o 37 25 40 3 00 3 50 5 00 2 00 25 10 1 00 25 35 75 aid. secure them wide.p'r y'd, 50 - - - 1 25 floods at 10 and 20 cents a yai J QuantHy, 'o come early and tec ASTORIA. OREGON MISCELLANEOUS. ' WfLSON & FlSHER, SHIP CHANDLERS. MKALKRS IX 1 roil, Stcei, Coal, Anciiors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, , WT.OL'OIIT AT COT GALVANIZEJ) SPIKES. t 1 , IVaiK. Copper Aallsfauil Burrs, 1 I Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, FiOUIJ XSJi aiMX FEED. Ageat3 for Salem Ilounns Mills. Ciirnoi Cheiusius and Hamilton Street- ASTOJSIA, OKEGOK. The Pioneer Restaurant. MAIN STREET. - A3TOKIA. OON", formeily kept by 3Irs, Arrlgoni) II j, (U-en ridi.l ni anJ lie opened hj si us. r. xv. iLi-SLr.v. The tables are kept neat and clean and are supplied with the very best the market constant attendance. ' fS jSklWTT MARY'S HOSPITAL, astohu, - - - okegon rB'inS INSTITUTION. CN'DER CARE OF X the bistets of Charity, U novr leady for flio rnrpi.ton nf nntipntM lihato rooni3 for the accommodation of nn ilcirhifr tliom. an dcatrins them. r.itlentadmlttcdatallhoui-s.davornlfiht. 2"o plnieiaii has eicluslvo right, every j.atleat ii free to and has tho privilege of ..r.n!Atpp.niv nnQlrlnit tliT-Tif.i ,,,.,, -,, , Liiltoil htatcH Inriiiej Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are rntt- Hfd to free care and attendance at tlusnoi- ... dari Elcknp,g. Permit mn ha ob- tamed for b nited States Marines at trie Cii3 torn Houie. JktJj.jj fK VU11!4 1. I. "W. CASE, IJirOPTEK AND WHOLESALE AND KE TAIL SCALER IN y jj (j UUliU luiuuimu Corner Chenamns and Cast streets. ASTORIA OREGON vaiiisS (.